#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # mmgen = Multi-Mode GENerator, a command-line cryptocurrency wallet # Copyright (C)2013-2023 The MMGen Project # Licensed under the GNU General Public License, Version 3: # https://www.gnu.org/licenses # Public project repositories: # https://github.com/mmgen/mmgen # https://gitlab.com/mmgen/mmgen """ test.include.coin_daemon_control: Start and stop daemons for the MMGen test suite """ from .tests_header import repo_root from mmgen.common import * action = g.prog_name.split('-')[0] opts_data = { 'sets': [('debug',True,'verbose',True)], 'text': { 'desc': f'{action.capitalize()} coin daemons for the MMGen test suite', 'usage':'[opts] ', 'options': """ -h, --help Print this help message --, --longhelp Print help message for long options (common options) -D, --debug Produce debugging output (implies --verbose) -d, --datadir= Override the default datadir -i, --daemon-ids Print all known daemon IDs -m, --mainnet-only Perform operations for mainnet daemons only -n, --no-daemonize Don't fork daemon to background -p, --port-shift= Shift the RPC port by this number -s, --get-state Get the state of the daemon(s) and exit -t, --testing Testing mode. Print commands but don't execute them -q, --quiet Produce quieter output -u, --usermode Run the daemon in user (non test-suite) mode -v, --verbose Produce more verbose output -V, --print-version Print version strings from exec’ed daemons (not RPC) -W, --no-wait Don't wait for daemons to change state before exiting """, 'notes': """ Valid network IDs: {nid}, all, or no_xmr """ }, 'code': { 'options': lambda s: s.format(a=action.capitalize(),pn=g.prog_name), 'notes': lambda s,help_notes: s.format(nid=help_notes('coin_daemon_network_ids')) } } cmd_args = opts.init(opts_data) from mmgen.daemon import * class warn_missing_exec(oneshot_warning): color = 'nocolor' message = 'daemon executable {!r} not found on this system!' def run(network_id=None,proto=None,daemon_id=None,missing_exec_ok=True): d = CoinDaemon( network_id = network_id, proto = proto, test_suite = not opt.usermode, opts = ['no_daemonize'] if opt.no_daemonize else None, port_shift = int(opt.port_shift or 0), datadir = opt.datadir, daemon_id = daemon_id ) if opt.mainnet_only and d.network != 'mainnet': return d.debug = d.debug or opt.debug d.wait = not opt.no_wait if missing_exec_ok: try: d.get_exec_version_str() except: if not opt.quiet: warn_missing_exec( div=d.exec_fn, fmt_args=(d.exec_fn,) ) return if opt.print_version: msg('{:16} {}'.format( d.exec_fn+':', d.get_exec_version_str() )) elif opt.get_state: print(d.state_msg()) elif opt.testing: for cmd in d.start_cmds if action == 'start' else [d.stop_cmd]: print(' '.join(cmd)) else: if action == 'stop' and hasattr(d,'rpc'): async_run(d.rpc.stop_daemon(quiet=opt.quiet)) else: d.cmd(action,quiet=opt.quiet) if opt.daemon_ids: print('\n'.join(CoinDaemon.all_daemon_ids())) elif 'all' in cmd_args or 'no_xmr' in cmd_args: if len(cmd_args) != 1: die(1,"'all' or 'no_xmr' must be the sole argument") from mmgen.protocol import init_proto for coin in CoinDaemon.coins: if coin == 'XMR' and cmd_args[0] == 'no_xmr': continue for daemon_id in CoinDaemon.get_daemon_ids(coin): for network in CoinDaemon.get_daemon(coin,daemon_id).networks: run( proto = init_proto(coin=coin,network=network), daemon_id = daemon_id, missing_exec_ok = True ) else: ids = cmd_args network_ids = CoinDaemon.get_network_ids() if not ids: opts.usage() for i in ids: if i not in network_ids: die(1,f'{i!r}: invalid network ID') for network_id in ids: run(network_id=network_id.lower())