@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
# Copyright (C) 2013 by philemon <mmgen-py@yandex.com>
-# Added configurable http_timeout and methods for
-# sendrawtransaction,
-# importaddress
+# Added methods for sendrawtransaction(), importaddress()
# Previous copyright from bitcoin-python/connection.py:
# Copyright (c) 2010 Witchspace <witchspace81@gmail.com>
@@ -29,715 +27,726 @@ Connect to Bitcoin server via JSON-RPC.
from mmgen.rpc.proxy import JSONRPCException, AuthServiceProxy
from mmgen.rpc.exceptions import _wrap_exception, WalletPassphraseIncorrect, WalletAlreadyUnlocked
from mmgen.rpc.data import (ServerInfo, AccountInfo, AddressInfo, TransactionInfo,
- AddressValidation, WorkItem, MiningInfo)
+ AddressValidation, WorkItem, MiningInfo)
class BitcoinConnection(object):
- """
- A BitcoinConnection object defines a connection to a bitcoin server.
- It is a thin wrapper around a JSON-RPC API connection.
- Up-to-date for SVN revision 198.
- Arguments to constructor:
- - *user* -- Authenticate as user.
- - *password* -- Authentication password.
- - *host* -- Bitcoin JSON-RPC host.
- - *port* -- Bitcoin JSON-RPC port.
- """
- def __init__(self, user, password, host='localhost', port=8332,
- use_https=False,http_timeout=30):
- """
- Create a new bitcoin server connection.
- """
- url = 'http{s}://{user}:{password}@{host}:{port}/'.format(
- s='s' if use_https else '',
- user=user, password=password, host=host, port=port)
- self.url = url
- try:
- self.proxy = AuthServiceProxy(url,http_timeout=http_timeout)
- except JSONRPCException as e:
- raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
+ """
+ A BitcoinConnection object defines a connection to a bitcoin server.
+ It is a thin wrapper around a JSON-RPC API connection.
+ Up-to-date for SVN revision 198.
+ Arguments to constructor:
+ - *user* -- Authenticate as user.
+ - *password* -- Authentication password.
+ - *host* -- Bitcoin JSON-RPC host.
+ - *port* -- Bitcoin JSON-RPC port.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, user, password, host='localhost', port=8332, use_https=False):
+ """
+ Create a new bitcoin server connection.
+ """
+ url = 'http{s}://{user}:{password}@{host}:{port}/'.format(
+ s='s' if use_https else '',
+ user=user, password=password, host=host, port=port)
+ self.url = url
+ try:
+ self.proxy = AuthServiceProxy(url)
+ except JSONRPCException as e:
+ raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
# importaddress <address> [label] [rescan=true]
- def importaddress(self,address,label=None):
- """
- """
- try:
- return self.proxy.importaddress(address,label)
- except JSONRPCException as e:
- raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
+ def importaddress(self,address,label=None):
+ """
+ """
+ try:
+ return self.proxy.importaddress(address,label)
+ except JSONRPCException as e:
+ raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
# sendrawtransaction <hex string> [allowhighfees=false]
- def sendrawtransaction(self,tx):
- """
- """
- try:
- return self.proxy.sendrawtransaction(tx)
- except JSONRPCException as e:
- raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
- def stop(self):
- """
- Stop bitcoin server.
- """
- try:
- self.proxy.stop()
- except JSONRPCException as e:
- raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
- def getblock(self, hash):
- """
- Returns information about the given block hash.
- """
- try:
- return self.proxy.getblock(hash)
- except JSONRPCException as e:
- raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
- def getblockcount(self):
- """
- Returns the number of blocks in the longest block chain.
- """
- try:
- return self.proxy.getblockcount()
- except JSONRPCException as e:
- raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
- def getblockhash(self, index):
- """
- Returns hash of block in best-block-chain at index.
- :param index: index ob the block
- """
- try:
- return self.proxy.getblockhash(index)
- except JSONRPCException as e:
- raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
- def getblocknumber(self):
- """
- Returns the block number of the latest block in the longest block chain.
- Deprecated. Use getblockcount instead.
- """
- return self.getblockcount()
- def getconnectioncount(self):
- """
- Returns the number of connections to other nodes.
- """
- try:
- return self.proxy.getconnectioncount()
- except JSONRPCException as e:
- raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
- def getdifficulty(self):
- """
- Returns the proof-of-work difficulty as a multiple of the minimum difficulty.
- """
- try:
- return self.proxy.getdifficulty()
- except JSONRPCException as e:
- raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
- def getgenerate(self):
- """
- Returns :const:`True` or :const:`False`, depending on whether generation is enabled.
- """
- try:
- return self.proxy.getgenerate()
- except JSONRPCException as e:
- raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
- def setgenerate(self, generate, genproclimit=None):
- """
- Enable or disable generation (mining) of coins.
- Arguments:
- - *generate* -- is :const:`True` or :const:`False` to turn generation on or off.
- - *genproclimit* -- Number of processors that are used for generation, -1 is unlimited.
- """
- try:
- if genproclimit is None:
- return self.proxy.setgenerate(generate)
- else:
- return self.proxy.setgenerate(generate, genproclimit)
- except JSONRPCException as e:
- raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
- def gethashespersec(self):
- """
- Returns a recent hashes per second performance measurement while generating.
- """
- try:
- return self.proxy.gethashespersec()
- except JSONRPCException as e:
- raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
- def getinfo(self):
- """
- Returns an :class:`~mmgen.rpc.data.ServerInfo` object containing various state info.
- """
- try:
- return ServerInfo(**self.proxy.getinfo())
- except JSONRPCException as e:
- raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
- def getmininginfo(self):
- """
- Returns an :class:`~mmgen.rpc.data.MiningInfo` object containing various
- mining state info.
- """
- try:
- return MiningInfo(**self.proxy.getmininginfo())
- except JSONRPCException as e:
- raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
- def getnewaddress(self, account=None):
- """
- Returns a new bitcoin address for receiving payments.
- Arguments:
- - *account* -- If account is specified (recommended), it is added to the address book
- so that payments received with the address will be credited to it.
- """
- try:
- if account is None:
- return self.proxy.getnewaddress()
- else:
- return self.proxy.getnewaddress(account)
- except JSONRPCException as e:
- raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
- def getaccountaddress(self, account):
- """
- Returns the current bitcoin address for receiving payments to an account.
- Arguments:
- - *account* -- Account for which the address should be returned.
- """
- try:
- return self.proxy.getaccountaddress(account)
- except JSONRPCException as e:
- raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
- def setaccount(self, bitcoinaddress, account):
- """
- Sets the account associated with the given address.
- Arguments:
- - *bitcoinaddress* -- Bitcoin address to associate.
- - *account* -- Account to associate the address to.
- """
- try:
- return self.proxy.setaccount(bitcoinaddress, account)
- except JSONRPCException as e:
- raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
- def getaccount(self, bitcoinaddress):
- """
- Returns the account associated with the given address.
- Arguments:
- - *bitcoinaddress* -- Bitcoin address to get account for.
- """
- try:
- return self.proxy.getaccount(bitcoinaddress)
- except JSONRPCException as e:
- raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
- def getaddressesbyaccount(self, account):
- """
- Returns the list of addresses for the given account.
- Arguments:
- - *account* -- Account to get list of addresses for.
- """
- try:
- return self.proxy.getaddressesbyaccount(account)
- except JSONRPCException as e:
- raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
- def sendtoaddress(self, bitcoinaddress, amount, comment=None, comment_to=None):
- """
- Sends *amount* from the server's available balance to *bitcoinaddress*.
- Arguments:
- - *bitcoinaddress* -- Bitcoin address to send to.
- - *amount* -- Amount to send (float, rounded to the nearest 0.01).
- - *minconf* -- Minimum number of confirmations required for transferred balance.
- - *comment* -- Comment for transaction.
- - *comment_to* -- Comment for to-address.
- """
- try:
- if comment is None:
- return self.proxy.sendtoaddress(bitcoinaddress, amount)
- elif comment_to is None:
- return self.proxy.sendtoaddress(bitcoinaddress, amount, comment)
- else:
- return self.proxy.sendtoaddress(bitcoinaddress, amount, comment, comment_to)
- except JSONRPCException as e:
- raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
- def getreceivedbyaddress(self, bitcoinaddress, minconf=1):
- """
- Returns the total amount received by a bitcoin address in transactions with at least a
- certain number of confirmations.
- Arguments:
- - *bitcoinaddress* -- Address to query for total amount.
- - *minconf* -- Number of confirmations to require, defaults to 1.
- """
- try:
- return self.proxy.getreceivedbyaddress(bitcoinaddress, minconf)
- except JSONRPCException as e:
- raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
- def getreceivedbyaccount(self, account, minconf=1):
- """
- Returns the total amount received by addresses with an account in transactions with
- at least a certain number of confirmations.
- Arguments:
- - *account* -- Account to query for total amount.
- - *minconf* -- Number of confirmations to require, defaults to 1.
- """
- try:
- return self.proxy.getreceivedbyaccount(account, minconf)
- except JSONRPCException as e:
- raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
- def gettransaction(self, txid):
- """
- Get detailed information about transaction
- Arguments:
- - *txid* -- Transactiond id for which the info should be returned
- """
- try:
- return TransactionInfo(**self.proxy.gettransaction(txid))
- except JSONRPCException as e:
- raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
- def getrawtransaction(self, txid, verbose=True):
- """
- Get transaction raw info
- Arguments:
- - *txid* -- Transactiond id for which the info should be returned.
- - *verbose* -- If False, return only the "hex" of the transaction.
- """
- try:
- if verbose:
- return TransactionInfo(**self.proxy.getrawtransaction(txid, 1))
- return self.proxy.getrawtransaction(txid, 0)
- except JSONRPCException as e:
- raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
- def createrawtransaction(self, inputs, outputs):
- """
- Creates a raw transaction spending given inputs
- (a list of dictionaries, each containing a transaction id and an output number),
- sending to given address(es).
- Returns hex-encoded raw transaction.
- Example usage:
- >>> conn.createrawtransaction(
- [{"txid": "a9d4599e15b53f3eb531608ddb31f48c695c3d0b3538a6bda871e8b34f2f430c",
- "vout": 0}],
- {"mkZBYBiq6DNoQEKakpMJegyDbw2YiNQnHT":50})
- Arguments:
- - *inputs* -- A list of {"txid": txid, "vout": n} dictionaries.
