@@ -60,9 +60,9 @@ def strfmt_locktime(num,terse=False):
elif num > 0:
return '{}{}'.format(('block height ','')[terse],num)
- die(2,"'{}': invalid locktime value!".format(num))
+ die(2,"'{}': invalid nLockTime value!".format(num))
-def mmaddr2coinaddr(mmaddr,ad_w,ad_f):
+def mmaddr2coinaddr(mmaddr,ad_w,ad_f,proto):
# assume mmaddr has already been checked
coin_addr = ad_w.mmaddr2coinaddr(mmaddr)
@@ -79,42 +79,27 @@ def mmaddr2coinaddr(mmaddr,ad_w,ad_f):
- return CoinAddr(coin_addr)
-def segwit_is_active(exit_on_error=False):
- d = g.rpc.cached['blockchaininfo']
- if d['chain'] == 'regtest':
- return True
- if ( 'bip9_softforks' in d
- and 'segwit' in d['bip9_softforks']
- and d['bip9_softforks']['segwit']['status'] == 'active'):
- return True
- if g.test_suite:
- return True
- if exit_on_error:
- die(2,'Segwit not active on this chain. Exiting')
- else:
- return False
+ return CoinAddr(proto,coin_addr)
-def addr2pubhash(addr):
- ap = g.proto.parse_addr(addr)
+def addr2pubhash(proto,addr):
+ ap = proto.parse_addr(addr)
assert ap,'coin address {!r} could not be parsed'.format(addr)
return ap.bytes.hex()
-def addr2scriptPubKey(addr):
+def addr2scriptPubKey(proto,addr):
return {
- 'p2pkh': '76a914' + addr2pubhash(addr) + '88ac',
- 'p2sh': 'a914' + addr2pubhash(addr) + '87',
- 'bech32': g.proto.witness_vernum_hex + '14' + addr2pubhash(addr)
+ 'p2pkh': '76a914' + addr2pubhash(proto,addr) + '88ac',
+ 'p2sh': 'a914' + addr2pubhash(proto,addr) + '87',
+ 'bech32': proto.witness_vernum_hex + '14' + addr2pubhash(proto,addr)
-def scriptPubKey2addr(s):
+def scriptPubKey2addr(proto,s):
if len(s) == 50 and s[:6] == '76a914' and s[-4:] == '88ac':
- return g.proto.pubhash2addr(s[6:-4],p2sh=False),'p2pkh'
+ return proto.pubhash2addr(s[6:-4],p2sh=False),'p2pkh'
elif len(s) == 46 and s[:4] == 'a914' and s[-2:] == '87':
- return g.proto.pubhash2addr(s[4:-2],p2sh=True),'p2sh'
- elif len(s) == 44 and s[:4] == g.proto.witness_vernum_hex + '14':
- return g.proto.pubhash2bech32addr(s[4:]),'bech32'
+ return proto.pubhash2addr(s[4:-2],p2sh=True),'p2sh'
+ elif len(s) == 44 and s[:4] == proto.witness_vernum_hex + '14':
+ return proto.pubhash2bech32addr(s[4:]),'bech32'
raise NotImplementedError('Unknown scriptPubKey ({})'.format(s))
@@ -123,7 +108,7 @@ class DeserializedTX(dict,MMGenObject):
Parse a serialized Bitcoin transaction
For checking purposes, additionally reconstructs the raw (unsigned) tx hex from signed tx hex
- def __init__(self,txhex):
+ def __init__(self,proto,txhex):
def bytes2int(bytes_le):
if bytes_le[-1] & 0x80: # sign bit is set
@@ -131,7 +116,7 @@ class DeserializedTX(dict,MMGenObject):
return int(bytes_le[::-1].hex(),16)
def bytes2coin_amt(bytes_le):
- return g.proto.coin_amt(bytes2int(bytes_le) * g.proto.coin_amt.min_coin_unit)
+ return proto.coin_amt(bytes2int(bytes_le) * proto.coin_amt.min_coin_unit)
def bshift(n,skip=False,sub_null=False):
ret = tx[self.idx:self.idx+n]
@@ -193,7 +178,7 @@ class DeserializedTX(dict,MMGenObject):
} for i in range(d['num_txouts'])])
for o in d['txouts']:
- o['address'] = scriptPubKey2addr(o['scriptPubKey'])[0]
+ o['address'] = scriptPubKey2addr(proto,o['scriptPubKey'])[0]
if has_witness:
# https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0141.mediawiki
@@ -223,1337 +208,1419 @@ class DeserializedTX(dict,MMGenObject):
class MMGenTxIO(MMGenListItem):
vout = ListItemAttr(int,typeconv=False)
- amt = ImmutableAttr(lambda val:g.proto.coin_amt(val),typeconv=False)
+ amt = ImmutableAttr(None)
label = ListItemAttr('TwComment',reassign_ok=True)
- mmid = ListItemAttr('MMGenID')
- addr = ImmutableAttr('CoinAddr')
- confs = ListItemAttr(int,typeconv=True) # confs of type long exist in the wild, so convert
+ mmid = ListItemAttr('MMGenID',include_proto=True)
+ addr = ImmutableAttr('CoinAddr',include_proto=True)
+ confs = ListItemAttr(int) # confs of type long exist in the wild, so convert
txid = ListItemAttr('CoinTxID')
have_wif = ListItemAttr(bool,typeconv=False,delete_ok=True)
+ invalid_attrs = {'proto','tw_copy_attrs'}
+ def __init__(self,proto,**kwargs):
+ self.__dict__['proto'] = proto
+ MMGenListItem.__init__(self,**kwargs)
+ class conv_funcs:
+ def amt(self,value):
+ return self.proto.coin_amt(value)
class MMGenTxInput(MMGenTxIO):
scriptPubKey = ListItemAttr('HexStr')
sequence = ListItemAttr(int,typeconv=False)
- # required by copy_inputs_from_tw()
- copy_attrs = { 'scriptPubKey','vout','amt','label','mmid','addr','confs','txid' }
+ tw_copy_attrs = { 'scriptPubKey','vout','amt','label','mmid','addr','confs','txid' }
class MMGenTxOutput(MMGenTxIO):
is_chg = ListItemAttr(bool,typeconv=False)
-class MMGenTxInputList(list,MMGenObject):
+class MMGenTxIOList(MMGenObject):
+ def __init__(self,parent,data=None):
+ self.parent = parent
+ if data:
+ assert isinstance(data,list), 'MMGenTxIOList_check1'
+ self.data = data
+ else:
+ self.data = list()
+ def __getitem__(self,val): return self.data.__getitem__(val)
+ def __setitem__(self,key,val): return self.data.__setitem__(key,val)
+ def __delitem__(self,val): return self.data.__delitem__(val)
+ def __contains__(self,val): return self.data.__contains__(val)
+ def __iter__(self): return self.data.__iter__()
+ def __len__(self): return self.data.__len__()
+ def __add__(self,val): return self.data.__add__(val)
+ def __eq__(self,val): return self.data.__eq__(val)
+ def append(self,val): return self.data.append(val)
+ def sort(self,*args,**kwargs): return self.data.sort(*args,**kwargs)
+class MMGenTxInputList(MMGenTxIOList):
desc = 'transaction inputs'
member_type = 'MMGenTxInput'
- def convert_coin(self,verbose=False):
- if verbose:
- msg(f'{self.desc}:')
- for i in self:
- setattr(i,'amt',g.proto.coin_amt(i.amt))
- def check_coin_mismatch(self):
- for i in self:
- if type(i.amt) != g.proto.coin_amt:
- die(2,f'Coin mismatch in transaction: amount {i.amt} not of type {g.proto.coin_amt}!')
+# def convert_coin(self,verbose=False):
+# if verbose:
+# msg(f'{self.desc}:')
+# for i in self:
+# i.amt = self.parent.proto.coin_amt(i.amt)
# Lexicographical Indexing of Transaction Inputs and Outputs
# https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0069.mediawiki
def sort_bip69(self):
- from struct import pack
- self.sort(key=lambda a: bytes.fromhex(a.txid) + pack('>i',a.vout))
+ def sort_func(a):
+ return (
+ bytes.fromhex(a.txid)
+ + int.to_bytes(a.vout,4,'big') )
+ self.sort(key=sort_func)
-class MMGenTxOutputList(MMGenTxInputList):
+class MMGenTxOutputList(MMGenTxIOList):
desc = 'transaction outputs'
member_type = 'MMGenTxOutput'
def sort_bip69(self):
- from struct import pack
- self.sort(key=lambda a: pack('>q',a.amt.toSatoshi()) + bytes.fromhex(addr2scriptPubKey(a.addr)))
-class MMGenTX(MMGenObject):
- def __new__(cls,*args,**kwargs):
- return MMGenObject.__new__(altcoin_subclass(cls,'tx','MMGenTX'))
- ext = 'rawtx'
- raw_ext = 'rawtx'
- sig_ext = 'sigtx'
- txid_ext = 'txid'
- desc = 'transaction'
- hexdata_type = 'hex'
- fee_fail_fs = 'Network fee estimation for {c} confirmations failed ({t})'
- no_chg_msg = 'Warning: Change address will be deleted as transaction produces no change'
- rel_fee_desc = 'satoshis per byte'
- rel_fee_disp = 'satoshis per byte'
- txview_hdr_fs = 'TRANSACTION DATA\n\nID={i} ({a} {c}) UTC={t} RBF={r} Sig={s} Locktime={l}\n'
- txview_hdr_fs_short = 'TX {i} ({a} {c}) UTC={t} RBF={r} Sig={s} Locktime={l}\n'
- txview_ftr_fs = 'Total input: {i} {d}\nTotal output: {o} {d}\nTX fee: {a} {c}{r}\n'
- txview_ftr_fs_short = 'In {i} {d} - Out {o} {d}\nFee {a} {c}{r}\n'
- usr_fee_prompt = 'Enter transaction fee: '
- fee_is_approximate = False
- fn_fee_unit = 'satoshi'
- view_sort_orders = ('addr','raw')
- dfl_view_sort_order = 'addr'
- msg_wallet_low_coin = 'Wallet has insufficient funds for this transaction ({} {} needed)'
- msg_low_coin = 'Selected outputs insufficient to fund this transaction ({} {} needed)'
- msg_no_change_output = fmt("""
- ERROR: No change address specified. If you wish to create a transaction with
- only one output, specify a single output address with no {} amount
- """).strip()
- msg_non_mmgen_inputs = fmt(f"""
- NOTE: This transaction includes non-{g.proj_name} inputs, which makes the signing
- process more complicated. When signing the transaction, keys for non-{g.proj_name}
- inputs must be supplied using the '--keys-from-file' option. The key file
- must contain exactly one key per line.
- Selected non-{g.proj_name} inputs: {{}}
- """).strip()
- def __init__(self,filename=None,metadata_only=False,caller=None,quiet_open=False,data=None,tw=None):
- if data:
- assert type(data) is dict, type(data)
- self.__dict__ = data
- return
- self.inputs = MMGenTxInputList()
- self.outputs = MMGenTxOutputList()
- self.send_amt = g.proto.coin_amt('0') # total amt minus change
- self.fee = g.proto.coin_amt('0')
- self.hex = '' # raw serialized hex transaction
- self.label = MMGenTxLabel('')
- self.txid = ''
- self.coin_txid = ''
- self.timestamp = ''
- self.blockcount = 0
- self.chain = None
- self.coin = None
- self.dcoin = None
- self.caller = caller
- self.locktime = None
- self.tw = tw
- if filename:
- from .txfile import MMGenTxFile
- MMGenTxFile(self).parse(filename,metadata_only=metadata_only,quiet_open=quiet_open)
- if metadata_only:
- return
- self.check_pubkey_scripts()
- self.check_sigs() # marks the tx as signed
- # repeat with sign and send, because coin daemon could be restarted
- self.check_correct_chain()
- def write_to_file(self,*args,**kwargs):
- from .txfile import MMGenTxFile
- MMGenTxFile(self).write(*args,**kwargs)
- def check_correct_chain(self):
- bad = self.chain and g.chain and self.chain != g.chain
- if bad and hasattr(g.proto,'chain_name'):
- bad = self.chain != g.proto.chain_name
- if bad:
- raise TransactionChainMismatch(f'Transaction is for {self.chain}, but current chain is {g.chain}!')
