@@ -18,14 +18,14 @@ scrambletest_py='test/scrambletest.py'
-rounds=100 rounds_low=20 rounds_spec=500 gen_rounds=10
+rounds=100 rounds_low=20 rounds_spec=500 sha_rounds=500 gen_rounds=10
dfl_tests='obj sha256 alts monero eth autosign btc btc_tn btc_rt bch bch_rt ltc ltc_tn ltc_rt tool tool2 gen'
add_tests='autosign_minimal autosign_live'
PROGNAME=$(basename $0)
-while getopts hbCfilnOPRtvV OPT
+while getopts hbCfiIlOpRtvV OPT
case "$OPT" in
h) printf " %-16s Test MMGen release\n" "${PROGNAME}:"
@@ -34,11 +34,11 @@ do
echo " '-b' Buffer keypresses for all invocations of 'test/test.py'"
echo " '-C' Run tests in coverage mode"
echo " '-f' Speed up the tests by using fewer rounds"
- echo " '-i' Install only; don't run tests"
+ echo " '-i' Create and install Python package, then run tests"
+ echo " '-I' Install the package only; don't run tests"
echo " '-l' List the test name symbols"
- echo " '-n' Don't install; test in place"
- echo " '-O' Use popen_spawn rather than popen for applicable tests"
- echo " '-P' Don't pause between tests"
+ echo " '-O' Use pexpect.spawn rather than popen_spawn for applicable tests"
+ echo " '-p' Pause between tests"
echo " '-R' Don't remove temporary files after program has exited"
echo " '-t' Print the tests without running them"
echo " '-v' Run test/test.py with '--exact-output' and other commands with '--verbose' switch"
@@ -74,16 +74,15 @@ do
objtest_py="$python $objtest_py"
gentest_py="$python $gentest_py"
mmgen_tool="$python $mmgen_tool"
- mmgen_keygen="$python $mmgen_keygen"
- rounds=2 rounds_low=2 rounds_spec=2 gen_rounds=2 monero_addrs='3,23,105' ;;
- f) rounds=2 rounds_low=2 rounds_spec=2 gen_rounds=2 monero_addrs='3,23,105' ;;
- i) INSTALL_ONLY=1 ;;
+ mmgen_keygen="$python $mmgen_keygen" ;&
+ f) rounds=2 rounds_low=2 rounds_spec=10 sha_rounds=40 gen_rounds=2 monero_addrs='3,23' ;;
+ i) INSTALL=1 ;;
l) echo -e "Default tests:\n $dfl_tests"
echo -e "Additional tests:\n $add_tests"
exit ;;
- n) NO_INSTALL=1 ;;
- O) test_py+=" --popen-spawn" ;;
- P) NO_PAUSE=1 ;;
+ O) test_py+=" --pexpect-spawn" ;;
+ p) PAUSE=1 ;;
t) TESTING=1 ;;
v) EXACT_OUTPUT=1 test_py+=" --exact-output" ;&
@@ -102,7 +101,7 @@ REFDIR='test/ref'
if uname -a | grep -qi mingw; then SUDO='' MINGW=1; else SUDO='sudo' MINGW=''; fi
[ "$MINGW" ] || RED="\e[31;1m" GREEN="\e[32;1m" YELLOW="\e[33;1m" RESET="\e[0m"
-[ "$NO_INSTALL" ] || {
+[ "$INSTALL" ] && {
BRANCH=$1; shift
BRANCHES=$(git branch)
FOUND_BRANCH=$(for b in ${BRANCHES/\*}; do [ "$b" == "$BRANCH" ] && echo ok; done)
@@ -165,7 +164,7 @@ f_obj='Data object test complete'
i_sha256='MMGen sha256 implementation'
s_sha256='Testing sha256 implementation'
-t_sha256=("$python test/sha256test.py $rounds_spec")
+t_sha256=("$python test/sha256test.py $sha_rounds")
f_sha256='Sha256 test complete'
i_alts='Gen-only altcoin'
@@ -238,6 +237,11 @@ t_monero=(
i=3 end=${#t_monero[*]}
while [ $i -lt $end ]; do unset t_monero[$i]; let i++; done
+[ "$monero_addrs" == '3,23' ] && {
+ unset t_monero[12]
+ unset t_monero[7]
+ unset t_monero[3]
f_monero='Monero tests completed'
@@ -291,7 +295,6 @@ i_btc_rt='Bitcoin regtest'
s_btc_rt="The following tests will test MMGen's regtest (Bob and Alice) mode"
"$test_py regtest"
-# "$test_py regtest_split" # no official B2X support, so skip
f_btc_rt='Regtest (Bob and Alice) mode tests for BTC completed'
@@ -305,16 +308,6 @@ s_bch_rt="The following tests will test MMGen's regtest (Bob and Alice) mode"
t_bch_rt=("$test_py --coin=bch regtest")
f_bch_rt='Regtest (Bob and Alice) mode tests for BCH completed'
-i_b2x='Bitcoin 2X (B2X)'
-s_b2x='The bitcoin 2X daemon (BTC1) must both be running for the following tests'
-t_b2x=("$test_py --coin=b2x dfl_wallet main ref ref_files")
-f_b2x='You may stop the Bitcoin 2X daemon if you wish'
-i_b2x_rt='Bitcoin 2X (B2X) regtest'
-s_b2x_rt="The following tests will test MMGen's regtest (Bob and Alice) mode"
-t_b2x_rt=("$test_py --coin=b2x regtest")
-f_b2x_rt='Regtest (Bob and Alice) mode tests for B2X completed'
s_ltc='The litecoin daemon must both be running for the following tests'
@@ -401,7 +394,7 @@ t_gen=(
"$gentest_py -q --coin=ltc --testnet=1 --type=segwit 1:2 $gen_rounds")
f_gen='gentest tests completed'
-[ -d .git -a -z "$NO_INSTALL" -a -z "$TESTING" ] && {
+[ -d .git -a -n "$INSTALL" -a -z "$TESTING" ] && {
@@ -409,7 +402,7 @@ f_gen='gentest tests completed'
[ "$INSTALL_ONLY" ] && exit
-skip_maybe() {
+prompt_skip() {
echo -n "Enter 's' to skip, or ENTER to continue: "; read -n1; echo
[ "$REPLY" == 's' ] && return 0
return 1
@@ -419,7 +412,7 @@ run_tests() {
for t in $1; do
eval echo -e \${GREEN}'###' Running $(echo \$i_$t) tests\$RESET
eval echo -e $(echo \$s_$t)
- [ "$PAUSE" ] && skip_maybe && continue
+ [ "$PAUSE" ] && prompt_skip && continue
eval "do_test \"\${t_$t[@]}\""
eval echo -e \$GREEN$(echo \$f_$t)\$RESET
@@ -434,12 +427,14 @@ check_args() {
[ "$*" ] && tests="$*"
-[ "$NO_PAUSE" ] || PAUSE=1
echo "Running tests: $tests"
+START=$(date +%s)
run_tests "$tests"
+TIME=$(($(date +%s)-START))
+MS=$(printf %02d:%02d $((TIME/60)) $((TIME%60)))
[ "$NO_TMPFILE_REMOVAL" ] || rm -rf /tmp/mmgen-test-release-*
-echo -e "${GREEN}All OK$RESET"
+echo -e "${GREEN}All OK. Total elapsed time: $MS$RESET"