@@ -20,217 +20,383 @@
rpc.py: Cryptocoin RPC library for the MMGen suite
-import http.client,base64,json
+import base64,json,asyncio
from decimal import Decimal
from .common import *
+from .obj import aInitMeta
+rpc_credentials_msg = lambda: '\n'+fmt(f"""
+ Error: no {g.proto.name.capitalize()} RPC authentication method found
+ RPC credentials must be supplied using one of the following methods:
+ A) If daemon is local and running as same user as you:
+ - no credentials required, or matching rpcuser/rpcpassword and
+ rpc_user/rpc_password values in {g.proto.name}.conf and mmgen.cfg
+ B) If daemon is running remotely or as different user:
+ - matching credentials in {g.proto.name}.conf and mmgen.cfg as described above
+ The --rpc-user/--rpc-password options may be supplied on the MMGen command line.
+ They override the corresponding values in mmgen.cfg. Set them to an empty string
+ to use cookie authentication with a local server when the options are set
+ in mmgen.cfg.
+ For better security, rpcauth should be used in {g.proto.name}.conf instead of
+ rpcuser/rpcpassword.
def dmsg_rpc(fs,data=None,is_json=False):
if g.debug_rpc:
msg(fs if data == None else fs.format(pp_fmt(json.loads(data) if is_json else data)))
-class RPCConnection(MMGenObject):
+class json_encoder(json.JSONEncoder):
+ def default(self,obj):
+ if isinstance(obj,Decimal):
+ return str(obj)
+ else:
+ return json.JSONEncoder.default(self,obj)
+class RPCBackends:
- auth = True
- db_fs = ' host [{h}] port [{p}] user [{u}] passwd [{pw}] auth_cookie [{c}]\n'
- http_hdrs = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }
+ class aiohttp:
- def __init__(self,host=None,port=None,user=None,passwd=None,auth_cookie=None,socket_timeout=1):
+ def __init__(self,caller):
+ self.caller = caller
+ self.session = g.session
+ self.url = caller.url
+ self.timeout = caller.timeout
+ if caller.auth_type == 'basic':
+ import aiohttp
+ self.auth = aiohttp.BasicAuth(*caller.auth,encoding='UTF-8')
+ else:
+ self.auth = None
+ async def run(self,payload,timeout=None):
+ dmsg_rpc('\n RPC PAYLOAD data (aiohttp) ==>\n{}\n',payload)
+ async with self.session.post(
+ url = self.url,
+ auth = self.auth,
+ data = json.dumps(payload,cls=json_encoder),
+ timeout = timeout or self.timeout,
+ ) as res:
+ return (await res.text(),res.status)
+ class requests:
+ def __init__(self,caller):
+ self.url = caller.url
+ self.timeout = caller.timeout
+ import requests,urllib3
+ urllib3.disable_warnings()
+ self.session = requests.Session()
+ self.session.headers = caller.http_hdrs
+ if caller.auth_type:
+ auth = 'HTTP' + caller.auth_type.capitalize() + 'Auth'
+ self.session.auth = getattr(requests.auth,auth)(*caller.auth)
+ async def run(self,payload,timeout=None):
+ dmsg_rpc('\n RPC PAYLOAD data (requests) ==>\n{}\n',payload)
+ res = self.session.post(
+ url = self.url,
+ data = json.dumps(payload,cls=json_encoder),
+ timeout = timeout or self.timeout,
+ verify = False )
+ return (res.content,res.status_code)
+ class httplib:
+ def __init__(self,caller):
+ import http.client
+ self.session = http.client.HTTPConnection(caller.host,caller.port,caller.timeout)
+ self.http_hdrs = caller.http_hdrs
+ self.host = caller.host
+ self.port = caller.port
+ if caller.auth_type == 'basic':
