@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ obj.py: MMGen native classes
import sys
from decimal import *
from mmgen.color import *
+from string import hexdigits,ascii_letters,digits
def is_mmgen_seed_id(s): return SeedID(sid=s,on_fail='silent')
def is_mmgen_idx(s): return AddrIdx(s,on_fail='silent')
@@ -38,7 +39,6 @@ class MMGenObject(object):
def pmsg(self): print(self.pformat())
def pdie(self): print(self.pformat()); sys.exit(0)
def pformat(self,lvl=0):
- from decimal import Decimal
scalars = (str,unicode,int,float,Decimal)
def do_list(out,e,lvl=0,is_dict=False):
@@ -100,9 +100,71 @@ class MMGenObject(object):
class MMGenList(list,MMGenObject): pass
class MMGenDict(dict,MMGenObject): pass
+class AddrListList(list,MMGenObject): pass
+class InitErrors(object):
+ @staticmethod
+ def arg_chk(cls,on_fail):
+ assert on_fail in ('die','return','silent','raise'),'arg_chk in class {}'.format(cls.__name__)
-# for attrs that are always present in the data instance
-# reassignment and deletion forbidden
+ @staticmethod
+ def init_fail(m,on_fail,silent=False):
+ if silent: m = ''
+ from mmgen.util import die,msg
+ if on_fail == 'die': die(1,m)
+ elif on_fail == 'return':
+ if m: msg(m)
+ return None # TODO: change to False
+ elif on_fail == 'silent': return None # same here
+ elif on_fail == 'raise': raise ValueError,m
+class Hilite(object):
+ color = 'red'
+ color_always = False
+ width = 0
+ trunc_ok = True
+ @classmethod
+ def fmtc(cls,s,width=None,color=False,encl='',trunc_ok=None,
+ center=False,nullrepl='',app='',appcolor=False):
+ if width == None: width = cls.width
+ if trunc_ok == None: trunc_ok = cls.trunc_ok
+ assert width > 0
+ if s == '' and nullrepl:
+ s,center = nullrepl,True
+ if center: s = s.center(width)
+ assert type(encl) is str and len(encl) in (0,2)
+ a,b = list(encl) if encl else ('','')
+ if trunc_ok and len(s) > width: s = s[:width]
+ if app:
+ return cls.colorize(a+s+b,color=color) + \
+ cls.colorize(app.ljust(width-len(a+s+b)),color=appcolor)
+ else:
+ return cls.colorize((a+s+b).ljust(width),color=color)
+ def fmt(self,*args,**kwargs):
+ assert args == () # forbid invocation w/o keywords
+ return self.fmtc(self,*args,**kwargs)
+ @classmethod
+ def hlc(cls,s,color=True):
+ return cls.colorize(s,color=color)
+ def hl(self,color=True):
+ return self.colorize(self,color=color)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.colorize(self,color=False)
+ @classmethod
+ def colorize(cls,s,color=True):
+ k = color if type(color) is str else cls.color # hack: override color with str value
+ return globals()[k](s) if (color or cls.color_always) else s
+# For attrs that are always present in the data instance
+# Reassignment and deletion forbidden
class MMGenImmutableAttr(object): # Descriptor
def __init__(self,name,dtype,typeconv=True):
@@ -124,7 +186,7 @@ class MMGenImmutableAttr(object): # Descriptor
raise AttributeError(m.format(self.name,type(instance)))
if self.typeconv: # convert type
instance.__dict__[self.name] = \
- globals()[self.dtype](value) if type(self.dtype) == str else self.dtype(value)
+ globals()[self.dtype](value,on_fail='raise') if type(self.dtype) == str else self.dtype(value)
else: # check type
if type(value) != self.dtype:
m = "Attribute '{}' of {} instance must of type {}"
