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mmgen-autosign: encrypt signing wallet with session key on removable device

philemon 7 years ago
12 changed files with 512 additions and 402 deletions
  1. 4 8
  2. 0 1
  3. 424 0
  4. 6 0
  5. 2 10
  6. 1 1
  7. 0 373
  8. 8 1
  9. 3 2
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  11. 5 1
  12. 56 5

+ 4 - 8

@@ -1,12 +1,8 @@
-	MMGen is written in Pure Python and runs on MS Windows and Linux.
+	MMGen is written in Python and builds and runs on MS Windows/MinGW and Linux.
-	Instructions for installation and use reside on MMGen's Github wiki:
+	Consult the MMGen wiki on Github for instructions on installation and use:
-		To install MMGen:
-		To use MMGen:
-	The wiki pages are duplicated under this distribution's doc directory for
-	offline reading.
+	Selected wiki pages in Markdown format can be found under the doc directory
+	of this distribution.

+ 0 - 1

@@ -9,6 +9,5 @@ include scripts/
 include scripts/
 include scripts/
 include scripts/
-include scripts/mmgen-autosign
 prune test/ref/__db*

+ 424 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,424 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# mmgen = Multi-Mode GENerator, command-line Bitcoin cold storage solution
+# Copyright (C)2013-2017 Philemon <>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+mmgen-autosign: Auto-sign MMGen transactions
+import sys,os,subprocess,time,signal,shutil
+from stat import *
+mountpoint   = '/mnt/tx'
+tx_dir       = '/mnt/tx/tx'
+part_label   = 'MMGEN_TX'
+wallet_dir   = '/dev/shm/autosign'
+key_fn       = 'autosign.key'
+from mmgen.common import *
+prog_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
+opts_data = lambda: {
+	'desc': 'Auto-sign MMGen transactions',
+	'usage':'[opts] [command]',
+	'options': """
+-h, --help          Print this help message
+--, --longhelp      Print help message for long options (common options)
+-c, --coins=c       Coins to sign for (comma-separated list)
+-l, --led           Use status LED to signal standby, busy and error
+-m, --mountpoint=m  Specify an alternate mountpoint (default: '{mp}')
+-s, --stealth-led   Stealth LED mode - signal busy and error only, and only
+                    after successful authorization.
+-q, --quiet         Produce quieter output
+-v, --verbose       Produce more verbose output
+	'notes': """
+                              COMMANDS
+gen_key - generate the wallet encryption key and copy it to '{td}'
+setup   - generate the wallet encryption key and wallet
+wait    - start in loop mode: wait-mount-sign-unmount-wait
+                             USAGE NOTES
+If invoked with no command, the program mounts a removable device containing
+MMGen transactions, signs any unsigned transactions, unmounts the removable
+device and exits.
+If invoked with 'wait', the program waits in a loop, mounting, signing and
+unmounting every time the removable device is inserted.
+On supported platforms (currently Orange Pi and Raspberry Pi boards), the
+status LED indicates whether the program is busy or in standby mode, i.e.
+ready for device insertion or removal.
+The removable device must have a partition labeled MMGEN_TX and a user-
+writable directory '/tx', where unsigned MMGen transactions are placed.
+On the signing machine the mount point '{mp}' must exist and /etc/fstab
+must contain the following entry:
+    LABEL='MMGEN_TX' /mnt/tx auto noauto,user 0 0
+Transactions are signed with a wallet on the signing machine (in the directory
+'{wd}') encrypted with a 64-character hexadecimal password on the
+removable device.
+The password and wallet can be created in one operation by invoking the
+command with 'setup' with the removable device inserted.  The user will be
+prompted for a seed mnemonic.
+Alternatively, the password and wallet can be created separately by first
+invoking the command with 'gen_key' and then creating and encrypting the
+wallet using the -P (--passwd-file) option:
+    $ mmgen-walletconv -r0 -q -iwords -d{wd} -p1 -P{td}/{kf} -Llabel
+Note that the hash preset must be '1'.  Multiple wallets are permissible.