+ auth_str = f'{caller.auth.user}:{caller.auth.passwd}'
+ auth_str_b64 = 'Basic ' + base64.b64encode(auth_str.encode()).decode()
+ self.http_hdrs.update({ 'Host': self.host, 'Authorization': auth_str_b64 })
+ fs = ' RPC AUTHORIZATION data ==> raw: [{}]\n{:>31}enc: [{}]\n'
+ dmsg_rpc(fs.format(auth_str,'',auth_str_b64))
+ async def run(self,payload,timeout=None):
+ dmsg_rpc('\n RPC PAYLOAD data (httplib) ==>\n{}\n',payload)
+ if timeout:
+ import http.client
+ s = http.client.HTTPConnection(self.host,self.port,timeout)
+ else:
+ s = self.session
+ try:
+ s.request(
+ method = 'POST',
+ url = '/',
+ body = json.dumps(payload,cls=json_encoder),
+ headers = self.http_hdrs )
+ r = s.getresponse() # => http.client.HTTPResponse instance
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise RPCFailure(str(e))
+ return (r.read(),r.status)
+ class curl:
+ def __init__(self,caller):
+ def gen():
+ for k,v in caller.http_hdrs.items():
+ for s in ('--header',f'{k}: {v}'):
+ yield s
+ if caller.auth_type:
+ """
+ Authentication with curl is insecure, as it exposes the user's credentials
+ via the command line. Use for testing only.
+ """
+ for s in ('--user',f'{caller.auth.user}:{caller.auth.passwd}'):
+ yield s
+ if caller.auth_type == 'digest':
+ yield '--digest'
+ self.url = caller.url
+ self.exec_opts = list(gen()) + ['--silent']
+ self.arg_max = 8192 # set way below system ARG_MAX, just to be safe
+ self.timeout = caller.timeout
+ async def run(self,payload,timeout=None):
+ data = json.dumps(payload,cls=json_encoder)
+ if len(data) > self.arg_max:
+ return self.httplib(payload,timeout=timeout)
+ dmsg_rpc('\n RPC PAYLOAD data (curl) ==>\n{}\n',payload)
+ exec_cmd = [
+ 'curl',
+ '--proxy', '',
+ '--connect-timeout', str(timeout or self.timeout),
+ '--request', 'POST',
+ '--write-out', '%{http_code}',
+ '--data-binary', data
+ ] + self.exec_opts + [self.url]
+ dmsg_rpc(' RPC curl exec data ==>\n{}\n',exec_cmd)
+ from subprocess import run,PIPE
+ res = run(exec_cmd,stdout=PIPE,check=True).stdout.decode()
+ # res = run(exec_cmd,stdout=PIPE,check=True,text='UTF-8').stdout # Python 3.7+
+ return (res[:-3],int(res[-3:]))
+from collections import namedtuple
+auth_data = namedtuple('rpc_auth_data',['user','passwd'])
+class RPCClient(MMGenObject):
+ has_auth_cookie = False
+ url_fs = 'http://{}:{}'
+ def __init__(self,host,port):
dmsg_rpc('=== {}.__init__() debug ==='.format(type(self).__name__))
- dmsg_rpc(self.db_fs.format(h=host,p=port,u=user,pw=passwd,c=auth_cookie))
+ dmsg_rpc(f' cls [{type(self).__name__}] host [{host}] port [{port}]\n')
import socket
- socket.create_connection((host,port),timeout=socket_timeout).close()
+ socket.create_connection((host,port),timeout=1).close()
raise SocketError('Unable to connect to {}:{}'.format(host,port))
- if user and passwd: # user/pass overrides cookie
- pass
- elif auth_cookie:
- user,passwd = auth_cookie.split(':')
- elif self.auth:
- msg('Error: no {} RPC authentication method found'.format(g.proto.name.capitalize()))
- if passwd: die(1,"'rpcuser' entry not found in {}.conf or mmgen.cfg".format(g.proto.name))
- elif user: die(1,"'rpcpassword' entry not found in {}.conf or mmgen.cfg".format(g.proto.name))
- else:
- m1 = 'Either provide rpcuser/rpcpassword in {pn}.conf or mmgen.cfg\n'
- m2 = '(or, alternatively, copy the authentication cookie to the {pnu}\n'
- m3 = 'data dir if {pnm} and {dn} are running as different users)'
- die(1,(m1+m2+m3).format(
- pn=g.proto.name,
- pnu=g.proto.name.capitalize(),
- dn=g.proto.daemon_name,
- pnm=g.proj_name))
- if self.auth:
- fs = ' RPC AUTHORIZATION data ==> raw: [{}]\n{:>31}enc: [{}]\n'
- auth_str = f'{user}:{passwd}'
- auth_str_b64 = 'Basic ' + base64.b64encode(auth_str.encode()).decode()
- dmsg_rpc(fs.format(auth_str,'',auth_str_b64))
- self.http_hdrs.update({ 'Host': host, 'Authorization': auth_str_b64 })
+ self.http_hdrs = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }
+ self.url = self.url_fs.format(host,port)
self.host = host
self.port = port
- self.user = user
- self.passwd = passwd
+ self.timeout = g.http_timeout
+ self.auth = None
- for method in self.rpcmethods:
- exec('{c}.{m} = lambda self,*args,**kwargs: self.request("{m}",*args,**kwargs)'.format(
- c=type(self).__name__,m=method))
+ def set_backend(self,backend=None):
+ bn = backend or opt.rpc_backend
+ if bn == 'auto':
+ self.backend = {'linux':RPCBackends.httplib,'win':RPCBackends.curl}[g.platform](self)
+ else:
+ self.backend = getattr(RPCBackends,bn)(self)
- def calls(self,method,args_list):
+ def set_auth(self):
- Perform a list of RPC calls, returning results in a list
- Can be called two ways:
- 1) method = methodname, args_list = [args_tuple1, args_tuple2,...]
- 2) method = None, args_list = [(methodname1,args_tuple1), (methodname2,args_tuple2), ...]
+ MMGen's credentials override coin daemon's
- cmd_list = args_list if method == None else tuple(zip([method] * len(args_list), args_list))
- if True:
- return [self.request(method,*params) for method,params in cmd_list]
- # Normal mode: call with arg list unrolled, exactly as with cli
- # Batch mode: call with list of arg lists as first argument
- # kwargs are for local use and are not passed to server
- # By default, raises RPCFailure exception with an error msg on all errors and exceptions
- # on_fail is one of 'raise' (default), 'return' or 'silent'
- # With on_fail='return', returns 'rpcfail',(resp_object,(die_args))
- def request(self,cmd,*args,**kwargs):
- if g.debug:
- print_stack_trace('RPC REQUEST {}\n args: {!r}\n kwargs: {!r}'.format(cmd,args,kwargs))
- if g.rpc_fail_on_command == cmd:
- cmd = 'badcommand_' + cmd
- cf = { 'timeout':g.http_timeout, 'batch':False, 'on_fail':'raise' }
- if cf['on_fail'] not in ('raise','return','silent'):
- raise ValueError("request(): {}: illegal value for 'on_fail'".format(cf['on_fail']))
- for k in cf:
- if k in kwargs and kwargs[k]: cf[k] = kwargs[k]
- if cf['batch']:
- p = [{'method':cmd,'params':r,'id':n,'jsonrpc':'2.0'} for n,r in enumerate(args[0],1)]
- else:
- p = {'method':cmd,'params':args,'id':1,'jsonrpc':'2.0'}
- dmsg_rpc('=== request() debug ===')
- dmsg_rpc(' RPC POST data ==>\n{}\n',p)
- ca_type = self.coin_amt_type if hasattr(self,'coin_amt_type') else str
- from .obj import HexStr
- class MyJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
- def default(self,obj):
- if isinstance(obj,g.proto.coin_amt):
- return ca_type(obj)
- elif isinstance(obj,HexStr):
- return obj
- else:
- return json.JSONEncoder.default(self,obj)
- data = json.dumps(p,cls=MyJSONEncoder)
- if g.platform == 'win' and len(data) < 4096: # set way below ARG_MAX, just to be safe
- return self.do_request_curl(data,cf)
+ if g.rpc_user:
+ user,passwd = (g.rpc_user,g.rpc_password)
- return self.do_request_httplib(data,cf)
- def do_request_httplib(self,data,cf):
- def do_fail(*args): # args[0] is either None or HTTPResponse object
- if cf['on_fail'] in ('return','silent'): return 'rpcfail',args
+ user,passwd = get_coin_daemon_cfg_options(('rpcuser','rpcpassword')).values()
- try: s = '{}'.format(args[2])
- except: s = repr(args[2])
+ if user and passwd:
+ self.auth = auth_data(user,passwd)
+ return
- if s == '' and args[0] != None:
- from http import HTTPStatus
- hs = HTTPStatus(args[0].code)
- s = '{} {}'.format(hs.value,hs.name)
+ if self.has_auth_cookie:
+ cookie = self.get_daemon_auth_cookie()
+ if cookie:
+ self.auth = auth_data(*cookie.split(':'))
+ return
- raise RPCFailure(s)
+ die(1,rpc_credentials_msg())
- hc = http.client.HTTPConnection(self.host,self.port,cf['timeout'])
- try:
- hc.request('POST','/',data,self.http_hdrs)
- except Exception as e:
- m = '{}\nUnable to connect to {} at {}:{}'
- return do_fail(None,2,m.format(e.args[0],g.proto.daemon_name,self.host,self.port))
- try:
- r = hc.getresponse() # returns HTTPResponse instance
- except Exception:
- m = 'Unable to connect to {} at {}:{} (but port is bound?)'
- return do_fail(None,2,m.format(g.proto.daemon_name,self.host,self.port))
- dmsg_rpc(' RPC GETRESPONSE data ==>\n{}\n',r.__dict__)
- if r.status != 200:
- if cf['on_fail'] not in ('silent','raise'):
- msg_r(yellow('{} RPC Error: '.format(g.proto.daemon_name.capitalize())))
- msg(red('{} {}'.format(r.status,r.reason)))
- e1 = r.read().decode()
- try:
- e3 = json.loads(e1)['error']
- e2 = '{} (code {})'.format(e3['message'],e3['code'])
- except:
- e2 = str(e1)
- return do_fail(r,1,e2)
- r2 = r.read().decode()
+ # positional params are passed to the daemon, kwargs to the backend
+ # 'timeout' is currently the only supported kwarg
- dmsg_rpc(' RPC REPLY data ==>\n{}\n',r2,is_json=True)
+ async def call(self,method,*params,**kwargs):
+ """
+ default call: call with param list unrolled, exactly as with cli
+ """
+ if method == g.rpc_fail_on_command:
+ method = 'badcommand_' + method
+ return await self.process_http_resp(self.backend.run(
+ payload = {'id': 1, 'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'method': method, 'params': params },
+ **kwargs
+ ))
+ async def batch_call(self,method,param_list,**kwargs):
+ """
+ Make a single call with a list of tuples as first argument
+ For RPC calls that return a list of results
+ """
+ return await self.process_http_resp(self.backend.run(
+ payload = [{
+ 'id': n,
+ 'jsonrpc': '2.0',
+ 'method': method,
+ 'params': params } for n,params in enumerate(param_list,1) ],
+ **kwargs
+ ),batch=True)
- if not r2:
- return do_fail(r,2,'Empty reply')
+ async def gathered_call(self,method,args_list,**kwargs):
+ """
+ Perform multiple RPC calls, returning results in a list
+ Can be called two ways:
+ 1) method = methodname, args_list = [args_tuple1, args_tuple2,...]
+ 2) method = None, args_list = [(methodname1,args_tuple1), (methodname2,args_tuple2), ...]
