Browse Source add `cmd_caps` attr

The MMGen Project 1 month ago

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@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ def make_proto(e,testnet=False):
 				'wif_ver_num': { 'std': num2hexstr(e.wif_ver_num) },
 				'mmtypes':    ('L','C','S') if e.has_segwit else ('L','C'),
 				'dfl_mmtype': 'L',
-				'mmcaps':     ('key','addr'),
+				'mmcaps':     (),

+ 28 - 1

@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ class GlobalConstants(Lockable):
 	_autolock = True
 	proj_name          = 'MMGen'
+	proj_id            = 'mmgen'
 	proj_url           = ''
 	author             = 'The MMGen Project'
 	email              = '<>'
@@ -52,8 +53,34 @@ class GlobalConstants(Lockable):
 	# must match CoinProtocol.coins
 	core_coins = ('btc','bch','ltc','eth','etc','zec','xmr')
+	_cc = namedtuple('cmd_cap', ['proto', 'rpc', 'coin', 'caps', 'platforms'])
+	cmd_caps_data = {
+		'addrgen':      _cc(True,  False, None,  [],      'lmw'),
+		'addrimport':   _cc(True,  True,  'R',   ['tw'],  'lmw'),
+		'autosign':     _cc(True,  True,  'r',   ['rpc'], 'lm'),
+		'keygen':       _cc(True,  False, None,  [],      'lmw'),
+		'msg':          _cc(True,  True,  'R',   ['msg'], 'lmw'),
+		'passchg':      _cc(False, False, None,  [],      'lmw'),
+		'passgen':      _cc(False, False, None,  [],      'lmw'),
+		'regtest':      _cc(True,  True,  'b',   ['tw'],  'lmw'),
+		'seedjoin':     _cc(False, False, None,  [],      'lmw'),
+		'seedsplit':    _cc(False, False, None,  [],      'lmw'),
+		'subwalletgen': _cc(False, False, None,  [],      'lmw'),
+		'tool':         _cc(True,  True,  None,  [],      'lmw'),
+		'txbump':       _cc(True,  True,  'R',   ['tw'],  'lmw'),
+		'txcreate':     _cc(True,  True,  'R',   ['tw'],  'lmw'),
+		'txdo':         _cc(True,  True,  'R',   ['tw'],  'lmw'),
+		'txsend':       _cc(True,  True,  'R',   ['tw'],  'lmw'),
+		'txsign':       _cc(True,  True,  'R',   ['tw'],  'lmw'),
+		'walletchk':    _cc(False, False, None,  [],      'lmw'),
+		'walletconv':   _cc(False, False, None,  [],      'lmw'),
+		'walletgen':    _cc(False, False, None,  [],      'lmw'),
+		'xmrwallet':    _cc(True,  True,  'xmr', ['rpc'], 'lmw'),
+	}
 	prog_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
-	is_txprog = prog_name == 'mmgen-regtest' or prog_name.startswith('mmgen-tx')
+	prog_id = prog_name.removeprefix(f'{proj_id}-')
+	cmd_caps = cmd_caps_data.get(prog_id)
 	if sys.platform not in ('linux', 'win32', 'darwin'):
 		die2(1,f'{sys.platform!r}: platform not supported by {proj_name}')

+ 1 - 1

@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class mainnet(CoinProtocol.Secp256k1): # chainparams.cpp
 	caps            = ('rbf','segwit')
-	mmcaps          = ('key','addr','rpc_init','tx')
+	mmcaps          = ('rpc', 'rpc_init', 'tw', 'msg')
 	base_proto      = 'Bitcoin'
 	base_proto_coin = 'BTC'
 	base_coin       = 'BTC'

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@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ class mainnet(CoinProtocol.DummyWIF,CoinProtocol.Secp256k1):
 	chain_names   = ['ethereum','foundation']
 	sign_mode     = 'standalone'
 	caps          = ('token',)
-	mmcaps        = ('key','addr','rpc_init','tx')
+	mmcaps        = ('rpc', 'rpc_init', 'tw', 'msg')
 	base_proto    = 'Ethereum'
 	base_proto_coin = 'ETH'
 	base_coin     = 'ETH'

