Browse Source (global opts), help.__init__: minor fixes & cleanups

The MMGen Project 1 month ago
2 changed files with 29 additions and 30 deletions
  1. 15 20
  2. 14 10

+ 15 - 20

@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ def usage(cfg):
 class Help:
-	def make(self, cfg, opts, proto):
+	def make(self, cfg, opts):
 		def gen_arg_tuple(func, text):
@@ -86,27 +86,28 @@ class Help:
 				yield d[arg] if arg in d else text
 		def gen_output():
-			yield '  {} {}'.format(gc.prog_name.upper() + ':', text['desc'].strip())
+			yield '  {} {}'.format(gc.prog_name.upper() + ':', opts.opts_data['text']['desc'].strip())
 			yield make_usage_str(cfg, caller='help')
-			yield help_type.upper().replace('_', ' ') + ':'
+			yield self.help_type.upper().replace('_', ' ') + ':'
 			# process code for options
 			opts_text = nl.join(self.gen_text(opts))
-			if help_type in code:
-				yield code[help_type](*tuple(gen_arg_tuple(code[help_type], opts_text)))
+			if 'options' in code:
+				yield code['options'](*tuple(gen_arg_tuple(code['options'], opts_text)))
 				yield opts_text
 			# process code for notes
-			if help_type == 'options' and 'notes' in text:
+			if 'notes' in text:
 				if 'notes' in code:
 					yield from code['notes'](*tuple(gen_arg_tuple(code['notes'], text['notes']))).splitlines()
 					yield from text['notes'].splitlines()
-		text = opts.opts_data['text']
-		code = opts.opts_data['code']
-		help_type = self.help_type
+		from ..protocol import init_proto_from_cfg
+		proto = init_proto_from_cfg(cfg, need_amt=True)
+		text = getattr(opts, self.data_desc)['text']
+		code = getattr(opts, self.data_desc)['code']
 		nl = '\n  '
 		return nl.join(gen_output()) + '\n'
@@ -114,6 +115,7 @@ class Help:
 class CmdHelp(Help):
 	help_type = 'options'
+	data_desc = 'opts_data'
 	def gen_text(self, opts):
 		opt_filter = opts.opt_filter
@@ -137,10 +139,12 @@ class CmdHelp(Help):
 class GlobalHelp(Help):
 	help_type = 'global_options'
+	data_desc = 'global_opts_data'
 	def gen_text(self, opts):
 		from ..opts import global_opts_pat
-		for line in opts.global_opts_data['text'][1:-2].splitlines():
+		skipping = False
+		for line in opts.global_opts_data['text']['options'][1:-3].splitlines():
 			if m := global_opts_pat.match(line):
 				if m[1] in opts.global_opts_filter.coin and m[2] in opts.global_opts_filter.cmd:
 					yield '  --{} {}'.format(m[3], m[5])
@@ -152,18 +156,9 @@ class GlobalHelp(Help):
 def print_help(cfg, opts):
-	from ..protocol import init_proto_from_cfg
-	proto = init_proto_from_cfg(cfg, need_amt=True)
 	if not 'code' in opts.opts_data:
 		opts.opts_data['code'] = {}
-	if
-		cls = CmdHelp
-	else:
-		opts.opts_data['code']['global_options'] = opts.global_opts_data['code']
-		cls = GlobalHelp
 	from ..ui import do_pager
-	do_pager(cls().make(cfg, opts, proto))
+	do_pager((CmdHelp if else GlobalHelp)().make(cfg, opts))

+ 14 - 10

@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ def parse_opts(opts_data, opt_filter, global_opts_data, global_opts_filter):
 				yield (m[2], ret)
 	def parse_global_opts_text():
-		for line in global_opts_data['text'].splitlines():
+		for line in global_opts_data['text']['options'].splitlines():
 			m = global_opts_pat.match(line)
 			if m and m[1] in global_opts_filter.coin and m[2] in global_opts_filter.cmd:
 				yield (m[3], opt_tuple(m[3].replace('-', '_'), m[4] == '='))
@@ -249,7 +249,8 @@ class UserOpts(Opts):
 	global_opts_data = {
 		#  coin code : cmd code : opt : opt param : text
-		'text': """
+		'text': {
+			'options': """
 			-- --accept-defaults      Accept defaults at all prompts
 			hp --cashaddr=0|1         Display addresses in cashaddr format (default: 1)
 			-p --coin=c               Choose coin unit. Default: BTC. Current choice: {cu_dfl}
@@ -266,10 +267,10 @@ class UserOpts(Opts):
 			rr --ignore-daemon-version Ignore coin daemon version check
 			rr --http-timeout=t       Set HTTP timeout in seconds for JSON-RPC connections
 			-- --no-license           Suppress the GPL license prompt
-			rr --rpc-host=HOST        Communicate with coin daemon running on host HOST
+			Rr --rpc-host=HOST        Communicate with coin daemon running on host HOST
 			rr --rpc-port=PORT        Communicate with coin daemon listening on port PORT
-			rr --rpc-user=USER        Authenticate to coin daemon using username USER
-			rr --rpc-password=PASS    Authenticate to coin daemon using password PASS
+			br --rpc-user=USER        Authenticate to coin daemon using username USER
+			br --rpc-password=PASS    Authenticate to coin daemon using password PASS
 			Rr --rpc-backend=backend  Use backend 'backend' for JSON-RPC communications
 			Rr --aiohttp-rpc-queue-len=N Use N simultaneous RPC connections with aiohttp
 			-p --regtest=0|1          Disable or enable regtest mode
@@ -282,11 +283,14 @@ class UserOpts(Opts):
 			b- --bob                  Specify user ‘Bob’ in MMGen regtest mode
 			b- --alice                Specify user ‘Alice’ in MMGen regtest mode
 			b- --carol                Specify user ‘Carol’ in MMGen regtest mode
-		""",
-		'code': lambda proto, help_notes, s: s.format(
-			pnm     = gc.proj_name,
-			cu_dfl  = proto.coin,
-			tw_name = help_notes('dfl_twname'))
+			""",
+		},
+		'code': {
+			'options': lambda proto, help_notes, s: s.format(
+				pnm     = gc.proj_name,
+				cu_dfl  = proto.coin,
+				tw_name = help_notes('dfl_twname')),
+		}