@@ -152,19 +152,40 @@ class GlobalContext(Lockable):
# global var sets user opt:
global_sets_opt = (
+ 'debug',
+ 'minconf',
+ 'quiet',
+ 'tx_confs',
+ 'tx_fee_adj',
- 'minconf','usr_randchars','debug','quiet','tx_confs','tx_fee_adj' )
+ 'usr_randchars' )
# user opt sets global var:
opt_sets_global = ( 'cached_balances', )
# 'long' opts - opt sets global var (see common_opts_data)
common_opts = (
- 'color','no_license','testnet',
- 'rpc_host','rpc_port','rpc_user','rpc_password','rpc_backend','aiohttp_rpc_queue_len',
- 'daemon_data_dir','force_256_color','regtest','coin','bob','alice',
- 'accept_defaults','token','ignore_daemon_version','daemon_id','http_timeout',
- )
+ 'accept_defaults',
+ 'aiohttp_rpc_queue_len',
+ 'alice',
+ 'bob',
+ 'coin',
+ 'color',
+ 'daemon_data_dir',
+ 'daemon_id',
+ 'force_256_color',
+ 'http_timeout',
+ 'ignore_daemon_version',
+ 'no_license',
+ 'regtest',
+ 'rpc_backend',
+ 'rpc_host',
+ 'rpc_password',
+ 'rpc_port',
+ 'rpc_user',
+ 'testnet',
+ 'token' )
# opts not in common_opts but required to be set during opts initialization
init_opts = ('show_hash_presets','yes','verbose')
incompatible_opts = (
@@ -176,16 +197,41 @@ class GlobalContext(Lockable):
('batch','rescan'), # TODO: still incompatible?
cfg_file_opts = (
- 'color','debug','hash_preset','http_timeout','no_license','rpc_host','rpc_port',
- 'quiet','tx_fee_adj','usr_randchars','testnet','rpc_user','rpc_password',
- 'monero_wallet_rpc_host','monero_wallet_rpc_user','monero_wallet_rpc_password',
- 'daemon_data_dir','force_256_color','regtest','subseeds','mnemonic_entry_modes',
- 'btc_max_tx_fee','ltc_max_tx_fee','bch_max_tx_fee','eth_max_tx_fee',
- 'btc_ignore_daemon_version','bch_ignore_daemon_version','ltc_ignore_daemon_version',
- 'eth_ignore_daemon_version','etc_ignore_daemon_version',
- 'eth_mainnet_chain_names','eth_testnet_chain_names',
- 'max_tx_file_size','max_input_size'
- )
+ 'color',
+ 'daemon_data_dir',
+ 'debug',
+ 'force_256_color',
+ 'hash_preset',
+ 'http_timeout',
+ 'max_input_size',
+ 'max_tx_file_size',
+ 'mnemonic_entry_modes',
+ 'monero_wallet_rpc_host',
+ 'monero_wallet_rpc_password',
+ 'monero_wallet_rpc_user',
+ 'no_license',
+ 'quiet',
+ 'regtest',
+ 'rpc_host',
+ 'rpc_password',
+ 'rpc_port',
+ 'rpc_user',
+ 'subseeds',
+ 'testnet',
+ 'tx_fee_adj',
+ 'usr_randchars',
+ 'bch_max_tx_fee',
+ 'btc_max_tx_fee',
+ 'eth_max_tx_fee',
+ 'ltc_max_tx_fee',
+ 'bch_ignore_daemon_version',
+ 'btc_ignore_daemon_version',
+ 'etc_ignore_daemon_version',
+ 'eth_ignore_daemon_version',
+ 'ltc_ignore_daemon_version',
+ 'eth_mainnet_chain_names',
+ 'eth_testnet_chain_names' )
# Supported environmental vars
# The corresponding vars (lowercase, minus 'mmgen_') must be initialized in g
# 'DISABLE_' env vars disable the corresponding var in g