#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # mmgen = Multi-Mode GENerator, command-line Bitcoin cold storage solution # Copyright (C)2013-2020 The MMGen Project """ colortest.py: test color handling for the MMGen suite """ import tests_header from test.common import * from mmgen.color import * from mmgen.color import _colors init_color() def test_color(): try: import colorama start_mscolor() except: pass gmsg("Parsed terminfo 'colors' values:") for t,c in (('rxvt',8),('xterm',8),('rxvt-unicode',88),('screen-256color',256),('xterm-256color',256)): ret = get_terminfo_colors(t) if ret == None: ymsg('Warning: unable to get info for terminal {!r}'.format(t)) continue msg('{}: {}'.format(t,ret)) assert c == ret, "'colors' value for terminal {} ({}) does not match expected value of {}".format(t,ret,c) ret = get_terminfo_colors() msg('This terminal ({}): {}'.format(os.getenv('TERM'),ret)) gmsg("Terminal display:") for desc,n in (('auto','auto'),('8-color',8),('256-color',256)): init_color(num_colors=n) msg('{:9}: {}'.format(desc,' '.join([globals()[c](c) for c in sorted(_colors)]))) test_color()