@@ -17,13 +17,128 @@
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-opts: MMGen-specific command-line options processing after generic processing by share.Opts
+opts: command-line options processing for the MMGen Project
-import sys,os
-from .share import Opts
+import sys, os, re
+from collections import namedtuple
from .cfg import gc
+def get_opt_by_substring(opt, opts):
+ matches = [o for o in opts if o.startswith(opt)]
+ if len(matches) == 1:
+ return matches[0]
+ if len(matches) > 1:
+ from .util import die
+ die('CmdlineOptError', f'--{opt}: ambiguous option (not unique substring)')
+def process_uopts(opts_data, opts):
+ from .util import die
+ def get_uopts():
+ nonlocal uargs
+ idx = 1
+ argv_len = len(sys.argv)
+ while idx < argv_len:
+ arg = sys.argv[idx]
+ if len(arg) > 4096:
+ raise RuntimeError(f'{len(arg)} bytes: command-line argument too long')
+ if arg.startswith('--'):
+ if len(arg) == 2:
+ uargs = sys.argv[idx+1:]
+ return
+ opt, parm = arg[2:].split('=') if '=' in arg else (arg[2:], None)
+ if len(opt) < 2:
+ die('CmdlineOptError', f'--{opt}: option name must be at least two characters long')
+ if opt in opts or (opt := get_opt_by_substring(opt, opts)):
+ if opts[opt].has_parm:
+ if parm:
+ yield (opts[opt].name, parm)
+ else:
+ idx += 1
+ if idx == argv_len or (parm := sys.argv[idx]).startswith('-'):
+ die('CmdlineOptError', f'missing parameter for option --{opt}')
+ yield (opts[opt].name, parm)
+ else:
+ if parm:
+ die('CmdlineOptError', f'option --{opt} requires no parameter')
+ yield (opts[opt].name, True)
+ else:
+ opt, parm = arg[2:].split('=') if '=' in arg else (arg[2:], None)
+ die('CmdlineOptError', f'--{opt}: unrecognized option')
+ elif arg[0] == '-' and len(arg) > 1:
+ for j, sopt in enumerate(arg[1:]):
+ if sopt in opts:
+ if opts[sopt].has_parm:
+ if j > 0:
+ die('CmdlineOptError', f'{arg}: short option with parameters cannot be combined')
+ if arg[2:]:
+ yield (opts[sopt].name, arg[2:])
+ else:
+ idx += 1
+ if idx == argv_len or (parm := sys.argv[idx]).startswith('-'):
+ die('CmdlineOptError', f'missing parameter for option -{sopt}')
+ yield (opts[sopt].name, parm)
+ break
+ else:
+ yield (opts[sopt].name, True)
+ else:
+ die('CmdlineOptError', f'-{sopt}: unrecognized option')
+ else:
+ uargs = sys.argv[idx:]
+ return
+ idx += 1
+ uargs = []
+ uopts = dict(get_uopts())
+ if 'sets' in opts_data:
+ for a_opt, a_val, b_opt, b_val in opts_data['sets']:
+ if a_opt in uopts:
+ u_val = uopts[a_opt]
+ if (u_val and a_val == bool) or u_val == a_val:
+ if b_opt in uopts and uopts[b_opt] != b_val:
+ die(1,
+ 'Option conflict:'
+ + '\n --{}={}, with'.format(b_opt.replace('_', '-'), uopts[b_opt])
+ + '\n --{}={}\n'.format(a_opt.replace('_', '-'), uopts[a_opt]))
+ else:
+ uopts[b_opt] = b_val
+ return uopts, uargs
+cmd_opts_pat = re.compile(r'^-([a-zA-Z0-9-]), --([a-zA-Z0-9-]{2,64})(=| )(.+)')
+global_opts_pat = re.compile(r'^\t\t\t(.)(.) --([a-zA-Z0-9-]{2,64})(=| )(.+)')
+ao = namedtuple('opt', ['name', 'has_parm'])
+def parse_opts(opts_data, opt_filter, global_opts_data, global_opts_filter):
+ def parse_cmd_opts_text():
+ for line in opts_data['text']['options'].strip().splitlines():
+ m = cmd_opts_pat.match(line)
+ if m and (not opt_filter or m[1] in opt_filter):
