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limited Monero mnemonic seed phrase ('xmrseed') support

- only 256-bit (25-word) new-style mnemonics are supported


  $ test/ baseconv
  $ test/ hex2mn mn2hex
  $ test/ pw
  $ test/ ref_xmrseed_25_passwdgen_3
  $ test/ ref_passwdfile_chk_xmrseed_25

The following operations are supported:

  Generate a random Monero mnemonic:

  $ mmgen-tool mn_rand256 fmt=xmrseed

  Generate a Monero mnemonic from hexadecimal data:

  $ mmgen-tool hex2mn deadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef fmt=xmrseed

  Convert the resulting mnemonic back to hexadecimal data:

  $ mmgen-tool mn2hex 'viewpoint donuts ardent template unveil agile meant unafraid urgent athlete rustled mime azure jaded hawk baby jagged haystack baby jagged haystack ramped oncoming point template' fmt=xmrseed

  Note that the result of the reversal does not match the original input.  This
  is because input data is reduced to a spendkey before conversion so that a
  canonical seed phrase is produced.  This is required because Monero seeds,
  unlike ordinary wallet seeds, are tied to a concrete key/address pair.  The
  spendkey can be generated directly using the `hex2wif` command:

  $ mmgen-tool --coin=xmr hex2wif deadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef

  Generate a list of passwords in Monero mnemonic format with ID 'mymonero':

  $ mmgen-passgen -f xmrseed 'mymonero' 1-10
The MMGen Project 5 years ago

+ 21 - 4

@@ -783,6 +783,9 @@ def is_bip39_str(s):
 	from mmgen.bip39 import bip39
 	return bool(bip39.tohex(s.split(),wl_id='bip39'))
+def is_xmrseed(s):
+	return bool(baseconv.tobytes(s.split(),wl_id='xmrseed'))
 from collections import namedtuple
 class PasswordList(AddrList):
 	msgs = {
@@ -824,6 +827,7 @@ Record this checksum: it will be used to verify the password file in the future
 		'b32':   pwinfo(10, 42 ,24, None,       'base32 password',       is_b32_str),   # 32**24 < 2**128
 		'b58':   pwinfo(8,  36 ,20, None,       'base58 password',       is_b58_str),   # 58**20 < 2**128
 		'bip39': pwinfo(12, 24 ,24, [12,18,24], 'BIP39 mnemonic',        is_bip39_str),
+		'xmrseed': pwinfo(25, 25, 25, [25],     'Monero new-style mnemonic', is_xmrseed),
 		'hex':   pwinfo(32, 64 ,64, [32,48,64], 'hexadecimal password',  is_hex_str),
 	chksum_rec_f = lambda foo,e: (str(e.idx), e.passwd)
@@ -855,7 +859,7 @@ Record this checksum: it will be used to verify the password file in the future
 			self.al_id = AddrListID(seed.sid,MMGenPasswordType('P')) = self.generate(seed,pw_idxs)
-		if self.pw_fmt == 'bip39':