- def add_output(self,coinaddr,amt,is_chg=None):
- self.outputs.append(MMGenTxOutput(addr=coinaddr,amt=amt,is_chg=is_chg))
- def get_chg_output_idx(self):
- ch_ops = [x.is_chg for x in self.outputs]
- try:
- return ch_ops.index(True)
- except ValueError:
- return None
- def update_output_amt(self,idx,amt):
- o = self.outputs[idx].__dict__
- o['amt'] = amt
- self.outputs[idx] = MMGenTxOutput(**o)
- def update_change_output(self,change_amt):
- chg_idx = self.get_chg_output_idx()
- if change_amt == 0:
- msg(self.no_chg_msg)
- self.del_output(chg_idx)
- else:
- self.update_output_amt(chg_idx,g.proto.coin_amt(change_amt))
- def del_output(self,idx):
- self.outputs.pop(idx)
- def sum_outputs(self,exclude=None):
- if exclude == None:
- olist = self.outputs
- else:
- olist = self.outputs[:exclude] + self.outputs[exclude+1:]
- if not olist:
- return g.proto.coin_amt('0')
- return g.proto.coin_amt(sum(e.amt for e in olist))
- def add_mmaddrs_to_outputs(self,ad_w,ad_f):
- a = [e.addr for e in self.outputs]
- d = ad_w.make_reverse_dict(a)
- if ad_f:
- d.update(ad_f.make_reverse_dict(a))
- for e in self.outputs:
- if e.addr and e.addr in d:
- e.mmid,f = d[e.addr]
- if f:
- e.label = f
- def check_dup_addrs(self,io_str):
- assert io_str in ('inputs','outputs')
- addrs = [e.addr for e in getattr(self,io_str)]
- if len(addrs) != len(set(addrs)):
- die(2,f'{addrs}: duplicate address in transaction {io_str}')
- def update_txid(self):
- self.txid = MMGenTxID(make_chksum_6(bytes.fromhex(self.hex)).upper())
- async def create_raw(self):
- i = [{'txid':e.txid,'vout':e.vout} for e in self.inputs]
- if self.inputs[0].sequence:
- i[0]['sequence'] = self.inputs[0].sequence
- o = {e.addr:e.amt for e in self.outputs}
- self.hex = HexStr(await g.rpc.call('createrawtransaction',i,o))
- self.update_txid()
- def print_contract_addr(self):
- pass
- # returns true if comment added or changed
- def add_comment(self,infile=None):
- if infile:
- self.label = MMGenTxLabel(get_data_from_file(infile,'transaction comment'))
- else: # get comment from user, or edit existing comment
- m = ('Add a comment to transaction?','Edit transaction comment?')[bool(self.label)]
- if keypress_confirm(m,default_yes=False):
- while True:
- s = MMGenTxLabel(my_raw_input('Comment: ',insert_txt=self.label))
- if s:
- lbl_save = self.label
- self.label = s
- return (True,False)[lbl_save == self.label]
- else:
- msg('Invalid comment')
- return False
- def edit_comment(self):
- return self.add_comment(self)
- def get_fee(self):
- return self.sum_inputs() - self.sum_outputs()
- def has_segwit_inputs(self):
- return any(i.mmid and i.mmid.mmtype in ('S','B') for i in self.inputs)
- def compare_size_and_estimated_size(self,tx_decoded):
- est_vsize = self.estimate_size()
- d = tx_decoded
- vsize = d['vsize'] if 'vsize' in d else d['size']
- vmsg(f'\nVsize: {vsize} (true) {est_vsize} (estimated)')
- ratio = float(est_vsize) / vsize
- if not (0.95 < ratio < 1.05): # allow for 5% error
- raise BadTxSizeEstimate(fmt(f"""
- Estimated transaction vsize is {ratio:1.2f} times the true vsize
- Your transaction fee estimates will be inaccurate
- Please re-create and re-sign the transaction using the option --vsize-adj={1/ratio:1.2f}
- """).strip())
- # https://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/questions/1195/how-to-calculate-transaction-size-before-sending
- # 180: uncompressed, 148: compressed
- def estimate_size_old(self):
- if not self.inputs or not self.outputs:
- return None
- return len(self.inputs)*180 + len(self.outputs)*34 + 10
- # https://bitcoincore.org/en/segwit_wallet_dev/
- # vsize: 3 times of the size with original serialization, plus the size with new
- # serialization, divide the result by 4 and round up to the next integer.
- # TODO: results differ slightly from actual transaction size
- def estimate_size(self):
- if not self.inputs or not self.outputs:
- return None
- sig_size = 72 # sig in DER format
- pubkey_size_uncompressed = 65
- pubkey_size_compressed = 33
- def get_inputs_size():
- # txid vout [scriptSig size (vInt)] scriptSig (<sig> <pubkey>) nSeq
- isize_common = 32 + 4 + 1 + 4 # txid vout [scriptSig size] nSeq = 41
- input_size = {
- 'L': isize_common + sig_size + pubkey_size_uncompressed, # = 180
- 'C': isize_common + sig_size + pubkey_size_compressed, # = 148
- 'S': isize_common + 23, # = 64
- 'B': isize_common + 0 # = 41
- }
- ret = sum(input_size[i.mmid.mmtype] for i in self.inputs if i.mmid)
- # We have no way of knowing whether a non-MMGen addr is compressed or uncompressed until
- # we see the key, so assume compressed for fee-estimation purposes. If fee estimate is
- # off by more than 5%, sign() aborts and user is instructed to use --vsize-adj option
- return ret + sum(input_size['C'] for i in self.inputs if not i.mmid)
- def get_outputs_size():
- # output bytes = amt: 8, byte_count: 1+, pk_script
- # pk_script bytes: p2pkh: 25, p2sh: 23, bech32: 22
- return sum({'p2pkh':34,'p2sh':32,'bech32':31}[o.addr.addr_fmt] for o in self.outputs)
- # https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0141.mediawiki
- # The witness is a serialization of all witness data of the transaction. Each txin is
- # associated with a witness field. A witness field starts with a var_int to indicate the
- # number of stack items for the txin. It is followed by stack items, with each item starts
- # with a var_int to indicate the length. Witness data is NOT script.
- # A non-witness program txin MUST be associated with an empty witness field, represented
- # by a 0x00. If all txins are not witness program, a transaction's wtxid is equal to its txid.
- def get_witness_size():
- if not self.has_segwit_inputs():
- return 0
- wf_size = 1 + 1 + sig_size + 1 + pubkey_size_compressed # vInt vInt sig vInt pubkey = 108
- return sum((1,wf_size)[bool(i.mmid) and i.mmid.mmtype in ('S','B')] for i in self.inputs)
- isize = get_inputs_size()
- osize = get_outputs_size()
- wsize = get_witness_size()
- # TODO: compute real varInt sizes instead of assuming 1 byte
- # old serialization: [nVersion] [vInt][txins][vInt][txouts] [nLockTime]
- old_size = 4 + 1 + isize + 1 + osize + 4
- # marker = 0x00, flag = 0x01
- # new serialization: [nVersion][marker][flag][vInt][txins][vInt][txouts][witness][nLockTime]
- new_size = 4 + 1 + 1 + 1 + isize + 1 + osize + wsize + 4 \
- if wsize else old_size
- ret = (old_size * 3 + new_size) // 4
- dmsg('\nData from estimate_size():')
- dmsg(' inputs size: {}, outputs size: {}, witness size: {}'.format(isize,osize,wsize))
- dmsg(' size: {}, vsize: {}, old_size: {}'.format(new_size,ret,old_size))
- return int(ret * float(opt.vsize_adj)) if hasattr(opt,'vsize_adj') and opt.vsize_adj else ret
- # coin-specific fee routines
- @property
- def relay_fee(self):
- kb_fee = g.proto.coin_amt(g.rpc.cached['networkinfo']['relayfee'])
- ret = kb_fee * self.estimate_size() // 1024
- vmsg('Relay fee: {} {c}/kB, for transaction: {} {c}'.format(kb_fee,ret,c=g.coin))
- return ret
- # convert absolute BTC fee to satoshis-per-byte using estimated size
- def fee_abs2rel(self,abs_fee,to_unit=None):
- unit = getattr(g.proto.coin_amt,to_unit or 'min_coin_unit')
- return int(abs_fee // unit // self.estimate_size())
- async def get_rel_fee_from_network(self):
- try:
- ret = await g.rpc.call('estimatesmartfee',opt.tx_confs,opt.fee_estimate_mode.upper())
- fee_per_kb = ret['feerate'] if 'feerate' in ret else -2
- fe_type = 'estimatesmartfee'
- except:
- args = () if g.coin=='BCH' and g.rpc.daemon_version >= 190100 else (opt.tx_confs,)
- fee_per_kb = await g.rpc.call('estimatefee',*args)
- fe_type = 'estimatefee'
- return fee_per_kb,fe_type
- # given tx size, rel fee and units, return absolute fee
- def convert_fee_spec(self,tx_size,units,amt,unit):
- self.usr_rel_fee = None # TODO
- return g.proto.coin_amt(int(amt)*tx_size*getattr(g.proto.coin_amt,units[unit])) \
- if tx_size else None
- # given network fee estimate in BTC/kB, return absolute fee using estimated tx size
- def fee_est2abs(self,fee_per_kb,fe_type=None):
- tx_size = self.estimate_size()
- f = fee_per_kb * opt.tx_fee_adj * tx_size / 1024
- ret = g.proto.coin_amt(f,from_decimal=True)
- if opt.verbose:
- msg(fmt(f"""
- {fe_type.upper()} fee for {opt.tx_confs} confirmations: {fee_per_kb} {g.coin}/kB
- TX size (estimated): {tx_size} bytes
- Fee adjustment factor: {opt.tx_fee_adj}
- Absolute fee (fee_per_kb * adj_factor * tx_size / 1024): {ret} {g.coin}
- """).strip())
- return ret
- def convert_and_check_fee(self,tx_fee,desc='Missing description'):
- abs_fee = self.process_fee_spec(tx_fee,self.estimate_size())
- if abs_fee == None: # we shouldn't be calling this method if tx size is unknown
- raise ValueError(
- f'{tx_fee}: cannot convert {self.rel_fee_desc} to {g.coin} because transaction size is unknown')
- elif abs_fee == False:
- msg(f'{tx_fee!r}: invalid TX fee (not a {g.coin} amount or {self.rel_fee_desc} specification)')
- return False
- elif abs_fee > g.proto.max_tx_fee:
- msg(f'{abs_fee} {g.coin}: {desc} fee too large (maximum fee: {g.proto.max_tx_fee} {g.coin})')
- return False
- elif abs_fee < self.relay_fee:
- msg(f'{abs_fee} {g.coin}: {desc} fee too small (less than relay fee of {self.relay_fee} {g.coin})')
- return False
- else:
- return abs_fee
- # non-coin-specific fee routines
- # given tx size and absolute fee or fee spec, return absolute fee
- # relative fee is N+<first letter of unit name>
- def process_fee_spec(self,tx_fee,tx_size):
- if g.proto.coin_amt(tx_fee,on_fail='silent'):
- return g.proto.coin_amt(tx_fee)
- else:
- import re
- units = {u[0]:u for u in g.proto.coin_amt.units}
- pat = re.compile(r'([1-9][0-9]*)({})'.format('|'.join(units)))
- if pat.match(tx_fee):
- amt,unit = pat.match(tx_fee).groups()
- return self.convert_fee_spec(tx_size,units,amt,unit)
- return False
- def get_usr_fee_interactive(self,tx_fee=None,desc='Starting'):
- abs_fee = None
- while True:
- if tx_fee:
- abs_fee = self.convert_and_check_fee(tx_fee,desc)
- if abs_fee:
- prompt = '{} TX fee{}: {}{} {} ({} {})\n'.format(
- desc,
- (f' (after {opt.tx_fee_adj}X adjustment)'
- if opt.tx_fee_adj != 1 and desc.startswith('Network-estimated')
- else ''),
- ('','≈')[self.fee_is_approximate],
- abs_fee.hl(),
- g.coin,
- pink(str(self.fee_abs2rel(abs_fee))),
- self.rel_fee_disp)
- if opt.yes or keypress_confirm(prompt+'OK?',default_yes=True):
- if opt.yes:
- msg(prompt)
- return abs_fee
- tx_fee = my_raw_input(self.usr_fee_prompt)
- desc = 'User-selected'
- async def get_fee_from_user(self,have_estimate_fail=[]):
- if opt.tx_fee:
- desc = 'User-selected'
- start_fee = opt.tx_fee
- else:
- desc = f'Network-estimated (mode: {opt.fee_estimate_mode.upper()})'
- fee_per_kb,fe_type = await self.get_rel_fee_from_network()
- if fee_per_kb < 0:
- if not have_estimate_fail:
- msg(self.fee_fail_fs.format(c=opt.tx_confs,t=fe_type))
- have_estimate_fail.append(True)
- start_fee = None
+ def sort_func(a):
+ return (
+ int.to_bytes(a.amt.toSatoshi(),8,'big')
+ + bytes.fromhex(addr2scriptPubKey(self.parent.proto,a.addr)) )
+ self.sort(key=sort_func)
+class MMGenTX:
+ class Base(MMGenObject):
+ desc = 'transaction'
+ hex = '' # raw serialized hex transaction
+ label = MMGenTxLabel('')
+ txid = ''
+ coin_txid = ''
+ timestamp = ''
+ blockcount = 0
+ coin = None
+ dcoin = None
+ locktime = None
+ chain = None
+ rel_fee_desc = 'satoshis per byte'
+ rel_fee_disp = 'satoshis per byte'
+ non_mmgen_inputs_msg = f"""
+ This transaction includes inputs with non-{g.proj_name} addresses. When
+ signing the transaction, private keys for the addresses must be supplied using
+ the --keys-from-file option. The key file must contain one key per line.
+ Please note that this transaction cannot be autosigned, as autosigning does
+ not support the use of key files.
+ Non-{g.proj_name} addresses found in inputs:
+ {{}}
+ """
+ def __new__(cls,*args,**kwargs):
+ """
+ determine correct protocol and pass the proto to altcoin_subclass(), which returns the
+ transaction object
+ """
+ assert args == (), f'MMGenTX.Base_chk1: only keyword args allowed in {cls.__name__} initializer'
+ if 'proto' in kwargs:
+ return MMGenObject.__new__(altcoin_subclass(cls,kwargs['proto'],'tx'))
+ elif 'data' in kwargs:
+ return MMGenObject.__new__(altcoin_subclass(cls,kwargs['data']['proto'],'tx'))
+ elif 'filename' in kwargs:
+ from .txfile import MMGenTxFile
+ tmp_tx = MMGenObject.__new__(cls)
+ MMGenTxFile(tmp_tx).parse(
+ infile = kwargs['filename'],
+ quiet_open = kwargs.get('quiet_open'),
+ metadata_only = True )
+ me = MMGenObject.__new__(altcoin_subclass(cls,tmp_tx.proto,'tx'))
+ me.proto = tmp_tx.proto
+ return me
+ elif cls.__name__ == 'Base' and args == () and kwargs == {}: # allow instantiation of empty Base()
+ return cls
- start_fee = self.fee_est2abs(fee_per_kb,fe_type)
- return self.get_usr_fee_interactive(start_fee,desc=desc)
- def delete_attrs(self,desc,attr):
- for e in getattr(self,desc):
- if hasattr(e,attr):
- delattr(e,attr)
- # inputs methods
- def copy_inputs_from_tw(self,tw_unspent_data):
- self.inputs = MMGenTxInputList()
- for d in tw_unspent_data:
- t = MMGenTxInput(**{attr:getattr(d,attr) for attr in d.__dict__ if attr in MMGenTxInput.copy_attrs})
- if d.twmmid.type == 'mmgen':
- t.mmid = d.twmmid # twmmid -> mmid
- self.inputs.append(t)
- def get_input_sids(self):
- return set(e.mmid.sid for e in self.inputs if e.mmid)
- def get_output_sids(self):
- return set(e.mmid.sid for e in self.outputs if e.mmid)
- def sum_inputs(self):
- return sum(e.amt for e in self.inputs)
- def add_timestamp(self):
- self.timestamp = make_timestamp()
- def get_hex_locktime(self):
- return int(bytes.fromhex(self.hex[-8:])[::-1].hex(),16)
- def set_hex_locktime(self,val):
- assert isinstance(val,int),'locktime value not an integer'
- self.hex = self.hex[:-8] + bytes.fromhex('{:08x}'.format(val))[::-1].hex()
- def add_blockcount(self):
- self.blockcount = g.rpc.blockcount
- def get_non_mmaddrs(self,desc):
- return {i.addr for i in getattr(self,desc) if not i.mmid}
- def mark_raw(self):
- self.desc = 'transaction'
- self.ext = self.raw_ext
- def mark_signed(self): # called ONLY by check_sigs()
- self.desc = 'signed transaction'
- self.ext = self.sig_ext
- def marked_signed(self,color=False):
- ret = self.desc == 'signed transaction'
- return (red,green)[ret](str(ret)) if color else ret
- # check that a malicious, compromised or malfunctioning coin daemon hasn't altered hex tx data:
- # does not check witness or signature data
- def check_hex_tx_matches_mmgen_tx(self,deserial_tx):
- m = 'A malicious or malfunctioning coin daemon or other program may have altered your data!'
- lt = deserial_tx['lock_time']
- if lt != int(self.locktime or 0):
- m2 = 'Transaction hex locktime ({}) does not match MMGen transaction locktime ({})\n{}'
- raise TxHexMismatch(m2.format(lt,self.locktime,m))
- def check_equal(desc,hexio,mmio):
- if mmio != hexio:
- msg('\nMMGen {}:\n{}'.format(desc,pp_fmt(mmio)))
- msg('Hex {}:\n{}'.format(desc,pp_fmt(hexio)))
- m2 = '{} in hex transaction data from coin daemon do not match those in MMGen transaction!\n'
- raise TxHexMismatch((m2+m).format(desc.capitalize()))
- seq_hex = [int(i['nSeq'],16) for i in deserial_tx['txins']]
- seq_mmgen = [i.sequence or g.max_int for i in self.inputs]
- check_equal('sequence numbers',seq_hex,seq_mmgen)
- d_hex = sorted((i['txid'],i['vout']) for i in deserial_tx['txins'])
- d_mmgen = sorted((i.txid,i.vout) for i in self.inputs)
- check_equal('inputs',d_hex,d_mmgen)
- d_hex = sorted((o['address'],g.proto.coin_amt(o['amount'])) for o in deserial_tx['txouts'])
- d_mmgen = sorted((o.addr,o.amt) for o in self.outputs)
- check_equal('outputs',d_hex,d_mmgen)
- uh = deserial_tx['unsigned_hex']
- if str(self.txid) != make_chksum_6(bytes.fromhex(uh)).upper():
- raise TxHexMismatch('MMGen TxID ({}) does not match hex transaction data!\n{}'.format(self.txid,m))
- def check_pubkey_scripts(self):
- for n,i in enumerate(self.inputs,1):
- addr,fmt = scriptPubKey2addr(i.scriptPubKey)
- if i.addr != addr:
- if fmt != i.addr.addr_fmt:
- m = 'Address format of scriptPubKey ({}) does not match that of address ({}) in input #{}'
- msg(m.format(fmt,i.addr.addr_fmt,n))
- m = 'ERROR: Address and scriptPubKey of transaction input #{} do not match!'
- die(3,(m+'\n {:23}{}'*3).format(n, 'address:',i.addr,
- 'scriptPubKey:',i.scriptPubKey,
- 'scriptPubKey->address:',addr ))
- # check signature and witness data
- def check_sigs(self,deserial_tx=None): # return False if no sigs, raise exception on error
- txins = (deserial_tx or DeserializedTX(self.hex))['txins']
- has_ss = any(ti['scriptSig'] for ti in txins)
- has_witness = any('witness' in ti and ti['witness'] for ti in txins)
- if not (has_ss or has_witness):
- return False
- fs = "Hex TX has {} scriptSig but input is of type '{}'!"
- for n in range(len(txins)):
- ti,mmti = txins[n],self.inputs[n]
- if ti['scriptSig'] == '' or ( len(ti['scriptSig']) == 46 and # native P2WPKH or P2SH-P2WPKH
- ti['scriptSig'][:6] == '16' + g.proto.witness_vernum_hex + '14' ):
- assert 'witness' in ti, 'missing witness'
- assert type(ti['witness']) == list and len(ti['witness']) == 2, 'malformed witness'
- assert len(ti['witness'][1]) == 66, 'incorrect witness pubkey length'
- assert mmti.mmid, fs.format('witness-type','non-MMGen')
- assert mmti.mmid.mmtype == ('S','B')[ti['scriptSig']==''],(
- fs.format('witness-type',mmti.mmid.mmtype))
- else: # non-witness
- if mmti.mmid:
- assert mmti.mmid.mmtype not in ('S','B'), fs.format('signature in',mmti.mmid.mmtype)
- assert not 'witness' in ti, 'non-witness input has witness'
- # sig_size 72 (DER format), pubkey_size 'compressed':33, 'uncompressed':65
- assert (200 < len(ti['scriptSig']) < 300), 'malformed scriptSig' # VERY rough check
- self.mark_signed()
- return True
- def has_segwit_outputs(self):
- return any(o.mmid and o.mmid.mmtype in ('S','B') for o in self.outputs)
- async def get_status(self,status=False):
- class r(object):
- pass
- async def is_in_wallet():
- try: ret = await g.rpc.call('gettransaction',self.coin_txid)
- except: return False
- if 'confirmations' in ret and ret['confirmations'] > 0:
- r.confs = ret['confirmations']
- return True
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"MMGenTX.Base: {cls.__name__} must be instantiated with 'proto','data' or 'filename' keyword")
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.inputs = MMGenTxInputList(self)
+ self.outputs = MMGenTxOutputList(self)
+ self.name = type(self).__name__
+ @property
+ def coin(self):
+ return self.proto.coin
+ @property
+ def dcoin(self):
+ return self.proto.dcoin
+ def check_correct_chain(self):
+ if hasattr(self,'rpc'):
+ if self.chain != self.rpc.chain:
+ raise TransactionChainMismatch(
+ f'Transaction is for {self.chain}, but coin daemon chain is {self.rpc.chain}!')
+ def sum_inputs(self):
+ return sum(e.amt for e in self.inputs)
+ def sum_outputs(self,exclude=None):
+ if exclude == None:
+ olist = self.outputs
- return False
- async def is_in_utxos():
- try: return 'txid' in await g.rpc.call('getrawtransaction',self.coin_txid,True)
- except: return False
- async def is_in_mempool():
- try: return 'height' in await g.rpc.call('getmempoolentry',self.coin_txid)
- except: return False
+ olist = self.outputs[:exclude] + self.outputs[exclude+1:]
+ if not olist:
+ return self.proto.coin_amt('0')
+ return self.proto.coin_amt(sum(e.amt for e in olist))
+ def has_segwit_inputs(self):
+ return any(i.mmid and i.mmid.mmtype in ('S','B') for i in self.inputs)
+ def has_segwit_outputs(self):
+ return any(o.mmid and o.mmid.mmtype in ('S','B') for o in self.outputs)
+ # https://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/questions/1195/how-to-calculate-transaction-size-before-sending
+ # 180: uncompressed, 148: compressed
+ def estimate_size_old(self):
+ if not self.inputs or not self.outputs:
+ return None
+ return len(self.inputs)*180 + len(self.outputs)*34 + 10
+ # https://bitcoincore.org/en/segwit_wallet_dev/
+ # vsize: 3 times of the size with original serialization, plus the size with new
+ # serialization, divide the result by 4 and round up to the next integer.
+ # TODO: results differ slightly from actual transaction size
+ def estimate_size(self):
+ if not self.inputs or not self.outputs:
+ return None
+ sig_size = 72 # sig in DER format
+ pubkey_size_uncompressed = 65
+ pubkey_size_compressed = 33
+ def get_inputs_size():
+ # txid vout [scriptSig size (vInt)] scriptSig (<sig> <pubkey>) nSeq
+ isize_common = 32 + 4 + 1 + 4 # txid vout [scriptSig size] nSeq = 41
+ input_size = {
+ 'L': isize_common + sig_size + pubkey_size_uncompressed, # = 180
+ 'C': isize_common + sig_size + pubkey_size_compressed, # = 148
+ 'S': isize_common + 23, # = 64
+ 'B': isize_common + 0 # = 41
+ }
+ ret = sum(input_size[i.mmid.mmtype] for i in self.inputs if i.mmid)
+ # We have no way of knowing whether a non-MMGen addr is compressed or uncompressed until
+ # we see the key, so assume compressed for fee-estimation purposes. If fee estimate is
+ # off by more than 5%, sign() aborts and user is instructed to use --vsize-adj option
+ return ret + sum(input_size['C'] for i in self.inputs if not i.mmid)
+ def get_outputs_size():
+ # output bytes = amt: 8, byte_count: 1+, pk_script
+ # pk_script bytes: p2pkh: 25, p2sh: 23, bech32: 22
+ return sum({'p2pkh':34,'p2sh':32,'bech32':31}[o.addr.addr_fmt] for o in self.outputs)
- async def is_replaced():
- if await is_in_mempool():
- return False
- try:
- ret = await g.rpc.call('gettransaction',self.coin_txid)
- except:
+ # https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0141.mediawiki
+ # The witness is a serialization of all witness data of the transaction. Each txin is
+ # associated with a witness field. A witness field starts with a var_int to indicate the
+ # number of stack items for the txin. It is followed by stack items, with each item starts
+ # with a var_int to indicate the length. Witness data is NOT script.
+ # A non-witness program txin MUST be associated with an empty witness field, represented
+ # by a 0x00. If all txins are not witness program, a transaction's wtxid is equal to its txid.
+ def get_witness_size():
+ if not self.has_segwit_inputs():
+ return 0
+ wf_size = 1 + 1 + sig_size + 1 + pubkey_size_compressed # vInt vInt sig vInt pubkey = 108
+ return sum((1,wf_size)[bool(i.mmid) and i.mmid.mmtype in ('S','B')] for i in self.inputs)
+ isize = get_inputs_size()
+ osize = get_outputs_size()
+ wsize = get_witness_size()
+ # TODO: compute real varInt sizes instead of assuming 1 byte
+ # old serialization: [nVersion] [vInt][txins][vInt][txouts] [nLockTime]
+ old_size = 4 + 1 + isize + 1 + osize + 4
+ # marker = 0x00, flag = 0x01
+ # new serialization: [nVersion][marker][flag][vInt][txins][vInt][txouts][witness][nLockTime]
+ new_size = 4 + 1 + 1 + 1 + isize + 1 + osize + wsize + 4 \
+ if wsize else old_size
+ ret = (old_size * 3 + new_size) // 4
+ dmsg('\nData from estimate_size():')
+ dmsg(f' inputs size: {isize}, outputs size: {osize}, witness size: {wsize}')
+ dmsg(f' size: {new_size}, vsize: {ret}, old_size: {old_size}')
+ return int(ret * float(opt.vsize_adj)) if hasattr(opt,'vsize_adj') and opt.vsize_adj else ret
+ # convert absolute BTC fee to satoshis-per-byte using estimated size
+ def fee_abs2rel(self,abs_fee,to_unit=None):
+ unit = getattr(self.proto.coin_amt,to_unit or 'min_coin_unit')
+ return int(abs_fee // unit // self.estimate_size())
+ def get_fee(self):
+ return self.sum_inputs() - self.sum_outputs()
+ def get_hex_locktime(self):
+ return int(bytes.fromhex(self.hex[-8:])[::-1].hex(),16)
+ def set_hex_locktime(self,val):
+ assert isinstance(val,int),'locktime value not an integer'
+ self.hex = self.hex[:-8] + bytes.fromhex('{:08x}'.format(val))[::-1].hex()
+ def add_timestamp(self):
+ self.timestamp = make_timestamp()
+ def add_blockcount(self):
+ self.blockcount = self.rpc.blockcount
+ # returns true if comment added or changed
+ def add_comment(self,infile=None):
+ if infile:
+ self.label = MMGenTxLabel(get_data_from_file(infile,'transaction comment'))
+ else: # get comment from user, or edit existing comment
+ m = ('Add a comment to transaction?','Edit transaction comment?')[bool(self.label)]
+ if keypress_confirm(m,default_yes=False):
+ while True:
+ s = MMGenTxLabel(my_raw_input('Comment: ',insert_txt=self.label))
+ if s:
+ lbl_save = self.label
+ self.label = s
+ return (True,False)[lbl_save == self.label]
+ else:
+ msg('Invalid comment')
return False
- else:
- if 'bip125-replaceable' in ret and 'confirmations' in ret and ret['confirmations'] <= 0:
- r.replacing_confs = -ret['confirmations']
- r.replacing_txs = ret['walletconflicts']
- return True
- else:
- return False
- if await is_in_mempool():
- if status:
- d = await g.rpc.call('gettransaction',self.coin_txid)
- brs = 'bip125-replaceable'
- rep = '{}replaceable'.format(('NOT ','')[brs in d and d[brs]=='yes'])
- t = d['timereceived']
- m = 'Sent {} ({} h/m/s ago)'
- b = m.format(time.strftime('%c',time.gmtime(t)),secs_to_dhms(int(time.time()-t)))
- if opt.quiet:
- msg('Transaction is in mempool')
+ def get_non_mmaddrs(self,desc):
+ return {i.addr for i in getattr(self,desc) if not i.mmid}
+ def check_non_mmgen_inputs(self,caller,non_mmaddrs=None):
+ non_mmaddrs = non_mmaddrs or self.get_non_mmaddrs('inputs')
+ if non_mmaddrs:
+ fs = fmt(self.non_mmgen_inputs_msg,strip_char='\t')
+ m = fs.format('\n '.join(non_mmaddrs))
+ if caller in ('txdo','txsign'):
+ if not opt.keys_from_file:
+ raise UserOptError('ERROR: ' + m)
- msg('TX status: in mempool, {}\n{}'.format(rep,b))
- else:
- msg('Warning: transaction is in mempool!')
- elif await is_in_wallet():
- die(0,'Transaction has {} confirmation{}'.format(r.confs,suf(r.confs)))
- elif await is_in_utxos():
- die(2,red('ERROR: transaction is in the blockchain (but not in the tracking wallet)!'))