- - *outputs* -- A dictionary mapping (public) addresses to the amount
- they are to be paid.
- """
- try:
- return self.proxy.createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs)
- except JSONRPCException as e:
- raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
- def signrawtransaction(self, hexstring, previous_transactions=None, private_keys=None):
- """
- Sign inputs for raw transaction (serialized, hex-encoded).
- Returns a dictionary with the keys:
- "hex": raw transaction with signature(s) (hex-encoded string)
- "complete": 1 if transaction has a complete set of signature(s), 0 if not
- Arguments:
- - *hexstring* -- A hex string of the transaction to sign.
- - *previous_transactions* -- A (possibly empty) list of dictionaries of the form:
- {"txid": txid, "vout": n, "scriptPubKey": hex, "redeemScript": hex}, representing
- previous transaction outputs that this transaction depends on but may not yet be
- in the block chain.
- - *private_keys* -- A (possibly empty) list of base58-encoded private
- keys that, if given, will be the only keys used to sign the transaction.
- """
- try:
- return dict(self.proxy.signrawtransaction(hexstring, previous_transactions, private_keys))
- except JSONRPCException as e:
- raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
- def decoderawtransaction(self, hexstring):
- """
- Produces a human-readable JSON object for a raw transaction.
- Arguments:
- - *hexstring* -- A hex string of the transaction to be decoded.
- """
- try:
- return dict(self.proxy.decoderawtransaction(hexstring))
- except JSONRPCException as e:
- raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
- def listsinceblock(self, block_hash):
- try:
- res = self.proxy.listsinceblock(block_hash)
- res['transactions'] = [TransactionInfo(**x) for x in res['transactions']]
- return res
- except JSONRPCException as e:
- raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
- def listreceivedbyaddress(self, minconf=1, includeempty=False):
- """
- Returns a list of addresses.
- Each address is represented with a :class:`~mmgen.rpc.data.AddressInfo` object.
- Arguments:
- - *minconf* -- Minimum number of confirmations before payments are included.
- - *includeempty* -- Whether to include addresses that haven't received any payments.
- """
- try:
- return [AddressInfo(**x) for x in
- self.proxy.listreceivedbyaddress(minconf, includeempty)]
- except JSONRPCException as e:
- raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
- def listaccounts(self, minconf=1, as_dict=False):
- """
- Returns a list of account names.
- Arguments:
- - *minconf* -- Minimum number of confirmations before payments are included.
- - *as_dict* -- Returns a dictionary of account names, with their balance as values.
- """
- try:
- if as_dict:
- return dict(self.proxy.listaccounts(minconf))
- else:
- return self.proxy.listaccounts(minconf).keys()
- except JSONRPCException as e:
- raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
- def listreceivedbyaccount(self, minconf=1, includeempty=False):
- """
- Returns a list of accounts.
- Each account is represented with a :class:`~mmgen.rpc.data.AccountInfo` object.
- Arguments:
- - *minconf* -- Minimum number of confirmations before payments are included.
- - *includeempty* -- Whether to include addresses that haven't received any payments.
- """
- try:
- return [AccountInfo(**x) for x in
- self.proxy.listreceivedbyaccount(minconf, includeempty)]
- except JSONRPCException as e:
- raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
- def listtransactions(self, account=None, count=10, from_=0, address=None):
- """
- Returns a list of the last transactions for an account.
- Each transaction is represented with a :class:`~mmgen.rpc.data.TransactionInfo` object.
- Arguments:
- - *account* -- Account to list transactions from. Return transactions from
- all accounts if None.
- - *count* -- Number of transactions to return.
- - *from_* -- Skip the first <from_> transactions.
- - *address* -- Receive address to consider
- """
- accounts = [account] if account is not None else self.listaccounts(as_dict=True).iterkeys()
- try:
- return [TransactionInfo(**tx) for acc in accounts for
- tx in self.proxy.listtransactions(acc, count, from_) if
- address is None or tx["address"] == address]
- except JSONRPCException as e:
- raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
- def backupwallet(self, destination):
- """
- Safely copies ``wallet.dat`` to *destination*, which can be a directory or a path
- with filename.
- Arguments:
- - *destination* -- directory or path with filename to backup wallet to.
- """
- try:
- return self.proxy.backupwallet(destination)
- except JSONRPCException as e:
- raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
- def validateaddress(self, validateaddress):
- """
- Validate a bitcoin address and return information for it.
- The information is represented by a :class:`~mmgen.rpc.data.AddressValidation` object.
- Arguments: -- Address to validate.
- - *validateaddress*
- """
- try:
- return AddressValidation(**self.proxy.validateaddress(validateaddress))
- except JSONRPCException as e:
- raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
- def getbalance(self, account=None, minconf=None):
- """
- Get the current balance, either for an account or the total server balance.
- Arguments:
- - *account* -- If this parameter is specified, returns the balance in the account.
- - *minconf* -- Minimum number of confirmations required for transferred balance.
- """
- args = []
- if account:
- args.append(account)
- if minconf is not None:
- args.append(minconf)
- try:
- return self.proxy.getbalance(*args)
- except JSONRPCException as e:
- raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
- def move(self, fromaccount, toaccount, amount, minconf=1, comment=None):
- """
- Move from one account in your wallet to another.
- Arguments:
- - *fromaccount* -- Source account name.
- - *toaccount* -- Destination account name.
- - *amount* -- Amount to transfer.
- - *minconf* -- Minimum number of confirmations required for transferred balance.
- - *comment* -- Comment to add to transaction log.
- """
- try:
- if comment is None:
- return self.proxy.move(fromaccount, toaccount, amount, minconf)
- else:
- return self.proxy.move(fromaccount, toaccount, amount, minconf, comment)
- except JSONRPCException as e:
- raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
- def sendfrom(self, fromaccount, tobitcoinaddress, amount, minconf=1, comment=None,
- comment_to=None):
- """
- Sends amount from account's balance to bitcoinaddress. This method will fail
- if there is less than amount bitcoins with minconf confirmations in the account's
- balance (unless account is the empty-string-named default account; it
- behaves like the sendtoaddress method). Returns transaction ID on success.
- Arguments:
- - *fromaccount* -- Account to send from.
- - *tobitcoinaddress* -- Bitcoin address to send to.
- - *amount* -- Amount to send (float, rounded to the nearest 0.01).
- - *minconf* -- Minimum number of confirmations required for transferred balance.
- - *comment* -- Comment for transaction.
- - *comment_to* -- Comment for to-address.
- """
- try:
- if comment is None:
- return self.proxy.sendfrom(fromaccount, tobitcoinaddress, amount, minconf)
- elif comment_to is None:
- return self.proxy.sendfrom(fromaccount, tobitcoinaddress, amount, minconf, comment)
- else:
- return self.proxy.sendfrom(fromaccount, tobitcoinaddress, amount, minconf,
- comment, comment_to)
- except JSONRPCException as e:
- raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
- def sendmany(self, fromaccount, todict, minconf=1, comment=None):
- """
- Sends specified amounts from account's balance to bitcoinaddresses. This method will fail
- if there is less than total amount bitcoins with minconf confirmations in the account's
- balance (unless account is the empty-string-named default account; Returns transaction ID
- on success.
- Arguments:
- - *fromaccount* -- Account to send from.
- - *todict* -- Dictionary with Bitcoin addresses as keys and amounts as values.
- - *minconf* -- Minimum number of confirmations required for transferred balance.
- - *comment* -- Comment for transaction.
- """
- try:
- if comment is None:
- return self.proxy.sendmany(fromaccount, todict, minconf)
- else:
- return self.proxy.sendmany(fromaccount, todict, minconf, comment)
- except JSONRPCException as e:
- raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
- def verifymessage(self, bitcoinaddress, signature, message):
- """
- Verifies a signature given the bitcoinaddress used to sign,
- the signature itself, and the message that was signed.
- Returns :const:`True` if the signature is valid, and :const:`False` if it is invalid.
- Arguments:
- - *bitcoinaddress* -- the bitcoinaddress used to sign the message
- - *signature* -- the signature to be verified
- - *message* -- the message that was originally signed
- """
- try:
- return self.proxy.verifymessage(bitcoinaddress, signature, message)
- except JSONRPCException as e:
- raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
- def getwork(self, data=None):
- """
- Get work for remote mining, or submit result.
- If data is specified, the server tries to solve the block
- using the provided data and returns :const:`True` if it was successful.
- If not, the function returns formatted hash data (:class:`~mmgen.rpc.data.WorkItem`)
- to work on.
- Arguments:
- - *data* -- Result from remote mining.
- """
- try:
- if data is None:
- # Only if no data provided, it returns a WorkItem
- return WorkItem(**self.proxy.getwork())
- else:
- return self.proxy.getwork(data)
- except JSONRPCException as e:
- raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
- def listunspent(self, minconf=1, maxconf=999999):
- """
- Returns a list of unspent transaction inputs in the wallet.
- Arguments:
- - *minconf* -- Minimum number of confirmations required to be listed.
- - *maxconf* -- Maximal number of confirmations allowed to be listed.
- """
- try:
- return [TransactionInfo(**tx) for tx in
- self.proxy.listunspent(minconf, maxconf)]
- except JSONRPCException as e:
- raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
- def keypoolrefill(self):
- "Fills the keypool, requires wallet passphrase to be set."
- try:
- self.proxy.keypoolrefill()
- except JSONRPCException as e:
- raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
- def walletpassphrase(self, passphrase, timeout, dont_raise=False):
- """
- Stores the wallet decryption key in memory for <timeout> seconds.
- - *passphrase* -- The wallet passphrase.
- - *timeout* -- Time in seconds to keep the wallet unlocked
- (by keeping the passphrase in memory).
- - *dont_raise* -- instead of raising `~mmgen.rpc.exceptions.WalletPassphraseIncorrect`
- return False.
- """
- try:
- self.proxy.walletpassphrase(passphrase, timeout)
- return True
- except JSONRPCException as e:
- json_exception = _wrap_exception(e.error)
- if dont_raise:
- if isinstance(json_exception, WalletPassphraseIncorrect):
- return False
- elif isinstance(json_exception, WalletAlreadyUnlocked):
- return True
- raise json_exception
- def walletlock(self):
- """
- Removes the wallet encryption key from memory, locking the wallet.
