@@ -17,172 +17,127 @@
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-tool.py: Routines and data for the 'mmgen-tool' utility
+tool.py: Routines for the 'mmgen-tool' utility
-import binascii
-from collections import OrderedDict
+from binascii import hexlify,unhexlify
from mmgen.protocol import hash160
from mmgen.common import *
from mmgen.crypto import *
-from mmgen.tx import *
from mmgen.addr import *
-pnm = g.proj_name
-cmd_data = OrderedDict([
- ('help', ['<tool command> [str]']),
- ('usage', ['<tool command> [str]']),
- ('strtob58', ['<string> [str-]','pad [int=0]']),
- ('b58tostr', ['<b58 number> [str-]']),
- ('hextob58', ['<hex number> [str-]','pad [int=0]']),
- ('hextob58chk', ['<hex number> [str-]']),
- ('b58tohex', ['<b58 number> [str-]','pad [int=0]']),
- ('b58chktohex', ['<b58 number> [str-]']),
- ('b58randenc', []),
- ('b32tohex', ['<b32 num> [str-]','pad [int=0]']),
- ('hextob32', ['<hex num> [str-]','pad [int=0]']),
- ('randhex', ['nbytes [int=32]']),
- ('id8', ['<infile> [str]']),
- ('id6', ['<infile> [str]']),
- ('hash160', ['<hexadecimal string> [str-]']),
- ('hash256', ['<str, hexstr or filename> [str]', # TODO handle stdin
- 'hex_input [bool=False]','file_input [bool=False]']),
- ('str2id6', ['<string (spaces are ignored)> [str-]']),
- ('hexdump', ['<infile> [str]', 'cols [int=8]', 'line_nums [bool=True]']),
- ('unhexdump', ['<infile> [str]']),
- ('hexreverse', ['<hexadecimal string> [str-]']),
- ('hexlify', ['<string> [str-]']),
- ('rand2file', ['<outfile> [str]','<nbytes> [str]','threads [int=4]','silent [bool=False]']),
- ('randwif', []),
- ('randpair', []),
- ('hex2wif', ['<private key in hex format> [str-]']),
- ('wif2hex', ['<wif> [str-]']),
- ('wif2addr', ['<wif> [str-]']),
- ('wif2segwit_pair',['<wif> [str-]']),
- ('pubhash2addr', ['<coin address in hex format> [str-]']),
- ('addr2hexaddr', ['<coin address> [str-]']),
- ('privhex2addr', ['<private key in hex format> [str-]']),
- ('privhex2pubhex',['<private key in hex format> [str-]']),
- ('pubhex2addr', ['<public key in hex format> [str-]']), # new
- ('pubhex2redeem_script',['<public key in hex format> [str-]']), # new
- ('wif2redeem_script', ['<private key in WIF format> [str-]']), # new
- ('hex2mn', ['<hexadecimal string> [str-]',"wordlist [str='electrum']"]),
- ('mn2hex', ['<mnemonic> [str-]', "wordlist [str='electrum']"]),
- ('mn_rand128', ["wordlist [str='electrum']"]),
- ('mn_rand192', ["wordlist [str='electrum']"]),
- ('mn_rand256', ["wordlist [str='electrum']"]),
- ('mn_stats', ["wordlist [str='electrum']"]),
- ('mn_printlist', ["wordlist [str='electrum']"]),
- ('gen_addr', ['<{} ID> [str]'.format(pnm),"wallet [str='']"]),
- ('gen_key', ['<{} ID> [str]'.format(pnm),"wallet [str='']"]),
- ('listaddress',['<{} address> [str]'.format(pnm),'minconf [int=1]','pager [bool=False]','showempty [bool=True]','showbtcaddr [bool=True]','show_age [bool=False]','show_days [bool=True]']),
- ('listaddresses',["addrs [str='']",'minconf [int=1]','showempty [bool=False]','pager [bool=False]','showbtcaddrs [bool=True]','all_labels [bool=False]',"sort [str=''] (options: reverse, age)",'show_age [bool=False]','show_days [bool=True]']),
- ('getbalance', ['minconf [int=1]','quiet [bool=False]','pager [bool=False]']),
- ('txview', ['<{} TX file(s)> [str]'.format(pnm),'pager [bool=False]','terse [bool=False]',"sort [str='mtime'] (options: ctime, atime)",'MARGS']),
- ('twview', ["sort [str='age']",'reverse [bool=False]','show_days [bool=True]','show_mmid [bool=True]','minconf [int=1]','wide [bool=False]','pager [bool=False]']),
- ('add_label', ['<{} or coin address> [str]'.format(pnm),'<label> [str]']),
- ('remove_label', ['<{} or coin address> [str]'.format(pnm)]),
- ('remove_address', ['<{} or coin address> [str]'.format(pnm)]),
- ('addrfile_chksum', ['<{} addr file> [str]'.format(pnm),"mmtype [str='']"]),
- ('keyaddrfile_chksum', ['<{} addr file> [str]'.format(pnm),"mmtype [str='']"]),
- ('passwdfile_chksum', ['<{} password file> [str]'.format(pnm)]),
- ('find_incog_data', ['<file or device name> [str]','<Incog ID> [str]','keep_searching [bool=False]']),
- ('encrypt', ['<infile> [str]',"outfile [str='']","hash_preset [str='']"]),
- ('decrypt', ['<infile> [str]',"outfile [str='']","hash_preset [str='']"]),
- ('bytespec', ['<bytespec> [str]']),
- ('keyaddrlist2monerowallets',['<{} XMR key-address file> [str]'.format(pnm),'blockheight [int=(current height)]',"addrs [str=''] (addr idx list or range)"]),
- ('syncmonerowallets', ['<{} XMR key-address file> [str]'.format(pnm),"addrs [str=''] (addr idx list or range)"]),
+def _create_call_sig(cmd,parsed=False):
+ m = getattr(MMGenToolCmd,cmd)
+ if 'varargs_call_sig' in m.__code__.co_varnames: # hack
+ flag = 'VAR_ARGS'
+ va = m.__defaults__[0]
+ args,dfls,ann = va['args'],va['dfls'],va['annots']
+ else:
+ flag = None
+ args = m.__code__.co_varnames[1:m.__code__.co_argcount]
