from .tw_orig import * if os.getenv('MMGEN_TEST_SUITE_DETERMINISTIC'): def _time_gen(): """ add a minute to each successive time value """ for i in range(1000000): yield 1321009871 + (i*60) _time_iter = _time_gen() TwUnspentOutputs.date_formatter = { 'days': lambda rpc,secs: (next(_time_iter) - secs) // 86400, 'date': lambda rpc,secs: '{}-{:02}-{:02}'.format(*time.gmtime(next(_time_iter))[:3])[2:], 'date_time': lambda rpc,secs: '{}-{:02}-{:02} {:02}:{:02}'.format(*time.gmtime(next(_time_iter))[:5]), } TwAddrList.date_formatter = TwUnspentOutputs.date_formatter if os.getenv('MMGEN_BOGUS_WALLET_DATA'): # 1831006505 (09 Jan 2028) = projected time of block 1000000 TwUnspentOutputs.date_formatter['days'] = lambda rpc,secs: (1831006505 - secs) // 86400 async def fake_set_dates(foo,rpc,us): for o in us: = 1831006505 - int(9.7 * 60 * (o.confs - 1)) async def fake_get_unspent_rpc(foo): return json.loads(get_data_from_file(os.getenv('MMGEN_BOGUS_WALLET_DATA')),parse_float=Decimal) TwUnspentOutputs.set_dates = fake_set_dates TwUnspentOutputs.get_unspent_rpc = fake_get_unspent_rpc