+ """
+ cmd_list = args_list if method == None else tuple(zip([method] * len(args_list), args_list))
- r3 = json.loads(r2,parse_float=Decimal)
+ cur_pos = 0
+ chunk_size = 1024
ret = []
- for resp in r3 if cf['batch'] else [r3]:
- if 'error' in resp and resp['error'] != None:
- return do_fail(r,1,'{} returned an error: {}'.format(
- g.proto.daemon_name.capitalize(),resp['error']))
- elif 'result' not in resp:
- return do_fail(r,1, 'Missing JSON-RPC result\n' + repr(resps))
+ while cur_pos < len(cmd_list):
+ tasks = [self.process_http_resp(self.backend.run(
+ payload = {'id': n, 'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'method': method, 'params': params },
+ **kwargs
+ )) for n,(method,params) in enumerate(cmd_list[cur_pos:chunk_size+cur_pos],1)]
+ ret.extend(await asyncio.gather(*tasks))
+ cur_pos += chunk_size
+ return ret
+ async def process_http_resp(self,coro,batch=False):
+ text,status = await coro
+ if status == 200:
+ dmsg_rpc(' RPC RESPONSE data ==>\n{}\n',text,is_json=True)
+ if batch:
+ return [r['result'] for r in json.loads(text,parse_float=Decimal,encoding='UTF-8')]
- ret.append(resp['result'])
+ try:
+ return json.loads(text,parse_float=Decimal,encoding='UTF-8')['result']
+ except:
+ raise RPCFailure(json.loads(text)['error']['message'])
+ else:
+ import http
+ s = http.HTTPStatus(status)
+ m = ''
+ if text:
+ try: m = ': ' + json.loads(text)['error']['message']
+ except:
+ try: m = f': {text.decode()}'
+ except: m = f': {text}'
+ raise RPCFailure(f'{s.value} {s.name}{m}')
- return ret if cf['batch'] else ret[0]
- def do_request_curl(self,data,cf):
- from subprocess import run,PIPE
- exec_cmd = ['curl', '--proxy', '', '--silent','--request', 'POST', '--data-binary', data]
- for k,v in self.http_hdrs.items():
- exec_cmd += ['--header', '{}: {}'.format(k,v)]
- if self.auth:
- exec_cmd += ['--user', self.user + ':' + self.passwd]
- exec_cmd += ['http://{}:{}/'.format(self.host,self.port)]
+class BitcoinRPCClient(RPCClient,metaclass=aInitMeta):
- cp = run(exec_cmd,stdout=PIPE,check=True)
- res = json.loads(cp.stdout,parse_float=Decimal)
- dmsg_rpc(' RPC RESULT data ==>\n{}\n',res)
+ auth_type = 'basic'
+ has_auth_cookie = True
- def do_fail(s):
- if cf['on_fail'] in ('return','silent'):
- return ('rpcfail',s)
- raise RPCFailure(s)
+ def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs): pass
- for resp in ([res],res)[cf['batch']]:
- if 'error' in resp and resp['error'] != None:
- return do_fail('{} returned an error: {}'.format(g.proto.daemon_name,resp['error']))
- elif 'result' not in resp:
- return do_fail('Missing JSON-RPC result\n{!r}'.format(resp))
+ async def __ainit__(self,backend=None):
- return [r['result'] for r in res] if cf['batch'] else res['result']
+ async def check_chainfork_mismatch(block0):
+ try:
+ assert block0 == g.proto.block0,'Incorrect Genesis block for {}'.format(g.proto.__name__)
+ for fork in g.proto.forks:
+ if fork.height == None or self.blockcount < fork.height:
+ break
+ if fork.hash != await self.call('getblockhash',fork.height):
+ die(3,f'Bad block hash at fork block {fork.height}. Is this the {fork.name} chain?')