+ dfls = m.__defaults__ or ()
+ ann = m.__annotations__
+ nargs = len(args) - len(dfls)
+ if parsed:
+ c_args = [(a,'str' if ann[a] == 'sstr' else ann[a].__name__) for a in args[:nargs]]
+ c_kwargs = [(a,dfls[n]) for n,a in enumerate(args[nargs:])]
+ return c_args,dict(c_kwargs),'STDIN_OK' if c_args and ann[args[0]] == 'sstr' else flag
+ else:
+ c_args = ['{} [{}]'.format(a,'str or STDIN' if ann[a] == 'sstr' else ann[a].__name__) for a in args[:nargs]]
+ c_kwargs = ['"{}" [{}={!r}{}]'.format(
+ a, type(dfls[n]).__name__, dfls[n],
+ (' ' + ann[a] if a in ann else ''))
+ for n,a in enumerate(args[nargs:])]
+ return ' '.join(c_args + c_kwargs)
def _usage(cmd=None,exit_val=1):
- for v in cmd_data.values():
- if v and v[0][-2:] == '-]':
- v[0] = v[0][:-2] + ' or STDIN]'
- if 'MARGS' in v: v.remove('MARGS')
+ ' Unquoted arguments are mandatory\n'
+ ' Quoted arguments are optional, default values will be used\n'
+ ' Argument types and default values are shown in square brackets\n')
+ m2=(' To force a command to read from STDIN instead of file (for commands taking\n'
+ ' a filename as their first argument), substitute "-" for the filename.\n\n'
+ 'EXAMPLES:\n\n'
+ ' Generate a random Bech32 public/private keypair for LTC:\n'
+ ' $ mmgen-tool -r0 --coin=ltc --type=bech32 randpair\n\n'
+ ' Generate a well-known burn address:\n'
+ ' $ mmgen-tool hextob58chk 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\n\n'
+ ' Generate a random 12-word seed phrase:\n'
+ ' $ mmgen-tool -r0 mn_rand128\n\n'
+ ' Same as above, but get additional entropy from user:\n'
+ ' $ mmgen-tool mn_rand128\n\n'
+ ' Convert a string to base 58:\n'
+ ' $ mmgen-tool strtob58 "foobarbaz" pad=20\n\n'
+ ' Reverse a hex string:\n'
+ ' $ mmgen-tool hexreverse "deadbeefcafe"\n\n'
+ ' Same as above, but use a pipe:\n'
+ ' $ echo "deadbeefcafe" | mmgen-tool hexreverse -')
if not cmd:
- Msg('Usage information for mmgen-tool commands:')
- for k,v in list(cmd_data.items()):
- Msg(' {:18} {}'.format(k,' '.join(v)))
- from mmgen.main_tool import stdin_msg
- Msg('\n '+'\n '.join(stdin_msg.split('\n')))
- sys.exit(0)
- if cmd in cmd_data:
- import re
- from mmgen.main_tool import cmd_help
- for line in cmd_help.split('\n'):
- if re.match(r'\s+{}\s+'.format(cmd),line):
- c,h = line.split('-',1)
- Msg('MMGEN-TOOL {}: {}'.format(c.strip().upper(),h.strip()))
- cd = cmd_data[cmd]
- msg('USAGE: {} {} {}'.format(g.prog_name,cmd,' '.join(cd)))
+ Msg(m1)
+ for bc in MMGenToolCmd.__bases__:
+ cls_info = bc.__doc__.strip().split('\n')[0]
+ Msg(' {}{}\n'.format(cls_info[0].upper(),cls_info[1:]))
+ ucmds = bc.user_commands()
+ max_w = max(map(len,ucmds))
+ for cmd in ucmds:
+ if getattr(MMGenToolCmd,cmd).__doc__:
+ Msg(' {:{w}} {}'.format(cmd,_create_call_sig(cmd),w=max_w))
+ Msg('')
+ Msg(m2)
+ elif cmd in MMGenToolCmd.user_commands():
+ msg('USAGE: {} {} {}'.format(g.prog_name,cmd,_create_call_sig(cmd)))
die(1,"'{}': no such tool command".format(cmd))
def _process_args(cmd,cmd_args):
- if 'MARGS' in cmd_data[cmd]:
- cmd_data[cmd].remove('MARGS')
- margs = True
- else:
- margs = False
- c_args = [[i.split(' [')[0],i.split(' [')[1][:-1]]
- for i in cmd_data[cmd] if '=' not in i]
- c_kwargs = dict([[
- i.split(' [')[0],
- [i.split(' [')[1].split('=')[0],i.split(' [')[1].split('=')[1][:-1]]
- ] for i in cmd_data[cmd] if '=' in i])
- if not margs:
- u_args = [a for a in cmd_args[:len(c_args)]]
- if c_args and c_args[0][1][-1] == '-':
- c_args[0][1] = c_args[0][1][:-1] # [str-] -> [str]
- # If we're reading from a pipe, replace '-' with output of previous command
- if u_args and u_args[0] == '-':
- if not sys.stdin.isatty():
- u_args[0] = sys.stdin.read().strip()
- if not u_args[0]:
- die(2,'{}: ERROR: no output from previous command in pipe'.format(cmd))
- if not margs and len(u_args) < len(c_args):
+ c_args,c_kwargs,flag = _create_call_sig(cmd,parsed=True)
+ if flag != 'VAR_ARGS':
+ if len(cmd_args) < len(c_args):
m1 = 'Command requires exactly {} non-keyword argument{}'
- extra_args = len(cmd_args) - len(c_args)
+ u_args = cmd_args[:len(c_args)]
+ # If we're reading from a pipe, replace '-' with output of previous command
+ if flag == 'STDIN_OK' and u_args and u_args[0] == '-':
+ if sys.stdin.isatty():
+ raise BadFilename("Standard input is a TTY. Can't use '-' as a filename")
+ else:
+ u_args[0] = sys.stdin.read().strip()
+ if not u_args[0]:
+ die(2,'{}: ERROR: no output from previous command in pipe'.format(cmd))
+ u_nkwargs = len(cmd_args) - len(c_args)
u_kwargs = {}
- if margs:
- t = [a.split('=') for a in cmd_args if '=' in a]
+ if flag == 'VAR_ARGS':
+ t = [a.split('=',1) for a in cmd_args if '=' in a]
tk = [a[0] for a in t]
tk_bad = [a for a in tk if a not in c_kwargs]
- if set(tk_bad) != set(tk[:len(tk_bad)]):
+ if set(tk_bad) != set(tk[:len(tk_bad)]): # permit non-kw args to contain '='
die(1,"'{}': illegal keyword argument".format(tk_bad[-1]))
