### MMGen Version 0.11.0 Release Notes #### Important new features: - Subwallets: 7538a94, d1b8aef, 82086c9 (see the [Subwallets][U] wiki page for additional information) - BIP69 ordering of transaction inputs and outputs: 6b2c138 - Support for Microsoft Windows via MSYS2: dcab109, 13ab257 (see the [Install MMGen on Microsoft Windows][W] wiki page for complete information. Windows users should note the following caveats: + no [autosigning][X] support + no [Monero wallet creation/syncing support][M] (due to password file descriptor issues with monero-wallet-cli) + due to unpredictable behavior of MSYS2's Python `getpass()` implementation, passwords containing non-ASCII symbols should be entered using the `--echo-passphrase` option or via a password file. Otherwise, these symbols might end up being silently ignored. + Though MSYS2 support is well tested and considered stable, it’s a new feature and other glitches might remain. If you think you've found a bug, don't hesistate to file an issue at <https://github.com/mmgen/mmgen/issues>. #### Other changes/additions: - rewritten `mmgen-tool` utility: 729a547 - new `tooltest2.py` test: 558fa58 - new `unit_tests.py` test: e2d5146, ab8b5d0 - rewritten and modularized `test.py` test suite: 91410dd - complete rewrite of SHA2 implementation used for Zcash addresses: 2b6dc95 - use of `cryptography` package instead of `pycrypto`: 8a3b921, 7cc69a2 - `pysha3` package dependency eliminated by using native Python implementation of Keccak hash function: a7126ed - dependencies on all Ethereum packages except `py_ecc` eliminated: 66d0f76, a7126ed - autosign: list non-MMGen output addresses and amounts as well as failed signing operations after each program run: d558822, 85236cd This release has been tested on the following platforms: Ubuntu Bionic / x86_64 Ubuntu Xenial (+Python 3.6.7) / x86_64 Armbian Bionic / Orange Pi PC2 (no Parity or Monerod) Raspbian Stretch / Raspberry Pi B (no Parity or Monerod) Windows 7 Ultimate Eng. SP1 / MSYS2 / qemu-x86_64 Windows 10 Professional Eng. / MSYS2 / qemu-x86_64 and with the following coin daemon versions: Bitcoin Core v0.17.1, v0.18.0 Bitcoin-ABC v0.19.1, v0.19.6 Litecoin Core v0.16.3, v0.17.1 Monerod v0.14.0.2 Parity Ethereum v2.5.1 Altcoin address generation has been additionally tested using the following tools as references: zcash-mini a2b3504 (https://github.com/FiloSottile/zcash-mini) pycoin 6fb55ec (https://github.com/richardkiss/pycoin) vanitygen-plus 2212312 (https://github.com/exploitagency/vanitygen-plus) [U]: https://github.com/mmgen/mmgen/wiki/Subwallets [X]: https://github.com/mmgen/mmgen/wiki/autosign-[MMGen-command-help] [W]: https://github.com/mmgen/mmgen/wiki/Install-MMGen-on-Microsoft-Windows [M]: https://github.com/mmgen/mmgen/wiki/Altcoin-and-Forkcoin-Support#a_xmr