@@ -73,16 +73,19 @@ class MMGenRegtest(MMGenObject):
'bch': 'n2fxhNx27GhHAWQhyuZ5REcBNrJqCJsJ12',
- def __init__(self,cfg,coin):
+ def __init__(self, cfg, coin, bdb_wallet=False):
self.cfg = cfg
self.coin = coin.lower()
+ self.bdb_wallet = bdb_wallet
assert self.coin in self.coins, f'{coin!r}: invalid coin for regtest'
self.proto = init_proto(cfg, self.coin, regtest=True, need_amt=True)
self.d = CoinDaemon(
self.coin + '_rt',
- test_suite = cfg.test_suite)
+ test_suite = cfg.test_suite,
+ opts = ['bdb_wallet'] if bdb_wallet else None)
# Caching creates problems (broken pipe) when recreating + loading wallets,
# so reinstantiate with every call:
@@ -93,13 +96,17 @@ class MMGenRegtest(MMGenObject):
async def miner_addr(self):
if not hasattr(self,'_miner_addr'):
- self._miner_addr = self.bdb_miner_addrs[self.coin]
+ self._miner_addr = (
+ self.bdb_miner_addrs[self.coin] if self.bdb_wallet else
+ await self.rpc_call('getnewaddress', wallet='miner'))
return self._miner_addr
async def miner_wif(self):
if not hasattr(self,'_miner_wif'):
- self._miner_wif = self.bdb_miner_wif
+ self._miner_wif = (
+ self.bdb_miner_wif if self.bdb_wallet else
+ await self.rpc_call('dumpprivkey', (await self.miner_addr), wallet='miner'))
return self._miner_wif
def create_hdseed_wif(self):
@@ -118,6 +125,7 @@ class MMGenRegtest(MMGenObject):
+ # very slow with descriptor wallet and large block count - 'generatetodescriptor' no better
out = await self.rpc_call(
@@ -134,8 +142,9 @@ class MMGenRegtest(MMGenObject):
return await (await self.rpc).icall(
wallet_name = user,
- blank = True,
+ blank = user != 'miner' or self.bdb_wallet,
no_keys = user != 'miner',
+ descriptors = not self.bdb_wallet,
load_on_startup = False)
async def setup(self):
@@ -165,11 +174,12 @@ class MMGenRegtest(MMGenObject):
# Unfortunately, we don’t get deterministic output with BCH and LTC even with fixed
# hdseed, as their 'sendtoaddress' calls produce non-deterministic TXIDs due to random
# input ordering and fee estimation.
- await (await self.rpc).call(
- 'sethdseed',
- True,
- self.create_hdseed_wif(),
- wallet = 'miner')
+ if self.bdb_wallet:
+ await (await self.rpc).call(
+ 'sethdseed',
+ True,
+ self.create_hdseed_wif(),
+ wallet = 'miner')
# Broken litecoind can only mine 431 blocks in regtest mode, so generate just enough
# blocks to fund the test suite
@@ -255,7 +265,7 @@ class MMGenRegtest(MMGenObject):
gmsg(f'Creating fork from coin {coin} to coin {proto.coin}')
- source_rt = MMGenRegtest( self.cfg, coin )
+ source_rt = MMGenRegtest(self.cfg, coin, bdb_wallet=self.bdb_wallet)