@@ -596,6 +596,28 @@ class MoneroWalletRPCClient(RPCClient):
'refresh', # start_height
+def handle_unsupported_daemon_version(rpc,proto,ignore_daemon_version,warning_shown=[]):
+ if ignore_daemon_version or proto.ignore_daemon_version or g.ignore_daemon_version:
+ if not type(proto) in warning_shown:
+ ymsg(f'WARNING: ignoring unsupported {rpc.daemon.coind_name} daemon version at user request')
+ warning_shown.append(type(proto))
+ else:
+ rdie(1,fmt(
+ """
+ The running {} daemon has version {}.
+ This version of MMGen is tested only on {} v{} and below.
+ To avoid this error, downgrade your daemon to a supported version.
+ Alternatively, you may invoke the command with the --ignore-daemon-version
+ option, in which case you proceed at your own risk.
+ """.format(
+ rpc.daemon.coind_name,
+ rpc.daemon_version_str,
+ rpc.daemon.coind_name,
+ rpc.daemon.coind_version_str,
+ ),indent=' ').rstrip())
async def rpc_init(proto,backend=None,ignore_daemon_version=False):
if not 'rpc' in proto.mmcaps:
@@ -610,23 +632,8 @@ async def rpc_init(proto,backend=None,ignore_daemon_version=False):
daemon = CoinDaemon(proto=proto,test_suite=g.test_suite),
backend = backend or opt.rpc_backend )
- if not (ignore_daemon_version or opt.ignore_daemon_version):
- if rpc.daemon_version > rpc.daemon.coind_version:
- rdie(1,fmt(
- """
- The running {} daemon has version {}.
- This version of MMGen is tested only on {} v{} and below.
- To avoid this error, downgrade your daemon to a supported version.
- Alternatively, you may invoke the command with the --ignore-daemon-version
- option, in which case you proceed at your own risk.
- """.format(
- rpc.daemon.coind_name,
- rpc.daemon_version_str,
- rpc.daemon.coind_name,
- rpc.daemon.coind_version_str,
- ),indent=' ').rstrip())
+ if rpc.daemon_version > rpc.daemon.coind_version:
+ handle_unsupported_daemon_version(rpc,proto,ignore_daemon_version)
if proto.chain_name != rpc.chain:
raise RPCChainMismatch(