+For good security, it's advisable to re-generate a new wallet and key for
+each signing session.
+This command is currently available only on Linux-based platforms.
+cmd_args = opts.init(opts_data,add_opts=['mmgen_keys_from_file','in_fmt'])
+import mmgen.tx
+from mmgen.txsign import txsign
+from mmgen.protocol import CoinProtocol
+if opt.stealth_led: opt.led = True
+if opt.mountpoint: mountpoint = opt.mountpoint # TODO: make global
+opt.outdir = tx_dir = os.path.join(mountpoint,'tx')
+def check_daemons_running():
+	if opt.coin:
+		die(1,'--coin option not supported with this command.  Use --coins instead')
+	if opt.coins:
+		coins = opt.coins.upper().split(',')
+	else:
+		ymsg('Warning: no coins specified, so defaulting to BTC only')
+		coins = ['BTC']
+	for coin in coins:
+		g.proto = CoinProtocol(coin,g.testnet)
+		vmsg('Checking {} daemon'.format(coin))
+		try:
+			rpc_init(reinit=True)
+			g.rpch.getbalance()
+		except SystemExit as e:
+			if e[0] != 0:
+				ydie(1,'{} daemon not running or not listening on port {}'.format(coin,g.proto.rpc_port))
+def get_wallet_files():
+	wfs = [f for f in os.listdir(wallet_dir) if f[-6:] == '.mmdat']
+	if not wfs:
+		die(1,'No wallet files present!')
+	return [os.path.join(wallet_dir,w) for w in wfs]
+def do_mount():
+	if not os.path.ismount(mountpoint):
+		if subprocess.Popen(['mount',mountpoint],stderr=subprocess.PIPE,stdout=subprocess.PIPE).wait() == 0:
+			msg('Mounting '+mountpoint)
+	try:
+		ds = os.stat(tx_dir)
+		assert S_ISDIR(ds.st_mode)
+		assert ds.st_mode & S_IWUSR|S_IRUSR == S_IWUSR|S_IRUSR
+	except:
+		die(1,'{} missing, or not read/writable by user!'.format(tx_dir))
+def do_umount():
+	if os.path.ismount(mountpoint):
+		msg('Unmounting '+mountpoint)
+def sign_tx_file(txfile):
+	try:
+		g.coin = mmgen.tx.MMGenTX(txfile,md_only=True).coin
+		g.proto = CoinProtocol(g.coin,g.testnet)
+		reload(sys.modules['mmgen.tx'])
+		tx = mmgen.tx.MMGenTX(txfile)
+		rpc_init(reinit=True)
+		txsign(tx,wfs,None,None)
+		tx.write_to_file(ask_write=False)
+		return True
+	except:
+		return False
+def sign():
+	dirlist  = os.listdir(tx_dir)
+	raw      = [f      for f in dirlist if f[-6:] == '.rawtx']
+	signed   = [f[:-6] for f in dirlist if f[-6:] == '.sigtx']
+	unsigned = [os.path.join(tx_dir,f) for f in raw if f[:-6] not in signed]
+	if unsigned:
+		fails = 0
+		for txfile in unsigned:
+			ret = sign_tx_file(txfile)
+			if not ret:
+				fails += 1
+			qmsg('')
+		time.sleep(0.3)
+		n_ok = len(unsigned) - fails
+		msg('{} transaction{} signed'.format(n_ok,suf(n_ok)))
+		if fails:
+			ymsg('{} transaction{} failed to sign'.format(fails,suf(fails)))
+		return False if fails else True
+	else:
+		msg('No unsigned transactions')
+		time.sleep(1)
+		return True
+def decrypt_wallets():
+	opt.hash_preset = '1'
+	opt.set_by_user = ['hash_preset']
+	opt.passwd_file = os.path.join(tx_dir,key_fn)
+#	opt.passwd_file = '/tmp/key'
+	from mmgen.seed import SeedSource
+	msg("Trying to unlock wallet{} with key from '{}'".format(suf(wfs),opt.passwd_file))
+	fails = 0
+	for wf in wfs:
+		try:
+			SeedSource(wf)
+		except SystemExit as e:
+			if e[0] != 0:
+				fails += 1
+	return False if fails else True
+def do_sign():
+	if not opt.stealth_led: set_led('busy')
+	do_mount()
+	key_ok = decrypt_wallets()
+	if key_ok:
+		if opt.stealth_led: set_led('busy')
+		ret = sign()
+		do_umount()
+		set_led(('standby','off','error')[(not ret)*2 or bool(opt.stealth_led)])
+		return ret
+	else:
+		msg('Password is incorrect!')
+		do_umount()
+		if not opt.stealth_led: set_led('error')
+		return False
+def wipe_existing_key():
+	fn = os.path.join(tx_dir,key_fn)
+	try: os.stat(fn)
+	except: pass
+	else:
+		msg('\nWiping existing key {}'.format(fn))
+def create_key():
+	from binascii import hexlify
+	kdata = hexlify(os.urandom(32))
+	fn = os.path.join(tx_dir,key_fn)
+	desc = 'key file {}'.format(fn)
+	msg('Creating ' + desc)
+	try:
+		with open(fn,'w') as f: f.write(kdata+'\n')
+		os.chmod(fn,0400)
+		msg('Wrote ' + desc)
+	except:
+		die(2,'Unable to write ' + desc)
+def gen_key(no_unmount=False):
+	if not get_insert_status():
+		die(2,'Removable device not present!')