- After calling this method, you will need to call walletpassphrase
- again before being able to call any methods which require the wallet
- to be unlocked.
- """
- try:
- return self.proxy.walletlock()
- except JSONRPCException as e:
- raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
- def walletpassphrasechange(self, oldpassphrase, newpassphrase, dont_raise=False):
- """
- Changes the wallet passphrase from <oldpassphrase> to <newpassphrase>.
- Arguments:
- - *dont_raise* -- instead of raising `~mmgen.rpc.exceptions.WalletPassphraseIncorrect`
- return False.
- """
- try:
- self.proxy.walletpassphrasechange(oldpassphrase, newpassphrase)
- return True
- except JSONRPCException as e:
- json_exception = _wrap_exception(e.error)
- if dont_raise and isinstance(json_exception, WalletPassphraseIncorrect):
- return False
- raise json_exception
+ def sendrawtransaction(self,tx):
+ """
+ """
+ try:
+ return self.proxy.sendrawtransaction(tx)
+ except JSONRPCException as e:
+ raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
+ def stop(self):
+ """
+ Stop bitcoin server.
+ """
+ try:
+ self.proxy.stop()
+ except JSONRPCException as e:
+ raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
+ def getblock(self, hash):
+ """
+ Returns information about the given block hash.
+ """
+ try:
+ return self.proxy.getblock(hash)
+ except JSONRPCException as e:
+ raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
+ def getblockcount(self):
+ """
+ Returns the number of blocks in the longest block chain.
+ """
+ try:
+ return self.proxy.getblockcount()
+ except JSONRPCException as e:
+ raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
+ def getblockhash(self, index):
+ """
+ Returns hash of block in best-block-chain at index.
+ :param index: index ob the block
+ """
+ try:
+ return self.proxy.getblockhash(index)
+ except JSONRPCException as e:
+ raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
+ def getblocknumber(self):
+ """
+ Returns the block number of the latest block in the longest block chain.
+ Deprecated. Use getblockcount instead.
+ """
+ return self.getblockcount()
+ def getconnectioncount(self):
+ """
+ Returns the number of connections to other nodes.
+ """
+ try:
+ return self.proxy.getconnectioncount()
+ except JSONRPCException as e:
+ raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
+ def getdifficulty(self):
+ """
+ Returns the proof-of-work difficulty as a multiple of the minimum difficulty.
+ """
+ try:
+ return self.proxy.getdifficulty()
+ except JSONRPCException as e:
+ raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
+ def getgenerate(self):
+ """
+ Returns :const:`True` or :const:`False`, depending on whether
+ generation is enabled.
+ """
+ try:
+ return self.proxy.getgenerate()
+ except JSONRPCException as e:
+ raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
+ def setgenerate(self, generate, genproclimit=None):
+ """
+ Enable or disable generation (mining) of coins.
+ Arguments:
+ - *generate* -- is :const:`True` or :const:`False` to turn generation
+ on or off.
+ - *genproclimit* -- Number of processors that are used for generation,
+ -1 is unlimited.
+ """
+ try:
+ if genproclimit is None:
+ return self.proxy.setgenerate(generate)
+ else:
+ return self.proxy.setgenerate(generate, genproclimit)
+ except JSONRPCException as e:
+ raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
+ def gethashespersec(self):
+ """
+ Returns a recent hashes per second performance measurement while generating.
+ """
+ try:
+ return self.proxy.gethashespersec()
+ except JSONRPCException as e:
+ raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
+ def getinfo(self):
+ """
+ Returns an :class:`~mmgen.rpc.data.ServerInfo` object containing
+ various state info.
+ """
+ try:
+ return ServerInfo(**self.proxy.getinfo())
+ except JSONRPCException as e:
+ raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
+ def getmininginfo(self):
+ """
+ Returns an :class:`~mmgen.rpc.data.MiningInfo` object containing various
+ mining state info.
+ """
+ try:
+ return MiningInfo(**self.proxy.getmininginfo())
+ except JSONRPCException as e:
+ raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
+ def getnewaddress(self, account=None):
+ """
+ Returns a new bitcoin address for receiving payments.
+ Arguments:
+ - *account* -- If account is specified (recommended), it is added to the
+ address book so that payments received with the address will be
+ credited to it.
+ """
+ try:
+ if account is None:
+ return self.proxy.getnewaddress()
+ else:
+ return self.proxy.getnewaddress(account)
+ except JSONRPCException as e:
+ raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
+ def getaccountaddress(self, account):
+ """
+ Returns the current bitcoin address for receiving payments to an account.
+ Arguments:
+ - *account* -- Account for which the address should be returned.
+ """
+ try:
+ return self.proxy.getaccountaddress(account)
+ except JSONRPCException as e:
+ raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
+ def setaccount(self, bitcoinaddress, account):
+ """
+ Sets the account associated with the given address.
+ Arguments:
+ - *bitcoinaddress* -- Bitcoin address to associate.
+ - *account* -- Account to associate the address to.
+ """
+ try:
+ return self.proxy.setaccount(bitcoinaddress, account)
+ except JSONRPCException as e:
+ raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
+ def getaccount(self, bitcoinaddress):
+ """
+ Returns the account associated with the given address.
+ Arguments:
+ - *bitcoinaddress* -- Bitcoin address to get account for.