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@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class mainnet(CoinProtocol.DummyWIF,CoinProtocol.Base):
 	pubkey_type    = 'monero' # required by DummyWIF
 	avg_bdi        = 120
 	privkey_len    = 32
-	mmcaps         = ('key','addr')
+	mmcaps         = ('rpc',)
 	ignore_daemon_version = False
 	coin_amt       = 'XMRAmt'
 	sign_mode      = 'standalone'

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@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ class mainnet(mainnet):
 	wif_ver_num    = { 'std': '80', 'zcash_z': 'ab36' }
 	pubkey_types   = ('std','zcash_z')
 	mmtypes        = ('L','C','Z')
-	mmcaps         = ('key','addr')
+	mmcaps         = ()
 	dfl_mmtype     = 'L'
 	avg_bdi        = 75

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@@ -84,9 +84,11 @@ class CoinProtocol(MMGenObject):
 				self.addr_fmt_to_ver_bytes = {v:k for k,v in self.addr_ver_bytes.items()}
 				self.addr_ver_bytes_len = len(list(self.addr_ver_bytes)[0])
-			if 'tx' not in self.mmcaps and gc.is_txprog:
-				from .util import die
-				die(2,f'Command {gc.prog_name!r} not supported for coin {self.coin}')
+			if gc.cmd_caps:
+				for cap in gc.cmd_caps.caps:
+					if cap not in self.mmcaps:
+						from .util import die
+						die(2, f'Command {gc.prog_name!r} not supported for coin {self.coin}')
 			if self.chain_names:
 				self.chain_name = self.chain_names[0] # first chain name is default

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@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import sys, os, time
 from mmgen.util import ymsg
 from mmgen.cfg import gc
-from ..include.common import cfg, proto_cmds
+from ..include.common import cfg
 from .ct_base import CmdTestBase
 class CmdTestHelp(CmdTestBase):
@@ -83,25 +83,29 @@ class CmdTestHelp(CmdTestBase):
 		t.skip_ok = True
 		return t
-	def helpscreens(self,arg='--help',scripts=(),expect='USAGE:.*OPTIONS:',pager=True):
+	def helpscreens(self, arg='--help', scripts=(), expect='USAGE:.*OPTIONS:', pager=True):
-		scripts = list(scripts) or [s.replace('mmgen-','') for s in os.listdir('cmds')]
+		scripts = list(scripts or gc.cmd_caps_data)
-		if 'tx' not in self.proto.mmcaps:
-			scripts = [s for s in scripts if not (s == 'regtest' or s.startswith('tx'))]
+		def gen_skiplist():
+			for script in scripts:
+				d = gc.cmd_caps_data[script]
+				for cap in d.caps:
+					if cap not in self.proto.mmcaps:
+						yield script
+						break
+				else:
+					if sys.platform == 'win32' and 'w' not in d.platforms:
+						yield script
+					elif d.coin and len(d.coin) > 1 and self.proto.coin.lower() not in (d.coin, 'btc'):
+						yield script
-		if 'xmrwallet' in scripts and (cfg.no_altcoin or not self.proto.coin in ('BTC','XMR')):
-			scripts.remove('xmrwallet')
-		if 'autosign' in scripts and sys.platform == 'win32':
-			scripts.remove('autosign')
-		for cmdname in sorted(scripts):
+		for cmdname in sorted(set(scripts) - set(list(gen_skiplist()))):
 			t = self.spawn(
 				extra_desc       = f'(mmgen-{cmdname})',
-				no_passthru_opts = not cmdname in proto_cmds)
+				no_passthru_opts = not gc.cmd_caps_data[cmdname].proto)
 			if pager and t.pexpect_spawn: