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test/ support coroutine tests; cleanups

The MMGen Project 3 years ago
2 changed files with 16 additions and 16 deletions
  1. 5 2
  2. 11 14

+ 5 - 2

@@ -36,9 +36,9 @@ opts_data = {
 -A, --no-daemon-autostart Don't start and stop daemons automatically
 -D, --no-daemon-stop      Don't stop auto-started daemons after running tests
 -f, --fast                Speed up execution by reducing rounds on some tests
--n, --node-tools          Select node-tools unit tests
 -l, --list                List available tests
 -n, --names               Print command names instead of descriptions
+-N, --node-tools          Select node-tools unit tests
 -q, --quiet               Produce quieter output
 -x, --exclude=T           Exclude tests 'T' (comma-separated)
 -v, --verbose             Produce more verbose output
@@ -106,7 +106,10 @@ def run_test(test,subtest=None):
 	def run_subtest(subtest):
 		msg(f'Running unit subtest {test}.{subtest}')
 		t = getattr(mod,'unit_tests')()
-		if not getattr(t,subtest)(test,UnitTestHelpers):
+		ret = getattr(t,subtest)(test,UnitTestHelpers)
+		if type(ret).__name__ == 'coroutine':
+			ret = run_session(ret)
+		if not ret:
 			rdie(1,f'Unit subtest {subtest!r} failed')

+ 11 - 14

@@ -13,17 +13,13 @@ from mmgen.protocol import init_proto
 class unit_tests:
-	def tx(self,name,ut):
-		qmsg('  Testing transaction objects')
+	async def tx(self,name,ut):
+		qmsg('  Testing NewTX initializer')
 		d = CoinDaemon('btc',test_suite=True)
-		async def do():
-			proto = init_proto('btc',need_amt=True)
-			tx = await NewTX(proto=proto)
-			tx.rpc = await rpc_init(proto=proto)
-		run_session(do())
+		proto = init_proto('btc',need_amt=True)
+		tx = await NewTX(proto=proto)
 		qmsg('  OK')
@@ -35,19 +31,22 @@ class unit_tests:
 		fns = ( # TODO: add altcoin TX files
-			'460D4D-BCH[10.19764,tl=1320969600].rawtx',
+			'460D4D-BCH[10.19764,tl=1320969600].rawtx',
 		for fn in fns:
-			vmsg(f'    parsing: {fn}')
+			qmsg(f'     parsing: {os.path.basename(fn)}')
 			fpath = os.path.join('test','ref',fn)
 			tx = UnsignedTX(filename=fpath,quiet_open=True)
-			f = MMGenTxFile(tx)
+			vmsg(
+			f = MMGenTxFile(tx)
 			fn_gen = f.make_filename()
 			if g.debug_utf8:
 				fn_gen = fn_gen.replace('-α','')
-			assert fn_gen == fn, f'{fn_gen} != {fn}'
+			assert fn_gen == os.path.basename(fn), f'{fn_gen} != {fn}'
 			text = f.format()
 			# New in version 3.3: Support for the unicode legacy literal (u'value') was
@@ -57,10 +56,8 @@ class unit_tests:
 				# remove Python2 'u' string prefixes from ref files
 				chk = re.subn( r"\bu(['\"])", r'\1', )[0]
 			diff = get_ndiff(chk,text)
-			#print('\n'.join(diff))
 			nLines = len([i for i in diff if i.startswith('-')])
 			assert nLines in (0,1), f'{nLines} lines differ: only checksum line may differ'
-			#break # FIXME - test BCH, testnet
 		qmsg('  OK')
 		return True