+		if self.pw_fmt in ('bip39','xmrseed'):
 			self.msgs['file_header'] = self.msgs['file_header_mn'].format(self.pw_fmt.upper())
 		self.num_addrs = len(
@@ -916,7 +920,13 @@ Record this checksum: it will be used to verify the password file in the future
 		elif pf == 'bip39':
 			from mmgen.bip39 import bip39
 			pw_bytes = bip39.nwords2seedlen(self.pw_len,in_bytes=True)
-			good_pw_len = bip39.seedlen2nwords(len(,in_bytes=True)
+			good_pw_len = bip39.seedlen2nwords(seed.byte_len,in_bytes=True)
+		elif pf == 'xmrseed':
+			pw_bytes = baseconv.seedlen_map_rev['xmrseed'][self.pw_len]
+			try:
+				good_pw_len = baseconv.seedlen_map['xmrseed'][seed.byte_len]
+			except:
+				die(1,'{}: unsupported seed length for Monero new-style mnemonic'.format(seed.byte_len*8))
 		elif pf in ('b32','b58'):
 			pw_int = (32 if pf == 'b32' else 58) ** self.pw_len
 			pw_bytes = pw_int.bit_length() // 8
@@ -946,6 +956,13 @@ Record this checksum: it will be used to verify the password file in the future
 			pw_len_hex = bip39.nwords2seedlen(self.pw_len,in_hex=True)
 			# take most significant part
 			return ' '.join(bip39.fromhex(hex_sec[:pw_len_hex],wl_id='bip39'))
+		elif self.pw_fmt == 'xmrseed':
+			pw_len_hex = baseconv.seedlen_map_rev['xmrseed'][self.pw_len] * 2
+			# take most significant part
+			bytes_trunc = bytes.fromhex(hex_sec[:pw_len_hex])
+			from mmgen.protocol import MoneroProtocol
+			bytes_preproc = MoneroProtocol.preprocess_key(bytes_trunc,None)
+			return ' '.join(baseconv.frombytes(bytes_preproc,wl_id='xmrseed'))
 			# take least significant part
 			return baseconv.fromhex(hex_sec,self.pw_fmt,pad=self.pw_len,tostr=True)[-self.pw_len:]
@@ -953,7 +970,7 @@ Record this checksum: it will be used to verify the password file in the future
 	def check_format(self,pw):
 		if not self.pw_info[self.pw_fmt].chk_func(pw):
 			raise ValueError('Password is not valid {} data'.format(self.pw_info[self.pw_fmt].desc))
-		pwlen = len(pw.split()) if self.pw_fmt == 'bip39' else len(pw)
+		pwlen = len(pw.split()) if self.pw_fmt in ('bip39','xmrseed') else len(pw)
 		if pwlen != self.pw_len:
 			raise ValueError('Password has incorrect length ({} != {})'.format(pwlen,self.pw_len))
 		return True
@@ -975,7 +992,7 @@ Record this checksum: it will be used to verify the password file in the future
 	def get_line(self,lines):
 		self.line_ctr += 1
-		if self.pw_fmt == 'bip39':
+		if self.pw_fmt in ('bip39','xmrseed'):
 			ret = lines.pop(0).split(None,self.pw_len+1)
 			if len(ret) > self.pw_len+1:
 				m1 = 'extraneous text {!r} found after password'.format(ret[self.pw_len+1])

