@@ -40,15 +40,16 @@ class AddrGenerator(MMGenObject):
gen_method = addr_type.gen_method
raise TypeError,'{}: incorrect argument type for {}()'.format(type(addr_type),cls.__name__)
- d = {
- 'p2pkh': AddrGeneratorP2PKH,
- 'segwit': AddrGeneratorSegwit,
+ gen_methods = {
+ 'p2pkh': AddrGeneratorP2PKH,
+ 'segwit': AddrGeneratorSegwit,
'ethereum': AddrGeneratorEthereum,
- 'zcash_z': AddrGeneratorZcashZ
+ 'zcash_z': AddrGeneratorZcashZ,
+ 'monero': AddrGeneratorMonero
- assert gen_method in d
- me = super(cls,cls).__new__(d[gen_method])
- me.desc = d
+ assert gen_method in gen_methods
+ me = super(cls,cls).__new__(gen_methods[gen_method])
+ me.desc = gen_methods
return me
class AddrGeneratorP2PKH(AddrGenerator):
@@ -113,6 +114,57 @@ class AddrGeneratorZcashZ(AddrGenerator):
def to_segwit_redeem_script(self,pubhex):
raise NotImplementedError,'Zcash z-addresses incompatible with Segwit'
+class AddrGeneratorMonero(AddrGenerator):
+ def b58enc(self,addr_str):
+ enc,l = baseconv.fromhex,len(addr_str)
+ a = ''.join([enc(addr_str[i*8:i*8+8].encode('hex'),'b58',pad=11,tostr=True) for i in range(l/8)])
+ b = enc(addr_str[l-l%8:].encode('hex'),'b58',pad=7,tostr=True)
+ return a + b
+ def to_addr(self,sk_hex): # sk_hex instead of pubhex
+ # ed25519ll, a low-level ctypes wrapper for Ed25519 digital signatures by
+ # Daniel Holth <dholth@fastmail.fm> - http://bitbucket.org/dholth/ed25519ll/
+ try:
+ from ed25519ll.djbec import scalarmult,edwards,encodepoint,B
+ except:
+ from mmgen.ed25519 import scalarmult,edwards,encodepoint,B
+ # Source and license for scalarmultbase function:
+ # https://github.com/bigreddmachine/MoneroPy/blob/master/moneropy/crypto/ed25519.py
+ # Copyright (c) 2014-2016, The Monero Project
+ # All rights reserved.
+ def scalarmultbase(e):
+ if e == 0: return [0, 1]
+ Q = scalarmult(B, e//2)
+ Q = edwards(Q, Q)
+ if e & 1: Q = edwards(Q, B)
+ return Q
+ def hex2int_le(hexstr):
+ return int(hexstr.decode('hex')[::-1].encode('hex'),16)
+ vk_hex = self.to_viewkey(sk_hex)
+ pk_str = encodepoint(scalarmultbase(hex2int_le(sk_hex)))
+ pvk_str = encodepoint(scalarmultbase(hex2int_le(vk_hex)))
+ addr_p1 = g.proto.addr_ver_num['monero'][0].decode('hex') + pk_str + pvk_str
+ import sha3
+ return CoinAddr(self.b58enc(addr_p1 + sha3.keccak_256(addr_p1).digest()[:4]))
+ def to_wallet_passwd(self,sk_hex):
+ from mmgen.protocol import hash256
+ return WalletPassword(hash256(sk_hex)[:32])
+ def to_viewkey(self,sk_hex):
+ assert len(sk_hex) == 64,'{}: incorrect privkey length'.format(len(sk_hex))
+ import sha3
+ return MoneroViewKey(g.proto.preprocess_key(sha3.keccak_256(sk_hex.decode('hex')).hexdigest(),None))
+ def to_segwit_redeem_script(self,sk_hex):
+ raise NotImplementedError,'Monero addresses incompatible with Segwit'
class KeyGenerator(MMGenObject):
def __new__(cls,addr_type,generator=None,silent=False):
@@ -130,7 +182,7 @@ class KeyGenerator(MMGenObject):
msg('Using (slow) native Python ECDSA library for address generation')
return super(cls,cls).__new__(KeyGeneratorPython)
- elif pubkey_type == 'zcash_z':
+ elif pubkey_type in ('zcash_z','monero'):
g.proto.addr_width = 95
me = super(cls,cls).__new__(KeyGeneratorDummy)
me.desc = 'mmgen-'+pubkey_type
@@ -198,10 +250,11 @@ class KeyGeneratorDummy(KeyGenerator):
class AddrListEntry(MMGenListItem):
addr = MMGenListItemAttr('addr','CoinAddr')
- viewkey = MMGenListItemAttr('viewkey','ZcashViewKey')
idx = MMGenListItemAttr('idx','AddrIdx') # not present in flat addrlists
label = MMGenListItemAttr('label','TwComment',reassign_ok=True)
sec = MMGenListItemAttr('sec',PrivKey,typeconv=False)
+ viewkey = MMGenListItemAttr('viewkey','ViewKey')
+ wallet_passwd = MMGenListItemAttr('wallet_passwd','WalletPassword')
class PasswordListEntry(MMGenListItem):
passwd = MMGenImmutableAttr('passwd',unicode,typeconv=False) # TODO: create Password type
@@ -214,7 +267,11 @@ class AddrListChksum(str,Hilite):
trunc_ok = False
def __new__(cls,addrlist):
- lines = [' '.join(addrlist.chksum_rec_f(e)) for e in addrlist.data]
+ ea = addrlist.al_id.mmtype.extra_attrs # add viewkey and passwd to the mix, if present
+ lines = [' '.join(
+ addrlist.chksum_rec_f(e) +
+ tuple(getattr(e,a) for a in ea if getattr(e,a))
+ ) for e in addrlist.data]
return str.__new__(cls,make_chksum_N(' '.join(lines), nchars=16, sep=True))
class AddrListIDStr(unicode,Hilite):
@@ -341,7 +398,9 @@ Removed %s duplicate WIF key%s from keylist (also in {pnm} key-address file
compressed = self.al_id.mmtype.compressed
pubkey_type = self.al_id.mmtype.pubkey_type
- has_viewkey = self.al_id.mmtype.has_viewkey
+ gen_wallet_passwd = type(self) == KeyAddrList and 'wallet_passwd' in self.al_id.mmtype.extra_attrs
+ gen_viewkey = type(self) == KeyAddrList and 'viewkey' in self.al_id.mmtype.extra_attrs
if self.gen_addrs:
kg = KeyGenerator(self.al_id.mmtype)
@@ -369,8 +428,10 @@ Removed %s duplicate WIF key%s from keylist (also in {pnm} key-address file
if self.gen_addrs:
ph = kg.to_pubhex(e.sec)
e.addr = ag.to_addr(ph)
- if has_viewkey:
+ if gen_viewkey:
e.viewkey = ag.to_viewkey(ph)
+ if gen_wallet_passwd:
+ e.wallet_passwd = ag.to_wallet_passwd(ph)
if type(self) == PasswordList:
e.passwd = unicode(self.make_passwd(e.sec)) # TODO - own type
@@ -502,16 +563,17 @@ Removed %s duplicate WIF key%s from keylist (also in {pnm} key-address file
for e in self.data:
c = ' '+e.label if enable_comments and e.label else ''
if type(self) == KeyList:
- out.append(fs.format(e.idx,'wif: {}'.format(e.sec.wif),c))
+ out.append(fs.format(e.idx,'{} {}'.format(self.al_id.mmtype.wif_label,e.sec.wif),c))
elif type(self) == PasswordList:
else: # First line with idx
if self.has_keys:
- if self.al_id.mmtype.has_viewkey:
- out.append(fs.format('','view: '+e.viewkey,c))
- if opt.b16: out.append(fs.format('', 'hex: '+e.sec,c))
- out.append(fs.format('','wif: '+e.sec.wif,c))
+ if opt.b16: out.append(fs.format('', 'orig_hex: '+e.sec.orig_hex,c))
+ out.append(fs.format('','{} {}'.format(self.al_id.mmtype.wif_label,e.sec.wif),c))
+ for k in ('viewkey','wallet_passwd'):
+ v = getattr(e,k)
+ if v: out.append(fs.format('','{}: {}'.format(k,v),c))
self.fmt_data = '\n'.join([l.rstrip() for l in out]) + '\n'
@@ -521,24 +583,30 @@ Removed %s duplicate WIF key%s from keylist (also in {pnm} key-address file
ret = AddrListList()
le = self.entry_type
+ def get_line():
+ ret = lines.pop(0).split(None,2)
+ if ret[0] == 'orig_hex:': # hacky
+ return lines.pop(0).split(None,2)
+ return ret
while lines:
- l = lines.pop(0)
- d = l.split(None,2)
+ d = get_line()
- assert is_mmgen_idx(d[0]),"'%s': invalid address num. in line: '%s'" % (d[0],l)
+ assert is_mmgen_idx(d[0]),"'%s': invalid address num. in line: '%s'" % (d[0],' '.join(d))
assert self.check_format(d[1]),"'{}': invalid {}".format(d[1],self.data_desc)
if len(d) != 3: d.append('')
a = le(**{'idx':int(d[0]),self.main_attr:d[1],'label':d[2]})
- if self.has_keys:
- if self.al_id.mmtype.has_viewkey:
- d = lines.pop(0).split(None,2)
- assert d[0] == 'view:',"Invalid line in file: '{}'".format(' '.join(d))
- a.viewkey = ZcashViewKey(d[1])
- d = lines.pop(0).split(None,2)
- assert d[0] == 'wif:',"Invalid line in file: '{}'".format(' '.join(d))
+ if self.has_keys: # order: wif,(orig_hex),viewkey,wallet_passwd
+ d = get_line()
+ assert d[0] == self.al_id.mmtype.wif_label,"Invalid line in file: '{}'".format(' '.join(d))
a.sec = PrivKey(wif=d[1])
+ for k,dtype in (('viewkey',ViewKey),('wallet_passwd',WalletPassword)):
+ if k in self.al_id.mmtype.extra_attrs:
+ d = get_line()
+ assert d[0] == k+':',"Invalid line in file: '{}'".format(' '.join(d))
+ setattr(a,k,dtype(d[1]))
@@ -571,12 +639,7 @@ Removed %s duplicate WIF key%s from keylist (also in {pnm} key-address file
if not al_mmtype:
mmtype = MMGenAddrType('E' if al_coin in ('ETH','ETC') else 'L',on_fail='raise')
- try:
- mmtype = MMGenAddrType(al_mmtype,on_fail='raise')
- except:
- raise ValueError,(
- u"'{}': invalid address type in address file. Must be one of: {}".format(
- mmtype.upper(),' '.join([i['name'].upper() for i in MMGenAddrType.mmtypes.values()])))
+ mmtype = MMGenAddrType(al_mmtype,on_fail='raise')
from mmgen.protocol import CoinProtocol
base_coin = CoinProtocol(al_coin or 'BTC',testnet=False).base_coin
@@ -685,7 +748,8 @@ Record this checksum: it will be used to verify the password file in the future
pw_fmt = None
pw_info = {
'b58': { 'min_len': 8 , 'max_len': 36 ,'dfl_len': 20, 'desc': 'base-58 password' },
- 'b32': { 'min_len': 10 ,'max_len': 42 ,'dfl_len': 24, 'desc': 'base-32 password' }
+ 'b32': { 'min_len': 10 ,'max_len': 42 ,'dfl_len': 24, 'desc': 'base-32 password' },
+ 'hex': { 'min_len': 64 ,'max_len': 64 ,'dfl_len': 64, 'desc': 'raw hex password' }
chksum_rec_f = lambda foo,e: (str(e.idx), e.passwd)
@@ -751,11 +815,14 @@ Record this checksum: it will be used to verify the password file in the future
def make_passwd(self,hex_sec):
assert self.pw_fmt in self.pw_info
- # we take least significant part
- return ''.join(baseconv.fromhex(hex_sec,self.pw_fmt,pad=self.pw_len))[-self.pw_len:]
+ if self.pw_fmt == 'hex':
+ return hex_sec
+ else:
+ # we take least significant part
+ return baseconv.fromhex(hex_sec,self.pw_fmt,pad=self.pw_len,tostr=True)[-self.pw_len:]
def check_format(self,pw):
- if not (is_b58_str,is_b32_str)[self.pw_fmt=='b32'](pw):
+ if not {'b58':is_b58_str,'b32':is_b32_str,'hex':is_hex_str}[self.pw_fmt](pw):
msg('Password is not a valid {} string'.format(self.pw_fmt))
return False
if len(pw) != self.pw_len: