@@ -21,84 +21,9 @@ opts: MMGen-specific command-line options processing after generic processing by
import sys,os
-from .cfg import gc,Config
-from .base_obj import Lockable
-import mmgen.share.Opts
-class UserOpts: pass
-opt = UserOpts()
-def usage():
- from .util import Die
- Die(1,mmgen.share.Opts.make_usage_str(gc.prog_name,'user',usage_data))
-def version():
- from .util import Die,fmt
- Die(0,fmt(f"""
- {gc.prog_name.upper()} version {gc.version}
- Part of the {gc.proj_name} suite, an online/offline cryptocurrency wallet for the
- command line. Copyright (C){gc.Cdates} {gc.author} {gc.email}
- """,indent=' ').rstrip())
-def delete_data(opts_data):
- for k in ('text','notes','code'):
- if k in opts_data:
- del opts_data[k]
- del mmgen.share.Opts.make_help
- del mmgen.share.Opts.process_uopts
- del mmgen.share.Opts.parse_opts
-def post_init(cfg):
- global opts_data_save,opt_filter_save
- if cfg.help or cfg.longhelp:
- print_help(cfg,opts_data_save,opt_filter_save)
- else:
- delete_data(opts_data_save)
- del opts_data_save,opt_filter_save
-def print_help(cfg,opts_data,opt_filter):
- if not 'code' in opts_data:
- opts_data['code'] = {}
- from .protocol import init_proto_from_cfg
- proto = init_proto_from_cfg(cfg,need_amt=True)
- if getattr(cfg,'longhelp',None):
- opts_data['code']['long_options'] = common_opts_data['code']
- def remove_unneeded_long_opts():
- d = opts_data['text']['long_options']
- if proto.base_proto != 'Ethereum':
- d = '\n'.join(''+i for i in d.split('\n') if not '--token' in i)
- opts_data['text']['long_options'] = d
- remove_unneeded_long_opts()
- from .ui import do_pager
- do_pager(mmgen.share.Opts.make_help( cfg, proto, opts_data, opt_filter ))
- sys.exit(0)
-def fmt_opt(o):
- return '--' + o.replace('_','-')
-def die_on_incompatible_opts(cfg):
- for group in cfg._incompatible_opts:
- bad = [k for k in cfg.__dict__ if k in group and getattr(cfg,k) != None]
- if len(bad) > 1:
- from .util import die
- die(1,'Conflicting options: {}'.format(', '.join(map(fmt_opt,bad))))
-def _show_hash_presets():
- fs = ' {:<7} {:<6} {:<3} {}'
- from .util import msg
- from .crypto import Crypto
- msg('Available parameters for scrypt.hash():')
- msg(fs.format('Preset','N','r','p'))
- for i in sorted(Crypto.hash_presets.keys()):
- msg(fs.format(i,*Crypto.hash_presets[i]))
- msg('N = memory usage (power of two), p = iterations (rounds)')
- sys.exit(0)
+from .cfg import gc
+import mmgen.share.Opts as Opts
def opt_preproc_debug(po):
d = (
@@ -114,101 +39,7 @@ def opt_preproc_debug(po):
for label,data,pretty in d:
Msg(' {:<20}: {}'.format(label,'\n' + fmt_list(data,fmt='col',indent=' '*8) if pretty else data))
-def opt_postproc_debug(cfg):
- a = [k for k in dir(cfg) if k[:2] != '__' and getattr(cfg,k) != None]
- b = [k for k in dir(cfg) if k[:2] != '__' and getattr(cfg,k) == None]
- from .util import Msg
- Msg('\n Global vars:')
- for e in [d for d in dir(cfg) if d[:2] != '__']:
- Msg(' {:<20}: {}'.format(e, getattr(cfg,e)))
- Msg(" Global vars set to 'None':")
- Msg(' {}\n'.format('\n '.join(b)))
- Msg('\n=== end opts.py debug ===\n')
-def set_for_type(val,refval,desc,invert_bool=False,src=None):
- if type(refval) == bool:
- v = str(val).lower()
- ret = (
- True if v in ('true','yes','1','on') else
- False if v in ('false','no','none','0','off','') else
- None
- )
- if ret is not None:
- return not ret if invert_bool else ret
- else:
- try:
- return type(refval)(not val if invert_bool else val)