- elif await is_replaced():
- msg('Transaction has been replaced\nReplacement transaction ' + (
- f'has {r.replacing_confs} confirmation{suf(r.replacing_confs)}'
- if r.replacing_confs else
- 'is in mempool' ))
- if not opt.quiet:
- msg('Replacing transactions:')
- d = []
- for txid in r.replacing_txs:
- try: d.append(await g.rpc.call('getmempoolentry',txid))
- except: d.append({})
- for txid,mp_entry in zip(r.replacing_txs,d):
- msg(f' {txid}' + ('',' in mempool')['height' in mp_entry])
- die(0,'')
- def confirm_send(self):
- m1 = ("Once this transaction is sent, there's no taking it back!",'')[bool(opt.quiet)]
- m2 = 'broadcast this transaction to the {} network'.format(g.chain.upper())
- m3 = ('YES, I REALLY WANT TO DO THIS','YES')[bool(opt.quiet or opt.yes)]
- confirm_or_raise(m1,m2,m3)
- msg('Sending transaction')
- async def send(self,prompt_user=True,exit_on_fail=False):
- if not self.marked_signed():
- die(1,'Transaction is not signed!')
- self.check_correct_chain()
- self.check_pubkey_scripts()
- self.check_hex_tx_matches_mmgen_tx(DeserializedTX(self.hex))
- if self.has_segwit_outputs() and not segwit_is_active() and not g.bogus_send:
- m = 'Transaction has MMGen Segwit outputs, but this blockchain does not support Segwit'
- die(2,m+' at the current height')
- if self.get_fee() > g.proto.max_tx_fee:
- die(2,'Transaction fee ({}) greater than {} max_tx_fee ({} {})!'.format(
- self.get_fee(),
- g.proto.name,
- g.proto.max_tx_fee,
- g.proto.coin ))
- await self.get_status()
- if prompt_user:
- self.confirm_send()
- if g.bogus_send:
- ret = None
- else:
+ msg('WARNING: ' + m)
+ if not (opt.yes or keypress_confirm('Continue?',default_yes=True)):
+ die(1,'Exiting at user request')
+ class New(Base):
+ usr_fee_prompt = 'Enter transaction fee: '
+ fee_is_approximate = False
+ fee_fail_fs = 'Network fee estimation for {c} confirmations failed ({t})'
+ no_chg_msg = 'Warning: Change address will be deleted as transaction produces no change'
+ msg_wallet_low_coin = 'Wallet has insufficient funds for this transaction ({} {} needed)'
+ msg_low_coin = 'Selected outputs insufficient to fund this transaction ({} {} needed)'
+ msg_no_change_output = fmt("""
+ ERROR: No change address specified. If you wish to create a transaction with
+ only one output, specify a single output address with no {} amount
+ """).strip()
+ def __init__(self,proto,tw=None): # tw required for resolving ERC20 token data
+ MMGenTX.Base.__init__(self)
+ self.proto = proto
+ self.tw = tw
+ def get_chg_output_idx(self):
+ ch_ops = [x.is_chg for x in self.outputs]
- ret = await g.rpc.call('sendrawtransaction',self.hex)
- except Exception as e:
- ret = False
- if ret == False:
- errmsg = e
- if 'Signature must use SIGHASH_FORKID' in errmsg:
- m = 'The Aug. 1 2017 UAHF has activated on this chain.'
- m += "\nRe-run the script with the --coin=bch option."
- elif 'Illegal use of SIGHASH_FORKID' in errmsg:
- m = 'The Aug. 1 2017 UAHF is not yet active on this chain.'
- m += "\nRe-run the script without the --coin=bch option."
- elif '64: non-final' in errmsg:
- m2 = "Transaction with locktime '{}' can't be included in this block!"
- m = m2.format(strfmt_locktime(self.get_hex_locktime()))
- else:
- m = errmsg
- msg(yellow(m))
- msg(red('Send of MMGen transaction {} failed'.format(self.txid)))
- if exit_on_fail:
- sys.exit(1)
- return False
- else:
- if g.bogus_send:
- m = 'BOGUS transaction NOT sent: {}'
- else:
- assert ret == self.coin_txid, 'txid mismatch (after sending)'
- m = 'Transaction sent: {}'
- self.desc = 'sent transaction'
- msg(m.format(self.coin_txid.hl()))
- self.add_timestamp()
- self.add_blockcount()
- return True
- def view_with_prompt(self,prompt='',pause=True):
- prompt += ' (y)es, (N)o, pager (v)iew, (t)erse view: '
- from .term import get_char
- ok_chars = 'YyNnVvTt'
- while True:
- reply = get_char(prompt,immed_chars=ok_chars).strip('\n\r')
- msg('')
- if reply == '' or reply in 'Nn':
- break
- elif reply in 'YyVvTt':
- self.view(pager=reply in 'Vv',terse=reply in 'Tt',pause=pause)
- break
- else:
- msg('Invalid reply')
- def view(self,pager=False,pause=True,terse=False):
- o = self.format_view(terse=terse)
- if pager:
- do_pager(o)
- else:
- msg_r(o)
- from .term import get_char
- if pause:
- get_char('Press any key to continue: ')
- msg('')
+ return ch_ops.index(True)
+ except ValueError:
+ return None
+ def del_output(self,idx):
+ self.outputs.pop(idx)
+ def update_output_amt(self,idx,amt):
+ o = self.outputs[idx]._asdict()
+ o['amt'] = amt
+ self.outputs[idx] = MMGenTxOutput(self.proto,**o)
+ def add_mmaddrs_to_outputs(self,ad_w,ad_f):
+ a = [e.addr for e in self.outputs]
+ d = ad_w.make_reverse_dict(a)
+ if ad_f:
+ d.update(ad_f.make_reverse_dict(a))
+ for e in self.outputs:
+ if e.addr and e.addr in d:
+ e.mmid,f = d[e.addr]
+ if f:
+ e.label = f
+ def check_dup_addrs(self,io_str):
+ assert io_str in ('inputs','outputs')
+ addrs = [e.addr for e in getattr(self,io_str)]
+ if len(addrs) != len(set(addrs)):
+ die(2,f'{addrs}: duplicate address in transaction {io_str}')
+ # coin-specific fee routines
+ @property
+ def relay_fee(self):
+ kb_fee = self.proto.coin_amt(self.rpc.cached['networkinfo']['relayfee'])
+ ret = kb_fee * self.estimate_size() // 1024
+ vmsg('Relay fee: {} {c}/kB, for transaction: {} {c}'.format(kb_fee,ret,c=self.coin))
+ return ret
-# def is_replaceable_from_rpc(self):
-# dec_tx = await g.rpc.call('decoderawtransaction',self.hex)
-# return None < dec_tx['vin'][0]['sequence'] <= g.max_int - 2
- def is_replaceable(self):
- return self.inputs[0].sequence == g.max_int - 2
- def format_view_body(self,blockcount,nonmm_str,max_mmwid,enl,terse,sort):
- if sort not in self.view_sort_orders:
- die(1,f'{sort!r}: invalid transaction view sort order. Valid options: {{}}'.format(
- ','.join(self.view_sort_orders) ))
- def format_io(desc):
- io = getattr(self,desc)
- is_input = desc == 'inputs'
- yield desc.capitalize() + ':\n' + enl
- addr_w = max(len(e.addr) for e in io)
- confs_per_day = 60*60*24 // g.proto.avg_bdi
- io_sorted = {
- # prepend '/' (sorts before '0') to ensure non-MMGen addrs are displayed first
- 'addr': lambda: sorted(io,key=lambda o: o.mmid.sort_key if o.mmid else '/'+o.addr),
- 'raw': lambda: io
- }[sort]
- for n,e in enumerate(io_sorted()):
- if is_input and blockcount:
- confs = e.confs + blockcount - self.blockcount
- days = int(confs // confs_per_day)
- if e.mmid:
- mmid_fmt = e.mmid.fmt(
- width=max_mmwid,
- encl='()',
- color=True,
- append_chars=('',' (chg)')[bool(not is_input and e.is_chg and terse)],
- append_color='green')
- else:
- mmid_fmt = MMGenID.fmtc(nonmm_str,width=max_mmwid,color=True)
- if terse:
- yield '{:3} {} {} {} {}\n'.format(
- n+1,
- e.addr.fmt(color=True,width=addr_w),
- mmid_fmt,
- e.amt.hl(),
- g.dcoin )
- else:
- def gen():
- if is_input:
- yield (n+1, 'tx,vout:', e.txid + ',' + str(e.vout))
- yield ('', 'address:', e.addr.fmt(color=True,width=addr_w) + ' ' + mmid_fmt)
- else:
- yield (n+1, 'address:', e.addr.fmt(color=True,width=addr_w) + ' ' + mmid_fmt)
- if e.label:
- yield ('', 'comment:', e.label.hl())
- yield ('', 'amount:', e.amt.hl() + ' ' + g.dcoin)
- if is_input and blockcount:
- yield ('', 'confirmations:', f'{confs} (around {days} days)')
- if not is_input and e.is_chg:
- yield ('', 'change:', green('True'))
- yield '\n'.join('{:>3} {:<8} {}'.format(*d) for d in gen()) + '\n\n'
- return (
- 'Displaying inputs and outputs in {} sort order'.format({'raw':'raw','addr':'address'}[sort])
- + ('\n\n','\n')[terse]
- + ''.join(format_io('inputs'))
- + ''.join(format_io('outputs')) )
- def format_view_rel_fee(self,terse):
- return ' ({} {})\n'.format(
- pink(str(self.fee_abs2rel(self.get_fee()))),
- self.rel_fee_disp)
- def format_view_abs_fee(self):
- return g.proto.coin_amt(self.get_fee()).hl()
- def format_view_verbose_footer(self):
- tsize = len(self.hex)//2 if self.hex else 'unknown'
- out = f'Transaction size: Vsize {self.estimate_size()} (estimated), Total {tsize}'
- if self.marked_signed():
- wsize = DeserializedTX(self.hex)['witness_size']
- out += f', Base {tsize-wsize}, Witness {wsize}'
- return out + '\n'
- def format_view(self,terse=False,sort=dfl_view_sort_order):
- blockcount = None
- if g.proto.base_coin != 'ETH':
+ async def get_rel_fee_from_network(self):
- blockcount = g.rpc.blockcount
+ ret = await self.rpc.call('estimatesmartfee',opt.tx_confs,opt.fee_estimate_mode.upper())
+ fee_per_kb = ret['feerate'] if 'feerate' in ret else -2
+ fe_type = 'estimatesmartfee'
- pass
+ args = () if self.coin=='BCH' and self.rpc.daemon_version >= 190100 else (opt.tx_confs,)
+ fee_per_kb = await self.rpc.call('estimatefee',*args)
+ fe_type = 'estimatefee'
+ return fee_per_kb,fe_type
+ # given tx size, rel fee and units, return absolute fee
+ def convert_fee_spec(self,tx_size,units,amt,unit):
+ self.usr_rel_fee = None # TODO
+ return self.proto.coin_amt(int(amt)*tx_size*getattr(self.proto.coin_amt,units[unit])) \
+ if tx_size else None
+ # given network fee estimate in BTC/kB, return absolute fee using estimated tx size
+ def fee_est2abs(self,fee_per_kb,fe_type=None):
+ tx_size = self.estimate_size()
+ f = fee_per_kb * opt.tx_fee_adj * tx_size / 1024
+ ret = self.proto.coin_amt(f,from_decimal=True)
+ if opt.verbose:
+ msg(fmt(f"""
+ {fe_type.upper()} fee for {opt.tx_confs} confirmations: {fee_per_kb} {self.coin}/kB
+ TX size (estimated): {tx_size} bytes
+ Fee adjustment factor: {opt.tx_fee_adj}
+ Absolute fee (fee_per_kb * adj_factor * tx_size / 1024): {ret} {self.coin}
+ """).strip())
+ return ret
- def get_max_mmwid(io):
- if io == self.inputs:
- sel_f = lambda o: len(o.mmid) + 2 # len('()')
+ def convert_and_check_fee(self,tx_fee,desc='Missing description'):
+ abs_fee = self.process_fee_spec(tx_fee,self.estimate_size())
+ if abs_fee == None:
+ raise ValueError(f'{tx_fee}: cannot convert {self.rel_fee_desc} to {self.coin}'
+ + ' because transaction size is unknown')
+ if abs_fee == False:
+ err = f'{tx_fee!r}: invalid TX fee (not a {self.coin} amount or {self.rel_fee_desc} specification)'
+ elif abs_fee > self.proto.max_tx_fee:
+ err = f'{abs_fee} {self.coin}: {desc} fee too large (maximum fee: {self.proto.max_tx_fee} {self.coin})'
+ elif abs_fee < self.relay_fee:
+ err = f'{abs_fee} {self.coin}: {desc} fee too small (less than relay fee of {self.relay_fee} {self.coin})'
- sel_f = lambda o: len(o.mmid) + (2,8)[bool(o.is_chg)] # + len(' (chg)')
- return max(max([sel_f(o) for o in io if o.mmid] or [0]),len(nonmm_str))
- nonmm_str = f'(non-{g.proj_name} address)'
- max_mmwid = max(get_max_mmwid(self.inputs),get_max_mmwid(self.outputs))
- def gen_view():
- yield (self.txview_hdr_fs_short if terse else self.txview_hdr_fs).format(
- i = self.txid.hl(),
- a = self.send_amt.hl(),
- c = g.dcoin,
- t = self.timestamp,
- r = (red('False'),green('True'))[self.is_replaceable()],
- s = self.marked_signed(color=True),
- l = (green('None'),orange(strfmt_locktime(self.locktime,terse=True)))[bool(self.locktime)] )
- if self.chain != 'mainnet':
- yield green(f'Chain: {self.chain.upper()}') + '\n'
- if self.coin_txid:
- yield f'{g.coin} TxID: {self.coin_txid.hl()}\n'
+ return abs_fee
+ msg(err)
+ return False
- enl = ('\n','')[bool(terse)]
- yield enl
+ # non-coin-specific fee routines
- if self.label:
- yield f'Comment: {self.label.hl()}\n{enl}'
+ # given tx size and absolute fee or fee spec, return absolute fee
+ # relative fee is N+<first letter of unit name>
+ def process_fee_spec(self,tx_fee,tx_size):
+ if self.proto.coin_amt(tx_fee,on_fail='silent'):
+ return self.proto.coin_amt(tx_fee)
+ else:
+ import re
+ units = {u[0]:u for u in self.proto.coin_amt.units}
+ pat = re.compile(r'([1-9][0-9]*)({})'.format('|'.join(units)))
+ if pat.match(tx_fee):
+ amt,unit = pat.match(tx_fee).groups()
+ return self.convert_fee_spec(tx_size,units,amt,unit)
+ return False
- yield self.format_view_body(blockcount,nonmm_str,max_mmwid,enl,terse=terse,sort=sort)
+ def get_usr_fee_interactive(self,tx_fee=None,desc='Starting'):
+ abs_fee = None
+ while True:
+ if tx_fee:
+ abs_fee = self.convert_and_check_fee(tx_fee,desc)
+ if abs_fee:
+ prompt = '{} TX fee{}: {}{} {} ({} {})\n'.format(
+ desc,
+ (f' (after {opt.tx_fee_adj}X adjustment)'
+ if opt.tx_fee_adj != 1 and desc.startswith('Network-estimated')
+ else ''),
+ ('','≈')[self.fee_is_approximate],
+ abs_fee.hl(),
+ self.coin,
+ pink(str(self.fee_abs2rel(abs_fee))),
+ self.rel_fee_disp)
+ if opt.yes or keypress_confirm(prompt+'OK?',default_yes=True):
+ if opt.yes:
+ msg(prompt)
+ return abs_fee
+ tx_fee = my_raw_input(self.usr_fee_prompt)
+ desc = 'User-selected'
+ async def get_fee_from_user(self,have_estimate_fail=[]):
+ if opt.tx_fee:
+ desc = 'User-selected'
+ start_fee = opt.tx_fee
+ else:
+ desc = f'Network-estimated (mode: {opt.fee_estimate_mode.upper()})'
+ fee_per_kb,fe_type = await self.get_rel_fee_from_network()
+ if fee_per_kb < 0:
+ if not have_estimate_fail:
+ msg(self.fee_fail_fs.format(c=opt.tx_confs,t=fe_type))
+ have_estimate_fail.append(True)
+ start_fee = None
+ else:
+ start_fee = self.fee_est2abs(fee_per_kb,fe_type)
- yield (self.txview_ftr_fs_short if terse else self.txview_ftr_fs).format(
- i = self.sum_inputs().hl(),
- o = self.sum_outputs().hl(),
- a = self.format_view_abs_fee(),
- r = self.format_view_rel_fee(terse),
- d = g.dcoin,
- c = g.coin )
+ return self.get_usr_fee_interactive(start_fee,desc=desc)
- if opt.verbose:
- yield self.format_view_verbose_footer()
+ def add_output(self,coinaddr,amt,is_chg=None):
+ self.outputs.append(MMGenTxOutput(self.proto,addr=coinaddr,amt=amt,is_chg=is_chg))
- return ''.join(gen_view()) # TX label might contain non-ascii chars
+ def process_cmd_arg(self,arg,ad_f,ad_w):
- def check_txfile_hex_data(self):
- self.hex = HexStr(self.hex,on_fail='raise')
+ def add_output_chk(addr,amt,err_desc):
+ if not amt and self.get_chg_output_idx() != None:
+ die(2,'ERROR: More than one change address listed on command line')
+ if is_mmgen_id(self.proto,addr) or is_coin_addr(self.proto,addr):
+ coin_addr = ( mmaddr2coinaddr(addr,ad_w,ad_f,self.proto) if is_mmgen_id(self.proto,addr)
+ else CoinAddr(self.proto,addr) )
+ self.add_output(coin_addr,self.proto.coin_amt(amt or '0'),is_chg=not amt)
+ else:
+ die(2,f'{addr}: invalid {err_desc} {{!r}}'.format(f'{addr},{amt}' if amt else addr))
- def parse_txfile_hex_data(self):
- pass
+ if ',' in arg:
+ addr,amt = arg.split(',',1)
+ add_output_chk(addr,amt,'coin argument in command-line argument')
+ else:
+ add_output_chk(arg,None,'command-line argument')
+ async def get_cmdline_input_addrs(self):
+ # Bitcoin full node, call doesn't go to the network, so just call listunspent with addrs=[]
+ return []
+ def process_cmd_args(self,cmd_args,ad_f,ad_w):
+ for a in cmd_args:
+ self.process_cmd_arg(a,ad_f,ad_w)
+ if self.get_chg_output_idx() == None:
+ die(2,( 'ERROR: No change output specified',
+ self.msg_no_change_output.format(self.dcoin))[len(self.outputs) == 1])
+ if not self.rpc.info('segwit_is_active') and self.has_segwit_outputs():
+ rdie(2,f'{g.proj_name} Segwit address requested on the command line, '
+ + 'but Segwit is not active on this chain')
+ if not self.outputs:
+ die(2,'At least one output must be specified on the command line')
+ async def get_outputs_from_cmdline(self,cmd_args):
+ from .addr import AddrList,AddrData,TwAddrData
+ addrfiles = [a for a in cmd_args if get_extension(a) == AddrList.ext]
+ cmd_args = set(cmd_args) - set(addrfiles)
+ ad_f = AddrData(self.proto)
+ for a in addrfiles:
+ check_infile(a)
+ ad_f.add(AddrList(self.proto,a))
+ ad_w = await TwAddrData(self.proto,wallet=self.tw)
+ self.process_cmd_args(cmd_args,ad_f,ad_w)
+ self.add_mmaddrs_to_outputs(ad_w,ad_f)
+ self.check_dup_addrs('outputs')
+ # inputs methods
+ def select_unspent(self,unspent):
+ prompt = 'Enter a range or space-separated list of outputs to spend: '
+ while True:
+ reply = my_raw_input(prompt).strip()
+ if reply:
+ selected = AddrIdxList(fmt_str=','.join(reply.split()),on_fail='return')
+ if selected:
+ if selected[-1] <= len(unspent):
+ return selected
+ msg('Unspent output number must be <= {}'.format(len(unspent)))
+ def select_unspent_cmdline(self,unspent):
+ def idx2num(idx):
+ uo = unspent[idx]
+ mmid_disp = f' ({uo.twmmid})' if uo.twmmid.type == 'mmgen' else ''
+ msg(f'Adding input: {idx + 1} {uo.addr}{mmid_disp}')
+ return idx + 1
+ def get_uo_nums():
+ for addr in opt.inputs.split(','):
+ if is_mmgen_id(self.proto,addr):
+ attr = 'twmmid'
+ elif is_coin_addr(self.proto,addr):
+ attr = 'addr'
+ else:
+ die(1,f'{addr!r}: not an MMGen ID or {self.coin} address')
- def process_cmd_arg(self,arg,ad_f,ad_w):
+ found = False
+ for idx in range(len(unspent)):
+ if getattr(unspent[idx],attr) == addr:
+ yield idx2num(idx)
+ found = True
- def add_output_chk(addr,amt,err_desc):
- if not amt and self.get_chg_output_idx() != None:
- die(2,'ERROR: More than one change address listed on command line')
- if is_mmgen_id(addr) or is_coin_addr(addr):
- coin_addr = mmaddr2coinaddr(addr,ad_w,ad_f) if is_mmgen_id(addr) else CoinAddr(addr)
- self.add_output(coin_addr,g.proto.coin_amt(amt or '0'),is_chg=not amt)
- else:
- die(2,f'{addr}: invalid {err_desc} {{!r}}'.format(f'{addr},{amt}' if amt else addr))
+ if not found:
+ die(1,f'{addr!r}: address not found in tracking wallet')
- if ',' in arg:
- addr,amt = arg.split(',',1)
- add_output_chk(addr,amt,'coin argument in command-line argument')
- else:
- add_output_chk(arg,None,'command-line argument')
+ return set(get_uo_nums()) # silently discard duplicates
- def process_cmd_args(self,cmd_args,ad_f,ad_w):
+ # we don't know fee yet, so perform preliminary check with fee == 0
+ async def precheck_sufficient_funds(self,inputs_sum,sel_unspent):
+ if self.twuo.total < self.send_amt:
+ msg(self.msg_wallet_low_coin.format(self.send_amt-inputs_sum,self.dcoin))
+ return False
+ if inputs_sum < self.send_amt:
+ msg(self.msg_low_coin.format(self.send_amt-inputs_sum,self.dcoin))
+ return False
+ return True
- for a in cmd_args:
- self.process_cmd_arg(a,ad_f,ad_w)
+ def copy_inputs_from_tw(self,tw_unspent_data):
+ def gen_inputs():
+ for d in tw_unspent_data:
+ i = MMGenTxInput(
+ self.proto,
+ **{attr:getattr(d,attr) for attr in d.__dict__ if attr in MMGenTxInput.tw_copy_attrs} )
+ if d.twmmid.type == 'mmgen':
+ i.mmid = d.twmmid # twmmid -> mmid
+ yield i
+ self.inputs = MMGenTxInputList(self,list(gen_inputs()))
- if self.get_chg_output_idx() == None:
- die(2,( 'ERROR: No change output specified',
- self.msg_no_change_output.format(g.dcoin))[len(self.outputs) == 1])
+ async def get_change_amt(self):
+ return self.sum_inputs() - self.send_amt - self.fee
- if not segwit_is_active() and self.has_segwit_outputs():
- rdie(2,f'{g.proj_name} Segwit address requested on the command line, '
- + 'but Segwit is not active on this chain')
+ def final_inputs_ok_msg(self,change_amt):
+ return f'Transaction produces {self.proto.coin_amt(change_amt).hl()} {self.coin} in change'
- if not self.outputs:
- die(2,'At least one output must be specified on the command line')
+ def warn_insufficient_chg(self,change_amt):
+ msg(self.msg_low_coin.format(self.proto.coin_amt(-change_amt).hl(),self.coin))
- async def get_outputs_from_cmdline(self,cmd_args):
- from .addr import AddrList,AddrData,TwAddrData
- addrfiles = [a for a in cmd_args if get_extension(a) == AddrList.ext]
- cmd_args = set(cmd_args) - set(addrfiles)
+ async def get_inputs_from_user(self):
- ad_f = AddrData()
- for a in addrfiles:
- check_infile(a)
- ad_f.add(AddrList(a))
+ while True:
+ us_f = self.select_unspent_cmdline if opt.inputs else self.select_unspent
+ sel_nums = us_f(self.twuo.unspent)
- ad_w = await TwAddrData(wallet=self.tw)
+ msg(f'Selected output{suf(sel_nums)}: {{}}'.format(' '.join(str(n) for n in sel_nums)))
+ sel_unspent = self.twuo.MMGenTwOutputList([self.twuo.unspent[i-1] for i in sel_nums])
- self.process_cmd_args(cmd_args,ad_f,ad_w)
+ inputs_sum = sum(s.amt for s in sel_unspent)
+ if not await self.precheck_sufficient_funds(inputs_sum,sel_unspent):
+ continue
- self.add_mmaddrs_to_outputs(ad_w,ad_f)
- self.check_dup_addrs('outputs')
+ self.copy_inputs_from_tw(sel_unspent) # makes self.inputs
- def select_unspent(self,unspent):
- prompt = 'Enter a range or space-separated list of outputs to spend: '
- while True:
- reply = my_raw_input(prompt).strip()
- if reply:
- selected = AddrIdxList(fmt_str=','.join(reply.split()),on_fail='return')
- if selected:
- if selected[-1] <= len(unspent):
- return selected
- msg('Unspent output number must be <= {}'.format(len(unspent)))
+ self.fee = await self.get_fee_from_user()
- # we don't know fee yet, so perform preliminary check with fee == 0
- async def precheck_sufficient_funds(self,inputs_sum,sel_unspent):
- if self.twuo.total < self.send_amt:
- msg(self.msg_wallet_low_coin.format(self.send_amt-inputs_sum,g.dcoin))
- return False
- if inputs_sum < self.send_amt:
- msg(self.msg_low_coin.format(self.send_amt-inputs_sum,g.dcoin))
- return False
- return True
+ change_amt = await self.get_change_amt()
- async def get_change_amt(self):
- return self.sum_inputs() - self.send_amt - self.fee
+ if change_amt >= 0:
+ p = self.final_inputs_ok_msg(change_amt)
+ if opt.yes or keypress_confirm(p+'. OK?',default_yes=True):
+ if opt.yes:
+ msg(p)
+ return change_amt
+ else:
+ self.warn_insufficient_chg(change_amt)
- def warn_insufficient_chg(self,change_amt):
- msg(self.msg_low_coin.format(g.proto.coin_amt(-change_amt).hl(),g.coin))
+ def update_change_output(self,change_amt):
+ chg_idx = self.get_chg_output_idx()
+ if change_amt == 0:
+ msg(self.no_chg_msg)
+ self.del_output(chg_idx)
+ else:
+ self.update_output_amt(chg_idx,self.proto.coin_amt(change_amt))
+ def update_send_amt(self,change_amt):
+ if not self.send_amt:
+ self.send_amt = change_amt
+ def check_fee(self):
+ fee = self.sum_inputs() - self.sum_outputs()
+ if fee > self.proto.max_tx_fee:
+ c = self.proto.coin
+ raise MaxFeeExceeded(f'Transaction fee of {fee} {c} too high! (> {self.proto.max_tx_fee} {c})')
+ def update_txid(self):
+ self.txid = MMGenTxID(make_chksum_6(bytes.fromhex(self.hex)).upper())
+ async def create_raw(self):
+ i = [{'txid':e.txid,'vout':e.vout} for e in self.inputs]
+ if self.inputs[0].sequence:
+ i[0]['sequence'] = self.inputs[0].sequence
+ o = {e.addr:e.amt for e in self.outputs}
+ self.hex = HexStr(await self.rpc.call('createrawtransaction',i,o))
+ self.update_txid()
- def final_inputs_ok_msg(self,change_amt):
- return f'Transaction produces {g.proto.coin_amt(change_amt).hl()} {g.coin} in change'
+ async def create(self,cmd_args,locktime,do_info=False,caller='txcreate'):
- def select_unspent_cmdline(self,unspent):
+ assert isinstance(locktime,int),'locktime must be of type int'
- def idx2num(idx):
- uo = unspent[idx]
- mmid_disp = f' ({uo.twmmid})' if uo.twmmid.type == 'mmgen' else ''
- msg(f'Adding input: {idx + 1} {uo.addr}{mmid_disp}')
- return idx + 1
+ from .tw import TwUnspentOutputs
- def get_uo_nums():
- for addr in opt.inputs.split(','):
- if is_mmgen_id(addr):
- attr = 'twmmid'
- elif is_coin_addr(addr):
- attr = 'addr'
- else:
- die(1,f'{addr!r}: not an MMGen ID or {g.coin} address')
+ if opt.comment_file:
+ self.add_comment(opt.comment_file)
- found = False
- for idx in range(len(unspent)):
- if getattr(unspent[idx],attr) == addr:
- yield idx2num(idx)
- found = True
+ twuo_addrs = await self.get_cmdline_input_addrs()
- if not found:
- die(1,f'{addr!r}: address not found in tracking wallet')
+ self.twuo = await TwUnspentOutputs(self.proto,minconf=opt.minconf,addrs=twuo_addrs)
+ await self.twuo.get_unspent_data()
- return set(get_uo_nums()) # silently discard duplicates
+ if not do_info:
+ await self.get_outputs_from_cmdline(cmd_args)
- async def get_cmdline_input_addrs(self):
- # Bitcoin full node, call doesn't go to the network, so just call listunspent with addrs=[]
- return []
+ do_license_msg()
- async def get_inputs_from_user(self):
+ if not opt.inputs:
+ await self.twuo.view_and_sort(self)
- while True:
- us_f = self.select_unspent_cmdline if opt.inputs else self.select_unspent
- sel_nums = us_f(self.twuo.unspent)
+ self.twuo.display_total()
- msg(f'Selected output{suf(sel_nums)}: {{}}'.format(' '.join(str(n) for n in sel_nums)))
- sel_unspent = self.twuo.MMGenTwOutputList([self.twuo.unspent[i-1] for i in sel_nums])
+ if do_info:
+ del self.twuo.wallet
+ sys.exit(0)
- inputs_sum = sum(s.amt for s in sel_unspent)
- if not await self.precheck_sufficient_funds(inputs_sum,sel_unspent):
- continue
+ self.send_amt = self.sum_outputs()
- non_mmaddrs = [i for i in sel_unspent if i.twmmid.type == 'non-mmgen']
- if non_mmaddrs and self.caller != 'txdo':
- msg(self.msg_non_mmgen_inputs.format(
- ', '.join(sorted({a.addr.hl() for a in non_mmaddrs}))))
- if not (opt.yes or keypress_confirm('Accept?')):
- continue
+ msg_r('Total amount to spend: ')
+ msg(f'{self.send_amt.hl()} {self.dcoin}' if self.send_amt else 'Unknown')
- self.copy_inputs_from_tw(sel_unspent) # makes self.inputs
+ change_amt = await self.get_inputs_from_user()
- self.fee = await self.get_fee_from_user()
+ self.check_non_mmgen_inputs(caller)
- change_amt = await self.get_change_amt()
+ self.update_change_output(change_amt)
+ self.update_send_amt(change_amt)
- if change_amt >= 0:
- p = self.final_inputs_ok_msg(change_amt)
- if opt.yes or keypress_confirm(p+'. OK?',default_yes=True):
- if opt.yes:
- msg(p)
- return change_amt
- else:
- self.warn_insufficient_chg(change_amt)
+ if self.proto.base_proto == 'Bitcoin':
+ self.inputs.sort_bip69()
+ self.outputs.sort_bip69()
+ # do this only after inputs are sorted
+ if opt.rbf:
+ self.inputs[0].sequence = g.max_int - 2 # handles the nLockTime case too
+ elif locktime:
+ self.inputs[0].sequence = g.max_int - 1
- def check_fee(self):
- assert self.sum_inputs() - self.sum_outputs() <= g.proto.max_tx_fee
+ if not opt.yes:
+ self.add_comment() # edits an existing comment
- def update_send_amt(self,change_amt):
- if not self.send_amt:
- self.send_amt = change_amt
+ await self.create_raw() # creates self.hex, self.txid
- async def set_token_params(self):
- pass
+ if self.proto.base_proto == 'Bitcoin' and locktime:
+ msg(f'Setting nLockTime to {strfmt_locktime(locktime)}!')
+ self.set_hex_locktime(locktime)
+ self.update_txid()
+ self.locktime = locktime
- async def create(self,cmd_args,locktime,do_info=False):
- assert isinstance(locktime,int),'locktime must be of type int'
+ self.add_timestamp()
+ self.add_blockcount()
+ self.chain = self.proto.chain_name
+ self.check_fee()
+ qmsg('Transaction successfully created')
+ new = MMGenTX.Unsigned(data=self.__dict__)
+ if not opt.yes:
+ new.view_with_prompt('View transaction details?')
+ del new.twuo.wallet
+ return new
+ class Completed(Base):
+ """
+ signed or unsigned transaction with associated file
+ """
+ fn_fee_unit = 'satoshi'
+ view_sort_orders = ('addr','raw')
+ dfl_view_sort_order = 'addr'
+ txview_hdr_fs = 'TRANSACTION DATA\n\nID={i} ({a} {c}) UTC={t} RBF={r} Sig={s} Locktime={l}\n'
+ txview_hdr_fs_short = 'TX {i} ({a} {c}) UTC={t} RBF={r} Sig={s} Locktime={l}\n'
+ txview_ftr_fs = 'Total input: {i} {d}\nTotal output: {o} {d}\nTX fee: {a} {c}{r}\n'
+ txview_ftr_fs_short = 'In {i} {d} - Out {o} {d}\nFee {a} {c}{r}\n'
+ parsed_hex = None
+ def __init__(self,filename=None,quiet_open=False,data=None):
+ MMGenTX.Base.__init__(self)
+ if data:
+ assert filename is None, 'MMGenTX.Completed_chk1'
+ assert type(data) is dict, 'MMGenTX.Completed_chk2'
+ self.__dict__ = data
+ return
+ elif filename:
+ assert data is None, 'MMGenTX.Completed_chk3'
+ from .txfile import MMGenTxFile
+ MMGenTxFile(self).parse(filename,quiet_open=quiet_open)
+ self.check_pubkey_scripts()
- from .tw import TwUnspentOutputs
+ # repeat with sign and send, because coin daemon could be restarted
+ self.check_correct_chain()
- if opt.comment_file:
- self.add_comment(opt.comment_file)
+ # check signature and witness data
+ def check_sigs(self): # return False if no sigs, raise exception on error
+ txins = (self.parsed_hex or DeserializedTX(self.proto,self.hex))['txins']
+ has_ss = any(ti['scriptSig'] for ti in txins)
+ has_witness = any('witness' in ti and ti['witness'] for ti in txins)
+ if not (has_ss or has_witness):
+ return False
+ fs = "Hex TX has {} scriptSig but input is of type '{}'!"
+ for n in range(len(txins)):
+ ti,mmti = txins[n],self.inputs[n]
+ if ti['scriptSig'] == '' or ( len(ti['scriptSig']) == 46 and # native P2WPKH or P2SH-P2WPKH
+ ti['scriptSig'][:6] == '16' + self.proto.witness_vernum_hex + '14' ):
+ assert 'witness' in ti, 'missing witness'
+ assert type(ti['witness']) == list and len(ti['witness']) == 2, 'malformed witness'
+ assert len(ti['witness'][1]) == 66, 'incorrect witness pubkey length'
+ assert mmti.mmid, fs.format('witness-type','non-MMGen')
+ assert mmti.mmid.mmtype == ('S','B')[ti['scriptSig']==''],(
+ fs.format('witness-type',mmti.mmid.mmtype))
+ else: # non-witness
+ if mmti.mmid:
+ assert mmti.mmid.mmtype not in ('S','B'), fs.format('signature in',mmti.mmid.mmtype)
+ assert not 'witness' in ti, 'non-witness input has witness'
+ # sig_size 72 (DER format), pubkey_size 'compressed':33, 'uncompressed':65
+ assert (200 < len(ti['scriptSig']) < 300), 'malformed scriptSig' # VERY rough check
+ return True
- twuo_addrs = await self.get_cmdline_input_addrs()
+ def check_pubkey_scripts(self):
+ for n,i in enumerate(self.inputs,1):
+ addr,fmt = scriptPubKey2addr(self.proto,i.scriptPubKey)
+ if i.addr != addr:
+ if fmt != i.addr.addr_fmt:
+ m = 'Address format of scriptPubKey ({}) does not match that of address ({}) in input #{}'
+ msg(m.format(fmt,i.addr.addr_fmt,n))
+ m = 'ERROR: Address and scriptPubKey of transaction input #{} do not match!'
+ die(3,(m+'\n {:23}{}'*3).format(n, 'address:',i.addr,
+ 'scriptPubKey:',i.scriptPubKey,
+ 'scriptPubKey->address:',addr ))
+# def is_replaceable_from_rpc(self):
+# dec_tx = await self.rpc.call('decoderawtransaction',self.hex)
+# return None < dec_tx['vin'][0]['sequence'] <= g.max_int - 2
+ def is_replaceable(self):
+ return self.inputs[0].sequence == g.max_int - 2
+ def check_txfile_hex_data(self):
+ self.hex = HexStr(self.hex,on_fail='raise')
+ def parse_txfile_hex_data(self):
+ pass
- self.twuo = await TwUnspentOutputs(minconf=opt.minconf,addrs=twuo_addrs)
- await self.twuo.get_unspent_data()
+ def write_to_file(self,*args,**kwargs):
+ from .txfile import MMGenTxFile
+ MMGenTxFile(self).write(*args,**kwargs)
+ def format_view_body(self,blockcount,nonmm_str,max_mmwid,enl,terse,sort):
+ if sort not in self.view_sort_orders:
+ die(1,f'{sort!r}: invalid transaction view sort order. Valid options: {{}}'.format(
+ ','.join(self.view_sort_orders) ))
+ def format_io(desc):
+ io = getattr(self,desc)
+ is_input = desc == 'inputs'
+ yield desc.capitalize() + ':\n' + enl
+ addr_w = max(len(e.addr) for e in io)
+ confs_per_day = 60*60*24 // self.proto.avg_bdi
+ io_sorted = {
+ # prepend '/' (sorts before '0') to ensure non-MMGen addrs are displayed first
+ 'addr': lambda: sorted(io,key=lambda o: o.mmid.sort_key if o.mmid else '/'+o.addr),
+ 'raw': lambda: io
+ }[sort]
+ for n,e in enumerate(io_sorted()):
+ if is_input and blockcount:
+ confs = e.confs + blockcount - self.blockcount
+ days = int(confs // confs_per_day)
+ if e.mmid:
+ mmid_fmt = e.mmid.fmt(
+ width=max_mmwid,
+ encl='()',
+ color=True,
+ append_chars=('',' (chg)')[bool(not is_input and e.is_chg and terse)],
+ append_color='green')
+ else:
+ mmid_fmt = MMGenID.fmtc(nonmm_str,width=max_mmwid,color=True)
+ if terse:
+ yield '{:3} {} {} {} {}\n'.format(
+ n+1,
+ e.addr.fmt(color=True,width=addr_w),
+ mmid_fmt,
+ e.amt.hl(),
+ self.dcoin )
+ else:
+ def gen():
+ if is_input:
+ yield (n+1, 'tx,vout:', e.txid + ',' + str(e.vout))
+ yield ('', 'address:', e.addr.fmt(color=True,width=addr_w) + ' ' + mmid_fmt)
+ else:
+ yield (n+1, 'address:', e.addr.fmt(color=True,width=addr_w) + ' ' + mmid_fmt)
+ if e.label:
+ yield ('', 'comment:', e.label.hl())
+ yield ('', 'amount:', e.amt.hl() + ' ' + self.dcoin)
+ if is_input and blockcount:
+ yield ('', 'confirmations:', f'{confs} (around {days} days)')
+ if not is_input and e.is_chg:
+ yield ('', 'change:', green('True'))
+ yield '\n'.join('{:>3} {:<8} {}'.format(*d) for d in gen()) + '\n\n'
+ return (
+ 'Displaying inputs and outputs in {} sort order'.format({'raw':'raw','addr':'address'}[sort])
+ + ('\n\n','\n')[terse]
+ + ''.join(format_io('inputs'))
+ + ''.join(format_io('outputs')) )
+ def format_view_rel_fee(self,terse):
+ return ' ({} {})\n'.format(
+ pink(str(self.fee_abs2rel(self.get_fee()))),
+ self.rel_fee_disp)
+ def format_view_abs_fee(self):
+ return self.proto.coin_amt(self.get_fee()).hl()
+ def format_view_verbose_footer(self):
+ tsize = len(self.hex)//2 if self.hex else 'unknown'
+ out = f'Transaction size: Vsize {self.estimate_size()} (estimated), Total {tsize}'
+ if self.name == 'Signed':
+ wsize = DeserializedTX(self.proto,self.hex)['witness_size']
+ out += f', Base {tsize-wsize}, Witness {wsize}'
+ return out + '\n'
+ def format_view(self,terse=False,sort=dfl_view_sort_order):
+ blockcount = None
+ if self.proto.base_coin != 'ETH':
+ try:
+ blockcount = self.rpc.blockcount
+ except:
+ pass
+ def get_max_mmwid(io):
+ if io == self.inputs:
+ sel_f = lambda o: len(o.mmid) + 2 # len('()')
+ else:
+ sel_f = lambda o: len(o.mmid) + (2,8)[bool(o.is_chg)] # + len(' (chg)')
+ return max(max([sel_f(o) for o in io if o.mmid] or [0]),len(nonmm_str))
- if not do_info:
- await self.get_outputs_from_cmdline(cmd_args)
+ nonmm_str = f'(non-{g.proj_name} address)'
+ max_mmwid = max(get_max_mmwid(self.inputs),get_max_mmwid(self.outputs))
- do_license_msg()
+ def gen_view():
+ yield (self.txview_hdr_fs_short if terse else self.txview_hdr_fs).format(
+ i = self.txid.hl(),
+ a = self.send_amt.hl(),
+ c = self.dcoin,
+ t = self.timestamp,
+ r = (red('False'),green('True'))[self.is_replaceable()],
+ s = (red('False'),green('True'))[self.name == 'Signed'],
+ l = (green('None'),orange(strfmt_locktime(self.locktime,terse=True)))[bool(self.locktime)] )
- if not opt.inputs:
- await self.twuo.view_and_sort(self)
+ if self.chain != 'mainnet': # if mainnet has a coin-specific name, display it
+ yield green(f'Chain: {self.chain.upper()}') + '\n'
- self.twuo.display_total()
+ if self.coin_txid:
+ yield f'{self.coin} TxID: {self.coin_txid.hl()}\n'
- if do_info:
- del self.twuo.wallet
- sys.exit(0)
+ enl = ('\n','')[bool(terse)]
+ yield enl
- self.send_amt = self.sum_outputs()
+ if self.label:
+ yield f'Comment: {self.label.hl()}\n{enl}'
- msg_r('Total amount to spend: ')
- msg(f'{self.send_amt.hl()} {g.dcoin}' if self.send_amt else 'Unknown')
+ yield self.format_view_body(blockcount,nonmm_str,max_mmwid,enl,terse=terse,sort=sort)
- change_amt = await self.get_inputs_from_user()
+ yield (self.txview_ftr_fs_short if terse else self.txview_ftr_fs).format(
+ i = self.sum_inputs().hl(),
+ o = self.sum_outputs().hl(),
+ a = self.format_view_abs_fee(),
+ r = self.format_view_rel_fee(terse),
+ d = self.dcoin,
+ c = self.coin )
- self.update_change_output(change_amt)
- self.update_send_amt(change_amt)
+ if opt.verbose:
+ yield self.format_view_verbose_footer()
- if g.proto.base_proto == 'Bitcoin':
- self.inputs.sort_bip69()
- self.outputs.sort_bip69()
- # do this only after inputs are sorted
- if opt.rbf:
- self.inputs[0].sequence = g.max_int - 2 # handles the locktime case too
- elif locktime:
- self.inputs[0].sequence = g.max_int - 1
+ return ''.join(gen_view()) # TX label might contain non-ascii chars
- if not opt.yes:
- self.add_comment() # edits an existing comment
+ def view_with_prompt(self,prompt='',pause=True):
+ prompt += ' (y)es, (N)o, pager (v)iew, (t)erse view: '
+ from .term import get_char
+ ok_chars = 'YyNnVvTt'
+ while True:
+ reply = get_char(prompt,immed_chars=ok_chars).strip('\n\r')
+ msg('')
+ if reply == '' or reply in 'Nn':
+ break
+ elif reply in 'YyVvTt':
+ self.view(pager=reply in 'Vv',terse=reply in 'Tt',pause=pause)
+ break
+ else:
+ msg('Invalid reply')
- await self.create_raw() # creates self.hex, self.txid
+ def view(self,pager=False,pause=True,terse=False):
+ o = self.format_view(terse=terse)
+ if pager:
+ do_pager(o)
+ else:
+ msg_r(o)
+ from .term import get_char
+ if pause:
+ get_char('Press any key to continue: ')
+ msg('')
- if g.proto.base_proto == 'Bitcoin' and locktime:
- msg(f'Setting nlocktime to {strfmt_locktime(locktime)}!')