+ except Exception as e:
+ die(2,"{}\n'{c}' requested, but this is not the {c} chain!".format(e.args[0],c=g.coin))
+ def check_chaintype_mismatch():
+ try:
+ if g.regtest: assert g.chain == 'regtest','--regtest option selected, but chain is not regtest'
+ if g.testnet: assert g.chain != 'mainnet','--testnet option selected, but chain is mainnet'
+ if not g.testnet: assert g.chain == 'mainnet','mainnet selected, but chain is not mainnet'
+ except Exception as e:
+ die(1,'{}\nChain is {}!'.format(e.args[0],g.chain))
+ user,passwd = get_coin_daemon_cfg_options(('rpcuser','rpcpassword')).values()
+ super().__init__(
+ host = g.rpc_host or 'localhost',
+ port = g.rpc_port or g.proto.rpc_port)
+ self.set_auth() # set_auth() requires cookie, so must be called after __init__() tests socket
+ self.set_backend(backend) # backend requires self.auth
+ if g.bob or g.alice:
+ from .regtest import MMGenRegtest
+ MMGenRegtest(g.coin).switch_user(('alice','bob')[g.bob],quiet=True)
+ self.cached = {}
+ (
+ self.cached['networkinfo'],
+ self.blockcount,
+ self.cached['blockchaininfo'],
+ block0
+ ) = await self.gathered_call(None, (
+ ('getnetworkinfo',()),
+ ('getblockcount',()),
+ ('getblockchaininfo',()),
+ ('getblockhash',(0,)),
+ ))
+ self.daemon_version = self.cached['networkinfo']['version']
+ g.chain = self.cached['blockchaininfo']['chain']
+ tip = await self.call('getblockhash',self.blockcount)
+ self.cur_date = (await self.call('getblockheader',tip))['time']
+ if g.chain != 'regtest':
+ g.chain += 'net'
+ assert g.chain in g.chains
+ check_chaintype_mismatch()
+ if g.chain == 'mainnet': # skip this for testnet, as Genesis block may change
+ await check_chainfork_mismatch(block0)
+ self.caps = ('full_node',)
+ for func,cap in (
+ ('setlabel','label_api'),
+ ('signrawtransactionwithkey','sign_with_key') ):
+ if len((await self.call('help',func)).split('\n')) > 3:
+ self.caps += (cap,)
+ # TODO: these belong in protocol.py
+ @classmethod
+ def get_daemon_auth_cookie_fn(cls):
+ cdir = os.path.join(
+ g.proto.daemon_data_dir,
+ g.proto.daemon_data_subdir )
+ return os.path.join(cdir,'.cookie')
+ @classmethod
+ def get_daemon_auth_cookie(cls):
+ fn = cls.get_daemon_auth_cookie_fn()
+ return get_lines_from_file(fn,'')[0] if file_is_readable(fn) else ''
rpcmethods = (
@@ -268,12 +434,39 @@ class RPCConnection(MMGenObject):
-class EthereumRPCConnection(RPCConnection):
+class EthereumRPCClient(RPCClient,metaclass=aInitMeta):
- auth = False
- db_fs = ' host [{h}] port [{p}]\n'
- _blockcount = None
- _cur_date = None
+ auth_type = None
+ def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs): pass
+ async def __ainit__(self,backend=None):
+ super().__init__(
+ host = g.rpc_host or 'localhost',
+ port = g.rpc_port or g.proto.rpc_port )
+ self.set_backend(backend)
+ self.blockcount = int(await self.call('eth_blockNumber'),16)
+ vi,bh,ch,nk = await self.gathered_call(None, (
+ ('parity_versionInfo',()),
+ ('parity_getBlockHeaderByNumber',()),
+ ('parity_chain',()),
+ ('parity_nodeKind',()),
+ ))
+ self.daemon_version = vi['version']
+ self.cur_date = int(bh['timestamp'],16)
+ g.chain = ch.replace(' ','_')
+ self.caps = ('full_node',) if nk['capability'] == 'full' else ()
+ try:
+ await self.call('eth_chainId')
+ self.caps += ('eth_chainId',)
+ except RPCFailure:
+ pass
rpcmethods = (
@@ -314,20 +507,25 @@ class EthereumRPCConnection(RPCConnection):
- # blockcount and cur_date require network RPC calls, so evaluate lazily
- @property
- def blockcount(self):
- if self._blockcount == None:
- self._blockcount = int(self.eth_blockNumber(),16)
- return self._blockcount
+class MoneroWalletRPCClient(RPCClient):
+ auth_type = 'digest'
+ url_fs = 'http://{}:{}/json_rpc'
- @property
- def cur_date(self):
- if self._cur_date == None:
- self._cur_date = int(self.parity_getBlockHeaderByNumber(hex(self.blockcount))['timestamp'],16)
- return self._cur_date
+ def __init__(self,host,port,user,passwd):
+ super().__init__(host,port)
+ self.auth = auth_data(user,passwd)
+ self.set_backend('requests')
+ if False: # insecure, for debugging only
+ self.backend = RPCBackends.curl(self)
+ self.backend.exec_opts.remove('--silent')
+ self.backend.exec_opts.extend(['--insecure','--verbose'])
-class MoneroWalletRPCConnection(RPCConnection):
+ async def call(self,method,*params,**kwargs):
+ assert params == (), f'{type(self).__name__}.call() accepts keyword arguments only'
+ return await self.process_http_resp(self.backend.run(
+ payload = {'id': 0, 'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'method': method, 'params': kwargs },
+ ))
rpcmethods = (
@@ -340,159 +538,16 @@ class MoneroWalletRPCConnection(RPCConnection):
'refresh', # start_height
- def request(self,cmd,*args,**kwargs):
- if args != ():
- m = '{}.request() accepts only keyword args\nCmd: {!r}'
- raise ValueError(m.format(type(self).__name__,cmd))
- import requests
- import urllib3
- urllib3.disable_warnings()
- ret = requests.post(
- url = 'https://{}:{}/json_rpc'.format(self.host,self.port),
- json = {
- 'jsonrpc': '2.0',
- 'id': '0',
- 'method': cmd,
- 'params': kwargs,
- },
- auth = requests.auth.HTTPDigestAuth(self.user,self.passwd),
- headers = self.http_hdrs,
- verify = False )
- res = json.loads(ret._content)
- if 'error' in res:
- raise RPCFailure(repr(res['error']))
- return(res['result'])
- def request_curltest(self,cmd,*args,**kwargs):
- "insecure, for testing only"
- from subprocess import run,PIPE
- data = {
- 'jsonrpc': '2.0',
- 'id': '0',
- 'method': cmd,
- 'params': kwargs,
- }
- exec_cmd = [
- 'curl', '--proxy', '', '--verbose','--insecure', '--request', 'POST',
- '--digest', '--user', '{}:{}'.format(g.monero_wallet_rpc_user,g.monero_wallet_rpc_password),
- '--header', 'Content-Type: application/json',
- '--data', json.dumps(data),
- 'https://{}:{}/json_rpc'.format(self.host,self.port) ]
- cp = run(exec_cmd,stdout=PIPE,check=True)
- res = json.loads(cp.stdout)
- if 'error' in res:
- raise RPCFailure(repr(res['error']))
- return(res['result'])
-def rpc_error(ret):
- return type(ret) is tuple and ret and ret[0] == 'rpcfail'
-def rpc_errmsg(ret):
- try:
- return ret[1][2]
- except:
- return repr(ret)
-def init_daemon_parity():
- def resolve_token_arg(token_arg):
- from .obj import CoinAddr
- from .altcoins.eth.tw import EthereumTrackingWallet
- from .altcoins.eth.contract import Token
- tw = EthereumTrackingWallet(no_rpc=True)
- try: addr = CoinAddr(token_arg,on_fail='raise')
- except: addr = tw.sym2addr(token_arg)
- if not addr:
- m = "'{}': unrecognized token symbol"
- raise UnrecognizedTokenSymbol(m.format(token_arg))