@@ -135,9 +197,9 @@ class MMGenImmutableAttr(object): # Descriptor
m = "Atribute '{}' of {} instance cannot be deleted"
raise AttributeError(m.format(self.name,type(instance)))
-# for attrs that might not be present in the data instance
-# reassignment or deletion allowed if specified
-class MMGenListItemAttr(MMGenImmutableAttr):
+# For attrs that might not be present in the data instance
+# Reassignment or deletion allowed if specified
+class MMGenListItemAttr(MMGenImmutableAttr): # Descriptor
def __init__(self,name,dtype,typeconv=True,reassign_ok=False,delete_ok=False):
self.reassign_ok = reassign_ok
@@ -175,146 +237,68 @@ class MMGenListItem(MMGenObject):
raise AttributeError(m.format(name,type(self)))
return object.__setattr__(self,name,value)
-class InitErrors(object):
- @staticmethod
- def arg_chk(cls,on_fail):
- assert on_fail in ('die','return','silent','raise'),'arg_chk in class {}'.format(cls.__name__)
- @staticmethod
- def init_fail(m,on_fail,silent=False):
- if silent: m = ''
- from mmgen.util import die,msg
- if on_fail == 'die': die(1,m)
- elif on_fail == 'return':
- if m: msg(m)
- return None # TODO: change to False
- elif on_fail == 'silent': return None # same here
- elif on_fail == 'raise': raise ValueError,m
class AddrIdx(int,InitErrors):
max_digits = 7
def __new__(cls,num,on_fail='die'):
- assert type(num) is not float
+ assert type(num) is not float,'is float'
me = int.__new__(cls,num)
- except:
- m = "'%s': value cannot be converted to address index" % num
- else:
- if len(str(me)) > cls.max_digits:
- m = "'%s': too many digits in addr idx" % num
- elif me < 1:
- m = "'%s': addr idx cannot be less than one" % num
- else:
- return me
- return cls.init_fail(m,on_fail)
+ assert len(str(me)) <= cls.max_digits,'is more than {} digits'.format(cls.max_digits)
+ assert me > 0,'is less than one'
+ return me
+ except Exception as e:
+ m = "{!r}: value cannot be converted to address index ({})"
+ return cls.init_fail(m.format(num,e[0]),on_fail)
class AddrIdxList(list,InitErrors,MMGenObject):
max_len = 1000000
def __init__(self,fmt_str=None,idx_list=None,on_fail='die',sep=','):
- assert fmt_str or idx_list
- if idx_list:
- # dies on failure
- return list.__init__(self,sorted(set(AddrIdx(i) for i in idx_list)))
- elif fmt_str:
- desc = fmt_str
- ret,fs = [],"'%s': value cannot be converted to address index"
- from mmgen.util import msg
- for i in (fmt_str.split(sep)):
- j = i.split('-')
- if len(j) == 1:
- idx = AddrIdx(i,on_fail='return')
- if not idx: break
- ret.append(idx)
- elif len(j) == 2:
- beg = AddrIdx(j[0],on_fail='return')
- if not beg: break
- end = AddrIdx(j[1],on_fail='return')
- if not beg: break
- if end < beg:
- msg(fs % "%s-%s (invalid range)" % (beg,end)); break
- ret.extend([AddrIdx(x) for x in range(beg,end+1)])
+ try:
+ if idx_list:
+ return list.__init__(self,sorted(set(AddrIdx(i,on_fail='raise') for i in idx_list)))
+ elif fmt_str:
+ ret = []
+ for i in (fmt_str.split(sep)):
+ j = i.split('-')
+ if len(j) == 1:
+ idx = AddrIdx(i,on_fail='raise')
+ if not idx: break
+ ret.append(idx)
+ elif len(j) == 2:
+ beg = AddrIdx(j[0],on_fail='raise')
+ if not beg: break
+ end = AddrIdx(j[1],on_fail='raise')
+ if not beg: break
+ if end < beg: break
