@@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ opts_data = {
-L, --list-cmd-groups Output a list of command groups with descriptions
-g, --list-current-cmd-groups List command groups for current configuration
-n, --names Display command names instead of descriptions
+-N, --no-timings Suppress display of timing information
-o, --log Log commands to file {lf}
-O, --pexpect-spawn Use pexpect.spawn instead of popen_spawn (much slower,
kut does real terminal emulation)
@@ -685,15 +686,15 @@ class TestSuiteRunner(object):
cmd_disp = ' '.join(qargs).replace('\\','/') # for mingw
if not no_msg:
- t_fmt = f'{time.time() - self.start_time:08.2f}'
+ t_pfx = '' if opt.no_timings else f'[{time.time() - self.start_time:08.2f}] '
if opt.verbose or opt.print_cmdline or opt.exact_output:
clr1,clr2 = ((green,cyan),(nocolor,nocolor))[bool(opt.print_cmdline)]
- omsg(green(f'[{t_fmt}] Testing: {desc}'))
+ omsg(green(f'{t_pfx}Testing: {desc}'))
if not msg_only:
s = repr(cmd_disp) if g.platform == 'win' else cmd_disp
omsg(clr1('Executing: ') + clr2(s))
- omsg_r(f'[{t_fmt}] Testing {desc}: ')
+ omsg_r(f'{t_pfx}Testing {desc}: ')
if msg_only:
@@ -712,8 +713,10 @@ class TestSuiteRunner(object):
def end_msg(self):
t = int(time.time() - self.start_time)
- m = '{} test{} performed. Elapsed time: {:02d}:{:02d}\n'
- sys.stderr.write(green(m.format(self.cmd_total,suf(self.cmd_total),t//60,t%60)))
+ sys.stderr.write(green(
+ f'{self.cmd_total} test{suf(self.cmd_total)} performed.' +
+ ('' if opt.no_timings else f' Elapsed time: {t//60:02d}:{t%60:02d}\n')
+ ))
def init_group(self,gname,cmd=None,quiet=False,do_clean=True):