@@ -21,65 +21,65 @@
q = 2**255 - 19
def expmod(b,e,m):
- if e == 0: return 1
- t = expmod(b,e//2,m)**2 % m
- if e & 1: t = (t*b) % m
- return t
+ if e == 0: return 1
+ t = expmod(b,e//2,m)**2 % m
+ if e & 1: t = (t*b) % m
+ return t
# Can probably get some extra speedup here by replacing this with
# an extended-euclidean, but performance seems OK without that
def inv(x):
- return expmod(x,q-2,q)
+ return expmod(x,q-2,q)
# Faster (!) version based on:
# http://www.hyperelliptic.org/EFD/g1p/auto-twisted-extended-1.html
def xpt_add(pt1, pt2):
- (X1, Y1, Z1, T1) = pt1
- (X2, Y2, Z2, T2) = pt2
- A = ((Y1-X1)*(Y2+X2)) % q
- B = ((Y1+X1)*(Y2-X2)) % q
- C = (Z1*2*T2) % q
- D = (T1*2*Z2) % q
- E = (D+C) % q
- F = (B-A) % q
- G = (B+A) % q
- H = (D-C) % q
- X3 = (E*F) % q
- Y3 = (G*H) % q
- Z3 = (F*G) % q
- T3 = (E*H) % q
- return (X3, Y3, Z3, T3)
+ (X1, Y1, Z1, T1) = pt1
+ (X2, Y2, Z2, T2) = pt2
+ A = ((Y1-X1)*(Y2+X2)) % q
+ B = ((Y1+X1)*(Y2-X2)) % q
+ C = (Z1*2*T2) % q
+ D = (T1*2*Z2) % q
+ E = (D+C) % q
+ F = (B-A) % q
+ G = (B+A) % q
+ H = (D-C) % q
+ X3 = (E*F) % q
+ Y3 = (G*H) % q
+ Z3 = (F*G) % q
+ T3 = (E*H) % q
+ return (X3, Y3, Z3, T3)
def xpt_double (pt):
- (X1, Y1, Z1, _) = pt
- A = (X1*X1)
- B = (Y1*Y1)
- C = (2*Z1*Z1)
- D = (-A) % q
- J = (X1+Y1) % q
- E = (J*J-A-B) % q
- G = (D+B) % q
- F = (G-C) % q
- H = (D-B) % q
- X3 = (E*F) % q
- Y3 = (G*H) % q
- Z3 = (F*G) % q
- T3 = (E*H) % q
- return (X3, Y3, Z3, T3)
+ (X1, Y1, Z1, _) = pt
+ A = (X1*X1)
+ B = (Y1*Y1)
+ C = (2*Z1*Z1)
+ D = (-A) % q
+ J = (X1+Y1) % q
+ E = (J*J-A-B) % q
+ G = (D+B) % q
+ F = (G-C) % q
+ H = (D-B) % q
+ X3 = (E*F) % q
+ Y3 = (G*H) % q
+ Z3 = (F*G) % q
+ T3 = (E*H) % q
+ return (X3, Y3, Z3, T3)
def pt_xform (pt):
- (x, y) = pt
- return (x, y, 1, (x*y)%q)
+ (x, y) = pt
+ return (x, y, 1, (x*y)%q)
def pt_unxform (pt):
- (x, y, z, _) = pt
- return ((x*inv(z))%q, (y*inv(z))%q)
+ (x, y, z, _) = pt
+ return ((x*inv(z))%q, (y*inv(z))%q)
def xpt_mult (pt, n):
- if n==0: return pt_xform((0,1))
- _ = xpt_double(xpt_mult(pt, n>>1))
- return xpt_add(_, pt) if n&1 else _
+ if n==0: return pt_xform((0,1))
+ _ = xpt_double(xpt_mult(pt, n>>1))
+ return xpt_add(_, pt) if n&1 else _
def scalarmult(pt, e):
- return pt_unxform(xpt_mult(pt_xform(pt), e))
+ return pt_unxform(xpt_mult(pt_xform(pt), e))