+ 52 - 7

@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@  base conversion class for the MMGen suite
 from hashlib import sha256
 from mmgen.exception import *
+from mmgen.util import die
 def is_b58_str(s): return set(list(s)) <= set(baseconv.digits['b58'])
 def is_b32_str(s): return set(list(s)) <= set(baseconv.digits['b32'])
@@ -38,6 +39,7 @@ class baseconv(object):
 		'tirosh':('Tirosh mnemonic',   'base1626 mnemonic using truncated Tirosh wordlist'), # not used by wallet
 		'mmgen': ('MMGen native mnemonic',
 		'MMGen native mnemonic seed phrase created using old Electrum wordlist and simple base conversion'),
+		'xmrseed': ('Monero mnemonic', 'Monero new-style mnemonic seed phrase'),
@@ -52,6 +54,7 @@ class baseconv(object):
 	mn_base = 1626 # tirosh list is 1633 words long!
 	wl_chksums = {
 		'mmgen':  '5ca31424',
+		'xmrseed':'3c381ebb',
 		'tirosh': '48f05e1f', # tirosh truncated to mn_base (1626)
 		# 'tirosh1633': '1a5faeff'
@@ -59,11 +62,13 @@ class baseconv(object):
 		'b58': { 16:22, 24:33, 32:44 },
 		'b6d': { 16:50, 24:75, 32:100 },
 		'mmgen': { 16:12, 24:18, 32:24 },
+		'xmrseed': { 32:25 },
 	seedlen_map_rev = {
 		'b58': { 22:16, 33:24, 44:32 },
 		'b6d': { 50:16, 75:24, 100:32 },
 		'mmgen': { 12:16, 18:24, 24:32 },
+		'xmrseed': { 25:32 },
@@ -73,6 +78,9 @@ class baseconv(object):
 		if mn_id == 'mmgen':
 			from mmgen.mn_electrum import words
 			cls.digits[mn_id] = words
+		elif mn_id == 'xmrseed':
+			from mmgen.mn_monero import words
+			cls.digits[mn_id] = words
 		elif mn_id == 'tirosh':
 			from mmgen.mn_tirosh import words
 			cls.digits[mn_id] = words[:cls.mn_base]
@@ -127,6 +135,12 @@ class baseconv(object):
 			m = "{!r}: illegal value for 'pad' (must be None,'seed' or int)"
 			raise BaseConversionPadError(m.format(pad))
+	@staticmethod
+	def monero_mn_checksum(words):
+		from binascii import crc32
+		wstr = ''.join(word[:3] for word in words)
+		return words[crc32(wstr.encode()) % len(words)]
 	def tohex(cls,words_arg,wl_id,pad=None):
 		"convert string or list data of base 'wl_id' to hex string"
@@ -161,6 +175,21 @@ class baseconv(object):
 			m = ('{w!r}:','seed data')[pad=='seed'] + ' not in {d} format'
 			raise BaseConversionError(m.format(w=words_arg,d=desc))
+		if wl_id == 'xmrseed':
+			if len(words) not in cls.seedlen_map_rev['xmrseed']:
+				die(2,'{}: invalid length for Monero mnemonic'.format(len(words)))
+			z = cls.monero_mn_checksum(words[:-1])
+			assert z == words[-1],'{!r}: invalid Monero checksum (should be {!r})'.format(words[-1],z)
+			words = tuple(words[:-1])
+			ret = b''
+			for i in range(len(words)//3):
+				w1,w2,w3 = [wl.index(w) for w in words[3*i:3*i+3]]
+				x = w1 + base*((w2-w1)%base) + base*base*((w3-w2)%base)
+				ret += x.to_bytes(4,'big')[::-1]
+			return ret
 		ret = sum([wl.index(words[::-1][i])*(base**i) for i in range(len(words))])
 		bl = ret.bit_length()
 		return ret.to_bytes(max(pad_val,bl//8+bool(bl%8)),'big')
@@ -198,10 +227,26 @@ class baseconv(object):
 		wl = cls.digits[wl_id]
 		base = len(wl)
-		num = int.from_bytes(bytestr,'big')
-		ret = []
-		while num:
-			ret.append(num % base)
-			num //= base
-		o = [wl[n] for n in [0] * (pad-len(ret)) + ret[::-1]]
-		return ''.join(o) if tostr else o
+		if wl_id == 'xmrseed':
+			if len(bytestr) not in cls.seedlen_map['xmrseed']:
+				die(2,'{}: invalid seed byte length for Monero mnemonic'.format(len(bytestr)))
+			def num2base_monero(num):
+				w1 = num % base
+				w2 = (num//base + w1) % base
+				w3 = (num//base//base + w2) % base
+				return [wl[w1], wl[w2], wl[w3]]
+			o = []
+			for i in range(len(bytestr)//4):
+				o += num2base_monero(int.from_bytes(bytestr[i*4:i*4+4][::-1],'big'))
+			o.append(cls.monero_mn_checksum(o))
+		else:
+			num = int.from_bytes(bytestr,'big')
+			ret = []
+			while num:
+				ret.append(num % base)
+				num //= base
+			o = [wl[n] for n in [0] * (pad-len(ret)) + ret[::-1]]
+		return (' ' if wl_id in ('mmgen','xmrseed') else '').join(o) if tostr else o

+ 1632 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1632 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Source:
+words = tuple("""

