@@ -48,21 +48,21 @@ _date_formatter = {
'date_time': lambda rpc,secs: '{}-{:02}-{:02} {:02}:{:02}'.format(*time.gmtime(secs)[:5]),
-async def _set_dates(rpc,us):
- if rpc.proto.base_proto != 'Bitcoin':
- return
- if us and us[0].date is None:
- # 'blocktime' differs from 'time', is same as getblockheader['time']
- dates = [o['blocktime'] for o in await rpc.gathered_call('gettransaction',[(o.txid,) for o in us])]
- for idx,o in enumerate(us):
- o.date = dates[idx]
if os.getenv('MMGEN_BOGUS_WALLET_DATA'):
# 1831006505 (09 Jan 2028) = projected time of block 1000000
_date_formatter['days'] = lambda rpc,secs: (1831006505 - secs) // 86400
async def _set_dates(rpc,us):
for o in us:
o.date = 1831006505 - int(9.7 * 60 * (o.confs - 1))
+ async def _set_dates(rpc,us):
+ if rpc.proto.base_proto != 'Bitcoin':
+ return
+ if us and us[0].date is None:
+ # 'blocktime' differs from 'time', is same as getblockheader['time']
+ dates = [o['blocktime'] for o in await rpc.gathered_call('gettransaction',[(o.txid,) for o in us])]
+ for idx,o in enumerate(us):
+ o.date = dates[idx]
class TwUnspentOutputs(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):