@@ -24,53 +24,66 @@ import os
from ..util import ymsg,make_chksum_6,die
from ..obj import MMGenObject,HexStr,MMGenTxID,CoinTxID,MMGenTxComment
+def get_proto_from_coin_id(tx, coin_id, chain):
+ coin, tokensym = coin_id.split(':') if ':' in coin_id else (coin_id, None)
+ from ..protocol import CoinProtocol, init_proto
+ network = CoinProtocol.Base.chain_name_to_network(tx.cfg, coin, chain)
+ proto = init_proto(tx.cfg, coin, network=network, need_amt=True)
+ if tokensym:
+ proto.tokensym = tokensym
+ return proto
+def eval_io_data(tx, data, desc):
+ if not (desc == 'outputs' and tx.proto.base_coin == 'ETH'): # ETH txs can have no outputs
+ assert len(data), f'no {desc}!'
+ for d in data:
+ d['amt'] = tx.proto.coin_amt(d['amt'])
+ io, io_list = {
+ 'inputs': (tx.Input, tx.InputList),
+ 'outputs': (tx.Output, tx.OutputList),
+ }[desc]
+ return io_list(parent=tx, data=[io(tx.proto,**d) for d in data])
class MMGenTxFile(MMGenObject):
def __init__(self,tx):
self.tx = tx
- self.chksum = None
self.fmt_data = None
self.filename = None
- def parse(self,infile,metadata_only=False,quiet_open=False):
+ def parse(self, infile, metadata_only=False, quiet_open=False):
tx = self.tx
+ from ..fileutil import get_data_from_file
+ data = get_data_from_file(tx.cfg, infile, f'{tx.desc} data', quiet=quiet_open)
+ if len(data) > tx.cfg.max_tx_file_size:
+ die('MaxFileSizeExceeded',
+ f'Transaction file size exceeds limit ({tx.cfg.max_tx_file_size} bytes)')
+ return self.parse_data_legacy(data, metadata_only)
+ def parse_data_legacy(self, data, metadata_only):
+ tx = self.tx
+ tx.file_format = 'legacy'
- def eval_io_data(raw_data,desc):
+ def deserialize(raw_data, desc):
from ast import literal_eval
- d = literal_eval(raw_data)
+ return literal_eval(raw_data)
- if desc == 'inputs' and not quiet_open:
+ if desc == 'inputs':
ymsg('Warning: transaction data appears to be in old format')
import re
- d = literal_eval(re.sub(r"[A-Za-z]+?\(('.+?')\)",r'\1',raw_data))
- assert isinstance(d,list), f'{desc} data not a list!'
- if not (desc == 'outputs' and tx.proto.base_coin == 'ETH'): # ETH txs can have no outputs
- assert len(d), f'no {desc}!'
- for e in d:
- e['amt'] = tx.proto.coin_amt(e['amt'])
- if 'label' in e:
- e['comment'] = e['label']
- del e['label']
- io,io_list = {
- 'inputs': ( tx.Input, tx.InputList ),
- 'outputs': ( tx.Output, tx.OutputList ),
- }[desc]
- return io_list( parent=tx, data=[io(tx.proto,**e) for e in d] )
- from ..fileutil import get_data_from_file
- tx_data = get_data_from_file( tx.cfg, infile, tx.desc+' data', quiet=quiet_open )
+ return literal_eval(re.sub(r"[A-Za-z]+?\(('.+?')\)",r'\1', raw_data))
desc = 'data'
- if len(tx_data) > tx.cfg.max_tx_file_size:
- die('MaxFileSizeExceeded',
- f'Transaction file size exceeds limit ({tx.cfg.max_tx_file_size} bytes)')
- tx_data = tx_data.splitlines()
+ tx_data = data.splitlines()
assert len(tx_data) >= 5,'number of lines less than 5'
assert len(tx_data[0]) == 6,'invalid length of first line'
- self.chksum = HexStr(tx_data.pop(0))
- assert self.chksum == make_chksum_6(' '.join(tx_data)),'file data does not match checksum'
+ assert HexStr(tx_data.pop(0)) == make_chksum_6(' '.join(tx_data)), 'file data does not match checksum'
if len(tx_data) == 7:
desc = 'sent timestamp'
@@ -95,7 +108,8 @@ class MMGenTxFile(MMGenObject):
tx.comment = MMGenTxComment(comment)
desc = 'number of lines' # four required lines
- ( metadata, tx.serialized, inputs_data, outputs_data ) = tx_data
+ io_data = {}
+ (metadata, tx.serialized, io_data['inputs'], io_data['outputs']) = tx_data
assert len(metadata) < 100,'invalid metadata length' # rough check
metadata = metadata.split()
@@ -104,19 +118,13 @@ class MMGenTxFile(MMGenObject):
tx.locktime = int(metadata.pop()[3:])
desc = 'coin token in metadata'
- coin = metadata.pop(0) if len(metadata) == 6 else 'BTC'
- coin,tokensym = coin.split(':') if ':' in coin else (coin,None)
+ coin_id = metadata.pop(0) if len(metadata) == 6 else 'BTC'
desc = 'chain token in metadata'
tx.chain = metadata.pop(0).lower() if len(metadata) == 5 else 'mainnet'
- from ..protocol import CoinProtocol,init_proto
- network = CoinProtocol.Base.chain_name_to_network(tx.cfg,coin,tx.chain)
- desc = 'initialization of protocol'
- tx.proto = init_proto( tx.cfg, coin, network=network, need_amt=True )
- if tokensym:
- tx.proto.tokensym = tokensym
+ desc = 'coin_id or chain'
+ tx.proto = get_proto_from_coin_id(tx, coin_id, tx.chain)
desc = 'metadata (4 items)'
(txid, send_amt, tx.timestamp, blockcount) = metadata
@@ -133,13 +141,16 @@ class MMGenTxFile(MMGenObject):
desc = 'Ethereum RLP or JSON data'
- desc = 'inputs data'
- tx.inputs = eval_io_data(inputs_data,'inputs')
- desc = 'outputs data'
- tx.outputs = eval_io_data(outputs_data,'outputs')
+ for k in ('inputs', 'outputs'):
+ desc = f'{k} data'
+ res = deserialize(io_data[k], k)
+ for d in res:
+ if 'label' in d:
+ d['comment'] = d['label']
+ del d['label']
+ setattr(tx, k, eval_io_data(tx, res, k))
desc = 'send amount in metadata'
- from decimal import Decimal
- assert Decimal(send_amt) == tx.send_amt, f'{send_amt} != {tx.send_amt}'
+ assert tx.proto.coin_amt(send_amt) == tx.send_amt, f'{send_amt} != {tx.send_amt}'
except Exception as e:
die(2,f'Invalid {desc} in transaction file: {e!s}')
@@ -162,42 +173,47 @@ class MMGenTxFile(MMGenObject):
def format(self):
tx = self.tx
+ coin_id = tx.coin + ('' if tx.coin == tx.dcoin else ':'+tx.dcoin)
+ def format_data_legacy():
+ def amt_to_str(d):
+ return {k: (str(d[k]) if k == 'amt' else d[k]) for k in d}
+ lines = [
+ '{}{} {} {} {} {}{}'.format(
+ (f'{coin_id} ' if coin_id and tx.coin != 'BTC' else ''),
+ tx.chain.upper(),
+ tx.txid,
+ tx.send_amt,
+ tx.timestamp,
+ tx.blockcount,
+ (f' LT={tx.locktime}' if tx.locktime else ''),
+ ),
+ tx.serialized,
+ ascii([amt_to_str(e._asdict()) for e in tx.inputs]),
+ ascii([amt_to_str(e._asdict()) for e in tx.outputs])
+ ]
+ if tx.comment:
+ from ..baseconv import baseconv
+ lines.append(baseconv('b58').frombytes(tx.comment.encode(),tostr=True))
+ if tx.coin_txid:
+ if not tx.comment:
+ lines.append('-') # keep old tx files backwards compatible
+ lines.append(tx.coin_txid)
+ if tx.sent_timestamp:
+ lines.append(f'Sent {tx.sent_timestamp}')
+ return '\n'.join([make_chksum_6(' '.join(lines))] + lines) + '\n'
+ fmt_data = format_data_legacy()
- def amt_to_str(d):
- return {k: (str(d[k]) if k == 'amt' else d[k]) for k in d}
- coin_id = '' if tx.coin == 'BTC' else tx.coin + ('' if tx.coin == tx.dcoin else ':'+tx.dcoin)
- lines = [
- '{}{} {} {} {} {}{}'.format(
- (coin_id+' ' if coin_id else ''),
- tx.chain.upper(),
- tx.txid,
- tx.send_amt,
- tx.timestamp,
- tx.blockcount,
- (f' LT={tx.locktime}' if tx.locktime else ''),
- ),
- tx.serialized,
- ascii([amt_to_str(e._asdict()) for e in tx.inputs]),
- ascii([amt_to_str(e._asdict()) for e in tx.outputs])
- ]
- if tx.comment:
- from ..baseconv import baseconv
- lines.append(baseconv('b58').frombytes(tx.comment.encode(),tostr=True))
- if tx.coin_txid:
- if not tx.comment:
- lines.append('-') # keep old tx files backwards compatible
- lines.append(tx.coin_txid)
- if tx.sent_timestamp:
- lines.append(f'Sent {tx.sent_timestamp}')
- self.chksum = make_chksum_6(' '.join(lines))
- fmt_data = '\n'.join([self.chksum] + lines) + '\n'
if len(fmt_data) > tx.cfg.max_tx_file_size:
die( 'MaxFileSizeExceeded', f'Transaction file size exceeds limit ({tx.cfg.max_tx_file_size} bytes)' )
return fmt_data
def write(self,