+ 18 - 1

@@ -234,6 +234,7 @@ dfl_mnemonic_fmt = 'mmgen'
 mnemonic_fmts = {
 	'mmgen': { 'fmt': 'words', 'conv_cls': lambda: baseconv },
 	'bip39': { 'fmt': 'bip39', 'conv_cls': conv_cls_bip39 },
+	'xmrseed': { 'fmt': 'xmrseed','conv_cls': lambda: baseconv },
 mn_opts_disp = "(valid options: '{}')".format("', '".join(mnemonic_fmts))
@@ -473,7 +474,7 @@ class MMGenToolCmdCoin(MMGenToolCmdBase):
 class MMGenToolCmdMnemonic(MMGenToolCmdBase):
-	seed phrase utilities (valid formats: 'mmgen' (default), 'bip39')
+	seed phrase utilities (valid formats: 'mmgen' (default), 'bip39', 'xmrseed')
 		IMPORTANT NOTE: MMGen's default seed phrase format uses the Electrum
 		wordlist, however seed phrases are computed using a different algorithm
@@ -484,10 +485,24 @@ class MMGenToolCmdMnemonic(MMGenToolCmdBase):
 		users should be aware that BIP39 support does not imply BIP32 support!
 		MMGen uses its own key derivation scheme differing from the one described
 		by the BIP32 protocol.
+		For Monero ('xmrseed') seed phrases, input data is reduced to a spendkey
+		before conversion so that a canonical seed phrase is produced.  This is
+		required because Monero seeds, unlike ordinary wallet seeds, are tied
+		to a concrete key/address pair.  To manually generate a Monero spendkey,
+		use the 'hex2wif' command.
+	@staticmethod
+	def _xmr_reduce(bytestr):
+		from mmgen.protocol import MoneroProtocol
+		return MoneroProtocol.preprocess_key(bytestr,None)
 	def _do_random_mn(self,nbytes:int,fmt:str):
 		assert nbytes in (16,24,32), 'nbytes must be 16, 24 or 32'
 		randbytes = get_random(nbytes)
+		if fmt == 'xmrseed':
+			randbytes = self._xmr_reduce(randbytes)
 		if opt.verbose:
 			msg('Seed: {}'.format(randbytes.hex()))
 		return self.hex2mn(randbytes.hex(),fmt=fmt)
@@ -518,6 +533,8 @@ class MMGenToolCmdMnemonic(MMGenToolCmdBase):
 			return ' '.join(bip39.fromhex(hexstr,fmt))
 			bytestr = bytes.fromhex(hexstr)
+			if fmt == 'xmrseed':
+				bytestr = self._xmr_reduce(bytestr)
 			return baseconv.frombytes(bytestr,fmt,'seed',tostr=True)
 	def mn2hex( self, seed_mnemonic:'sstr', fmt:mn_opts_disp = dfl_mnemonic_fmt ):

+ 1 - 0

@@ -113,6 +113,7 @@ setup(
+			'mmgen.mn_monero',

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# B488 21D3 4539 968D
+98831F3A фубар xmrseed:25 {
+  1     amended jailed extra apart hinder upbeat dating onboard yesterday aided irony guide cogs apricot aggravate twofold tepid nuance ripped vessel soothe woven vials when aided
+  4     godfather arrow hobby mailed educated abnormal boss cavernous skirting alumni voted hunter vessel unsafe mohawk pylons amused rift jury code assorted oscar himself inquest oscar
+  1100  molten icon lectures amaze foes lurk camp divers goldfish zombie neutral drunk topic abort boldly recipe natural verification circle polar woozy biplane yoyo adapt abort

+ 1 - 0

@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ passwd_data = {
 'bip39_dfl_αω':td('95b383d5092a55df', 'bip39:24:αω','-αω-bip39-24','αω bip39:24','treat athlete brand top beauty poverty senior unhappy vacant domain yellow scale fossil aim lonely fatal sun nuclear such ancient stage require stool similar'),
 'bip39_18_αω': td('29e5a605ffa36142', 'bip39:18:αω','-αω-bip39-18','αω bip39:18','better legal various ketchup then range festival either tomato cradle say absorb solar earth alter pattern canyon liar'),
 'bip39_12_αω': td('efa13cb309d7fc1d', 'bip39:12:αω','-αω-bip39-12','αω bip39:12','lady oppose theme fit position merry reopen acquire tuna dentist young chunk'),
+'xmrseed_dfl_αω':td('62f5b72a5ca89cab', 'xmrseed:25:αω','-αω-xmrseed-25','αω xmrseed:25','tequila eden skulls giving jester hospital dreams bakery adjust nanny cactus inwardly films amply nanny soggy vials muppet yellow woken ashtray organs exhale foes eden'),
 cvr_opts = ' -m trace --count --coverdir={} --file={}'.format(*init_coverage()) if opt.coverage else ''

