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MMGen 6 years ago
3 changed files with 1 additions and 143 deletions
  1. 0 9
  2. 1 1
  3. 0 133

+ 0 - 9

@@ -604,15 +604,6 @@ Selected non-{pnm} inputs: {{}}""".strip().format(pnm=g.proj_name,pnl=g.proj_nam
 		for e in getattr(self,desc):
 			if hasattr(e,attr): delattr(e,attr)
-	def decode_io_oldfmt(self,data):
-		tr = {'amount':'amt', 'address':'addr', 'confirmations':'confs','comment':'label'}
-		tr_rev = dict(map(reversed,list(tr.items())))
-		copy_keys = [tr_rev[k] if k in tr_rev else k for k in self.MMGenTxInput.__dict__]
-		ret = MMGenList(self.MMGenTxInput(**dict([(tr[k] if k in tr else k,d[k])
-					for k in copy_keys if k in d and d[k] != ''])) for d in data)
-		for i in ret: i.sequence = int('0xffffffff',16)
-		return ret
 	# inputs methods
 	def copy_inputs_from_tw(self,tw_unspent_data):
 		txi,self.inputs = self.MMGenTxInput,self.MMGenTxInputList()

+ 1 - 1

@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ def hi(): ymsg('hi')
 def pformat(d):
 	import pprint
-	return pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4).pformat(d)
+	return pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4,compact=True).pformat(d)
 def pmsg(*args):
 	if not args: return
 	msg(pformat(args if len(args) > 1 else args[0]))

+ 0 - 133

@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Convert MMGen 'v1' transaction file (extension '.raw' or '.sig')
-# to MMGen 'v3' ('.rawtx' or '.sigtx' + amounts as strings)
-import sys,os
-repo_root = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])))[0]
-sys.path = [repo_root] + sys.path
-from mmgen.common import *
-opts_data = lambda: {
-	'desc':    "Convert MMGen transaction file from v1 format to v3 format",
-	'usage':   "<tx file>",
-	'options': """
--h, --help     Print this help message
--d, --outdir=d Output files to directory 'd' instead of working dir
--q, --quiet    Write (and overwrite) files without prompting
--S, --stdout   Write data to STDOUT instead of file
-cmd_args = opts.init(opts_data)
-from mmgen.tx import *
-if len(cmd_args) != 1: opts.usage()
-def parse_tx_file(infile):
-	from ast import literal_eval
-	def eval_io_data(raw_data,desc):
-		import re
-		d = literal_eval(re.sub(r"[A-Za-z]+?\(('.+?')\)",r'\1',raw_data))
-		assert type(d) == list,'{} data not a list!'.format(desc)
-		assert len(d),'no {}!'.format(desc)
-		for e in d: e['amount'] = g.proto.coin_amt(e['amount'])
-		return d
-	err_fmt = 'Invalid {} in transaction file'
-	tx_data = get_lines_from_file(infile)
-	try:
-		err_str = 'number of lines'
-		assert len(tx_data) in (4,5)
-		if len(tx_data) == 5:
-			metadata,tx_hex,inputs,outputs,comment = tx_data
-		elif len(tx_data) == 4:
-			metadata,tx_hex,inputs,outputs = tx_data
-			comment = ''
-		err_str = 'metadata'
-		assert len(metadata.split()) == 3
-		err_str = 'hex data'
-		unhexlify(tx_hex)
-		err_str = 'inputs data'
-		inputs = eval_io_data(inputs,'inputs')
-		err_str = 'btc-to-mmgen address map data'
-		outputs = literal_eval(outputs)
-		if comment:
-			from mmgen.bitcoin import b58decode
-			comment = b58decode(comment)
-			if comment == False:
-				err_str = 'encoded comment (not base58)'
-			else:
-				err_str = 'comment'
-				comment = MMGenTXLabel(comment)
-	except:
-		die(2,err_fmt.format(err_str))
-	else:
-		return metadata.split(),tx_hex,inputs,outputs,comment
-def find_block_by_time(timestamp):
-	secs = decode_timestamp(timestamp)
-	block_num = g.rpch.getblockcount()
-#	print 'secs:',secs, 'last block:',last_block
-	top,bot = block_num,0
-	m = 'Searching for block'
-	msg_r(m)
-	for i in range(40):
-		msg_r('.')
-		bhash = g.rpch.getblockhash(block_num)
-		block = g.rpch.getblock(bhash)
-#		print 'block_num:',block_num, 'mediantime:',block['mediantime'], 'target:',secs
-		cur_secs = block['mediantime']
-		if cur_secs > secs:
-			top = block_num
-		else:
-			bot = block_num
-		block_num = (top + bot) // 2
-		if top - bot < 2:
-			msg('\nFound: {} '.format(block_num))
-			break
-	return block_num
-tx = MMGenTX()
-metadata,tx.hex,inputs,outputs,tx.label = parse_tx_file(cmd_args[0])
-tx.txid,send_amt,tx.timestamp = metadata
-tx.send_amt = Decimal(send_amt)
-g.testnet = False
-g.rpc_host = 'localhost'
-for i in inputs:
-	if not 'mmid' in i and 'account' in i:
-		lbl = TwLabel(i['account'])
-		i['mmid'] = lbl.mmid
-		i['comment'] = lbl.comment
-tx.inputs = tx.MMGenTxInputList(tx.decode_io_oldfmt(inputs))
-if tx.marked_signed():
-	msg('Transaction is signed')
-dec_tx = g.rpch.decoderawtransaction(tx.hex)
-tx.outputs = tx.MMGenTxOutputList(
-				MMGenTX.MMGenTxOutput(addr=i['scriptPubKey']['addresses'][0],
-						amt=g.proto.coin_amt(i['value']))
-			for i in dec_tx['vout'])
-for e in tx.outputs:
-	if e.addr in outputs:
-		f = outputs[e.addr]
-		e.mmid = f[0]
-		if f[1]: e.label = f[1].decode('utf8')
-	else:
-		for f in tx.inputs:
-			if e.addr == f.addr and f.mmid:
-				e.mmid = f.mmid
-				if f.label: e.label = f.label.decode('utf8')
-tx.blockcount = find_block_by_time(tx.timestamp)
-tx.write_to_file(ask_tty=False,ask_overwrite=not opt.quiet,ask_write=not opt.quiet)