Browse Source relocate tracking wallet classes to new modules

- TwAddrList ->
- TwGetBalance ->
- TrackingWallet ->
- TwUnspentOutputs ->

The corresponding Ethereum classes in altcoins/eth/ have been similarly
The MMGen Project 3 years ago

+ 3 - 331

@@ -17,349 +17,21 @@
 # along with this program.  If not, see <>.
 """ Ethereum tracking wallet and related classes for the MMGen suite Ethereum tracking wallet dependency classes for the MMGen suite
-import os
-from mmgen.util import msg,vmsg,ymsg,write_mode
-from mmgen.obj import ListItemAttr,ImmutableAttr
-from import TrackingWallet,TwAddrList,TwUnspentOutputs,TwGetBalance,TwLabel
-from mmgen.addr import is_coin_addr,is_mmgen_id
 from mmgen.addrdata import AddrData,TwAddrData
-from .contract import Token,TokenResolve
-from .obj import ETHAmt
-class EthereumTrackingWallet(TrackingWallet):
-	caps = ('batch',)
-	data_key = 'accounts'
-	use_tw_file = True
-	async def is_in_wallet(self,addr):
-		return addr in self.data_root
-	def init_empty(self):
- = { 'coin': self.proto.coin, 'accounts': {}, 'tokens': {} }
-	def upgrade_wallet_maybe(self):
-		upgraded = False
-		if not 'accounts' in or not 'coin' in
-			ymsg(f'Upgrading {self.desc} (v1->v2: accounts field added)')
-			if not 'accounts' in
- = {}
-				import json
-['accounts'] = json.loads(self.orig_data)
-			if not 'coin' in
-['coin'] = self.proto.coin
-			upgraded = True
-		def have_token_params_fields():
-			for k in['tokens']:
-				if 'params' in['tokens'][k]:
-					return True
-		def add_token_params_fields():
-			for k in['tokens']:
-['tokens'][k]['params'] = {}
-		if not 'tokens' in
-['tokens'] = {}
-			upgraded = True
-		if['tokens'] and not have_token_params_fields():
-			ymsg(f'Upgrading {self.desc} (v2->v3: token params fields added)')
-			add_token_params_fields()
-			upgraded = True
-		if upgraded:
-			self.force_write()
-			msg(f'{self.desc} upgraded successfully!')
-	async def rpc_get_balance(self,addr):
-		return ETHAmt(int(await'eth_getBalance','0x'+addr,'latest'),16),'wei')
-	@write_mode
-	async def batch_import_address(self,args_list):
-		for arg_list in args_list:
-			await self.import_address(*arg_list)
-		return args_list
-	@write_mode
-	async def import_address(self,addr,label,foo):
-		r = self.data_root
-		if addr in r:
-			if not r[addr]['mmid'] and label.mmid:
-				msg(f'Warning: MMGen ID {label.mmid!r} was missing in tracking wallet!')
-			elif r[addr]['mmid'] != label.mmid:
-				die(3,'MMGen ID {label.mmid!r} does not match tracking wallet!')
-		r[addr] = { 'mmid': label.mmid, 'comment': label.comment }
-	@write_mode
-	async def remove_address(self,addr):
-		r = self.data_root
-		if is_coin_addr(self.proto,addr):
-			have_match = lambda k: k == addr
-		elif is_mmgen_id(self.proto,addr):
-			have_match = lambda k: r[k]['mmid'] == addr
-		else:
-			die(1,f'{addr!r} is not an Ethereum address or MMGen ID')
-		for k in r:
-			if have_match(k):
-				# return the addr resolved to mmid if possible
-				ret = r[k]['mmid'] if is_mmgen_id(self.proto,r[k]['mmid']) else addr
-				del r[k]
-				self.write()
-				return ret
-		else:
-			msg(f'Address {addr!r} not found in {self.data_root_desc!r} section of tracking wallet')
-			return None
-	@write_mode
-	async def set_label(self,coinaddr,lbl):
-		for addr,d in list(self.data_root.items()):
-			if addr == coinaddr:
-				d['comment'] = lbl.comment
-				self.write()
-				return None
-		else:
-			msg(f'Address {coinaddr!r} not found in {self.data_root_desc!r} section of tracking wallet')
-			return False
-	async def addr2sym(self,req_addr):
-		for addr in['tokens']:
-			if addr == req_addr:
-				return['tokens'][addr]['params']['symbol']
-		else:
-			return None
-	async def sym2addr(self,sym):
-		for addr in['tokens']:
-			if['tokens'][addr]['params']['symbol'] == sym.upper():
-				return addr
-		else:
-			return None
-	def get_token_param(self,token,param):
-		if token in['tokens']:
-			return['tokens'][token]['params'].get(param)
-		return None
-class EthereumTokenTrackingWallet(EthereumTrackingWallet):
-	desc = 'Ethereum token tracking wallet'
-	decimals = None
-	symbol = None
-	cur_eth_balances = {}
-	async def __init__(self,proto,mode='r',token_addr=None):
-		await super().__init__(proto,mode=mode)
-		for v in['tokens'].values():
-			self.conv_types(v)
-		if self.importing and token_addr:
-			if not is_coin_addr(proto,token_addr):
-				raise InvalidTokenAddress(f'{token_addr!r}: invalid token address')
-		else:
-			assert token_addr == None,'EthereumTokenTrackingWallet_chk1'
-			token_addr = await self.sym2addr(proto.tokensym) # returns None on failure
-			if not is_coin_addr(proto,token_addr):
-				from mmgen.exception import UnrecognizedTokenSymbol
-				raise UnrecognizedTokenSymbol(f'Specified token {proto.tokensym!r} could not be resolved!')
-		from mmgen.addr import TokenAddr
-		self.token = TokenAddr(proto,token_addr)
-		if self.token not in['tokens']:
-			if self.importing:
-				await self.import_token(self.token)
-			else:
-				raise TokenNotInWallet(f'Specified token {self.token!r} not in wallet!')
-		self.decimals = self.get_param('decimals')
-		self.symbol   = self.get_param('symbol')
-		proto.tokensym = self.symbol
-	async def is_in_wallet(self,addr):
-		return addr in['tokens'][self.token]
-	@property
-	def data_root(self):
-		return['tokens'][self.token]
-	@property
-	def data_root_desc(self):
-		return 'token ' + self.get_param('symbol')
-	async def rpc_get_balance(self,addr):
-		return await Token(self.proto,self.token,self.decimals,self.rpc).get_balance(addr)
-	async def get_eth_balance(self,addr,force_rpc=False):
-		cache = self.cur_eth_balances
-		r =['accounts']
-		ret = None if force_rpc else self.get_cached_balance(addr,cache,r)
-		if ret == None:
-			ret = await super().rpc_get_balance(addr)
-			self.cache_balance(addr,ret,cache,r)
-		return ret
-	def get_param(self,param):
-		return['tokens'][self.token]['params'][param]
-	@write_mode
-	async def import_token(self,tokenaddr):
-		"""
-		Token 'symbol' and 'decimals' values are resolved from the network by the system just
-		once, upon token import.  Thereafter, token address, symbol and decimals are resolved
-		either from the tracking wallet (online operations) or transaction file (when signing).
-		"""
-		t = await TokenResolve(self.proto,self.rpc,tokenaddr)
-['tokens'][tokenaddr] = {
-			'params': {
-				'symbol': await t.get_symbol(),
-				'decimals': t.decimals
-			}
-		}
-# No unspent outputs with Ethereum, but naming must be consistent
-class EthereumTwUnspentOutputs(TwUnspentOutputs):
-	disp_type = 'eth'
-	can_group = False
-	col_adj = 29
-	hdr_fmt = 'TRACKED ACCOUNTS (sort order: {})\nTotal {}: {}'
-	desc    = 'account balances'
-	item_desc = 'account'
-	dump_fn_pfx = 'balances'
-	prompt = """
-Sort options:    [a]mount, a[d]dress, [r]everse, [M]mgen addr
-Display options: show [m]mgen addr, r[e]draw screen
-Actions:         [q]uit view, [p]rint to file, pager [v]iew, [w]ide view,
-                 add [l]abel, [D]elete address, [R]efresh balance:
-	key_mappings = {
-		'a':'s_amt','d':'s_addr','r':'d_reverse','M':'s_twmmid',
-		'm':'d_mmid','e':'d_redraw',
-		'q':'a_quit','p':'a_print','v':'a_view','w':'a_view_wide',
-		'l':'a_lbl_add','D':'a_addr_delete','R':'a_balance_refresh' }
-	async def __init__(self,proto,*args,**kwargs):
-		from mmgen.globalvars import g
-		if g.cached_balances:
-			from mmgen.color import yellow
-			self.hdr_fmt += '\n' + yellow('WARNING: Using cached balances. These may be out of date!')
-		await TwUnspentOutputs.__init__(self,proto,*args,**kwargs)
-	def do_sort(self,key=None,reverse=False):
-		if key == 'txid': return
-		super().do_sort(key=key,reverse=reverse)
-	async def get_unspent_rpc(self):
-		wl = self.wallet.sorted_list
-		if self.addrs:
-			wl = [d for d in wl if d['addr'] in self.addrs]
-		return [{
-				'account': TwLabel(self.proto,d['mmid']+' '+d['comment']),
-				'address': d['addr'],
-				'amount': await self.wallet.get_balance(d['addr']),
-				'confirmations': 0, # TODO
-				} for d in wl]
-	class MMGenTwUnspentOutput(TwUnspentOutputs.MMGenTwUnspentOutput):
-		valid_attrs = {'txid','vout','amt','amt2','label','twmmid','addr','confs','skip'}
-		invalid_attrs = {'proto'}
-	def age_disp(self,o,age_fmt): # TODO
-		return None
-class EthereumTokenTwUnspentOutputs(EthereumTwUnspentOutputs):
-	disp_type = 'token'
-	prompt_fs = 'Total to spend: {} {}\n\n'
-	col_adj = 37
-	def get_display_precision(self):
-		return 10 # truncate precision for narrow display
-	async def get_unspent_data(self,*args,**kwargs):
-		await super().get_unspent_data(*args,**kwargs)
-		for e in self.unspent:
-			e.amt2 = await self.wallet.get_eth_balance(e.addr)
-class EthereumTwAddrList(TwAddrList):
-	has_age = False
-	async def __init__(self,proto,usr_addr_list,minconf,showempty,showbtcaddrs,all_labels,wallet=None):
-		self.proto = proto
-		self.wallet = wallet or await TrackingWallet(self.proto,mode='w')
-		tw_dict = self.wallet.mmid_ordered_dict
- = self.proto.coin_amt('0')
-		from mmgen.addr import CoinAddr
-		for mmid,d in list(tw_dict.items()):
-#			if d['confirmations'] < minconf: continue # cannot get confirmations for eth account
-			label = TwLabel(self.proto,mmid+' '+d['comment'])
-			if usr_addr_list and (label.mmid not in usr_addr_list):
-				continue
-			bal = await self.wallet.get_balance(d['addr'])
-			if bal == 0 and not showempty:
-				if not label.comment or not all_labels:
-					continue
-			self[label.mmid] = {'amt': self.proto.coin_amt('0'), 'lbl':  label }
-			if showbtcaddrs:
-				self[label.mmid]['addr'] = CoinAddr(self.proto,d['addr'])
-			self[label.mmid]['lbl'].mmid.confs = None
-			self[label.mmid]['amt'] += bal
- += bal
-		del self.wallet
-class EthereumTokenTwAddrList(EthereumTwAddrList):
-	pass
-class EthereumTwGetBalance(TwGetBalance):
-	fs = '{w:13} {c}\n' # TODO - for now, just suppress display of meaningless data
-	async def __init__(self,proto,*args,**kwargs):
-		self.wallet = await TrackingWallet(proto,mode='w')
-		await TwGetBalance.__init__(self,proto,*args,**kwargs)
-	async def create_data(self):
-		data = self.wallet.mmid_ordered_dict
-		for d in data:
-			if d.type == 'mmgen':
-				key = d.obj.sid
-				if key not in
-[key] = [self.proto.coin_amt('0')] * 4
-			else:
-				key = 'Non-MMGen'
-			conf_level = 2 # TODO
-			amt = await self.wallet.get_balance(data[d]['addr'])
-['TOTAL'][conf_level] += amt
-[key][conf_level] += amt
-		del self.wallet
 class EthereumTwAddrData(TwAddrData):
 	async def get_tw_data(self,wallet=None):
+		from mmgen.twctl import TrackingWallet
+		from mmgen.util import vmsg
 		vmsg('Getting address data from tracking wallet')
 		tw = (wallet or await TrackingWallet(self.proto)).mmid_ordered_dict
 		# emulate the output of RPC 'listaccounts' and 'getaddressesbyaccount'
 		return [(mmid+' '+d['comment'],[d['addr']]) for mmid,d in list(tw.items())]
-class EthereumTokenTwGetBalance(EthereumTwGetBalance): pass
 class EthereumTokenTwAddrData(EthereumTwAddrData): pass
 class EthereumAddrData(AddrData): pass

+ 59 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# mmgen = Multi-Mode GENerator, command-line Bitcoin cold storage solution
+# Copyright (C)2013-2022 The MMGen Project <>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+altcoins.eth.twaddrs: Ethereum tracking wallet listaddresses class for the MMGen suite
+from mmgen.twaddrs import TwAddrList
+class EthereumTwAddrList(TwAddrList):
+	has_age = False
+	async def __init__(self,proto,usr_addr_list,minconf,showempty,showbtcaddrs,all_labels,wallet=None):
+		from import TwLabel
+		from mmgen.twctl import TrackingWallet
+		from mmgen.addr import CoinAddr
+		self.proto = proto
+		self.wallet = wallet or await TrackingWallet(self.proto,mode='w')
+		tw_dict = self.wallet.mmid_ordered_dict
+ = self.proto.coin_amt('0')
+		for mmid,d in list(tw_dict.items()):
+#			if d['confirmations'] < minconf: continue # cannot get confirmations for eth account
+			label = TwLabel(self.proto,mmid+' '+d['comment'])
+			if usr_addr_list and (label.mmid not in usr_addr_list):
+				continue
+			bal = await self.wallet.get_balance(d['addr'])
+			if bal == 0 and not showempty:
+				if not label.comment or not all_labels:
+					continue
+			self[label.mmid] = {'amt': self.proto.coin_amt('0'), 'lbl':  label }
+			if showbtcaddrs:
+				self[label.mmid]['addr'] = CoinAddr(self.proto,d['addr'])
+			self[label.mmid]['lbl'].mmid.confs = None
+			self[label.mmid]['amt'] += bal
+ += bal
+		del self.wallet
+class EthereumTokenTwAddrList(EthereumTwAddrList):
+	pass

+ 52 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# mmgen = Multi-Mode GENerator, command-line Bitcoin cold storage solution
+# Copyright (C)2013-2022 The MMGen Project <>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+altcoins.eth.twbal: Ethereum tracking wallet getbalance class for the MMGen suite
+from mmgen.twctl import TrackingWallet
+from mmgen.twbal import TwGetBalance
+class EthereumTwGetBalance(TwGetBalance):
+	fs = '{w:13} {c}\n' # TODO - for now, just suppress display of meaningless data
+	async def __init__(self,proto,*args,**kwargs):
+		self.wallet = await TrackingWallet(proto,mode='w')
+		await TwGetBalance.__init__(self,proto,*args,**kwargs)
+	async def create_data(self):
+		data = self.wallet.mmid_ordered_dict
+		for d in data:
+			if d.type == 'mmgen':
+				key = d.obj.sid
+				if key not in
+[key] = [self.proto.coin_amt('0')] * 4
+			else:
+				key = 'Non-MMGen'
+			conf_level = 2 # TODO
+			amt = await self.wallet.get_balance(data[d]['addr'])
+['TOTAL'][conf_level] += amt
+[key][conf_level] += amt
+		del self.wallet
+class EthereumTokenTwGetBalance(EthereumTwGetBalance): pass

+ 224 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# mmgen = Multi-Mode GENerator, command-line Bitcoin cold storage solution
+# Copyright (C)2013-2022 The MMGen Project <>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+altcoins.eth.twctl: Ethereum tracking wallet control class for the MMGen suite
+from mmgen.util import msg,ymsg,write_mode
+from mmgen.twctl import TrackingWallet
+from mmgen.addr import is_coin_addr,is_mmgen_id
+from .contract import Token,TokenResolve
+from .obj import ETHAmt
+class EthereumTrackingWallet(TrackingWallet):
+	caps = ('batch',)
+	data_key = 'accounts'
+	use_tw_file = True
+	async def is_in_wallet(self,addr):
+		return addr in self.data_root
+	def init_empty(self):
+ = { 'coin': self.proto.coin, 'accounts': {}, 'tokens': {} }
+	def upgrade_wallet_maybe(self):
+		upgraded = False
+		if not 'accounts' in or not 'coin' in
+			ymsg(f'Upgrading {self.desc} (v1->v2: accounts field added)')
+			if not 'accounts' in
+ = {}
+				import json
+['accounts'] = json.loads(self.orig_data)
+			if not 'coin' in
+['coin'] = self.proto.coin
+			upgraded = True
+		def have_token_params_fields():
+			for k in['tokens']:
+				if 'params' in['tokens'][k]:
+					return True
+		def add_token_params_fields():
+			for k in['tokens']:
+['tokens'][k]['params'] = {}
+		if not 'tokens' in
+['tokens'] = {}
+			upgraded = True
+		if['tokens'] and not have_token_params_fields():
+			ymsg(f'Upgrading {self.desc} (v2->v3: token params fields added)')
+			add_token_params_fields()
+			upgraded = True
+		if upgraded:
+			self.force_write()
+			msg(f'{self.desc} upgraded successfully!')
+	async def rpc_get_balance(self,addr):
+		return ETHAmt(int(await'eth_getBalance','0x'+addr,'latest'),16),'wei')
+	@write_mode
+	async def batch_import_address(self,args_list):
+		for arg_list in args_list:
+			await self.import_address(*arg_list)
+		return args_list
+	@write_mode
+	async def import_address(self,addr,label,foo):
+		r = self.data_root
+		if addr in r:
+			if not r[addr]['mmid'] and label.mmid:
+				msg(f'Warning: MMGen ID {label.mmid!r} was missing in tracking wallet!')
+			elif r[addr]['mmid'] != label.mmid:
+				die(3,'MMGen ID {label.mmid!r} does not match tracking wallet!')
+		r[addr] = { 'mmid': label.mmid, 'comment': label.comment }
+	@write_mode
+	async def remove_address(self,addr):
+		r = self.data_root
+		if is_coin_addr(self.proto,addr):
+			have_match = lambda k: k == addr
+		elif is_mmgen_id(self.proto,addr):
+			have_match = lambda k: r[k]['mmid'] == addr
+		else:
+			die(1,f'{addr!r} is not an Ethereum address or MMGen ID')
+		for k in r:
+			if have_match(k):
+				# return the addr resolved to mmid if possible
+				ret = r[k]['mmid'] if is_mmgen_id(self.proto,r[k]['mmid']) else addr
+				del r[k]
+				self.write()
+				return ret
+		else:
+			msg(f'Address {addr!r} not found in {self.data_root_desc!r} section of tracking wallet')
+			return None
+	@write_mode
+	async def set_label(self,coinaddr,lbl):
+		for addr,d in list(self.data_root.items()):
+			if addr == coinaddr:
+				d['comment'] = lbl.comment
+				self.write()
+				return None
+		else:
+			msg(f'Address {coinaddr!r} not found in {self.data_root_desc!r} section of tracking wallet')
+			return False
+	async def addr2sym(self,req_addr):
+		for addr in['tokens']:
+			if addr == req_addr:
+				return['tokens'][addr]['params']['symbol']
+		else:
+			return None
+	async def sym2addr(self,sym):
+		for addr in['tokens']:
+			if['tokens'][addr]['params']['symbol'] == sym.upper():
+				return addr
+		else:
+			return None
+	def get_token_param(self,token,param):
+		if token in['tokens']:
+			return['tokens'][token]['params'].get(param)
+		return None
+class EthereumTokenTrackingWallet(EthereumTrackingWallet):
+	desc = 'Ethereum token tracking wallet'
+	decimals = None
+	symbol = None
+	cur_eth_balances = {}
+	async def __init__(self,proto,mode='r',token_addr=None):
+		await super().__init__(proto,mode=mode)
+		for v in['tokens'].values():
+			self.conv_types(v)
+		if self.importing and token_addr:
+			if not is_coin_addr(proto,token_addr):
+				raise InvalidTokenAddress(f'{token_addr!r}: invalid token address')
+		else:
+			assert token_addr == None,'EthereumTokenTrackingWallet_chk1'
+			token_addr = await self.sym2addr(proto.tokensym) # returns None on failure
+			if not is_coin_addr(proto,token_addr):
+				from mmgen.exception import UnrecognizedTokenSymbol
+				raise UnrecognizedTokenSymbol(f'Specified token {proto.tokensym!r} could not be resolved!')
+		from mmgen.addr import TokenAddr
+		self.token = TokenAddr(proto,token_addr)
+		if self.token not in['tokens']:
+			if self.importing:
+				await self.import_token(self.token)
+			else:
+				raise TokenNotInWallet(f'Specified token {self.token!r} not in wallet!')
+		self.decimals = self.get_param('decimals')
+		self.symbol   = self.get_param('symbol')
+		proto.tokensym = self.symbol
+	async def is_in_wallet(self,addr):
+		return addr in['tokens'][self.token]
+	@property
+	def data_root(self):
+		return['tokens'][self.token]
+	@property
+	def data_root_desc(self):
+		return 'token ' + self.get_param('symbol')
+	async def rpc_get_balance(self,addr):
+		return await Token(self.proto,self.token,self.decimals,self.rpc).get_balance(addr)
+	async def get_eth_balance(self,addr,force_rpc=False):
+		cache = self.cur_eth_balances
+		r =['accounts']
+		ret = None if force_rpc else self.get_cached_balance(addr,cache,r)
+		if ret == None:
+			ret = await super().rpc_get_balance(addr)
+			self.cache_balance(addr,ret,cache,r)
+		return ret
+	def get_param(self,param):
+		return['tokens'][self.token]['params'][param]
+	@write_mode
+	async def import_token(self,tokenaddr):
+		"""
+		Token 'symbol' and 'decimals' values are resolved from the network by the system just
+		once, upon token import.  Thereafter, token address, symbol and decimals are resolved
+		either from the tracking wallet (online operations) or transaction file (when signing).
+		"""
+		t = await TokenResolve(self.proto,self.rpc,tokenaddr)
+['tokens'][tokenaddr] = {
+			'params': {
+				'symbol': await t.get_symbol(),
+				'decimals': t.decimals
+			}
+		}

+ 89 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# mmgen = Multi-Mode GENerator, command-line Bitcoin cold storage solution
+# Copyright (C)2013-2022 The MMGen Project <>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+altcoins.eth.twuo: Ethereum tracking wallet unspent outputs class for the MMGen suite
+from import TwLabel
+from mmgen.twuo import TwUnspentOutputs
+# No unspent outputs with Ethereum, but naming must be consistent
+class EthereumTwUnspentOutputs(TwUnspentOutputs):
+	disp_type = 'eth'
+	can_group = False
+	col_adj = 29
+	hdr_fmt = 'TRACKED ACCOUNTS (sort order: {})\nTotal {}: {}'
+	desc    = 'account balances'
+	item_desc = 'account'
+	dump_fn_pfx = 'balances'
+	prompt = """
+Sort options:    [a]mount, a[d]dress, [r]everse, [M]mgen addr
+Display options: show [m]mgen addr, r[e]draw screen
+Actions:         [q]uit view, [p]rint to file, pager [v]iew, [w]ide view,
+                 add [l]abel, [D]elete address, [R]efresh balance:
+	key_mappings = {
+		'a':'s_amt','d':'s_addr','r':'d_reverse','M':'s_twmmid',
+		'm':'d_mmid','e':'d_redraw',
+		'q':'a_quit','p':'a_print','v':'a_view','w':'a_view_wide',
+		'l':'a_lbl_add','D':'a_addr_delete','R':'a_balance_refresh' }
+	async def __init__(self,proto,*args,**kwargs):
+		from mmgen.globalvars import g
+		if g.cached_balances:
+			from mmgen.color import yellow
+			self.hdr_fmt += '\n' + yellow('WARNING: Using cached balances. These may be out of date!')
+		await TwUnspentOutputs.__init__(self,proto,*args,**kwargs)
+	def do_sort(self,key=None,reverse=False):
+		if key == 'txid': return
+		super().do_sort(key=key,reverse=reverse)
+	async def get_unspent_rpc(self):
+		wl = self.wallet.sorted_list
+		if self.addrs:
+			wl = [d for d in wl if d['addr'] in self.addrs]
+		return [{
+				'account': TwLabel(self.proto,d['mmid']+' '+d['comment']),
+				'address': d['addr'],
+				'amount': await self.wallet.get_balance(d['addr']),
+				'confirmations': 0, # TODO
+				} for d in wl]
+	class MMGenTwUnspentOutput(TwUnspentOutputs.MMGenTwUnspentOutput):
+		valid_attrs = {'txid','vout','amt','amt2','label','twmmid','addr','confs','skip'}
+		invalid_attrs = {'proto'}
+	def age_disp(self,o,age_fmt): # TODO
+		return None
+class EthereumTokenTwUnspentOutputs(EthereumTwUnspentOutputs):
+	disp_type = 'token'
+	prompt_fs = 'Total to spend: {} {}\n\n'
+	col_adj = 37
+	def get_display_precision(self):
+		return 10 # truncate precision for narrow display
+	async def get_unspent_data(self,*args,**kwargs):
+		await super().get_unspent_data(*args,**kwargs)
+		for e in self.unspent:
+			e.amt2 = await self.wallet.get_eth_balance(e.addr)

+ 1 - 1

@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ from mmgen.obj import Int,Str,HexStr,CoinTxID,MMGenTxID
 from mmgen.addr import MMGenID,CoinAddr,TokenAddr,is_mmgen_id,is_coin_addr
 from mmgen.tx import MMGenTX
-from import TrackingWallet
+from mmgen.twctl import TrackingWallet
 from .contract import Token
 from .obj import ETHAmt,ETHNonce

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1 +1 @@

+ 1 - 1

@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ def make_args_list(tw,al,batch,rescan):
 			yield (tw,e.addr,TwLabel(proto,label),rescan,fs,msg_args)
 async def main():
-	from .tw import TrackingWallet
+	from .twctl import TrackingWallet
 	if opt.token_addr:
 		proto.tokensym = 'foo' # hack to trigger 'Token' in altcoin_subclass()

+ 1 - 1

@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ async def main():
 	kl = get_keylist(orig_tx.proto,opt)
 	sign_and_send = bool(seed_files or kl or kal)
-	from .tw import TrackingWallet
+	from .twctl import TrackingWallet
 	tx = MMGenTX.Bump(
 		data = orig_tx.__dict__,
 		send = sign_and_send,

+ 1 - 1

@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ async def main():
 	proto = init_proto_from_opts()
 	from .tx import MMGenTX
-	from .tw import TrackingWallet
+	from .twctl import TrackingWallet
 	tx1 = MMGenTX.New(
 		proto = proto,
 		tw    = await TrackingWallet(proto) if proto.tokensym else None )

+ 1 - 1

@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ from .txsign import *
 seed_files = get_seed_files(opt,cmd_args)
 async def main():
-	from .tw import TrackingWallet
+	from .twctl import TrackingWallet
 	from .protocol import init_proto_from_opts
 	proto = init_proto_from_opts()

+ 9 - 7

@@ -904,7 +904,7 @@ class MMGenToolCmdWallet(MMGenToolCmds):
 		ret = d.sec.wif if target=='wif' else d.addr
 		return ret
-from .tw import TwAddrList,TwUnspentOutputs
+from .tw import TwCommon
 class MMGenToolCmdRPC(MMGenToolCmds):
 	"tracking wallet commands using the JSON-RPC interface"
@@ -917,7 +917,7 @@ class MMGenToolCmdRPC(MMGenToolCmds):
 	async def getbalance(self,minconf=1,quiet=False,pager=False):
 		"list confirmed/unconfirmed, spendable/unspendable balances in tracking wallet"
-		from .tw import TwGetBalance
+		from .twbal import TwGetBalance
 		return (await TwGetBalance(self.proto,minconf,quiet)).format()
 	async def listaddress(self,
@@ -926,7 +926,7 @@ class MMGenToolCmdRPC(MMGenToolCmds):
 					pager = False,
 					showempty = True,
 					showbtcaddr = True,
-					age_fmt: _options_annot_str(TwAddrList.age_fmts) = 'confs',
+					age_fmt: _options_annot_str(TwCommon.age_fmts) = 'confs',
 		"list the specified MMGen address and its balance"
 		return await self.listaddresses(  mmgen_addrs = mmgen_addr,
@@ -945,7 +945,7 @@ class MMGenToolCmdRPC(MMGenToolCmds):
 						showbtcaddrs = True,
 						all_labels = False,
 						sort: _options_annot_str(['reverse','age']) = '',
-						age_fmt: _options_annot_str(TwAddrList.age_fmts) = 'confs',
+						age_fmt: _options_annot_str(TwCommon.age_fmts) = 'confs',
 		"list MMGen addresses and their balances"
 		show_age = bool(age_fmt)
@@ -966,6 +966,7 @@ class MMGenToolCmdRPC(MMGenToolCmds):
 			from .addrlist import AddrIdxList
 			usr_addr_list = [MMGenID(self.proto,f'{a[0]}:{i}') for i in AddrIdxList(a[1])]
+		from .twaddrs import TwAddrList
 		al = await TwAddrList(self.proto,usr_addr_list,minconf,showempty,showbtcaddrs,all_labels)
 		if not al:
 			die(0,('No tracked addresses with balances!','No tracked addresses!')[showempty])
@@ -977,10 +978,11 @@ class MMGenToolCmdRPC(MMGenToolCmds):
 				wide = False,
 				minconf = 1,
 				sort = 'age',
-				age_fmt: _options_annot_str(TwUnspentOutputs.age_fmts) = 'confs',
+				age_fmt: _options_annot_str(TwCommon.age_fmts) = 'confs',
 				show_mmid = True,
 				wide_show_confs = True):
 		"view tracking wallet"
+		from .twuo import TwUnspentOutputs
 		twuo = await TwUnspentOutputs(self.proto,minconf=minconf)
 		await twuo.get_unspent_data(reverse_sort=reverse)
 		twuo.age_fmt = age_fmt
@@ -994,7 +996,7 @@ class MMGenToolCmdRPC(MMGenToolCmds):
 	async def add_label(self,mmgen_or_coin_addr:str,label:str):
 		"add descriptive label for address in tracking wallet"
-		from .tw import TrackingWallet
+		from .twctl import TrackingWallet
 		await (await TrackingWallet(self.proto,mode='w')).add_label(mmgen_or_coin_addr,label,on_fail='raise')
 		return True
@@ -1005,7 +1007,7 @@ class MMGenToolCmdRPC(MMGenToolCmds):
 	async def remove_address(self,mmgen_or_coin_addr:str):
 		"remove an address from tracking wallet"
-		from .tw import TrackingWallet
+		from .twctl import TrackingWallet
 		ret = await (await TrackingWallet(self.proto,mode='w')).remove_address(mmgen_or_coin_addr) # returns None on failure
 		if ret:
 			msg(f'Address {ret!r} deleted from tracking wallet')

+ 34 - 1053

@@ -17,39 +17,45 @@
 # along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-tw: Tracking wallet methods for the MMGen suite
+tw: Tracking wallet dependency classes for the MMGen suite
-import os,json,time
-from collections import namedtuple
+import time
 from string import ascii_letters,digits
-from .globalvars import g
-from .color import red,yellow,green
-from .exception import BadTwLabel,BadTwComment,BadAgeFormat,WalletFileError
-from .util import (
-	msg,
-	msg_r,
-	dmsg,
-	die,
-	capfirst,
-	suf,
-	fmt,
-	make_timestr,
-	check_or_create_dir,
-	keypress_confirm,
-	write_data_to_file,
-	get_data_from_file,
-	line_input,
-	do_pager,
-	write_mode,
-	altcoin_subclass
-from .base_obj import AsyncInit
+from .exception import BadTwLabel,BadTwComment
 from .objmethods import Hilite,InitErrors,MMGenObject
-from .obj import ImmutableAttr,ListItemAttr,MMGenListItem,MMGenList,MMGenDict,TwComment,get_obj
-from .addr import CoinAddr,MMGenID,AddrIdx,is_mmgen_id,is_coin_addr
-from .rpc import rpc_init
+from .obj import TwComment
+from .addr import MMGenID
+# mixin class for TwUnspentOutputs,TwAddrList:
+class TwCommon:
+	age_fmts = ('confs','block','days','date','date_time')
+	date_formatter = {
+		'days':      lambda rpc,secs: (rpc.cur_date - secs) // 86400,
+		'date':      lambda rpc,secs: '{}-{:02}-{:02}'.format(*time.gmtime(secs)[:3])[2:],
+		'date_time': lambda rpc,secs: '{}-{:02}-{:02} {:02}:{:02}'.format(*time.gmtime(secs)[:5]),
+	}
+	def age_disp(self,o,age_fmt):
+		if age_fmt == 'confs':
+			return o.confs
+		elif age_fmt == 'block':
+			return self.rpc.blockcount - (o.confs - 1)
+		else:
+			return self.date_formatter[age_fmt](self.rpc,
+	@staticmethod
+	async def set_dates(rpc,us):
+		if rpc.proto.base_proto != 'Bitcoin':
+			return
+		if us and us[0].date is None:
+			# 'blocktime' differs from 'time', is same as getblockheader['time']
+			dates = [o['blocktime'] for o in await rpc.gathered_call('gettransaction',[(o.txid,) for o in us])]
+			for idx,o in enumerate(us):
+ = dates[idx]
 class TwMMGenID(str,Hilite,InitErrors,MMGenObject):
 	color = 'orange'
@@ -109,1028 +115,3 @@ def get_tw_label(proto,s):
 	except Exception as e:
 #		print(e)
 		return None
-class TwUnspentOutputs(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
-	def __new__(cls,proto,*args,**kwargs):
-		return MMGenObject.__new__(altcoin_subclass(cls,proto,'tw'))
-	txid_w = 64
-	disp_type = 'btc'
-	can_group = True
-	hdr_fmt = 'UNSPENT OUTPUTS (sort order: {}) Total {}: {}'
-	desc = 'unspent outputs'
-	item_desc = 'unspent output'
-	dump_fn_pfx = 'listunspent'
-	prompt_fs = 'Total to spend, excluding fees: {} {}\n\n'
-	prompt = """
-Sort options: [t]xid, [a]mount, a[d]dress, [A]ge, [r]everse, [M]mgen addr
-Display options: toggle [D]ays/date, show [g]roup, show [m]mgen addr, r[e]draw
-Actions: [q]uit view, [p]rint to file, pager [v]iew, [w]ide view, add [l]abel:
-	key_mappings = {
-		't':'s_txid','a':'s_amt','d':'s_addr','A':'s_age','r':'d_reverse','M':'s_twmmid',
-		'D':'d_days','g':'d_group','m':'d_mmid','e':'d_redraw',
-		'q':'a_quit','p':'a_print','v':'a_view','w':'a_view_wide','l':'a_lbl_add' }
-	col_adj = 38
-	age_fmts = ('confs','block','days','date','date_time')
-	age_fmts_date_dependent = ('days','date','date_time')
-	age_fmts_interactive = ('confs','block','days','date')
-	_age_fmt = 'confs'
-	class MMGenTwOutputList(list,MMGenObject): pass
-	class MMGenTwUnspentOutput(MMGenListItem):
-		txid         = ListItemAttr('CoinTxID')
-		vout         = ListItemAttr(int,typeconv=False)
-		amt          = ImmutableAttr(None)
-		amt2         = ListItemAttr(None)
-		label        = ListItemAttr('TwComment',reassign_ok=True)
-		twmmid       = ImmutableAttr(TwMMGenID,include_proto=True)
-		addr         = ImmutableAttr(CoinAddr,include_proto=True)
-		confs        = ImmutableAttr(int,typeconv=False)
-		date         = ListItemAttr(int,typeconv=False,reassign_ok=True)
-		scriptPubKey = ImmutableAttr('HexStr')
-		skip         = ListItemAttr(str,typeconv=False,reassign_ok=True)
-		# required by gen_unspent(); setting valid_attrs explicitly is also more efficient
-		valid_attrs = {'txid','vout','amt','amt2','label','twmmid','addr','confs','date','scriptPubKey','skip'}
-		invalid_attrs = {'proto'}
-		def __init__(self,proto,**kwargs):
-			self.__dict__['proto'] = proto
-			MMGenListItem.__init__(self,**kwargs)
-		class conv_funcs:
-			def amt(self,value):
-				return self.proto.coin_amt(value)
-			def amt2(self,value):
-				return self.proto.coin_amt(value)
-	async def __init__(self,proto,minconf=1,addrs=[]):
-		self.proto        = proto
-		self.unspent      = self.MMGenTwOutputList()
-		self.fmt_display  = ''
-		self.fmt_print    = ''
-		self.cols         = None
-		self.reverse      = False
-        = False
-		self.show_mmid    = True
-		self.minconf      = minconf
-		self.addrs        = addrs
-		self.sort_key     = 'age'
-		self.disp_prec    = self.get_display_precision()
-		self.rpc          = await rpc_init(proto)
-		self.wallet = await TrackingWallet(proto,mode='w')
-		if self.disp_type == 'token':
-			self.proto.tokensym = self.wallet.symbol
-	@property
-	def age_fmt(self):
-		return self._age_fmt
-	@age_fmt.setter
-	def age_fmt(self,val):
-		if val not in self.age_fmts:
-			raise BadAgeFormat(f'{val!r}: invalid age format (must be one of {self.age_fmts!r})')
-		self._age_fmt = val
-	def get_display_precision(self):
-		return self.proto.coin_amt.max_prec
-	@property
-	def total(self):
-		return sum(i.amt for i in self.unspent)
-	async def get_unspent_rpc(self):
-		# bitcoin-cli help listunspent:
-		# Arguments:
-		# 1. minconf        (numeric, optional, default=1) The minimum confirmations to filter
-		# 2. maxconf        (numeric, optional, default=9999999) The maximum confirmations to filter
-		# 3. addresses      (json array, optional, default=empty array) A json array of bitcoin addresses
-		# 4. include_unsafe (boolean, optional, default=true) Include outputs that are not safe to spend
-		# 5. query_options  (json object, optional) JSON with query options
-		# for now, self.addrs is just an empty list for Bitcoin and friends
-		add_args = (9999999,self.addrs) if self.addrs else ()
-		return await'listunspent',self.minconf,*add_args)
-	async def get_unspent_data(self,sort_key=None,reverse_sort=False):
-		us_raw = await self.get_unspent_rpc()
-		if not us_raw:
-			die(0,fmt(f"""
-				No spendable outputs found!  Import addresses with balances into your
-				watch-only wallet using '{g.proj_name.lower()}-addrimport' and then re-run this program.
-			""").strip())
-		lbl_id = ('account','label')['label_api' in self.rpc.caps]
-		def gen_unspent():
-			for o in us_raw:
-				if not lbl_id in o:
-					continue # coinbase outputs have no account field
-				l = get_tw_label(self.proto,o[lbl_id])
-				if l:
-					o.update({
-						'twmmid': l.mmid,
-						'label':  l.comment or '',
-						'amt':    self.proto.coin_amt(o['amount']),
-						'addr':   CoinAddr(self.proto,o['address']),
-						'confs':  o['confirmations']
-					})
-					yield self.MMGenTwUnspentOutput(
-						self.proto,
-						**{ k:v for k,v in o.items() if k in self.MMGenTwUnspentOutput.valid_attrs } )
-		self.unspent = self.MMGenTwOutputList(gen_unspent())
-		if not self.unspent:
-			die(1, f'No tracked {self.item_desc}s in tracking wallet!')
-		self.do_sort(key=sort_key,reverse=reverse_sort)
-	def do_sort(self,key=None,reverse=False):
-		sort_funcs = {
-			'addr':  lambda i: i.addr,
-			'age':   lambda i: 0 - i.confs,
-			'amt':   lambda i: i.amt,
-			'txid':  lambda i: f'{i.txid} {i.vout:04}',
-			'twmmid':  lambda i: i.twmmid.sort_key
-		}
-		key = key or self.sort_key
-		if key not in sort_funcs:
-			die(1,f'{key!r}: invalid sort key.  Valid options: {" ".join(sort_funcs.keys())}')
-		self.sort_key = key
-		assert type(reverse) == bool
-		self.unspent.sort(key=sort_funcs[key],reverse=reverse or self.reverse)
-	def sort_info(self,include_group=True):
-		ret = ([],['Reverse'])[self.reverse]
-		ret.append(capfirst(self.sort_key).replace('Twmmid','MMGenID'))
-		if include_group and and (self.sort_key in ('addr','txid','twmmid')):
-			ret.append('Grouped')
-		return ret
-	def set_term_columns(self):
-		from .term import get_terminal_size
-		while True:
-			self.cols = g.terminal_width or get_terminal_size().width
-			if self.cols >= g.min_screen_width:
-				break
-			line_input(
-				'Screen too narrow to display the tracking wallet\n'
-				+ f'Please resize your screen to at least {g.min_screen_width} characters and hit ENTER ' )
-	def get_display_constants(self):
-		unsp = self.unspent
-		for i in unsp:
-			i.skip = ''
-		# allow for 7-digit confirmation nums
-		col1_w = max(3,len(str(len(unsp)))+1) # num + ')'
-		mmid_w = max(len(('',i.twmmid)[i.twmmid.type=='mmgen']) for i in unsp) or 12 # DEADBEEF:S:1
-		max_acct_w = max(i.label.screen_width for i in unsp) + mmid_w + 1
-		max_btcaddr_w = max(len(i.addr) for i in unsp)
-		min_addr_w = self.cols - self.col_adj
-		addr_w = min(max_btcaddr_w + (0,1+max_acct_w)[self.show_mmid],min_addr_w)
-		acct_w = min(max_acct_w, max(24,addr_w-10))
-		btaddr_w = addr_w - acct_w - 1
-		label_w = acct_w - mmid_w - 1
-		tx_w = min(self.txid_w,self.cols-addr_w-29-col1_w) # min=6 TODO
-		txdots = ('','..')[tx_w < self.txid_w]
-		dc = namedtuple('display_constants',['col1_w','mmid_w','addr_w','btaddr_w','label_w','tx_w','txdots'])
-		return dc(col1_w,mmid_w,addr_w,btaddr_w,label_w,tx_w,txdots)
-	@staticmethod
-	async def set_dates(rpc,us):
-		if rpc.proto.base_proto != 'Bitcoin':
-			return
-		if us and us[0].date is None:
-			# 'blocktime' differs from 'time', is same as getblockheader['time']
-			dates = [o['blocktime'] for o in await rpc.gathered_call('gettransaction',[(o.txid,) for o in us])]
-			for idx,o in enumerate(us):
- = dates[idx]
-	async def format_for_display(self):
-		unsp = self.unspent
-		if self.age_fmt in self.age_fmts_date_dependent:
-			await self.set_dates(self.rpc,unsp)
-		self.set_term_columns()
-		c = getattr(self,'display_constants',None)
-		if not c:
-			c = self.display_constants = self.get_display_constants()
-		if and (self.sort_key in ('addr','txid','twmmid')):
-			for a,b in [(unsp[i],unsp[i+1]) for i in range(len(unsp)-1)]:
-				for k in ('addr','txid','twmmid'):
-					if self.sort_key == k and getattr(a,k) == getattr(b,k):
-						b.skip = (k,'addr')[k=='twmmid']
-		def gen_output():
-			yield self.hdr_fmt.format(' '.join(self.sort_info()),self.proto.dcoin,
-			if self.proto.chain_name != 'mainnet':
-				yield 'Chain: '+green(self.proto.chain_name.upper())
-			fs = {  'btc':   ' {n:%s} {t:%s} {v:2} {a} {A} {c:<}' % (c.col1_w,c.tx_w),
-					'eth':   ' {n:%s} {a} {A}' % c.col1_w,
-					'token': ' {n:%s} {a} {A} {A2}' % c.col1_w }[self.disp_type]
-			fs_hdr = ' {n:%s} {t:%s} {a} {A} {c:<}' % (c.col1_w,c.tx_w) if self.disp_type == 'btc' else fs
-			date_hdr = {
-				'confs':     'Confs',
-				'block':     'Block',
-				'days':      'Age(d)',
-				'date':      'Date',
-				'date_time': 'Date',
-			}
-			yield fs_hdr.format(
-				n  = 'Num',
-				t  = 'TXid'.ljust(c.tx_w - 2) + ' Vout',
-				a  = 'Address'.ljust(c.addr_w),
-				A  = f'Amt({self.proto.dcoin})'.ljust(self.disp_prec+5),
-				A2 = f' Amt({self.proto.coin})'.ljust(self.disp_prec+4),
-				c  =  date_hdr[self.age_fmt],
-				).rstrip()
-			for n,i in enumerate(unsp):
-				addr_dots = '|' + '.'*(c.addr_w-1)
-				mmid_disp = MMGenID.fmtc(
-					(
-						'.'*c.mmid_w if i.skip == 'addr' else
-						i.twmmid if i.twmmid.type == 'mmgen' else
-						f'Non-{g.proj_name}'
-					),
-					width = c.mmid_w,
-					color = True )
-				if self.show_mmid:
-					addr_out = '{} {}{}'.format((
-						type(i.addr).fmtc(addr_dots,width=c.btaddr_w,color=True) if i.skip == 'addr' else
-						i.addr.fmt(width=c.btaddr_w,color=True)
-					),
-						mmid_disp,
-						(' ' + i.label.fmt(width=c.label_w,color=True)) if c.label_w > 0 else ''
-					)
-				else:
-					addr_out = (
-						type(i.addr).fmtc(addr_dots,width=c.addr_w,color=True) if i.skip=='addr' else
-						i.addr.fmt(width=c.addr_w,color=True) )
-				yield fs.format(
-					n  = str(n+1)+')',
-					t  = (
-						'' if not i.txid else
-						' ' * (c.tx_w-4) + '|...' if i.skip  == 'txid' else
-						i.txid[:c.tx_w-len(c.txdots)] + c.txdots ),
-					v  = i.vout,
-					a  = addr_out,
-					A  = i.amt.fmt(color=True,prec=self.disp_prec),
-					A2 = (i.amt2.fmt(color=True,prec=self.disp_prec) if i.amt2 is not None else ''),
-					c  = self.age_disp(i,self.age_fmt),
-					).rstrip()
-		self.fmt_display = '\n'.join(gen_output()) + '\n'
-		return self.fmt_display
-	async def format_for_printing(self,color=False,show_confs=True):
-		await self.set_dates(self.rpc,self.unspent)
-		addr_w = max(len(i.addr) for i in self.unspent)
-		mmid_w = max(len(('',i.twmmid)[i.twmmid.type=='mmgen']) for i in self.unspent) or 12 # DEADBEEF:S:1
-		amt_w = self.proto.coin_amt.max_prec + 5
-		cfs = '{c:<8} ' if show_confs else ''
-		fs = {
-			'btc': (' {n:4} {t:%s} {a} {m} {A:%s} ' + cfs + '{b:<8} {D:<19} {l}') % (self.txid_w+3,amt_w),
-			'eth':   ' {n:4} {a} {m} {A:%s} {l}' % amt_w,
-			'token': ' {n:4} {a} {m} {A:%s} {A2:%s} {l}' % (amt_w,amt_w)
-			}[self.disp_type]
-		def gen_output():
-			yield fs.format(
-				n  = 'Num',
-				t  = 'Tx ID,Vout',
-				a  = 'Address'.ljust(addr_w),
-				m  = 'MMGen ID'.ljust(mmid_w),
-				A  = f'Amount({self.proto.dcoin})',
-				A2 = f'Amount({self.proto.coin})',
-				c  = 'Confs',  # skipped for eth
-				b  = 'Block',  # skipped for eth
-				D  = 'Date',
-				l  = 'Label' )
-			max_lbl_len = max([len(i.label) for i in self.unspent if i.label] or [2])
-			for n,i in enumerate(self.unspent):
-				yield fs.format(
-					n  = str(n+1) + ')',
-					t  = '{},{}'.format(
-							('|'+'.'*63 if i.skip == 'txid' and else i.txid),
-							i.vout ),
-					a  = (
-						'|'+'.' * addr_w if i.skip == 'addr' and else
-						i.addr.fmt(color=color,width=addr_w) ),
-					m  = MMGenID.fmtc(
-							(i.twmmid if i.twmmid.type == 'mmgen' else f'Non-{g.proj_name}'),
-							width = mmid_w,
-							color = color ),
-					A  = i.amt.fmt(color=color),
-					A2 = ( i.amt2.fmt(color=color) if i.amt2 is not None else '' ),
-					c  = i.confs,
-					b  = self.rpc.blockcount - (i.confs - 1),
-					D  = self.age_disp(i,'date_time'),
-					l  = i.label.hl(color=color) if i.label else
-						TwComment.fmtc(
-							s        = '',
-							color    = color,
-							nullrepl = '-',
-							width    = max_lbl_len )
-					).rstrip()
-		fs2 = '{} (block #{}, {} UTC)\n{}Sort order: {}\n{}\n\nTotal {}: {}\n'
-		self.fmt_print = fs2.format(
-			capfirst(self.desc),
-			self.rpc.blockcount,
-			make_timestr(self.rpc.cur_date),
-			('' if self.proto.chain_name == 'mainnet' else
-			'Chain: {}\n'.format(green(self.proto.chain_name.upper())) ),
-			' '.join(self.sort_info(include_group=False)),
-			'\n'.join(gen_output()),
-			self.proto.dcoin,
- )
-		return self.fmt_print
-	def display_total(self):
-		msg('\nTotal unspent: {} {} ({} output{})'.format(
-			self.proto.dcoin,
-			len(self.unspent),
-			suf(self.unspent) ))
-	def get_idx_from_user(self,action):
-		msg('')
-		while True:
-			ret = line_input(f'Enter {self.item_desc} number (or RETURN to return to main menu): ')
-			if ret == '':
-				return (None,None) if action == 'a_lbl_add' else None
-			n = get_obj(AddrIdx,n=ret,silent=True)
-			if not n or n < 1 or n > len(self.unspent):
-				msg(f'Choice must be a single number between 1 and {len(self.unspent)}')
-			else:
-				if action == 'a_lbl_add':
-					cur_lbl = self.unspent[n-1].label
-					msg('Current label: {}'.format(cur_lbl.hl() if cur_lbl else '(none)'))
-					while True:
-						s = line_input(
-							"Enter label text (or 'q' to return to main menu): ",
-							insert_txt = cur_lbl )
-						if s == 'q':
-							return None,None
-						elif s == '':
-							if keypress_confirm(
-									f'Removing label for {self.item_desc} #{n}.  Is this what you want?'):
-								return n,s
-						elif s:
-							if get_obj(TwComment,s=s):
-								return n,s
-				else:
-					if action == 'a_addr_delete':
-						fs = 'Removing {} #{} from tracking wallet.  Is this what you want?'
-					elif action == 'a_balance_refresh':
-						fs = 'Refreshing tracking wallet {} #{}.  Is this what you want?'
-					if keypress_confirm(fs.format(self.item_desc,n)):
-						return n
-	async def view_and_sort(self,tx):
-		from .term import get_char
-		prompt = self.prompt.strip() + '\b'
-		no_output,oneshot_msg = False,None
-		from .opts import opt
-		CUR_HOME,ERASE_ALL = '\033[H','\033[0J'
-		CUR_RIGHT = lambda n: f'\033[{n}C'
-		while True:
-			msg_r('' if no_output else '\n\n' if opt.no_blank else CUR_HOME+ERASE_ALL)
-			reply = get_char(
-				'' if no_output else await self.format_for_display()+'\n'+(oneshot_msg or '')+prompt,
-				immed_chars=''.join(self.key_mappings.keys())
-			)
-			no_output = False
-			oneshot_msg = '' if oneshot_msg else None # tristate, saves previous state
-			if reply not in self.key_mappings:
-				msg_r('\ninvalid keypress ')
-				time.sleep(0.5)
-				continue
-			action = self.key_mappings[reply]
-			if action[:2] == 's_':
-				self.do_sort(action[2:])
-				if action == 's_twmmid': self.show_mmid = True
-			elif action == 'd_days':
-				af = self.age_fmts_interactive
-				self.age_fmt = af[(af.index(self.age_fmt) + 1) % len(af)]
-			elif action == 'd_mmid':
-				self.show_mmid = not self.show_mmid
-			elif action == 'd_group':
-				if self.can_group:
- = not
-			elif action == 'd_redraw':
-				pass
-			elif action == 'd_reverse':
-				self.unspent.reverse()
-				self.reverse = not self.reverse
-			elif action == 'a_quit':
-				msg('')
-				return self.unspent
-			elif action == 'a_balance_refresh':
-				idx = self.get_idx_from_user(action)
-				if idx:
-					e = self.unspent[idx-1]
-					bal = await self.wallet.get_balance(e.addr,force_rpc=True)
-					await self.get_unspent_data()
-					oneshot_msg = yellow(f'{self.proto.dcoin} balance for account #{idx} refreshed\n\n')
-				self.display_constants = self.get_display_constants()
-			elif action == 'a_lbl_add':
-				idx,lbl = self.get_idx_from_user(action)
-				if idx:
-					e = self.unspent[idx-1]
-					if await self.wallet.add_label(e.twmmid,lbl,addr=e.addr):
-						await self.get_unspent_data()
-						oneshot_msg = yellow('Label {} {} #{}\n\n'.format(
-							('added to' if lbl else 'removed from'),
-							self.item_desc,
-							idx ))
-					else:
-						oneshot_msg = red('Label could not be added\n\n')
-				self.display_constants = self.get_display_constants()
-			elif action == 'a_addr_delete':
-				idx = self.get_idx_from_user(action)
-				if idx:
-					e = self.unspent[idx-1]
-					if await self.wallet.remove_address(e.addr):
-						await self.get_unspent_data()
-						oneshot_msg = yellow(f'{capfirst(self.item_desc)} #{idx} removed\n\n')
-					else:
-						oneshot_msg = red('Address could not be removed\n\n')
-				self.display_constants = self.get_display_constants()
-			elif action == 'a_print':
-				of = '{}-{}[{}].out'.format(
-					self.dump_fn_pfx,
-					self.proto.dcoin,
-					','.join(self.sort_info(include_group=False)).lower() )
-				msg('')
-				try:
-					write_data_to_file(
-						of,
-						await self.format_for_printing(),
-						desc = f'{self.desc} listing' )
-				except UserNonConfirmation as e:
-					oneshot_msg = red(f'File {of!r} not overwritten by user request\n\n')
-				else:
-					oneshot_msg = yellow(f'Data written to {of!r}\n\n')
-			elif action in ('a_view','a_view_wide'):
-				do_pager(
-					self.fmt_display if action == 'a_view' else
-					await self.format_for_printing(color=True) )
-				if g.platform == 'linux' and oneshot_msg == None:
-					msg_r(CUR_RIGHT(len(prompt.split('\n')[-1])-2))
-					no_output = True
-	def age_disp(self,o,age_fmt):
-		if age_fmt == 'confs':
-			return o.confs
-		elif age_fmt == 'block':
-			return self.rpc.blockcount - (o.confs - 1)
-		else:
-			return self.date_formatter[age_fmt](self.rpc,
-	date_formatter = {
-		'days':      lambda rpc,secs: (rpc.cur_date - secs) // 86400,
-		'date':      lambda rpc,secs: '{}-{:02}-{:02}'.format(*time.gmtime(secs)[:3])[2:],
-		'date_time': lambda rpc,secs: '{}-{:02}-{:02} {:02}:{:02}'.format(*time.gmtime(secs)[:5]),
-	}
-class TwAddrList(MMGenDict,metaclass=AsyncInit):
-	has_age = True
-	age_fmts = TwUnspentOutputs.age_fmts
-	age_disp = TwUnspentOutputs.age_disp
-	date_formatter = TwUnspentOutputs.date_formatter
-	def __new__(cls,proto,*args,**kwargs):
-		return MMGenDict.__new__(altcoin_subclass(cls,proto,'tw'),*args,**kwargs)
-	async def __init__(self,proto,usr_addr_list,minconf,showempty,showbtcaddrs,all_labels,wallet=None):
-		def check_dup_mmid(acct_labels):
-			mmid_prev,err = None,False
-			for mmid in sorted(a.mmid for a in acct_labels if a):
-				if mmid == mmid_prev:
-					err = True
-					msg(f'Duplicate MMGen ID ({mmid}) discovered in tracking wallet!\n')
-				mmid_prev = mmid
-			if err: rdie(3,'Tracking wallet is corrupted!')
-		def check_addr_array_lens(acct_pairs):
-			err = False
-			for label,addrs in acct_pairs:
-				if not label: continue
-				if len(addrs) != 1:
-					err = True
-					if len(addrs) == 0:
-						msg(f'Label {label!r}: has no associated address!')
-					else:
-						msg(f'{addrs!r}: more than one {proto.coin} address in account!')
-			if err: rdie(3,'Tracking wallet is corrupted!')
-		self.rpc   = await rpc_init(proto)
- = proto.coin_amt('0')
-		self.proto = proto
-		lbl_id = ('account','label')['label_api' in self.rpc.caps]
-		for d in await'listunspent',0):
-			if not lbl_id in d: continue  # skip coinbase outputs with missing account
-			if d['confirmations'] < minconf: continue
-			label = get_tw_label(proto,d[lbl_id])
-			if label:
-				lm = label.mmid
-				if usr_addr_list and (lm not in usr_addr_list):
-					continue
-				if lm in self:
-					if self[lm]['addr'] != d['address']:
-						die(2,'duplicate {} address ({}) for this MMGen address! ({})'.format(
-							proto.coin,
-							d['address'],
-							self[lm]['addr'] ))
-				else:
-					lm.confs = d['confirmations']
-					lm.txid = d['txid']
- = None
-					self[lm] = {
-						'amt': proto.coin_amt('0'),
-						'lbl': label,
-						'addr': CoinAddr(proto,d['address']) }
-				amt = proto.coin_amt(d['amount'])
-				self[lm]['amt'] += amt
- += amt
-		# We use listaccounts only for empty addresses, as it shows false positive balances
-		if showempty or all_labels:
-			# for compatibility with old mmids, must use raw RPC rather than native data for matching
-			# args: minconf,watchonly, MUST use keys() so we get list, not dict
-			if 'label_api' in self.rpc.caps:
-				acct_list = await'listlabels')
-				aa = await self.rpc.batch_call('getaddressesbylabel',[(k,) for k in acct_list])
-				acct_addrs = [list(a.keys()) for a in aa]
-			else:
-				acct_list = list((await'listaccounts',0,True)).keys()) # raw list, no 'L'
-				acct_addrs = await self.rpc.batch_call('getaddressesbyaccount',[(a,) for a in acct_list]) # use raw list here
-			acct_labels = MMGenList([get_tw_label(proto,a) for a in acct_list])
-			check_dup_mmid(acct_labels)
-			assert len(acct_list) == len(acct_addrs),(
-				'listaccounts() and getaddressesbyaccount() not equal in length')
-			addr_pairs = list(zip(acct_labels,acct_addrs))
-			check_addr_array_lens(addr_pairs)
-			for label,addr_arr in addr_pairs:
-				if not label: continue
-				if all_labels and not showempty and not label.comment: continue
-				if usr_addr_list and (label.mmid not in usr_addr_list): continue
-				if label.mmid not in self:
-					self[label.mmid] = { 'amt':proto.coin_amt('0'), 'lbl':label, 'addr':'' }
-					if showbtcaddrs:
-						self[label.mmid]['addr'] = CoinAddr(proto,addr_arr[0])
-	def raw_list(self):
-		return [((k if k.type == 'mmgen' else 'Non-MMGen'),self[k]['addr'],self[k]['amt']) for k in self]
-	def coinaddr_list(self):
-		return [self[k]['addr'] for k in self]
-	async def format(self,showbtcaddrs,sort,show_age,age_fmt):
-		if not self.has_age:
-			show_age = False
-		if age_fmt not in self.age_fmts:
-			raise BadAgeFormat(f'{age_fmt!r}: invalid age format (must be one of {self.age_fmts!r})')
-		fs = '{mid}' + ('',' {addr}')[showbtcaddrs] + ' {cmt} {amt}' + ('',' {age}')[show_age]
-		mmaddrs = [k for k in self.keys() if k.type == 'mmgen']
-		max_mmid_len = max(len(k) for k in mmaddrs) + 2 if mmaddrs else 10
-		max_cmt_width = max(max(v['lbl'].comment.screen_width for v in self.values()),7)
-		addr_width = max(len(self[mmid]['addr']) for mmid in self)
-		max_fp_len = max([len(a.split('.')[1]) for a in [str(v['amt']) for v in self.values()] if '.' in a] or [1])
-		def sort_algo(j):
-			if sort and 'age' in sort:
-				return '{}_{:>012}_{}'.format(
-					j.obj.rsplit(':',1)[0],
-					# Hack, but OK for the foreseeable future:
-					(1000000000-(j.confs or 0) if hasattr(j,'confs') else 0),
-					j.sort_key)
-			else:
-				return j.sort_key
-		mmids = sorted(self,key=sort_algo,reverse=bool(sort and 'reverse' in sort))
-		if show_age:
-			await TwUnspentOutputs.set_dates(
-				self.rpc,
-				[o for o in mmids if hasattr(o,'confs')] )
-		def gen_output():
-			if self.proto.chain_name != 'mainnet':
-				yield 'Chain: '+green(self.proto.chain_name.upper())
-			yield fs.format(
-					mid=MMGenID.fmtc('MMGenID',width=max_mmid_len),
-					addr=(CoinAddr.fmtc('ADDRESS',width=addr_width) if showbtcaddrs else None),
-					cmt=TwComment.fmtc('COMMENT',width=max_cmt_width+1),
-					amt='BALANCE'.ljust(max_fp_len+4),
-					age=age_fmt.upper(),
-				).rstrip()
-			al_id_save = None
-			for mmid in mmids:
-				if mmid.type == 'mmgen':
-					if al_id_save and al_id_save != mmid.obj.al_id:
-						yield ''
-					al_id_save = mmid.obj.al_id
-					mmid_disp = mmid
-				else:
-					if al_id_save:
-						yield ''
-						al_id_save = None
-					mmid_disp = 'Non-MMGen'
-				e = self[mmid]
-				yield fs.format(
-					mid=MMGenID.fmtc(mmid_disp,width=max_mmid_len,color=True),
-					addr=(e['addr'].fmt(color=True,width=addr_width) if showbtcaddrs else None),
-					cmt=e['lbl'].comment.fmt(width=max_cmt_width,color=True,nullrepl='-'),
-					amt=e['amt'].fmt('4.{}'.format(max(max_fp_len,3)),color=True),
-					age=self.age_disp(mmid,age_fmt) if show_age and hasattr(mmid,'confs') else '-'
-					).rstrip()
-			yield '\nTOTAL: {} {}'.format(
-				self.proto.dcoin )
-		return '\n'.join(gen_output())
-class TrackingWallet(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
-	caps = ('rescan','batch')
-	data_key = 'addresses'
-	use_tw_file = False
-	aggressive_sync = False
-	importing = False
-	def __new__(cls,proto,*args,**kwargs):
-		return MMGenObject.__new__(altcoin_subclass(cls,proto,'tw'))
-	async def __init__(self,proto,mode='r',token_addr=None):
-		assert mode in ('r','w','i'), f"{mode!r}: wallet mode must be 'r','w' or 'i'"
-		if mode == 'i':
-			self.importing = True
-			mode = 'w'
-		if g.debug:
-			print_stack_trace(f'TW INIT {mode!r} {self!r}')
-		self.rpc = await rpc_init(proto) # TODO: create on demand - only certain ops require RPC
-		self.proto = proto
-		self.mode = mode
-		self.desc = self.base_desc = f'{} tracking wallet'
-		if self.use_tw_file:
-			self.init_from_wallet_file()
-		else:
-			self.init_empty()
-		if['coin'] != self.proto.coin: # TODO remove?
-			raise WalletFileError(
-				'Tracking wallet coin ({}) does not match current coin ({})!'.format(
-					self.proto.coin ))
-		self.conv_types([self.data_key])
-		self.cur_balances = {} # cache balances to prevent repeated lookups per program invocation
-	def init_empty(self):
- = { 'coin': self.proto.coin, 'addresses': {} }
-	def init_from_wallet_file(self):
-		tw_dir = (
-			os.path.join(g.data_dir) if self.proto.coin == 'BTC' else
-			os.path.join(
-				g.data_dir_root,
-				'altcoins',
-				self.proto.coin.lower(),
-				('' if == 'mainnet' else 'testnet')
-			))
-		self.tw_fn = os.path.join(tw_dir,'tracking-wallet.json')
-		check_or_create_dir(tw_dir)
-		try:
-			self.orig_data = get_data_from_file(self.tw_fn,quiet=True)
- = json.loads(self.orig_data)
-		except:
-			try: os.stat(self.tw_fn)
-			except:
-				self.orig_data = ''
-				self.init_empty()
-				self.force_write()
-			else:
-				raise WalletFileError(f'File {self.tw_fn!r} exists but does not contain valid json data')
-		else:
-			self.upgrade_wallet_maybe()
-		# ensure that wallet file is written when user exits via KeyboardInterrupt:
-		if self.mode == 'w':
-			import atexit
-			def del_tw(tw):
-				dmsg(f'Running exit handler del_tw() for {tw!r}')
-				del tw
-			atexit.register(del_tw,self)
-	def __del__(self):
-		"""
-		TrackingWallet instances opened in write or import mode must be explicitly destroyed
-		with 'del tw', 'del twuo.wallet' and the like to ensure the instance is deleted and
-		wallet is written before global vars are destroyed by the interpreter at shutdown.
-		Not that this code can only be debugged by examining the program output, as exceptions
-		are ignored within __del__():
-			/usr/share/doc/python3.6-doc/html/reference/datamodel.html#object.__del__
-		Since no exceptions are raised, errors will not be caught by the test suite.
-		"""
-		if g.debug:
-			print_stack_trace(f'TW DEL {self!r}')
-		if getattr(self,'mode',None) == 'w': # mode attr might not exist in this state
-			self.write()
-		elif g.debug:
-			msg('read-only wallet, doing nothing')
-	def upgrade_wallet_maybe(self):
-		pass
-	def conv_types(self,ad):
-		for k,v in ad.items():
-			if k not in ('params','coin'):
-				v['mmid'] = TwMMGenID(self.proto,v['mmid'])
-				v['comment'] = TwComment(v['comment'])
-	@property
-	def data_root(self):
-		return[self.data_key]
-	@property
-	def data_root_desc(self):
-		return self.data_key
-	def cache_balance(self,addr,bal,session_cache,data_root,force=False):
-		if force or addr not in session_cache:
-			session_cache[addr] = str(bal)
-			if addr in data_root:
-				data_root[addr]['balance'] = str(bal)
-				if self.aggressive_sync:
-					self.write()
-	def get_cached_balance(self,addr,session_cache,data_root):
-		if addr in session_cache:
-			return self.proto.coin_amt(session_cache[addr])
-		if not g.cached_balances:
-			return None
-		if addr in data_root and 'balance' in data_root[addr]:
-			return self.proto.coin_amt(data_root[addr]['balance'])
-	async def get_balance(self,addr,force_rpc=False):
-		ret = None if force_rpc else self.get_cached_balance(addr,self.cur_balances,self.data_root)
-		if ret == None:
-			ret = await self.rpc_get_balance(addr)
-			self.cache_balance(addr,ret,self.cur_balances,self.data_root)
-		return ret
-	async def rpc_get_balance(self,addr):
-		raise NotImplementedError('not implemented')
-	@property
-	def sorted_list(self):
-		return sorted(
-			[ { 'addr':x[0],
-				'mmid':x[1]['mmid'],
-				'comment':x[1]['comment'] }
-					for x in self.data_root.items() if x[0] not in ('params','coin') ],
-			key=lambda x: x['mmid'].sort_key+x['addr'] )
-	@property
-	def mmid_ordered_dict(self):
-		return dict((x['mmid'],{'addr':x['addr'],'comment':x['comment']}) for x in self.sorted_list)
-	@write_mode
-	async def import_address(self,addr,label,rescan):
-		return await'importaddress',addr,label,rescan,timeout=(False,3600)[rescan])
-	@write_mode
-	def batch_import_address(self,arg_list):
-		return self.rpc.batch_call('importaddress',arg_list)
-	def force_write(self):
-		mode_save = self.mode
-		self.mode = 'w'
-		self.write()
-		self.mode = mode_save
-	@write_mode
-	def write_changed(self,data):
-		write_data_to_file(
-			self.tw_fn,
-			data,
-			desc              = f'{self.base_desc} data',
-			ask_overwrite     = False,
-			ignore_opt_outdir = True,
-			quiet             = True,
-			check_data        = True,
-			cmp_data          = self.orig_data )
-		self.orig_data = data
-	def write(self): # use 'check_data' to check wallet hasn't been altered by another program
-		if not self.use_tw_file:
-			dmsg("'use_tw_file' is False, doing nothing")
-			return
-		dmsg(f'write(): checking if {self.desc} data has changed')
-		wdata = json.dumps(
-		if self.orig_data != wdata:
-			if g.debug:
-				print_stack_trace(f'TW DATA CHANGED {self!r}')
-				print_diff(self.orig_data,wdata,from_json=True)
-			self.write_changed(wdata)
-		elif g.debug:
-			msg('Data is unchanged\n')
-	async def is_in_wallet(self,addr):
-		return addr in (await TwAddrList(self.proto,[],0,True,True,True,wallet=self)).coinaddr_list()
-	@write_mode
-	async def set_label(self,coinaddr,lbl):
-		# bitcoin-{abc,bchn} 'setlabel' RPC is broken, so use old 'importaddress' method to set label
-		# broken behavior: new label is set OK, but old label gets attached to another address
-		if 'label_api' in self.rpc.caps and self.proto.coin != 'BCH':
-			args = ('setlabel',coinaddr,lbl)
-		else:
-			# NOTE: this works because importaddress() removes the old account before
-			# associating the new account with the address.
-			# RPC args: addr,label,rescan[=true],p2sh[=none]
-			args = ('importaddress',coinaddr,lbl,False)
-		try:
-			return await*args)
-		except Exception as e:
-			rmsg(e.args[0])
-			return False
-	# returns on failure
-	@write_mode
-	async def add_label(self,arg1,label='',addr=None,silent=False,on_fail='return'):
-		assert on_fail in ('return','raise'), 'add_label_chk1'
-		mmaddr,coinaddr = None,None
-		if is_coin_addr(self.proto,addr or arg1):
-			coinaddr = get_obj(CoinAddr,proto=self.proto,addr=addr or arg1)
-		if is_mmgen_id(self.proto,arg1):
-			mmaddr = TwMMGenID(self.proto,arg1)
-		if mmaddr and not coinaddr:
-			from .addrdata import TwAddrData
-			coinaddr = (await TwAddrData(self.proto)).mmaddr2coinaddr(mmaddr)
-		try:
-			if not is_mmgen_id(self.proto,arg1):
-				assert coinaddr, f'Invalid coin address for this chain: {arg1}'
-			assert coinaddr, f'{g.proj_name} address {mmaddr!r} not found in tracking wallet'
-			assert await self.is_in_wallet(coinaddr), f'Address {coinaddr!r} not found in tracking wallet'
-		except Exception as e:
-			msg(str(e))
-			return False
-		# Allow for the possibility that BTC addr of MMGen addr was entered.
-		# Do reverse lookup, so that MMGen addr will not be marked as non-MMGen.
-		if not mmaddr:
-			from .addrdata import TwAddrData
-			mmaddr = (await TwAddrData(proto=self.proto)).coinaddr2mmaddr(coinaddr)
-		if not mmaddr:
-			mmaddr = f'{self.proto.base_coin.lower()}:{coinaddr}'
-		mmaddr = TwMMGenID(self.proto,mmaddr)
-		cmt = TwComment(label) if on_fail=='raise' else get_obj(TwComment,s=label)
-		if cmt in (False,None):
-			return False
-		lbl_txt = mmaddr + (' ' + cmt if cmt else '')
-		lbl = (
-			TwLabel(self.proto,lbl_txt) if on_fail == 'raise' else
-			get_obj(TwLabel,proto=self.proto,text=lbl_txt) )
-		if await self.set_label(coinaddr,lbl) == False:
-			if not silent:
-				msg( 'Label could not be {}'.format('added' if label else 'removed') )
-			return False
-		else:
-			desc = '{} address {} in tracking wallet'.format(
-				mmaddr.type.replace('mmg','MMG'),
-				mmaddr.replace(self.proto.base_coin.lower()+':','') )
-			if label:
-				msg(f'Added label {label!r} to {desc}')
-			else:
-				msg(f'Removed label from {desc}')
-			return True
-	@write_mode
-	async def remove_label(self,mmaddr):
-		await self.add_label(mmaddr,'')
-	@write_mode
-	async def remove_address(self,addr):
-		raise NotImplementedError(f'address removal not implemented for coin {self.proto.coin}')
-class TwGetBalance(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
-	fs = '{w:13} {u:<16} {p:<16} {c}'
-	def __new__(cls,proto,*args,**kwargs):
-		return MMGenObject.__new__(altcoin_subclass(cls,proto,'tw'))
-	async def __init__(self,proto,minconf,quiet):
-		self.minconf = minconf
-		self.quiet = quiet
- = {k:[proto.coin_amt('0')] * 4 for k in ('TOTAL','Non-MMGen','Non-wallet')}
-		self.rpc = await rpc_init(proto)
-		self.proto = proto
-		await self.create_data()
-	async def create_data(self):
-		# 0: unconfirmed, 1: below minconf, 2: confirmed, 3: spendable (privkey in wallet)
-		lbl_id = ('account','label')['label_api' in self.rpc.caps]
-		for d in await'listunspent',0):
-			lbl = get_tw_label(self.proto,d[lbl_id])
-			if lbl:
-				if lbl.mmid.type == 'mmgen':
-					key = lbl.mmid.obj.sid
-					if key not in
-[key] = [self.proto.coin_amt('0')] * 4
-				else:
-					key = 'Non-MMGen'
-			else:
-				lbl,key = None,'Non-wallet'
-			amt = self.proto.coin_amt(d['amount'])
-			if not d['confirmations']:
-['TOTAL'][0] += amt
-[key][0] += amt
-			conf_level = (1,2)[d['confirmations'] >= self.minconf]
-['TOTAL'][conf_level] += amt
-[key][conf_level] += amt
-			if d['spendable']:
-[key][3] += amt
-	def format(self):
-		def gen_output():
-			if self.proto.chain_name != 'mainnet':
-				yield 'Chain: ' + green(self.proto.chain_name.upper())
-			if self.quiet:
-				yield str(['TOTAL'][2] if else 0)
-			else:
-				yield self.fs.format(
-					w = 'Wallet',
-					u = ' Unconfirmed',
-					p = f' <{self.minconf} confirms',
-					c = f' >={self.minconf} confirms' )
-				for key in sorted(
-					if not any([key]):
-						continue
-					yield self.fs.format(**dict(zip(
-						('w','u','p','c'),
-						[key+':'] + [a.fmt(color=True,suf=' '+self.proto.dcoin) for a in[key]]
-						)))
-			for key,vals in list(
-				if key == 'TOTAL':
-					continue
-				if vals[3]:
-					yield red(f'Warning: this wallet contains PRIVATE KEYS for {key} outputs!')
-		return '\n'.join(gen_output()).rstrip()

+ 191 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# mmgen = Multi-Mode GENerator, command-line Bitcoin cold storage solution
+# Copyright (C)2013-2022 The MMGen Project <>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+twaddrs: Tracking wallet listaddresses class for the MMGen suite
+from .color import green
+from .exception import BadAgeFormat
+from .util import msg,die,altcoin_subclass
+from .base_obj import AsyncInit
+from .obj import MMGenList,MMGenDict,TwComment
+from .addr import CoinAddr,MMGenID
+from .rpc import rpc_init
+from .tw import TwCommon,get_tw_label
+class TwAddrList(MMGenDict,TwCommon,metaclass=AsyncInit):
+	has_age = True
+	def __new__(cls,proto,*args,**kwargs):
+		return MMGenDict.__new__(altcoin_subclass(cls,proto,'twaddrs'),*args,**kwargs)
+	async def __init__(self,proto,usr_addr_list,minconf,showempty,showbtcaddrs,all_labels,wallet=None):
+		def check_dup_mmid(acct_labels):
+			mmid_prev,err = None,False
+			for mmid in sorted(a.mmid for a in acct_labels if a):
+				if mmid == mmid_prev:
+					err = True
+					msg(f'Duplicate MMGen ID ({mmid}) discovered in tracking wallet!\n')
+				mmid_prev = mmid
+			if err: rdie(3,'Tracking wallet is corrupted!')
+		def check_addr_array_lens(acct_pairs):
+			err = False
+			for label,addrs in acct_pairs:
+				if not label: continue
+				if len(addrs) != 1:
+					err = True
+					if len(addrs) == 0:
+						msg(f'Label {label!r}: has no associated address!')
+					else:
+						msg(f'{addrs!r}: more than one {proto.coin} address in account!')
+			if err: rdie(3,'Tracking wallet is corrupted!')
+		self.rpc   = await rpc_init(proto)
+ = proto.coin_amt('0')
+		self.proto = proto
+		lbl_id = ('account','label')['label_api' in self.rpc.caps]
+		for d in await'listunspent',0):
+			if not lbl_id in d: continue  # skip coinbase outputs with missing account
+			if d['confirmations'] < minconf: continue
+			label = get_tw_label(proto,d[lbl_id])
+			if label:
+				lm = label.mmid
+				if usr_addr_list and (lm not in usr_addr_list):
+					continue
+				if lm in self:
+					if self[lm]['addr'] != d['address']:
+						die(2,'duplicate {} address ({}) for this MMGen address! ({})'.format(
+							proto.coin,
+							d['address'],
+							self[lm]['addr'] ))
+				else:
+					lm.confs = d['confirmations']
+					lm.txid = d['txid']
+ = None
+					self[lm] = {
+						'amt': proto.coin_amt('0'),
+						'lbl': label,
+						'addr': CoinAddr(proto,d['address']) }
+				amt = proto.coin_amt(d['amount'])
+				self[lm]['amt'] += amt
+ += amt
+		# We use listaccounts only for empty addresses, as it shows false positive balances
+		if showempty or all_labels:
+			# for compatibility with old mmids, must use raw RPC rather than native data for matching
+			# args: minconf,watchonly, MUST use keys() so we get list, not dict
+			if 'label_api' in self.rpc.caps:
+				acct_list = await'listlabels')
+				aa = await self.rpc.batch_call('getaddressesbylabel',[(k,) for k in acct_list])
+				acct_addrs = [list(a.keys()) for a in aa]
+			else:
+				acct_list = list((await'listaccounts',0,True)).keys()) # raw list, no 'L'
+				acct_addrs = await self.rpc.batch_call('getaddressesbyaccount',[(a,) for a in acct_list]) # use raw list here
+			acct_labels = MMGenList([get_tw_label(proto,a) for a in acct_list])
+			check_dup_mmid(acct_labels)
+			assert len(acct_list) == len(acct_addrs),(
+				'listaccounts() and getaddressesbyaccount() not equal in length')
+			addr_pairs = list(zip(acct_labels,acct_addrs))
+			check_addr_array_lens(addr_pairs)
+			for label,addr_arr in addr_pairs:
+				if not label: continue
+				if all_labels and not showempty and not label.comment: continue
+				if usr_addr_list and (label.mmid not in usr_addr_list): continue
+				if label.mmid not in self:
+					self[label.mmid] = { 'amt':proto.coin_amt('0'), 'lbl':label, 'addr':'' }
+					if showbtcaddrs:
+						self[label.mmid]['addr'] = CoinAddr(proto,addr_arr[0])
+	def raw_list(self):
+		return [((k if k.type == 'mmgen' else 'Non-MMGen'),self[k]['addr'],self[k]['amt']) for k in self]
+	def coinaddr_list(self):
+		return [self[k]['addr'] for k in self]
+	async def format(self,showbtcaddrs,sort,show_age,age_fmt):
+		if not self.has_age:
+			show_age = False
+		if age_fmt not in self.age_fmts:
+			raise BadAgeFormat(f'{age_fmt!r}: invalid age format (must be one of {self.age_fmts!r})')
+		fs = '{mid}' + ('',' {addr}')[showbtcaddrs] + ' {cmt} {amt}' + ('',' {age}')[show_age]
+		mmaddrs = [k for k in self.keys() if k.type == 'mmgen']
+		max_mmid_len = max(len(k) for k in mmaddrs) + 2 if mmaddrs else 10
+		max_cmt_width = max(max(v['lbl'].comment.screen_width for v in self.values()),7)
+		addr_width = max(len(self[mmid]['addr']) for mmid in self)
+		max_fp_len = max([len(a.split('.')[1]) for a in [str(v['amt']) for v in self.values()] if '.' in a] or [1])
+		def sort_algo(j):
+			if sort and 'age' in sort:
+				return '{}_{:>012}_{}'.format(
+					j.obj.rsplit(':',1)[0],
+					# Hack, but OK for the foreseeable future:
+					(1000000000-(j.confs or 0) if hasattr(j,'confs') else 0),
+					j.sort_key)
+			else:
+				return j.sort_key
+		mmids = sorted(self,key=sort_algo,reverse=bool(sort and 'reverse' in sort))
+		if show_age:
+			await self.set_dates(
+				self.rpc,
+				[o for o in mmids if hasattr(o,'confs')] )
+		def gen_output():
+			if self.proto.chain_name != 'mainnet':
+				yield 'Chain: '+green(self.proto.chain_name.upper())
+			yield fs.format(
+					mid=MMGenID.fmtc('MMGenID',width=max_mmid_len),
+					addr=(CoinAddr.fmtc('ADDRESS',width=addr_width) if showbtcaddrs else None),
+					cmt=TwComment.fmtc('COMMENT',width=max_cmt_width+1),
+					amt='BALANCE'.ljust(max_fp_len+4),
+					age=age_fmt.upper(),
+				).rstrip()
+			al_id_save = None
+			for mmid in mmids:
+				if mmid.type == 'mmgen':
+					if al_id_save and al_id_save != mmid.obj.al_id:
+						yield ''
+					al_id_save = mmid.obj.al_id
+					mmid_disp = mmid
+				else:
+					if al_id_save:
+						yield ''
+						al_id_save = None
+					mmid_disp = 'Non-MMGen'
+				e = self[mmid]
+				yield fs.format(
+					mid=MMGenID.fmtc(mmid_disp,width=max_mmid_len,color=True),
+					addr=(e['addr'].fmt(color=True,width=addr_width) if showbtcaddrs else None),
+					cmt=e['lbl'].comment.fmt(width=max_cmt_width,color=True,nullrepl='-'),
+					amt=e['amt'].fmt('4.{}'.format(max(max_fp_len,3)),color=True),
+					age=self.age_disp(mmid,age_fmt) if show_age and hasattr(mmid,'confs') else '-'
+					).rstrip()
+			yield '\nTOTAL: {} {}'.format(
+				self.proto.dcoin )
+		return '\n'.join(gen_output())