- except:
- pass
- from .util import die
- die(1,'{!r}: invalid value for {!r}{} (must be of type {!r})'.format(
- val,
- desc,
- ' in {!r}'.format(src) if src else '',
- type(refval).__name__) )
-def set_cfg_from_cfg_file(
- cfg,
- ucfg,
- cfgfile_autoset_opts,
- cfgfile_auto_typeset_opts,
- env_cfg,
- need_proto ):
- if need_proto:
- from .protocol import init_proto
- for d in ucfg.get_lines():
- if d.name in cfg._cfg_file_opts:
- ns = d.name.split('_')
- if ns[0] in gc.core_coins:
- if not need_proto:
- continue
- nse,tn = (
- (ns[2:],ns[1]=='testnet') if len(ns) > 2 and ns[1] in ('mainnet','testnet') else
- (ns[1:],False)
- )
- cls = type(init_proto( cfg, ns[0], tn, need_amt=True )) # no instance yet, so override _class_ attr
- attr = '_'.join(nse)
- else:
- cls = cfg
- attr = d.name
- refval = getattr(cls,attr)
- val = ucfg.parse_value(d.value,refval)
- if not val:
- from .util import die
- die( 'CfgFileParseError', f'Parse error in file {ucfg.fn!r}, line {d.lineno}' )
- val_conv = set_for_type(val,refval,attr,src=ucfg.fn)
- if attr not in env_cfg:
- setattr(cls,attr,val_conv)
- elif d.name in cfg._autoset_opts:
- cfgfile_autoset_opts[d.name] = d.value
- elif d.name in cfg._auto_typeset_opts:
- cfgfile_auto_typeset_opts[d.name] = d.value
- else:
- from .util import die
- die( 'CfgFileParseError', f'{d.name!r}: unrecognized option in {ucfg.fn!r}, line {d.lineno}' )
-def set_cfg_from_env(cfg):
- for name,val in ((k,v) for k,v in os.environ.items() if k.startswith('MMGEN_')):
- if name == 'MMGEN_DEBUG_ALL':
- continue
- elif name in cfg._env_opts:
- if val: # ignore empty string values; string value of '0' or 'false' sets variable to False
- disable = name.startswith('MMGEN_DISABLE_')
- gname = name[(6,14)[disable]:].lower()
- if hasattr(cfg,gname):
- setattr(cfg,gname,set_for_type(val,getattr(cfg,gname),name,disable))
- yield gname
- else:
- raise ValueError(f'Name {gname!r} not present in globals')
- else:
- raise ValueError(f'{name!r} is not a valid MMGen environment variable')
-common_opts_data = {
- # Most but not all of these set the corresponding global var
+long_opts_data = {
'text': """
--, --accept-defaults Accept defaults at all prompts
--, --coin=c Choose coin unit. Default: BTC. Current choice: {cu_dfl}
@@ -256,415 +87,112 @@ opts_data_dfl = {
-def init(
- cfg,
- opts_data = None,
- add_opts = None,
- init_opts = None,
- opt_filter = None,
- parse_only = False,
- parsed_opts = None,
- need_proto = True,
- need_amt = True,
- do_post_init = False ):
- if opts_data is None:
- opts_data = opts_data_dfl
- opts_data['text']['long_options'] = common_opts_data['text']
+class UserOpts:
- # Make this available to usage()
- global usage_data
- usage_data = opts_data['text'].get('usage2') or opts_data['text']['usage']
- # po: (user_opts,cmd_args,opts,filtered_opts)
- po = parsed_opts or mmgen.share.Opts.parse_opts(opts_data,opt_filter=opt_filter,parse_only=parse_only)
- if init_opts: # allow programs to preload user opts
- for uopt,val in init_opts.items():
- if uopt not in po.user_opts:
- po.user_opts[uopt] = val
- if parse_only and not any(k in po.user_opts for k in ('version','help','longhelp')):
- cfg._parsed_opts = po
- return
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ cfg,
+ opts_data = None,
+ init_opts = None, # dict containing opts to pre-initialize
+ opt_filter = None, # whitelist of opt letters; all others are skipped
+ parse_only = False,
