@@ -22,16 +22,16 @@ from ....addr import is_mmgen_id, is_coin_addr
from ..contract import Token
from .base import Base, TokenBase
-class New(Base,TxBase.New):
+class New(Base, TxBase.New):
desc = 'transaction'
fee_fail_fs = 'Network fee estimation failed'
no_chg_msg = 'Warning: Transaction leaves account with zero balance'
usr_fee_prompt = 'Enter transaction fee or gas price: '
msg_insufficient_funds = 'Account balance insufficient to fund this transaction ({} {} needed)'
- def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- super().__init__(*args,**kwargs)
+ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if self.cfg.gas:
self.gas = self.start_gas = self.proto.coin_amt(int(self.cfg.gas), from_unit='wei')
@@ -47,7 +47,8 @@ class New(Base,TxBase.New):
self.disable_fee_check = True
async def get_nonce(self):
- return ETHNonce(int(await self.rpc.call('eth_getTransactionCount','0x'+self.inputs[0].addr,'pending'),16))
+ return ETHNonce(int(
+ await self.rpc.call('eth_getTransactionCount', '0x'+self.inputs[0].addr, 'pending'), 16))
async def make_txobj(self): # called by create_serialized()
self.txobj = {
@@ -64,22 +65,22 @@ class New(Base,TxBase.New):
# Instead of serializing tx data as with BTC, just create a JSON dump.
# This complicates things but means we avoid using the rlp library to deserialize the data,
# thus removing an attack vector
- async def create_serialized(self,locktime=None,bump=None):
- assert len(self.inputs) == 1,'Transaction has more than one input!'
+ async def create_serialized(self, locktime=None, bump=None):
+ assert len(self.inputs) == 1, 'Transaction has more than one input!'
o_num = len(self.outputs)
o_ok = 0 if self.usr_contract_data else 1
assert o_num == o_ok, f'Transaction has {o_num} output{suf(o_num)} (should have {o_ok})'
await self.make_txobj()
- odict = {k:v if v is None else str(v) for k,v in self.txobj.items() if k != 'token_to'}
+ odict = {k:v if v is None else str(v) for k, v in self.txobj.items() if k != 'token_to'}
self.serialized = json.dumps(odict)
def update_txid(self):
assert not is_hex_str(self.serialized), (
- 'update_txid() must be called only when self.serialized is not hex data' )
+ 'update_txid() must be called only when self.serialized is not hex data')
self.txid = MMGenTxID(make_chksum_6(self.serialized).upper())
- async def process_cmd_args(self,cmd_args,ad_f,ad_w):
+ async def process_cmd_args(self, cmd_args, ad_f, ad_w):
lc = len(cmd_args)
@@ -96,10 +97,10 @@ class New(Base,TxBase.New):
amt = self.proto.coin_amt(arg.amt or '0'),
is_chg = not arg.amt)
- def select_unspent(self,unspent):
+ def select_unspent(self, unspent):
from ....ui import line_input
while True:
- reply = line_input( self.cfg, 'Enter an account to spend from: ' ).strip()
+ reply = line_input(self.cfg, 'Enter an account to spend from: ').strip()
if reply:
if not is_int(reply):
msg('Account number must be an integer')
@@ -116,7 +117,7 @@ class New(Base,TxBase.New):
# get rel_fee (gas price) from network, return in native wei
async def get_rel_fee_from_network(self):
- return Int(await self.rpc.call('eth_gasPrice'),16), 'eth_gasPrice'
+ return Int(await self.rpc.call('eth_gasPrice'), 16), 'eth_gasPrice'
def check_fee(self):
if not self.disable_fee_check:
@@ -127,14 +128,14 @@ class New(Base,TxBase.New):
return self.proto.coin_amt(amt_in_units, from_unit=units[unit]) * self.gas.toWei()
# given fee estimate (gas price) in wei, return absolute fee, adjusting by self.cfg.fee_adjust
- def fee_est2abs(self,rel_fee,fe_type=None):
+ def fee_est2abs(self, rel_fee, fe_type=None):