+ ret.extend([AddrIdx(x,on_fail='raise') for x in range(beg,end+1)])
+ else: break
- msg((fs % i) + ' list'); break
- else:
- return list.__init__(self,sorted(set(ret))) # fell off end of loop - success
- return self.init_fail((fs + ' list') % desc,on_fail)
-class Hilite(object):
- color = 'red'
- color_always = False
- width = 0
- trunc_ok = True
- @classmethod
- def fmtc(cls,s,width=None,color=False,encl='',trunc_ok=None,
- center=False,nullrepl='',app='',appcolor=False):
- if width == None: width = cls.width
- if trunc_ok == None: trunc_ok = cls.trunc_ok
- assert width > 0
- if s == '' and nullrepl:
- s,center = nullrepl,True
- if center: s = s.center(width)
- assert type(encl) is str and len(encl) in (0,2)
- a,b = list(encl) if encl else ('','')
- if trunc_ok and len(s) > width: s = s[:width]
- if app:
- return cls.colorize(a+s+b,color=color) + \
- cls.colorize(app.ljust(width-len(a+s+b)),color=appcolor)
- else:
- return cls.colorize((a+s+b).ljust(width),color=color)
- def fmt(self,*args,**kwargs):
- assert args == () # forbid invocation w/o keywords
- return self.fmtc(self,*args,**kwargs)
- @classmethod
- def hlc(cls,s,color=True):
- return cls.colorize(s,color=color)
- def hl(self,color=True):
- return self.colorize(self,color=color)
- def __str__(self):
- return self.colorize(self,color=False)
- @classmethod
- def colorize(cls,s,color=True):
- k = color if type(color) is str else cls.color # hack: override color with str value
- return globals()[k](s) if (color or cls.color_always) else s
+ return list.__init__(self,sorted(set(ret))) # fell off end of loop - success
+ raise ValueError,"{!r}: invalid range".format(i)
+ except Exception as e:
+ m = "{!r}: value cannot be converted to AddrIdxList ({})"
+ return type(self).init_fail(m.format(idx_list or fmt_str,e[0]),on_fail)
class BTCAmt(Decimal,Hilite,InitErrors):
color = 'yellow'
max_prec = 8
max_amt = 21000000
def __new__(cls,num,on_fail='die'):
+ if type(num) == cls: return num
+ assert type(num) is not float,'number is floating-point'
+ assert type(num) is not long,'number is a long integer'
me = Decimal.__new__(cls,str(num))
- except:
- m = "'%s': value cannot be converted to decimal" % num
- else:
- if me.normalize().as_tuple()[-1] < -cls.max_prec:
- from mmgen.globalvars import g
- m = "'{}': too many decimal places in {} amount".format(num,g.coin)
- elif me > cls.max_amt:
- from mmgen.globalvars import g
- m = "'{}': {} amount too large (>{})".format(num,g.coin,cls.max_amt)
-# elif me.as_tuple()[0]:
-# m = "'%s': BTC amount cannot be negative" % num
- else:
- return me
- return cls.init_fail(m,on_fail)
+ assert me.normalize().as_tuple()[-1] >= -cls.max_prec,'too many decimal places in coin amount'
+ assert me <= cls.max_amt,'coin amount too large (>{})'.format(cls.max_amt)
+ assert me >= 0,'coin amount cannot be negative'
+ return me
+ except Exception as e:
+ m = "{!r}: value cannot be converted to BTCAmt ({})"
+ return cls.init_fail(m.format(num,e[0]),on_fail)
def fmtc(cls):
@@ -367,16 +351,21 @@ class BTCAddr(str,Hilite,InitErrors,MMGenObject):
color = 'cyan'
width = 35 # max len of testnet p2sh addr
def __new__(cls,s,on_fail='die'):
+ if type(s) == cls: return s
- m = "'%s': value is not a Bitcoin address" % s
- me = str.__new__(cls,s)
- from mmgen.bitcoin import verify_addr,addr_pfxs
