@@ -151,13 +151,19 @@ class SubSeedList(MMGenObject):
return subseed
- def _collision_debug_msg(self,sid,idx,nonce,nonce_desc='nonce'):
+ def _collision_debug_msg(self,sid,idx,nonce,nonce_desc='nonce',debug_last_share=False):
slen = 'short' if sid in self.data['short'] else 'long'
m1 = 'add_subseed(idx={},{}):'.format(idx,slen)
if sid == self.parent_seed.sid:
m2 = 'collision with parent Seed ID {},'.format(sid)
- m2 = 'collision with ID {} (idx={},{}),'.format(sid,self.data[slen][sid][0],slen)
+ if debug_last_share:
+ sl = g.debug_last_share_sid_len
+ colliding_idx = [d[:sl] for d in self.data[slen].keys].index(sid[:sl]) + 1
+ sid = sid[:sl]
+ else:
+ colliding_idx = self.data[slen][sid][0]
+ m2 = 'collision with ID {} (idx={},{}),'.format(sid,colliding_idx,slen)
msg('{:30} {:46} incrementing {} to {}'.format(m1,m2,nonce_desc,nonce+1))
def _generate(self,last_idx=None,last_sid=None):
@@ -282,7 +288,7 @@ class SeedShareList(SubSeedList):
count = MMGenImmutableAttr('count',SeedShareCount)
id_str = MMGenImmutableAttr('id_str',SeedSplitIDString)
- def __init__(self,parent_seed,count,id_str=None,master_idx=None):
+ def __init__(self,parent_seed,count,id_str=None,master_idx=None,debug_last_share=False):
self.member_type = SeedShare
self.parent_seed = parent_seed
self.id_str = id_str or 'default'
@@ -299,6 +305,15 @@ class SeedShareList(SubSeedList):
return ms
raise SubSeedNonceRangeExceeded('nonce range exceeded')
+ def last_share_debug(last_share):
+ if not debug_last_share:
+ return False
+ sid_len = g.debug_last_share_sid_len
+ lsid = last_share.sid[:sid_len]
+ psid = parent_seed.sid[:sid_len]
+ ssids = [d[:sid_len] for d in self.data['long'].keys]
+ return (lsid in ssids or lsid == psid)
self.master_share = make_master_share() if master_idx else None
for nonce in range(SeedShare.max_nonce+1):
@@ -308,10 +323,10 @@ class SeedShareList(SubSeedList):
self.data['long'][self.master_share.sid] = (1,self.master_share.nonce)
self.last_share = ls = SeedShareLast(self)
- if ls.sid in self.data['long'] or ls.sid == parent_seed.sid:
+ if last_share_debug(ls) or ls.sid in self.data['long'] or ls.sid == parent_seed.sid:
# collision: throw out entire split list and redo with new start nonce
if g.debug_subseed:
- self._collision_debug_msg(ls.sid,count,nonce,nonce_desc='nonce_start')
+ self._collision_debug_msg(ls.sid,count,nonce,'nonce_start',debug_last_share)
self.data['long'][ls.sid] = (count,nonce)