+ parsed_opts = None ):
- if os.getenv('MMGEN_DEBUG_OPTS'):
- opt_preproc_debug(po)
+ self.opts_data = od = opts_data or opts_data_dfl
+ self.opt_filter = opt_filter
- # Copy parsed opts to opt, setting values to None if not set by user
- for o in set(
- po.opts
- + po.filtered_opts
- + tuple(add_opts or [])
- + tuple(init_opts or [])
- + cfg._init_opts
- + cfg._common_opts ):
- setattr(opt,o,po.user_opts[o] if o in po.user_opts else None)
+ od['text']['long_options'] = long_opts_data['text']
- if opt.version:
- version() # exits
+ # Make this available to usage()
+ self.usage_data = od['text'].get('usage2') or od['text']['usage']
- if opt.show_hash_presets:
- _show_hash_presets() # exits
+ # po: (user_opts,cmd_args,opts,filtered_opts)
+ po = parsed_opts or Opts.parse_opts(od,opt_filter=opt_filter,parse_only=parse_only)
- from .util import wrap_ripemd160
- wrap_ripemd160() # ripemd160 used by mmgen_cfg_file()
+ cfg._args = po.cmd_args
+ cfg._uopts = uopts = po.user_opts
- # === begin Config() initialization === #
+ if init_opts: # initialize user opts to given value
+ for uopt,val in init_opts.items():
+ if uopt not in uopts:
+ uopts[uopt] = val
- env_cfg = tuple(set_cfg_from_env(cfg))
+ cfg._opts = self
+ cfg._parsed_opts = po
+ cfg._use_env = True
+ cfg._use_cfg_file = not 'skip_cfg_file' in uopts
- # do this after setting ‘hold_protect_disable’ from env
- from .term import init_term
- init_term(cfg)
+ if os.getenv('MMGEN_DEBUG_OPTS'):
+ opt_preproc_debug(po)
- # --data-dir overrides computed value of data_dir_root
- cfg._data_dir_root_override = opt.data_dir
- if opt.data_dir:
- del opt.data_dir
+ if 'version' in uopts:
+ self.version() # exits
- from .fileutil import check_or_create_dir
- check_or_create_dir(cfg.data_dir_root)
+ if 'show_hash_presets' in uopts:
+ self.show_hash_presets() # exits
- cfgfile_autoset_opts = {}
- cfgfile_auto_typeset_opts = {}
+ if parse_only:
+ return
- if not opt.skip_cfg_file:
- from .cfgfile import mmgen_cfg_file
- # check for changes in system template file - term must be initialized
- mmgen_cfg_file(cfg,'sample')
- set_cfg_from_cfg_file(
- cfg,
- mmgen_cfg_file(cfg,'usr'),
- cfgfile_autoset_opts,
- cfgfile_auto_typeset_opts,
- env_cfg,
- need_proto )
- # Set cfg from opts, setting type from original class attr in Config if it exists:
- auto_keys = tuple(cfg._autoset_opts.keys()) + tuple(cfg._auto_typeset_opts.keys())
- for key,val in opt.__dict__.items():
- if val is not None and key not in auto_keys:
- setattr(cfg, key, set_for_type(val,getattr(cfg,key),'--'+key) if hasattr(cfg,key) else val)
- if cfg.regtest or cfg.bob or cfg.alice or cfg.carol or gc.prog_name == 'mmgen-regtest':
- cfg.network = 'regtest'
- cfg.regtest_user = 'bob' if cfg.bob else 'alice' if cfg.alice else 'carol' if cfg.carol else None
- else:
- cfg.network = 'testnet' if cfg.testnet else 'mainnet'
- cfg.coin = cfg.coin.upper()
- cfg.token = cfg.token.upper() or None
- # === end global var initialization === #
- """
- cfg.color is finalized, so initialize color
- """
- if cfg.color: # MMGEN_DISABLE_COLOR sets this to False
- from .color import init_color
- init_color(num_colors=('auto',256)[bool(cfg.force_256_color)])
- die_on_incompatible_opts(cfg)
- check_or_create_dir(cfg.data_dir)
- # Set globals from opts, setting type from original global value if it exists:
- for key in cfg._autoset_opts:
- if hasattr(opt,key):
- assert not hasattr(cfg,key), f'{key!r} is in cfg!'
