@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ class Daemon(Lockable):
debug = False
wait = True
use_pidfile = True
+ pids = ()
use_threads = False
cfg_file = None
new_console_mswin = False
@@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ class Daemon(Lockable):
private_port = None
avail_opts = ()
avail_flags = () # like opts, but can be set or unset after instantiation
- _reset_ok = ('debug','wait')
+ _reset_ok = ('debug','wait','pids')
def __init__(self,opts=None,flags=None):
@@ -108,12 +109,19 @@ class Daemon(Lockable):
if self.use_pidfile:
return open(self.pidfile).read().strip()
elif self.platform == 'win':
- # TODO: assumes only one running instance of given daemon
+ """
+ Assumes only one running instance of given daemon. If multiple daemons are running,
+ the first PID in the list is returned and self.pids is set to the PID list.
+ """
ss = f'{self.exec_fn}.exe'
cp = self.run_cmd(['ps','-Wl'],silent=True)
- for line in cp.stdout.decode().splitlines():
- if ss in line:
- return line.split()[3] # use Windows, not Cygwin, PID
+ self.pids = ()
+ # use Windows, not Cygwin, PID
+ pids = tuple(line.split()[3] for line in cp.stdout.decode().splitlines() if ss in line)
+ if pids:
+ if len(pids) > 1:
+ self.pids = pids
+ return pids[0]
elif self.platform == 'linux':
ss = ' '.join(self.start_cmd)
cp = self.run_cmd(['pgrep','-f',ss],silent=True)
@@ -159,7 +167,7 @@ class Daemon(Lockable):
extra_text = f'{extra_text} ' if extra_text else ''
return '{:{w}} {:10} {}'.format(
f'{self.desc} {extra_text}running',
- f'pid {self.pid}',
+ 'pid N/A' if self.pid is None or self.pids else f'pid {self.pid}',
f'port {self.bind_port}',
w = 52 + len(extra_text) )
@@ -185,6 +193,10 @@ class Daemon(Lockable):
def stop(self,quiet=False,silent=False):
if self.state == 'ready':
ret = self.do_stop(silent=silent)
+ if self.pids:
+ msg('Warning: multiple PIDs [{}] -- we may be stopping the wrong instance'.format(
+ fmt_list(self.pids,fmt='bare')
+ ))
if self.wait:
return ret