+ ret = ao(m[2].replace('-', '_'), m[3] == '=')
+ yield (m[1], ret)
+ yield (m[2], ret)
+ def parse_global_opts_text():
+ for line in global_opts_data['text'].splitlines():
+ m = global_opts_pat.match(line)
+ if m and m[1] in global_opts_filter.coin and m[2] in global_opts_filter.cmd:
+ yield (m[3], ao(m[3].replace('-', '_'), m[4] == '='))
+ opts = tuple(parse_cmd_opts_text()) + tuple(parse_global_opts_text())
+ uopts, uargs = process_uopts(opts_data, dict(opts))
+ return namedtuple('parsed_cmd_opts', ['user_opts', 'cmd_args', 'opts'])(
+ uopts, # dict
+ uargs, # list, callers can pop
+ tuple(v.name for k,v in opts if len(k) > 1)
+ )
def opt_preproc_debug(po):
d = (
('Cmdline', ' '.join(sys.argv), False),
@@ -37,48 +152,6 @@ def opt_preproc_debug(po):
for label,data,pretty in d:
Msg(' {:<20}: {}'.format(label,'\n' + fmt_list(data,fmt='col',indent=' '*8) if pretty else data))
-long_opts_data = {
- 'text': """
---, --accept-defaults Accept defaults at all prompts
---, --coin=c Choose coin unit. Default: BTC. Current choice: {cu_dfl}
---, --token=t Specify an ERC20 token by address or symbol
---, --cashaddr=0|1 Display BCH addresses in cashaddr format (default: 1)
---, --color=0|1 Disable or enable color output (default: 1)
---, --columns=N Force N columns of output with certain commands
---, --scroll Use the curses-like scrolling interface for
- tracking wallet views
---, --force-256-color Force 256-color output when color is enabled
---, --pager Pipe output of certain commands to pager (WIP)
---, --data-dir=path Specify {pnm} data directory location
---, --daemon-data-dir=path Specify coin daemon data directory location
---, --daemon-id=ID Specify the coin daemon ID
---, --ignore-daemon-version Ignore coin daemon version check
---, --http-timeout=t Set HTTP timeout in seconds for JSON-RPC connections
---, --no-license Suppress the GPL license prompt
---, --rpc-host=HOST Communicate with coin daemon running on host HOST
---, --rpc-port=PORT Communicate with coin daemon listening on port PORT
---, --rpc-user=USER Authenticate to coin daemon using username USER
---, --rpc-password=PASS Authenticate to coin daemon using password PASS
---, --rpc-backend=backend Use backend 'backend' for JSON-RPC communications
---, --aiohttp-rpc-queue-len=N Use N simultaneous RPC connections with aiohttp
---, --regtest=0|1 Disable or enable regtest mode
---, --testnet=0|1 Disable or enable testnet
---, --tw-name=NAME Specify alternate name for the BTC/LTC/BCH tracking
- wallet (default: ‘{tw_name}’)
---, --skip-cfg-file Skip reading the configuration file
---, --usage Print usage information and exit
---, --version Print version information and exit
---, --bob Specify user “Bob” in MMGen regtest mode
---, --alice Specify user “Alice” in MMGen regtest mode
---, --carol Specify user “Carol” in MMGen regtest mode
- """,
- 'code': lambda proto,help_notes,s: s.format(
- pnm = gc.proj_name,
- cu_dfl = proto.coin,
- tw_name = help_notes('dfl_twname')
- )
opts_data_dfl = {
'text': {
'desc': '',
@@ -90,7 +163,22 @@ opts_data_dfl = {
-class UserOpts:
+def get_coin():
+ for n, arg in enumerate(sys.argv[1:]):
+ if len(arg) > 4096:
+ raise RuntimeError(f'{len(arg)} bytes: command-line argument too long')