- if getattr(opt,key) is not None:
- setattr(cfg, key, get_autoset_opt(cfg,key,getattr(opt,key),src='cmdline'))
- elif key in cfgfile_autoset_opts:
- setattr(cfg, key, get_autoset_opt(cfg,key,cfgfile_autoset_opts[key],src='cfgfile'))
- else:
- setattr(cfg, key, cfg._autoset_opts[key].choices[0])
- set_auto_typeset_opts(cfg,cfgfile_auto_typeset_opts)
- if cfg.debug and gc.prog_name != 'test.py':
- cfg.verbose = True
- if cfg.verbose:
- cfg.quiet = False
- if cfg.debug_opts:
- opt_postproc_debug(cfg)
- # Check user-set opts without modifying them
- check_usr_opts(cfg,po.user_opts)
- from .util import Util
- cfg._util = Util(cfg)
- cfg._uopts = po.user_opts
- cfg._args = po.cmd_args
- cfg._lock()
- if need_proto:
- from .protocol import warn_trustlevel,init_proto_from_cfg
- warn_trustlevel(cfg)
- # requires the default-to-none behavior, so do after the lock:
- cfg._proto = init_proto_from_cfg(cfg,need_amt=need_amt)
- # print help screen only after globals initialized and locked:
- if cfg.help or cfg.longhelp:
- if not do_post_init:
- print_help(cfg,opts_data,opt_filter) # exits
- if do_post_init:
- global opts_data_save,opt_filter_save
- opts_data_save = opts_data
- opt_filter_save = opt_filter
- else:
- delete_data(opts_data)
-def check_usr_opts(cfg,usr_opts): # Raises an exception if any check fails
- def opt_splits(val,sep,n,desc):
- sepword = 'comma' if sep == ',' else 'colon' if sep == ':' else repr(sep)
- try:
- l = val.split(sep)
- except:
- die( 'UserOptError', f'{val!r}: invalid {desc} (not {sepword}-separated list)' )
- if len(l) != n:
- die( 'UserOptError', f'{val!r}: invalid {desc} ({n} {sepword}-separated items required)' )
- def opt_compares(val,op_str,target,desc,desc2=''):
- import operator as o
- op_f = { '<':o.lt, '<=':o.le, '>':o.gt, '>=':o.ge, '=':o.eq }[op_str]
- if not op_f(val,target):
- d2 = desc2 + ' ' if desc2 else ''
- die( 'UserOptError', f'{val}: invalid {desc} ({d2}not {op_str} {target})' )
- def opt_is_int(val,desc):
- if not is_int(val):
- die( 'UserOptError', f'{val!r}: invalid {desc} (not an integer)' )
- def opt_is_float(val,desc):
- try:
- float(val)
- except:
- die( 'UserOptError', f'{val!r}: invalid {desc} (not a floating-point number)' )
- def opt_is_in_list(val,tlist,desc):
- if val not in tlist:
- q,sep = (('',','),("'","','"))[type(tlist[0]) == str]
- die( 'UserOptError', '{q}{v}{q}: invalid {w}\nValid choices: {q}{o}{q}'.format(
- v = val,
- w = desc,
- q = q,
- o = sep.join(map(str,sorted(tlist))) ))
- def opt_unrecognized(key,val,desc='value'):
- die( 'UserOptError', f'{val!r}: unrecognized {desc} for option {fmt_opt(key)!r}' )
- def opt_display(key,val='',beg='For selected',end=':\n'):
- from .util import msg_r
- msg_r('{} option {!r}{}'.format(
- beg,
- f'{fmt_opt(key)}={val}' if val else fmt_opt(key),
- end ))
- def chk_in_fmt(key,val,desc):
- from .wallet import get_wallet_data
- wd = get_wallet_data(fmt_code=val)
- if not wd:
- opt_unrecognized(key,val)
- if key == 'out_fmt':
- p = 'hidden_incog_output_params'
- if wd.type == 'incog_hidden' and not getattr(opt,p):
- die( 'UserOptError',
- 'Hidden incog format output requested. ' +
- f'You must supply a file and offset with the {fmt_opt(p)!r} option' )
- if wd.base_type == 'incog_base' and opt.old_incog_fmt:
- opt_display(key,val,beg='Selected',end=' ')
- opt_display('old_incog_fmt',beg='conflicts with',end=':\n')
- die( 'UserOptError', 'Export to old incog wallet format unsupported' )
- elif wd.type == 'brain':
- die( 'UserOptError', 'Output to brainwallet format unsupported' )
