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Documentation updates

MMGen 6 years ago

+ 292 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+## Table of Contents
+#### [Full support for Ethereum (ETH), Ethereum Classic (ETC) and ERC20 Tokens](#a_eth)
+* [Install and run Parity Ethereum](#a_par)
+* [Install the Pyethereum library](#a_pe)
+* [Transacting and other basic operations](#a_tx)
+* [Creating and deploying ERC20 tokens](#a_dt)
+#### [Full support for Bcash (BCH) and Litecoin](#a_bch)
+#### [Enhanced key/address generation support for Monero (XMR) and Zcash (ZEC)](#a_es)
+#### [Key/address generation support for 144 Bitcoin-derived altcoins](#a_kg)
+### <a name='a_eth'>Full support for Ethereum (ETH), Ethereum Classic (ETC) and ERC20 Tokens</a>
+Ethereum, Ethereum Classic and ERC20 tokens are fully supported by MMGen, on the
+same level as Bitcoin.  In addition, ERC20 token creation and deployment are
+supported via the `` script.
+#### <a name='a_par'>Install and run Parity Ethereum</a>
+MMGen uses Parity to communicate with the Ethereum blockchain.  For information
+on installing Parity on your system, visit the Parity Ethereum [homepage][h] or
+[Git repository][g].  [MMGenLive][l] users can install Parity automatically from
+signed binaries using the [`mmlive-daemon-upgrade`][U] script.  Parity is not
+used for transaction signing, so you needn't install it on your offline machine.
+Parity must be invoked with the `--jsonrpc-apis=all` option so that MMGen can
+communicate with it.  If you're running the daemon and MMGen on different
+machines you'll also need the following:
+	--jsonrpc-hosts=all --jsonrpc-interface=<IP of Parity's host>
+To transact Ethereum Classic, use `--chain=classic --jsonrpc-port=8555`
+To run the daemon offline, use `--mode=offline`, otherwise `--mode=active`.
+You may require other options as well.  Consult `parity --help` for the full
+#### <a name='a_pe'>Install the Pyethereum library</a>
+Signing of ETH and ETC transactions is handled by the [pyethereum][y] library.
+Unfortunately, Python 2 is not reliably supported by recent versions of
+pyethereum and some of its dependencies, so older versions must be installed.
+This can be done easily with the [pip][P] Python package installer.
+First install the following dependencies:
+	$ pip install rlp==0.6.0 # the version is important here!
+	$ pip install future pysha3 PyYAML py_ecc
+Now install the library itself.  You could try doing this the usual way:
+	$ pip install ethereum==2.1.2 # the version is important here!
+However, pyethereum pulls in a whole bunch of silly dependencies, some of which
+may fail to install, and we need only a subset of the library anyway, so it's
+better to do the following instead:
+	$ pip download ethereum==2.1.2
+This will download the package archive and dependencies.  When pip starts
+downloading the dependency archives, just bail out with Ctrl-C, since you don't
+need them.
+Now unpack the ethereum-2.1.2.tar.gz archive and remove unneeded deps from
+'requirements.txt', making the file look exactly like this:
+	pysha3>=1.0.1
+	scrypt
+	py_ecc
+	rlp>=0.4.7
+	future
+Now install:
+	$ sudo python ./ install
+#### <a name='a_tx'>Transacting and other basic operations</a>
+Basic operations with ETH, ETC and ERC20 tokens work as described in the
+[Getting Started][bo] guide, with some differences.  Please note the following:
+* Don't forget to invoke all commands with either `--coin=eth` or `--coin=etc`.
+* Use the `--token` switch with all token operations.  When importing addresses
+  into your token tracking wallet you must use the token's address as the
+  argument.  After this, the token symbol, e.g. `--token=eos`, is sufficient.
+* Addresses and other hexadecimal values are given without the leading `0x`.
+* Fees are expressed in Gas price, e.g. `12G` for 12 Gwei or `1000M` for 1000
+  Mwei.  This works both at the command line and interactive prompt.
+##### Transacting example:
+*Note: All addresses and filenames in the examples to follow are bogus.  You
+must replace them with real ones.*
+Generate some ETH addresses with your default wallet:
+	$ mmgen-addrgen --coin=eth 1-5
+Create an EOS token tracking wallet and import the addresses into it:
+	$ mmgen-addrimport --coin=eth --token=86fa049857e0209aa7d9e616f7eb3b3b78ecfdb0 ABCDABCD-ETH[1-5].addrs
+*Unlike the case with BTC and derivatives, ETH and ETC tracking wallets are
+created and managed by MMGen itself and located under the MMGen data directory.
+Token tracking wallets are located inside their underlying coin's
+`tracking-wallet.json` file.  Address (account) balances are retrieved directly
+from the blockchain.  Tracking wallet views are separate for each token.*
+Now send 10+ EOS from an exchange or another wallet to address `ABCDABCD:E:1`.
+Then create a TX sending 10 EOS to third-party address `aabbccdd...`, with
+change to `ABCDABCD:E:2`:
+	$ mmgen-txcreate --coin=eth --token=eos aabbccddaabbccddaabbccddaabbccddaabbccdd,10 ABCDABCD:E:2
+On your offline machine, sign the TX:
+	$ mmgen-txsign --coin=eth --token=eos ABC123-EOS[10,50000].rawtx
+*You can also set up and use [autosigning][X] on the offline machine, of
+On your online machine, send the TX:
+	$ mmgen-txsend --coin=eth --token=eos ABC123-EOS[10,50000].sigtx
+View your EOS tracking wallet:
+	$ mmgen-tool --coin=eth --token=eos twview
+To transact ETH instead of EOS, omit the `--token` arguments.
+#### <a name='a_dt'>Creating and deploying ERC20 tokens</a>
+Install the Solidity compiler (`solc`) on your system:
+	$ sudo apt-get install solc
+##### Token creation/deployment example:
+*Note: All addresses and filenames in the examples to follow are bogus.  You
+must replace them with real ones.*
+Create a token 'MFT' with default parameters, owned by `ddeeff...` (`ABCDABCD:E:1`):
+	# Do this in the MMGen repository root:
+	$ scripts/ --symbol=MFT --name='My First Token' ddeeffddeeffddeeffddeeffddeeffddeeffddee
+Deploy the token on the ETH blockchain:
+	$ mmgen-txdo --coin=eth --tx-gas=200000 --contract-data=SafeMath.bin
+	$ mmgen-txdo --coin=eth --tx-gas=250000 --contract-data=Owned.bin
+	$ mmgen-txdo --coin=eth --tx-gas=1100000 --contract-data=Token.bin
+	...
+	Token address: abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234
+*These Gas amounts seem to work for these three contracts, but feel free to
+experiment.  Make sure you understand the difference between Gas amount and Gas
+Create an MFT token tracking wallet and import your ETH addresses into it:
+	$ mmgen-addrimport --coin=eth --token=abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234 ABCDABCD-ETH[1-5].addrs
+View your MFT tracking wallet:
+	$ mmgen-tool --coin=eth --token=mft twview
+Other token parameters can also be customized.  Type `scripts/ --help`
+for details.
+### <a name='a_bch'>Full support for Bcash (BCH) and Litecoin</a>
+Bcash and Litecoin are fully supported by MMGen, on the same level as Bitcoin.
+To use MMGen with Bcash or Litecoin, first make sure the respective Bitcoin ABC
+and Litecoin daemons are properly installed ([source][si])([binaries][bi]),
+[running][p8] and synced.
+MMGen requires that the bitcoin-abc daemon be listening on non-standard
+[RPC port 8442][p8].  If your daemon version is >= 0.16.2, you must use the
+`--usecashaddr=0` option.
+Then just add the `--coin=bch` or `--coin=ltc` option to all your MMGen
+commands.  It's that simple!
+### <a name='a_es'>Enhanced key/address generation support for Monero (XMR) and Zcash (ZEC)</a>
+MMGen's enhanced key/address generation support for Zcash and Monero includes
+**Zcash z-addresses** and automated Monero wallet creation.
+Generate ten Zcash z-address key/address pairs from your default wallet:
+	$ mmgen-keygen --coin=zec --type=zcash_z 1-10
+The addresses' view keys are included in the file as well.
+NOTE: Since your key/address file will probably be used on an online computer,
+you should encrypt it with a good password when prompted to do so. The file can
+decrypted as required using the `mmgen-tool decrypt` command.  If you choose a
+non-standard Scrypt hash preset, take care to remember it.
+To generate Zcash t-addresses, just omit the `--type` argument:
+	$ mmgen-keygen --coin=zec 1-10
+Generate ten Monero address pairs from your default wallet:
+	$ mmgen-keygen --coin=xmr 1-10
+In addition to spend and view keys, Monero key/address files also include a
+wallet password for each address (the password is the double SHA256 of the spend
+key, truncated to 16 bytes).  This allows you to generate a wallet from each
+key in the key/address file by running the following command:
+	$ monero-wallet-cli --generate-from-spend-key MyMoneroWallet
+and pasting in the key and password data when prompted.  Monerod must be
+running and `monero-wallet-cli` be located in your executable path.
+To save your time and labor, the `mmgen-tool` utility includes a command that
+completely automates this process:
+	$ mmgen-tool keyaddrlist2monerowallets *XMR*.akeys.mmenc
+This will generate a uniquely-named Monero wallet for each key/address pair in
+the key/address file and encrypt it with its respective password.  No user
+interaction is required.  By default, wallets are synced to the current block
+height, as they're assumed to be empty, but this behavior can be overridden:
+	$ mmgen-tool keyaddrlist2monerowallets *XMR*.akeys.mmenc blockheight=123456
+To keep your wallets in sync as the Monero blockchain grows, `mmgen-tool`
+includes another utility:
+	$ mmgen-tool syncmonerowallets *XMR*.akeys.mmenc
+This command also requires no user interaction, a very handy feature when you
+have a large batch of wallets requiring long sync times.
+### <a name='a_kg'>Key/address generation support for 144 Bitcoin-derived altcoins</a>
+To generate key/address pairs for these coins, just specify the coin's symbol
+with the `--coin` argument:
+	# For DASH:
+	$ mmgen-keygen --coin=dash 1-10
+	# For Emercoin:
+	$ mmgen-keygen --coin=emc 1-10
+For compressed public keys, add the `--type=compressed` option:
+	$ mmgen-keygen --coin=dash --type=compressed 1-10
+If it's just the addresses you want, then use `mmgen-addrgen` instead:
+	$ mmgen-addrgen --coin=dash 1-10
+Regarding encryption of key/address files, see the note for Zcash above.
+Here's a complete list of supported altcoins as of this writing:
+	2give,42,611,ac,acoin,alf,anc,apex,arco,arg,aur,bcf,blk,bmc,bqc,bsty,btcd,
+	btq,bucks,cann,cash,cat,cbx,ccn,cdn,chc,clam,con,cpc,crps,csh,dash,dcr,dfc,
+	dgb,dgc,doge,doged,dope,dvc,efl,emc,emd,enrg,esp,fai,fc2,fibre,fjc,flo,flt,
+	fst,ftc,gcr,good,grc,gun,ham,html5,hyp,icash,infx,inpay,ipc,jbs,judge,lana,
+	lat,ldoge,lmc,ltc,mars,mcar,mec,mint,mobi,mona,moon,mrs,mue,mxt,myr,myriad,
+	mzc,neos,neva,nka,nlg,nmc,nto,nvc,ok,omc,omni,onion,onx,part,pink,pivx,pkb,
+	pnd,pot,ppc,ptc,pxc,qrk,rain,rbt,rby,rdd,ric,sdc,sib,smly,song,spr,start,
+	sys,taj,tit,tpc,trc,ttc,tx,uno,via,vpn,vtc,wash,wdc,wisc,wkc,wsx,xcn,xgb,
+	xmg,xpm,xpoke,xred,xst,xvc,zet,zlq,zoom,zrc,bch,etc,eth,ltc,xmr,zec
+Note that support for these coins is EXPERIMENTAL.  Many of them have received
+only minimal testing, or no testing at all.  At startup you'll be informed of
+the level of your selected coin's support reliability as deemed by the MMGen
+[X]: autosign-[MMGen-command-help]
+[bo]: Getting-Started-with-MMGen#a_bo