u_kwargs = dict(t[len(tk_bad):])
u_args = cmd_args[:-len(u_kwargs) or None]
- elif extra_args > 0:
- u_kwargs = dict([a.split('=') for a in cmd_args[len(c_args):] if '=' in a])
- if len(u_kwargs) != extra_args:
- msg('Command requires exactly {} non-keyword argument{}'.format(len(c_args),suf(c_args,'s')))
+ elif u_nkwargs > 0:
+ u_kwargs = dict([a.split('=',1) for a in cmd_args[len(c_args):] if '=' in a])
+ if len(u_kwargs) != u_nkwargs:
+ msg('Command requires exactly {} non-keyword argument{}'.format(len(c_args),suf(c_args)))
if len(u_kwargs) > len(c_kwargs):
- msg('Command requires exactly {} keyword argument{}'.format(len(c_kwargs),suf(c_kwargs,'s')))
+ msg('Command accepts no more than {} keyword argument{}'.format(len(c_kwargs),suf(c_kwargs)))
- # mdie(c_args,c_kwargs,u_args,u_kwargs)
for k in u_kwargs:
if k not in c_kwargs:
msg("'{}': invalid keyword argument".format(k))
@@ -201,138 +156,255 @@ def _process_args(cmd,cmd_args):
die(1,"'{}': Invalid argument for argument {} ('{}' required)".format(arg,arg_name,arg_type))
- if margs:
+ if flag == 'VAR_ARGS':
args = [conv_type(u_args[i],c_args[0][0],c_args[0][1]) for i in range(len(u_args))]
args = [conv_type(u_args[i],c_args[i][0],c_args[i][1]) for i in range(len(c_args))]
- kwargs = dict([(k,conv_type(u_kwargs[k],k,c_kwargs[k][0])) for k in u_kwargs])
+ kwargs = dict([(k,conv_type(u_kwargs[k],k,type(c_kwargs[k]).__name__)) for k in u_kwargs])
return args,kwargs
-def _get_result(ret): # returns a string or string subclass
+def _process_result(ret,to_screen=False,pager=False): # returns a string or string subclass
+ do_ret = not to_screen
if issubclass(type(ret),str):
- return ret
- elif type(ret) == tuple:
- return '\n'.join([r.decode() if issubclass(type(r),bytes) else r for r in ret])
- elif issubclass(type(ret),bytes):
- try: return ret.decode()
- except: return repr(ret)
- elif ret == True:
- return ''
- elif ret in (False,None):
- ydie(1,"tool command returned '{}'".format(ret))
- else:
- ydie(1,"tool.py: can't handle return value of type '{}'".format(type(ret).__name__))
-def _print_result(ret,pager):
- if issubclass(type(ret),str):
- do_pager(ret) if pager else Msg(ret)
+ return ret if do_ret else do_pager(ret) if pager else Msg(ret)
elif type(ret) == tuple:
o = '\n'.join([r.decode() if issubclass(type(r),bytes) else r for r in ret])
- do_pager(o) if pager else Msg(o)
+ return o if do_ret else do_pager(o) if pager else Msg(o)
elif issubclass(type(ret),bytes):
- try:
- o = ret.decode()
- do_pager(o) if pager else Msg(o)
- except: os.write(1,ret)
+ if do_ret:
+ try: return ret.decode()
+ except: return repr(ret)
+ else:
+ try:
+ o = ret.decode()
+ do_pager(o) if pager else Msg(o)
+ except: os.write(1,ret)
elif ret == True:
- pass
+ if do_ret: return ''
elif ret in (False,None):
ydie(1,"tool command returned '{}'".format(ret))
ydie(1,"tool.py: can't handle return value of type '{}'".format(type(ret).__name__))
from mmgen.obj import MMGenAddrType
-at = MMGenAddrType((hasattr(opt,'type') and opt.type) or g.proto.dfl_mmtype)
-kg = KeyGenerator(at)
-ag = AddrGenerator(at)
+def init_generators(arg=None):
+ global at,kg,ag
+ at = MMGenAddrType((hasattr(opt,'type') and opt.type) or g.proto.dfl_mmtype)
+ if arg != 'at':
+ kg = KeyGenerator(at)
+ ag = AddrGenerator(at)
wordlists = 'electrum','tirosh'
dfl_wl_id = 'electrum'
-class MMGenToolCmd(object):
+class MMGenToolCmdBase(object):
+ @classmethod
+ def user_commands(cls):
+ return [e for e in dir(cls) if e[0] != '_' and getattr(cls,e).__doc__]
- def help(self,cmd=None):
- _usage(cmd,exit_val=0)
+class MMGenToolCmdMisc(MMGenToolCmdBase):
+ "miscellaneous commands"
- def usage(self,cmd=None):
- _usage(cmd,exit_val=0)
+ def help(self,command_name=''):
+ "display usage information for a single command or all commands"
+ _usage(command_name,exit_val=0)
- def hexdump(self,infile,cols=8,line_nums=True):
+ usage = help
+class MMGenToolCmdUtil(MMGenToolCmdBase):
+ "general string conversion and hashing utilities"
+ def bytespec(self,dd_style_byte_specifier:str):
+ "convert a byte specifier such as '1GB' into an integer"
+ return str(parse_bytespec(dd_style_byte_specifier))
+ def randhex(self,nbytes='32'):
+ "print 'n' bytes (default 32) of random data in hex format"
+ return hexlify(get_random(int(nbytes)))
+ def hexreverse(self,hexstr:'sstr'):
+ "reverse bytes of a hexadecimal string"
+ return hexlify(unhexlify(hexstr.strip())[::-1])
+ def hexlify(self,hexstr:'sstr'):
+ "display string in hexadecimal format"
+ return hexlify(hexstr.encode())
+ def hexdump(self,infile:str,cols=8,line_nums=True):
+ "encode data into formatted hexadecimal form (file or stdin)"
return pretty_hexdump(
- def unhexdump(self,infile):
+ def unhexdump(self,infile:str):
+ "decode formatted hexadecimal data (file or stdin)"
if g.platform == 'win':
import msvcrt
hexdata = get_data_from_file(infile,dash=True,silent=True)
return decode_pretty_hexdump(hexdata)
+ def hash160(self,hexstr:'sstr'):
+ "compute ripemd160(sha256(data)) (convert hex pubkey to hex addr)"
+ return hash160(hexstr)
+ def hash256(self,string_or_bytes:str,file_input=False,hex_input=False): # TODO: handle stdin
+ "compute sha256(sha256(data)) (double sha256)"
+ from hashlib import sha256
+ if file_input: b = get_data_from_file(string_or_bytes,binary=True)
+ elif hex_input: b = decode_pretty_hexdump(string_or_bytes)
+ else: b = string_or_bytes
+ return sha256(sha256(b.encode()).digest()).hexdigest()
+ def id6(self,infile:str):
+ "generate 6-character MMGen ID for a file (or stdin)"
+ return make_chksum_6(
+ get_data_from_file(infile,dash=True,silent=True,binary=True))
+ def str2id6(self,string:'sstr'): # retain ignoring of space for backwards compat
+ "generate 6-character MMGen ID for a string, ignoring spaces"
+ return make_chksum_6(''.join(string.split()))
+ def id8(self,infile:str):
+ "generate 8-character MMGen ID for a file (or stdin)"
+ return make_chksum_8(
+ get_data_from_file(infile,dash=True,silent=True,binary=True))
def b58randenc(self):
+ "generate a random 32-byte number and convert it to base 58"
r = get_random(32)
return baseconv.b58encode(r,pad=True)
- def randhex(self,nbytes='32'):
- return binascii.hexlify(get_random(int(nbytes)))
+ def strtob58(self,string:'sstr',pad=0):
+ "convert a string to base 58"
+ return baseconv.fromhex(hexlify(string.encode()),'b58',pad,tostr=True)
+ def b58tostr(self,b58num:'sstr'):
+ "convert a base 58 number to a string"
+ return unhexlify(baseconv.tohex(b58num,'b58'))
+ def hextob58(self,hexstr:'sstr',pad=0):
+ "convert a hexadecimal number to base 58"
+ return baseconv.fromhex(hexstr.encode(),'b58',pad,tostr=True)
+ def b58tohex(self,b58num:'sstr',pad=0):
+ "convert a base 58 number to hexadecimal"
+ return baseconv.tohex(b58num,'b58',pad)
+ def hextob58chk(self,hexstr:'sstr'):
+ "convert a hexadecimal number to base58-check encoding"
+ from mmgen.protocol import _b58chk_encode
+ return _b58chk_encode(hexstr.encode())
+ def b58chktohex(self,b58chk_num:'sstr'):
+ "convert a base58-check encoded number to hexadecimal"
+ from mmgen.protocol import _b58chk_decode
+ return _b58chk_decode(b58chk_num)
+ def hextob32(self,hexstr:'sstr',pad=0):
+ "convert a hexadecimal number to base 32"
+ return baseconv.fromhex(hexstr.encode(),'b32',pad,tostr=True)
+ def b32tohex(self,b32num:'sstr',pad=0):
+ "convert a base 32 number to hexadecimal"
+ return baseconv.tohex(b32num.upper(),'b32',pad)
+class MMGenToolCmdCoin(MMGenToolCmdBase):
+ """
+ cryptocoin key/address utilities
+ May require use of the '--coin' and '--type' options
+ Examples:
+ mmgen-tool --coin=ltc --type=bech32 wif2addr <wif key>
+ mmgen-tool --coin=zec --type=zcash_z randpair
+ """
def randwif(self):
+ "generate a random private key in WIF format"
+ init_generators('at')
return PrivKey(get_random(32),pubkey_type=at.pubkey_type,compressed=at.compressed).wif
def randpair(self):
+ "generate a random private key/address pair"
+ init_generators()
privhex = PrivKey(get_random(32),pubkey_type=at.pubkey_type,compressed=at.compressed)
addr = ag.to_addr(kg.to_pubhex(privhex))
return (privhex.wif,addr)
- def wif2addr(self,wif):
- privhex = PrivKey(wif=wif)
+ def wif2hex(self,wifkey:'sstr'):
+ "convert a private key from WIF to hex format"
+ return PrivKey(wif=wifkey)
+ def hex2wif(self,privhex:'sstr'):
+ "convert a private key from hex to WIF format"
+ init_generators('at')
+ return g.proto.hex2wif(privhex.encode(),pubkey_type=at.pubkey_type,compressed=at.compressed)
+ def wif2addr(self,wifkey:'sstr'):
+ "generate a coin address from a key in WIF format"
+ init_generators()
+ privhex = PrivKey(wif=wifkey)
addr = ag.to_addr(kg.to_pubhex(privhex))
return addr
- def wif2segwit_pair(self,wif):
- pubhex = kg.to_pubhex(PrivKey(wif=wif))
+ def wif2redeem_script(self,wifkey:'sstr'): # new
+ "convert a WIF private key to a Segwit P2SH-P2WPKH redeem script"
+ init_generators()
+ privhex = PrivKey(wif=wifkey)
+ return ag.to_segwit_redeem_script(kg.to_pubhex(privhex))
+ def wif2segwit_pair(self,wifkey:'sstr'):
+ "generate both a Segwit P2SH-P2WPKH redeem script and address from WIF"
+ init_generators()
+ pubhex = kg.to_pubhex(PrivKey(wif=wifkey))
addr = ag.to_addr(pubhex)
rs = ag.to_segwit_redeem_script(pubhex)
return (rs,addr)
- def pubhash2addr(self,pubhash):
- if opt.type == 'bech32':
- return g.proto.pubhash2bech32addr(pubhash.encode())
- else:
- return g.proto.pubhash2addr(pubhash.encode(),at.addr_fmt=='p2sh')
- def addr2hexaddr(self,addr):
- return g.proto.verify_addr(addr,CoinAddr.hex_width,return_dict=True)['hex']
+ def privhex2addr(self,privhex:'sstr',output_pubhex=False):
+ "generate coin address from private key in hex format"
+ init_generators()
+ pk = PrivKey(unhexlify(privhex),compressed=at.compressed,pubkey_type=at.pubkey_type)
+ ph = kg.to_pubhex(pk)
