@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@
regtest: Coin daemon regression test mode setup and operations for the MMGen suite
-import os,subprocess,time,shutil
+import os,time,shutil
+from subprocess import run,PIPE
from mmgen.common import *
-PIPE = subprocess.PIPE
data_dir = os.path.join(g.data_dir_root,'regtest',g.coin.lower())
daemon_dir = os.path.join(data_dir,'regtest')
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ def start_daemon(user,quiet=False,daemon=True,reindex=False):
if daemon: cmd += ('--daemon',)
if reindex: cmd += ('--reindex',)
if not g.debug or quiet: vmsg('{}'.format(' '.join(cmd)))
- p = subprocess.Popen(cmd,stdout=PIPE,stderr=PIPE)
- err = process_output(p,silent=False)[1]
+ cp = run(cmd,stdout=PIPE,stderr=PIPE)
+ err = process_output(cp,silent=False)[1]
if err:
rdie(1,'Error starting the {} daemon:\n{}'.format(g.proto.name.capitalize(),err))
@@ -74,16 +74,17 @@ def start_cmd(*args,**kwargs):
vmsg('{}'.format(' '.join(cmd)))
ip = op = ep = (PIPE,None)['no_pipe' in kwargs and kwargs['no_pipe']]
if 'pipe_stdout_only' in kwargs and kwargs['pipe_stdout_only']: ip = ep = None
- return subprocess.Popen(cmd,stdin=ip,stdout=op,stderr=ep)
+ return run(cmd,stdin=ip,stdout=op,stderr=ep)
def test_daemon():
- p = start_cmd('cli','getblockcount',quiet=True)
- err = process_output(p,silent=True)[1]
- ret,state = p.wait(),None
+ cp = start_cmd('cli','getblockcount',quiet=True)
+ err = process_output(cp,silent=True)[1]
if "error: couldn't connect" in err or "error: Could not connect" in err:
- state = 'stopped'
- if not state: state = ('busy','ready')[ret==0]
- return state
+ return 'stopped'
+ elif cp.returncode == 0:
+ return 'ready'
+ else:
+ return 'busy'
def wait_for_daemon(state,silent=False,nonl=False):
for i in range(200):
@@ -92,7 +93,8 @@ def wait_for_daemon(state,silent=False,nonl=False):
if opt.verbose: msg('returning state '+ret)
else: gmsg_r('.')
if ret == state and not nonl: msg('')
- if ret == state: return True
+ if ret == state:
+ return True
die(1,'timeout exceeded')
@@ -132,10 +134,11 @@ def create_data_dir():
try: os.makedirs(data_dir)
except: pass
-def process_output(p,silent=False):
- out = p.stdout.read().decode()
- if g.platform == 'win' and not opt.verbose: Msg_r(' \b')
- err = p.stderr.read().decode()
+def process_output(cp,silent=False):
+ out = cp.stdout.decode()
+ if g.platform == 'win' and not opt.verbose:
+ Msg_r(' \b')
+ err = cp.stderr.decode()
if g.debug or not silent:
vmsg('stdout: [{}]'.format(out.strip()))
vmsg('stderr: [{}]'.format(err.strip()))
@@ -153,22 +156,19 @@ def stop_and_wait(silent=False,nonl=False,stop_silent=False,ignore_noconnect_err
def send(addr,amt):
gmsg('Sending {} {} to address {}'.format(amt,g.coin,addr))
- p = start_cmd('cli','sendtoaddress',addr,str(amt))
- process_output(p)
- p.wait()
+ cp = start_cmd('cli','sendtoaddress',addr,str(amt))
+ process_output(cp)
def show_mempool():
- p = start_cmd('cli','getrawmempool')
+ cp = start_cmd('cli','getrawmempool')
from ast import literal_eval
- pp_msg(literal_eval(p.stdout.read().decode()))
- p.wait()
+ pp_msg(literal_eval(cp.stdout.decode()))
def cli(*args):
- p = start_cmd(*(('cli',) + args))
- Msg_r(p.stdout.read().decode())
- msg_r(p.stderr.read().decode())
- p.wait()
+ cp = start_cmd(*(('cli',) + args))
+ Msg_r(cp.stdout.decode())
+ msg_r(cp.stderr.decode())
def fork(coin):
coin = coin.upper()
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ def get_current_user_win(quiet=False):
if test_daemon() == 'stopped': return None
logfile = os.path.join(daemon_dir,'debug.log')
for ss in ('Wallet completed loading in','Using wallet wallet'):
- o = start_cmd('grep',ss,logfile,quiet=True).stdout.readlines()
+ o = start_cmd('grep',ss,logfile,quiet=True).stdout.splitlines()
if o:
last_line = o[-1].decode()
@@ -256,9 +256,10 @@ def get_current_user_win(quiet=False):
return None
def get_current_user_unix(quiet=False):
- p = start_cmd('pgrep','-af','{}.*--rpcport={}.*'.format(g.proto.daemon_name,rpc_port),quiet=True)
- cmdline = p.stdout.read().decode()
- if not cmdline: return None
+ cp = start_cmd('pgrep','-af','{}.*--rpcport={}.*'.format(g.proto.daemon_name,rpc_port),quiet=True)
+ cmdline = cp.stdout.decode()
+ if not cmdline:
+ return None
for k in ('miner','bob','alice'):
if 'wallet.dat.'+k in cmdline:
if not quiet: msg('Current user is {}'.format(k.capitalize()))
@@ -292,24 +293,23 @@ def user(user=None,quiet=False):
def stop(silent=False,ignore_noconnect_error=True):
if test_daemon() != 'stopped' and not silent:
gmsg('Stopping {} regtest daemon for coin {}'.format(g.proto.name,g.coin))
- p = start_cmd('cli','stop')
- err = process_output(p)[1]
+ cp = start_cmd('cli','stop')
+ err = process_output(cp)[1]
if err:
if "couldn't connect to server" in err and not ignore_noconnect_error:
rdie(1,'Error stopping the {} daemon:\n{}'.format(g.proto.name.capitalize(),err))
- return p.wait()
def generate(blocks=1,silent=False):
def have_generatetoaddress():
- p = start_cmd('cli','help','generatetoaddress')
- out,err = process_output(p,silent=True)
+ cp = start_cmd('cli','help','generatetoaddress')
+ out = process_output(cp,silent=True)[0]
return not 'unknown command' in out
def get_miner_address():
- p = start_cmd('cli','getnewaddress')
- out,err = process_output(p,silent=True)
+ cp = start_cmd('cli','getnewaddress')
+ out,err = process_output(cp,silent=True)
if not err:
return out.strip()
@@ -321,14 +321,14 @@ def generate(blocks=1,silent=False):
if have_generatetoaddress():
- p = start_cmd('cli','generatetoaddress',str(blocks),get_miner_address())
+ cp = start_cmd('cli','generatetoaddress',str(blocks),get_miner_address())
- p = start_cmd('cli','generate',str(blocks))
+ cp = start_cmd('cli','generate',str(blocks))
- out,err = process_output(p,silent=silent)
+ out,err = process_output(cp,silent=silent)
from ast import literal_eval
if not out or len(literal_eval(out)) != blocks:
rdie(1,'Error generating blocks')
- p.wait()
gmsg('Mined {} block{}'.format(blocks,suf(blocks)))