- chk_out_fmt = chk_in_fmt
- def chk_hidden_incog_input_params(key,val,desc):
- a = val.rsplit(',',1) # permit comma in filename
- if len(a) != 2:
- opt_display(key,val)
- die( 'UserOptError', 'Option requires two comma-separated arguments' )
- fn,offset = a
- opt_is_int(offset,desc)
- from .fileutil import check_infile,check_outdir,check_outfile
- if key == 'hidden_incog_input_params':
- check_infile(fn,blkdev_ok=True)
- key2 = 'in_fmt'
- else:
- try: os.stat(fn)
- except:
- b = os.path.dirname(fn)
- if b:
- check_outdir(b)
- else:
- check_outfile(fn,blkdev_ok=True)
- key2 = 'out_fmt'
- if hasattr(opt,key2):
- val2 = getattr(opt,key2)
- from .wallet import get_wallet_data
- wd = get_wallet_data('incog_hidden')
- if val2 and val2 not in wd.fmt_codes:
- die( 'UserOptError', f'Option conflict:\n {fmt_opt(key)}, with\n {fmt_opt(key2)}={val2}' )
- chk_hidden_incog_output_params = chk_hidden_incog_input_params
- def chk_subseeds(key,val,desc):
- from .subseed import SubSeedIdxRange
- opt_is_int(val,desc)
- opt_compares(int(val),'>=',SubSeedIdxRange.min_idx,desc)
- opt_compares(int(val),'<=',SubSeedIdxRange.max_idx,desc)
- def chk_seed_len(key,val,desc):
- from .seed import Seed
- opt_is_int(val,desc)
- opt_is_in_list(int(val),Seed.lens,desc)
- def chk_hash_preset(key,val,desc):
+ if 'data_dir' in uopts:
+ cfg._data_dir_root_override = uopts['data_dir']
+ del uopts['data_dir']
+ def init_bottom(self,cfg):
+ # print help screen only after globals initialized and locked:
+ if cfg.help or cfg.longhelp:
+ self.print_help(cfg) # exits
+ # delete unneeded data:
+ for k in ('text','notes','code'):
+ if k in self.opts_data:
+ del self.opts_data[k]
+ del Opts.make_help
+ del Opts.process_uopts
+ del Opts.parse_opts
+ def usage(self):
+ from .util import Die
+ Die(1,Opts.make_usage_str(gc.prog_name,'user',self.usage_data))
+ def version(self):
+ from .util import Die,fmt
+ Die(0,fmt(f"""
+ {gc.prog_name.upper()} version {gc.version}
+ Part of the {gc.proj_name} suite, an online/offline cryptocurrency wallet for the
+ command line. Copyright (C){gc.Cdates} {gc.author} {gc.email}
+ """,indent=' ').rstrip())
+ def print_help(self,cfg):
+ if not 'code' in self.opts_data:
+ self.opts_data['code'] = {}
+ from .protocol import init_proto_from_cfg
+ proto = init_proto_from_cfg(cfg,need_amt=True)
+ if getattr(cfg,'longhelp',None):
+ self.opts_data['code']['long_options'] = long_opts_data['code']
+ def remove_unneeded_long_opts():
+ d = self.opts_data['text']['long_options']
+ if proto.base_proto != 'Ethereum':
+ d = '\n'.join(''+i for i in d.split('\n') if not '--token' in i)
+ self.opts_data['text']['long_options'] = d
+ remove_unneeded_long_opts()
+ from .ui import do_pager
+ do_pager(Opts.make_help( cfg, proto, self.opts_data, self.opt_filter ))
+ sys.exit(0)
+ def show_hash_presets(self):
+ fs = ' {:<6} {:<3} {:<2} {}'
+ from .util import msg
from .crypto import Crypto
- opt_is_in_list(val,list(Crypto.hash_presets.keys()),desc)
- def chk_brain_params(key,val,desc):
- a = val.split(',')
- if len(a) != 2:
- opt_display(key,val)
- die( 'UserOptError', 'Option requires two comma-separated arguments' )
- opt_is_int(a[0],'seed length '+desc)
- from .seed import Seed
- opt_is_in_list(int(a[0]),Seed.lens,'seed length '+desc)
- from .crypto import Crypto
- opt_is_in_list(a[1],list(Crypto.hash_presets.keys()),'hash preset '+desc)
- def chk_usr_randchars(key,val,desc):
- if val == 0:
- return
- opt_is_int(val,desc)
- opt_compares(val,'>=',cfg.min_urandchars,desc)
- opt_compares(val,'<=',cfg.max_urandchars,desc)