ret = self.fee_gasPrice2abs(rel_fee) * self.cfg.fee_adjust
if self.cfg.verbose:
msg(f'Estimated fee: {ret} ETH')
return ret
- def convert_and_check_fee(self,fee,desc):
- abs_fee = self.feespec2abs(fee,None)
+ def convert_and_check_fee(self, fee, desc):
+ abs_fee = self.feespec2abs(fee, None)
if abs_fee is False:
return False
elif not self.disable_fee_check and (abs_fee > self.proto.max_tx_fee):
@@ -142,71 +143,71 @@ class New(Base,TxBase.New):
- c = self.proto.coin ))
+ c = self.proto.coin))
return False
return abs_fee
- def update_change_output(self,funds_left):
+ def update_change_output(self, funds_left):
if self.outputs and self.outputs[0].is_chg:
self.update_output_amt(0, funds_left)
async def get_input_addrs_from_cmdline(self):
ret = []
if self.cfg.inputs:
- data_root = (await TwCtl(self.cfg,self.proto)).data_root # must create new instance here
+ data_root = (await TwCtl(self.cfg, self.proto)).data_root # must create new instance here
errmsg = 'Address {!r} not in tracking wallet'
for addr in self.cfg.inputs.split(','):
- if is_mmgen_id(self.proto,addr):
+ if is_mmgen_id(self.proto, addr):
for waddr in data_root:
if data_root[waddr]['mmid'] == addr:
- die( 'UserAddressNotInWallet', errmsg.format(addr) )
- elif is_coin_addr(self.proto,addr):
+ die('UserAddressNotInWallet', errmsg.format(addr))
+ elif is_coin_addr(self.proto, addr):
if not addr in data_root:
- die( 'UserAddressNotInWallet', errmsg.format(addr) )
+ die('UserAddressNotInWallet', errmsg.format(addr))
- die(1,f'{addr!r}: not an MMGen ID or coin address')
+ die(1, f'{addr!r}: not an MMGen ID or coin address')
return ret
def final_inputs_ok_msg(self, funds_left):
chg = self.proto.coin_amt('0') if (self.outputs and self.outputs[0].is_chg) else funds_left
return 'Transaction leaves {} {} in the sender’s account'.format(chg.hl(), self.proto.coin)
-class TokenNew(TokenBase,New):
+class TokenNew(TokenBase, New):
desc = 'transaction'
fee_is_approximate = True
async def make_txobj(self): # called by create_serialized()
await super().make_txobj()
- t = Token(self.cfg,self.proto,self.twctl.token,self.twctl.decimals)
+ t = Token(self.cfg, self.proto, self.twctl.token, self.twctl.decimals)
o = self.txobj
o['token_addr'] = t.addr
o['decimals'] = t.decimals
o['token_to'] = o['to']
- o['data'] = t.create_data(o['token_to'],o['amt'])
+ o['data'] = t.create_data(o['token_to'], o['amt'])
- def update_change_output(self,funds_left):
+ def update_change_output(self, funds_left):
if self.outputs[0].is_chg:
- self.update_output_amt(0,self.inputs[0].amt)
+ self.update_output_amt(0, self.inputs[0].amt)
# token transaction, so check both eth and token balances
# TODO: add test with insufficient funds
- async def precheck_sufficient_funds(self,inputs_sum,sel_unspent,outputs_sum):
+ async def precheck_sufficient_funds(self, inputs_sum, sel_unspent, outputs_sum):
eth_bal = await self.twctl.get_eth_balance(sel_unspent[0].addr)
if eth_bal == 0: # we don't know the fee yet
msg('This account has no ether to pay for the transaction fee!')
return False
- return await super().precheck_sufficient_funds(inputs_sum,sel_unspent,outputs_sum)
+ return await super().precheck_sufficient_funds(inputs_sum, sel_unspent, outputs_sum)
async def get_funds_available(self, fee, outputs_sum):
bal = await self.twctl.get_eth_balance(self.inputs[0].addr)
return self._funds_available(bal >= fee, bal - fee if bal >= fee else fee - bal)
- def final_inputs_ok_msg(self,funds_left):
+ def final_inputs_ok_msg(self, funds_left):
token_bal = (
self.proto.coin_amt('0') if self.outputs[0].is_chg
else self.inputs[0].amt - self.outputs[0].amt