+[si]: Install-Bitcoind-from-Source-on-Debian-or-Ubuntu-Linux
+[bi]: Install-Bitcoind#a_d
+[p8]: Install-Bitcoind#a_r

+ 30 - 148

@@ -1,36 +1,31 @@
 ## Table of Contents
-#### <a href='#a_i'>Preliminaries</a>
-* <a href='#a_bb'>Before you begin</a>
-* <a href='#a_iv'>Invocation</a>
-* <a href='#a_cf'>Configuration file</a>
-* <a href='#a_ts'>Bob and Alice regtest mode</a>
-#### <a href='#a_bo'>Basic Operations</a>
-* <a href='#a_gw'>Generate an MMGen wallet</a>
-* <a href='#a_ga'>Generate addresses</a>
-* <a href='#a_ia'>Import addresses</a>
-* <a href='#a_ct'>Create a transaction</a>
-* <a href='#a_sg'>Sign a transaction</a>
-* <a href='#a_st'>Send a transaction</a>
-#### <a href='#a_af'>Additional Features</a>
-* <a href='#a_ms'>Using the mnemonic, seed and hexseed formats</a>
-* <a href='#a_ai'>Mnemonics, seeds and hexseeds: additional information</a>
-* <a href='#a_ic'>Incognito wallets</a>
-	* <a href='#a_hi'>Hidden incognito wallets</a>
-#### <a href='#a_at'>Advanced Topics</a>
-* <a href='#a_hw'>Hot wallets and key-address files</a>
-* <a href='#a_fee'>Transaction Fees</a>
-* <a href='#a_rbf'>BIP 125 replace-by-fee (RBF) transactions</a>
-	* <a href='#a_rbf_onl'>With an online (hot) wallet</a>
-	* <a href='#a_rbf_onf'>With an offline (cold storage) wallet</a>
-#### <a href='#a_alt'>Forkcoin and Altcoin support</a>
-* <a href='#a_bch'>Full support for Bcash (BCH) and Litecoin</a>
-* <a href='#a_es'>Enhanced key/address generation support for Zcash (ZEC) and Monero (XMR)</a>
-* <a href='#a_kg'>Key/address generation support for ETH, ETC and 144 Bitcoin-derived altcoins</a>
+#### [Preliminaries](#a_i)
+* [Before you begin](#a_bb)
+* [Invocation](#a_iv)
+* [Configuration file](#a_cf)
+* [Bob and Alice regtest mode](#a_ts)
+#### [Basic Operations](#a_bo)
+* [Generate an MMGen wallet](#a_gw)
+* [Generate addresses](#a_ga)
+* [Import addresses](#a_ia)
+* [Create a transaction](#a_ct)
+* [Sign a transaction](#a_sg)
+* [Send a transaction](#a_st)
+#### [Additional Features](#a_af)
+* [Using the mnemonic, seed and hexseed formats](#a_ms)
+* [Mnemonics, seeds and hexseeds: additional information](#a_ai)
+* [Incognito wallets](#a_ic)
+	* [Hidden incognito wallets](#a_hi)
+#### [Advanced Topics](#a_at)
+* [Hot wallets and key-address files](#a_hw)
+* [Transaction Fees](#a_fee)
+* [BIP 125 replace-by-fee (RBF) transactions](#a_rbf)
+	* [With an online (hot) wallet](#a_rbf_onl)
+	* [With an offline (cold storage) wallet](#a_rbf_onf)
 ### <a name='a_i'>Preliminaries</a>
@@ -147,8 +142,8 @@ Since the wallet is a small, humanly readable ASCII file, it can easily be
 printed out on paper.
 Another highly recommended way to back up your wallet is to generate a mnemonic
-or seed file <a href='#a_ms'>as described below </a> and memorize it.  If you
-have an average or better memory, you'll find memorizing your mnemonic to be
+or seed file [as described below](#a_ms) and memorize it.  If you have an
+average or better memory, you'll find memorizing your mnemonic to be
 surprisingly easy. And the peace of mind that comes with knowing that your coins
 are recoverable **even if you lose all your physical backups** can't be
@@ -868,120 +863,7 @@ them in turn until you get a confirmation:
 	$ mmgen-txsend 124FFF[0.1,150].sigtx  # ...if this doesn't confirm, then
 	$ mmgen-txsend 73DABB[0.1,200].sigtx
-### <a name='a_alt'>Forkcoin and Altcoin support</a>
-#### <a name='a_bch'>Full support for Bcash (BCH) and Litecoin</a>
-Bcash and Litecoin are fully supported by MMGen, on the same level as Bitcoin.
-To use MMGen with Bcash or Litecoin, first make sure the respective Bitcoin ABC
-and Litecoin daemons are properly installed ([source][si])([binaries][bi]),
-[running][p8] and synced.
-MMGen requires that the bitcoin-abc daemon be listening on non-standard
-[RPC port 8442][p8].  If your daemon version is >= 0.16.2, you must use the
-`--usecashaddr=0` option.
-Then just add the `--coin=bch` or `--coin=ltc` option to all your MMGen
-commands.  It's that simple!
-#### <a name='a_es'>Enhanced key/address generation support for Zcash (ZEC) and Monero (XMR)</a>
-MMGen's enhanced key/address generation support for Zcash and Monero includes
-**Zcash z-addresses** and automated Monero wallet creation.
-Generate ten Zcash z-address key/address pairs from your default wallet:
-	$ mmgen-keygen --coin=zec --type=zcash_z 1-10
-The addresses' view keys are included in the file as well.
-NOTE: Since your key/address file will probably be used on an online computer,
-you should encrypt it with a good password when prompted to do so. The file can
-decrypted as required using the `mmgen-tool decrypt` command.  If you choose a
-non-standard Scrypt hash preset, take care to remember it.
-To generate Zcash t-addresses, just omit the `--type` argument:
-	$ mmgen-keygen --coin=zec 1-10
-Generate ten Monero address pairs from your default wallet:
-	$ mmgen-keygen --coin=xmr 1-10
-In addition to spend and view keys, Monero key/address files also include a
-wallet password for each address (the password is the double SHA256 of the spend
-key, truncated to 16 bytes).  This allows you to generate a wallet from each
-key in the key/address file by running the following command:
-	$ monero-wallet-cli --generate-from-spend-key MyMoneroWallet
-and pasting in the key and password data when prompted.  Monerod must be
-running and `monero-wallet-cli` be located in your executable path.
-To save your time and labor, the `mmgen-tool` utility includes a command that
-completely automates this process:
-	$ mmgen-tool keyaddrlist2monerowallets *XMR*.akeys.mmenc
-This will generate a uniquely-named Monero wallet for each key/address pair in
-the key/address file and encrypt it with its respective password.  No user
-interaction is required.  By default, wallets are synced to the current block
-height, as they're assumed to be empty, but this behavior can be overridden:
-	$ mmgen-tool keyaddrlist2monerowallets *XMR*.akeys.mmenc blockheight=123456
-To keep your wallets in sync as the Monero blockchain grows, `mmgen-tool`
-includes another utility:
-	$ mmgen-tool syncmonerowallets *XMR*.akeys.mmenc
-This command also requires no user interaction, a very handy feature when you
-have a large batch of wallets requiring long sync times.
-#### <a name='a_kg'>Key/address generation support for ETH, ETC and 144 Bitcoin-derived altcoins</a>
-To generate key/address pairs for these coins, just specify the coin's symbol
-with the `--coin` argument:
-	# For DASH:
-	$ mmgen-keygen --coin=dash 1-10
-	# For Emercoin:
-	$ mmgen-keygen --coin=emc 1-10
-For compressed public keys, add the `--type=compressed` option:
-	$ mmgen-keygen --coin=dash --type=compressed 1-10
-If it's just the addresses you want, then use `mmgen-addrgen` instead:
-	$ mmgen-addrgen --coin=dash 1-10
-Regarding encryption of key/address files, see the note for Zcash above.
-Here's a complete list of supported altcoins as of this writing:
-	2give,42,611,ac,acoin,alf,anc,apex,arco,arg,aur,bcf,blk,bmc,bqc,bsty,btcd,
-	btq,bucks,cann,cash,cat,cbx,ccn,cdn,chc,clam,con,cpc,crps,csh,dash,dcr,dfc,
-	dgb,dgc,doge,doged,dope,dvc,efl,emc,emd,enrg,esp,fai,fc2,fibre,fjc,flo,flt,
-	fst,ftc,gcr,good,grc,gun,ham,html5,hyp,icash,infx,inpay,ipc,jbs,judge,lana,
-	lat,ldoge,lmc,ltc,mars,mcar,mec,mint,mobi,mona,moon,mrs,mue,mxt,myr,myriad,
-	mzc,neos,neva,nka,nlg,nmc,nto,nvc,ok,omc,omni,onion,onx,part,pink,pivx,pkb,
-	pnd,pot,ppc,ptc,pxc,qrk,rain,rbt,rby,rdd,ric,sdc,sib,smly,song,spr,start,
-	sys,taj,tit,tpc,trc,ttc,tx,uno,via,vpn,vtc,wash,wdc,wisc,wkc,wsx,xcn,xgb,
-	xmg,xpm,xpoke,xred,xst,xvc,zet,zlq,zoom,zrc,bch,etc,eth,ltc,xmr,zec
-Note that support for these coins is EXPERIMENTAL.  Many of them have received
-only minimal testing, or no testing at all.  At startup you'll be informed of
-the level of your selected coin's support reliability as deemed by the MMGen
+[01]: Tracking-and-spending-ordinary-Bitcoin-addresses
 [03]: Recovering-Your-Keys-Without-the-MMGen-Software
-[si]: Install-Bitcoind-from-Source-on-Debian-or-Ubuntu-Linux
-[bi]: Install-Bitcoind#a_d
-[p8]: Install-Bitcoind#a_r
+[06]: MMGen-Quick-Start-with-Regtest-Mode

+ 14 - 12

@@ -1,15 +1,14 @@
 ## Table of Contents
-* <a href='#a_i'>Introduction</a>
-* <a href='#a_rs'>Obtaining the binary seed</a>
-	* <a href='#a_ss'>Convert the seed to binary (legacy uncompressed addresses)</a>
-	* <a href='#a_cs'>Scramble the seed and save to binary (non-legacy and altcoin addresses and passwords)</a>
-* <a href='#a_gk'>Generating the keys</a>
-	* <a href='#a_cr'>Checking the result (optional, address example)</a>
-* <a href='#a_hpw'>Converting the hex value to a password (password example)</a>
-* <a href='#a_hw'>Hex to WIF by hand (address example)</a>
-	* <a href='#a_bcu'>Base-conversion utility</a>
-* <a href='#a_mh'>Converting an MMGen mnemonic to hexadecimal format</a>
+* [Introduction](#a_i)
+* [Obtaining the binary seed](#a_rs)
+	* [Convert the seed to binary (legacy uncompressed addresses)](#a_ss)
+	* [Scramble the seed and save to binary (non-legacy and altcoin addresses and passwords)](#a_cs)
+* [Generating the keys](#a_gk)
+	* [Checking the result (optional, address example)](#a_cr)
+* [Converting the hex value to a password (password example)](#a_hpw)
+* [Hex to WIF by hand (address example)](#a_hw)
+	* [Base-conversion utility](#a_bcu)
+* [Converting an MMGen mnemonic to hexadecimal format](#a_mh)
 #### <a name='a_i'>Introduction</a>
@@ -201,11 +200,14 @@ one:
 And so on and so forth, until we've generated all the keys we need: three, in our case.
+If we're generating keys for Ethereum and Monero, our work is done: the raw
+hexadecimal keys are all we need.  Otherwise, read on.
 #### <a name='a_hpw'>Converting the hex value to a password (password example)</a>
 If it's passwords we're generating, we must now convert our hex key to the
 desired password format, base58 in our case.  For this we can use the homemade
-`` <a href='#a_bcu'>Base-conversion utility</a> described below:
+`` [Base-conversion utility](#a_bcu) described below:
 	# bd60b8... is the double sha256 of our link1.bin from above
 	$ ./ bd60b8ba034bbb40498667ee600bc0cc0b99eb19164e8d412a48f16da4e00d6b