+ """
+ try:
+ return self.proxy.getaccount(bitcoinaddress)
+ except JSONRPCException as e:
+ raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
+ def getaddressesbyaccount(self, account):
+ """
+ Returns the list of addresses for the given account.
+ Arguments:
+ - *account* -- Account to get list of addresses for.
+ """
+ try:
+ return self.proxy.getaddressesbyaccount(account)
+ except JSONRPCException as e:
+ raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
+ def sendtoaddress(self, bitcoinaddress, amount, comment=None, comment_to=None):
+ """
+ Sends *amount* from the server's available balance to *bitcoinaddress*.
+ Arguments:
+ - *bitcoinaddress* -- Bitcoin address to send to.
+ - *amount* -- Amount to send (float, rounded to the nearest 0.01).
+ - *minconf* -- Minimum number of confirmations required for transferred
+ balance.
+ - *comment* -- Comment for transaction.
+ - *comment_to* -- Comment for to-address.
+ """
+ try:
+ if comment is None:
+ return self.proxy.sendtoaddress(bitcoinaddress, amount)
+ elif comment_to is None:
+ return self.proxy.sendtoaddress(bitcoinaddress, amount, comment)
+ else:
+ return self.proxy.sendtoaddress(bitcoinaddress, amount, comment, comment_to)
+ except JSONRPCException as e:
+ raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
+ def getreceivedbyaddress(self, bitcoinaddress, minconf=1):
+ """
+ Returns the total amount received by a bitcoin address in transactions
+ with at least a certain number of confirmations.
+ Arguments:
+ - *bitcoinaddress* -- Address to query for total amount.
+ - *minconf* -- Number of confirmations to require, defaults to 1.
+ """
+ try:
+ return self.proxy.getreceivedbyaddress(bitcoinaddress, minconf)
+ except JSONRPCException as e:
+ raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
+ def getreceivedbyaccount(self, account, minconf=1):
+ """
+ Returns the total amount received by addresses with an account in
+ transactions with at least a certain number of confirmations.
+ Arguments:
+ - *account* -- Account to query for total amount.
+ - *minconf* -- Number of confirmations to require, defaults to 1.
+ """
+ try:
+ return self.proxy.getreceivedbyaccount(account, minconf)
+ except JSONRPCException as e:
+ raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
+ def gettransaction(self, txid):
+ """
+ Get detailed information about transaction
+ Arguments:
+ - *txid* -- Transactiond id for which the info should be returned
+ """
+ try:
+ return TransactionInfo(**self.proxy.gettransaction(txid))
+ except JSONRPCException as e:
+ raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
+ def getrawtransaction(self, txid, verbose=True):
+ """
+ Get transaction raw info
+ Arguments:
+ - *txid* -- Transactiond id for which the info should be returned.
+ - *verbose* -- If False, return only the "hex" of the transaction.
+ """
+ try:
+ if verbose:
+ return TransactionInfo(**self.proxy.getrawtransaction(txid, 1))
+ return self.proxy.getrawtransaction(txid, 0)
+ except JSONRPCException as e:
+ raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
+ def createrawtransaction(self, inputs, outputs):
+ """
+ Creates a raw transaction spending given inputs
+ (a list of dictionaries, each containing a transaction id and an output
+ number), sending to given address(es).
+ Returns hex-encoded raw transaction.
+ Example usage:
+ >>> conn.createrawtransaction(
+ [{"txid": "a9d4599e15b53f3eb531608ddb31f48c695c3d0b3538a6bda871e8b34f2f430c",
+ "vout": 0}],
+ {"mkZBYBiq6DNoQEKakpMJegyDbw2YiNQnHT":50})
+ Arguments:
+ - *inputs* -- A list of {"txid": txid, "vout": n} dictionaries.
+ - *outputs* -- A dictionary mapping (public) addresses to the amount
+ they are to be paid.
+ """
+ try:
+ return self.proxy.createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs)
+ except JSONRPCException as e:
+ raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
+ def signrawtransaction(self, hexstring, previous_transactions=None, private_keys=None):
+ """
+ Sign inputs for raw transaction (serialized, hex-encoded).
+ Returns a dictionary with the keys:
+ "hex": raw transaction with signature(s) (hex-encoded string)
+ "complete": 1 if transaction has a complete set of signature(s), 0 if not
+ Arguments:
+ - *hexstring* -- A hex string of the transaction to sign.
+ - *previous_transactions* -- A (possibly empty) list of dictionaries of
+ the form:
+ {"txid": txid, "vout": n, "scriptPubKey": hex, "redeemScript": hex},
+ representing previous transaction outputs that this transaction depends
+ on but may not yet be in the block chain.
+ - *private_keys* -- A (possibly empty) list of base58-encoded private
+ keys that, if given, will be the only keys used to sign the transaction.
+ """
+ try:
+ return dict(self.proxy.signrawtransaction(hexstring,
+ previous_transactions, private_keys))
+ except JSONRPCException as e:
+ raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
+ def decoderawtransaction(self, hexstring):
+ """
+ Produces a human-readable JSON object for a raw transaction.
+ Arguments:
+ - *hexstring* -- A hex string of the transaction to be decoded.
+ """
+ try:
+ return dict(self.proxy.decoderawtransaction(hexstring))
+ except JSONRPCException as e:
+ raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
+ def listsinceblock(self, block_hash):
+ try:
+ res = self.proxy.listsinceblock(block_hash)
+ res['transactions'] = [TransactionInfo(**x) for x in res['transactions']]
+ return res
+ except JSONRPCException as e:
+ raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
+ def listreceivedbyaddress(self, minconf=1, includeempty=False):
+ """
+ Returns a list of addresses.
+ Each address is represented with a
+ :class:`~mmgen.rpc.data.AddressInfo` object.
+ Arguments:
+ - *minconf* -- Minimum number of confirmations before payments are included.
+ - *includeempty* -- Whether to include addresses that haven't received
+ any payments.
+ """
+ try:
+ return [AddressInfo(**x) for x in
+ self.proxy.listreceivedbyaddress(minconf, includeempty)]
+ except JSONRPCException as e:
+ raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
+ def listaccounts(self, minconf=1, as_dict=False):
+ """
+ Returns a list of account names.
+ Arguments:
+ - *minconf* -- Minimum number of confirmations before payments are included.
+ - *as_dict* -- Returns a dictionary of account names, with their balance as values.
+ """
+ try:
+ if as_dict:
+ return dict(self.proxy.listaccounts(minconf))
+ else:
+ return self.proxy.listaccounts(minconf).keys()
+ except JSONRPCException as e:
+ raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
+ def listreceivedbyaccount(self, minconf=1, includeempty=False):
+ """
+ Returns a list of accounts.
+ Each account is represented with a :class:`~mmgen.rpc.data.AccountInfo` object.
+ Arguments:
+ - *minconf* -- Minimum number of confirmations before payments are included.
+ - *includeempty* -- Whether to include addresses that haven't received any payments.
+ """
+ try:
+ return [AccountInfo(**x) for x in
+ self.proxy.listreceivedbyaccount(minconf, includeempty)]
+ except JSONRPCException as e:
+ raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
+ def listtransactions(self, account=None, count=10, from_=0, address=None):
+ """
+ Returns a list of the last transactions for an account.
+ Each transaction is represented with a :class:`~mmgen.rpc.data.TransactionInfo` object.
+ Arguments:
+ - *account* -- Account to list transactions from. Return transactions from
+ all accounts if None.
+ - *count* -- Number of transactions to return.
+ - *from_* -- Skip the first <from_> transactions.
+ - *address* -- Receive address to consider
+ """
+ accounts = [account] if account is not None else self.listaccounts(as_dict=True).iterkeys()
+ try:
+ return [TransactionInfo(**tx) for acc in accounts for
+ tx in self.proxy.listtransactions(acc, count, from_) if
+ address is None or tx["address"] == address]
+ except JSONRPCException as e:
+ raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
+ def backupwallet(self, destination):
+ """
+ Safely copies ``wallet.dat`` to *destination*, which can be a directory or a path
+ with filename.
+ Arguments:
+ - *destination* -- directory or path with filename to backup wallet to.
+ """
+ try:
+ return self.proxy.backupwallet(destination)
+ except JSONRPCException as e:
+ raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
+ def validateaddress(self, validateaddress):
+ """
+ Validate a bitcoin address and return information for it.
+ The information is represented by a :class:`~mmgen.rpc.data.AddressValidation` object.
+ Arguments: -- Address to validate.
+ - *validateaddress*
+ """
+ try:
+ return AddressValidation(**self.proxy.validateaddress(validateaddress))
+ except JSONRPCException as e:
+ raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
+ def getbalance(self, account=None, minconf=None):
+ """
+ Get the current balance, either for an account or the total server balance.
+ Arguments:
+ - *account* -- If this parameter is specified, returns the balance in the account.
+ - *minconf* -- Minimum number of confirmations required for transferred balance.
+ """
+ args = []
+ if account:
+ args.append(account)
+ if minconf is not None:
+ args.append(minconf)
+ try:
+ return self.proxy.getbalance(*args)
+ except JSONRPCException as e:
+ raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
+ def move(self, fromaccount, toaccount, amount, minconf=1, comment=None):
+ """
+ Move from one account in your wallet to another.
+ Arguments:
+ - *fromaccount* -- Source account name.
+ - *toaccount* -- Destination account name.
+ - *amount* -- Amount to transfer.
+ - *minconf* -- Minimum number of confirmations required for transferred balance.
+ - *comment* -- Comment to add to transaction log.
+ """
+ try:
+ if comment is None:
+ return self.proxy.move(fromaccount, toaccount, amount, minconf)
+ else:
+ return self.proxy.move(fromaccount, toaccount, amount, minconf, comment)
+ except JSONRPCException as e:
+ raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
+ def sendfrom(self, fromaccount, tobitcoinaddress, amount, minconf=1, comment=None,
+ comment_to=None):
+ """
+ Sends amount from account's balance to bitcoinaddress. This method will fail
+ if there is less than amount bitcoins with minconf confirmations in the account's
+ balance (unless account is the empty-string-named default account; it
+ behaves like the sendtoaddress method). Returns transaction ID on success.
+ Arguments:
+ - *fromaccount* -- Account to send from.
+ - *tobitcoinaddress* -- Bitcoin address to send to.
+ - *amount* -- Amount to send (float, rounded to the nearest 0.01).
+ - *minconf* -- Minimum number of confirmations required for transferred balance.
+ - *comment* -- Comment for transaction.
+ - *comment_to* -- Comment for to-address.
+ """
+ try:
+ if comment is None:
+ return self.proxy.sendfrom(fromaccount, tobitcoinaddress, amount, minconf)
+ elif comment_to is None:
+ return self.proxy.sendfrom(fromaccount, tobitcoinaddress, amount, minconf, comment)
+ else:
+ return self.proxy.sendfrom(fromaccount, tobitcoinaddress, amount, minconf, comment, comment_to)
+ except JSONRPCException as e:
+ raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
+ def sendmany(self, fromaccount, todict, minconf=1, comment=None):
+ """
+ Sends specified amounts from account's balance to bitcoinaddresses.
+ This method will fail if there is less than total amount bitcoins with
+ minconf confirmations in the account's balance (unless account is the
+ empty-string-named default account; Returns transaction ID on
+ success.
+ Arguments:
+ - *fromaccount* -- Account to send from.
+ - *todict* -- Dictionary with Bitcoin addresses as keys and amounts as
+ values.
+ - *minconf* -- Minimum number of confirmations required for transferred
+ balance.
+ - *comment* -- Comment for transaction.
+ """
+ try:
+ if comment is None:
+ return self.proxy.sendmany(fromaccount, todict, minconf)
+ else:
+ return self.proxy.sendmany(fromaccount, todict, minconf, comment)
+ except JSONRPCException as e:
+ raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
+ def verifymessage(self, bitcoinaddress, signature, message):
+ """
+ Verifies a signature given the bitcoinaddress used to sign,
+ the signature itself, and the message that was signed.
+ Returns :const:`True` if the signature is valid, and :const:`False` if it is invalid.
+ Arguments:
+ - *bitcoinaddress* -- the bitcoinaddress used to sign the message
+ - *signature* -- the signature to be verified
+ - *message* -- the message that was originally signed
+ """
+ try:
+ return self.proxy.verifymessage(bitcoinaddress, signature, message)
+ except JSONRPCException as e:
+ raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
+ def getwork(self, data=None):
+ """
+ Get work for remote mining, or submit result.
+ If data is specified, the server tries to solve the block
+ using the provided data and returns :const:`True` if it was successful.
+ If not, the function returns formatted hash data (:class:`~mmgen.rpc.data.WorkItem`)
+ to work on.
+ Arguments:
+ - *data* -- Result from remote mining.
+ """
+ try:
+ if data is None:
+ # Only if no data provided, it returns a WorkItem
+ return WorkItem(**self.proxy.getwork())
+ else:
+ return self.proxy.getwork(data)
+ except JSONRPCException as e:
+ raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
+ def listunspent(self, minconf=1, maxconf=999999):
+ """
+ Returns a list of unspent transaction inputs in the wallet.
+ Arguments:
+ - *minconf* -- Minimum number of confirmations required to be listed.
+ - *maxconf* -- Maximal number of confirmations allowed to be listed.
+ """
+ try:
+ return [TransactionInfo(**tx) for tx in
+ self.proxy.listunspent(minconf, maxconf)]
+ except JSONRPCException as e:
+ raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
+ def keypoolrefill(self):
+ "Fills the keypool, requires wallet passphrase to be set."
+ try:
+ self.proxy.keypoolrefill()
+ except JSONRPCException as e:
+ raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
+ def walletpassphrase(self, passphrase, timeout, dont_raise=False):
+ """
+ Stores the wallet decryption key in memory for <timeout> seconds.
+ - *passphrase* -- The wallet passphrase.
+ - *timeout* -- Time in seconds to keep the wallet unlocked
+ (by keeping the passphrase in memory).
+ - *dont_raise* -- instead of raising `~mmgen.rpc.exceptions.WalletPassphraseIncorrect`
+ return False.
+ """
+ try:
+ self.proxy.walletpassphrase(passphrase, timeout)
+ return True
+ except JSONRPCException as e:
+ json_exception = _wrap_exception(e.error)
+ if dont_raise:
+ if isinstance(json_exception, WalletPassphraseIncorrect):
+ return False
+ elif isinstance(json_exception, WalletAlreadyUnlocked):
+ return True
+ raise json_exception
+ def walletlock(self):
+ """
+ Removes the wallet encryption key from memory, locking the wallet.
+ After calling this method, you will need to call walletpassphrase
+ again before being able to call any methods which require the wallet
+ to be unlocked.
+ """
+ try:
+ return self.proxy.walletlock()
+ except JSONRPCException as e:
+ raise _wrap_exception(e.error)
+ def walletpassphrasechange(self, oldpassphrase, newpassphrase, dont_raise=False):
+ """
+ Changes the wallet passphrase from <oldpassphrase> to <newpassphrase>.
+ Arguments:
+ - *dont_raise* -- instead of raising
+ `~mmgen.rpc.exceptions.WalletPassphraseIncorrect` return False.
+ """
+ try:
+ self.proxy.walletpassphrasechange(oldpassphrase, newpassphrase)
+ return True
+ except JSONRPCException as e:
+ json_exception = _wrap_exception(e.error)
+ if dont_raise and isinstance(json_exception, WalletPassphraseIncorrect):
+ return False
+ raise json_exception