@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ class MMGenToolCmdBase(object):
def _user_commands(cls):
- return [e for e in dir(cls) if e[0] != '_' and getattr(cls,e).__doc__]
+ return [e for e in dir(cls) if e[0] != '_' and getattr(cls,e).__doc__ and callable(getattr(cls,e))]
class MMGenToolCmdMisc(MMGenToolCmdBase):
@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ class MMGenToolCmdCoin(MMGenToolCmdBase):
def hex2wif(self,privhex:'sstr'):
"convert a private key from hex to WIF format"
- return g.proto.hex2wif(privhex,pubkey_type=at.pubkey_type,compressed=at.compressed)
+ return PrivKey(bytes.fromhex(privhex),pubkey_type=at.pubkey_type,compressed=at.compressed).wif
def wif2addr(self,wifkey:'sstr'):
"generate a coin address from a key in WIF format"
@@ -487,9 +487,10 @@ class MMGenToolCmdMnemonic(MMGenToolCmdBase):
def _do_random_mn(self,nbytes:int,fmt:str):
assert nbytes in (16,24,32), 'nbytes must be 16, 24 or 32'
- hexrand = get_random(nbytes).hex()
- Vmsg('Seed: {}'.format(hexrand))
- return self.hex2mn(hexrand,fmt=fmt)
+ randbytes = get_random(nbytes)
+ if opt.verbose:
+ msg('Seed: {}'.format(randbytes.hex()))
+ return self.hex2mn(randbytes.hex(),fmt=fmt)
def mn_rand128(self, fmt:mn_opts_disp = dfl_mnemonic_fmt ):
"generate random 128-bit mnemonic seed phrase"
@@ -512,17 +513,21 @@ class MMGenToolCmdMnemonic(MMGenToolCmdBase):
def hex2mn( self, hexstr:'sstr', fmt:mn_opts_disp = dfl_mnemonic_fmt ):
"convert a 16, 24 or 32-byte hexadecimal number to a mnemonic seed phrase"
opt.out_fmt = self._get_mnemonic_fmt(fmt)
- from mmgen.seed import SeedSource
- s = SeedSource(seed_bin=bytes.fromhex(hexstr))
- s._format()
- return ' '.join(s.ssdata.mnemonic)
+ if fmt == 'bip39':
+ from mmgen.bip39 import bip39
+ return ' '.join(bip39.fromhex(hexstr,fmt))
+ else:
+ bytestr = bytes.fromhex(hexstr)
+ return baseconv.frombytes(bytestr,fmt,'seed',tostr=True)
def mn2hex( self, seed_mnemonic:'sstr', fmt:mn_opts_disp = dfl_mnemonic_fmt ):
"convert a 12, 18 or 24-word mnemonic seed phrase to a hexadecimal number"
in_fmt = self._get_mnemonic_fmt(fmt)
- opt.quiet = True
- from mmgen.seed import SeedSource
- return SeedSource(in_data=seed_mnemonic,in_fmt=in_fmt).seed.hexdata
+ if fmt == 'bip39':
+ from mmgen.bip39 import bip39
+ return bip39.tohex(seed_mnemonic.split(),fmt)
+ else:
+ return baseconv.tohex(seed_mnemonic.split(),fmt,'seed')
def mn_stats(self, fmt:mn_opts_disp = dfl_mnemonic_fmt ):
"show stats for mnemonic wordlist"