- if type(s) in (str,unicode,BTCAddr):
- me.addr_fmt = verify_addr(s,return_type=True)
- me.testnet = s[0] in addr_pfxs['testnet']
- if me.addr_fmt:
- return me
- return cls.init_fail(m,on_fail)
+ try:
+ assert set(s) <= set(ascii_letters+digits),'contains non-ascii characters'
+ me = str.__new__(cls,s)
+ from mmgen.bitcoin import verify_addr
+ va = verify_addr(s,return_dict=True)
+ assert va,'failed verification'
+ me.addr_fmt = va['format']
+ me.hex = va['hex']
+ me.testnet = va['net'] == 'testnet'
+ return me
+ except Exception as e:
+ m = "{!r}: value cannot be converted to Bitcoin address ({})"
+ return cls.init_fail(m.format(s,e[0]),on_fail)
def fmtc(cls,s,**kwargs):
@@ -390,13 +379,13 @@ class BTCAddr(str,Hilite,InitErrors,MMGenObject):
def is_for_current_chain(self):
from mmgen.globalvars import g
- assert g.chain, 'global chain variable unset'
- from bitcoin import addr_pfxs
- return self[0] in addr_pfxs[g.chain]
+ assert g.chain,'global chain variable unset'
+ from bitcoin import btc_addr_pfxs
+ return self[0] in btc_addr_pfxs[g.chain]
def is_mainnet(self):
- from bitcoin import addr_pfxs
- return self[0] in addr_pfxs['mainnet']
+ from bitcoin import btc_addr_pfxs
+ return self[0] in btc_addr_pfxs['mainnet']
def is_in_tracking_wallet(self):
from mmgen.rpc import bitcoin_connection
@@ -408,122 +397,118 @@ class SeedID(str,Hilite,InitErrors):
width = 8
trunc_ok = False
def __new__(cls,seed=None,sid=None,on_fail='die'):
+ if type(sid) == cls: return sid
- assert seed or sid
- if seed:
- from mmgen.seed import Seed
- from mmgen.util import make_chksum_8
- if type(seed) == Seed:
+ try:
+ if seed:
+ from mmgen.seed import Seed
+ assert type(seed) == Seed,'not a Seed instance'
+ from mmgen.util import make_chksum_8
return str.__new__(cls,make_chksum_8(seed.get_data()))
- elif sid:
- sid = str(sid)
- from string import hexdigits
- if len(sid) == cls.width and set(sid) <= set(hexdigits.upper()):
+ elif sid:
+ assert set(sid) <= set(hexdigits.upper()),'not uppercase hex digits'
+ assert len(sid) == cls.width,'not {} characters wide'.format(cls.width)
return str.__new__(cls,sid)
- m = "'%s': value cannot be converted to SeedID" % str(seed or sid)
- return cls.init_fail(m,on_fail)
+ raise ValueError,'no arguments provided'
+ except Exception as e:
+ m = "{!r}: value cannot be converted to SeedID ({})"
+ return cls.init_fail(m.format(seed or sid,e[0]),on_fail)
class MMGenID(str,Hilite,InitErrors,MMGenObject):
color = 'orange'
width = 0
trunc_ok = False
def __new__(cls,s,on_fail='die'):
- s = str(s)
- ss = s.split(':')
- assert len(ss) in (2,3)
- sid = SeedID(sid=ss[0],on_fail='silent')
- assert sid
- idx = AddrIdx(ss[-1],on_fail='silent')
- assert idx
- t = MMGenAddrType((MMGenAddrType.dfl_mmtype,ss[1])[len(ss) != 2],on_fail='silent')
- assert t
- me = str.__new__(cls,'{}:{}:{}'.format(sid,t,idx))
- me.sid = sid
+ ss = str(s).split(':')
+ assert len(ss) in (2,3),'not 2 or 3 colon-separated items'
+ t = MMGenAddrType((ss[1],MMGenAddrType.dfl_mmtype)[len(ss)==2],on_fail='raise')
+ me = str.__new__(cls,'{}:{}:{}'.format(ss[0],t,ss[-1]))
+ me.sid = SeedID(sid=ss[0],on_fail='raise')
+ me.idx = AddrIdx(ss[-1],on_fail='raise')
me.mmtype = t
- me.idx = idx
- me.al_id = AddrListID(sid,me.mmtype) # key with colon!
- assert me.al_id
- me.sort_key = '{}:{}:{:0{w}}'.format(sid,t,idx,w=idx.max_digits)
+ me.al_id = str.__new__(AddrListID,me.sid+':'+me.mmtype) # checks already done
+ me.sort_key = '{}:{}:{:0{w}}'.format(me.sid,me.mmtype,me.idx,w=me.idx.max_digits)
return me
- except:
- m = "'%s': value cannot be converted to MMGenID" % s
- return cls.init_fail(m,on_fail)
+ except Exception as e:
+ m = "{}\n{!r}: value cannot be converted to MMGenID"
+ return cls.init_fail(m.format(e[0],s),on_fail)
class TwMMGenID(str,Hilite,InitErrors,MMGenObject):
color = 'orange'
width = 0
trunc_ok = False
def __new__(cls,s,on_fail='die'):
+ if type(s) == cls: return s
- obj,sort_key = None,None
+ ret = None
- obj = MMGenID(s,on_fail='silent')
- sort_key,t = obj.sort_key,'mmgen'
- except:
+ ret = MMGenID(s,on_fail='raise')
+ sort_key,idtype = ret.sort_key,'mmgen'
+ except Exception as e:
- assert len(s) > 4 and s[:4] == 'btc:'
- obj,sort_key,t = str(s),'z_'+s,'non-mmgen'
- except:
- pass
- if obj and sort_key:
- me = str.__new__(cls,obj)
- me.obj = obj
- me.sort_key = sort_key
- me.type = t
- return me
- m = "'{}': value cannot be converted to {}".format(s,cls.__name__)
- return cls.init_fail(m,on_fail)
+ assert s[:4] == 'btc:',"not a string beginning with the prefix 'btc:'"
+ assert set(s[4:]) <= set(ascii_letters+digits),'contains non-ascii characters'
+ assert len(s) > 4,'not more that four characters long'
+ ret,sort_key,idtype = str(s),'z_'+s,'non-mmgen'
+ except Exception as f:
+ m = "{}\nValue is {}\n{!r}: value cannot be converted to TwMMGenID"
+ return cls.init_fail(m.format(e[0],f[0],s),on_fail)
+ me = str.__new__(cls,ret)
+ me.obj = ret
+ me.sort_key = sort_key
+ me.type = idtype
+ return me
# contains TwMMGenID,TwComment. Not for display
class TwLabel(str,InitErrors,MMGenObject):
def __new__(cls,s,on_fail='die'):
+ if type(s) == cls: return s
ss = s.split(None,1)
- me = str.__new__(cls,s)
- me.mmid = TwMMGenID(ss[0],on_fail='silent')
- assert me.mmid
- me.comment = TwComment(ss[1] if len(ss) == 2 else '',on_fail='silent')
- assert me.comment != None
+ mmid = TwMMGenID(ss[0],on_fail='raise')
+ comment = TwComment(ss[1] if len(ss) == 2 else '',on_fail='raise')
+ me = str.__new__(cls,'{}{}'.format(mmid,' {}'.format(comment) if comment else ''))
+ me.mmid = mmid
+ me.comment = comment
return me
- except:
- m = "'{}': value cannot be converted to {}".format(s,cls.__name__)
- return cls.init_fail(m,on_fail)
+ except Exception as e:
+ m = u"{}\n{!r}: value cannot be converted to TwLabel"
+ return cls.init_fail(m.format(e[0],s),on_fail)
class HexStr(str,Hilite,InitErrors):
color = 'red'
trunc_ok = False
def __new__(cls,s,on_fail='die',case='lower'):
+ if type(s) == cls: return s
assert case in ('upper','lower')
- from string import hexdigits
- if set(s) <= set(getattr(hexdigits,case)()) and not len(s) % 2:
+ try:
+ assert type(s) in (str,unicode,bytes),'not a string'
+ assert set(s) <= set(getattr(hexdigits,case)()),'not {}case hexadecimal symbols'.format(case)
+ assert not len(s) % 2,'odd-length string'
return str.__new__(cls,s)
- m = "'{}': value cannot be converted to {}".format(s,cls.__name__)
- return cls.init_fail(m,on_fail)
+ except Exception as e:
+ m = "{!r}: value cannot be converted to {} (value is {})"
+ return cls.init_fail(m.format(s,cls.__name__,e[0]),on_fail)
-class MMGenTxID(str,Hilite,InitErrors):
+class MMGenTxID(HexStr,Hilite,InitErrors):
color = 'red'
width = 6
