@@ -0,0 +1,495 @@
+## Table of Contents
+#### <a href=#01>Basic Operations</a>
+* <a href=#02>Generate a wallet</a>
+* <a href=#03>Generate addresses</a>
+* <a href=#04>Import addresses</a>
+* <a href=#05>Create a transaction</a>
+* <a href=#06>Sign a transaction</a>
+* <a href=#07>Send a transaction</a>
+#### <a href=#10>Additional Features</a>
+* <a href=#11>Using the mnemonic and seed features</a>
+* <a href=#12>Mnemonics and seeds — additional information</a>
+* <a href=#13>Incognito wallets</a>
+### <a name=01>Basic Operations</a>
+#### <a name=02>Generate a wallet (offline computer):</a>
+On your offline computer, generate a wallet with a random seed:
+ $ mmgen-walletgen
+ ...
+ Wallet saved to file '89ABCDEF-76543210[256,3].mmdat'
+"89ABCDEF" is the Seed ID; "76543210" is the Key ID. These are randomly
+generated, so your IDs will of course be different than the fictitious ones used
+The Seed ID never changes and will be used to identify all keys/addresses
+generated by this seed. The Key ID changes when the wallet's password or hash
+preset are changed.
+"256" is the seed length; "3" is the scrypt hash preset. These values are
+configurable: type 'mmgen-walletgen --help' for details.
+#### <a name=03>Generate addresses (offline computer):</a>
+Now generate ten addresses with your just-created wallet:
+ $ mmgen-addrgen 89ABCDEF-76543210[256,3].mmdat 1-10
+ ...
+ Address data saved to file '89ABCDEF[1-10].addrs'
+ $ cat '89ABCDEF[1-10].addrs'
+ 89ABCDEF {
+ 1 16bNmyYISiptuvJG3X7MPwiiS4HYvD7ksE
+ 2 1AmkUxrfy5dMrfmeYwTxLxfIswUCcpeysc
+ 3 1HgYCsfqYzIg7LVVfDTp7gYJocJEiDAy6N
+ 4 14Tu3z1tiexXDonNsFIkvzqutE5E3pTK8s
+ 5 1PeI55vtp2bX2uKDkAAR2c6ekHNYe4Hcq7
+ 6 1FEqfEsSILwXPfMvVvVuUovzTaaST62Mnf
+ 7 1LTTzuhMqPLwQ4IGCwwugny6ZMtUQJSJ1
+ 8 1F9495H8EJLb54wirgZkVgI47SP7M2RQWv
+ 9 1JbrCyt7BdxRE9GX1N7GiEct8UnIjPmpYd
+ 10 1H7vVTk4ejUbQXw45I6g5qvPBSe9bsjDqh
+ }
+Note that the address range, "1-10", is reflected in the resulting filename.
+MMGen addresses are identified by their seed ID and index number, separated by a
+colon. In this example, "89ABCDEF:1" is the MMGen equivalent of Bitcoin address
+16bNmyYISiptuvJG3X7MPwiiS4HYvD7ksE, "89ABCDEF:2" the equivalent of
+1AmkUxrfy5dMrfmeYwTxLxfIswUCcpeysc, and so forth.
+Let's say you've decided to transfer some BTC into the first four addresses
+above. Your first step, then, will be to import these addresses into the
+tracking wallet on your online machine so their balances will be visible.
+For convenient identification, you've chosen to provide the addresses with the
+labels "Donations", "Storage 1", "Storage 2" and "Storage 3".
+Make a copy of the file:
+ $ cp '89ABCDEF[1-10].addrs' my.addrs
+and edit the copy using your favorite text editor to look like this:
+ $ cat my.addrs
+ # My first MMGen addresses
+ 89ABCDEF {
+ 1 16bNmyYISiptuvJG3X7MPwiiS4HYvD7ksE Donations
+ 2 1AmkUxrfy5dMrfmeYwTxLxfIswUCcpeysc Storage 1
+ 3 1HgYCsfqYzIg7LVVfDTp7gYJocJEiDAy6N Storage 2
+ 4 14Tu3z1tiexXDonNsFIkvzqutE5E3pTK8s Storage 3
+ }
+Note the comment beginning with a '#' symbol. Comments may be placed at the
+ends of lines as well. Note also that rows in the list may be arranged in any
+order: addresses need not be consecutive.
+Copy this file onto a USB stick and transfer it to your online computer.
