@@ -49,21 +49,18 @@ try:
- solc_ver = ''
+ solc_ver = '' # no solc on system - prompt for precompiled v0.5.3 contract files
if re.match(r'\b0.5.1\b',solc_ver): # Raspbian Stretch
vbal1 = '1.2288337'
vbal2 = '99.997085083'
vbal3 = '1.23142165'
vbal4 = '127.0287837'
-elif re.match(r'\b0.5.3\b',solc_ver): # Ubuntu Bionic
+elif solc_ver == '' or re.match(r'\b0.5.3\b',solc_ver): # Ubuntu Bionic
vbal1 = '1.2288487'
vbal2 = '99.997092733'
vbal3 = '1.23142915'
vbal4 = '127.0287987'
- vbal1 = vbal2 = vbal3 = vbal4 = None
bals = {
'1': [ ('98831F3A:E:1','123.456')],
@@ -263,8 +260,16 @@ class TestSuiteEthdev(TestSuiteBase,TestSuiteShared):
def setup(self):
os.environ['MMGEN_BOGUS_WALLET_DATA'] = ''
- if subprocess.call(['which','parity'],stdout=subprocess.PIPE) == 0:
- lf_arg = '--log-file=' + joinpath(self.tr.data_dir,'parity.log')
+ opts = ['--ports-shift=4','--config=dev']
+ lf_arg = '--log-file=' + joinpath(self.tr.data_dir,'parity.log')
+ if g.platform == 'win':
+ dc_dir = joinpath(os.environ['LOCALAPPDATA'],'Parity','Ethereum','chains','DevelopmentChain')
+ shutil.rmtree(dc_dir,ignore_errors=True)
+ m1 = 'Please start parity on another terminal as follows:\n'
+ m2 = ['parity',lf_arg] + opts
+ m3 = '\nPress ENTER to continue: '
+ my_raw_input(m1 + ' '.join(m2) + m3)
+ elif subprocess.call(['which','parity'],stdout=subprocess.PIPE) == 0:
ss = 'parity.*--log-file=test/data_dir.*/parity.log' # allow for UTF8_DEBUG
pid = subprocess.check_output(['pgrep','-af',ss]).split()[0]
@@ -276,7 +281,6 @@ class TestSuiteEthdev(TestSuiteBase,TestSuiteShared):
bdir = joinpath(self.tr.data_dir,'parity')
try: os.mkdir(bdir)
except: pass
- opts = ['--ports-shift=4','--config=dev']
redir = None if opt.exact_output else subprocess.PIPE
pidfile = joinpath(self.tmpdir,parity_pid_fn)
subprocess.check_call(['parity',lf_arg] + opts + ['daemon',pidfile],stderr=redir,stdout=redir)
@@ -483,10 +487,17 @@ class TestSuiteEthdev(TestSuiteBase,TestSuiteShared):
return t
def token_compile(self,token_data={}):
+ odir = joinpath(self.tmpdir,token_data['symbol'].lower())
+ if self.skip_for_win():
+ m ='Copy solc v0.5.3 contract data for token {} to directory {} and hit ENTER: '
+ input(m.format(token_data['symbol'],odir))
+ return 'skip'
cmd_args = ['--{}={}'.format(k,v) for k,v in list(token_data.items())]
imsg("Compiling solidity token contract '{}' with 'solc'".format(token_data['symbol']))
- cmd = ['scripts/create-token.py','--coin='+g.coin,'--outdir='+self.tmpdir] + cmd_args + [dfl_addr_chk]
+ try: os.mkdir(odir)
+ except: pass
+ cmd = ['scripts/create-token.py','--coin='+g.coin,'--outdir='+odir] + cmd_args + [dfl_addr_chk]
imsg("Executing: {}".format(' '.join(cmd)))
imsg("ERC20 token '{}' compiled".format(token_data['symbol']))
@@ -507,7 +518,7 @@ class TestSuiteEthdev(TestSuiteBase,TestSuiteShared):
def token_deploy(self,num,key,gas,mmgen_cmd='txdo',tx_fee='8G'):
keyfile = joinpath(self.tmpdir,parity_key_fn)
- fn = joinpath(self.tmpdir,key+'.bin')
+ fn = joinpath(self.tmpdir,'mm'+str(num),key+'.bin')
os.environ['MMGEN_BOGUS_SEND'] = ''
args = ['-B',
@@ -534,7 +545,7 @@ class TestSuiteEthdev(TestSuiteBase,TestSuiteShared):
"Contract '{}:{}' failed to execute. Aborting".format(num,key))
if key == 'Token':
- imsg('\nToken #{} ({}) deployed!'.format(num,addr))
+ imsg('\nToken MM{} deployed!'.format(num))
return t
def token_deploy1a(self): return self.token_deploy(num=1,key='SafeMath',gas=200000)