@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import sys,os,pprint,traceback,re,json
+from decimal import Decimal
+from difflib import unified_diff
+def ppformat(d):
+ return pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4,compact=True).pformat(d)
+def ppmsg(*args):
+ sys.stderr.write(ppformat(args if len(args) > 1 else args[0]) + '\n')
+def PPmsg(*args):
+ sys.stdout.write(ppformat(args if len(args) > 1 else args[0]) + '\n')
+def ppdie(*args,exit_val=1):
+ sys.stderr.write(ppformat(args if len(args) > 1 else args[0]))
+ sys.exit(exit_val)
+def ppdie2(*args): ppdie(*args,exit_val=0)
+def print_stack_trace(message):
+ tb1 = traceback.extract_stack()
+ tb2 = [t for t in tb1 if t.filename[:1] != '<'][2:-2]
+ sys.stderr.write('STACK TRACE {}:\n'.format(message))
+ fs = ' {}:{}: in {}:\n {}\n'
+ for t in tb2:
+ fn = re.sub(r'^\./','',os.path.relpath(t.filename))
+ func = t.name+'()' if t.name[-1] != '>' else t.name
+ sys.stderr.write(fs.format(fn,t.lineno,func,t.line or '(none)'))
+class MMGenObject(object):
+ # Pretty-print any object subclassed from MMGenObject, recursing into sub-objects - WIP
+ def ppmsg(self): print(self.ppformat())
+ def ppdie(self): print(self.ppformat()); sys.exit(0)
+ def ppformat(self,lvl=0,id_list=[]):
+ scalars = (str,int,float,Decimal)
+ def do_list(out,e,lvl=0,is_dict=False):
+ out.append('\n')
+ for i in e:
+ el = i if not is_dict else e[i]
+ if is_dict:
+ out.append('{s}{:<{l}}'.format(i,s=' '*(4*lvl+8),l=10,l2=8*(lvl+1)+8))
+ if hasattr(el,'ppformat'):
+ out.append('{:>{l}}{}'.format('',el.ppformat(lvl=lvl+1,id_list=id_list+[id(self)]),l=(lvl+1)*8))
+ elif type(el) in scalars:
+ if isList(e):
+ out.append('{:>{l}}{:16}\n'.format('',repr(el),l=lvl*8))
+ else:
+ out.append(' {}'.format(repr(el)))
+ elif isList(el) or isDict(el):
+ indent = 1 if is_dict else lvl*8+4
+ out.append('{:>{l}}{:16}'.format('','<'+type(el).__name__+'>',l=indent))
+ if isList(el) and type(el[0]) in scalars: out.append('\n')
+ do_list(out,el,lvl=lvl+1,is_dict=isDict(el))
+ else:
+ out.append('{:>{l}}{:16} {}\n'.format('','<'+type(el).__name__+'>',repr(el),l=(lvl*8)+8))
+ out.append('\n')
+ if not e: out.append('{}\n'.format(repr(e)))
+ from collections import OrderedDict
+ def isDict(obj):
+ return issubclass(type(obj),dict) or issubclass(type(obj),OrderedDict)
+ def isList(obj):
+ return issubclass(type(obj),list) and type(obj) != OrderedDict
+ def isScalar(obj):
+ return any(issubclass(type(obj),t) for t in scalars)
+# print type(self)
+# print dir(self)
+# print self.__dict__
+# print self.__dict__.keys()
+# print self.keys()
+ out = ['<{}>{}\n'.format(type(self).__name__,' '+repr(self) if isScalar(self) else '')]
+ if id(self) in id_list:
+ return out[-1].rstrip() + ' [RECURSION]\n'
+ if isList(self) or isDict(self):
+ do_list(out,self,lvl=lvl,is_dict=isDict(self))
+# print repr(self.__dict__.keys())
+ for k in self.__dict__:
+ if k in ('_OrderedDict__root','_OrderedDict__map'): continue # exclude these because of recursion
+ e = getattr(self,k)
+ if isList(e) or isDict(e):
+ out.append('{:>{l}}{:<10} {:16}'.format('',k,'<'+type(e).__name__+'>',l=(lvl*8)+4))
+ do_list(out,e,lvl=lvl,is_dict=isDict(e))
+ elif hasattr(e,'ppformat') and type(e) != type:
+ out.append('{:>{l}}{:10} {}'.format('',k,e.ppformat(lvl=lvl+1,id_list=id_list+[id(self)]),l=(lvl*8)+4))
+ else:
+ out.append('{:>{l}}{:<10} {:16} {}\n'.format(
+ '',k,'<'+type(e).__name__+'>',repr(e),l=(lvl*8)+4))
+ import re
+ return re.sub('\n+','\n',''.join(out))
+def print_diff(a,b,from_json=True):
+ if from_json:
+ a = json.dumps(json.loads(a),indent=4).split('\n') if a else []
+ b = json.dumps(json.loads(b),indent=4).split('\n') if b else []
+ else:
+ a = a.split('\n')
+ b = b.split('\n')
+ sys.stderr.write(' DIFF:\n {}\n'.format('\n '.join(unified_diff(a,b))))