- def chk_tx_fee(key,val,desc):
- pass
-# opt_is_tx_fee(key,val,desc) # TODO: move this check elsewhere
- def chk_tx_confs(key,val,desc):
- opt_is_int(val,desc)
- opt_compares(val,'>=',1,desc)
- def chk_vsize_adj(key,val,desc):
- opt_is_float(val,desc)
- from .util import ymsg
- ymsg(f'Adjusting transaction vsize by a factor of {float(val):1.2f}')
- def chk_daemon_id(key,val,desc):
- from .daemon import CoinDaemon
- opt_is_in_list(val,CoinDaemon.all_daemon_ids(),desc)
-# TODO: move this check elsewhere
-# def chk_rbf(key,val,desc):
-# if not proto.cap('rbf'):
-# die( 'UserOptError', f'--rbf requested, but {proto.coin} does not support replace-by-fee transactions' )
-# def chk_bob(key,val,desc):
-# from .proto.btc.regtest import MMGenRegtest
-# try:
-# os.stat(os.path.join(MMGenRegtest(cfg,cfg.coin).d.datadir,'regtest','debug.log'))
-# except:
-# die( 'UserOptError',
-# 'Regtest (Bob and Alice) mode not set up yet. ' +
-# f"Run '{gc.proj_name.lower()}-regtest setup' to initialize." )
-# chk_alice = chk_bob
- def chk_locktime(key,val,desc):
- opt_is_int(val,desc)
- opt_compares(int(val),'>',0,desc)
- def chk_columns(key,val,desc):
- opt_compares(int(val),'>',10,desc)
-# TODO: move this check elsewhere
-# def chk_token(key,val,desc):
-# if not 'token' in proto.caps:
-# die( 'UserOptError', f'Coin {tx.coin!r} does not support the --token option' )
-# if len(val) == 40 and is_hex_str(val):
-# return
-# if len(val) > 20 or not all(s.isalnum() for s in val):
-# die( 'UserOptError', f'{val!r}: invalid parameter for --token option' )
- from .util import is_int,die,Msg
- cfuncs = { k:v for k,v in locals().items() if k.startswith('chk_') }
- for key in usr_opts:
- val = getattr(cfg,key)
- desc = f'parameter for {fmt_opt(key)!r} option'
- if key in cfg._infile_opts:
- from .fileutil import check_infile
- check_infile(val) # file exists and is readable - dies on error
- elif key == 'outdir':
- from .fileutil import check_outdir
- check_outdir(val) # dies on error
- elif 'chk_'+key in cfuncs:
- cfuncs['chk_'+key](key,val,desc)
- elif cfg.debug:
- Msg(f'check_usr_opts(): No test for opt {key!r}')
-def set_auto_typeset_opts(cfg,cfgfile_auto_typeset_opts):
- def do_set(key,val,ref_type):
- assert not hasattr(cfg,key), f'{key!r} is in cfg!'
- setattr(cfg,key,None if val is None else ref_type(val))
- for key,ref_type in cfg._auto_typeset_opts.items():
- if hasattr(opt,key):
- do_set(key, getattr(opt,key), ref_type)
- elif key in cfgfile_auto_typeset_opts:
- do_set(key, cfgfile_auto_typeset_opts[key], ref_type)
-def get_autoset_opt(cfg,key,val,src):
- def die_on_err(desc):
- from .util import fmt_list,die
- die(
- 'UserOptError',
- '{a!r}: invalid {b} (not {c}: {d})'.format(
- a = val,
- b = {
- 'cmdline': 'parameter for option --{}'.format(key.replace('_','-')),
- 'cfgfile': 'value for cfg file option {!r}'.format(key)
- }[src],
- c = desc,
- d = fmt_list(data.choices) ))
- class opt_type:
- def nocase_str():
- if val.lower() in data.choices:
- return val.lower()
- else:
- die_on_err('one of')
- def nocase_pfx():
- cs = [s for s in data.choices if s.startswith(val.lower())]
- if len(cs) == 1:
- return cs[0]
- else:
- die_on_err('unique substring of')
- data = cfg._autoset_opts[key]
- return getattr(opt_type,data.type)()
+ msg(' Available parameters for scrypt.hash():')
+ msg(fs.format('Preset','N','r','p'))
+ for i in sorted(Crypto.hash_presets.keys()):
+ msg(fs.format(i,*Crypto.hash_presets[i]))
+ msg(' N = memory usage (power of two)\n p = iterations (rounds)')
+ sys.exit(0)