#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # mmgen = Multi-Mode GENerator, command-line Bitcoin cold storage solution # Copyright (C)2013-2023 The MMGen Project # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """ test.test_py_d.ts_misc: Miscellaneous test groups for the test.py test suite """ from mmgen.cfg import gc from ..include.common import * from .common import * from .ts_base import * from .ts_main import TestSuiteMain class TestSuiteMisc(TestSuiteBase): 'miscellaneous tests (RPC backends, xmrwallet_txview, term)' networks = ('btc',) tmpdir_nums = [99] passthru_opts = ('daemon_data_dir','rpc_port') cmd_group = ( ('rpc_backends', 'RPC backends'), ('xmrwallet_txview', "'mmgen-xmrwallet' txview"), ('xmrwallet_txlist', "'mmgen-xmrwallet' txlist"), ('coin_daemon_info', "'examples/coin-daemon-info.py'"), ('term_echo', "term.set('echo')"), ('term_cleanup', 'term.register_cleanup()'), ) need_daemon = True color = True def rpc_backends(self): backends = cfg._autoset_opts['rpc_backend'][1] for b in backends: t = self.spawn_chk('mmgen-tool',[f'--rpc-backend={b}','daemon_version'],extra_desc=f'({b})') return t def xmrwallet_txview(self,op='txview'): files = get_file_with_ext('test/ref/monero','tx',no_dot=True,delete=False,return_list=True) t = self.spawn( f'mmgen-xmrwallet', [op] + files ) res = t.read(strip_color=True) if op == 'txview': for s in ( 'Amount: 0.74 XMR', 'Dest: 56VQ9M6k', ): assert s in res, f'{s} not in {res}' elif op == 'txlist': assert re.search( '3EBD06-.*D94583-.*8BFA29-', res, re.DOTALL ) return t def xmrwallet_txlist(self): return self.xmrwallet_txview(op='txlist') def coin_daemon_info(self): if cfg.no_altcoin: coins = ['btc'] else: coins = ['btc','ltc','eth'] start_test_daemons('ltc','eth') t = self.spawn(f'examples/coin-daemon-info.py',coins,cmd_dir='.') for coin in coins: t.expect(coin.upper() + r'\s+mainnet\s+Up',regex=True) if cfg.pexpect_spawn: t.send('q') if not cfg.no_altcoin: stop_test_daemons('ltc','eth') return t def term_echo(self): def test_echo(): t.expect('echo> ','foo\n') t.expect('foo') def test_noecho(): t.expect('noecho> ','foo\n') import pexpect try: t.expect('foo') except pexpect.TIMEOUT: imsg('[input not echoed - OK]') t.send('x') if self.skip_for_win(): return 'skip' t = self.spawn('test/misc/term_ni.py',['echo'],cmd_dir='.',pexpect_spawn=True,timeout=1) t.p.logfile = None t.p.logfile_read = sys.stdout if cfg.verbose or cfg.exact_output else None t.p.logfile_send = None test_noecho() test_echo() test_noecho() return t def term_cleanup(self): if self.skip_for_win(): return 'skip' return self.spawn('test/misc/term_ni.py',['cleanup'],cmd_dir='.',pexpect_spawn=True) class TestSuiteHelp(TestSuiteBase): 'help, info and usage screens' networks = ('btc','ltc','bch','eth','xmr') tmpdir_nums = [] passthru_opts = ('daemon_data_dir','rpc_port','coin','testnet') cmd_group = ( ('usage', (1,'usage message',[])), ('version', (1,'version message',[])), ('license', (1,'license message',[])), ('helpscreens', (1,'help screens', [])), ('longhelpscreens', (1,'help screens (--longhelp)',[])), ('show_hash_presets', (1,'info screen (--show-hash-presets)',[])), ('tool_help', (1,"'mmgen-tool' usage screen",[])), ('tool_cmd_usage', (1,"'mmgen-tool' usage screen",[])), ('test_help', (1,"'test.py' help screens",[])), ) def usage(self): t = self.spawn(f'mmgen-walletgen',['foo']) t.expect('MMGenSystemExit(1)') t.expect('USAGE: mmgen-walletgen') t.req_exit_val = 1 return t def version(self): t = self.spawn(f'mmgen-tool',['--version']) t.expect('MMGEN-TOOL version') return t def license(self): t = self.spawn( f'mmgen-walletconv', ['--stdout','--in-fmt=hex','--out-fmt=hex'], env = {'MMGEN_NO_LICENSE':''} ) t.expect('to continue: ', 'w') t.expect('TERMS AND CONDITIONS') # start of GPL text if cfg.pexpect_spawn: t.send('G') t.expect('return for a fee.') # end of GPL text if cfg.pexpect_spawn: t.send('q') t.expect('to continue: ', 'c') t.expect('data: ','beadcafe'*4 + '\n') t.expect('to confirm: ', 'YES\n') return t def spawn_chk_expect(self,*args,**kwargs): expect = kwargs.pop('expect') t = self.spawn(*args,**kwargs) t.expect(expect) if t.pexpect_spawn: time.sleep(0.4) t.send('q') t.read() t.ok() t.skip_ok = True return t def helpscreens(self,arg='--help',scripts=(),expect='USAGE:.*OPTIONS:',pager=True): scripts = list(scripts) or [s.replace('mmgen-','') for s in os.listdir('cmds')] if 'tx' not in self.proto.mmcaps: scripts = [s for s in scripts if not (s == 'regtest' or s.startswith('tx'))] if self.proto.coin not in ('BTC','XMR') and 'xmrwallet' in scripts: scripts.remove('xmrwallet') if gc.platform == 'win' and 'autosign' in scripts: scripts.remove('autosign') for s in sorted(scripts): t = self.spawn(f'mmgen-{s}',[arg],extra_desc=f'(mmgen-{s})') t.expect(expect,regex=True) if pager and t.pexpect_spawn: time.sleep(0.2) t.send('q') t.read() t.ok() t.skip_ok = True return t def longhelpscreens(self): return self.helpscreens(arg='--longhelp',expect='USAGE:.*LONG OPTIONS:') def show_hash_presets(self): return self.helpscreens( arg = '--show-hash-presets', scripts = ( 'walletgen','walletconv','walletchk','passchg','subwalletgen', 'addrgen','keygen','passgen', 'txsign','txdo','txbump'), expect = 'Available parameters.*Preset', pager = False ) def tool_help(self): if os.getenv('PYTHONOPTIMIZE') == '2': ymsg('Skipping tool help with PYTHONOPTIMIZE=2 (no docstrings)') return 'skip' for arg in ( 'help', 'usage', ): t = self.spawn_chk_expect( 'mmgen-tool', [arg], extra_desc = f'(mmgen-tool {arg})', expect = 'GENERAL USAGE' ) return t def tool_cmd_usage(self): if os.getenv('PYTHONOPTIMIZE') == '2': ymsg('Skipping tool cmd usage with PYTHONOPTIMIZE=2 (no docstrings)') return 'skip' from mmgen.main_tool import mods for cmdlist in mods.values(): for cmd in cmdlist: t = self.spawn_chk( 'mmgen-tool', ['help',cmd], extra_desc=f'({cmd})' ) return t def test_help(self): for arg,expect in ( ('--help','USAGE'), ('--list-cmds','AVAILABLE COMMANDS'), ('--list-cmd-groups','AVAILABLE COMMAND GROUPS') ): t = self.spawn_chk_expect( 'test.py', [arg], cmd_dir = 'test', extra_desc = f'(test.py {arg})', expect = expect ) return t class TestSuiteOutput(TestSuiteBase): 