#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # mmgen = Multi-Mode GENerator, command-line Bitcoin cold storage solution # Copyright (C)2013-2024 The MMGen Project # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """ test.cmdtest_py_d.common: Shared routines and data for the cmdtest.py test suite """ import sys,os from mmgen.color import green, blue, gray from mmgen.util import msg from ..include.common import cfg,getrand,text_jp,text_zh,ascii_cyr_gr,lat_cyr_gr rt_pw = 'abc-α' ref_wallet_brainpass = 'abc' ref_wallet_hash_preset = '1' ref_wallet_incog_offset = 123 dfl_seed_id = '98831F3A' dfl_addr_idx_list = '1010,500-501,31-33,1,33,500,1011' dfl_wpasswd = 'reference password' pwfile = 'passwd_file' hincog_fn = 'rand_data' hincog_bytes = 1024*1024 hincog_offset = 98765 hincog_seedlen = 256 incog_id_fn = 'incog_id' non_mmgen_fn = 'coinkey' ref_dir = os.path.join('test','ref') dfl_words_file = os.path.join(ref_dir,'98831F3A.mmwords') dfl_bip39_file = os.path.join(ref_dir,'98831F3A.bip39') from mmgen.obj import MMGenTxComment,TwComment tx_comment_jp = text_jp tx_comment_zh = text_zh lcg = ascii_cyr_gr if sys.platform == 'win32' else lat_cyr_gr # MSYS2 popen_spawn issue tx_comment_lat_cyr_gr = lcg[:MMGenTxComment.max_len] # 72 chars tw_comment_zh = text_zh[:TwComment.max_screen_width // 2] tw_comment_lat_cyr_gr = lcg[:TwComment.max_screen_width] # 80 chars ref_bw_hash_preset = '1' ref_bw_file = 'wallet.mmbrain' ref_bw_file_spc = 'wallet-spaced.mmbrain' ref_enc_fn = 'sample-text.mmenc' tool_enc_passwd = "Scrypt it, don't hash it!" chksum_pat = r'\b[A-F0-9]{4} [A-F0-9]{4} [A-F0-9]{4} [A-F0-9]{4}\b' Ctrl_U = '\x15' def ok_msg(): if cfg.profile: return sys.stderr.write(green('\nOK\n') if cfg.exact_output or cfg.verbose else ' OK\n') def skip(name,reason=None): msg(gray('Skipping {}{}'.format( name, f' ({reason})' if reason else '' ))) return 'skip' def confirm_continue(): from mmgen.ui import keypress_confirm if keypress_confirm( cfg, blue('Continue? (Y/n): '), default_yes = True, complete_prompt = True ): if cfg.verbose or cfg.exact_output: sys.stderr.write('\n') else: raise KeyboardInterrupt('Exiting at user request') def randbool(): return getrand(1).hex()[0] in '02468ace' def get_env_without_debug_vars(): ret = dict(os.environ) for k in cfg._env_opts: if k[:11] == 'MMGEN_DEBUG' and k in ret: del ret[k] return ret def get_file_with_ext(tdir,ext,delete=True,no_dot=False,return_list=False,delete_all=False,substr=False): dot = '' if no_dot else '.' def have_match(fn): return ( fn == ext or fn.endswith( dot + ext ) or (substr and ext in fn) ) # Don’t use os.scandir here - it returns broken paths under Windows/MSYS2 flist = [os.path.join(tdir,name) for name in os.listdir(tdir) if have_match(name)] if not flist: return False if return_list: return flist if len(flist) > 1 or delete_all: if delete or delete_all: if (cfg.exact_output or cfg.verbose) and not cfg.quiet: if delete_all: msg(f'Deleting all *{dot}{ext} files in ‘{tdir}’') else: msg(f'Multiple *{dot}{ext} files in ‘{tdir}’ - deleting') for f in flist: os.unlink(f) return False else: return flist[0] def get_comment(do_shuffle=False): labels = [ "Automotive", "Travel expenses", "Healthcare", tx_comment_jp[:40], tx_comment_zh[:40], "Alice’s allowance", "Bob’s bequest", "House purchase", "Real estate fund", "Job 1", "XYZ Corp.", "Eddie’s endowment", "Emergency fund", "Real estate fund", "Ian’s inheritance", "", "Rainy day", "Fred’s funds", "Job 2", "Carl’s capital", ] from random import shuffle global label_iter try: return next(label_iter) except: if do_shuffle: shuffle(labels) label_iter = iter(labels) return next(label_iter)