- sym = tw.addr2sym(addr) # throws exception on failure
- vmsg('ERC20 token resolved: {} ({})'.format(addr,sym))
- return addr,sym
- conn = EthereumRPCConnection(
- g.rpc_host or 'localhost',
- g.rpc_port or g.proto.rpc_port)
- conn.daemon_version = conn.parity_versionInfo()['version'] # fail immediately if daemon is geth
- conn.coin_amt_type = str
- g.chain = conn.parity_chain().replace(' ','_')
- conn.caps = ()
- try:
- conn.request('eth_chainId')
- conn.caps += ('eth_chainId',)
- except RPCFailure:
- pass
- if conn.request('parity_nodeKind')['capability'] == 'full':
- conn.caps += ('full_node',)
- if g.token:
- g.rpc = conn # set g.rpc so rpc_init() will return immediately
- (g.token,g.dcoin) = resolve_token_arg(g.token)
- return conn
-def init_daemon_bitcoind():
- def check_chainfork_mismatch(conn):
- block0 = conn.getblockhash(0)
- latest = conn.blockcount
- try:
- assert block0 == g.proto.block0,'Incorrect Genesis block for {}'.format(g.proto.__name__)
- for fork in g.proto.forks:
- if fork[0] == None or latest < fork[0]: break
- assert conn.getblockhash(fork[0]) == fork[1], (
- 'Bad block hash at fork block {}. Is this the {} chain?'.format(fork[0],fork[2].upper()))
- except Exception as e:
- die(2,"{}\n'{c}' requested, but this is not the {c} chain!".format(e.args[0],c=g.coin))
- def check_chaintype_mismatch():
- try:
- if g.regtest: assert g.chain == 'regtest','--regtest option selected, but chain is not regtest'
- if g.testnet: assert g.chain != 'mainnet','--testnet option selected, but chain is mainnet'
- if not g.testnet: assert g.chain == 'mainnet','mainnet selected, but chain is not mainnet'
- except Exception as e:
- die(1,'{}\nChain is {}!'.format(e.args[0],g.chain))
- cfg = get_daemon_cfg_options(('rpcuser','rpcpassword'))
- conn = RPCConnection(
- g.rpc_host or 'localhost',
- g.rpc_port or g.proto.rpc_port,
- g.rpc_user or cfg['rpcuser'], # MMGen's rpcuser,rpcpassword override coin daemon's
- g.rpc_password or cfg['rpcpassword'],
- auth_cookie=get_coin_daemon_auth_cookie())
- if g.bob or g.alice:
- from .regtest import MMGenRegtest
- MMGenRegtest(g.coin).switch_user(('alice','bob')[g.bob],quiet=True)
- conn.daemon_version = int(conn.getnetworkinfo()['version'])
- conn.blockcount = conn.getblockcount()
- conn.cur_date = conn.getblockheader(conn.getblockhash(conn.blockcount))['time']
- conn.coin_amt_type = (float,str)[conn.daemon_version>=120000]
- g.chain = conn.getblockchaininfo()['chain']
- if g.chain != 'regtest': g.chain += 'net'
- assert g.chain in g.chains
- check_chaintype_mismatch()
- if g.chain == 'mainnet': # skip this for testnet, as Genesis block may change
- check_chainfork_mismatch(conn)
- conn.caps = ('full_node',)
- for func,cap in (
- ('setlabel','label_api'),
- ('signrawtransactionwithkey','sign_with_key') ):
- if len(conn.request('help',func).split('\n')) > 3:
- conn.caps += (cap,)
- return conn
-def init_daemon(name):
- return globals()['init_daemon_'+name]()
+async def rpc_init(proto=None,backend=None):
+ proto = proto or g.proto
+ if not 'rpc' in proto.mmcaps:
+ die(1,'Coin daemon operations not supported for {}!'.format(proto.__name__))
+ g.rpc = await {
+ 'bitcoind': BitcoinRPCClient,
+ 'parity': EthereumRPCClient,
+ }[proto.daemon_family](backend=backend)
+ return g.rpc