+ return ph if output_pubhex else ag.to_addr(ph)
- def hash160(self,pubkeyhex):
- return hash160(pubkeyhex)
+ def privhex2pubhex(self,privhex:'sstr'): # new
+ "generate a hex public key from a hex private key"
+ return self.privhex2addr(privhex,output_pubhex=True)
- def pubhex2addr(self,pubkeyhex):
+ def pubhex2addr(self,pubkeyhex:'sstr'):
+ "convert a hex pubkey to an address"
return self.pubhash2addr(hash160(pubkeyhex.encode()).decode())
- def wif2hex(self,wif):
- return PrivKey(wif=wif)
- def hex2wif(self,hexpriv):
- return g.proto.hex2wif(hexpriv.encode(),pubkey_type=at.pubkey_type,compressed=at.compressed)
+ def pubhex2redeem_script(self,pubkeyhex:'sstr'): # new
+ "convert a hex pubkey to a Segwit P2SH-P2WPKH redeem script"
+ return g.proto.pubhex2redeem_script(pubkeyhex)
- def privhex2addr(self,privhex,output_pubhex=False):
- pk = PrivKey(binascii.unhexlify(privhex),compressed=at.compressed,pubkey_type=at.pubkey_type)
- ph = kg.to_pubhex(pk)
- return ph if output_pubhex else ag.to_addr(ph)
- def privhex2pubhex(self,privhex): # new
- return self.privhex2addr(privhex,output_pubhex=True)
+ def pubhash2addr(self,pubhashhex:'sstr'):
+ "convert public key hash to address"
+ if opt.type == 'bech32':
+ return g.proto.pubhash2bech32addr(pubhashhex.encode())
+ else:
+ init_generators('at')
+ return g.proto.pubhash2addr(pubhashhex.encode(),at.addr_fmt=='p2sh')
- def pubhex2redeem_script(self,pubhex): # new
- return g.proto.pubhex2redeem_script(pubhex)
+ def addr2hexaddr(self,addr:'sstr'):
+ "convert coin address from base58 to hex format"
+ return g.proto.verify_addr(addr,CoinAddr.hex_width,return_dict=True)['hex']
- def wif2redeem_script(self,wif): # new
- privhex = PrivKey(wif=wif)
- return ag.to_segwit_redeem_script(kg.to_pubhex(privhex))
+class MMGenToolCmdMnemonic(MMGenToolCmdBase):
+ """
+ seed mnemonic utilities (wordlist: choose 'electrum' (default) or 'tirosh')
- def do_random_mn(self,nbytes,wordlist):
- hexrand = binascii.hexlify(get_random(nbytes))
+ IMPORTANT NOTE: Though MMGen mnemonics use the Electrum wordlist, they're
+ computed using a different algorithm and are NOT Electrum-compatible!
+ """
+ def _do_random_mn(self,nbytes:int,wordlist:str):
+ hexrand = hexlify(get_random(nbytes))
Vmsg('Seed: {}'.format(hexrand))
for wl_id in ([wordlist],wordlists)[wordlist=='all']:
if wordlist == 'all': # TODO
@@ -341,94 +413,82 @@ class MMGenToolCmd(object):
return ' '.join(mn)
def mn_rand128(self,wordlist=dfl_wl_id):
- return self.do_random_mn(16,wordlist)
+ "generate random 128-bit mnemonic"
+ return self._do_random_mn(16,wordlist)
def mn_rand192(self,wordlist=dfl_wl_id):
- return self.do_random_mn(24,wordlist)
+ "generate random 192-bit mnemonic"
+ return self._do_random_mn(24,wordlist)
def mn_rand256(self,wordlist=dfl_wl_id):
- return self.do_random_mn(32,wordlist)
- def hex2mn(self,s,wordlist=dfl_wl_id):
- return ' '.join(baseconv.fromhex(s.encode(),wordlist))
- def mn2hex(self,s,wordlist=dfl_wl_id):
- return baseconv.tohex(s.split(),wordlist)
- def strtob58(self,s,pad=None):
- return baseconv.fromhex(binascii.hexlify(s.encode()),'b58',pad,tostr=True)
- def hextob58(self,s,pad=None):
- return baseconv.fromhex(s.encode(),'b58',pad,tostr=True)
- def hextob58chk(self,s):
- from mmgen.protocol import _b58chk_encode
- return _b58chk_encode(s.encode())
- def hextob32(self,s,pad=None):
- return baseconv.fromhex(s.encode(),'b32',pad,tostr=True)
+ "generate random 256-bit mnemonic"
+ return self._do_random_mn(32,wordlist)
- def b58tostr(self,s):
- return binascii.unhexlify(baseconv.tohex(s,'b58'))
+ def hex2mn(self,hexstr:'sstr',wordlist=dfl_wl_id):
+ "convert a 16, 24 or 32-byte hexadecimal number to a mnemonic"
+ return ' '.join(baseconv.fromhex(hexstr.encode(),wordlist))
- def b58tohex(self,s,pad=None):
- return baseconv.tohex(s,'b58',pad)
- def b58chktohex(self,s):
- from mmgen.protocol import _b58chk_decode
- return _b58chk_decode(s)
- def b32tohex(self,s,pad=None):
- return baseconv.tohex(s.upper(),'b32',pad)
+ def mn2hex(self,seed_mnemonic:'sstr',wordlist=dfl_wl_id):
+ "convert a 12, 18 or 24-word mnemonic to a hexadecimal number"
+ return baseconv.tohex(seed_mnemonic.split(),wordlist)
def mn_stats(self,wordlist=dfl_wl_id):
+ "show stats for mnemonic wordlist"
wordlist in baseconv.digits or die(1,"'{}': not a valid wordlist".format(wordlist))
return True
def mn_printlist(self,wordlist=dfl_wl_id):
+ "print mnemonic wordlist"
wordlist in baseconv.digits or die(1,"'{}': not a valid wordlist".format(wordlist))
return '\n'.join(baseconv.digits[wordlist])
- def id8(self,infile):
- return make_chksum_8(
- get_data_from_file(infile,dash=True,silent=True,binary=True))
- def id6(self,infile):
- return make_chksum_6(
- get_data_from_file(infile,dash=True,silent=True,binary=True))
- def str2id6(self,s): # retain ignoring of space for backwards compat
- return make_chksum_6(''.join(s.split()))