+ 4 - 0

@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ class TestSuiteRef(TestSuiteBase,TestSuiteShared):
 		'ref_passwdfile_bip39_12': '98831F3A-фубар[1,4,1100].pws',
 		'ref_passwdfile_bip39_18': '98831F3A-фубар[1,4,1100].pws',
 		'ref_passwdfile_bip39_24': '98831F3A-фубар[1,4,1100].pws',
+		'ref_passwdfile_xmrseed_25': '98831F3A-фубар[1,4,1100].pws',
 		'ref_passwdfile_hex2bip39_12': '98831F3A-фубар[1,4,1100].pws',
 		'ref_tx_file': { # data shared with ref_altcoin, autosign
 			'btc': ('0B8D5A[15.31789,14,tl=1320969600].rawtx',
@@ -99,6 +100,7 @@ class TestSuiteRef(TestSuiteBase,TestSuiteShared):
 		'ref_passwdfile_bip39_12_chksum': 'BF57 02A3 5229 CF18',
 		'ref_passwdfile_bip39_18_chksum': '31D3 1656 B7DC 27CF',
 		'ref_passwdfile_bip39_24_chksum': 'E565 3A59 7D91 4671',
+		'ref_passwdfile_xmrseed_25_chksum': 'B488 21D3 4539 968D',
 		'ref_passwdfile_hex2bip39_12_chksum': '93AD 4AE2 03D1 8A0A',
 	cmd_group = ( # TODO: move to tooltest2
@@ -123,6 +125,7 @@ class TestSuiteRef(TestSuiteBase,TestSuiteShared):
 		('ref_passwdfile_chk_bip39_12','saved reference password file (BIP39, 12 words)'),
 		('ref_passwdfile_chk_bip39_18','saved reference password file (BIP39, 18 words)'),
 		('ref_passwdfile_chk_bip39_24','saved reference password file (BIP39, 24 words)'),
+		('ref_passwdfile_chk_xmrseed_25','saved reference password file (Monero new-style mnemonic, 25 words)'),
 		('ref_passwdfile_chk_hex2bip39_12','saved reference password file (hex-to-BIP39, 12 words)'),
 #	Create the fake inputs:
@@ -252,6 +255,7 @@ class TestSuiteRef(TestSuiteBase,TestSuiteShared):
 	def ref_passwdfile_chk_bip39_12(self): return self.ref_passwdfile_chk(key='bip39_12',pat=r'BIP39.*len.* 12\b')
 	def ref_passwdfile_chk_bip39_18(self): return self.ref_passwdfile_chk(key='bip39_18',pat=r'BIP39.*len.* 18\b')
 	def ref_passwdfile_chk_bip39_24(self): return self.ref_passwdfile_chk(key='bip39_24',pat=r'BIP39.*len.* 24\b')
+	def ref_passwdfile_chk_xmrseed_25(self): return self.ref_passwdfile_chk(key='xmrseed_25',pat=r'Mon.*len.* 25\b')
 	def ref_passwdfile_chk_hex2bip39_12(self): return self.ref_passwdfile_chk(key='hex2bip39_12',pat=r'BIP39.*len.* 12\b')
 	def ref_tx_chk(self):

+ 9 - 0

@@ -42,6 +42,10 @@ class TestSuiteRef3Seed(TestSuiteBase,TestSuiteShared):
 		'sids': ('FE3C6545', '1378FC64', '98831F3A'),
 	shared_deps = ['mmdat',pwfile]
+	skip_cmds = (
+		'ref_xmrseed_25_passwdgen_1',
+		'ref_xmrseed_25_passwdgen_2',
+	)
 	cmd_group = (
 		# reading saved reference wallets
 		('ref_wallet_chk',  ([],'saved reference wallet')),
@@ -319,6 +323,7 @@ class TestSuiteRef3Addr(TestSuiteRef3Seed):
 		'ref_bip39_18_passwdgen_3': 'EF87 9904 88E2 5884',
 		'ref_bip39_24_passwdgen_3': 'EBE8 2A8F 8F8C 7DBD',
 		'ref_hex2bip39_24_passwdgen_3': '93FA 5EFD 33F3 760E',
+		'ref_xmrseed_25_passwdgen_3': '91AE E76A 2827 C8CC',
 	cmd_group = (
@@ -339,6 +344,7 @@ class TestSuiteRef3Addr(TestSuiteRef3Seed):
 		('ref_bip39_12_passwdgen',    ([],'new refwallet passwd file chksum (BIP39, 12 words)')),
 		('ref_bip39_18_passwdgen',    ([],'new refwallet passwd file chksum (BIP39, up to 18 words)')),
 		('ref_bip39_24_passwdgen',    ([],'new refwallet passwd file chksum (BIP39, up to 24 words)')),
+		('ref_xmrseed_25_passwdgen',  ([],'new refwallet passwd file chksum (Monero new-style mnemonic, 25 words)')),
 		('ref_hex2bip39_24_passwdgen',([],'new refwallet passwd file chksum (hex-to-BIP39, up to 24 words)')),
@@ -383,6 +389,8 @@ class TestSuiteRef3Addr(TestSuiteRef3Seed):
 	def mn_pwgen(self,req_pw_len,pwfmt,ftype='passbip39',stdout=False):
 		pwlen = min(req_pw_len,{'1':12,'2':18,'3':24}[self.test_name[-1]])
+		if pwfmt == 'xmrseed':
+			pwlen += 1
 		ea = ['--accept-defaults']
 		return self.pwgen(ftype,'фубар',pwfmt,pwlen,ea,stdout=stdout)
@@ -390,3 +398,4 @@ class TestSuiteRef3Addr(TestSuiteRef3Seed):
 	def ref_bip39_18_passwdgen(self):     return self.mn_pwgen(18,'bip39',stdout=True)
 	def ref_bip39_24_passwdgen(self):     return self.mn_pwgen(24,'bip39')
 	def ref_hex2bip39_24_passwdgen(self): return self.mn_pwgen(24,'hex2bip39')
+	def ref_xmrseed_25_passwdgen(self):   return self.mn_pwgen(24,'xmrseed',ftype='passxmrseed')

+ 11 - 0

@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ from mmgen.common import *
 from test.common import *
 from mmgen.obj import is_wif,is_coin_addr
 from mmgen.seed import is_bip39_mnemonic,is_mmgen_mnemonic
+from mmgen.addr import is_xmrseed
 from mmgen.baseconv import *
 NL = ('\n','\r\n')[g.platform=='win']
@@ -112,6 +113,9 @@ tests = {
 			( ['0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001'],
 			('able able able able able able able able able able able able ' +
 			'able able able able able able able able able able able about') ),
+			( ['e8164dda6d42bd1e261a3406b2038dcbddadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbe0f','fmt=xmrseed'],
+			('viewpoint donuts ardent template unveil agile meant unafraid urgent athlete rustled mime azure ' +
+			'jaded hawk baby jagged haystack baby jagged haystack ramped oncoming point template') ),
 		] + [([a,'fmt=bip39'],b) for a,b in bip39.vectors],
 		'mn2hex': [
 			( ['table cast forgive master funny gaze sadness ripple million paint moral match','fmt=mmgen'],
@@ -133,6 +137,10 @@ tests = {
 			( ['able able able able able able able able able able able able ' +
 				'able able able able able able able able able able able about'],
+			( ['viewpoint donuts ardent template unveil agile meant unafraid urgent athlete ' +
+				'rustled mime azure jaded hawk baby jagged haystack baby jagged haystack ' +
+				'ramped oncoming point template','fmt=xmrseed'],
+				'e8164dda6d42bd1e261a3406b2038dcbddadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbe0f'),
 		] + [([b,'fmt=bip39'],a) for a,b in bip39.vectors],
 		'mn_rand128': [
 			( [], is_mmgen_mnemonic, ['-r0']),
@@ -146,16 +154,19 @@ tests = {
 		'mn_rand256': [
 			( ['fmt=mmgen'], is_mmgen_mnemonic, ['-r0']),
 			( ['fmt=bip39'], is_bip39_mnemonic, ['-r0']),
+			( ['fmt=xmrseed'], is_xmrseed, ['-r0']),
 		'mn_stats': [
 			( [], is_str ),
 			( ['fmt=mmgen'], is_str ),
 			( ['fmt=bip39'], is_str ),
+			( ['fmt=xmrseed'], is_str ),
 		'mn_printlist': [
 			( [], is_str ),
 			( ['fmt=mmgen'], is_str ),
 			( ['fmt=bip39'], is_str ),
+			( ['fmt=xmrseed','enum=true'], is_str ),
 	'Util': {