trunc_ok = False
hexcase = 'upper'
def __new__(cls,s,on_fail='die'):
- from string import hexdigits
- if len(s) == cls.width and set(s) <= set(getattr(hexdigits,cls.hexcase)()):
- return str.__new__(cls,s)
- m = "'{}': value cannot be converted to {}".format(s,cls.__name__)
- return cls.init_fail(m,on_fail)
+ try:
+ ret = HexStr.__new__(cls,s,case=cls.hexcase,on_fail='raise')
+ assert len(s) == cls.width,'Value is not {} characters wide'.format(cls.width)
+ return ret
+ except Exception as e:
+ m = "{}\n{!r}: value cannot be converted to {}"
+ return cls.init_fail(m.format(e[0],s,cls.__name__),on_fail)
class BitcoinTxID(MMGenTxID):
color = 'purple'
@@ -533,34 +518,29 @@ class BitcoinTxID(MMGenTxID):
class WifKey(str,Hilite,InitErrors):
width = 53
color = 'blue'
- desc = 'WIF key'
- def __new__(cls,s,on_fail='die',errmsg=None):
- cls.arg_chk(cls,on_fail)
- from mmgen.bitcoin import wif2hex
- if wif2hex(s):
- me = str.__new__(cls,s)
- return me
- m = errmsg or "'{}': invalid value for {}".format(s,cls.desc)
- return cls.init_fail(m,on_fail)
-class HexStr(str,Hilite,InitErrors):
- color = 'red'
- trunc_ok = False
- def __new__(cls,s,on_fail='die',case='lower'):
- assert case in ('upper','lower')
+ def __new__(cls,s,on_fail='die',testnet=None): # fall back to g.testnet
+ if type(s) == cls: return s
- from string import hexdigits
- if set(s) <= set(getattr(hexdigits,case)()) and not len(s) % 2:
- return str.__new__(cls,s)
- m = "'{}': value cannot be converted to {}".format(s,cls.__name__)
- return cls.init_fail(m,on_fail)
+ try:
+ assert set(s) <= set(ascii_letters+digits),'not an ascii string'
+ from mmgen.bitcoin import wif2hex
+ if wif2hex(s,testnet=testnet):
+ return str.__new__(cls,s)
+ raise ValueError,'failed verification'
+ except Exception as e:
+ m = '{!r}: invalid value for WIF key ({})'.format(s,e[0])
+ return cls.init_fail(m,on_fail)
-class PubKey(HexStr,MMGenObject):
+class PubKey(HexStr,MMGenObject): # TODO: add some real checks
def __new__(cls,s,compressed,on_fail='die'):
- assert type(compressed) == bool
- me = HexStr.__new__(cls,s,case='lower')
- me.compressed = compressed
- return me
+ try:
+ assert type(compressed) == bool,"'compressed' must be of type bool"
+ me = HexStr.__new__(cls,s,case='lower',on_fail='raise')
+ me.compressed = compressed
+ return me
+ except Exception as e:
+ m = '{!r}: invalid value for pubkey ({})'.format(s,e[0])
+ return cls.init_fail(m,on_fail)
class PrivKey(str,Hilite,InitErrors,MMGenObject):
@@ -571,104 +551,71 @@ class PrivKey(str,Hilite,InitErrors,MMGenObject):
compressed = MMGenImmutableAttr('compressed',bool,typeconv=False)
wif = MMGenImmutableAttr('wif',WifKey,typeconv=False)
- def __new__(*args,**kwargs): # initialize with (priv_bin,compressed), WIF or self
- cls = args[0]
- assert set(kwargs) <= set(['on_fail','wif'])
- on_fail = kwargs['on_fail'] if 'on_fail' in kwargs else 'die'
- cls.arg_chk(cls,on_fail)
+ # initialize with (priv_bin,compressed), WIF or self
+ def __new__(cls,s=None,compressed=None,wif=None,on_fail='die',testnet=None): # default to g.testnet
- if len(args) == 2:
- assert type(args[1]) == cls
- return args[1]
+ if type(s) == cls: return s
+ assert wif or (s and type(compressed) == bool),'Incorrect args for PrivKey()'
+ cls.arg_chk(cls,on_fail)
- if 'wif' in kwargs:
- assert len(args) == 1
+ if wif:
- from mmgen.bitcoin import wif2hex,wif_is_compressed # TODO: move these here