- self.set_hex_locktime(locktime)
- self.update_txid()
- self.locktime = locktime
+ class Unsigned(Completed):
+ desc = 'unsigned transaction'
+ ext = 'rawtx'
- self.add_timestamp()
- self.add_blockcount()
- self.chain = g.chain
+ def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs):
+ super().__init__(*args,**kwargs)
+ if self.check_sigs():
+ die(1,'Transaction is signed!')
- self.check_fee()
+ def delete_attrs(self,desc,attr):
+ for e in getattr(self,desc):
+ if hasattr(e,attr):
+ delattr(e,attr)
- qmsg('Transaction successfully created')
+ def get_input_sids(self):
+ return set(e.mmid.sid for e in self.inputs if e.mmid)
- if not opt.yes:
- self.view_with_prompt('View decoded transaction?')
+ def get_output_sids(self):
+ return set(e.mmid.sid for e in self.outputs if e.mmid)
- del self.twuo.wallet
+ async def sign(self,tx_num_str,keys): # return signed object or False; don't exit or raise exception
-class MMGenTxForSigning(MMGenTX):
+ try:
+ self.check_correct_chain()
+ except TransactionChainMismatch:
+ return False
- hexdata_type = 'json'
+ if (self.has_segwit_inputs() or self.has_segwit_outputs()) and not self.proto.cap('segwit'):
+ ymsg(f"TX has Segwit inputs or outputs, but {self.coin} doesn't support Segwit!")
+ return False
- def __new__(cls,*args,**kwargs):
- return MMGenObject.__new__(altcoin_subclass(cls,'tx','MMGenTxForSigning'))
+ self.check_pubkey_scripts()
- async def sign(self,tx_num_str,keys): # return True or False; don't exit or raise exception
+ qmsg(f'Passing {len(keys)} key{suf(keys)} to {self.proto.daemon_name}')
- if self.marked_signed():
- msg('Transaction is already signed!')
- return False
+ if self.has_segwit_inputs():
+ from .addr import KeyGenerator,AddrGenerator
+ kg = KeyGenerator(self.proto,'std')
+ ag = AddrGenerator(self.proto,'segwit')
+ keydict = MMGenDict([(d.addr,d.sec) for d in keys])
- try:
- self.check_correct_chain()
- except TransactionChainMismatch:
- return False
+ sig_data = []
+ for d in self.inputs:
+ e = {k:getattr(d,k) for k in ('txid','vout','scriptPubKey','amt')}
+ e['amount'] = e['amt']
+ del e['amt']
+ if d.mmid and d.mmid.mmtype == 'S':
+ e['redeemScript'] = ag.to_segwit_redeem_script(kg.to_pubhex(keydict[d.addr]))
+ sig_data.append(e)
- if (self.has_segwit_inputs() or self.has_segwit_outputs()) and not g.proto.cap('segwit'):
- ymsg(f"TX has Segwit inputs or outputs, but {g.coin} doesn't support Segwit!")
- return False
+ msg_r(f'Signing transaction{tx_num_str}...')
+ wifs = [d.sec.wif for d in keys]
- self.check_pubkey_scripts()
- qmsg(f'Passing {len(keys)} key{suf(keys)} to {g.proto.daemon_name}')
- if self.has_segwit_inputs():
- from .addr import KeyGenerator,AddrGenerator
- kg = KeyGenerator('std')
- ag = AddrGenerator('segwit')
- keydict = MMGenDict([(d.addr,d.sec) for d in keys])
- sig_data = []
- for d in self.inputs:
- e = {k:getattr(d,k) for k in ('txid','vout','scriptPubKey','amt')}
- e['amount'] = e['amt']
- del e['amt']
- if d.mmid and d.mmid.mmtype == 'S':
- e['redeemScript'] = ag.to_segwit_redeem_script(kg.to_pubhex(keydict[d.addr]))
- sig_data.append(e)
- msg_r(f'Signing transaction{tx_num_str}...')
- wifs = [d.sec.wif for d in keys]
- try:
- args = (
- ('signrawtransaction', self.hex,sig_data,wifs,g.proto.sighash_type),
- ('signrawtransactionwithkey',self.hex,wifs,sig_data,g.proto.sighash_type)
- )['sign_with_key' in g.rpc.caps]
- ret = await g.rpc.call(*args)
- except Exception as e:
- msg(yellow((
- e.args[0],
- 'This is not the BCH chain.\nRe-run the script without the --coin=bch option.'
- )['Invalid sighash param' in e.args[0]]))
- return False
+ try:
+ args = (
+ ('signrawtransaction', self.hex,sig_data,wifs,self.proto.sighash_type),
+ ('signrawtransactionwithkey',self.hex,wifs,sig_data,self.proto.sighash_type)
+ )['sign_with_key' in self.rpc.caps]
+ ret = await self.rpc.call(*args)
+ except Exception as e:
+ msg(yellow((
+ e.args[0],
+ 'This is not the BCH chain.\nRe-run the script without the --coin=bch option.'
+ )['Invalid sighash param' in e.args[0]]))
+ return False
- try:
- self.hex = HexStr(ret['hex'])
- tx_decoded = await g.rpc.call('decoderawtransaction',ret['hex'])
- self.compare_size_and_estimated_size(tx_decoded)
- dt = DeserializedTX(self.hex)
- self.check_hex_tx_matches_mmgen_tx(dt)
- self.coin_txid = CoinTxID(dt['txid'],on_fail='raise')
- self.check_sigs(dt)
- if not self.coin_txid == tx_decoded['txid']:
- raise BadMMGenTxID('txid mismatch (after signing)')
- msg('OK')
- return True
- except Exception as e:
- try: m = '{}'.format(e.args[0])
- except: m = repr(e.args[0])
- msg('\n'+yellow(m))
- if g.traceback:
- import traceback
- ymsg('\n'+''.join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())))
- return False
+ try:
+ self.hex = HexStr(ret['hex'])
+ self.parsed_hex = dtx = DeserializedTX(self.proto,self.hex)
+ new = MMGenTX.Signed(data=self.__dict__)
+ tx_decoded = await self.rpc.call('decoderawtransaction',ret['hex'])
+ new.compare_size_and_estimated_size(tx_decoded)
+ new.check_hex_tx_matches_mmgen_tx(dtx)
+ new.coin_txid = CoinTxID(dtx['txid'],on_fail='raise')
+ if not new.coin_txid == tx_decoded['txid']:
+ raise BadMMGenTxID('txid mismatch (after signing)')
+ msg('OK')
+ return new
+ except Exception as e:
+ try: m = '{}'.format(e.args[0])
+ except: m = repr(e.args[0])
+ msg('\n'+yellow(m))
+ if g.traceback:
+ import traceback
+ ymsg('\n'+''.join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())))
+ return False
-class MMGenBumpTX(MMGenTxForSigning):
+ class Signed(Completed):
+ desc = 'signed transaction'
+ ext = 'sigtx'
+ def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs):
+ if 'tw' in kwargs:
+ self.tw = kwargs['tw']
+ del kwargs['tw']
+ super().__init__(*args,**kwargs)
+ if not self.check_sigs():
+ die(1,'Transaction is not signed!')
+ # check that a malicious, compromised or malfunctioning coin daemon hasn't altered hex tx data:
+ # does not check witness or signature data
+ def check_hex_tx_matches_mmgen_tx(self,dtx):
+ m = 'A malicious or malfunctioning coin daemon or other program may have altered your data!'
+ lt = dtx['lock_time']
+ if lt != int(self.locktime or 0):
+ m2 = 'Transaction hex nLockTime ({}) does not match MMGen transaction nLockTime ({})\n{}'
+ raise TxHexMismatch(m2.format(lt,self.locktime,m))
+ def check_equal(desc,hexio,mmio):
+ if mmio != hexio:
+ msg('\nMMGen {}:\n{}'.format(desc,pp_fmt(mmio)))
+ msg('Hex {}:\n{}'.format(desc,pp_fmt(hexio)))
+ m2 = '{} in hex transaction data from coin daemon do not match those in MMGen transaction!\n'
+ raise TxHexMismatch((m2+m).format(desc.capitalize()))
+ seq_hex = [int(i['nSeq'],16) for i in dtx['txins']]
+ seq_mmgen = [i.sequence or g.max_int for i in self.inputs]
+ check_equal('sequence numbers',seq_hex,seq_mmgen)
+ d_hex = sorted((i['txid'],i['vout']) for i in dtx['txins'])
+ d_mmgen = sorted((i.txid,i.vout) for i in self.inputs)
+ check_equal('inputs',d_hex,d_mmgen)
+ d_hex = sorted((o['address'],self.proto.coin_amt(o['amount'])) for o in dtx['txouts'])
+ d_mmgen = sorted((o.addr,o.amt) for o in self.outputs)
+ check_equal('outputs',d_hex,d_mmgen)
+ uh = dtx['unsigned_hex']
+ if str(self.txid) != make_chksum_6(bytes.fromhex(uh)).upper():
+ raise TxHexMismatch('MMGen TxID ({}) does not match hex transaction data!\n{}'.format(self.txid,m))
+ def compare_size_and_estimated_size(self,tx_decoded):
+ est_vsize = self.estimate_size()
+ d = tx_decoded
+ vsize = d['vsize'] if 'vsize' in d else d['size']
+ vmsg(f'\nVsize: {vsize} (true) {est_vsize} (estimated)')
+ ratio = float(est_vsize) / vsize
+ if not (0.95 < ratio < 1.05): # allow for 5% error
+ raise BadTxSizeEstimate(fmt(f"""
+ Estimated transaction vsize is {ratio:1.2f} times the true vsize
+ Your transaction fee estimates will be inaccurate
+ Please re-create and re-sign the transaction using the option --vsize-adj={1/ratio:1.2f}
+ """).strip())
+ async def get_status(self,status=False):
+ class r(object):
+ pass
- def __new__(cls,*args,**kwargs):
- return MMGenTX.__new__(altcoin_subclass(cls,'tx','MMGenBumpTX'),*args,**kwargs)
+ async def is_in_wallet():
+ try: ret = await self.rpc.call('gettransaction',self.coin_txid)
+ except: return False
+ if ret.get('confirmations',0) > 0:
+ r.confs = ret['confirmations']
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
- min_fee = None
- bump_output_idx = None
+ async def is_in_utxos():
+ try: return 'txid' in await self.rpc.call('getrawtransaction',self.coin_txid,True)
+ except: return False
- def __init__(self,filename,send=False,tw=None):
- super().__init__(filename,tw=tw)
+ async def is_in_mempool():
+ try: return 'height' in await self.rpc.call('getmempoolentry',self.coin_txid)
+ except: return False
- if not self.is_replaceable():
- die(1,f'Transaction {self.txid} is not replaceable')
+ async def is_replaced():
+ if await is_in_mempool():
+ return False
+ try:
+ ret = await self.rpc.call('gettransaction',self.coin_txid)
+ except:
+ return False
+ else:
+ if 'bip125-replaceable' in ret and ret.get('confirmations',1) <= 0:
+ r.replacing_confs = -ret['confirmations']
+ r.replacing_txs = ret['walletconflicts']
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
- # If sending, require tx to be signed
- if send:
- if not self.marked_signed():
- die(1,'File {filename!r} is not a signed {g.proj_name} transaction file')
- if not self.coin_txid:
- die(1,'Transaction {self.txid!r} was not broadcast to the network')
+ if await is_in_mempool():
+ if status:
+ d = await self.rpc.call('gettransaction',self.coin_txid)
+ rep = ('' if d.get('bip125-replaceable') == 'yes' else 'NOT ') + 'replaceable'
+ t = d['timereceived']
+ if opt.quiet:
+ msg('Transaction is in mempool')
+ else:
+ msg(f'TX status: in mempool, {rep}')
+ msg('Sent {} ({} h/m/s ago)'.format(
+ time.strftime('%c',time.gmtime(t)),
+ secs_to_dhms(int(time.time()-t))) )
+ else:
+ msg('Warning: transaction is in mempool!')
+ elif await is_in_wallet():
+ die(0,f'Transaction has {r.confs} confirmation{suf(r.confs)}')
+ elif await is_in_utxos():
+ die(2,red('ERROR: transaction is in the blockchain (but not in the tracking wallet)!'))