+ if arg.startswith('--coin='):
+ return arg.removeprefix('--coin=').lower()
+ if arg == '--coin':
+ if len(sys.argv) < n + 3:
+ from .util import die
+ die('CmdlineOptError', f'{arg}: missing parameter')
+ return sys.argv[n + 2].lower()
+ if arg == '-' or not arg.startswith('-'): # stop at first non-option
+ return 'btc'
+ return 'btc'
+class Opts:
def __init__(
@@ -98,16 +186,19 @@ class UserOpts:
init_opts, # dict containing opts to pre-initialize
opt_filter, # whitelist of opt letters; all others are skipped
- parse_only,
- parsed_opts):
+ parsed_opts,
+ need_proto):
- self.opts_data = od = opts_data or opts_data_dfl
+ if len(sys.argv) > 257:
+ raise RuntimeError(f'{len(sys.argv) - 1}: too many command-line arguments')
+ opts_data = opts_data or opts_data_dfl
self.opt_filter = opt_filter
- od['text']['long_options'] = long_opts_data['text']
+ self.global_opts_filter = self.get_global_opts_filter(need_proto)
+ self.opts_data = opts_data
- # po: (user_opts,cmd_args,opts,filtered_opts)
- po = parsed_opts or Opts.parse_opts(od,opt_filter=opt_filter)
+ po = parsed_opts or parse_opts(opts_data, opt_filter, self.global_opts_data, self.global_opts_filter)
cfg._args = po.cmd_args
cfg._uopts = uopts = po.user_opts
@@ -127,60 +218,90 @@ class UserOpts:
if os.getenv('MMGEN_DEBUG_OPTS'):
- for funcname in ('usage', 'version', 'show_hash_presets'):
+ for funcname in self.info_funcs:
if funcname in uopts:
import importlib
- getattr(importlib.import_module('mmgen.help'), funcname)(cfg) # exits
- if parse_only:
- return
- def init_bottom(self,cfg):
- # print help screen only after globals initialized and locked:
- if cfg.help or cfg.longhelp:
- self.print_help(cfg) # exits
- def usage(self):
- from .util import Die
- Die(1,Opts.make_usage_str(gc.prog_name,'user',self.usage_data))
- def version(self):
- from .util import Die,fmt
- Die(0,fmt(f"""
- {gc.prog_name.upper()} version {gc.version}
- Part of {gc.proj_name} Wallet, an online/offline cryptocurrency wallet for the
- command line. Copyright (C){gc.Cdates} {gc.author} {gc.email}
- """,indent=' ').rstrip())
- def print_help(self,cfg):
- if not 'code' in self.opts_data:
- self.opts_data['code'] = {}
- from .protocol import init_proto_from_cfg
- proto = init_proto_from_cfg(cfg,need_amt=True)
- if getattr(cfg,'longhelp',None):
- self.opts_data['code']['long_options'] = long_opts_data['code']
- def remove_unneeded_long_opts():
- d = self.opts_data['text']['long_options']
- if proto.base_proto != 'Ethereum':
- d = '\n'.join(''+i for i in d.split('\n') if not '--token' in i)
- self.opts_data['text']['long_options'] = d
- remove_unneeded_long_opts()
- from .ui import do_pager
- do_pager(Opts.make_help( cfg, proto, self.opts_data, self.opt_filter ))
- sys.exit(0)
- def show_hash_presets(self):
- fs = ' {:<6} {:<3} {:<2} {}'
- from .util import msg
- from .crypto import Crypto
- msg(' Available parameters for scrypt.hash():')
- msg(fs.format('Preset','N','r','p'))
- for i in sorted(Crypto.hash_presets.keys()):
- msg(fs.format(i,*Crypto.hash_presets[i]))
- msg(' N = memory usage (power of two)\n p = iterations (rounds)')
- sys.exit(0)
+ getattr(importlib.import_module(self.help_pkg), funcname)(cfg) # exits
+class UserOpts(Opts):
