@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+test/unit_tests_d/ut_bip39: BIP39 unit test for the MMGen suite
+from mmgen.common import *
+from mmgen.exception import *
+from mmgen.bip39 import *
+class unit_test(object):
+ vectors = (
+ ( "00000000000000000000000000000000",
+ "abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon about"
+ ),
+ ( "7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f",
+ "legal winner thank year wave sausage worth useful legal winner thank yellow"
+ ),
+ ( "80808080808080808080808080808080",
+ "letter advice cage absurd amount doctor acoustic avoid letter advice cage above"
+ ),
+ ( "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff",
+ "zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo wrong"
+ ),
+ ( "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
+ "abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon agent"
+ ),
+ ( "7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f",
+ "legal winner thank year wave sausage worth useful legal winner thank year wave sausage worth useful legal will"
+ ),
+ ( "808080808080808080808080808080808080808080808080",
+ "letter advice cage absurd amount doctor acoustic avoid letter advice cage absurd amount doctor acoustic avoid letter always"
+ ),
+ ( "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff",
+ "zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo when"
+ ),
+ ( "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
+ "abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon art"
+ ),
+ ( "7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f",
+ "legal winner thank year wave sausage worth useful legal winner thank year wave sausage worth useful legal winner thank year wave sausage worth title"
+ ),
+ ( "8080808080808080808080808080808080808080808080808080808080808080",
+ "letter advice cage absurd amount doctor acoustic avoid letter advice cage absurd amount doctor acoustic avoid letter advice cage absurd amount doctor acoustic bless"
+ ),
+ ( "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff",
+ "zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo vote"
+ ),
+ ( "9e885d952ad362caeb4efe34a8e91bd2",
+ "ozone drill grab fiber curtain grace pudding thank cruise elder eight picnic"
+ ),
+ ( "6610b25967cdcca9d59875f5cb50b0ea75433311869e930b",
+ "gravity machine north sort system female filter attitude volume fold club stay feature office ecology stable narrow fog"
+ ),
+ ( "68a79eaca2324873eacc50cb9c6eca8cc68ea5d936f98787c60c7ebc74e6ce7c",
+ "hamster diagram private dutch cause delay private meat slide toddler razor book happy fancy gospel tennis maple dilemma loan word shrug inflict delay length"
+ ),
+ ( "c0ba5a8e914111210f2bd131f3d5e08d",
+ "scheme spot photo card baby mountain device kick cradle pact join borrow"
+ ),
+ ( "6d9be1ee6ebd27a258115aad99b7317b9c8d28b6d76431c3",
+ "horn tenant knee talent sponsor spell gate clip pulse soap slush warm silver nephew swap uncle crack brave"
+ ),
+ ( "9f6a2878b2520799a44ef18bc7df394e7061a224d2c33cd015b157d746869863",
+ "panda eyebrow bullet gorilla call smoke muffin taste mesh discover soft ostrich alcohol speed nation flash devote level hobby quick inner drive ghost inside"
+ ),
+ ( "23db8160a31d3e0dca3688ed941adbf3",
+ "cat swing flag economy stadium alone churn speed unique patch report train"
+ ),
+ ( "8197a4a47f0425faeaa69deebc05ca29c0a5b5cc76ceacc0",
+ "light rule cinnamon wrap drastic word pride squirrel upgrade then income fatal apart sustain crack supply proud access"
+ ),
+ ( "066dca1a2bb7e8a1db2832148ce9933eea0f3ac9548d793112d9a95c9407efad",
+ "all hour make first leader extend hole alien behind guard gospel lava path output census museum junior mass reopen famous sing advance salt reform"
+ ),
+ ( "f30f8c1da665478f49b001d94c5fc452",
+ "vessel ladder alter error federal sibling chat ability sun glass valve picture"
+ ),
+ ( "c10ec20dc3cd9f652c7fac2f1230f7a3c828389a14392f05",
+ "scissors invite lock maple supreme raw rapid void congress muscle digital elegant little brisk hair mango congress clump"
+ ),
+ ( "f585c11aec520db57dd353c69554b21a89b20fb0650966fa0a9d6f74fd989d8f",
+ "void come effort suffer camp survey warrior heavy shoot primary clutch crush open amazing screen patrol group space point ten exist slush involve unfold"
+ )
+ )
+ def run_test(self,name):
+ msg_r('Testing BIP39 conversion routines...')
