@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ init_groups() {
noalt_tests='dep alt obj color unit hash ref tool tool2 gen autosign_btc btc btc_tn btc_rt'
noalt_tests='dep alt obj color unit hash ref tool tool2 gen autosign_btc btc btc_tn btc_rt'
quick_tests='dep alt obj color unit hash ref tool tool2 gen autosign btc btc_rt altref altgen eth etc xmr'
quick_tests='dep alt obj color unit hash ref tool tool2 gen autosign btc btc_rt altref altgen eth etc xmr'
qskip_tests='lint btc_tn bch bch_rt ltc ltc_rt'
qskip_tests='lint btc_tn bch bch_rt ltc ltc_rt'
+ noalt_ok_tests='lint'
[ "$MSYS2" ] && SKIP_LIST='autosign autosign_btc autosign_live'
[ "$MSYS2" ] && SKIP_LIST='autosign autosign_btc autosign_live'
[ "$ARM32" -o "$ARM64" ] && SKIP_LIST+=' etc'
[ "$ARM32" -o "$ARM64" ] && SKIP_LIST+=' etc'
@@ -69,12 +70,19 @@ init_tests() {
d_lint="code errors with static code analyzer"
d_lint="code errors with static code analyzer"
- - $pylint --errors-only mmgen
- - $pylint --errors-only test
+ b $pylint --errors-only mmgen
+ b $pylint --errors-only test
+ b $pylint --errors-only --disable=relative-beyond-top-level test/cmdtest_py_d
+ a $pylint --errors-only --ignore-paths '.*/eth/.*' mmgen
+ a $pylint --errors-only --ignore-paths '.*/ut_dep.py,.*/ut_testdep.py' test
+ a $pylint --errors-only --ignore-paths '.*/ct_ethdev.py' --disable=relative-beyond-top-level test/cmdtest_py_d
- $pylint --errors-only examples
- $pylint --errors-only examples
- - $pylint --errors-only --disable=relative-beyond-top-level test/cmdtest_py_d
+ if [ "$SKIP_ALT_DEP" ]; then t_lint_skip='b'; else t_lint_skip='a'; fi
d_unit="low-level subsystems"
d_unit="low-level subsystems"
t_unit="- $unit_tests_py --exclude testdep,dep,daemon"
t_unit="- $unit_tests_py --exclude testdep,dep,daemon"