+	do_mount()
+	wipe_existing_key()
+	create_key()
+	if not no_unmount:
+		do_umount()
+def create_wallet_dir():
+	msg("Deleting '{}'".format(wallet_dir))
+	try: shutil.rmtree(wallet_dir)
+	except: pass
+	try: os.mkdir(wallet_dir)
+	except: pass
+	try: os.stat(wallet_dir)
+	except: die(2,"Unable to create wallet directory '{}'".format(wallet_dir))
+def setup():
+	create_wallet_dir()
+	gen_key(no_unmount=True)
+	from mmgen.seed import SeedSource
+	opt.hidden_incog_input_params = None
+	opt.quiet = True
+	opt.in_fmt = 'words'
+	ss_in = SeedSource()
+	opt.out_fmt = 'mmdat'
+	opt.usr_randchars = 0
+	opt.hash_preset = '1'
+	opt.set_by_user = ['hash_preset']
+	opt.passwd_file = os.path.join(tx_dir,key_fn)
+	from mmgen.obj import MMGenWalletLabel
+	opt.label = MMGenWalletLabel('Autosign Wallet')
+	ss_out = SeedSource(ss=ss_in)
+	ss_out.write_to_file(desc='autosign wallet',outdir=wallet_dir)
+def ev_sleep(secs):
+	ev.wait(secs)
+	return (False,True)[ev.isSet()]
+def do_led(on,off):
+	if not on:
+		with open(status_ctl,'w') as f: f.write('0\n')
+		while True:
+			if ev_sleep(3600): return
+	while True:
+		for s_time,val in ((on,255),(off,0)):
+			with open(status_ctl,'w') as f: f.write('{}\n'.format(val))
+			if ev_sleep(s_time): return
+def set_led(cmd):
+	if not opt.led: return
+	vmsg("Setting LED state to '{}'".format(cmd))
+	timings = {
+		'off':     ( 0, 0 ),
+		'standby': ( 2.2, 0.2 ),
+		'busy':    ( 0.06, 0.06 ),
+		'error':   ( 0.5, 0.5 )}[cmd]
+	global led_thread
+	if led_thread:
+		ev.set(); led_thread.join(); ev.clear()
+	led_thread = threading.Thread(target=do_led,name='LED loop',args=timings)
+	led_thread.start()
+def get_insert_status():
+	try: os.stat(os.path.join('/dev/disk/by-label/',part_label))
+	except: return False
+	else: return True
+def do_loop():
+	n,prev_status = 0,False
+	if not opt.stealth_led:
+		set_led('standby')
+	while True:
+		status = get_insert_status()
+		if status and not prev_status:
+			msg('Device insert detected')
+			do_sign()
+		prev_status = status
+		if not n % 10:
+			msg_r('\r{}\rWaiting'.format(' '*17))
+		time.sleep(1)
+		msg_r('.')
+		n += 1
+def check_access(fn,desc='status LED control',init_val=None):
+	try:
+		with open(fn) as f: b =
+		with open(fn,'w') as f:
+			f.write('{}\n'.format(init_val or b))
+		return True
+	except:
+		m1 = "You do not have access to the {} file\n".format(desc)
+		m2 = "To allow access, run 'sudo chmod 0666 {}'".format(fn)
+		msg(m1+m2)
+		return False
+def check_wipe_present():
+	try:
+		subprocess.Popen(['wipe','-v'],stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+	except:
+		die(2,"The 'wipe' utility must be installed before running this program")
+def init_led():
+	sc = {
+		'opi': '/sys/class/leds/orangepi:red:status/brightness',
+		'rpi': '/sys/class/leds/led0/brightness'
+	}
+	tc = {
+		'rpi': '/sys/class/leds/led0/trigger', # mmc,none
+	}
+	for k in ('opi','rpi'):
+		try: os.stat(sc[k])
+		except: pass
+		else:
+			board = k
+			break
+	else:
+		die(2,'Control files not found!  LED option not supported')
+	status_ctl  = sc[board]
+	trigger_ctl = tc[board] if board in tc else None
+	if not check_access(status_ctl) or (
+			trigger_ctl and not check_access(trigger_ctl,desc='LED trigger',init_val='none')
+		):
+		sys.exit(1)
+	if trigger_ctl:
+		with open(trigger_ctl,'w') as f: f.write('none\n')
+	return status_ctl,trigger_ctl
+def at_exit(exit_val,nl=True):
+	if opt.led:
+		set_led('off')
+		ev.set()
+		led_thread.join()
+		if trigger_ctl:
+			with open(trigger_ctl,'w') as f: f.write('mmc0\n')
+	if nl: msg('')
+	sys.exit(exit_val)
+def handler(a,b): at_exit(1)
+# main()
+if len(cmd_args) == 1 and cmd_args[0] in ('gen_key','setup'):
+	globals()[cmd_args[0]]()
+	sys.exit(0)
+wfs = get_wallet_files()
+if opt.led:
+	import threading
+	status_ctl,trigger_ctl = init_led()
+	ev = threading.Event()
+	led_thread = None
+	if len(cmd_args) == 1 and cmd_args[0] == 'wait':
+		do_loop()
+	elif len(cmd_args) == 0:
+		ret = do_sign()
+		at_exit((1,0)[ret],nl=False)
+	else:
+		msg('Invalid invocation')
+except IOError:
+	at_exit(2)
+except KeyboardInterrupt:
+	at_exit(1)

