@@ -1,1535 +0,0 @@
-# Chdir to repo root.
-# Since script is not in repo root, fix sys.path so that modules are
-# imported from repo, not system.
-import sys,os
-pn = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
-import mmgen.globalvars as g
-import mmgen.opt as opt
-from mmgen.util import mmsg,mdie,Msg,die,capfirst
-from mmgen.test import *
-hincog_fn = "rand_data"
-hincog_bytes = 1024*1024
-hincog_offset = 98765
-hincog_seedlen = 256
-incog_id_fn = "incog_id"
-non_mmgen_fn = "btckey"
-ref_dir = os.path.join("test","ref")
-ref_wallet_brainpass = "abc"
-ref_wallet_hash_preset = "1"
-ref_wallet_incog_offset = 123
-ref_bw_hash_preset = "1"
-ref_bw_file = "brainwallet"
-ref_bw_file_spc = "brainwallet-spaced"
-ref_kafile_pass = "kafile password"
-ref_kafile_hash_preset = "1"
-ref_enc_fn = "sample-text.mmenc"
-tool_enc_passwd = "Scrypt it, don't hash it!"
-sample_text = \
- "The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks\n"
-cfgs = {
- '6': {
- 'name': "reference wallet check (128-bit)",
- 'seed_len': 128,
- 'seed_id': "FE3C6545",
- 'ref_bw_seed_id': "33F10310",
- 'addrfile_chk': "B230 7526 638F 38CB 8FDC 8B76",
- 'keyaddrfile_chk': "CF83 32FB 8A8B 08E2 0F00 D601",
- 'wpasswd': "reference password",
- 'ref_wallet': "FE3C6545-D782B529[128,1].mmdat",
- 'ic_wallet': "FE3C6545-E29303EA-5E229E30[128,1].mmincog",
- 'ic_wallet_hex': "FE3C6545-BC4BE3F2-32586837[128,1].mmincox",
- 'hic_wallet': "FE3C6545-161E495F-BEB7548E[128:1].incog-offset123",
- 'hic_wallet_old': "FE3C6545-161E495F-9860A85B[128:1].incog-old.offset123",
- 'tmpdir': os.path.join("test","tmp6"),
- 'kapasswd': "",
- 'addr_idx_list': "1010,500-501,31-33,1,33,500,1011", # 8 addresses
- 'dep_generators': {
- 'mmdat': "refwalletgen1",
- 'addrs': "refaddrgen1",
- 'akeys.mmenc': "refkeyaddrgen1"
- },
- },
- '7': {
- 'name': "reference wallet check (192-bit)",
- 'seed_len': 192,
- 'seed_id': "1378FC64",
- 'ref_bw_seed_id': "CE918388",
- 'addrfile_chk': "8C17 A5FA 0470 6E89 3A87 8182",
- 'keyaddrfile_chk': "9648 5132 B98E 3AD9 6FC3 C5AD",
- 'wpasswd': "reference password",
- 'ref_wallet': "1378FC64-6F0F9BB4[192,1].mmdat",
- 'ic_wallet': "1378FC64-2907DE97-F980D21F[192,1].mmincog",
- 'ic_wallet_hex': "1378FC64-4DCB5174-872806A7[192,1].mmincox",
- 'hic_wallet': "1378FC64-B55E9958-77256FC1[192:1].incog.offset123",
- 'hic_wallet_old': "1378FC64-B55E9958-D85FF20C[192:1].incog-old.offset123",
- 'tmpdir': os.path.join("test","tmp7"),
- 'kapasswd': "",
- 'addr_idx_list': "1010,500-501,31-33,1,33,500,1011", # 8 addresses
- 'dep_generators': {
- 'mmdat': "refwalletgen2",
- 'addrs': "refaddrgen2",
- 'akeys.mmenc': "refkeyaddrgen2"
- },
- },
- '8': {
- 'name': "reference wallet check (256-bit)",
- 'seed_len': 256,
- 'seed_id': "98831F3A",
- 'ref_bw_seed_id': "B48CD7FC",
- 'addrfile_chk': "6FEF 6FB9 7B13 5D91 854A 0BD3",
- 'keyaddrfile_chk': "9F2D D781 1812 8BAD C396 9DEB",
- 'wpasswd': "reference password",
- 'ref_wallet': "98831F3A-27F2BF93[256,1].mmdat",
- 'ref_addrfile': "98831F3A[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011].addrs",
- 'ref_keyaddrfile': "98831F3A[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011].akeys.mmenc",
- 'ref_addrfile_chksum': "6FEF 6FB9 7B13 5D91 854A 0BD3",
- 'ref_keyaddrfile_chksum': "9F2D D781 1812 8BAD C396 9DEB",
-# 'ref_fake_unspent_data':"98831F3A_unspent.json",
- 'ref_tx_file': "tx_FFB367[1.234].raw",
- 'ic_wallet': "98831F3A-5482381C-18460FB1[256,1].mmincog",
- 'ic_wallet_hex': "98831F3A-1630A9F2-870376A9[256,1].mmincox",
- 'hic_wallet': "98831F3A-F59B07A0-559CEF19[256:1].incog.offset123",
- 'hic_wallet_old': "98831F3A-F59B07A0-848535F3[256:1].incog-old.offset123",
- 'tmpdir': os.path.join("test","tmp8"),
- 'kapasswd': "",
- 'addr_idx_list': "1010,500-501,31-33,1,33,500,1011", # 8 addresses
- 'dep_generators': {
- 'mmdat': "refwalletgen3",
- 'addrs': "refaddrgen3",
- 'akeys.mmenc': "refkeyaddrgen3"
- },
- },
- '1': {
- 'tmpdir': os.path.join("test","tmp1"),
- 'wpasswd': "Dorian",
- 'kapasswd': "Grok the blockchain",
- 'addr_idx_list': "12,99,5-10,5,12", # 8 addresses
- 'dep_generators': {
- 'mmdat': "walletgen",
- 'addrs': "addrgen",
- 'raw': "txcreate",
- 'sig': "txsign",
- 'mmwords': "export_mnemonic",
- 'mmseed': "export_seed",
- 'mmincog': "export_incog",
- 'mmincox': "export_incog_hex",
- hincog_fn: "export_incog_hidden",
- incog_id_fn: "export_incog_hidden",
- 'akeys.mmenc': "keyaddrgen"
- },
- },
- '2': {
- 'tmpdir': os.path.join("test","tmp2"),
- 'wpasswd': "Hodling away",
- 'addr_idx_list': "37,45,3-6,22-23", # 8 addresses
- 'seed_len': 128,
- 'dep_generators': {
- 'mmdat': "walletgen2",
- 'addrs': "addrgen2",
- 'raw': "txcreate2",
- 'sig': "txsign2",
- 'mmwords': "export_mnemonic2",
- },
- },
- '3': {
- 'tmpdir': os.path.join("test","tmp3"),
- 'wpasswd': "Major miner",
- 'addr_idx_list': "73,54,1022-1023,2-5", # 8 addresses
- 'dep_generators': {
- 'mmdat': "walletgen3",
- 'addrs': "addrgen3",
- 'raw': "txcreate3",
- 'sig': "txsign3"
- },
- },
- '4': {
- 'tmpdir': os.path.join("test","tmp4"),
- 'wpasswd': "Hashrate rising",
- 'addr_idx_list': "63,1004,542-544,7-9", # 8 addresses
- 'seed_len': 192,
- 'dep_generators': {
- 'mmdat': "walletgen4",
- 'mmbrain': "walletgen4",
- 'addrs': "addrgen4",
- 'raw': "txcreate4",
- 'sig': "txsign4",
- },
- 'bw_filename': "brainwallet.mmbrain",
- 'bw_params': "192,1",
- },
- '5': {
- 'tmpdir': os.path.join("test","tmp5"),
- 'wpasswd': "My changed password",
- 'dep_generators': {
- 'mmdat': "passchg",
- },
- },
- '9': {
- 'tmpdir': os.path.join("test","tmp9"),
- 'tool_enc_infn': "tool_encrypt.in",
-# 'tool_enc_ref_infn': "tool_encrypt_ref.in",
- 'dep_generators': {
- 'tool_encrypt.in': "tool_encrypt",
- 'tool_encrypt.in.mmenc': "tool_encrypt",
-# 'tool_encrypt_ref.in': "tool_encrypt_ref",
-# 'tool_encrypt_ref.in.mmenc': "tool_encrypt_ref",
- },
- },
-from copy import deepcopy
-for a,b in ('6','11'),('7','12'),('8','13'):
- cfgs[b] = deepcopy(cfgs[a])
- cfgs[b]['tmpdir'] = os.path.join("test","tmp"+b)
-from collections import OrderedDict
-cmd_data = OrderedDict([