+ qmsg('')
+ from mmgen.bip39 import bip39
+ bip39.check_wordlists()
+ bip39.check_wordlist('bip39')
+ vmsg('')
+ qmsg('Checking seed to mnemonic conversion:')
+ for v in self.vectors:
+ chk = tuple(v[1].split())
+ vmsg(' '+v[1])
+ res = bip39.fromhex(v[0],'bip39')
+ assert res == chk, 'mismatch:\nres: {}\nchk: {}'.format(res,chk)
+ vmsg('')
+ qmsg('Checking mnemonic to seed conversion:')
+ for v in self.vectors:
+ chk = v[0]
+ vmsg(' '+chk)
+ res = bip39.tohex(v[1].split(),'bip39')
+ assert res == chk, 'mismatch:\nres: {}\nchk: {}'.format(res,chk)
+ vmsg('')
+ qmsg('Checking error handling:')
+ bad_data = (
+ ('bad hex', 'AssertionError', 'not a hexadecimal'),
+ ('bad id (tohex)', 'AssertionError', "must be 'bip39'"),
+ ('bad seed len', 'AssertionError', 'invalid seed bit length'),
+ ('bad mnemonic type', 'AssertionError', 'must be list'),
+ ('bad id (fromhex)', 'AssertionError', "must be 'bip39'"),
+ ('tostr = True', 'AssertionError', "'tostr' must be"),
+ ('bad pad length (fromhex)', 'AssertionError', "invalid pad len"),
+ ('bad pad length (tohex)', 'AssertionError', "invalid pad len"),
+ ('bad word', 'MnemonicError', "not in the BIP39 word list"),
+ ('bad checksum', 'MnemonicError', "checksum"),
+ ('bad seed phrase length', 'MnemonicError', "phrase len"),
+ )
+ good_mn = "zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo wrong".split()
+ bad_len_mn = "zoo zoo zoo".split()
+ bad_chksum_mn = "zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo".split()
+ bad_word_mn = "admire zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo".split()
+ bad_seed = 'deadbeef'
+ good_seed = 'deadbeef' * 4
+ def bad0(): bip39.fromhex('xx','bip39')
+ def bad1(): bip39.fromhex(good_seed,'foo')
+ def bad2(): bip39.fromhex(bad_seed,'bip39')
+ def bad3(): bip39.tohex('string','bip39')
+ def bad4(): bip39.tohex(good_mn,'foo')
+ def bad5(): bip39.fromhex(good_seed,'bip39',tostr=True)
+ def bad6(): bip39.fromhex(good_seed,'bip39',pad=23)
+ def bad7(): bip39.tohex(good_mn,'bip39',pad=23)
+ def bad8(): bip39.tohex(bad_word_mn,'bip39')
+ def bad9(): bip39.tohex(bad_chksum_mn,'bip39')
+ def bad10(): bip39.tohex(bad_len_mn,'bip39')
+ for i in range(len(bad_data)):
+ try:
+ vmsg_r(' {:26}'.format(bad_data[i][0]+':'))
+ locals()['bad'+str(i)]()
+ except Exception as e:
+ n = type(e).__name__
+ vmsg(' {:15} [{}]'.format(n,e.args[0]))
+ assert n == bad_data[i][1]
+ assert bad_data[i][2] in e.args[0]
+ else:
+ rdie(3,"\nillegal action '{}' failed to raise exception".format(bad_data[n][0]))
+ vmsg('')
+ msg('OK')
+ return True