+ elif await is_replaced():
+ msg('Transaction has been replaced')
+ msg('Replacement transaction ' + (
+ f'has {r.replacing_confs} confirmation{suf(r.replacing_confs)}'
+ if r.replacing_confs else
+ 'is in mempool' ) )
+ if not opt.quiet:
+ msg('Replacing transactions:')
+ d = []
+ for txid in r.replacing_txs:
+ try: d.append(await self.rpc.call('getmempoolentry',txid))
+ except: d.append({})
+ for txid,mp_entry in zip(r.replacing_txs,d):
+ msg(f' {txid}' + (' in mempool' if 'height' in mp_entry else '') )
+ die(0,'')
+ def confirm_send(self):
+ confirm_or_raise(
+ ('' if opt.quiet else "Once this transaction is sent, there's no taking it back!"),
+ f'broadcast this transaction to the {self.proto.coin} {self.proto.network.upper()} network',
+ ('YES' if opt.quiet or opt.yes else 'YES, I REALLY WANT TO DO THIS') )
+ msg('Sending transaction')
+ async def send(self,prompt_user=True,exit_on_fail=False):
- self.coin_txid = ''
- self.mark_raw()
+ self.check_correct_chain()
+ self.check_pubkey_scripts()
+ self.check_hex_tx_matches_mmgen_tx(DeserializedTX(self.proto,self.hex))
- def check_bumpable(self):
- if not [o.amt for o in self.outputs if o.amt >= self.min_fee]:
- die(1,
- 'Transaction cannot be bumped.\n' +
- f'All outputs contain less than the minimum fee ({self.min_fee} {g.coin})')
+ if self.has_segwit_outputs() and not self.rpc.info('segwit_is_active') and not g.bogus_send:
+ die(2,'Transaction has Segwit outputs, but this blockchain does not support Segwit'
+ + ' at the current height')
- def choose_output(self):
- chg_idx = self.get_chg_output_idx()
- init_reply = opt.output_to_reduce
+ if self.get_fee() > self.proto.max_tx_fee:
+ die(2,'Transaction fee ({}) greater than {} max_tx_fee ({} {})!'.format(
+ self.get_fee(),
+ self.proto.name,
+ self.proto.max_tx_fee,
+ self.proto.coin ))
- def check_sufficient_funds(o_amt):
- if o_amt < self.min_fee:
- msg(f'Minimum fee ({self.min_fee} {g.coin}) is greater than output amount ({o_amt} {g.coin})')
- return False
- return True
+ await self.get_status()
- if len(self.outputs) == 1:
- if check_sufficient_funds(self.outputs[0].amt):
- self.bump_output_idx = 0
- return 0
- else:
- die(1,'Insufficient funds to bump transaction')
+ if prompt_user:
+ self.confirm_send()
- while True:
- if init_reply == None:
- m = 'Choose an output to deduct the fee from (Hit ENTER for the change output): '
- reply = my_raw_input(m) or 'c'
+ if g.bogus_send:
+ ret = None
- reply,init_reply = init_reply,None
- if chg_idx == None and not is_int(reply):
- msg('Output must be an integer')
- elif chg_idx != None and not is_int(reply) and reply != 'c':
- msg("Output must be an integer, or 'c' for the change output")
+ try:
+ ret = await self.rpc.call('sendrawtransaction',self.hex)
+ except Exception as e:
+ ret = False
+ if ret == False:
+ errmsg = e
+ if 'Signature must use SIGHASH_FORKID' in errmsg:
+ m = ('The Aug. 1 2017 UAHF has activated on this chain.\n'
+ + 'Re-run the script with the --coin=bch option.' )
+ elif 'Illegal use of SIGHASH_FORKID' in errmsg:
+ m = ('The Aug. 1 2017 UAHF is not yet active on this chain.\n'
+ + 'Re-run the script without the --coin=bch option.' )
+ elif '64: non-final' in errmsg:
+ m = "Transaction with nLockTime {!r} can't be included in this block!".format(
+ strfmt_locktime(self.get_hex_locktime()) )
+ else:
+ m = errmsg
+ ymsg(m)
+ rmsg(f'Send of MMGen transaction {self.txid} failed')
+ if exit_on_fail:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return False
- idx = chg_idx if reply == 'c' else (int(reply) - 1)
- if idx < 0 or idx >= len(self.outputs):
- msg(f'Output must be in the range 1-{len(self.outputs)}')
+ if g.bogus_send:
+ m = 'BOGUS transaction NOT sent: {}'
- o_amt = self.outputs[idx].amt
- cm = ' (change output)' if chg_idx == idx else ''
- prompt = f'Fee will be deducted from output {idx+1}{cm} ({o_amt} {g.coin})'
- if check_sufficient_funds(o_amt):
- if opt.yes or keypress_confirm(prompt+'. OK?',default_yes=True):
- if opt.yes:
- msg(prompt)
- self.bump_output_idx = idx
- return idx
- @property
- def min_fee(self):
- return self.sum_inputs() - self.sum_outputs() + self.relay_fee
- def update_fee(self,op_idx,fee):
- amt = self.sum_inputs() - self.sum_outputs(exclude=op_idx) - fee
- self.update_output_amt(op_idx,amt)
- def convert_and_check_fee(self,tx_fee,desc):
- ret = super().convert_and_check_fee(tx_fee,desc)
- if ret < self.min_fee:
- msg('{} {c}: {} fee too small. Minimum fee: {} {c} ({} {})'.format(
- ret.hl(),
- desc,
- self.min_fee,
- self.fee_abs2rel(self.min_fee.hl()),
- self.rel_fee_desc,
- c = g.coin ))
- return False
- output_amt = self.outputs[self.bump_output_idx].amt
- if ret >= output_amt:
- msg('{} {c}: {} fee too large. Maximum fee: <{} {c}'.format(
- ret.hl(),
- desc,
- output_amt.hl(),
- c = g.coin ))
- return False
- return ret
-class MMGenSplitTX(MMGenTX):
- async def get_outputs_from_cmdline(self,mmid): # TODO: check that addr is empty
- from .addr import TwAddrData
- ad_w = await TwAddrData()
+ m = 'Transaction sent: {}'
+ assert ret == self.coin_txid, 'txid mismatch (after sending)'
+ msg(m.format(self.coin_txid.hl()))
+ self.add_timestamp()
+ self.add_blockcount()
+ self.desc = 'sent transaction'
+ return True
- if is_mmgen_id(mmid):
- coin_addr = mmaddr2coinaddr(mmid,ad_w,None) if is_mmgen_id(mmid) else CoinAddr(mmid)
- self.add_output(coin_addr,g.proto.coin_amt('0'),is_chg=True)
- else:
- die(2,'{}: invalid command-line argument'.format(mmid))
+ def print_contract_addr(self):
+ pass
- self.add_mmaddrs_to_outputs(ad_w,None)
+ @staticmethod
+ async def get_tracking_wallet(filename):
+ from .txfile import MMGenTxFile
+ tmp_tx = MMGenTX.Base()
+ MMGenTxFile(tmp_tx).parse(filename,metadata_only=True)
+ if tmp_tx.proto.tokensym:
+ from .tw import TrackingWallet
+ return await TrackingWallet(tmp_tx.proto)
+ else:
+ return None
- if not segwit_is_active() and self.has_segwit_outputs():
- fs = '{} Segwit address requested on the command line, but Segwit is not active on this chain'
- rdie(2,fs.format(g.proj_name))
+ class Bump(Completed,New):
+ desc = 'fee-bumped transaction'
+ ext = 'rawtx'
- def get_split_fee_from_user(self):
- if opt.rpc_host2:
- g.rpc_host = opt.rpc_host2
- if opt.tx_fees:
- opt.tx_fee = opt.tx_fees.split(',')[1]
- return super().get_fee_from_user()
+ min_fee = None
+ bump_output_idx = None
- async def create_split(self,mmid):
+ def __init__(self,data,send,tw=None):
+ MMGenTX.Completed.__init__(self,data=data)
+ self.tw = tw
- self.outputs = self.MMGenTxOutputList()
- await self.get_outputs_from_cmdline(mmid)
+ if not self.is_replaceable():
+ die(1,f'Transaction {self.txid} is not replaceable')
- while True:
- change_amt = self.sum_inputs() - self.get_split_fee_from_user()
- if change_amt >= 0:
- p = 'Transaction produces {} {} in change'.format(change_amt.hl(),g.coin)
- if opt.yes or keypress_confirm(p+'. OK?',default_yes=True):
- if opt.yes:
- msg(p)
- break
- else:
- self.warn_insufficient_chg(change_amt)
+ # If sending, require original tx to be sent
+ if send and not self.coin_txid:
+ die(1,'Transaction {self.txid!r} was not broadcast to the network')
- self.update_output_amt(0,change_amt)
- self.send_amt = change_amt
+ self.coin_txid = ''
- if not opt.yes:
- self.add_comment() # edits an existing comment
+ def check_bumpable(self):
+ if not [o.amt for o in self.outputs if o.amt >= self.min_fee]:
+ die(1,
+ 'Transaction cannot be bumped.\n' +
+ f'All outputs contain less than the minimum fee ({self.min_fee} {self.coin})')
- await self.create_raw() # creates self.hex, self.txid
+ def choose_output(self):
+ chg_idx = self.get_chg_output_idx()
+ init_reply = opt.output_to_reduce
- self.add_timestamp()
- self.add_blockcount() # TODO
- self.chain = g.chain
+ def check_sufficient_funds(o_amt):
+ if o_amt < self.min_fee:
+ msg(f'Minimum fee ({self.min_fee} {self.coin}) is greater than output amount ({o_amt} {self.coin})')
+ return False
+ return True
- assert self.sum_inputs() - self.sum_outputs() <= g.proto.max_tx_fee
+ if len(self.outputs) == 1:
+ if check_sufficient_funds(self.outputs[0].amt):
+ self.bump_output_idx = 0
+ return 0
+ else:
+ die(1,'Insufficient funds to bump transaction')
- qmsg('Transaction successfully created')
+ while True:
+ if init_reply == None:
+ m = 'Choose an output to deduct the fee from (Hit ENTER for the change output): '
+ reply = my_raw_input(m) or 'c'
+ else:
+ reply,init_reply = init_reply,None
+ if chg_idx == None and not is_int(reply):
+ msg('Output must be an integer')
+ elif chg_idx != None and not is_int(reply) and reply != 'c':
+ msg("Output must be an integer, or 'c' for the change output")
+ else:
+ idx = chg_idx if reply == 'c' else (int(reply) - 1)
+ if idx < 0 or idx >= len(self.outputs):
+ msg(f'Output must be in the range 1-{len(self.outputs)}')
+ else:
+ o_amt = self.outputs[idx].amt
+ cm = ' (change output)' if chg_idx == idx else ''
+ prompt = f'Fee will be deducted from output {idx+1}{cm} ({o_amt} {self.coin})'
+ if check_sufficient_funds(o_amt):
+ if opt.yes or keypress_confirm(prompt+'. OK?',default_yes=True):
+ if opt.yes:
+ msg(prompt)
+ self.bump_output_idx = idx
+ return idx
+ @property
+ def min_fee(self):
+ return self.sum_inputs() - self.sum_outputs() + self.relay_fee
+ def update_fee(self,op_idx,fee):
+ amt = self.sum_inputs() - self.sum_outputs(exclude=op_idx) - fee
+ self.update_output_amt(op_idx,amt)
+ def convert_and_check_fee(self,tx_fee,desc):
+ ret = super().convert_and_check_fee(tx_fee,desc)
+ if ret < self.min_fee:
+ msg('{} {c}: {} fee too small. Minimum fee: {} {c} ({} {})'.format(
+ ret.hl(),
+ desc,
+ self.min_fee,
+ self.fee_abs2rel(self.min_fee.hl()),
+ self.rel_fee_desc,
+ c = self.coin ))
+ return False
+ output_amt = self.outputs[self.bump_output_idx].amt
+ if ret >= output_amt:
+ msg('{} {c}: {} fee too large. Maximum fee: <{} {c}'.format(
+ ret.hl(),
+ desc,
+ output_amt.hl(),
+ c = self.coin ))
+ return False
+ return ret
- if not opt.yes:
- self.view_with_prompt('View decoded transaction?')
+# class Split(Base):
+# async def get_outputs_from_cmdline(self,mmid): # TODO: check that addr is empty
+# from .addr import TwAddrData
+# ad_w = await TwAddrData()
+# if is_mmgen_id(self.proto,mmid):
+# coin_addr = mmaddr2coinaddr(mmid,ad_w,None) if is_mmgen_id(self.proto,mmid) else CoinAddr(mmid)
+# self.add_output(coin_addr,self.proto.coin_amt('0'),is_chg=True)
+# else:
+# die(2,'{}: invalid command-line argument'.format(mmid))
+# self.add_mmaddrs_to_outputs(ad_w,None)
+# if not segwit_is_active() and self.has_segwit_outputs():
+# fs = '{} Segwit address requested on the command line, but Segwit is not active on this chain'
+# rdie(2,fs.format(g.proj_name))
+# def get_split_fee_from_user(self):
+# if opt.rpc_host2:
+# g.rpc_host = opt.rpc_host2
+# if opt.tx_fees:
+# opt.tx_fee = opt.tx_fees.split(',')[1]
+# return super().get_fee_from_user()
+# async def create_split(self,mmid):
+# self.outputs = self.MMGenTxOutputList(self)
+# await self.get_outputs_from_cmdline(mmid)
+# while True:
+# change_amt = self.sum_inputs() - self.get_split_fee_from_user()
+# if change_amt >= 0:
+# p = 'Transaction produces {} {} in change'.format(change_amt.hl(),self.coin)
+# if opt.yes or keypress_confirm(p+'. OK?',default_yes=True):
+# if opt.yes:
+# msg(p)
+# break
+# else:
+# self.warn_insufficient_chg(change_amt)
+# self.update_output_amt(0,change_amt)
+# self.send_amt = change_amt
+# if not opt.yes:
+# self.add_comment() # edits an existing comment
+# await self.create_raw() # creates self.hex, self.txid
+# self.add_timestamp()
+# self.add_blockcount() # TODO
+# self.chain = g.chain
+# assert self.sum_inputs() - self.sum_outputs() <= self.proto.max_tx_fee
+# qmsg('Transaction successfully created')
+# if not opt.yes:
+# self.view_with_prompt('View transaction details?')