+ 103 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# mmgen = Multi-Mode GENerator, command-line Bitcoin cold storage solution
+# Copyright (C)2013-2022 The MMGen Project <>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+twbal: Tracking wallet getbalance class for the MMGen suite
+from .color import red,green
+from .util import altcoin_subclass
+from .base_obj import AsyncInit
+from .objmethods import MMGenObject
+from .rpc import rpc_init
+from .tw import get_tw_label
+class TwGetBalance(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
+	fs = '{w:13} {u:<16} {p:<16} {c}'
+	def __new__(cls,proto,*args,**kwargs):
+		return MMGenObject.__new__(altcoin_subclass(cls,proto,'twbal'))
+	async def __init__(self,proto,minconf,quiet):
+		self.minconf = minconf
+		self.quiet = quiet
+ = {k:[proto.coin_amt('0')] * 4 for k in ('TOTAL','Non-MMGen','Non-wallet')}
+		self.rpc = await rpc_init(proto)
+		self.proto = proto
+		await self.create_data()
+	async def create_data(self):
+		# 0: unconfirmed, 1: below minconf, 2: confirmed, 3: spendable (privkey in wallet)
+		lbl_id = ('account','label')['label_api' in self.rpc.caps]
+		for d in await'listunspent',0):
+			lbl = get_tw_label(self.proto,d[lbl_id])
+			if lbl:
+				if lbl.mmid.type == 'mmgen':
+					key = lbl.mmid.obj.sid
+					if key not in
+[key] = [self.proto.coin_amt('0')] * 4
+				else:
+					key = 'Non-MMGen'
+			else:
+				lbl,key = None,'Non-wallet'
+			amt = self.proto.coin_amt(d['amount'])
+			if not d['confirmations']:
+['TOTAL'][0] += amt
+[key][0] += amt
+			conf_level = (1,2)[d['confirmations'] >= self.minconf]
+['TOTAL'][conf_level] += amt
+[key][conf_level] += amt
+			if d['spendable']:
+[key][3] += amt
+	def format(self):
+		def gen_output():
+			if self.proto.chain_name != 'mainnet':
+				yield 'Chain: ' + green(self.proto.chain_name.upper())
+			if self.quiet:
+				yield str(['TOTAL'][2] if else 0)
+			else:
+				yield self.fs.format(
+					w = 'Wallet',
+					u = ' Unconfirmed',
+					p = f' <{self.minconf} confirms',
+					c = f' >={self.minconf} confirms' )
+				for key in sorted(
+					if not any([key]):
+						continue
+					yield self.fs.format(**dict(zip(
+						('w','u','p','c'),
+						[key+':'] + [a.fmt(color=True,suf=' '+self.proto.dcoin) for a in[key]]
+						)))
+			for key,vals in list(
+				if key == 'TOTAL':
+					continue
+				if vals[3]:
+					yield red(f'Warning: this wallet contains PRIVATE KEYS for {key} outputs!')
+		return '\n'.join(gen_output()).rstrip()

+ 327 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# mmgen = Multi-Mode GENerator, command-line Bitcoin cold storage solution
+# Copyright (C)2013-2022 The MMGen Project <>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+twctl: Tracking wallet control class for the MMGen suite
+from .globalvars import g
+from .exception import WalletFileError
+from .util import (
+	msg,
+	dmsg,
+	check_or_create_dir,
+	write_data_to_file,
+	get_data_from_file,
+	write_mode,
+	altcoin_subclass
+from .base_obj import AsyncInit
+from .objmethods import MMGenObject
+from .obj import TwComment,get_obj
+from .addr import CoinAddr,is_mmgen_id,is_coin_addr
+from .rpc import rpc_init
+from .tw import TwMMGenID,TwLabel
+class TrackingWallet(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
+	caps = ('rescan','batch')
+	data_key = 'addresses'
+	use_tw_file = False
+	aggressive_sync = False
+	importing = False
+	def __new__(cls,proto,*args,**kwargs):
+		return MMGenObject.__new__(altcoin_subclass(cls,proto,'twctl'))
+	async def __init__(self,proto,mode='r',token_addr=None):
+		assert mode in ('r','w','i'), f"{mode!r}: wallet mode must be 'r','w' or 'i'"
+		if mode == 'i':
+			self.importing = True
+			mode = 'w'
+		if g.debug:
+			print_stack_trace(f'TW INIT {mode!r} {self!r}')
+		self.rpc = await rpc_init(proto) # TODO: create on demand - only certain ops require RPC
+		self.proto = proto
+		self.mode = mode
+		self.desc = self.base_desc = f'{} tracking wallet'
+		if self.use_tw_file:
+			self.init_from_wallet_file()
+		else:
+			self.init_empty()
+		if['coin'] != self.proto.coin: # TODO remove?
+			raise WalletFileError(
+				'Tracking wallet coin ({}) does not match current coin ({})!'.format(
+					self.proto.coin ))
+		self.conv_types([self.data_key])
+		self.cur_balances = {} # cache balances to prevent repeated lookups per program invocation
+	def init_empty(self):
+ = { 'coin': self.proto.coin, 'addresses': {} }
+	def init_from_wallet_file(self):
+		import os,json
+		tw_dir = (
+			os.path.join(g.data_dir) if self.proto.coin == 'BTC' else
+			os.path.join(
+				g.data_dir_root,
+				'altcoins',
+				self.proto.coin.lower(),
+				('' if == 'mainnet' else 'testnet')
+			))
+		self.tw_fn = os.path.join(tw_dir,'tracking-wallet.json')
+		check_or_create_dir(tw_dir)
+		try:
+			self.orig_data = get_data_from_file(self.tw_fn,quiet=True)
+ = json.loads(self.orig_data)
+		except:
+			try: os.stat(self.tw_fn)
+			except:
+				self.orig_data = ''
+				self.init_empty()
+				self.force_write()
+			else:
+				raise WalletFileError(f'File {self.tw_fn!r} exists but does not contain valid json data')
+		else:
+			self.upgrade_wallet_maybe()
+		# ensure that wallet file is written when user exits via KeyboardInterrupt:
+		if self.mode == 'w':
+			import atexit
+			def del_tw(tw):
+				dmsg(f'Running exit handler del_tw() for {tw!r}')
+				del tw
+			atexit.register(del_tw,self)
+	def __del__(self):
+		"""
+		TrackingWallet instances opened in write or import mode must be explicitly destroyed
+		with 'del twctl', 'del twuo.wallet' and the like to ensure the instance is deleted and
+		wallet is written before global vars are destroyed by the interpreter at shutdown.
+		Not that this code can only be debugged by examining the program output, as exceptions
+		are ignored within __del__():
+			/usr/share/doc/python3.6-doc/html/reference/datamodel.html#object.__del__
+		Since no exceptions are raised, errors will not be caught by the test suite.
+		"""
+		if g.debug:
+			print_stack_trace(f'TW DEL {self!r}')
+		if getattr(self,'mode',None) == 'w': # mode attr might not exist in this state
+			self.write()
+		elif g.debug:
+			msg('read-only wallet, doing nothing')
+	def upgrade_wallet_maybe(self):
+		pass
+	def conv_types(self,ad):
+		for k,v in ad.items():
+			if k not in ('params','coin'):
+				v['mmid'] = TwMMGenID(self.proto,v['mmid'])
+				v['comment'] = TwComment(v['comment'])
+	@property
+	def data_root(self):
+		return[self.data_key]
+	@property
+	def data_root_desc(self):
+		return self.data_key
+	def cache_balance(self,addr,bal,session_cache,data_root,force=False):
+		if force or addr not in session_cache:
+			session_cache[addr] = str(bal)
+			if addr in data_root:
+				data_root[addr]['balance'] = str(bal)
+				if self.aggressive_sync:
+					self.write()
+	def get_cached_balance(self,addr,session_cache,data_root):
+		if addr in session_cache:
+			return self.proto.coin_amt(session_cache[addr])
+		if not g.cached_balances:
+			return None
+		if addr in data_root and 'balance' in data_root[addr]:
+			return self.proto.coin_amt(data_root[addr]['balance'])
+	async def get_balance(self,addr,force_rpc=False):
+		ret = None if force_rpc else self.get_cached_balance(addr,self.cur_balances,self.data_root)
+		if ret == None:
+			ret = await self.rpc_get_balance(addr)
+			self.cache_balance(addr,ret,self.cur_balances,self.data_root)
+		return ret
+	async def rpc_get_balance(self,addr):
+		raise NotImplementedError('not implemented')
+	@property
+	def sorted_list(self):
+		return sorted(
+			[ { 'addr':x[0],
+				'mmid':x[1]['mmid'],
+				'comment':x[1]['comment'] }
+					for x in self.data_root.items() if x[0] not in ('params','coin') ],
+			key=lambda x: x['mmid'].sort_key+x['addr'] )
+	@property
+	def mmid_ordered_dict(self):
+		return dict((x['mmid'],{'addr':x['addr'],'comment':x['comment']}) for x in self.sorted_list)
+	@write_mode
+	async def import_address(self,addr,label,rescan):
+		return await'importaddress',addr,label,rescan,timeout=(False,3600)[rescan])
+	@write_mode
+	def batch_import_address(self,arg_list):
+		return self.rpc.batch_call('importaddress',arg_list)
+	def force_write(self):
+		mode_save = self.mode
+		self.mode = 'w'
+		self.write()
+		self.mode = mode_save
+	@write_mode
+	def write_changed(self,data):
+		write_data_to_file(
+			self.tw_fn,
+			data,
+			desc              = f'{self.base_desc} data',
+			ask_overwrite     = False,
+			ignore_opt_outdir = True,
+			quiet             = True,
+			check_data        = True,
+			cmp_data          = self.orig_data )
+		self.orig_data = data
+	def write(self): # use 'check_data' to check wallet hasn't been altered by another program
+		if not self.use_tw_file:
+			dmsg("'use_tw_file' is False, doing nothing")
+			return
+		dmsg(f'write(): checking if {self.desc} data has changed')
+		import json
+		wdata = json.dumps(
+		if self.orig_data != wdata:
+			if g.debug:
+				print_stack_trace(f'TW DATA CHANGED {self!r}')
+				print_diff(self.orig_data,wdata,from_json=True)
+			self.write_changed(wdata)
+		elif g.debug:
+			msg('Data is unchanged\n')
+	async def is_in_wallet(self,addr):
+		from .twaddrs import TwAddrList
+		return addr in (await TwAddrList(self.proto,[],0,True,True,True,wallet=self)).coinaddr_list()
+	@write_mode
+	async def set_label(self,coinaddr,lbl):
+		# bitcoin-{abc,bchn} 'setlabel' RPC is broken, so use old 'importaddress' method to set label
+		# broken behavior: new label is set OK, but old label gets attached to another address
+		if 'label_api' in self.rpc.caps and self.proto.coin != 'BCH':
+			args = ('setlabel',coinaddr,lbl)
+		else:
+			# NOTE: this works because importaddress() removes the old account before
+			# associating the new account with the address.
+			# RPC args: addr,label,rescan[=true],p2sh[=none]
+			args = ('importaddress',coinaddr,lbl,False)
+		try:
+			return await*args)
+		except Exception as e:
+			rmsg(e.args[0])
+			return False
+	# returns on failure
+	@write_mode
+	async def add_label(self,arg1,label='',addr=None,silent=False,on_fail='return'):
+		assert on_fail in ('return','raise'), 'add_label_chk1'
+		mmaddr,coinaddr = None,None
+		if is_coin_addr(self.proto,addr or arg1):
+			coinaddr = get_obj(CoinAddr,proto=self.proto,addr=addr or arg1)
+		if is_mmgen_id(self.proto,arg1):
+			mmaddr = TwMMGenID(self.proto,arg1)
+		if mmaddr and not coinaddr:
+			from .addrdata import TwAddrData
+			coinaddr = (await TwAddrData(self.proto)).mmaddr2coinaddr(mmaddr)
+		try:
+			if not is_mmgen_id(self.proto,arg1):
+				assert coinaddr, f'Invalid coin address for this chain: {arg1}'
+			assert coinaddr, f'{g.proj_name} address {mmaddr!r} not found in tracking wallet'
+			assert await self.is_in_wallet(coinaddr), f'Address {coinaddr!r} not found in tracking wallet'
+		except Exception as e:
+			msg(str(e))
+			return False
+		# Allow for the possibility that BTC addr of MMGen addr was entered.
+		# Do reverse lookup, so that MMGen addr will not be marked as non-MMGen.
+		if not mmaddr:
+			from .addrdata import TwAddrData
+			mmaddr = (await TwAddrData(proto=self.proto)).coinaddr2mmaddr(coinaddr)
+		if not mmaddr:
+			mmaddr = f'{self.proto.base_coin.lower()}:{coinaddr}'
+		mmaddr = TwMMGenID(self.proto,mmaddr)
+		cmt = TwComment(label) if on_fail=='raise' else get_obj(TwComment,s=label)
+		if cmt in (False,None):
+			return False
+		lbl_txt = mmaddr + (' ' + cmt if cmt else '')
+		lbl = (
+			TwLabel(self.proto,lbl_txt) if on_fail == 'raise' else
+			get_obj(TwLabel,proto=self.proto,text=lbl_txt) )
+		if await self.set_label(coinaddr,lbl) == False:
+			if not silent:
+				msg( 'Label could not be {}'.format('added' if label else 'removed') )
+			return False
+		else:
+			desc = '{} address {} in tracking wallet'.format(
+				mmaddr.type.replace('mmg','MMG'),
+				mmaddr.replace(self.proto.base_coin.lower()+':','') )
+			if label:
+				msg(f'Added label {label!r} to {desc}')
+			else:
+				msg(f'Removed label from {desc}')
+			return True
+	@write_mode
+	async def remove_label(self,mmaddr):
+		await self.add_label(mmaddr,'')
+	@write_mode
+	async def remove_address(self,addr):
+		raise NotImplementedError(f'address removal not implemented for coin {self.proto.coin}')

