@@ -596,39 +596,34 @@ Removed {{}} duplicate WIF key{{}} from keylist (also in {pnm} key-address file
return d
return d
- def remove_dup_keys(self,cmplist):
- assert self.has_keys
- pop_list = []
- for n,d in enumerate(self.data):
- for e in cmplist.data:
- if e.sec.wif == d.sec.wif:
- pop_list.append(n)
- for n in reversed(pop_list): self.data.pop(n)
- if pop_list:
- vmsg(self.msgs['removed_dup_keys'].format(len(pop_list),suf(removed)))
def add_wifs(self,key_list):
def add_wifs(self,key_list):
- if not key_list: return
+ """
+ Match WIF keys in a flat list to addresses in self by generating all
+ possible addresses for each key.
+ """
+ def gen_addr(pk,t):
+ at = self.proto.addr_type(t)
+ kg = KeyGenerator(self.proto,at.pubkey_type)
+ ag = AddrGenerator(self.proto,at)
+ return ag.to_addr(kg.to_pubhex(pk))
+ compressed_types = set(self.proto.mmtypes) - {'L','E'}
+ uncompressed_types = set(self.proto.mmtypes) & {'L','E'}
+ def gen():
+ for wif in key_list:
+ pk = PrivKey(proto=self.proto,wif=wif)
+ for t in (compressed_types if pk.compressed else uncompressed_types):
+ yield ( gen_addr(pk,t), pk )
+ addrs4keys = dict(gen())
for d in self.data:
for d in self.data:
- for e in key_list.data:
- if e.addr and e.sec and e.addr == d.addr:
- d.sec = e.sec
- def list_missing(self,key):
- return [d.addr for d in self.data if not getattr(d,key)]
- def generate_addrs_from_keys(self):
- # assume that the first listed mmtype is valid for flat key list
- at = self.proto.addr_type(self.proto.mmtypes[0])
- kg = KeyGenerator(self.proto,at.pubkey_type)
- ag = AddrGenerator(self.proto,at)
- d = self.data
- for n,e in enumerate(d,1):
- qmsg_r(f'\rGenerating addresses from keylist: {n}/{len(d)}')
- e.addr = ag.to_addr(kg.to_pubhex(e.sec))
- if g.debug_addrlist:
- Msg(f'generate_addrs_from_keys():\n{e.pfmt()}')
- qmsg(f'\rGenerated addresses from keylist: {n}/{len(d)} ')
+ if d.addr in addrs4keys:
+ d.sec = addrs4keys[d.addr]
+ def list_missing(self,attr):
+ return [d.addr for d in self.data if not getattr(d,attr)]
def make_label(self):
def make_label(self):
bc,mt = self.proto.base_coin,self.al_id.mmtype
bc,mt = self.proto.base_coin,self.al_id.mmtype