+#### <a name=04>Import addresses (online computer):</a>
+On your online computer, go to your bitcoind data directory and move any
+existing 'wallet.dat' file out of the way. Start bitcoind and let it generate
+a new 'wallet.dat', which you'll use as your **tracking wallet**. Import your
+four addresses into the new tracking wallet with the command:
+ $ mmgen-addrimport my.addrs
+These addresses will now be tracked by bitcoind. Any BTC transferred to them
+will show up in your listing of address balances. Balances can be viewed with
+the 'mmgen-tool' utility:
+ $ mmgen-tool listaddresses
+ No addresses with balances!
+The 'showempty' option shows all tracked addresses, even ones with no balances,
+so the four imported addresses should now show up on the listing:
+ $ mmgen-tool listaddresses showempty=1
+ 89ABCDEF:1 Donations 0
+ 89ABCDEF:2 Storage 1 0
+ 89ABCDEF:3 Storage 2 0
+ 89ABCDEF:4 Storage 3 0
+If you have any existing addresses with balances, you'll want to track them too.
+Make a plain list of these addresses, one address per line, and import the list
+into the tracking wallet using 'mmgen-addrimport -l'.
+ $ mmgen-addrimport --rescan -l my_existing_addrs_with_balances
+NOTE: The '--rescan' option forces a rescan of the entire block chain, which is
+required for all addresses with existing balances. Since the rescanning process
+is very slow, you'll save yourself a great deal of time by always importing
+new addresses BEFORE spending into them.
+Continue in this fashion until you've imported all addresses with balances into
+your tracking wallet.
+#### <a name=05>Create a transaction (online computer):</a>
+Now that your existing addresses are imported, you're ready to create a test
+transaction using the 'mmgen-txcreate' command. Note that transactions are
+harmless until they're signed and broadcast to the network, so feel free to
+experiment with different transactions using different combinations of inputs
+and outputs.
+First of all you'll want to examine your balances. Note that 'mmgen-tool
+listaddresses' shows only MMGen address balances; to view **all** balances,
+including your non-MMGen ones, use the 'mmgen-txcreate' command:
+ $ mmgen-txcreate -i
+A list of all unspent outputs will appear, along with a menu allowing you to
+sort the outputs by four criteria: transaction ID, address, amount and
+transaction age. Your overall balance in BTC appears at the top of the screen.
+The list may be viewed in a pager or printed to file. For a wallet with ten
+unspent outputs, the display might look something like this:
+ UNSPENT OUTPUTS (sort order: reverse amount) Total BTC: 39.72
+ Num TX id Vout Address Amount (BTC) Age(days)
+ 1) 04f97185... 2 1F93Znz8PI5Pnvv8ZAJsb74EzKpmRMLFbk 10 320
+ 2) dd900544... 1 194Fceqx86jqIWumphUmfVyFMjAAbMLcSE 9.9287435 7
+ 3) 7ec81a8f... 0 1FhIkRabPSZhhUsA6qvukmfK4T4PZLbC4M 7.26 17
+ 4) 64094b55... 0 16JSUJdGMbxUBEQatAR5sGE89tbSIsLHqg 3.15 140
+ 5) fd687c65... 1 1QKAtU66aUntCBx9m6TfEIf3gQuCNWCVDY 3.15 140
+ 6) 9a8f20e2... 1 1FMNDFz1yUywjJSprjvYY9t1yxkE8GGIwT 3.15 140
+ 7) 03a7c51a... 3 1svxnSdKVIcMs6qWYA7qLzA29orXbzXUm 1.6382466 54
+ 8) 9955f06c... 2 18nWPLQGUzI7X1Rcm4zmVV6Z3xhokdYx9G 1.2 27
+ 9) 8a4ab4f5... 0 13S9HNu7PQn1aJ4qILfhqRSakXwvSTnbwJ 0.23033 3
+ 10) 5bfe5621... 1 1FV1Lhs6Dnc9gMxjJTo6h4nTeIjJbQ1PgV 0.01 42
+ Sort options: [t]xid, [a]mount, a[d]dress, [A]ge, [r]everse, [M]mgen addr
+ View options: [g]roup, show [m]mgen addr
+ (Type 'q' to quit sorting, 'p' to print to file, 'v' to view in pager):
+Now let's actually create a transaction. Let's say you've decided to gradually
+begin moving your 39.72 BTC balance into your shiny new MMGen wallet with seed
+Before moving any funds into your MMGen wallet, you should back it up in several
+places and possibly on several media too: paper, flash memory or CD-ROM, for
+example. Of course the wallet should have a passphrase. Otherwise, anyone who
+gains physical access to one of your backups can easily steal your coins.
+Recall that there's no limit to the number of addresses you can generate with
+your seed. You've wisely determined that having many addresses with relatively
+small balances is a Good Idea. So you've decided to begin by breaking up the
+address with the largest balance, 10 BTC, into three roughly equal parts,
+sending it to the addresses labeled "Storage 1", "Storage 2" and "Storage 3"
+(89ABCDEF:2, 89ABCDEF:3 and 89ABCDEF:4).
+To refresh your memory, here are the three addresses in question:
+ $ cat my.addrs
+ # My first MMGen addresses
+ 89ABCDEF {
+ 1 16bNmyYISiptuvJG3X7MPwiiS4HYvD7ksE Donations
+ 2 1AmkUxrfy5dMrfmeYwTxLxfIswUCcpeysc Storage 1
+ 3 1HgYCsfqYzIg7LVVfDTp7gYJocJEiDAy6N Storage 2
+ 4 14Tu3z1tiexXDonNsFIkvzqutE5E3pTK8s Storage 3
+ }
+The following command will send 3.3 BTC to the first two addresses and the
+remainder of the transaction's 10 BTC input to the third, subtracting a default
+transaction fee of 0.001 BTC:
+ $ mmgen-txcreate 1AmkUxrfy5dMrfmeYwTxLxfIswUCcpeysc,3.3 1HgYCsfqYzIg7LVVfDTp7gYJocJEiDAy6N,3.3 14Tu3z1tiexXDonNsFIkvzqutE5E3pTK8s
+The bare address with no amount is the **change address**. MMGen will compute
+the change amount (3.399 BTC in this case) automatically.
+Note that the above transaction can be written much more elegantly and concisely
+using MMGen addresses in place of their Bitcoin equivalents:
+ $ mmgen-txcreate 89ABCDEF:2,3.3 89ABCDEF:3,3.3 89ABCDEF:4
+After hitting ENTER you'll be presented with the same display produced by the
+'-i' option above, plus an interactive menu. After quitting with 'q', you'll
+be prompted to choose the transaction's inputs.
+ Enter a range or space-separated list of outputs to spend:
+Find the input with the 10 BTC balance in the list. This is input 1), so type
+'1' and ENTER. After several more prompts and confirmations 'mmgen-txcreate'
+will exit with the message:
+ Transaction data saved to file 'tx_1EDCBA[6.6].raw'
+Note that the transaction has a unique ID, and the non-change spend amount, 6.6
+BTC, is conveniently included in the filename.
+#### <a name=06>Sign a transaction (offline computer):</a>
+Now copy the raw transaction you've just created to a USB stick and transfer it
+to your offline computer for signing. You need to find the key for your
+transaction's one input address, 1F9495H8EJL.... If the key in question is in a
+bitcoin 'wallet.dat', there's an included command (a modified version of the
+well-known pywallet utility) that will conveniently extract it for you:
+ $ mmgen-pywallet -k wallet.dat
+ ...
+ wallet.dat secret keys saved to file wd_EDBC983A[102].keys
+You've in fact extracted a list of all of the wallet's 102 keys here, but that's
+not a problem, since the unused keys will be ignored (you can extract only the
+keys you need using the '--keys-for-addrs' option). Now go ahead and sign the
+transaction using this list of keys.
+ $ mmgen-txsign -k wd_EDBC983A[102].keys tx_1EDCBA[6.6].raw
+ ...
+ Signed transaction saved to file tx_ABCDEF[0.1].sig
+Note that 'mmgen-pywallet's output is just a flat list of keys. So if you have
+several Bitcoin wallets with balances, you can just dump all their keys and
+merge them into a single file which you can use to sign all future transactions
+with wallet.dat inputs:
+ $ mmgen-pywallet -k wallet1.dat
+ $ mmgen-pywallet -k wallet2.dat
+ $ mmgen-pywallet -k wallet3.dat
+ $ cat wd_*.keys > all_keys
+For your future transactions with MMGen address inputs, you'll list the MMGen
+seed source (wallet, mnemonic or seed file) on the command line after the
+transaction file, and the required keys will be generated automatically, as in
+this example:
+ $ mmgen-txsign tx_9D2C3A[1.23].raw B73B58EA-125FB230[256,3].mmdat
+ ...
+ Signed transaction saved to file tx_9D2C3A[1.23].sig
+Transactions may contain a mixture of MMGen and non-MMGen inputs as well as
+inputs with more than one MMGen seed ID. Just provide a seed source for each
+seed ID on the command line.
+Eventually, when you've placed all your BTC under MMGen control, you'll never
+have deal with keys directly again, because MMGen generates all keys on the fly
+using the seed.
+#### <a name=07>Send a transaction (online computer):</a>
+Now you're ready for the final step: broadcasting the transaction to the network.
+Copy the 'tx_*.sig' file to your online computer, start bitcoind, if it's not
+running, and execute the command:
+ $ mmgen-txsend tx_1EDCBA[6.6].sig
+Like all MMGen commands, 'mmgen-txsend' is interactive, so you'll be asked for
+confirmation before the transaction is actually sent.
+Once the transaction's confirmed by the network, your three new MMGen addresses
+will appear on the listing of 'mmgen-txcreate -i'. Type 'm' at the menu to
+see them displayed in MMGen format.
+Congratulations! You've performed your first MMGen transaction and placed your
+first funds under MMGen's control.
+### <a name=10>Additional Features</a>
+#### <a name=11>Using the mnemonic and seed features:</a>
+Continuing our example above, generate a mnemonic from the wallet:
+ $ mmgen-walletchk -m '89ABCDEF-76543210[256,3].mmdat'
+ ...
+ Mnemonic data saved to file '89ABCDEF.mmwords'
+ $ cat 89ABCDEF.mmwords
+ pleasure tumble spider laughter many stumble secret bother after search
+ float absent path strong curtain savior worst suspend bright touch away
+ dirty measure thorn
+Note: a 128- or 192-bit seed will generate a shorter mnemonic of 12 or 18
+words. You may generate a wallet with these seed lengths using the '-l'
+option to 'mmgen-walletgen'.
+Though some consider 128 bits of entropy to provide adequate security for the
+foreseeable future, you should stick to the default 256-bit seed length if
+you're not planning to use the mnemonic feature.
+NOTE: MMGen mnemonics are generated from the Electrum wordlist, but using
+ordinary base conversion instead of Electrum's more complicated algorithm.
+Generate addresses 1-11 of seed 89ABCDEF using the mnemonic instead of the
+ $ mmgen-addrgen 89ABCDEF.mmwords 1-11
+ ...
+ Address data saved to file '89ABCDEF[1-11].addrs'
+Compare the first ten addresses with those earlier generated by the wallet.
+You'll see they're the same.
+Regenerate a lost wallet using the mnemonic:
+ $ mmgen-walletgen 89ABCDEF.mmwords
+ ...
+ Wallet saved to file '89ABCDEF-01234567[256,3].mmdat'
+Note that the regenerated wallet has a different Key ID but of course the same
+Seed ID.
+Seed files bear the extension '.mmseed' and are listed on the command line the
+same way mnemonic files are.
+A seed file for a 256-bit seed looks like this:
+ $ cat 8B7392ED.mmseed
+ f4c84b C5ZT wWpT Jsoi wRVw 2dm9 Aftd WLb8 FggQ eC8h Szjd da9L
+And for a 128-bit seed:
+ $ cat 8E0DFB78.mmseed
+ 0fe02f XnyC NfPH piuW dQ2d nM47 VU
+As you can see, the latter file is short enough to be memorized or written down
+on a scrap of paper. From the unix command line, you can test your memory using
+the seed's checksum ("0fe02f" in this example) as follows:
+ $ echo -n XnyC NfPH piuW dQ2d nM47 VU | tr -d ' ' |sha256sum |cut -c 1-6
+ 0fe02f
+Or better yet, use 'mmgen-tool' to do the same thing:
+ $ mmgen-tool str2id6 'XnyC NfPH piuW dQ2d nM47 VU'
+ 0fe02f
+#### <a name=12>Mnemonics and seeds — additional information:</a>
+With the '-m' or '-s' option, MMGen commands that take mnemonic and seed
+data may receive the data from a prompt instead of a file.
+MMGen commands that produce mnemonic and seed data may be forced to print it to
+standard output instead of file with the '-S' option. This feature has
+intentionally been made optional to safeguard against looking-over-the-shoulder,
+Van Eyck phreaking and other side-channel attacks. MMGen commands never print
+private data to the screen unless explicitly asked to.
+The output of any MMGen command may be written to a directory of your choice
+using the '-d' option. For example, on a Linux system you can use
+'-d /dev/shm' to write key and seed data to volatile memory instead of disk.
+This also has obvious security benefits, ensuring that no sensitive data
+remains on disk after your computer's been powered down.
+#### <a name=13><a name=incog>Incognito wallets</a>
+A wallet exported to incognito format is indistinguishable from random data,
+allowing you to hide your wallet at an offset within a random-filled file or
+partition. Thus both the location and nature of the data are unknown to a
+potential attacker, who in addition cannot be sure that the file or partition
+contains anything useful at all, barring any inside knowledge.