-# test description depends
- ['walletgen', (1,'wallet generation', [[[],1]])],
-# ['walletchk', (1,'wallet check', [[["mmdat"],1]])],
- ['passchg', (5,'password, label and hash preset change',[[["mmdat"],1]])],
- ['walletchk_newpass',(5,'wallet check with new pw, label and hash preset',[[["mmdat"],5]])],
- ['addrgen', (1,'address generation', [[["mmdat"],1]])],
- ['addrimport', (1,'address import', [[["addrs"],1]])],
- ['txcreate', (1,'transaction creation', [[["addrs"],1]])],
- ['txsign', (1,'transaction signing', [[["mmdat","raw"],1]])],
- ['txsend', (1,'transaction sending', [[["sig"],1]])],
- ['export_seed', (1,'seed export to mmseed format', [[["mmdat"],1]])],
- ['export_mnemonic', (1,'seed export to mmwords format', [[["mmdat"],1]])],
- ['export_incog', (1,'seed export to mmincog format', [[["mmdat"],1]])],
- ['export_incog_hex',(1,'seed export to mmincog hex format', [[["mmdat"],1]])],
- ['export_incog_hidden',(1,'seed export to hidden mmincog format', [[["mmdat"],1]])],
- ['addrgen_seed', (1,'address generation from mmseed file', [[["mmseed","addrs"],1]])],
- ['addrgen_mnemonic',(1,'address generation from mmwords file',[[["mmwords","addrs"],1]])],
- ['addrgen_incog', (1,'address generation from mmincog file',[[["mmincog","addrs"],1]])],
- ['addrgen_incog_hex',(1,'address generation from mmincog hex file',[[["mmincox","addrs"],1]])],
- ['addrgen_incog_hidden',(1,'address generation from hidden mmincog file', [[[hincog_fn,"addrs"],1]])],
- ['keyaddrgen', (1,'key-address file generation', [[["mmdat"],1]])],
- ['txsign_keyaddr',(1,'transaction signing with key-address file', [[["akeys.mmenc","raw"],1]])],
- ['walletgen2',(2,'wallet generation (2), 128-bit seed', [])],
- ['addrgen2', (2,'address generation (2)', [[["mmdat"],2]])],
- ['txcreate2', (2,'transaction creation (2)', [[["addrs"],2]])],
- ['txsign2', (2,'transaction signing, two transactions',[[["mmdat","raw"],1],[["mmdat","raw"],2]])],
- ['export_mnemonic2', (2,'seed export to mmwords format (2)',[[["mmdat"],2]])],
- ['walletgen3',(3,'wallet generation (3)', [])],
- ['addrgen3', (3,'address generation (3)', [[["mmdat"],3]])],
- ['txcreate3', (3,'tx creation with inputs and outputs from two wallets', [[["addrs"],1],[["addrs"],3]])],
- ['txsign3', (3,'tx signing with inputs and outputs from two wallets',[[["mmdat"],1],[["mmdat","raw"],3]])],
- ['walletgen4',(4,'wallet generation (4) (brainwallet)', [])],
- ['addrgen4', (4,'address generation (4)', [[["mmdat"],4]])],
- ['txcreate4', (4,'tx creation with inputs and outputs from four seed sources, plus non-MMGen inputs and outputs', [[["addrs"],1],[["addrs"],2],[["addrs"],3],[["addrs"],4]])],
- ['txsign4', (4,'tx signing with inputs and outputs from incog file, mnemonic file, wallet and brainwallet, plus non-MMGen inputs and outputs', [[["mmincog"],1],[["mmwords"],2],[["mmdat"],3],[["mmbrain","raw"],4]])],
- ['tool_encrypt', (9,"'mmgen-tool encrypt' (random data)", [])],
- ['tool_decrypt', (9,"'mmgen-tool decrypt' (random data)", [[[cfgs['9']['tool_enc_infn'],cfgs['9']['tool_enc_infn']+".mmenc"],9]])],
-# ['tool_encrypt_ref', (9,"'mmgen-tool encrypt' (reference text)", [])],
- ['tool_find_incog_data', (9,"'mmgen-tool find_incog_data'", [[[hincog_fn],1],[[incog_id_fn],1]])],
-# saved reference data
-cmd_data_ref = (
- # reading
- ('ref_wallet_chk', ([],'saved reference wallet')),
- ('ref_seed_chk', ([],'saved seed file')),
- ('ref_mn_chk', ([],'saved mnemonic file')),
- ('ref_hincog_chk', ([],'saved hidden incog reference wallet')),
- ('ref_brain_chk', ([],'saved brainwallet')),
- # generating new reference ('abc' brainwallet) files:
- ('refwalletgen', ([],'gen new refwallet')),
- ('refaddrgen', (["mmdat"],'new refwallet addr chksum')),
- ('refkeyaddrgen', (["mmdat"],'new refwallet key-addr chksum'))
-# misc. saved reference data
-cmd_data_ref_other = (
- ('ref_addrfile_chk', 'saved reference address file'),
- ('ref_keyaddrfile_chk','saved reference key-address file'),
-# Create the fake inputs:
-# ('txcreate8', 'transaction creation (8)'),
- ('ref_tx_chk', 'saved reference tx file'),
- ('ref_brain_chk_spc3', 'saved brainwallet (non-standard spacing)'),
- ('ref_tool_decrypt', 'decryption of saved MMGen-encrypted file'),
-# mmgen-walletconv:
-cmd_data_conv_in = ( # reading
- ('ref_wallet_conv', 'conversion of saved reference wallet'),
- ('ref_mn_conv', 'conversion of saved mnemonic'),
- ('ref_seed_conv', 'conversion of saved seed file'),
- ('ref_brain_conv', 'conversion of ref brainwallet'),
- ('ref_incog_conv', 'conversion of saved incog wallet'),
- ('ref_incox_conv', 'conversion of saved hex incog wallet'),
- ('ref_hincog_conv', 'conversion of saved hidden incog wallet'),
- ('ref_hincog_conv_old','conversion of saved hidden incog wallet (old format)')
-cmd_data_conv_out = ( # writing
- ('ref_wallet_conv_out', 'ref seed conversion to wallet'),
- ('ref_mn_conv_out', 'ref seed conversion to mnemonic'),
- ('ref_seed_conv_out', 'ref seed conversion to seed'),
- ('ref_incog_conv_out', 'ref seed conversion to incog data'),
- ('ref_incox_conv_out', 'ref seed conversion to hex incog data'),
- ('ref_hincog_conv_out', 'ref seed conversion to hidden incog data')
-cmd_groups = OrderedDict([
- ('main', cmd_data.keys()),
- ('ref', [c[0]+str(i) for c in cmd_data_ref for i in (1,2,3)]),
- ('ref_other', [c[0] for c in cmd_data_ref_other]),
- ('conv_in', [c[0]+str(i) for c in cmd_data_conv_in for i in (1,2,3)]),
- ('conv_out', [c[0]+str(i) for c in cmd_data_conv_out for i in (1,2,3)]),
-for a,b in cmd_data_ref:
- for i,j in (1,128),(2,192),(3,256):
- cmd_data[a+str(i)] = (5+i,"%s (%s-bit)" % (b[1],j),[[b[0],5+i]])
-for a,b in cmd_data_ref_other:
- cmd_data[a] = (8,b,[[[],8]])
-for a,b in cmd_data_conv_in:
- for i,j in (1,128),(2,192),(3,256):
- cmd_data[a+str(i)] = (10+i,"%s (%s-bit)" % (b,j),[[[],10+i]])
-for a,b in cmd_data_conv_out:
- for i,j in (1,128),(2,192),(3,256):
- cmd_data[a+str(i)] = (10+i,"%s (%s-bit)" % (b,j),[[[],10+i]])
-utils = {
- 'check_deps': 'check dependencies for specified command',
- 'clean': 'clean specified tmp dir(s) 1,2,3,4,5 or 6 (no arg = all dirs)',
-addrs_per_wallet = 8
-# total of two outputs must be < 10 BTC
-for k in cfgs.keys():
- cfgs[k]['amts'] = [0,0]
- for idx,mod in (0,6),(1,4):
- cfgs[k]['amts'][idx] = "%s.%s" % ((getrandnum(2) % mod), str(getrandnum(4))[:5])
-meta_cmds = OrderedDict([
- ['ref1', ("refwalletgen1","refaddrgen1","refkeyaddrgen1")],
- ['ref2', ("refwalletgen2","refaddrgen2","refkeyaddrgen2")],
- ['ref3', ("refwalletgen3","refaddrgen3","refkeyaddrgen3")],
- ['gen', ("walletgen","addrgen")],
- ['pass', ("passchg","walletchk_newpass")],
- ['tx', ("addrimport","txcreate","txsign","txsend")],
- ['export', [k for k in cmd_data if k[:7] == "export_" and cmd_data[k][0] == 1]],
- ['gen_sp', [k for k in cmd_data if k[:8] == "addrgen_" and cmd_data[k][0] == 1]],
- ['online', ("keyaddrgen","txsign_keyaddr")],
- ['2', [k for k in cmd_data if cmd_data[k][0] == 2]],
- ['3', [k for k in cmd_data if cmd_data[k][0] == 3]],
- ['4', [k for k in cmd_data if cmd_data[k][0] == 4]],
- ['tool', ("tool_encrypt","tool_decrypt","tool_find_incog_data")],
- ['saved_ref1', [c[0]+"1" for c in cmd_data_ref]],
- ['saved_ref2', [c[0]+"2" for c in cmd_data_ref]],
- ['saved_ref3', [c[0]+"3" for c in cmd_data_ref]],
- ['saved_ref_other', [c[0] for c in cmd_data_ref_other]],
- ['saved_ref_conv_in1', [c[0]+"1" for c in cmd_data_conv_in]],
- ['saved_ref_conv_in2', [c[0]+"2" for c in cmd_data_conv_in]],
- ['saved_ref_conv_in3', [c[0]+"3" for c in cmd_data_conv_in]],
- ['saved_ref_conv_out1', [c[0]+"1" for c in cmd_data_conv_out]],
- ['saved_ref_conv_out2', [c[0]+"2" for c in cmd_data_conv_out]],
- ['saved_ref_conv_out3', [c[0]+"3" for c in cmd_data_conv_out]],
-opts_data = {
- 'desc': "Test suite for the MMGen suite",
- 'usage':"[options] [command(s) or metacommand(s)]",
- 'options': """
--h, --help Print this help message
--b, --buf-keypress Use buffered keypresses as with real human input
--d, --debug-scripts Turn on debugging output in executed scripts
--D, --direct-exec Bypass pexpect and execute a command directly (for
- debugging only)
--e, --exact-output Show the exact output of the MMGen script(s) being run
--l, --list-cmds List and describe the tests and commands in the test suite
--n, --names Display command names instead of descriptions
--p, --pause Pause between tests, resuming on keypress
--q, --quiet Produce minimal output. Suppress dependency info
--s, --system Test scripts and modules installed on system rather than
- those in the repo root
--v, --verbose Produce more verbose output
- 'notes': """
-If no command is given, the whole suite of tests is run.
-cmd_args = opt.opts.init(opts_data)
-if opt.system: sys.path.pop(0)
-# temporary
-os.environ["MMGEN_USE_OLD_SCRIPTS"] = "1"
-if opt.debug_scripts: os.environ["MMGEN_DEBUG"] = "1"
-if opt.buf_keypress:
- send_delay = 0.3
- send_delay = 0
- os.environ["MMGEN_DISABLE_HOLD_PROTECT"] = "1"
-if opt.exact_output:
- def msg(s): pass
- vmsg = vmsg_r = msg_r = msg
- def msg(s): sys.stderr.write(s+"\n")
- def vmsg(s):
- if opt.verbose: sys.stderr.write(s+"\n")
- def msg_r(s): sys.stderr.write(s)
- def vmsg_r(s):
- if opt.verbose: sys.stderr.write(s)
-stderr_save = sys.stderr
-def silence():
- if not (opt.verbose or opt.exact_output):
- sys.stderr = open("/dev/null","a")
-def end_silence():
- if not (opt.verbose or opt.exact_output):
- sys.stderr = stderr_save
-def errmsg(s): stderr_save.write(s+"\n")
-def errmsg_r(s): stderr_save.write(s)
-if opt.list_cmds:
- fs = " {:<{w}} - {}"
- w = max([len(i) for i in cmd_data])
- for cmd in cmd_data:
- Msg(fs.format(cmd,cmd_data[cmd][1],w=w))
- w = max([len(i) for i in meta_cmds])
- for cmd in meta_cmds:
- Msg(fs.format(cmd," ".join(meta_cmds[cmd]),w=w))
- w = max([len(i) for i in cmd_groups.keys()])
- for g in cmd_groups.keys():
- Msg(fs.format(g," ".join(cmd_groups[g]),w=w))
- w = max([len(i) for i in utils])
- for cmd in sorted(utils):
- Msg(fs.format(cmd,utils[cmd],w=w))
- sys.exit()
-import pexpect,time,re
-from mmgen.util import get_data_from_file,write_to_file,get_lines_from_file
-def my_send(p,t,delay=send_delay,s=False):
- if delay: time.sleep(delay)
- ret = p.send(t) # returns num bytes written
- if delay: time.sleep(delay)
- if opt.verbose:
- ls = "" if opt.debug or not s else " "
- es = "" if s else " "
- msg("%sSEND %s%s" % (ls,es,yellow("'%s'"%t.replace('\n',r'\n'))))
- return ret
-def my_expect(p,s,t='',delay=send_delay,regex=False,nonl=False):
- quo = "'" if type(s) == str else ""
- if opt.verbose: msg_r("EXPECT %s" % yellow(quo+str(s)+quo))
- else: msg_r("+")
- try:
- if s == '': ret = 0
- else:
- f = p.expect if regex else p.expect_exact
- ret = f(s,timeout=3)
- except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
- errmsg(red("\nERROR. Expect %s%s%s timed out. Exiting" % (quo,s,quo)))
- sys.exit(1)
- if opt.debug or (opt.verbose and type(s) != str): msg_r(" ==> %s " % ret)
- if ret == -1:
- errmsg("Error. Expect returned %s" % ret)
- sys.exit(1)
- else:
- if t == '':
- if not nonl: vmsg("")
- else:
- my_send(p,t,delay,s)
- return ret
-def get_file_with_ext(ext,mydir,delete=True):
- flist = [os.path.join(mydir,f) for f in os.listdir(mydir)
- if f == ext or f[-(len(ext)+1):] == "."+ext]
- if not flist: return False
- if len(flist) > 1:
- if delete:
- if not opt.quiet:
- msg("Multiple *.%s files in '%s' - deleting" % (ext,mydir))
- for f in flist: os.unlink(f)
- return False
- else:
- return flist[0]
-def get_addrfile_checksum(display=False):
- addrfile = get_file_with_ext("addrs",cfg['tmpdir'])
- silence()
- from mmgen.addr import AddrInfo
- chk = AddrInfo(addrfile).checksum
- if opt.verbose and display: msg("Checksum: %s" % cyan(chk))
- end_silence()
- return chk
-def verify_checksum_or_exit(checksum,chk):
- if checksum != chk:
- errmsg(red("Checksum error: %s" % chk))
- sys.exit(1)
- vmsg(green("Checksums match: %s") % (cyan(chk)))
-class MMGenExpect(object):
- def __init__(self,name,mmgen_cmd,cmd_args=[],extra_desc=""):
- if not opt.system:
- mmgen_cmd = os.path.join(os.curdir,mmgen_cmd)
- desc = (cmd_data[name][1],name)[int(bool(opt.names))]
- if extra_desc: desc += " " + extra_desc
- if opt.verbose or opt.exact_output:
- sys.stderr.write(
- green("Testing: %s\nExecuting " % desc) +
- cyan("'%s %s'\n" % (mmgen_cmd," ".join(cmd_args)))
- )
- else:
- msg_r("Testing %s: " % desc)
- if opt.direct_exec:
- os.system(" ".join([mmgen_cmd] + cmd_args))
- sys.exit()
- else:
- self.p = pexpect.spawn(mmgen_cmd,cmd_args)
- if opt.exact_output: self.p.logfile = sys.stdout
- def license(self):
- p = "'w' for conditions and warranty info, or 'c' to continue: "
- my_expect(self.p,p,'c')
- def label(self,label="Test Label"):
- p = "Enter a wallet label, or hit ENTER for no label: "
- my_expect(self.p,p,label+"\n")
- def usr_rand_out(self,saved=False):
- m = "%suser-supplied entropy" % ("saved " if saved else "")
- my_expect(self.p,"Generating encryption key from OS random data plus " + m)
- def usr_rand(self,num_chars):
- rand_chars = list(getrandstr(num_chars,no_space=True))
- my_expect(self.p,'symbols left: ','x')
- try:
- vmsg_r("SEND ")
- while self.p.expect('left: ',0.1) == 0:
- ch = rand_chars.pop(0)
- msg_r(yellow(ch)+" " if opt.verbose else "+")
- self.p.send(ch)
- except:
- vmsg("EOT")
- my_expect(self.p,"ENTER to continue: ",'\n')
- def passphrase_new(self,desc,passphrase):
- my_expect(self.p,("Enter passphrase for %s: " % desc), passphrase+"\n")
- my_expect(self.p,"Repeat passphrase: ", passphrase+"\n")
- def passphrase(self,desc,passphrase,pwtype=""):
- if pwtype: pwtype += " "
- my_expect(self.p,("Enter %spassphrase for %s.*?: " % (pwtype,desc)),
- passphrase+"\n",regex=True)
- def hash_preset(self,desc,preset=''):
- my_expect(self.p,("Enter hash preset for %s," % desc))
- my_expect(self.p,("or hit ENTER .*?:"), str(preset)+"\n",regex=True)
- def written_to_file(self,desc,overwrite_unlikely=False,query="Overwrite? ",oo=False):
- s1 = "%s written to file " % desc
- s2 = query + "Type uppercase 'YES' to confirm: "
- ret = my_expect(self.p,s1 if overwrite_unlikely else [s1,s2])
- if ret == 1:
- my_send(self.p,"YES\n")
- if oo:
- outfile = self.expect_getend("Overwriting file '").rstrip("'")
- return outfile
- else:
- ret = my_expect(self.p,s1)
- outfile = self.p.readline().strip().strip("'")
- vmsg("%s file: %s" % (desc,cyan(outfile.replace("'",""))))
- return outfile
- def no_overwrite(self):
- self.expect("Overwrite? Type uppercase 'YES' to confirm: ","\n")
- self.expect("Exiting at user request")
- def tx_view(self):
- my_expect(self.p,r"View .*?transaction.*? \(y\)es, \(N\)o, pager \(v\)iew.*?: ","\n",regex=True)
- def expect_getend(self,s,regex=False):
- ret = self.expect(s,regex=regex,nonl=True)
- end = self.readline().strip()
- vmsg(" ==> %s" % cyan(end))
- return end
- def interactive(self):
- return self.p.interact()
- def logfile(self,arg):
- self.p.logfile = arg
- def expect(self,*args,**kwargs):
- return my_expect(self.p,*args,**kwargs)
- def send(self,*args,**kwargs):
- return my_send(self.p,*args,**kwargs)
- def readline(self):
- return self.p.readline()
- def close(self):
- return self.p.close()
- def readlines(self):
- return [l.rstrip()+"\n" for l in self.p.readlines()]
- def read(self,n=None):
- return self.p.read(n)
-from mmgen.rpc.data import TransactionInfo
-from decimal import Decimal
-from mmgen.bitcoin import verify_addr
-def add_fake_unspent_entry(out,address,comment):
- out.append(TransactionInfo(
- account = unicode(comment),
- vout = int(getrandnum(4) % 8),
- txid = unicode(hexlify(os.urandom(32))),
- amount = Decimal("%s.%s" % (10+(getrandnum(4) % 40), getrandnum(4) % 100000000)),
- address = address,
- spendable = False,
- scriptPubKey = ("76a914"+verify_addr(address,return_hex=True)+"88ac"),
- confirmations = getrandnum(4) % 500
- ))
-def create_fake_unspent_data(adata,unspent_data_file,tx_data,non_mmgen_input=''):
- out = []
- for s in tx_data.keys():
- sid = tx_data[s]['sid']
- a = adata.addrinfo(sid)
- for idx,btcaddr in a.addrpairs():
- add_fake_unspent_entry(out,btcaddr,"%s:%s Test Wallet" % (sid,idx))
- if non_mmgen_input:
- from mmgen.bitcoin import privnum2addr,hextowif
- privnum = getrandnum(32)
- btcaddr = privnum2addr(privnum,compressed=True)
- of = os.path.join(cfgs[non_mmgen_input]['tmpdir'],non_mmgen_fn)
- write_to_file(of, hextowif("{:064x}".format(privnum),
- compressed=True)+"\n","compressed bitcoin key")
- add_fake_unspent_entry(out,btcaddr,"Non-MMGen address")
-# msg("\n".join([repr(o) for o in out])); sys.exit()
- write_to_file(unspent_data_file,repr(out),"Unspent outputs",verbose=True)
-def add_comments_to_addr_file(addrfile,tfile):
- silence()
- msg(green("Adding comments to address file '%s'" % addrfile))
- from mmgen.addr import AddrInfo
- a = AddrInfo(addrfile)
- for i in a.idxs(): a.set_comment(idx,"Test address %s" % idx)
- write_to_file(tfile,a.fmt_data(),{})
- end_silence()
-def make_brainwallet_file(fn):
- # Print random words with random whitespace in between
- from mmgen.mn_tirosh import words
- wl = words.split("\n")
- nwords,ws_list,max_spaces = 10," \n",5
- def rand_ws_seq():
- nchars = getrandnum(1) % max_spaces + 1
- return "".join([ws_list[getrandnum(1)%len(ws_list)] for i in range(nchars)])
- rand_pairs = [wl[getrandnum(4) % len(wl)] + rand_ws_seq() for i in range(nwords)]
- d = "".join(rand_pairs).rstrip() + "\n"
- if opt.verbose: msg_r("Brainwallet password:\n%s" % cyan(d))
- write_to_file(fn,d,"brainwallet password")
-def do_between():
- if opt.pause:
- from mmgen.util import keypress_confirm
- if keypress_confirm(green("Continue?"),default_yes=True):
- if opt.verbose or opt.exact_output: sys.stderr.write("\n")
- else:
- errmsg("Exiting at user request")
- sys.exit()
- elif opt.verbose or opt.exact_output:
- sys.stderr.write("\n")
-rebuild_list = OrderedDict()
-def check_needs_rerun(ts,cmd,build=False,root=True,force_delete=False,dpy=False):
- rerun = True if root else False # force_delete is not passed to recursive call
- fns = []
- if force_delete or not root:
- # does cmd produce a needed dependency(ies)?
- ret = ts.get_num_exts_for_cmd(cmd,dpy)
- if ret:
- for ext in ret[1]:
- fn = get_file_with_ext(ext,cfgs[ret[0]]['tmpdir'],delete=build)
- if fn:
- if force_delete: os.unlink(fn)
- else: fns.append(fn)
- else: rerun = True
- fdeps = ts.generate_file_deps(cmd)
- cdeps = ts.generate_cmd_deps(fdeps)
- for fn in fns:
- my_age = os.stat(fn).st_mtime
- for num,ext in fdeps:
- f = get_file_with_ext(ext,cfgs[num]['tmpdir'],delete=build)
- if f and os.stat(f).st_mtime > my_age: rerun = True
- for cdep in cdeps:
- if check_needs_rerun(ts,cdep,build=build,root=False,dpy=cmd): rerun = True
- if build:
- if rerun:
- for fn in fns:
- if not root: os.unlink(fn)
- ts.do_cmd(cmd)
- if not root: do_between()
- else:
- # If prog produces multiple files:
- if cmd not in rebuild_list or rerun == True:
- rebuild_list[cmd] = (rerun,fns[0] if fns else "") # FIX
- return rerun
-def refcheck(desc,chk,refchk):
- vmsg("Comparing %s '%s' to stored reference" % (desc,chk))
- if chk == refchk:
- ok()
- else:
- if not opt.verbose: errmsg("")
- errmsg(red("""
-Fatal error - %s '%s' does not match reference value '%s'. Aborting test
-""".strip() % (desc,chk,refchk)))
- sys.exit(3)
-def check_deps(cmds):
- if len(cmds) != 1:
- msg("Usage: %s check_deps <command>" % g.prog_name)
- sys.exit(1)
- cmd = cmds[0]
- if cmd not in cmd_data:
- msg("'%s': unrecognized command" % cmd)
- sys.exit(1)
- if not opt.quiet:
- msg("Checking dependencies for '%s'" % (cmd))
- check_needs_rerun(ts,cmd,build=False)
- w = max(len(i) for i in rebuild_list) + 1
- for cmd in rebuild_list:
- c = rebuild_list[cmd]
- m = "Rebuild" if (c[0] and c[1]) else "Build" if c[0] else "OK"
- msg("cmd {:<{w}} {}".format(cmd+":", m, w=w))
-# mmsg(cmd,c)
-def clean(dirs=[]):
- ts = MMGenTestSuite()
- dirlist = ts.list_tmp_dirs()
- if not dirs: dirs = dirlist.keys()
- for d in sorted(dirs):
- if d in dirlist:
- cleandir(dirlist[d])
- else:
- msg("%s: invalid directory number" % d)
- sys.exit(1)
-class MMGenTestSuite(object):
- def __init__(self):
- pass
- def list_tmp_dirs(self):
- d = {}
- for k in cfgs: d[k] = cfgs[k]['tmpdir']
- return d
- def get_num_exts_for_cmd(self,cmd,dpy=False): # dpy ignored here
- num = str(cmd_data[cmd][0])
- dgl = cfgs[num]['dep_generators']
-# mmsg(num,cmd,dgl)
- if cmd in dgl.values():
- exts = [k for k in dgl if dgl[k] == cmd]
- return (num,exts)
- else:
- return None
- def do_cmd(self,cmd):
- d = [(str(num),ext) for exts,num in cmd_data[cmd][2] for ext in exts]
- al = [get_file_with_ext(ext,cfgs[num]['tmpdir']) for num,ext in d]
- global cfg
- cfg = cfgs[str(cmd_data[cmd][0])]
- self.__class__.__dict__[cmd](*([self,cmd] + al))
- def generate_file_deps(self,cmd):
- return [(str(n),e) for exts,n in cmd_data[cmd][2] for e in exts]
- def generate_cmd_deps(self,fdeps):
- return [cfgs[str(n)]['dep_generators'][ext] for n,ext in fdeps]
- def walletgen(self,name,brain=False,seed_len=None):
- args = ["-d",cfg['tmpdir'],"-p1","-r10"]
- if seed_len: args += ["-l",str(seed_len)]
-# if 'seed_len' in cfg: args += ["-l",cfg['seed_len']]
- if brain:
- bwf = os.path.join(cfg['tmpdir'],cfg['bw_filename'])
- args += ["-b",cfg['bw_params'],bwf]
- make_brainwallet_file(bwf)
- t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-walletgen", args)
- t.license()
- if brain:
- t.expect(
- "A brainwallet will be secure only if you really know what you're doing")
- t.expect("Type uppercase 'YES' to confirm: ","YES\n")
- t.usr_rand(10)
-# t.usr_rand_out()
- t.passphrase_new("new MMGen wallet",cfg['wpasswd'])
- t.written_to_file("Wallet")
-# if not brain:
-# t.usr_rand_out(saved=True)
-# t.label()
-# t.written_to_file("MMGen wallet")
- ok()
- def refwalletgen(self,name):
- label = "test.py ref. wallet (pw '%s', seed len %s)" \
- % (ref_wallet_brainpass,cfg['seed_len'])
- bw_arg = "-b%s,%s" % (cfg['seed_len'], ref_wallet_hash_preset)
- args = ["-d",cfg['tmpdir'],"-p1","-r10",bw_arg,"-L",label]
- d = " (%s-bit seed)" % cfg['seed_len']
- t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-walletgen", args)
- t.license()
- t.expect("Type uppercase 'YES' to confirm: ","YES\n")
- t.expect("passphrase: ",ref_wallet_brainpass+"\n")
- t.usr_rand(10)
- t.passphrase_new("new MMGen wallet",cfg['wpasswd'])
- seed_id = t.written_to_file("Wallet").split("-")[0].split("/")[-1]
- refcheck("seed ID",seed_id,cfg['seed_id'])
- refwalletgen1 = refwalletgen2 = refwalletgen3 = refwalletgen
- def passchg(self,name,walletfile):
- t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-passchg",
- ["-d",cfg['tmpdir'],"-p","2","-L","New Label","-r","16",walletfile])
-# t.license()
- t.passphrase("MMGen wallet",cfgs['1']['wpasswd'],pwtype="old")
- t.expect_getend("Label changed: ")
- t.expect_getend("Hash preset changed: ")
- t.passphrase("MMGen wallet",cfg['wpasswd'],pwtype="new")
- t.expect("Repeat passphrase: ",cfg['wpasswd']+"\n")
- t.usr_rand(16)
- t.expect_getend("Key ID changed: ")
- t.written_to_file("Wallet")
- ok()
- def walletchk_beg(self,name,args):
- t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-walletchk", args)
- t.expect("Getting MMGen wallet data from file '%s'" % args[-1])
- t.passphrase("MMGen wallet",cfg['wpasswd'])
- t.expect("Passphrase is OK")
- t.expect("Wallet is OK")
- return t
- def walletchk(self,name,walletfile):
- self.walletchk_beg(name,[walletfile])
- ok()
- walletchk_newpass = walletchk
- def addrgen(self,name,walletfile,check_ref=False):
- t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-addrgen",["-d",cfg['tmpdir'],walletfile,cfg['addr_idx_list']])
- t.license()
- t.passphrase("MMGen wallet",cfg['wpasswd'])
- t.expect("Passphrase is OK")
- t.expect("[0-9]+ addresses generated",regex=True)
- chk = t.expect_getend(r"Checksum for address data .*?: ",regex=True)
- if check_ref:
- refcheck("address data checksum",chk,cfg['addrfile_chk'])
- return
- t.written_to_file("Addresses")
- ok()
- def refaddrgen(self,name,walletfile):
- d = " (%s-bit seed)" % cfg['seed_len']
- self.addrgen(name,walletfile,check_ref=True)
- refaddrgen1 = refaddrgen2 = refaddrgen3 = refaddrgen
- def addrimport(self,name,addrfile):
- outfile = os.path.join(cfg['tmpdir'],"addrfile_w_comments")
- add_comments_to_addr_file(addrfile,outfile)
- t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-addrimport",[outfile])
- t.expect_getend(r"Checksum for address data .*\[.*\]: ",regex=True)
- t.expect_getend("Validating addresses...OK. ")
- t.expect("Type uppercase 'YES' to confirm: ","\n")
- vmsg("This is a simulation, so no addresses were actually imported into the tracking\nwallet")
- ok()
- def txcreate(self,name,addrfile):
- self.txcreate_common(name,sources=['1'])
- def txcreate_common(self,name,sources=['1'],non_mmgen_input=''):
- if opt.verbose or opt.exact_output:
- sys.stderr.write(green("Generating fake transaction info\n"))
- silence()
- from mmgen.addr import AddrInfo,AddrInfoList
- tx_data,ail = {},AddrInfoList()
- from mmgen.util import parse_addr_idxs
- for s in sources:
- afile = get_file_with_ext("addrs",cfgs[s]["tmpdir"])
- ai = AddrInfo(afile)
- ail.add(ai)
- aix = parse_addr_idxs(cfgs[s]['addr_idx_list'])
- if len(aix) != addrs_per_wallet:
- errmsg(red("Address index list length != %s: %s" %
- (addrs_per_wallet,repr(aix))))
- sys.exit()
- tx_data[s] = {
- 'addrfile': afile,
- 'chk': ai.checksum,
- 'sid': ai.seed_id,
- 'addr_idxs': aix[-2:],
- }
- unspent_data_file = os.path.join(cfg['tmpdir'],"unspent.json")
- create_fake_unspent_data(ail,unspent_data_file,tx_data,non_mmgen_input)
- # make the command line
- from mmgen.bitcoin import privnum2addr
- btcaddr = privnum2addr(getrandnum(32),compressed=True)
- cmd_args = ["-d",cfg['tmpdir']]
- for num in tx_data.keys():
- s = tx_data[num]
- cmd_args += [
- "%s:%s,%s" % (s['sid'],s['addr_idxs'][0],cfgs[num]['amts'][0]),
- ]
- # + one BTC address
- # + one change address and one BTC address
- if num is tx_data.keys()[-1]:
- cmd_args += ["%s:%s" % (s['sid'],s['addr_idxs'][1])]
- cmd_args += ["%s,%s" % (btcaddr,cfgs[num]['amts'][1])]
- for num in tx_data: cmd_args += [tx_data[num]['addrfile']]
- os.environ["MMGEN_BOGUS_WALLET_DATA"] = unspent_data_file
- end_silence()
- if opt.verbose or opt.exact_output: sys.stderr.write("\n")
- t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-txcreate",cmd_args)
- t.license()
- for num in tx_data.keys():
- t.expect_getend("Getting address data from file ")
- chk=t.expect_getend(r"Checksum for address data .*?: ",regex=True)
- verify_checksum_or_exit(tx_data[num]['chk'],chk)
- # not in tracking wallet warning, (1 + num sources) times
- if t.expect(["Continue anyway? (y/N): ",
- "Unable to connect to bitcoind"]) == 0:
- t.send("y")
- else:
- errmsg(red("Error: unable to connect to bitcoind. Exiting"))
- sys.exit(1)
- for num in tx_data.keys():
- t.expect("Continue anyway? (y/N): ","y")
- t.expect(r"'q' = quit sorting, .*?: ","M", regex=True)
- t.expect(r"'q' = quit sorting, .*?: ","q", regex=True)
- outputs_list = [addrs_per_wallet*i + 1 for i in range(len(tx_data))]
- if non_mmgen_input: outputs_list.append(len(tx_data)*addrs_per_wallet + 1)
- t.expect("Enter a range or space-separated list of outputs to spend: ",
- " ".join([str(i) for i in outputs_list])+"\n")
- if non_mmgen_input: t.expect("Accept? (y/N): ","y")
- t.expect("OK? (Y/n): ","y")
- t.expect("Add a comment to transaction? (y/N): ","\n")
- t.tx_view()
- t.expect("Save transaction? (y/N): ","y")
- t.written_to_file("Transaction")
- ok()
- def txsign_end(self,t,tnum=None):
- t.expect("Signing transaction")
- t.expect("Edit transaction comment? (y/N): ","\n")
- t.expect("Save signed transaction? (y/N): ","y")
- add = " #" + tnum if tnum else ""
- t.written_to_file("Signed transaction" + add)
- def txsign(self,name,txfile,walletfile,save=True):
- t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-txsign",
- ["-d",cfg['tmpdir'],txfile,walletfile])
- t.license()
- t.tx_view()
- t.passphrase("MMGen wallet",cfg['wpasswd'])
- if save:
- self.txsign_end(t)
- else:
- t.expect("Edit transaction comment? (y/N): ","\n")
- t.expect("Save signed transaction? (y/N): ","\n")
- t.expect("Signed transaction not saved")
- ok()
- def txsend(self,name,sigfile):
- t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-txsend", ["-d",cfg['tmpdir'],sigfile])
- t.license()
- t.tx_view()
- t.expect("Edit transaction comment? (y/N): ","\n")
- t.expect("broadcast this transaction to the network?")
- t.expect("'YES, I REALLY WANT TO DO THIS' to confirm: ","\n")
- t.expect("Exiting at user request")
- vmsg("This is a simulation; no transaction was sent")
- ok()
- def export_seed(self,name,walletfile):
- t = self.walletchk_beg(name,["-s","-d",cfg['tmpdir'],walletfile])
- f = t.written_to_file("Seed data")
- silence()
- msg("Seed data: %s" % cyan(get_data_from_file(f,"seed data")))
- end_silence()
- ok()
- def export_mnemonic(self,name,walletfile):
- t = self.walletchk_beg(name,["-m","-d",cfg['tmpdir'],walletfile])
- f = t.written_to_file("Mnemonic data")
- silence()
- msg_r("Mnemonic data: %s" % cyan(get_data_from_file(f,"mnemonic data")))
- end_silence()
- ok()
- def export_incog(self,name,walletfile,args=["-g"]):
- t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-walletchk",args+["-d",cfg['tmpdir'],"-r","10",walletfile])
- t.passphrase("MMGen wallet",cfg['wpasswd'])
- t.usr_rand(10)
- incog_id = t.expect_getend("Incog ID: ")
- write_to_tmpfile(cfg,incog_id_fn,incog_id+"\n")
- if args[0] == "-G": return t
- t.written_to_file("Incognito wallet data",overwrite_unlikely=True)
- ok()
- def export_incog_hex(self,name,walletfile):
- self.export_incog(name,walletfile,args=["-X"])
- # TODO: make outdir and hidden incog compatible (ignore --outdir and warn user?)
- def export_incog_hidden(self,name,walletfile):
- rf,rd = os.path.join(cfg['tmpdir'],hincog_fn),os.urandom(hincog_bytes)
- vmsg(green("Writing %s bytes of data to file '%s'" % (hincog_bytes,rf)))
- write_to_file(rf,rd,verbose=opt.verbose)
- t = self.export_incog(name,walletfile,args=["-G","%s,%s"%(rf,hincog_offset)])
- t.written_to_file("Data",query="")
- ok()
- def addrgen_seed(self,name,walletfile,foo,desc="seed data",arg="-s"):
- t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-addrgen",
- [arg,"-d",cfg['tmpdir'],walletfile,cfg['addr_idx_list']])
- t.license()
- t.expect_getend("Valid %s for seed ID " % desc)
- vmsg("Comparing generated checksum with checksum from previous address file")
- chk = t.expect_getend(r"Checksum for address data .*?: ",regex=True)
- verify_checksum_or_exit(get_addrfile_checksum(),chk)
- t.no_overwrite()
- ok()
- def addrgen_mnemonic(self,name,walletfile,foo):
- self.addrgen_seed(name,walletfile,foo,desc="mnemonic",arg="-m")
- def addrgen_incog(self,name,walletfile,foo,args=["-g"]):
- t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-addrgen",args+["-d",
- cfg['tmpdir'],walletfile,cfg['addr_idx_list']])
- t.license()
- t.expect_getend("Incog ID: ")
- t.passphrase("incognito wallet data \w{8}", cfg['wpasswd'])
- t.hash_preset("incog wallet",'1')
- vmsg("Comparing generated checksum with checksum from address file")
- chk = t.expect_getend(r"Checksum for address data .*?: ",regex=True)
- verify_checksum_or_exit(get_addrfile_checksum(),chk)
- t.no_overwrite()
- ok()
- def addrgen_incog_hex(self,name,walletfile,foo):
- self.addrgen_incog(name,walletfile,foo,args=["-X"])
- def addrgen_incog_hidden(self,name,walletfile,foo):
- rf = os.path.join(cfg['tmpdir'],hincog_fn)
- self.addrgen_incog(name,walletfile,foo,
- args=["-G","%s,%s,%s"%(rf,hincog_offset,hincog_seedlen)])
- def keyaddrgen(self,name,walletfile,check_ref=False):
- t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-keygen",
- ["-d",cfg['tmpdir'],walletfile,cfg['addr_idx_list']])
- t.license()
- t.expect("Type uppercase 'YES' to confirm: ","YES\n")
- t.passphrase("MMGen wallet",cfg['wpasswd'])
- chk = t.expect_getend(r"Checksum for key-address data .*?: ",regex=True)
- if check_ref:
- refcheck("key-address data checksum",chk,cfg['keyaddrfile_chk'])
- return
- t.expect("Encrypt key list? (y/N): ","y")
- t.hash_preset("new key list",'1')
- t.passphrase_new("new key list",cfg['kapasswd'])
- t.written_to_file("Keys")
- ok()
- def refkeyaddrgen(self,name,walletfile):
- self.keyaddrgen(name,walletfile,check_ref=True)
- refkeyaddrgen1 = refkeyaddrgen2 = refkeyaddrgen3 = refkeyaddrgen
- def txsign_keyaddr(self,name,keyaddr_file,txfile):
- t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-txsign", ["-d",cfg['tmpdir'],"-M",keyaddr_file,txfile])
- t.license()
- t.hash_preset("key-address file",'1')
- t.passphrase("key-address file",cfg['kapasswd'])
- t.expect("Check key-to-address validity? (y/N): ","y")
- t.tx_view()
- self.txsign_end(t)
- ok()
- def walletgen2(self,name):
- self.walletgen(name,seed_len=128)
- def addrgen2(self,name,walletfile):
- self.addrgen(name,walletfile)
- def txcreate2(self,name,addrfile):
- self.txcreate_common(name,sources=['2'])
- def txsign2(self,name,txf1,wf1,txf2,wf2):
- t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-txsign", ["-d",cfg['tmpdir'],txf1,wf1,txf2,wf2])
- t.license()
- for cnum in ('1','2'):
- t.tx_view()
- t.passphrase("MMGen wallet",cfgs[cnum]['wpasswd'])
- self.txsign_end(t,cnum)
- ok()
- def export_mnemonic2(self,name,walletfile):
- self.export_mnemonic(name,walletfile)
- def walletgen3(self,name):
- self.walletgen(name)
- def addrgen3(self,name,walletfile):
- self.addrgen(name,walletfile)
- def txcreate3(self,name,addrfile1,addrfile2):
- self.txcreate_common(name,sources=['1','3'])
- def txsign3(self,name,wf1,wf2,txf2):
- t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-txsign", ["-d",cfg['tmpdir'],wf1,wf2,txf2])
- t.license()
- t.tx_view()
- for cnum in ('1','3'):
- t.expect_getend("Getting MMGen wallet data from file ")
- t.passphrase("MMGen wallet",cfgs[cnum]['wpasswd'])
- self.txsign_end(t)
- ok()
- def walletgen4(self,name):
- self.walletgen(name,brain=True)
- def addrgen4(self,name,walletfile):
- self.addrgen(name,walletfile)
- def txcreate4(self,name,f1,f2,f3,f4):
- self.txcreate_common(name,sources=['1','2','3','4'],non_mmgen_input='4')
- def txsign4(self,name,f1,f2,f3,f4,f5):
- non_mm_fn = os.path.join(cfg['tmpdir'],non_mmgen_fn)
- t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-txsign",
- ["-d",cfg['tmpdir'],"-b",cfg['bw_params'],"-k",non_mm_fn,f1,f2,f3,f4,f5])
- t.license()
- t.tx_view()
- for cnum,desc,app in ('1',"incognito","incognito"),('3',"MMGen","MMGen"):
- t.expect_getend("Getting %s wallet data from file " % desc)
- t.passphrase("%s wallet"%app,cfgs[cnum]['wpasswd'])
- if cnum == '1':
- t.hash_preset("incog wallet",'1')
- self.txsign_end(t)
- ok()
- def tool_encrypt(self,name,infile=""):
- if infile:
- infn = infile
- else:
- d = os.urandom(1033)
- tmp_fn = cfg['tool_enc_infn']
- write_to_tmpfile(cfg,tmp_fn,d)
- infn = get_tmpfile_fn(cfg,tmp_fn)
- t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-tool",["-d",cfg['tmpdir'],"encrypt",infn])
- t.hash_preset("user data",'1')
- t.passphrase_new("user data",tool_enc_passwd)
- t.written_to_file("Encrypted data")
- ok()
-# Generate the reference mmenc file
-# def tool_encrypt_ref(self,name):
-# infn = get_tmpfile_fn(cfg,cfg['tool_enc_ref_infn'])
-# write_to_file(infn,cfg['tool_enc_reftext'],silent=True)
-# self.tool_encrypt(name,infn)
- def tool_decrypt(self,name,f1,f2):
- of = name + ".out"
- t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-tool",
- ["-d",cfg['tmpdir'],"decrypt",f2,"outfile="+of,"hash_preset=1"])
- t.passphrase("user data",tool_enc_passwd)
- t.written_to_file("Decrypted data")
- d1 = read_from_file(f1)
- d2 = read_from_file(get_tmpfile_fn(cfg,of))
- cmp_or_die(d1,d2)
- def tool_find_incog_data(self,name,f1,f2):
- i_id = read_from_file(f2).rstrip()
- vmsg("Incog ID: %s" % cyan(i_id))
- t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-tool",
- ["-d",cfg['tmpdir'],"find_incog_data",f1,i_id])
- o = t.expect_getend("Incog data for ID \w{8} found at offset ",regex=True)
- os.unlink(f1)
- cmp_or_die(hincog_offset,int(o))
- def walletconv_out(self,name,desc,out_fmt="w",uopts=[],uopts_chk=[],pw=False):
- opts = ["-d",cfg['tmpdir'],"-r10","-p1","-o",out_fmt] + uopts
- infile = os.path.join(ref_dir,cfg['seed_id']+".mmwords")
- d = "(convert)"
- t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-walletconv",opts+[infile],extra_desc=d)
- t.license()
- if pw:
- t.passphrase_new("new "+desc,cfg['wpasswd'])
- t.usr_rand(10)
- if " ".join(desc.split()[-2:]) == "incognito data":
- for i in (1,2,3):
- t.expect("Generating encryption key from OS random data ")
- if desc == "hidden incognito data":
- ret = t.expect(["Create? (Y/n): ","'YES' to confirm: "],"YES\n")
- if ret == 0:
- t.expect("Enter file size: ","1234\n")
- if out_fmt == "w": t.label()
- wf = t.written_to_file(capfirst(desc),oo=True)
- ok()
- d = "(check)"
- if desc == "hidden incognito data":
- self.keygen_chksum_chk_hincog(name,cfg['seed_id'],uopts_chk)
-# elif pw:
-# self.walletchk_chksum_chk(name,wf,cfg['seed_id'],uopts=uopts_chk)
- else:
- self.keygen_chksum_chk(name,wf,cfg['seed_id'],pw=pw)
- def walletconv_in(self,name,infile,desc,uopts=[],pw=False,oo=False):
- opts = ["-d",cfg['tmpdir'],"-o","words","-r10"]
- if_arg = [infile] if infile else []
- d = "(convert)"
- t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-walletconv",opts+uopts+if_arg,extra_desc=d)
- t.license()
- if desc == "brainwallet":
- t.expect("Enter brainwallet: ",ref_wallet_brainpass+"\n")
- if pw:
- t.passphrase(desc,cfg['wpasswd'])
- if name[:19] == "ref_hincog_conv_old":
- t.expect("Is the seed ID correct? (Y/n): ","\n")
- else:
- t.expect(["Passphrase is OK"," are correct"])
- # Output
- wf = t.written_to_file("Mnemonic data",oo=oo)
- t.close()
- ok()
- # back check of result
- d = "(check)"
- self.keygen_chksum_chk(name,wf,cfg['seed_id'])
- # Saved reference file tests
- def ref_wallet_conv(self,name):
- wf = os.path.join(ref_dir,cfg['ref_wallet'])
- self.walletconv_in(name,wf,"MMGen wallet",pw=True,oo=True)
- def ref_mn_conv(self,name,ext="mmwords",desc="Mnemonic data"):
- wf = os.path.join(ref_dir,cfg['seed_id']+"."+ext)
- self.walletconv_in(name,wf,desc,oo=True)
- def ref_seed_conv(self,name):
- self.ref_mn_conv(name,ext="mmseed",desc="Seed data")
- def ref_brain_conv(self,name):
- uopts = ["-i","b","-p","1","-l",str(cfg['seed_len'])]
- self.walletconv_in(name,None,"brainwallet",uopts,oo=True)
- def ref_incog_conv(self,name,wfk="ic_wallet",in_fmt="i",desc="incognito data"):
- uopts = ["-i",in_fmt,"-p","1","-l",str(cfg['seed_len'])]
- wf = os.path.join(ref_dir,cfg[wfk])
- self.walletconv_in(name,wf,desc,uopts,oo=True,pw=True)
- def ref_incox_conv(self,name):
- self.ref_incog_conv(name,in_fmt="xi",wfk="ic_wallet_hex",desc="hex incognito data")
- def ref_hincog_conv(self,name,wfk='hic_wallet',add_uopts=[]):
- ic_f = os.path.join(ref_dir,cfg[wfk])
- uopts = ["-i","hi","-p","1","-l",str(cfg['seed_len'])] + add_uopts
- hi_opt = ["-H","%s,%s" % (ic_f,ref_wallet_incog_offset)]
- self.walletconv_in(name,None,"hidden incognito data",uopts+hi_opt,oo=True,pw=True)
- def ref_hincog_conv_old(self,name):
- self.ref_hincog_conv(name,wfk='hic_wallet_old',add_uopts=["-O"])
- def ref_wallet_conv_out(self,name):
- self.walletconv_out(name,"MMGen wallet","w",pw=True)
- def ref_mn_conv_out(self,name):
- self.walletconv_out(name,"mnemonic data","mn")
- def ref_seed_conv_out(self,name):
- self.walletconv_out(name,"seed data","seed")
- def ref_incog_conv_out(self,name):
- self.walletconv_out(name,"incognito data",out_fmt="i",pw=True)
- def ref_incox_conv_out(self,name):
- self.walletconv_out(name,"hex incognito data",out_fmt="xi",pw=True)
- def ref_hincog_conv_out(self,name,extra_uopts=[]):
- ic_f = os.path.join(cfg['tmpdir'],"rand.data")
- hi_parms = "%s,%s" % (ic_f,ref_wallet_incog_offset)
- hi_parms_legacy = "%s,%s,%s"%(ic_f,ref_wallet_incog_offset,cfg['seed_len'])
- self.walletconv_out(name,
- "hidden incognito data", "hi",
- uopts=["-J",hi_parms] + extra_uopts,
- uopts_chk=["-G",hi_parms_legacy],
- pw=True
- )
- ref_wallet_conv1 = ref_wallet_conv2 = ref_wallet_conv3 = ref_wallet_conv
- ref_mn_conv1 = ref_mn_conv2 = ref_mn_conv3 = ref_mn_conv
- ref_seed_conv1 = ref_seed_conv2 = ref_seed_conv3 = ref_seed_conv