+ 21 - 1

@@ -9,6 +9,23 @@ from mmgen.exception import *
 class unit_test(object):
 	vectors = {
+		'xmrseed': (
+			# 42nsXK8WbVGTNayQ6Kjw5UdgqbQY5KCCufdxdCgF7NgTfjC69Mna7DJSYyie77hZTQ8H92G2HwgFhgEUYnDzrnLnQdF28r3
+			(('0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001','seed'), # 0x1
+			'abbey abbey abbey abbey abbey abbey abbey abbey abbey abbey abbey abbey abbey abbey abbey abbey abbey abbey abbey abbey abbey bamboo jaws jerseys abbey'),
+			# 49voQEbjouUQSDikRWKUt1PGbS47TBde4hiGyftN46CvTDd8LXCaimjHRGtofCJwY5Ed5QhYwc12P15AH5w7SxUAMCz1nr1
+			(('1c95988d7431ecd670cf7d73f45befc6feffffffffffffffffffffffffffff0f','seed'), # 0xffffffff * 8
+			'powder directed sayings enmity bacon vapidly entrance bumper noodles iguana sleepless nasty flying soil software foamy solved soggy foamy solved soggy jury yawning ankle solved'),
+			# 41i7saPWA53EoHenmJVRt34dubPxsXwoWMnw8AdMyx4mTD1svf7qYzcVjxxRfteLNdYrAxWUMmiPegFW9EfoNgXx7vDMExv
+			(('e8164dda6d42bd1e261a3406b2038dcbddadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbe0f','seed'), # 0xdeadbeef * 8
+			'viewpoint donuts ardent template unveil agile meant unafraid urgent athlete rustled mime azure jaded hawk baby jagged haystack baby jagged haystack ramped oncoming point template'),
+			# 42ey1afDFnn4886T7196doS9GPMzexD9gXpsZJDwVjeRVdFCSoHnv7KPbBeGpzJBzHRCAs9UxqeoyFQMYbqSWYTfJJQAWDm
+			(('148d78d2aba7dbca5cd8f6abcfb0b3c009ffbdbea1ff373d50ed94d78286640e','seed'), # Monero repo
+			'velvet lymph giddy number token physics poetry unquoted nibs useful sabotage limits benches lifestyle eden nitrogen anvil fewest avoid batch vials washing fences goat unquoted'),
+		),
 		'b58': (
@@ -161,7 +178,10 @@ class unit_test(object):
 			for (hexstr,pad),ret_chk in data:
 				if type(pad) == int:
 					pad = len(hexstr)
-				ret = baseconv.tohex(ret_chk,wl_id=base,pad=pad)
+				ret = baseconv.tohex(
+					ret_chk.split() if base == 'xmrseed' else ret_chk,
+					wl_id=base,
+					pad=pad)
 				if pad == None:
 					assert int(ret,16) == int(hexstr,16), rerr.format(int(ret,16),int(hexstr,16))