+class MMGenToolCmdFile(MMGenToolCmdBase):
+ "utilities for viewing/checking MMGen address and transaction files"
- def addrfile_chksum(self,infile,mmtype=''):
+ def addrfile_chksum(self,mmgen_addrfile:str):
+ "compute checksum for MMGen address file"
from mmgen.addr import AddrList
- mmtype = None if not mmtype else MMGenAddrType(mmtype)
- return AddrList(infile,mmtype=mmtype).chksum
+ return AddrList(mmgen_addrfile).chksum
- def keyaddrfile_chksum(self,infile,mmtype=''):
+ def keyaddrfile_chksum(self,mmgen_keyaddrfile:str):
+ "compute checksum for MMGen key-address file"
from mmgen.addr import KeyAddrList
- mmtype = None if not mmtype else MMGenAddrType(mmtype)
- return KeyAddrList(infile,mmtype=mmtype).chksum
+ return KeyAddrList(mmgen_keyaddrfile).chksum
- def passwdfile_chksum(self,infile):
+ def passwdfile_chksum(self,mmgen_passwdfile:str):
+ "compute checksum for MMGen password file"
from mmgen.addr import PasswordList
- return PasswordList(infile=infile).chksum
- def hexreverse(self,s):
- return binascii.hexlify(binascii.unhexlify(s.strip())[::-1])
- def hexlify(self,s):
- return binascii.hexlify(s.encode())
- def hash256(self,s,file_input=False,hex_input=False):
- from hashlib import sha256
- if file_input: b = get_data_from_file(s,binary=True)
- elif hex_input: b = decode_pretty_hexdump(s)
- else: b = s
- return sha256(sha256(b.encode()).digest()).hexdigest()
+ return PasswordList(infile=mmgen_passwdfile).chksum
+ def txview( varargs_call_sig = { # hack to allow for multiple filenames
+ 'args': ( 'mmgen_tx_file(s)', 'pager', 'terse', 'sort' ),
+ 'dfls': ( False, False, 'mtime' ),
+ 'annots': { 'mmgen_tx_file(s)': str, 'sort': '(valid options: mtime,ctime,atime)' } },
+ *infiles,**kwargs):
+ "show raw/signed MMGen transaction in human-readable form"
+ self = varargs_call_sig
+ from mmgen.filename import MMGenFileList
+ terse = 'terse' in kwargs and kwargs['terse']
+ sort_key = kwargs['sort'] if 'sort' in kwargs else 'mtime'
+ from mmgen.tx import MMGenTX
+ flist = MMGenFileList(infiles,ftype=MMGenTX)
+ flist.sort_by_age(key=sort_key) # in-place sort
+ from mmgen.term import get_terminal_size
+ sep = '—'*77+'\n'
+ return sep.join([MMGenTX(fn).format_view(terse=terse) for fn in flist.names()]).rstrip()
- def encrypt(self,infile,outfile='',hash_preset=''):
+class MMGenToolCmdFileCrypt(MMGenToolCmdBase):
+ """
+ file encryption and decryption
+ MMGen encryption suite:
+ * Key: Scrypt (user-configurable hash parameters, 32-byte salt)
+ * Enc: AES256_CTR, 16-byte rand IV, sha256 hash + 32-byte nonce + data
+ * The encrypted file is indistinguishable from random data
+ """
+ def encrypt(self,infile:str,outfile='',hash_preset=''):
+ "encrypt a file"
data = get_data_from_file(infile,'data for encryption',binary=True)
enc_d = mmgen_encrypt(data,'user data',hash_preset)
if not outfile:
@@ -436,7 +496,8 @@ class MMGenToolCmd(object):
write_data_to_file(outfile,enc_d,'encrypted data',binary=True)
return True
- def decrypt(self,infile,outfile='',hash_preset=''):
+ def decrypt(self,infile:str,outfile='',hash_preset=''):
+ "decrypt a file"
enc_d = get_data_from_file(infile,'encrypted data',binary=True)
while True:
dec_d = mmgen_decrypt(enc_d,'user data',hash_preset)
@@ -449,22 +510,26 @@ class MMGenToolCmd(object):
write_data_to_file(outfile,dec_d,'decrypted data',binary=True)
return True
- def find_incog_data(self,filename,iv_id,keep_searching=False):
+class MMGenToolCmdFileUtil(MMGenToolCmdBase):
+ "file utilities"
+ def find_incog_data(self,filename:str,incog_id:str,keep_searching=False):
+ "Use an Incog ID to find hidden incognito wallet data"
ivsize,bsize,mod = g.aesctr_iv_len,4096,4096*8
n,carry = 0,b' '*ivsize
flgs = os.O_RDONLY|os.O_BINARY if g.platform == 'win' else os.O_RDONLY
f = os.open(filename,flgs)
- for ch in iv_id:
+ for ch in incog_id:
if ch not in '0123456789ABCDEF':
- die(2,"'{}': invalid Incog ID".format(iv_id))
+ die(2,"'{}': invalid Incog ID".format(incog_id))
while True:
d = os.read(f,bsize)
if not d: break
d = carry + d
for i in range(bsize):
- if sha256(d[i:i+ivsize]).hexdigest()[:8].upper() == iv_id:
+ if sha256(d[i:i+ivsize]).hexdigest()[:8].upper() == incog_id:
if n+i < ivsize: continue
- msg('\rIncog data for ID {} found at offset {}'.format(iv_id,n+i-ivsize))
+ msg('\rIncog data for ID {} found at offset {}'.format(incog_id,n+i-ivsize))
if not keep_searching: sys.exit(0)
carry = d[len(d)-ivsize:]
n += bsize
@@ -475,7 +540,8 @@ class MMGenToolCmd(object):
return True
- def rand2file(self,outfile,nbytes,threads=4,silent=False):
+ def rand2file(self,outfile:str,nbytes:str,threads=4,silent=False):
+ "write 'n' bytes of random data to specified file"
nbytes = parse_bytespec(nbytes)
from Crypto import Random
rh = Random.new()
@@ -533,16 +599,139 @@ class MMGenToolCmd(object):
return True
- def bytespec(self,s):
- return str(parse_bytespec(s))
+class MMGenToolCmdWallet(MMGenToolCmdBase):
+ "key or address generation from an MMGen wallet"
- def keyaddrlist2monerowallets(self,infile,blockheight=None,addrs=None):
- return self.monero_wallet_ops(infile=infile,op='create',blockheight=blockheight,addrs=addrs)
+ def gen_key(self,mmgen_addr:str,wallet=''):
+ "generate a single MMGen WIF key from default or specified wallet"
+ return self.gen_addr(mmgen_addr,wallet,target='wif')
- def syncmonerowallets(self,infile,addrs=None):
- return self.monero_wallet_ops(infile=infile,op='sync',addrs=addrs)
+ def gen_addr(self,mmgen_addr:str,wallet='',target='addr'):
+ "generate a single MMGen address from default or specified wallet"
+ addr = MMGenID(mmgen_addr)
+ sf = get_seed_file([wallet] if wallet else [],1)
+ opt.quiet = True
+ from mmgen.seed import SeedSource
+ ss = SeedSource(sf)
+ if ss.seed.sid != addr.sid:
+ m = 'Seed ID of requested address ({}) does not match wallet ({})'
+ die(1,m.format(addr.sid,ss.seed.sid))
+ al = AddrList(seed=ss.seed,addr_idxs=AddrIdxList(str(addr.idx)),mmtype=addr.mmtype)
+ d = al.data[0]
+ ret = d.sec.wif if target=='wif' else d.addr
+ return ret
- def monero_wallet_ops(self,infile,op,blockheight=None,addrs=None):
+class MMGenToolCmdRPC(MMGenToolCmdBase):
+ "tracking wallet commands using the JSON-RPC interface"
+ def getbalance(self,minconf=1,quiet=False,pager=False):
+ "list confirmed/unconfirmed, spendable/unspendable balances in tracking wallet"
+ from mmgen.tw import TwGetBalance
+ return TwGetBalance(minconf,quiet).format()
+ def listaddress(self,
+ mmgen_addr:str,
+ minconf = 1,
+ pager = False,
+ showempty = True,
+ showbtcaddr = True,
+ age_fmt:'(valid options: days,confs)' = ''):
+ "list the specified MMGen address and its balance"
+ return self.listaddresses( mmgen_addrs = mmgen_addr,
+ minconf = minconf,
+ pager = pager,
+ showempty = showempty,
+ showbtcaddrs = showbtcaddr,
+ age_fmt = age_fmt)
+ def listaddresses( self,
+ mmgen_addrs:'(range or list)' = '',
+ minconf = 1,
+ showempty = False,
+ pager = False,
+ showbtcaddrs = True,
+ all_labels = False,
+ sort:'(valid options: reverse,age)' = '',
+ age_fmt:'(valid options: days,confs)' = ''):
+ "list MMGen addresses and their balances"
+ show_age = bool(age_fmt)
+ if sort:
+ sort = set(sort.split(','))
+ sort_params = set(['reverse','age'])
+ if not sort.issubset(sort_params):
+ die(1,"The sort option takes the following parameters: '{}'".format("','".join(sort_params)))
+ usr_addr_list = []
+ if mmgen_addrs:
+ a = mmgen_addrs.rsplit(':',1)
+ if len(a) != 2:
+ m = "'{}': invalid address list argument (must be in form <seed ID>:[<type>:]<idx list>)"
+ die(1,m.format(mmgen_addrs))
+ usr_addr_list = [MMGenID('{}:{}'.format(a[0],i)) for i in AddrIdxList(a[1])]
+ from mmgen.tw import TwAddrList
+ al = TwAddrList(usr_addr_list,minconf,showempty,showbtcaddrs,all_labels)
+ if not al:
+ die(0,('No tracked addresses with balances!','No tracked addresses!')[showempty])
+ return al.format(showbtcaddrs,sort,show_age,age_fmt or 'days')
+ def twview( self,
+ pager = False,
+ reverse = False,
+ wide = False,
+ minconf = 1,
+ sort = 'age',
+ age_fmt:'(valid options: days,confs)' = 'days',
+ show_mmid = True):
+ "view tracking wallet"
+ rpc_init()
+ from mmgen.tw import TwUnspentOutputs
+ tw = TwUnspentOutputs(minconf=minconf)
+ tw.do_sort(sort,reverse=reverse)
+ tw.age_fmt = age_fmt
+ tw.show_mmid = show_mmid
+ return tw.format_for_printing(color=True) if wide else tw.format_for_display()
+ def add_label(self,mmgen_or_coin_addr:str,label:str):
+ "add descriptive label for address in tracking wallet"
+ rpc_init()
+ from mmgen.tw import TrackingWallet
+ TrackingWallet(mode='w').add_label(mmgen_or_coin_addr,label,on_fail='raise')
+ return True
+ def remove_label(self,mmgen_or_coin_addr:str):
+ "remove descriptive label for address in tracking wallet"
+ self.add_label(mmgen_or_coin_addr,'')
+ return True
+ def remove_address(self,mmgen_or_coin_addr:str):
+ "remove an address from tracking wallet"
+ from mmgen.tw import TrackingWallet
+ tw = TrackingWallet(mode='w')
+ ret = tw.remove_address(mmgen_or_coin_addr) # returns None on failure
+ if ret:
+ msg("Address '{}' deleted from tracking wallet".format(ret))
+ return ret
+class MMGenToolCmdMonero(MMGenToolCmdBase):
+ "Monero wallet utilities"
+ def keyaddrlist2monerowallets( self,
+ xmr_keyaddrfile:str,
+ blockheight:'(default: current height)' = 0,
+ addrs:'(integer range or list)' = ''):
+ "create Monero wallets from key-address list"
+ return self.monero_wallet_ops( infile = xmr_keyaddrfile,
+ op = 'create',
+ blockheight = blockheight,
+ addrs = addrs)
+ def syncmonerowallets(self,xmr_keyaddrfile:str,addrs:'(integer range or list)'=''):
+ "sync Monero wallets from key-address list"
+ return self.monero_wallet_ops(infile=xmr_keyaddrfile,op='sync',addrs=addrs)
+ def monero_wallet_ops(self,infile:str,op:str,blockheight=0,addrs=''):
