@@ -9,75 +9,82 @@ from mmgen.exception import *
from mmgen.daemon import *
from mmgen.protocol import init_proto
-class unit_test(object):
- def run_test(self,name,ut):
- def test_flags():
- d = CoinDaemon('eth')
- vmsg(f'Available opts: {fmt_list(d.avail_opts,fmt="bare")}')
- vmsg(f'Available flags: {fmt_list(d.avail_flags,fmt="bare")}')
- vals = namedtuple('vals',['online','no_daemonize','keep_cfg_file'])
- def gen():
- for opts,flags,val in (
- (None,None, vals(False,False,False)),
- (None,['keep_cfg_file'], vals(False,False,True)),
- (['online'],['keep_cfg_file'], vals(True,False,True)),
- (['online','no_daemonize'],['keep_cfg_file'], vals(True,True,True)),
- ):
- d = CoinDaemon('eth',opts=opts,flags=flags)
- assert d.flag.keep_cfg_file == val.keep_cfg_file
- assert d.opt.online == val.online
- assert d.opt.no_daemonize == val.no_daemonize
- d.flag.keep_cfg_file = not val.keep_cfg_file
- d.flag.keep_cfg_file = val.keep_cfg_file
- yield d
- return tuple(gen())
- def test_flags_err(d):
- def bad1(): d[0].flag.foo = False
- def bad2(): d[0].opt.foo = False
- def bad3(): d[0].opt.no_daemonize = True
- def bad4(): d[0].flag.keep_cfg_file = 'x'
- def bad5(): d[0].opt.no_daemonize = 'x'
- def bad6(): d[0].flag.keep_cfg_file = False
- def bad7(): d[1].flag.keep_cfg_file = True
- ut.process_bad_data((
- ('flag (1)', 'ClassFlagsError', 'unrecognized flag', bad1 ),
- ('opt (1)', 'ClassFlagsError', 'unrecognized opt', bad2 ),
- ('opt (2)', 'AttributeError', 'is read-only', bad3 ),
- ('flag (2)', 'AssertionError', 'not boolean', bad4 ),
- ('opt (3)', 'AttributeError', 'is read-only', bad5 ),
- ('flag (3)', 'ClassFlagsError', 'not set', bad6 ),
- ('flag (4)', 'ClassFlagsError', 'already set', bad7 ),
- ))
- def test_cmds(op):
- network_ids = CoinDaemon.get_network_ids()
- for test_suite in [True,False] if op == 'print' else [True]:
- vmsg(orange(f'Start commands (op={op}, test_suite={test_suite}):'))
- for coin,data in CoinDaemon.coins.items():
- for daemon_id in data.daemon_ids:
- for network in globals()[daemon_id+'_daemon'].networks:
- d = CoinDaemon(
- proto=init_proto(coin=coin,network=network),
- daemon_id = daemon_id,
- test_suite = test_suite )
- if op == 'print':
- for cmd in d.start_cmds:
- vmsg(' '.join(cmd))
- else:
- if run(['which',d.exec_fn],stdout=DEVNULL,stderr=DEVNULL).returncode:
- if op == 'start':
- qmsg(yellow(f'Warning: {d.exec_fn} not found in executable path'))
- else:
- if opt.quiet:
- msg_r('.')
- getattr(d,op)(silent=opt.quiet)
+def test_flags():
+ d = CoinDaemon('eth')
+ vmsg(f'Available opts: {fmt_list(d.avail_opts,fmt="bare")}')
+ vmsg(f'Available flags: {fmt_list(d.avail_flags,fmt="bare")}')
+ vals = namedtuple('vals',['online','no_daemonize','keep_cfg_file'])
+ def gen():
+ for opts,flags,val in (
+ (None,None, vals(False,False,False)),
+ (None,['keep_cfg_file'], vals(False,False,True)),
+ (['online'],['keep_cfg_file'], vals(True,False,True)),
+ (['online','no_daemonize'],['keep_cfg_file'], vals(True,True,True)),
+ ):
+ d = CoinDaemon('eth',opts=opts,flags=flags)
+ assert d.flag.keep_cfg_file == val.keep_cfg_file
+ assert d.opt.online == val.online
+ assert d.opt.no_daemonize == val.no_daemonize
+ d.flag.keep_cfg_file = not val.keep_cfg_file
+ d.flag.keep_cfg_file = val.keep_cfg_file
+ yield d
+ return tuple(gen())
+def test_flags_err(ut,d):
+ def bad1(): d[0].flag.foo = False
+ def bad2(): d[0].opt.foo = False
+ def bad3(): d[0].opt.no_daemonize = True
+ def bad4(): d[0].flag.keep_cfg_file = 'x'
+ def bad5(): d[0].opt.no_daemonize = 'x'
+ def bad6(): d[0].flag.keep_cfg_file = False
+ def bad7(): d[1].flag.keep_cfg_file = True
+ ut.process_bad_data((
+ ('flag (1)', 'ClassFlagsError', 'unrecognized flag', bad1 ),
+ ('opt (1)', 'ClassFlagsError', 'unrecognized opt', bad2 ),
+ ('opt (2)', 'AttributeError', 'is read-only', bad3 ),
+ ('flag (2)', 'AssertionError', 'not boolean', bad4 ),
+ ('opt (3)', 'AttributeError', 'is read-only', bad5 ),
+ ('flag (3)', 'ClassFlagsError', 'not set', bad6 ),
+ ('flag (4)', 'ClassFlagsError', 'already set', bad7 ),
+ ))
+def test_cmds(op):
+ network_ids = CoinDaemon.get_network_ids()
+ for test_suite in [True,False] if op == 'print' else [True]:
+ vmsg(orange(f'Start commands (op={op}, test_suite={test_suite}):'))
+ for coin,data in CoinDaemon.coins.items():
+ for daemon_id in data.daemon_ids:
+ for network in globals()[daemon_id+'_daemon'].networks:
+ if opt.no_altcoin_deps and coin != 'BTC':
+ continue
+ d = CoinDaemon(
+ proto=init_proto(coin=coin,network=network),
+ daemon_id = daemon_id,
+ test_suite = test_suite )
+ if op == 'print':
+ for cmd in d.start_cmds:
+ vmsg(' '.join(cmd))
+ elif op == 'check':
+ try:
+ cp = run([d.exec_fn,'--help'],stdout=PIPE,stderr=PIPE)
+ except:
+ ydie(1,f'Unable to execute {d.exec_fn}')
+ if cp.returncode:
+ ydie(1,f'Unable to execute {d.exec_fn}')
+ else:
+ vmsg('{:16} {}'.format(d.exec_fn+':',cp.stdout.decode().splitlines()[0]))
+ else:
+ if opt.quiet:
+ msg_r('.')
+ getattr(d,op)(silent=opt.quiet)
+class unit_tests:
+ def flags(self,name,ut):
qmsg_r('Testing flags and opts...')
@@ -86,22 +93,35 @@ class unit_test(object):
qmsg_r('Testing error handling for flags and opts...')
- test_flags_err(daemons)
+ test_flags_err(ut,daemons)
- qmsg_r('Testing start commands for configured daemons...')
+ return True
+ def cmds(self,name,ut):
+ qmsg_r('Testing start commands for coin daemons...')
+ return True
- msg_r('Starting all configured daemons available on system...')
+ def exec(self,name,ut):
+ qmsg_r('Testing availability of coin daemons...')
+ vmsg('')
+ test_cmds('check')
+ qmsg('OK')
+ return True
+ def start(self,name,ut):
+ msg_r('Starting coin daemons...')
+ return True
- msg_r('Stopping all configured daemons available on system...')
+ def stop(self,name,ut):
+ msg_r('Stopping coin daemons...')
return True