- ref_brain_conv1 = ref_brain_conv2 = ref_brain_conv3 = ref_brain_conv
- ref_incog_conv1 = ref_incog_conv2 = ref_incog_conv3 = ref_incog_conv
- ref_incox_conv1 = ref_incox_conv2 = ref_incox_conv3 = ref_incox_conv
- ref_hincog_conv1 = ref_hincog_conv2 = ref_hincog_conv3 = ref_hincog_conv
- ref_hincog_conv_old1 = ref_hincog_conv_old2 = ref_hincog_conv_old3 = ref_hincog_conv_old
- ref_wallet_conv_out1 = ref_wallet_conv_out2 = ref_wallet_conv_out3 = ref_wallet_conv_out
- ref_mn_conv_out1 = ref_mn_conv_out2 = ref_mn_conv_out3 = ref_mn_conv_out
- ref_seed_conv_out1 = ref_seed_conv_out2 = ref_seed_conv_out3 = ref_seed_conv_out
- ref_incog_conv_out1 = ref_incog_conv_out2 = ref_incog_conv_out3 = ref_incog_conv_out
- ref_incox_conv_out1 = ref_incox_conv_out2 = ref_incox_conv_out3 = ref_incox_conv_out
- ref_hincog_conv_out1 = ref_hincog_conv_out2 = ref_hincog_conv_out3 = ref_hincog_conv_out
- def ref_wallet_chk(self,name):
- wf = os.path.join(ref_dir,cfg['ref_wallet'])
- self.walletchk(name,wf)
- ref_wallet_chk1 = ref_wallet_chk2 = ref_wallet_chk3 = ref_wallet_chk
- def ref_seed_chk(self,name,ext=g.seed_ext):
- wf = os.path.join(ref_dir,"%s.%s" % (cfg['seed_id'],ext))
- desc = "seed data" if ext == g.seed_ext else "mnemonic"
- self.keygen_chksum_chk(name,wf,cfg['seed_id'])
- ref_seed_chk1 = ref_seed_chk2 = ref_seed_chk3 = ref_seed_chk
- def ref_mn_chk(self,name): self.ref_seed_chk(name,ext=g.mn_ext)
- ref_mn_chk1 = ref_mn_chk2 = ref_mn_chk3 = ref_mn_chk
- def ref_brain_chk(self,name,bw_file=ref_bw_file):
- wf = os.path.join(ref_dir,bw_file)
- arg = "-b%s,%s" % (cfg['seed_len'],ref_bw_hash_preset)
- self.keygen_chksum_chk(name,wf,cfg['ref_bw_seed_id'],[arg])
- def keygen_chksum_chk_hincog(self,name,seed_id,hincog_parm):
- t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-keygen", ["-p1","-q","-S","-A"]+hincog_parm+["1"],extra_desc="(check)")
- t.passphrase("",cfg['wpasswd'])
- t.expect("Encrypt key list? (y/N): ","\n")
- t.expect("any printable ASCII symbol.\r\n")
- chk = t.readline()[:8]
- vmsg("Seed ID: %s" % cyan(chk))
- cmp_or_die(seed_id,chk)
- def keygen_chksum_chk(self,name,wf,seed_id,args=[],pw=False):
- hp_arg = ["-p1"] if pw else []
- t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-keygen", ["-q","-S","-A"]+args+hp_arg+[wf,"1"],extra_desc="(check)")
- if pw:
- t.passphrase("",cfg['wpasswd'])
- t.expect("Encrypt key list? (y/N): ","\n")
- t.expect("any printable ASCII symbol.\r\n")
- chk = t.readline()[:8]
- vmsg("Seed ID: %s" % cyan(chk))
- cmp_or_die(seed_id,chk)
- # Use this for encrypted wallets instead of keygen_chksum_chk()
- def walletchk_chksum_chk(self,name,wf,seed_id,uopts=[]):
- t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-walletchk",["-v", wf]+uopts,
- extra_desc="(check)")
- t.passphrase("",cfg['wpasswd'])
- chk = t.expect_getend("Seed ID checksum OK (")[:8]
- t.close()
- cmp_or_die(seed_id,chk)
- ref_brain_chk1 = ref_brain_chk2 = ref_brain_chk3 = ref_brain_chk
- def ref_brain_chk_spc3(self,name):
- self.ref_brain_chk(name,bw_file=ref_bw_file_spc)
- def ref_hincog_chk(self,name):
- for wtype,desc,earg in ('hic_wallet','',[]), \
- ('hic_wallet_old','(old format)',["-o"]):
- ic_arg = "%s,%s,%s" % (
- os.path.join(ref_dir,cfg[wtype]),
- ref_wallet_incog_offset,cfg['seed_len']
- )
- t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-keygen",
- ["-q","-A"]+earg+["-G"]+[ic_arg]+['1'],extra_desc=desc)
- t.passphrase("incognito wallet",cfg['wpasswd'])
- t.hash_preset("incog wallet","1")
- if wtype == 'hic_wallet_old':
- t.expect("Is the seed ID correct? (Y/n): ","\n")
- chk = t.expect_getend("Valid incog data for seed ID ")
- t.close()
- cmp_or_die(cfg['seed_id'],chk)
- ref_hincog_chk1 = ref_hincog_chk2 = ref_hincog_chk3 = ref_hincog_chk
- def ref_addrfile_chk(self,name,ftype="addr"):
- wf = os.path.join(ref_dir,cfg['ref_'+ftype+'file'])
- t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-tool",[ftype+"file_chksum",wf])
- if ftype == "keyaddr":
- w = "key-address file"
- t.hash_preset(w,ref_kafile_hash_preset)
- t.passphrase(w,ref_kafile_pass)
- t.expect("Check key-to-address validity? (y/N): ","y")
- o = t.expect_getend("Checksum for .*address data .*: ",regex=True)
- cmp_or_die(cfg['ref_'+ftype+'file_chksum'],o)
- def ref_keyaddrfile_chk(self,name):
- self.ref_addrfile_chk(name,ftype="keyaddr")
-# def txcreate8(self,name,addrfile):
-# self.txcreate_common(name,sources=['8'])
- def ref_tx_chk(self,name):
- tf = os.path.join(ref_dir,cfg['ref_tx_file'])
- wf = os.path.join(ref_dir,cfg['ref_wallet'])
- self.txsign(name,tf,wf,save=False)
- def ref_tool_decrypt(self,name):
- f = os.path.join(ref_dir,ref_enc_fn)
- t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-tool",
- ["-q","decrypt",f,"outfile=-","hash_preset=1"])
- t.passphrase("user data",tool_enc_passwd)
- t.readline()
- import re
- o = re.sub('\r\n','\n',t.read())
- cmp_or_die(sample_text,o)
-# main()
-if opt.pause:
- import termios,atexit
- fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
- old = termios.tcgetattr(fd)
- def at_exit():
- termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, old)
- atexit.register(at_exit)
-start_time = int(time.time())
-ts = MMGenTestSuite()
-for cfg in sorted(cfgs): mk_tmpdir(cfgs[cfg])
- if cmd_args:
- for arg in cmd_args:
- if arg in utils:
- globals()[arg](cmd_args[cmd_args.index(arg)+1:])
- sys.exit()
- elif arg in meta_cmds:
- for cmd in meta_cmds[arg]:
- check_needs_rerun(ts,cmd,build=True)
- elif arg in cmd_groups.keys():
- for cmd in cmd_groups[arg]:
- check_needs_rerun(ts,cmd,build=True)
- elif arg in cmd_data:
- check_needs_rerun(ts,arg,build=True)
- else:
- die(1,"%s: unrecognized command" % arg)
- else:
- clean()
- for cmd in cmd_data:
- ts.do_cmd(cmd)
- if cmd is not cmd_data.keys()[-1]: do_between()
- sys.stderr = stderr_save
- raise
-t = int(time.time()) - start_time
- "All requested tests finished OK, elapsed time: %02i:%02i\n"
- % (t/60,t%60)))