+ 6 - 0

@@ -33,6 +33,12 @@ class CoinDaemonRPCConnection(object):
 		dmsg('    host [{}] port [{}] user [{}] passwd [{}] auth_cookie [{}]\n'.format(
+		import socket
+		try:
+			socket.create_connection((host,port)).close()
+		except:
+			die(1,'Unable to connect to {}:{}'.format(host,port))
 		if user and passwd:
 			self.auth_str = '{}:{}'.format(user,passwd)
 		elif auth_cookie:

+ 2 - 10

@@ -54,14 +54,11 @@ def _kb_hold_protect_unix():
 def _kb_hold_protect_unix_raw(): pass
 def _get_keypress_unix(prompt='',immed_chars='',prehold_protect=True):
 	timeout = float(0.3)
 	fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
 	old = termios.tcgetattr(fd)
 	while True:
 		# Protect against held-down key before read()
 		key = select([sys.stdin], [], [], timeout)[0]
@@ -73,7 +70,6 @@ def _get_keypress_unix(prompt='',immed_chars='',prehold_protect=True):
 		# Protect against long keypress
 		key = select([sys.stdin], [], [], timeout)[0]
 		if not key: break
 	termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, old)
 	return ch
@@ -82,17 +78,12 @@ def _get_keypress_unix_stub(prompt='',immed_chars='',prehold_protect=None):
 def _get_keypress_unix_raw(prompt='',immed_chars='',prehold_protect=None):
 	fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
 	old = termios.tcgetattr(fd)
 	ch =
 	termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, old)
 	return ch
 def _kb_hold_protect_mswin():
@@ -203,11 +194,12 @@ def set_terminal_vars():
 		kb_hold_protect = (_kb_hold_protect_unix_raw,_kb_hold_protect_unix)[g.hold_protect]
 		if not sys.stdin.isatty():
 			get_char,kb_hold_protect = _get_keypress_unix_stub,_kb_hold_protect_unix_raw
+			get_char_raw = get_char
 		get_terminal_size = _get_terminal_size_linux
 		get_char_raw = _get_keypress_mswin_raw
 		get_char = (_get_keypress_mswin_raw,_get_keypress_mswin)[g.hold_protect]
 		kb_hold_protect = (_kb_hold_protect_mswin_raw,_kb_hold_protect_mswin)[g.hold_protect]
 		if not sys.stdin.isatty():
-			get_char = _get_keypress_mswin_stub
+			get_char = get_char_raw = _get_keypress_mswin_stub
 		get_terminal_size = _get_terminal_size_mswin

+ 1 - 1

@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ def Vmsg_r(s,force=False):
 def dmsg(s):
 	if opt.debug: msg(s)
-def suf(arg,suf_type):
+def suf(arg,suf_type='s'):
 	suf_types = { 's':  ('s',''), 'es': ('es','') }
 	assert suf_type in suf_types
 	t = type(arg)

+ 0 - 373

@@ -1,373 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# mmgen = Multi-Mode GENerator, command-line Bitcoin cold storage solution
-# Copyright (C)2013-2017 Philemon <>
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-mmgen-autosign: Auto-sign MMGen transactions
-import sys,os,subprocess,time,signal
-from stat import *
-mountpoint   = '/mnt/tx'
-tx_dir       = os.path.join(mountpoint,'tx')
-part_label   = 'MMGEN_TX'
-shm_dir      = '/dev/shm'
-secret_fn    = 'txsign-secret'
-from mmgen.common import *
-prog_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
-opts_data = lambda: {
-	'desc': 'Auto-sign MMGen transactions',
-	'usage':'[opts] [command]',
-	'options': """
--h, --help           Print this help message
--c, --coins=c        Coins to sign for (comma-separated list)
--l, --led            Use status LED to signal standby, busy and error
--s, --stealth-led    Stealth LED mode - signal busy and error only, and only
-                     after successful authorization.
--q, --quiet          Produce quieter output
--v, --verbose        Produce more verbose output
-	'notes': """
-                              COMMANDS
-gen_secret - generate the shared secret and copy to /dev/shm and USB stick
-wait       - start in loop mode: wait - mount - sign - unmount - wait
-                             USAGE NOTES
-If invoked with no command, the program mounts the USB stick, signs any
-unsigned transactions, unmounts the USB stick and exits.
-If invoked with 'wait', the program waits in a loop, mounting, signing and
-unmounting every time the USB stick is inserted.  On supported platforms,
-the status LED indicates whether the program is busy or in standby mode,
-i.e. ready for USB stick insertion or removal.
-The USB stick must have a partition labeled MMGEN_TX and a user-writable
-directory '/tx', where unsigned MMGen transactions are placed.
-On the signing machine the directory /mnt/tx must exist and /etc/fstab must
-contain the following entry:
-    LABEL='MMGEN_TX' /mnt/tx auto noauto,user 0 0
-The signing wallet or wallets must be in MMGen mnemonic format and
-present in /dev/shm.  The wallet(s) can be created interactively with
-the following command:
-    $ mmgen-walletconv -i words -o words -d /dev/shm
-{} checks that a shared secret is present on the USB stick
-before signing transactions.  The shared secret is generated by invoking
-the command with 'gen_secret' with the USB stick inserted.  For good
-security, it's advisable to re-generate a new shared secret before each
-signing session.
-Status LED functionality is supported on Orange Pi and Raspberry Pi boards.
-This program is a helper script and is not installed by default.  You
-may copy it to your executable path if you wish, or just run it in place
-in the scripts directory of the MMGen repository root where it resides.
-cmd_args = opts.init(opts_data,add_opts=['mmgen_keys_from_file','in_fmt'])
-import mmgen.tx
-from mmgen.txsign import txsign
-from mmgen.protocol import CoinProtocol
-if opt.stealth_led: opt.led = True
-opt.outdir = tx_dir
-def check_daemons_running():
-	if opt.coin:
-		die(1,'--coin option not supported with this command.  Use --coins instead')
-	if opt.coins:
-		coins = opt.coins.split(',')
-	else:
-		ymsg('Warning: no coins specified, so defaulting to BTC only')
-		coins = ['btc']
-	for coin in coins:
-		cmd = [ 'mmgen-tool',
-				'--coin={}'.format(coin),
-				'--testnet={}'.format(opt.testnet or 0)
-				] + ([],['--quiet'])[bool(opt.quiet)] + ['getbalance']
-		vmsg('Executing: {}'.format(' '.join(cmd)))
-		try: subprocess.check_output(cmd)
-		except: die(1,'{} daemon not running'.format(coin.upper()))
-def get_wallet_files():
-	wfs = [f for f in os.listdir(shm_dir) if f[-8:] == '.mmwords']
-	if not wfs:
-		die(1,'No mnemonic files present!')
-	return [os.path.join(shm_dir,w) for w in wfs]
-def get_secret_in_dir(d,on_fail='die'):
-	fn = os.path.join(d,secret_fn)
-	try:
-		with open(fn) as f: ret =
-		assert is_hex_str(ret) and len(ret) == 32
-		return ret
-	except:
-		msg("Secret file '{}' non-existent, unreadable or in incorrect format!".format(fn))
-		if on_fail == 'die': sys.exit(1)
-		else:                return None
-def do_mount():
-	if not os.path.ismount(mountpoint):
-		msg('Mounting '+mountpoint)
-	try:
-		ds = os.stat(tx_dir)
-		assert S_ISDIR(ds.st_mode)
-		assert ds.st_mode & S_IWUSR|S_IRUSR == S_IWUSR|S_IRUSR
-	except:
-		die(1,'{} missing, or not read/writable by user!'.format(tx_dir))
-def do_umount():
-	if os.path.ismount(mountpoint):
-		msg('Unmounting '+mountpoint)
-def sign_tx_file(txfile):
-	try:
-		g.coin = mmgen.tx.MMGenTX(txfile,md_only=True).coin
-		g.proto = CoinProtocol(g.coin,g.testnet)
-		reload(sys.modules['mmgen.tx'])
-		tx = mmgen.tx.MMGenTX(txfile)
-		rpc_init(reinit=True)
-		txsign(tx,wfs,None,None)
-		tx.write_to_file(ask_write=False)
-		return True
-	except:
-		return False
-def sign():
-	dirlist  = os.listdir(tx_dir)
-	raw      = [f      for f in dirlist if f[-6:] == '.rawtx']
-	signed   = [f[:-6] for f in dirlist if f[-6:] == '.sigtx']
-	unsigned = [os.path.join(tx_dir,f) for f in raw if f[:-6] not in signed]
-	if unsigned:
-		fails = 0
-		for txfile in unsigned:
-			ret = sign_tx_file(txfile)
-			if not ret:
-				fails += 1
-			qmsg('')
-		if fails: ymsg('{} failed signs'.format(fails))
-		time.sleep(0.3)
-		return False if fails else True
-	else:
-		msg('No unsigned transactions')
-		time.sleep(1)
-		return True
-def do_sign():
-	if not opt.stealth_led: set_led('busy')
-	do_mount()
-	ret = get_secret_in_dir(tx_dir,on_fail='return')
-	if ret == secret:
-		if opt.stealth_led: set_led('busy')
-		ret = sign()
-		do_umount()
-		set_led(('standby','off','error')[(not ret)*2 or bool(opt.stealth_led)])
-	else:
-		if ret != None:
-			msg('Secret is incorrect!')
-		do_umount()
-		if not opt.stealth_led: set_led('error')
-def wipe_existing_secret_files():
-	for d in (tx_dir,shm_dir):
-		fn = os.path.join(d,secret_fn)
-		try:
-			os.stat(fn)
-		except:
-			pass
-		else:
-			msg('\nWiping existing key {}'.format(fn))
-def create_secret_files():
-	from binascii import hexlify
-	secret = hexlify(os.urandom(16))
-	for d in (tx_dir,shm_dir):
-		fn = os.path.join(d,secret_fn)
-		desc = 'secret file in {}'.format(d)
-		msg('Creating ' + desc)
-		try:
-			with open(fn,'w') as f: f.write(secret+'\n')
-			os.chmod(fn,0400)
-			msg('Wrote ' + desc)
-		except:
-			die(2,'Unable to write ' + desc)
-def do_create_secret_files():
-	if not get_insert_status():
-		die(2,'USB stick not present!')
-	do_mount()
-	wipe_existing_secret_files()
-	create_secret_files()
-	do_umount()
-def ev_sleep(secs):
-	ev.wait(secs)
-	return (False,True)[ev.isSet()]
-def do_led(on,off):
-	if not on:
-		with open(status_ctl,'w') as f: f.write('0\n')
-		while True:
-			if ev_sleep(3600): return
-	while True:
-		with open(status_ctl,'w') as f: f.write('255\n')
-		if ev_sleep(on): return
-		with open(status_ctl,'w') as f: f.write('0\n')
-		if ev_sleep(off): return
-def set_led(cmd):
-	if not opt.led: return
-	vmsg("Setting LED state to '{}'".format(cmd))
-	timings = {
-		'off':     ( 0, 0 ),
-		'standby': ( 2.2, 0.2 ),
-		'busy':    ( 0.06, 0.06 ),
-		'error':   ( 0.5, 0.5 )}[cmd]
-	global led_thread
-	if led_thread:
-		ev.set(); led_thread.join(); ev.clear()
-	led_thread = threading.Thread(target=do_led,name='LED loop',args=timings)
-	led_thread.start()
-def get_insert_status():
-	try: os.stat(os.path.join('/dev/disk/by-label/',part_label))
-	except: return False
-	else: return True
-def do_loop():
-	n,prev_status = 0,False
-	if not opt.stealth_led:
-		set_led('standby')
-	while True:
-		status = get_insert_status()
-		if status and not prev_status:
-			msg('Running command...')
-			do_sign()
-		prev_status = status
-		if not n % 10:
-			msg_r('\r{}\rWaiting'.format(' '*17))
-		time.sleep(1)
-		msg_r('.')
-		n += 1
-def check_access(fn,desc='status LED control',init_val=None):
-	try:
-		with open(fn) as f: b =
-		with open(fn,'w') as f:
-			f.write('{}\n'.format(init_val or b))
-		return True
-	except:
-		m1 = "You do not have access to the {} file\n".format(desc)
-		m2 = "To allow access, run 'sudo chmod 0666 {}'".format(fn)
-		msg(m1+m2)
-		return False
-def check_wipe_present():
-	try:
-		subprocess.Popen(['wipe','-v'],stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
-	except:
-		die(2,"The 'wipe' utility must be installed before running this program")
-def at_exit(nl=True):
-	if opt.led:
-		set_led('off')
-		ev.set()
-		led_thread.join()
-		if board == 'rpi':
-			with open(trigger[board],'w') as f: f.write('mmc0\n')
-	if nl: msg('')
-	raise SystemExit
-def handler(a,b): at_exit()
-# main()
-if len(cmd_args) == 1 and cmd_args[0] == 'gen_secret':
-	do_create_secret_files()
-	sys.exit()
-if opt.led:
-	import threading
-	status = {
-		'opi': '/sys/class/leds/orangepi:red:status/brightness',
-		'rpi': '/sys/class/leds/led0/brightness'
-	}
-	trigger = {
-		'rpi': '/sys/class/leds/led0/trigger', # mmc,none
-	}
-	for k in ('opi','rpi'):
-		try: os.stat(status[k])
-		except: pass
-		else:
-			board = k
-			status_ctl = status[board]
-			break
-	else:
-		die(2,'Control files not found!  LED option not supported')
-	if not check_access(status_ctl) or (
-		board == 'rpi' and not check_access(trigger[board],desc='LED trigger',init_val='none')):
-		sys.exit(1)
-	ev = threading.Event()
-	led_thread = None
-	if board == 'rpi':
-		with open(trigger[board],'w') as f: f.write('none\n')
-wfs = get_wallet_files()
-secret = get_secret_in_dir(shm_dir,on_fail='die')
-#sign(); sys.exit()
-	if len(cmd_args) == 1 and cmd_args[0] == 'wait':
-		do_loop()
-	elif len(cmd_args) == 0:
-		do_sign()
-		at_exit(nl=False)
-	else:
-		msg('Invalid invocation')
-except IOError:
-	at_exit()
-except KeyboardInterrupt:
-	at_exit()

+ 8 - 1

@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # Tested on Linux, MinGW-64
 # MinGW's bash 3.1.17 doesn't do ${var^^}
-dfl_tests='obj btc btc_tn btc_rt bch bch_rt ltc ltc_tn ltc_rt tool gen'
+dfl_tests='obj misc btc btc_tn btc_rt bch bch_rt ltc ltc_tn ltc_rt tool gen'
 PROGNAME=$(basename $0)
 while getopts hinPt OPT
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ do
 		echo   "           '-t'  Print the tests without running them"
 		echo   "  AVAILABLE TESTS:"
 		echo   "     obj    - data objects"
+		echo   "     misc   - miscellaneous operations"
 		echo   "     btc    - bitcoin"
 		echo   "     btc_tn - bitcoin testnet"
 		echo   "     btc_rt - bitcoin regtest"
@@ -92,6 +93,12 @@ t_obj=(
     'test/ --coin=ltc --testnet=1 -S')
 f_obj='Data object test complete'
+i_misc='Miscellaneous operations'
+s_misc='The bitcoin, bitcoin-abc and litecoin (mainnet) daemons must be running for the following tests'
+    'test/ -On misc')
+f_misc='Miscellaneous operations test complete'
 i_btc='Bitcoin mainnet'
 s_btc='The bitcoin (mainnet) daemon must both be running for the following tests'

+ 3 - 2

@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ setup(
-		scripts=[
+		scripts = [
@@ -163,6 +163,7 @@ setup(
-			'cmds/mmgen-tool'
+			'cmds/mmgen-tool',
+			'cmds/mmgen-autosign'

+ 3 - 0

@@ -248,6 +248,9 @@ class MMGenPexpect(object):
 	def interactive(self):
 		return self.p.interact() # interact() not available with popen_spawn
+	def kill(self,signal):
+		return self.p.kill(signal)
 	def logfile(self,arg):
 		self.p.logfile = arg

+ 5 - 1

@@ -112,9 +112,13 @@ tests = OrderedDict([
 	('BTCAmt', {
-		'bad':  ('-3.2','0.123456789',123L,'123L',22000000,20999999.12345678),
+		'bad':  ('-3.2','0.123456789',123L,'123L','22000000',20999999.12345678),
 		'good': (('20999999.12345678',Decimal('20999999.12345678')),)
+	('LTCAmt', {
+		'bad':  ('-3.2','0.123456789',123L,'123L','88000000',80999999.12345678),
+		'good': (('80999999.12345678',Decimal('80999999.12345678')),)
+		}),
 	('CoinAddr', {
 		'bad':  (1,'x','я'),
 		'good': {