+ help_pkg = 'mmgen.help'
+ info_funcs = ('usage', 'version', 'show_hash_presets')
+ global_opts_data = {
+ # coin code : cmd code : opt : opt param : text
+ 'text': """
+ -- --accept-defaults Accept defaults at all prompts
+ hp --cashaddr=0|1 Display addresses in cashaddr format (default: 1)
+ -p --coin=c Choose coin unit. Default: BTC. Current choice: {cu_dfl}
+ er --token=t Specify an ERC20 token by address or symbol
+ -- --color=0|1 Disable or enable color output (default: 1)
+ -- --columns=N Force N columns of output with certain commands
+ Rr --scroll Use the curses-like scrolling interface for
+ + tracking wallet views
+ -- --force-256-color Force 256-color output when color is enabled
+ -- --pager Pipe output of certain commands to pager (WIP)
+ -- --data-dir=path Specify {pnm} data directory location
+ rr --daemon-data-dir=path Specify coin daemon data directory location
+ Rr --daemon-id=ID Specify the coin daemon ID
+ rr --ignore-daemon-version Ignore coin daemon version check
+ rr --http-timeout=t Set HTTP timeout in seconds for JSON-RPC connections
+ -- --no-license Suppress the GPL license prompt
+ rr --rpc-host=HOST Communicate with coin daemon running on host HOST
+ rr --rpc-port=PORT Communicate with coin daemon listening on port PORT
+ rr --rpc-user=USER Authenticate to coin daemon using username USER
+ rr --rpc-password=PASS Authenticate to coin daemon using password PASS
+ Rr --rpc-backend=backend Use backend 'backend' for JSON-RPC communications
+ Rr --aiohttp-rpc-queue-len=N Use N simultaneous RPC connections with aiohttp
+ -p --regtest=0|1 Disable or enable regtest mode
+ -- --testnet=0|1 Disable or enable testnet
+ br --tw-name=NAME Specify alternate name for the BTC/LTC/BCH tracking
+ + wallet (default: ‘{tw_name}’)
+ -- --skip-cfg-file Skip reading the configuration file
+ -- --version Print version information and exit
+ -- --usage Print usage information and exit
+ b- --bob Specify user ‘Bob’ in MMGen regtest mode
+ b- --alice Specify user ‘Alice’ in MMGen regtest mode
+ b- --carol Specify user ‘Carol’ in MMGen regtest mode
+ """,
+ 'code': lambda proto, help_notes, s: s.format(
+ pnm = gc.proj_name,
+ cu_dfl = proto.coin,
+ tw_name = help_notes('dfl_twname'))
+ }
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_global_opts_filter(need_proto):
+ """
+ Coin codes:
+ 'b' - Bitcoin or Bitcoin code fork supporting RPC
+ 'R' - Bitcoin or Ethereum code fork supporting RPC
+ 'e' - Ethereum or Ethereum code fork
+ 'r' - coin supporting RPC
+ 'h' - Bitcoin Cash
+ '-' - other coin
+ Cmd codes:
+ 'p' - proto required
+ 'r' - RPC required
+ '-' - no capabilities required
+ """
+ ret = namedtuple('global_opts_filter', ['coin', 'cmd'])
+ if caps := gc.cmd_caps:
+ coin = caps.coin if caps.coin and len(caps.coin) > 1 else get_coin()
+ return ret(
+ coin = (
+ ('-', 'r', 'R', 'b', 'h') if coin == 'bch' else
+ ('-', 'r', 'R', 'b') if coin in gc.btc_fork_rpc_coins else
+ ('-', 'r', 'R', 'e') if coin in gc.eth_fork_coins else
+ ('-', 'r') if coin in gc.rpc_coins else
+ ('-')),
+ cmd = (
+ ['-']
+ + (['r'] if caps.rpc else [])
+ + (['p'] if caps.proto else [])
+ ))
+ else:
+ return ret(
+ coin = ('-', 'r', 'R', 'b', 'h', 'e'),
+ cmd = ('-', 'r', 'p')
+ )