+An incognito wallet with a reasonably secure password could even be hidden on
+unencrypted cloud storage. Hiding your wallet at some offset in a 1 GB file
+increases the difficulty of any attack by a factor of one billion, assuming
+a potential attacker even knows or suspects you have an MMGen wallet hidden
+If you plan to store your incognito wallet in an insecure location such as cloud
+storage, you're advised to use a strong scrypt preset and a strong password.
+These can be changed using the 'mmgen-passchg' utility:
+ $ mmgen-passchg -p 5 89ABCDEF-01234567[256,3].mmdat
+ ...
+ Hash preset has changed (3 -> 5)
+ Enter new passphrase: <my new strong passphrase>
+ ...
+ Wallet saved to file '89ABCDEF-87654321[256,5].mmdat'
+The new scrypt preset is indicated by the numeral '5' after the comma in the new
+wallet filename. Now export your new strengthened wallet to incognito format:
+ $ mmgen-walletchk -g 89ABCDEF-87654321[256,5].mmdat
+ ...
+ Incognito wallet data saved to file '89ABCDEF-87654321-ECA86420[256,5].mmincog'
+'ECA86420' is the Incog ID. This can be used by the 'mmgen-tool' utility to
+search through a file or partition and locate your wallet if you've forgotten
+where you hid it (see below).
+Repeat the same export operation, but output to hexadecimal:
+ $ mmgen-walletchk -X 89ABCDEF-87654321[256,5].mmdat
+ ...
+ Incognito wallet data saved to file '89ABCDEF-87654321-CA86420E[256,5].mmincox'
+ $ cat 89ABCDEF-87654321-1EE402F4[256,5].mmincox
+ 6772 edb2 10cf ad0d c7dd 484b cc7e 42e9
+ 4fe6 e07a 1ce2 da02 6da7 94e4 c068 57a8
+ 3706 c5ce 56e0 7590 e677 6c6e 750a d057
+ b43a 21f9 82c7 6bd1 fe96 bad9 2d54 c4c0
+Note that the Incog ID is different here: it's generated from the init vector,
+which is a different random number each time, making the incog data as a whole
+different as well. This allows you to store your incog data in multiple
+insecure locations without having repeated "random" wallet data give you away.
+As you can see, this data is ideally suited for a paper wallet. Just print it
+out on a printer and you're ready to go.
+Your incognito wallet (whether hex or binary) can be used just like any other
+MMGen wallet, mnemonic or seed file. Generate addresses with it like this:
+ $ mmgen-addrgen 89ABCDEF-87654321-CA86420E[256,5].mmincox 100-110
+ ...
+ Generated 10 addresses
+ Addresses written to file '89ABCDEF[100-110].addrs'
+Or sign a transaction like this:
+ $ mmgen-txsign tx_FABCDE[0.3].raw 89ABCDEF-87654321-CA86420E[256,5].mmincox
+ ...
+ Signed transaction saved to file tx_FABCDE[0.3].sig
+You can create an incognito wallet and hide it at a specified offset in a file or
+partition in one convenient operation using the '-G' ('--export-incog-hidden')
+option. Here's how you'd hide a wallet in a 1GB file filled with random data.
+First create the random file:
+ $ dd if=/dev/urandom of=random.dat bs=1K count=1M
+Or better yet, use 'mmgen-tool' to do the same job but with some additional user
+entropy and a progress meter:
+ $ mmgen-tool -r40 rand2file random.dat 1G
+Now export your wallet to hidden incognito format, hiding it in this 1GB random
+file at offset 123456789:
+ $ mmgen-walletchk -G random.dat,123456789 89ABCDEF-87654321[256,5].mmdat
+ ...
+ Incog ID: ED1F2ACB
+ Data written to file 'random.dat' at offset 123456789
+The altered random file can now be uploaded to a cloud storage service, for
+example, or some other, preferably non-public, location on the Net (in a
+real-life situation you'll choose a less obvious offset than '123456789'
+though, won't you?).
+If at some point in the future you download this file to recover your wallet
+data but find you've forgotten the offset, you can recover it using the saved
+Incog ID as follows:
+ $ mmgen-tool find_incog_data random.dat ED1F2ACB
+ ...
+ Incog data for ID ED1F2ACB found at offset 123456789
+Hidden incog wallets are almost as convenient to use as ordinary ones.
+Generating ten addresses with your hidden incog data is as easy as this:
+ $ mmgen-addrgen -G random.dat,123456789,256 32-42
+Use the same syntax to sign a transaction:
+ $ mmgen-txsign -G random.dat,123456789,256 tx_ABCDEE[0.1].raw
+ ...
+ Signed transaction saved to file tx_ABCDEE[0.1].sig
+Note that the seed length parameter here will always be '256' unless you're
+using a non-default seed length.