#### Perform the following steps on both your online and offline computers: Install required Debian/Ubuntu packages: $ sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev python-pexpect python-ecdsa python-scrypt libssl-dev git Install the Python Cryptography Toolkit: $ sudo pip install pycrypto Install MMGen: $ git clone https://github.com/mmgen/mmgen.git $ cd mmgen; sudo ./setup.py install Install vanitygen (optional but recommended): $ sudo apt-get install libpcre3-dev $ git clone https://github.com/samr7/vanitygen.git $ cd vanitygen; make (copy the "keyconv" executable to your execution path) Install bitcoind: > To install prebuilt binaries, click [here][01]. To install from source, > click [here][02]. **NB:** If your offline machine is already disconnected from the Internet, do the following: > From your online machine, download the 'python-pip' package from Debian or > Ubuntu and the Python packages from pypi.python.org/pypi/<packagename>. > Transfer these files and the git repositories you've cloned to your offline > computer using a USB stick or other means at your disposal. Now install > 'python-pip' with 'sudo dpkg -i', unpack each Python module and install it > using 'sudo ./setup.py install', and install MMGen and vanitygen from the > copied git repositories as described above. Congratulations, your installation is now complete! Now proceed to [**Getting Started with MMGen**][gs]. [01]: Install-Bitcoind [02]: Install-Bitcoind-from-Source-on-Debian-or-Ubuntu-Linux [gs]: Getting-Started-with-MMGen [03]: https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/p/pexpect/pexpect-3.1.tar.gz