'screen output' networks = ('btc',) tmpdir_nums = [] cmd_group = ( ('output_gr', (1,"Greek text", [])), ('output_ru', (1,"Russian text", [])), ('output_zh', (1,"Chinese text", [])), ('output_jp', (1,"Japanese text", [])), ('oneshot_warning', (1,"Oneshot warnings", [])), ('oneshot_warning_term', (1,"Oneshot warnings (pexpect_spawn)", [])) ) color = True def screen_output(self,lang): return self.spawn('test/misc/utf8_output.py',[lang],cmd_dir='.') def output_gr(self): return self.screen_output('gr') def output_ru(self): return self.screen_output('ru') def output_zh(self): return self.screen_output('zh') def output_jp(self): return self.screen_output('jp') def oneshot_warning(self,pexpect_spawn=None): t = self.spawn('test/misc/oneshot_warning.py',cmd_dir='.',pexpect_spawn=pexpect_spawn) nl = '\r\n' if gc.platform == 'win' or t.pexpect_spawn else '\n' for s in ( f'pw{nl}wg1', 'foo is experimental', 'wg2', 'The bar command is dangerous', 'wg3', 'baz variant alpha', 'wg4', 'baz variant beta', 'w1', 'foo variant alpha', 'w2', 'foo variant beta', 'w3', 'bar is experimental', 'pw', "passphrase from file 'A'", "passphrase from file 'B'", f'wg1{nl}wg2{nl}wg3{nl}wg4{nl}w1{nl}w2{nl}w3', 'pw', "passphrase from file 'A'", "passphrase from file 'B'", f'wg1{nl}wg2{nl}wg3{nl}wg4{nl}w1{nl}w2{nl}w3', 'bottom', ): t.expect(s) return t def oneshot_warning_term(self): if self.skip_for_win(): return 'skip' return self.oneshot_warning(pexpect_spawn=True) class TestSuiteRefTX(TestSuiteMain,TestSuiteBase): 'create a reference transaction file (administrative command)' segwit_opts_ok = False passthru_opts = ('daemon_data_dir','rpc_port','coin','testnet') tmpdir_nums = [31,32,33,34] need_daemon = True cmd_group = ( ('ref_tx_addrgen1', (31,'address generation (legacy)', [[[],1]])), ('ref_tx_addrgen2', (32,'address generation (compressed)', [[[],1]])), ('ref_tx_addrgen3', (33,'address generation (segwit)', [[[],1]])), ('ref_tx_addrgen4', (34,'address generation (bech32)', [[[],1]])), ('ref_tx_txcreate', (31,'transaction creation', ([['addrs'],31],[['addrs'],32],[['addrs'],33],[['addrs'],34]))), ) def __init__(self,trunner,cfgs,spawn): if cfgs: for n in self.tmpdir_nums: cfgs[str(n)].update({ 'addr_idx_list': '1-2', 'segwit': n in (33,34), 'dep_generators': { 'addrs':'ref_tx_addrgen'+str(n)[-1] }}) return TestSuiteMain.__init__(self,trunner,cfgs,spawn) def ref_tx_addrgen(self,atype): if atype not in self.proto.mmtypes: return return self.spawn('mmgen-addrgen',['--outdir='+self.tmpdir,'--type='+atype,dfl_words_file,'1-2']) def ref_tx_addrgen1(self): return self.ref_tx_addrgen(atype='L') def ref_tx_addrgen2(self): return self.ref_tx_addrgen(atype='C') def ref_tx_addrgen3(self): return self.ref_tx_addrgen(atype='S') def ref_tx_addrgen4(self): return self.ref_tx_addrgen(atype='B') def ref_tx_txcreate(self,f1,f2,f3,f4): sources = ['31','32'] if 'S' in self.proto.mmtypes: sources += ['33'] if 'B' in self.proto.mmtypes: sources += ['34'] return self.txcreate_common( addrs_per_wallet = 2, sources = sources, add_args = ['--locktime=1320969600'], do_label = True )