@@ -561,7 +561,6 @@ def get_words(infile,desc,prompt):
return get_words_from_user(prompt)
def remove_comments(lines):
- # re.sub(pattern, repl, string, count=0, flags=0)
ret = []
for i in lines:
i = re.sub(ur'#.*',u'',i,1)
@@ -617,7 +616,6 @@ def get_mmgen_passphrase(desc,passchg=False):
return ' '.join(get_words_from_user(prompt))
def get_bitcoind_passphrase(prompt):
if opt.passwd_file:
@@ -626,22 +624,6 @@ def get_bitcoind_passphrase(prompt):
return my_raw_input(prompt, echo=opt.echo_passphrase)
-def check_data_fits_file_at_offset(fname,offset,dlen,action):
- # TODO: Check for Windows
- if stat.S_ISBLK(os.stat(fname).st_mode):
- fd = os.open(fname, os.O_RDONLY)
- fsize = os.lseek(fd, 0, os.SEEK_END)
- os.close(fd)
- else:
- fsize = os.stat(fname).st_size
- if fsize < offset + dlen:
- m = ('Input','Destination')[action == 'write']
- die(1,
- '%s file has length %s, too short to %s %s bytes of data at offset %s'
- % (m,fsize,action,dlen,offset))
def get_hash_preset_from_user(hp=g.hash_preset,desc='data'):
p = """Enter hash preset for %s,
or hit ENTER to accept the default value ('%s'): """ % (desc,hp)
@@ -766,5 +748,7 @@ def bitcoin_connection():
auth_cookie = get_bitcoind_auth_cookie()
import mmgen.rpc
- return mmgen.rpc.BitcoinRPCConnection(
+ c = mmgen.rpc.BitcoinRPCConnection(
+ c.client_version = int(c.getinfo()['version'])
+ return c