@@ -51,20 +51,41 @@ send_addr = {
'alice': '2N3HhxasbRvrJyHg72JNVCCPi9EUGrEbFnu',
+common_args = (
+ '-rpcuser={}'.format(rpc_user),
+ '-rpcpassword={}'.format(rpc_password),
+ '-regtest',
+ '-datadir={}'.format(data_dir))
+def start_daemon(user,quiet=False,daemon=True):
+ cmd = (
+ 'bitcoind',
+ '-keypool=1',
+ '-rpcbind=localhost:{}'.format(rpc_port),
+ '-rpcallowip=::1',
+ '-wallet={}'.format(os.path.basename(tr_wallet[user]))
+ ) + common_args
+ if daemon: cmd += ('-daemon',)
+ if not g.debug or quiet: vmsg('{}'.format(' '.join(cmd)))
+ p = subprocess.Popen(cmd,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ err = process_output(p,silent=False)[1]
+ if err:
+ rdie(1,'Error starting the Bitcoin daemon:\n{}'.format(err))
+def start_daemon_mswin(user,quiet=False):
+ import threading
+ t = threading.Thread(target=start_daemon,args=[user,quiet,False])
+ t.daemon = True
+ t.start()
+ if not opt.verbose: Msg_r(' \b') # blocks w/o this...crazy
def start_cmd(*args,**kwargs):
- common_args = ('-rpcuser={}'.format(rpc_user),'-rpcpassword={}'.format(rpc_password),
- '-regtest','-datadir={}'.format(data_dir))
- cmds = {'cli': ('bitcoin-cli','-rpcconnect=localhost','-rpcport={}'.format(rpc_port)),
- 'daemon': ('bitcoind','-keypool=1','-rpcbind=localhost:{}'.format(rpc_port),'-rpcallowip=::1')}
- wallet_arg = ()
- if args[0] == 'daemon':
- assert 'user' in kwargs
- wallet_arg = ('-wallet={}'.format(os.path.basename(tr_wallet[kwargs['user']])),)
- cmd = cmds[args[0]] + common_args + wallet_arg + args[1:] if args[0] in cmds else args
- p = subprocess.Popen(cmd,stdin=subprocess.PIPE,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
- if not 'quiet' in kwargs or g.debug:
+ cmd = args
+ if args[0] == 'cli':
+ cmd = ('bitcoin-cli','-rpcconnect=localhost','-rpcport={}'.format(rpc_port)) + common_args + args[1:]
+ if g.debug or not 'quiet' in kwargs:
vmsg('{}'.format(' '.join(cmd)))
- return p
+ return subprocess.Popen(cmd,stdin=subprocess.PIPE,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
def test_daemon():
p = start_cmd('cli','getblockcount',quiet=True)
@@ -92,7 +113,7 @@ def get_balances():
tbal = 0
from mmgen.obj import BTCAmt
for user in (user1,user2):
- p = start_cmd('./mmgen-tool','--{}'.format(user),'getbalance','quiet=1')
+ p = start_cmd('python','mmgen-tool','--{}'.format(user),'getbalance','quiet=1')
bal = BTCAmt(p.stdout.read())
ustr = "{}'s balance:".format(user.capitalize())
msg('{:<16} {:12}'.format(ustr,bal))
@@ -123,7 +144,7 @@ def process_output(p,silent=False):
def create_mmgen_wallet(user):
gmsg("Creating {}'s MMGen wallet".format(user.capitalize()))
- p = start_cmd('mmgen-walletconv','-d',data_dir,'-i','words','-o','words')
+ p = start_cmd('python','mmgen-walletconv','-d',data_dir,'-i','words','-o','words')
err = process_output(p)[1]
@@ -136,7 +157,7 @@ def create_mmgen_addrs(user,addr_type):
suf = ('-'+addr_type,'')[addr_type=='L']
try: os.unlink(mmaddrs[user].format(suf))
except: pass
- p = start_cmd('mmgen-addrgen','--{}'.format(user),'-d',data_dir,'--type',addr_type,mmwords[user],'1-10')
+ p = start_cmd('python','mmgen-addrgen','--{}'.format(user),'-d',data_dir,'--type',addr_type,mmwords[user],'1-10')
err = process_output(p)[1]
@@ -147,7 +168,7 @@ def create_mmgen_addrs(user,addr_type):
def import_mmgen_addrs(user,addr_type):
gmsg_r('Importing MMGen addresses for user {} (type: {})'.format(user.capitalize(),addr_type))
suf = ('-'+addr_type,'')[addr_type=='L']
- p = start_cmd('mmgen-addrimport','--{}'.format(user),'-q','--batch',mmaddrs[user].format(suf))
+ p = start_cmd('python','mmgen-addrimport','--{}'.format(user),'-q','--batch',mmaddrs[user].format(suf))
err = process_output(p)[1]
@@ -156,11 +177,8 @@ def import_mmgen_addrs(user,addr_type):
def start_and_wait(user,silent=False,nonl=False):
- if opt.verbose: msg('Starting bitcoin regtest daemon')
- p = start_cmd('daemon','-daemon',user=user)
- err = process_output(p)[1]
- if err:
- rdie(1,'Error starting the Bitcoin daemon:\n{}'.format(err))
+ vmsg('Starting bitcoin regtest daemon')
+ (start_daemon_mswin,start_daemon)[g.platform=='linux'](user)
def stop_and_wait(silent=False,nonl=False,stop_silent=False,ignore_noconnect_error=False):
@@ -194,6 +212,8 @@ def fund_wallet(user,amt):
def setup():
+ try: os.mkdir(data_dir)
+ except: pass
if test_daemon() != 'stopped':
@@ -223,16 +243,28 @@ def setup():
gmsg('Setup complete')
-def get_current_user(quiet=False):
+def get_current_user_win(quiet=False):
+ if test_daemon() == 'stopped': return None
+ p = start_cmd('grep','Using wallet',os.path.join(regtest_dir,'debug.log'))
+ try: wallet_fn = p.stdout.readlines()[-1].split()[-1]
+ except: return None
+ for k in ('orig','bob','alice'):
+ if wallet_fn == 'wallet.dat.'+k:
+ if not quiet: msg('Current user is {}'.format(k.capitalize()))
+ return k
+ return None
+def get_current_user_unix(quiet=False):
p = start_cmd('pgrep','-af', 'bitcoind.*-rpcuser={}.*'.format(rpc_user))
cmdline = p.stdout.read()
if not cmdline: return None
- user = None
for k in ('orig','bob','alice'):
- if 'wallet.dat.{}'.format(k) in cmdline:
- user = k; break
- if not quiet: msg('Current user is {}'.format(user.capitalize()))
- return user
+ if 'wallet.dat.'+k in cmdline:
+ if not quiet: msg('Current user is {}'.format(k.capitalize()))
+ return k
+ return None
+get_current_user = (get_current_user_win,get_current_user_unix)[g.platform=='linux']
def bob(): return user('bob',quiet=False)
def alice(): return user('alice',quiet=False)