+ 525 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,525 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# mmgen = Multi-Mode GENerator, command-line Bitcoin cold storage solution
+# Copyright (C)2013-2022 The MMGen Project <>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+twuo: Tracking wallet unspent outputs class for the MMGen suite
+import time
+from collections import namedtuple
+from .globalvars import g
+from .color import red,yellow,green
+from .exception import BadAgeFormat
+from .util import (
+	msg,
+	msg_r,
+	die,
+	capfirst,
+	suf,
+	fmt,
+	make_timestr,
+	keypress_confirm,
+	write_data_to_file,
+	line_input,
+	do_pager,
+	altcoin_subclass
+from .base_obj import AsyncInit
+from .objmethods import MMGenObject
+from .obj import ImmutableAttr,ListItemAttr,MMGenListItem,TwComment,get_obj
+from .addr import CoinAddr,MMGenID,AddrIdx
+from .rpc import rpc_init
+from .tw import TwCommon,TwMMGenID,get_tw_label
+class TwUnspentOutputs(MMGenObject,TwCommon,metaclass=AsyncInit):
+	def __new__(cls,proto,*args,**kwargs):
+		return MMGenObject.__new__(altcoin_subclass(cls,proto,'twuo'))
+	txid_w = 64
+	disp_type = 'btc'
+	can_group = True
+	hdr_fmt = 'UNSPENT OUTPUTS (sort order: {}) Total {}: {}'
+	desc = 'unspent outputs'
+	item_desc = 'unspent output'
+	dump_fn_pfx = 'listunspent'
+	prompt_fs = 'Total to spend, excluding fees: {} {}\n\n'
+	prompt = """
+Sort options: [t]xid, [a]mount, a[d]dress, [A]ge, [r]everse, [M]mgen addr
+Display options: toggle [D]ays/date, show [g]roup, show [m]mgen addr, r[e]draw
+Actions: [q]uit view, [p]rint to file, pager [v]iew, [w]ide view, add [l]abel:
+	key_mappings = {
+		't':'s_txid','a':'s_amt','d':'s_addr','A':'s_age','r':'d_reverse','M':'s_twmmid',
+		'D':'d_days','g':'d_group','m':'d_mmid','e':'d_redraw',
+		'q':'a_quit','p':'a_print','v':'a_view','w':'a_view_wide','l':'a_lbl_add' }
+	col_adj = 38
+	age_fmts_date_dependent = ('days','date','date_time')
+	age_fmts_interactive = ('confs','block','days','date')
+	_age_fmt = 'confs'
+	class MMGenTwOutputList(list,MMGenObject): pass
+	class MMGenTwUnspentOutput(MMGenListItem):
+		txid         = ListItemAttr('CoinTxID')
+		vout         = ListItemAttr(int,typeconv=False)
+		amt          = ImmutableAttr(None)
+		amt2         = ListItemAttr(None)
+		label        = ListItemAttr('TwComment',reassign_ok=True)
+		twmmid       = ImmutableAttr(TwMMGenID,include_proto=True)
+		addr         = ImmutableAttr(CoinAddr,include_proto=True)
+		confs        = ImmutableAttr(int,typeconv=False)
+		date         = ListItemAttr(int,typeconv=False,reassign_ok=True)
+		scriptPubKey = ImmutableAttr('HexStr')
+		skip         = ListItemAttr(str,typeconv=False,reassign_ok=True)
+		# required by gen_unspent(); setting valid_attrs explicitly is also more efficient
+		valid_attrs = {'txid','vout','amt','amt2','label','twmmid','addr','confs','date','scriptPubKey','skip'}
+		invalid_attrs = {'proto'}
+		def __init__(self,proto,**kwargs):
+			self.__dict__['proto'] = proto
+			MMGenListItem.__init__(self,**kwargs)
+		class conv_funcs:
+			def amt(self,value):
+				return self.proto.coin_amt(value)
+			def amt2(self,value):
+				return self.proto.coin_amt(value)
+	async def __init__(self,proto,minconf=1,addrs=[]):
+		self.proto        = proto
+		self.unspent      = self.MMGenTwOutputList()
+		self.fmt_display  = ''
+		self.fmt_print    = ''
+		self.cols         = None
+		self.reverse      = False
+        = False
+		self.show_mmid    = True
+		self.minconf      = minconf
+		self.addrs        = addrs
+		self.sort_key     = 'age'
+		self.disp_prec    = self.get_display_precision()
+		self.rpc          = await rpc_init(proto)
+		from .twctl import TrackingWallet
+		self.wallet = await TrackingWallet(proto,mode='w')
+		if self.disp_type == 'token':
+			self.proto.tokensym = self.wallet.symbol
+	@property
+	def age_fmt(self):
+		return self._age_fmt
+	@age_fmt.setter
+	def age_fmt(self,val):
+		if val not in self.age_fmts:
+			raise BadAgeFormat(f'{val!r}: invalid age format (must be one of {self.age_fmts!r})')
+		self._age_fmt = val
+	def get_display_precision(self):
+		return self.proto.coin_amt.max_prec
+	@property
+	def total(self):
+		return sum(i.amt for i in self.unspent)
+	async def get_unspent_rpc(self):
+		# bitcoin-cli help listunspent:
+		# Arguments:
+		# 1. minconf        (numeric, optional, default=1) The minimum confirmations to filter
+		# 2. maxconf        (numeric, optional, default=9999999) The maximum confirmations to filter
+		# 3. addresses      (json array, optional, default=empty array) A json array of bitcoin addresses
+		# 4. include_unsafe (boolean, optional, default=true) Include outputs that are not safe to spend
+		# 5. query_options  (json object, optional) JSON with query options
+		# for now, self.addrs is just an empty list for Bitcoin and friends
+		add_args = (9999999,self.addrs) if self.addrs else ()
+		return await'listunspent',self.minconf,*add_args)
+	async def get_unspent_data(self,sort_key=None,reverse_sort=False):
+		us_raw = await self.get_unspent_rpc()
+		if not us_raw:
+			die(0,fmt(f"""
+				No spendable outputs found!  Import addresses with balances into your
+				watch-only wallet using '{g.proj_name.lower()}-addrimport' and then re-run this program.
+			""").strip())
+		lbl_id = ('account','label')['label_api' in self.rpc.caps]
+		def gen_unspent():
+			for o in us_raw:
+				if not lbl_id in o:
+					continue # coinbase outputs have no account field
+				l = get_tw_label(self.proto,o[lbl_id])
+				if l:
+					o.update({
+						'twmmid': l.mmid,
+						'label':  l.comment or '',
+						'amt':    self.proto.coin_amt(o['amount']),
+						'addr':   CoinAddr(self.proto,o['address']),
+						'confs':  o['confirmations']
+					})
+					yield self.MMGenTwUnspentOutput(
+						self.proto,
+						**{ k:v for k,v in o.items() if k in self.MMGenTwUnspentOutput.valid_attrs } )
+		self.unspent = self.MMGenTwOutputList(gen_unspent())
+		if not self.unspent:
+			die(1, f'No tracked {self.item_desc}s in tracking wallet!')
+		self.do_sort(key=sort_key,reverse=reverse_sort)
+	def do_sort(self,key=None,reverse=False):
+		sort_funcs = {
+			'addr':  lambda i: i.addr,
+			'age':   lambda i: 0 - i.confs,
+			'amt':   lambda i: i.amt,
+			'txid':  lambda i: f'{i.txid} {i.vout:04}',
+			'twmmid':  lambda i: i.twmmid.sort_key
+		}
+		key = key or self.sort_key
+		if key not in sort_funcs:
+			die(1,f'{key!r}: invalid sort key.  Valid options: {" ".join(sort_funcs.keys())}')
+		self.sort_key = key
+		assert type(reverse) == bool
+		self.unspent.sort(key=sort_funcs[key],reverse=reverse or self.reverse)
+	def sort_info(self,include_group=True):
+		ret = ([],['Reverse'])[self.reverse]
+		ret.append(capfirst(self.sort_key).replace('Twmmid','MMGenID'))
+		if include_group and and (self.sort_key in ('addr','txid','twmmid')):
+			ret.append('Grouped')
+		return ret
+	def set_term_columns(self):
+		from .term import get_terminal_size
+		while True:
+			self.cols = g.terminal_width or get_terminal_size().width
+			if self.cols >= g.min_screen_width:
+				break
+			line_input(
+				'Screen too narrow to display the tracking wallet\n'
+				+ f'Please resize your screen to at least {g.min_screen_width} characters and hit ENTER ' )
+	def get_display_constants(self):
+		unsp = self.unspent
+		for i in unsp:
+			i.skip = ''
+		# allow for 7-digit confirmation nums
+		col1_w = max(3,len(str(len(unsp)))+1) # num + ')'
+		mmid_w = max(len(('',i.twmmid)[i.twmmid.type=='mmgen']) for i in unsp) or 12 # DEADBEEF:S:1
+		max_acct_w = max(i.label.screen_width for i in unsp) + mmid_w + 1
+		max_btcaddr_w = max(len(i.addr) for i in unsp)
+		min_addr_w = self.cols - self.col_adj
+		addr_w = min(max_btcaddr_w + (0,1+max_acct_w)[self.show_mmid],min_addr_w)
+		acct_w = min(max_acct_w, max(24,addr_w-10))
+		btaddr_w = addr_w - acct_w - 1
+		label_w = acct_w - mmid_w - 1
+		tx_w = min(self.txid_w,self.cols-addr_w-29-col1_w) # min=6 TODO
+		txdots = ('','..')[tx_w < self.txid_w]
+		dc = namedtuple('display_constants',['col1_w','mmid_w','addr_w','btaddr_w','label_w','tx_w','txdots'])
+		return dc(col1_w,mmid_w,addr_w,btaddr_w,label_w,tx_w,txdots)
+	async def format_for_display(self):
+		unsp = self.unspent
+		if self.age_fmt in self.age_fmts_date_dependent:
+			await self.set_dates(self.rpc,unsp)
+		self.set_term_columns()
+		c = getattr(self,'display_constants',None)
+		if not c:
+			c = self.display_constants = self.get_display_constants()
+		if and (self.sort_key in ('addr','txid','twmmid')):
+			for a,b in [(unsp[i],unsp[i+1]) for i in range(len(unsp)-1)]:
+				for k in ('addr','txid','twmmid'):
+					if self.sort_key == k and getattr(a,k) == getattr(b,k):
+						b.skip = (k,'addr')[k=='twmmid']
+		def gen_output():
+			yield self.hdr_fmt.format(' '.join(self.sort_info()),self.proto.dcoin,
+			if self.proto.chain_name != 'mainnet':
+				yield 'Chain: '+green(self.proto.chain_name.upper())
+			fs = {  'btc':   ' {n:%s} {t:%s} {v:2} {a} {A} {c:<}' % (c.col1_w,c.tx_w),
+					'eth':   ' {n:%s} {a} {A}' % c.col1_w,
+					'token': ' {n:%s} {a} {A} {A2}' % c.col1_w }[self.disp_type]
+			fs_hdr = ' {n:%s} {t:%s} {a} {A} {c:<}' % (c.col1_w,c.tx_w) if self.disp_type == 'btc' else fs
+			date_hdr = {
+				'confs':     'Confs',
+				'block':     'Block',
+				'days':      'Age(d)',
+				'date':      'Date',
+				'date_time': 'Date',
+			}
+			yield fs_hdr.format(
+				n  = 'Num',
+				t  = 'TXid'.ljust(c.tx_w - 2) + ' Vout',
+				a  = 'Address'.ljust(c.addr_w),
+				A  = f'Amt({self.proto.dcoin})'.ljust(self.disp_prec+5),
+				A2 = f' Amt({self.proto.coin})'.ljust(self.disp_prec+4),
+				c  =  date_hdr[self.age_fmt],
+				).rstrip()
+			for n,i in enumerate(unsp):
+				addr_dots = '|' + '.'*(c.addr_w-1)
+				mmid_disp = MMGenID.fmtc(
+					(
+						'.'*c.mmid_w if i.skip == 'addr' else
+						i.twmmid if i.twmmid.type == 'mmgen' else
+						f'Non-{g.proj_name}'
+					),
+					width = c.mmid_w,
+					color = True )
+				if self.show_mmid:
+					addr_out = '{} {}{}'.format((
+						type(i.addr).fmtc(addr_dots,width=c.btaddr_w,color=True) if i.skip == 'addr' else
+						i.addr.fmt(width=c.btaddr_w,color=True)
+					),
+						mmid_disp,
+						(' ' + i.label.fmt(width=c.label_w,color=True)) if c.label_w > 0 else ''
+					)
+				else:
+					addr_out = (
+						type(i.addr).fmtc(addr_dots,width=c.addr_w,color=True) if i.skip=='addr' else
+						i.addr.fmt(width=c.addr_w,color=True) )
+				yield fs.format(
+					n  = str(n+1)+')',
+					t  = (
+						'' if not i.txid else
+						' ' * (c.tx_w-4) + '|...' if i.skip  == 'txid' else
+						i.txid[:c.tx_w-len(c.txdots)] + c.txdots ),
+					v  = i.vout,
+					a  = addr_out,
+					A  = i.amt.fmt(color=True,prec=self.disp_prec),
+					A2 = (i.amt2.fmt(color=True,prec=self.disp_prec) if i.amt2 is not None else ''),
+					c  = self.age_disp(i,self.age_fmt),
+					).rstrip()
+		self.fmt_display = '\n'.join(gen_output()) + '\n'
+		return self.fmt_display
+	async def format_for_printing(self,color=False,show_confs=True):
+		await self.set_dates(self.rpc,self.unspent)
+		addr_w = max(len(i.addr) for i in self.unspent)
+		mmid_w = max(len(('',i.twmmid)[i.twmmid.type=='mmgen']) for i in self.unspent) or 12 # DEADBEEF:S:1
+		amt_w = self.proto.coin_amt.max_prec + 5
+		cfs = '{c:<8} ' if show_confs else ''
+		fs = {
+			'btc': (' {n:4} {t:%s} {a} {m} {A:%s} ' + cfs + '{b:<8} {D:<19} {l}') % (self.txid_w+3,amt_w),
+			'eth':   ' {n:4} {a} {m} {A:%s} {l}' % amt_w,
+			'token': ' {n:4} {a} {m} {A:%s} {A2:%s} {l}' % (amt_w,amt_w)
+			}[self.disp_type]
+		def gen_output():
+			yield fs.format(
+				n  = 'Num',
+				t  = 'Tx ID,Vout',
+				a  = 'Address'.ljust(addr_w),
+				m  = 'MMGen ID'.ljust(mmid_w),
+				A  = f'Amount({self.proto.dcoin})',
+				A2 = f'Amount({self.proto.coin})',
+				c  = 'Confs',  # skipped for eth
+				b  = 'Block',  # skipped for eth
+				D  = 'Date',
+				l  = 'Label' )
+			max_lbl_len = max([len(i.label) for i in self.unspent if i.label] or [2])
+			for n,i in enumerate(self.unspent):
+				yield fs.format(
+					n  = str(n+1) + ')',
+					t  = '{},{}'.format(
+							('|'+'.'*63 if i.skip == 'txid' and else i.txid),
+							i.vout ),
+					a  = (
+						'|'+'.' * addr_w if i.skip == 'addr' and else
+						i.addr.fmt(color=color,width=addr_w) ),
+					m  = MMGenID.fmtc(
+							(i.twmmid if i.twmmid.type == 'mmgen' else f'Non-{g.proj_name}'),
+							width = mmid_w,
+							color = color ),
+					A  = i.amt.fmt(color=color),
+					A2 = ( i.amt2.fmt(color=color) if i.amt2 is not None else '' ),
+					c  = i.confs,
+					b  = self.rpc.blockcount - (i.confs - 1),
+					D  = self.age_disp(i,'date_time'),
+					l  = i.label.hl(color=color) if i.label else
+						TwComment.fmtc(
+							s        = '',
+							color    = color,
+							nullrepl = '-',
+							width    = max_lbl_len )
+					).rstrip()
+		fs2 = '{} (block #{}, {} UTC)\n{}Sort order: {}\n{}\n\nTotal {}: {}\n'
+		self.fmt_print = fs2.format(
+			capfirst(self.desc),
+			self.rpc.blockcount,
+			make_timestr(self.rpc.cur_date),
+			('' if self.proto.chain_name == 'mainnet' else
+			'Chain: {}\n'.format(green(self.proto.chain_name.upper())) ),
+			' '.join(self.sort_info(include_group=False)),
+			'\n'.join(gen_output()),
+			self.proto.dcoin,
+ )
+		return self.fmt_print
+	def display_total(self):
+		msg('\nTotal unspent: {} {} ({} output{})'.format(
+			self.proto.dcoin,
+			len(self.unspent),
+			suf(self.unspent) ))
+	def get_idx_from_user(self,action):
+		msg('')
+		while True:
+			ret = line_input(f'Enter {self.item_desc} number (or RETURN to return to main menu): ')
+			if ret == '':
+				return (None,None) if action == 'a_lbl_add' else None
+			n = get_obj(AddrIdx,n=ret,silent=True)
+			if not n or n < 1 or n > len(self.unspent):
+				msg(f'Choice must be a single number between 1 and {len(self.unspent)}')
+			else:
+				if action == 'a_lbl_add':
+					cur_lbl = self.unspent[n-1].label
+					msg('Current label: {}'.format(cur_lbl.hl() if cur_lbl else '(none)'))
+					while True:
+						s = line_input(
+							"Enter label text (or 'q' to return to main menu): ",
+							insert_txt = cur_lbl )
+						if s == 'q':
+							return None,None
+						elif s == '':
+							if keypress_confirm(
+									f'Removing label for {self.item_desc} #{n}.  Is this what you want?'):
+								return n,s
+						elif s:
+							if get_obj(TwComment,s=s):
+								return n,s
+				else:
+					if action == 'a_addr_delete':
+						fs = 'Removing {} #{} from tracking wallet.  Is this what you want?'
+					elif action == 'a_balance_refresh':
+						fs = 'Refreshing tracking wallet {} #{}.  Is this what you want?'
+					if keypress_confirm(fs.format(self.item_desc,n)):
+						return n
+	async def view_and_sort(self,tx):
+		from .term import get_char
+		prompt = self.prompt.strip() + '\b'
+		no_output,oneshot_msg = False,None
+		from .opts import opt
+		CUR_HOME,ERASE_ALL = '\033[H','\033[0J'
+		CUR_RIGHT = lambda n: f'\033[{n}C'
+		while True:
+			msg_r('' if no_output else '\n\n' if opt.no_blank else CUR_HOME+ERASE_ALL)
+			reply = get_char(
+				'' if no_output else await self.format_for_display()+'\n'+(oneshot_msg or '')+prompt,
+				immed_chars=''.join(self.key_mappings.keys())
+			)
+			no_output = False
+			oneshot_msg = '' if oneshot_msg else None # tristate, saves previous state
+			if reply not in self.key_mappings:
+				msg_r('\ninvalid keypress ')
+				time.sleep(0.5)
+				continue
+			action = self.key_mappings[reply]
+			if action[:2] == 's_':
+				self.do_sort(action[2:])
+				if action == 's_twmmid': self.show_mmid = True
+			elif action == 'd_days':
+				af = self.age_fmts_interactive
+				self.age_fmt = af[(af.index(self.age_fmt) + 1) % len(af)]
+			elif action == 'd_mmid':
+				self.show_mmid = not self.show_mmid
+			elif action == 'd_group':
+				if self.can_group:
+ = not
+			elif action == 'd_redraw':
+				pass
+			elif action == 'd_reverse':
+				self.unspent.reverse()
+				self.reverse = not self.reverse
+			elif action == 'a_quit':
+				msg('')
+				return self.unspent
+			elif action == 'a_balance_refresh':
+				idx = self.get_idx_from_user(action)
+				if idx:
+					e = self.unspent[idx-1]
+					bal = await self.wallet.get_balance(e.addr,force_rpc=True)
+					await self.get_unspent_data()
+					oneshot_msg = yellow(f'{self.proto.dcoin} balance for account #{idx} refreshed\n\n')
+				self.display_constants = self.get_display_constants()
+			elif action == 'a_lbl_add':
+				idx,lbl = self.get_idx_from_user(action)
+				if idx:
+					e = self.unspent[idx-1]
+					if await self.wallet.add_label(e.twmmid,lbl,addr=e.addr):
+						await self.get_unspent_data()
+						oneshot_msg = yellow('Label {} {} #{}\n\n'.format(
+							('added to' if lbl else 'removed from'),
+							self.item_desc,
+							idx ))
+					else:
+						oneshot_msg = red('Label could not be added\n\n')
+				self.display_constants = self.get_display_constants()
+			elif action == 'a_addr_delete':
+				idx = self.get_idx_from_user(action)
+				if idx:
+					e = self.unspent[idx-1]
+					if await self.wallet.remove_address(e.addr):
+						await self.get_unspent_data()
+						oneshot_msg = yellow(f'{capfirst(self.item_desc)} #{idx} removed\n\n')
+					else:
+						oneshot_msg = red('Address could not be removed\n\n')
+				self.display_constants = self.get_display_constants()
+			elif action == 'a_print':
+				of = '{}-{}[{}].out'.format(
+					self.dump_fn_pfx,
+					self.proto.dcoin,
+					','.join(self.sort_info(include_group=False)).lower() )
+				msg('')
+				try:
+					write_data_to_file(
+						of,
+						await self.format_for_printing(),
+						desc = f'{self.desc} listing' )
+				except UserNonConfirmation as e:
+					oneshot_msg = red(f'File {of!r} not overwritten by user request\n\n')
+				else:
+					oneshot_msg = yellow(f'Data written to {of!r}\n\n')
+			elif action in ('a_view','a_view_wide'):
+				do_pager(
+					self.fmt_display if action == 'a_view' else
+					await self.format_for_printing(color=True) )
+				if g.platform == 'linux' and oneshot_msg == None:
+					msg_r(CUR_RIGHT(len(prompt.split('\n')[-1])-2))
+					no_output = True

+ 2 - 2

@@ -881,7 +881,7 @@ class MMGenTX:
 			assert isinstance(locktime,int),'locktime must be of type int'
-			from .tw import TwUnspentOutputs
+			from .twuo import TwUnspentOutputs
 			if opt.comment_file:
@@ -1506,7 +1506,7 @@ class MMGenTX:
 			tmp_tx = MMGenTX.Base()
 			if tmp_tx.proto.tokensym:
-				from .tw import TrackingWallet
+				from .twctl import TrackingWallet
 				return await TrackingWallet(tmp_tx.proto)
 				return None

+ 3 - 3

@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
 # Copyright (C)2013-2022 The MMGen Project <>
-test.objattrtest_py_d.oat_btc_mainnet: BTC mainnet test vectors for MMGen data
+    BTC mainnet test vectors for MMGen data objects
 from .oat_common import *
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ tests = {
 		[sample_objs['MasterShareIdx'], sample_objs['Seed'], 'foo', 2],
-	#
+	#
 	'TwUnspentOutputs.MMGenTwUnspentOutput': atd({
 		'txid':         (0b001, CoinTxID),
 		'vout':         (0b001, int),

+ 1 - 1

@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ from mmgen.seedsplit import *
 from mmgen.protocol import *
 from mmgen.addr import *
 from mmgen.tx import *
-from import *
+from mmgen.twuo import *
 from mmgen.key import *
 from ..include.common import getrand

+ 3 - 15

@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+import os
 from .tw_orig import *
@@ -8,25 +9,12 @@ if os.getenv('MMGEN_TEST_SUITE_DETERMINISTIC'):
 	_time_iter = _time_gen()
-	TwUnspentOutputs.date_formatter = {
+	TwCommon.date_formatter = {
 		'days':      lambda rpc,secs: (next(_time_iter) - secs) // 86400,
 		'date':      lambda rpc,secs: '{}-{:02}-{:02}'.format(*time.gmtime(next(_time_iter))[:3])[2:],
 		'date_time': lambda rpc,secs: '{}-{:02}-{:02} {:02}:{:02}'.format(*time.gmtime(next(_time_iter))[:5]),
-	TwAddrList.date_formatter = TwUnspentOutputs.date_formatter
 if os.getenv('MMGEN_BOGUS_WALLET_DATA'):
 	# 1831006505 (09 Jan 2028) = projected time of block 1000000
-	TwUnspentOutputs.date_formatter['days'] = lambda rpc,secs: (1831006505 - secs) // 86400
-	async def fake_set_dates(foo,rpc,us):
-		for o in us:
- = 1831006505 - int(9.7 * 60 * (o.confs - 1))
-	async def fake_get_unspent_rpc(foo):
-		from decimal import Decimal
-		return json.loads(get_data_from_file(os.getenv('MMGEN_BOGUS_WALLET_DATA')),parse_float=Decimal)
-	TwUnspentOutputs.set_dates = fake_set_dates
-	TwUnspentOutputs.get_unspent_rpc = fake_get_unspent_rpc
+	TwCommon.date_formatter['days'] = lambda rpc,secs: (1831006505 - secs) // 86400

+ 17 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+import os
+from .twuo_orig import *
+if os.getenv('MMGEN_BOGUS_WALLET_DATA'):
+	async def fake_set_dates(foo,rpc,us):
+		for o in us:
+ = 1831006505 - int(9.7 * 60 * (o.confs - 1))
+	async def fake_get_unspent_rpc(foo):
+		from decimal import Decimal
+		import json
+		from mmgen.util import get_data_from_file
+		return json.loads(get_data_from_file(os.getenv('MMGEN_BOGUS_WALLET_DATA')),parse_float=Decimal)
+	TwUnspentOutputs.set_dates = fake_set_dates
+	TwUnspentOutputs.get_unspent_rpc = fake_get_unspent_rpc