+ 56 - 5

@@ -204,6 +204,9 @@ cfgs = {
 	'17': {
 		'tmpdir':        os.path.join('test','tmp17'),
+	'18': {
+		'tmpdir':        os.path.join('test','tmp18'),
+	},
 	'1': {
 		'tmpdir':        os.path.join('test','tmp1'),
 		'wpasswd':       'Dorian',
@@ -668,6 +671,10 @@ cmd_group['regtest'] = (
 	('regtest_stop',               'stopping regtest daemon'),
+cmd_group['misc'] = (
+	('autosign', 'transaction autosigning (BTC,BCH,LTC)'),
 # undocumented admin cmds
 cmd_group_admin = OrderedDict()
 cmd_group_admin['create_ref_tx'] = (
@@ -736,6 +743,11 @@ for a,b in cmd_group['regtest']:
 	cmd_data[a] = (17,b,[[[],17]])
+cmd_data['info_misc'] = 'miscellaneous operations',[18]
+for a,b in cmd_group['misc']:
+	cmd_list['misc'].append(a)
+	cmd_data[a] = (18,b,[[[],18]])
 utils = {
 	'check_deps': 'check dependencies for specified command',
 	'clean':      'clean specified tmp dir(s) 1,2,3,4,5 or 6 (no arg = all dirs)',
@@ -900,7 +912,7 @@ class MMGenExpect(MMGenPexpect):
 	def __init__(self,name,mmgen_cmd,cmd_args=[],extra_desc='',no_output=False,msg_only=False):
-		desc = (cmd_data[name][1],name)[bool(opt.names)] + (' ' + extra_desc).strip()
+		desc = ((cmd_data[name][1],name)[bool(opt.names)] + (' ' + extra_desc)).strip()
 		passthru_args = ['testnet','rpc_host','rpc_port','regtest','coin']
 		if not opt.system:
@@ -1230,7 +1242,7 @@ class MMGenTestSuite(object):
 	def helpscreens(self,name,arg='--help'):
 		scripts = (
-			'addrgen','addrimport','keygen','passchg','tool','passgen','regtest')
+			'addrgen','addrimport','keygen','passchg','tool','passgen','regtest','autosign')
 		for s in scripts:
 			t = MMGenExpect(name,('mmgen-'+s),[arg],extra_desc='(mmgen-%s)'%s,no_output=True)
@@ -1805,6 +1817,45 @@ class MMGenTestSuite(object):
+	# Miscellaneous tests
+	def autosign(self,name):
+		if g.platform == 'win':
+			msg('Skipping {} (not supported)'.format(name)); return
+		fdata = (('btc',''),('bch',''),('ltc','litecoin'))
+		tfns = [cfgs['8']['ref_tx_file'][c].format('') for c,d in fdata]
+		tfs = [os.path.join(ref_dir,d[1],fn) for d,fn in zip(fdata,tfns)]
+		try: os.mkdir(os.path.join(cfg['tmpdir'],'tx'))
+		except: pass
+		for f,fn in zip(tfs,tfns):
+			shutil.copyfile(f,os.path.join(cfg['tmpdir'],'tx',fn))
+		# make a bad tx file
+		with open(os.path.join(cfg['tmpdir'],'tx','bad.rawtx'),'w') as f:
+			f.write('bad tx data')
+		ls = os.listdir(cfg['tmpdir'])
+		opts = ['--mountpoint='+cfg['tmpdir'],'--coins=btc,bch,ltc']
+#		opts += ['--quiet']
+		mn_fn = os.path.join(ref_dir,cfgs['8']['seed_id']+'.mmwords')
+		mn = read_from_file(mn_fn).strip().split()
+		t = MMGenExpect(name,'mmgen-autosign',opts+['gen_key'],extra_desc='(gen_key)')
+		t.expect_getend('Wrote key file ')
+		t.ok()
+		t = MMGenExpect(name,'mmgen-autosign',opts+['setup'],extra_desc='(setup)')
+		t.expect('words: ','3')
+		t.expect('OK? (Y/n): ','\n')
+		for i in range(24):
+			t.expect('word #{}: '.format(i+1),mn[i]+'\n')
+		wf = t.written_to_file('Autosign wallet')
+		t.ok()
+		t = MMGenExpect(name,'mmgen-autosign',opts+['wait'],extra_desc='(sign)')
+		t.expect('3 transactions signed')
+		t.expect('1 transaction failed to sign')
+		t.expect('Waiting.')
+		t.kill(2)
+		t.ok(exit_val=1)
 	# Saved reference file tests
 	def ref_wallet_conv(self,name):
 		wf = os.path.join(ref_dir,cfg['ref_wallet'])
@@ -2493,8 +2544,8 @@ start_time = int(time.time())
 def end_msg():
 	t = int(time.time()) - start_time
-	m = '{} tests performed.  Elapsed time: {:02d}:{:02d}\n'
-	sys.stderr.write(green(m.format(cmd_total,t/60,t%60)))
+	m = '{} test{} performed.  Elapsed time: {:02d}:{:02d}\n'
+	sys.stderr.write(green(m.format(cmd_total,suf(cmd_total),t/60,t%60)))
 ts = MMGenTestSuite()
@@ -2524,7 +2575,7 @@ try:
 		for cmd in cmd_data:
-			if cmd == 'info_regtest': break # don't run these by default
+			if cmd == 'info_regtest': break # don't run everything after this by default
 			if cmd[:5] == 'info_':
 				msg(green('%sTesting %s' % (('\n','')[bool(opt.resume)],cmd_data[cmd][0])))