def run_cmd(cmd):
import subprocess as sp
@@ -607,7 +796,7 @@ class MMGenToolCmd(object):
m = ' Warning: {}: blockheight argument is higher than current blockheight'
- elif blockheight != None:
+ elif blockheight:
p.logfile = sys.stderr
my_expect(p,'Syncing wallet','\[wallet.*$',regex=True)
p.logfile = None
@@ -653,7 +842,7 @@ class MMGenToolCmd(object):
from mmgen.addr import AddrList
al = KeyAddrList(infile)
- data = [d for d in al.data if addrs == None or d.idx in AddrIdxList(addrs)]
+ data = [d for d in al.data if addrs == '' or d.idx in AddrIdxList(addrs)]
dl = len(data)
assert dl,"No addresses in addrfile within range '{}'".format(addrs)
gmsg('\n{}ing {} wallet{}'.format(m[op][0],dl,suf(dl)))
@@ -680,9 +869,10 @@ class MMGenToolCmd(object):
os.environ['LANG'] = 'C'
import pexpect
- if blockheight != None and int(blockheight) < 0:
- blockheight = 0 # TODO: non-zero coverage
- cur_height = test_rpc()
+ if blockheight < 0:
+ blockheight = 0 # TODO: handle the non-zero case
+ cur_height = test_rpc() # empty blockchain returns 1
+ from collections import OrderedDict
bals = OrderedDict() # locked,unlocked
@@ -699,92 +889,15 @@ class MMGenToolCmd(object):
return True
- # ================ RPC commands ================== #
- def gen_addr(self,addr,wallet='',target='addr'):
- addr = MMGenID(addr)
- sf = get_seed_file([wallet] if wallet else [],1)
- opt.quiet = True
- from mmgen.seed import SeedSource
- ss = SeedSource(sf)
- if ss.seed.sid != addr.sid:
- m = 'Seed ID of requested address ({}) does not match wallet ({})'
- die(1,m.format(addr.sid,ss.seed.sid))
- al = AddrList(seed=ss.seed,addr_idxs=AddrIdxList(str(addr.idx)),mmtype=addr.mmtype)
- d = al.data[0]
- ret = d.sec.wif if target=='wif' else d.addr
- return ret
- def gen_key(self,addr,wallet=''):
- return self.gen_addr(addr,wallet,target='wif')
- def listaddress(self,addr,minconf=1,pager=False,showempty=True,showbtcaddr=True,show_age=False,show_days=None):
- return self.listaddresses(addrs=addr,minconf=minconf,pager=pager,
- showempty=showempty,showbtcaddrs=showbtcaddr,show_age=show_age,show_days=show_days)
- def listaddresses(self,addrs='',minconf=1,
- showempty=False,pager=False,showbtcaddrs=True,all_labels=False,sort=None,show_age=False,show_days=None):
- if show_days == None: show_days = False # user-set show_days triggers show_age
- else: show_age = True
- if sort:
- sort = set(sort.split(','))
- sort_params = set(['reverse','age'])
- if not sort.issubset(sort_params):
- die(1,"The sort option takes the following parameters: '{}'".format("','".join(sort_params)))
- usr_addr_list = []
- if addrs:
- a = addrs.rsplit(':',1)
- if len(a) != 2:
- m = "'{}': invalid address list argument (must be in form <seed ID>:[<type>:]<idx list>)"
- die(1,m.format(addrs))
- usr_addr_list = [MMGenID('{}:{}'.format(a[0],i)) for i in AddrIdxList(a[1])]
- from mmgen.tw import TwAddrList
- al = TwAddrList(usr_addr_list,minconf,showempty,showbtcaddrs,all_labels)
- if not al:
- die(0,('No tracked addresses with balances!','No tracked addresses!')[showempty])
- return al.format(showbtcaddrs,sort,show_age,show_days)
- def getbalance(self,minconf=1,quiet=False,pager=False):
- from mmgen.tw import TwGetBalance
- return TwGetBalance(minconf,quiet).format()
- def txview(self,*infiles,**kwargs):
- from mmgen.filename import MMGenFileList
- terse = 'terse' in kwargs and kwargs['terse']
- sort_key = kwargs['sort'] if 'sort' in kwargs else 'mtime'
- flist = MMGenFileList(infiles,ftype=MMGenTX)
- flist.sort_by_age(key=sort_key) # in-place sort
- from mmgen.term import get_terminal_size
- sep = '—'*77+'\n'
- return sep.join([MMGenTX(fn).format_view(terse=terse) for fn in flist.names()]).rstrip()
- def twview(self,pager=False,reverse=False,wide=False,minconf=1,sort='age',show_days=True,show_mmid=True):
- rpc_init()
- from mmgen.tw import TwUnspentOutputs
- tw = TwUnspentOutputs(minconf=minconf)
- tw.do_sort(sort,reverse=reverse)
- tw.show_days = show_days
- tw.show_mmid = show_mmid
- return tw.format_for_printing(color=True) if wide else tw.format_for_display()
- def add_label(self,mmaddr_or_coin_addr,label):
- rpc_init()
- from mmgen.tw import TrackingWallet
- TrackingWallet(mode='w').add_label(mmaddr_or_coin_addr,label,on_fail='raise')
- return True
- def remove_label(self,mmaddr_or_coin_addr):
- self.add_label(mmaddr_or_coin_addr,'')
- return True
- def remove_address(self,mmaddr_or_coin_addr):
- from mmgen.tw import TrackingWallet
- tw = TrackingWallet(mode='w')
- ret = tw.remove_address(mmaddr_or_coin_addr) # returns None on failure
- if ret:
- msg("Address '{}' deleted from tracking wallet".format(ret))
- return ret
+class MMGenToolCmd(
+ MMGenToolCmdMisc,
+ MMGenToolCmdUtil,
+ MMGenToolCmdCoin,
+ MMGenToolCmdMnemonic,
+ MMGenToolCmdFile,
+ MMGenToolCmdFileCrypt,
+ MMGenToolCmdFileUtil,
+ MMGenToolCmdWallet,
+ MMGenToolCmdRPC,
+ MMGenToolCmdMonero,
+ ): pass