- wif = WifKey(kwargs['wif'])
- me = str.__new__(cls,wif2hex(wif))
- me.compressed = wif_is_compressed(wif)
- me.wif = wif
+ assert set(wif) <= set(ascii_letters+digits),'not an ascii string'
+ from mmgen.bitcoin import wif2hex
+ w2h = wif2hex(wif,testnet=testnet)
+ assert w2h,"wif2hex() failed for wif key {!r}".format(wif)
+ me = str.__new__(cls,w2h['hex'])
+ me.compressed = w2h['compressed']
+ me.testnet = w2h['testnet']
+ me.wif = str.__new__(WifKey,wif) # check has been done
return me
- except:
- fs = "Value '{}' cannot be converted to WIF key"
- errmsg = fs.format(kwargs['wif'])
- return cls.init_fail(errmsg,on_fail)
- cls,s,compressed = args
+ except Exception as e:
+ fs = "Value {!r} cannot be converted to WIF key ({})"
+ return cls.init_fail(fs.format(wif,e[0]),on_fail)
from binascii import hexlify
- assert len(s) == cls.width / 2
+ assert len(s) == cls.width / 2,'Key length must be {}'.format(cls.width/2)
me = str.__new__(cls,hexlify(s))
me.compressed = compressed
- me.wif = me.towif()
+ me.wif = me.towif(testnet=testnet)
+# me.testnet = testnet # leave uninitialized for now
return me
- except:
- fs = "Key={}\nCompressed={}\nValue pair cannot be converted to {}"
- errmsg = fs.format(repr(s),compressed,cls.__name__)
- return cls.init_fail(errmsg,on_fail)
+ except Exception as e:
+ fs = "Key={}\nCompressed={}\nValue pair cannot be converted to PrivKey ({})"
+ return cls.init_fail(fs.format(repr(s),compressed,e[0]),on_fail)
- def towif(self):
+ def towif(self,testnet=None):
from mmgen.bitcoin import hex2wif
- return WifKey(hex2wif(self,compressed=self.compressed))
-class MMGenAddrType(str,Hilite,InitErrors):
- width = 1
- trunc_ok = False
- color = 'blue'
- mmtypes = {
- # TODO 'L' is ambiguous: For user, it means MMGen legacy uncompressed address.
- # For generator functions, 'L' means any p2pkh address, and 'S' any ps2h address
- 'L': 'legacy',
- 'S': 'segwit',
-# 'l': 'litecoin',
-# 'e': 'ethereum',
-# 'E': 'ethereum_classic',
-# 'm': 'monero',
-# 'z': 'zcash',
- }
- dfl_mmtype = 'L'
- def __new__(cls,s,on_fail='die',errmsg=None):
- cls.arg_chk(cls,on_fail)
- for k,v in cls.mmtypes.items():
- if s in (k,v):
- if s == v: s = k
- me = str.__new__(cls,s)
- me.name = cls.mmtypes[s]
- return me
- m = errmsg or "'{}': invalid value for {}".format(s,cls.__name__)
- return cls.init_fail(m,on_fail)
-class MMGenPasswordType(MMGenAddrType):
- mmtypes = { 'P': 'password' }
+ return WifKey(hex2wif(self,compressed=self.compressed),on_fail='raise',testnet=testnet)
-class AddrListID(str,Hilite,InitErrors):
+class AddrListID(str,Hilite,InitErrors,MMGenObject):
width = 10
trunc_ok = False
color = 'yellow'
def __new__(cls,sid,mmtype,on_fail='die'):
- m = "'{}': not a SeedID. Cannot create {}".format(sid,cls.__name__)
- if type(sid) == SeedID:
- m = "'{}': not an MMGenAddrType object. Cannot create {}".format(mmtype,cls.__name__)
- if type(mmtype) in (MMGenAddrType,MMGenPasswordType):
- me = str.__new__(cls,sid+':'+mmtype) # colon in key is OK
- me.sid = sid
- me.mmtype = mmtype
- return me
- return cls.init_fail(m,on_fail)
+ try:
+ assert type(sid) == SeedID,"{!r} not a SeedID instance".format(sid)
+ t = MMGenAddrType,MMGenPasswordType
+ assert type(mmtype) in t,"{!r} not an instance of {}".format(mmtype,','.join([i.__name__ for i in t]))
+ me = str.__new__(cls,sid+':'+mmtype)
+ me.sid = sid
+ me.mmtype = mmtype
+ return me
+ except Exception as e:
+ m = "Cannot create AddrListID ({})".format(e[0])
+ return cls.init_fail(m,on_fail)
class MMGenLabel(unicode,Hilite,InitErrors):
color = 'pink'
allowed = []
forbidden = []
max_len = 0
min_len = 0
desc = 'label'
def __new__(cls,s,on_fail='die',msg=None):
+ if type(s) == cls: return s
for k in cls.forbidden,cls.allowed:
assert type(k) == list
@@ -677,23 +624,17 @@ class MMGenLabel(unicode,Hilite,InitErrors):
s = s.strip()
if type(s) != unicode:
s = s.decode('utf8')
- except:
- m = "'%s': value is not a valid UTF-8 string" % s
- else:
from mmgen.util import capfirst
- if len(s) > cls.max_len:
- m = u"'{}': {} too long (>{} symbols)".format(s,capfirst(cls.desc),cls.max_len)
- elif len(s) < cls.min_len:
- m = u"'{}': {} too short (<{} symbols)".format(s,capfirst(cls.desc),cls.min_len)
- elif cls.allowed and not set(list(s)).issubset(set(cls.allowed)):
- m = u"{} '{}' contains non-allowed symbols: {}".format(capfirst(cls.desc),s,
- ' '.join(set(list(s)) - set(cls.allowed)))
- elif cls.forbidden and any(ch in s for ch in cls.forbidden):
- m = u"{} '{}' contains one of these forbidden symbols: '{}'".format(capfirst(cls.desc),s,
- "', '".join(cls.forbidden))
- else:
- return unicode.__new__(cls,s)
- return cls.init_fail((msg+'\n' if msg else '') + m,on_fail)
+ assert len(s) <= cls.max_len, 'too long (>{} symbols)'.format(cls.max_len)
+ assert len(s) >= cls.min_len, 'too short (<{} symbols)'.format(cls.min_len)
+ assert not cls.allowed or set(list(s)).issubset(set(cls.allowed)),\
+ u'contains non-allowed symbols: {}'.format(' '.join(set(list(s)) - set(cls.allowed)))
+ assert not cls.forbidden or not any(ch in s for ch in cls.forbidden),\
+ u"contains one of these forbidden symbols: '{}'".format("', '".join(cls.forbidden))
+ return unicode.__new__(cls,s)
+ except Exception as e:
+ m = u"{!r}: value cannot be converted to {} ({})"
+ return cls.init_fail(m.format(s,cls.__name__,e),on_fail)
class MMGenWalletLabel(MMGenLabel):
max_len = 48
@@ -715,4 +656,41 @@ class MMGenPWIDString(MMGenLabel):
desc = 'password ID string'
forbidden = list(u' :/\\')
-class AddrListList(list,MMGenObject): pass
+class MMGenAddrType(str,Hilite,InitErrors,MMGenObject):
+ width = 1
+ trunc_ok = False
+ color = 'blue'
+ mmtypes = { # since 'name' is used to cook the seed, it must never change!
+'L': {'name':'legacy','comp':False,'gen':'p2pkh', 'fmt':'p2pkh','desc':'Legacy uncompressed Bitcoin address'},
+'S': {'name':'segwit','comp':True, 'gen':'segwit','fmt':'p2sh', 'desc':'Bitcoin Segwit P2SH-P2WPK address' },
+'C': {'name':'compressed','comp':True,'gen':'p2pkh','fmt':'p2pkh','desc':'Compressed Bitcoin P2PKH address'}
+# 'l': 'litecoin',
+# 'e': 'ethereum',
+# 'E': 'ethereum_classic',
+# 'm': 'monero',
+# 'z': 'zcash',
+ }
+ dfl_mmtype = 'L'
+ def __new__(cls,s,on_fail='die',errmsg=None):
+ if type(s) == cls: return s
+ cls.arg_chk(cls,on_fail)
+ try:
+ for k,v in cls.mmtypes.items():
+ if s in (k,v['name']):
+ if s == v['name']: s = k
+ me = str.__new__(cls,s)
+ me.name = v['name']
+ me.compressed = v['comp']
+ me.gen_method = v['gen']
+ me.desc = v['desc']
+ me.addr_fmt = v['fmt']
+ return me
+ raise ValueError,'not found'
+ except Exception as e:
+ m = errmsg or '{!r}: invalid value for {} ({})'.format(s,cls.__name__,e[0])
+ return cls.init_fail(m,on_fail)
+class MMGenPasswordType(MMGenAddrType):
+ mmtypes = {
+ 'P': {'name':'password','comp':False,'gen':None,'fmt':None,'desc':'Password generated from MMGen seed'}
+ }