@@ -104,101 +104,115 @@ gv = GlobalVars()
class GlobalConfig(Lockable):
- Set global vars to default values
- Globals are overridden in this order:
- 1 - config file
+ These values are configurable - RHS values are defaults
+ Globals are overridden with the following precedence:
+ 1 - command line
2 - environmental vars
- 3 - command line
+ 3 - config file
_autolock = False
_set_ok = ()
- _reset_ok = ('stdout','stderr','accept_defaults')
+ _reset_ok = ('accept_defaults',)
_use_class_attr = True
- # Constants:
- stdin_tty = sys.stdin.isatty()
- stdout = sys.stdout
- stderr = sys.stderr
- http_timeout = 60
- err_disp_timeout = 0.7
- short_disp_timeout = 0.3
- # Variables - these might be altered at runtime:
- usr_randchars = 30
- fee_adjust = 1.0
+ # general
+ coin = ''
+ token = ''
+ outdir = ''
+ passwd_file = ''
+ network = 'mainnet'
+ testnet = False
+ regtest = False
+ # verbosity / prompting behavior
+ quiet = False
+ verbose = False
+ yes = False
+ accept_defaults = False
+ no_license = False
+ # limits
+ http_timeout = 60
+ usr_randchars = 30
+ fee_adjust = 1.0
fee_estimate_confs = 3
+ minconf = 1
+ max_tx_file_size = 100000
+ max_input_size = 1024 * 1024
+ min_urandchars = 10
+ max_urandchars = 80
- # Constant vars - some of these might be overridden in opts.py, but they don't change thereafter
- coin = ''
- token = ''
+ # debug
debug = False
debug_opts = False
debug_rpc = False
debug_addrlist = False
debug_subseed = False
debug_tw = False
- quiet = False
- no_license = False
- force_color = False
- force_256_color = False
- testnet = False
- regtest = False
- accept_defaults = False
- autochg_ignore_labels = False
# rpc:
- rpc_host = ''
- rpc_port = 0
- rpc_user = ''
- rpc_password = ''
- ignore_daemon_version = False
- monero_wallet_rpc_host = 'localhost'
- monero_wallet_rpc_user = 'monero'
+ rpc_host = ''
+ rpc_port = 0
+ rpc_user = ''
+ rpc_password = ''
+ monero_wallet_rpc_host = 'localhost'
+ monero_wallet_rpc_user = 'monero'
monero_wallet_rpc_password = ''
- aiohttp_rpc_queue_len = 16
- cached_balances = False
+ aiohttp_rpc_queue_len = 16
+ cached_balances = False
- # regtest:
- bob = False
- alice = False
- carol = False
- regtest_user = None
+ # daemons
+ daemon_data_dir = '' # set by user
+ daemon_id = ''
+ blacklisted_daemons = ''
+ ignore_daemon_version = False
+ # display:
+ force_color = False # placeholder
+ force_256_color = False
+ scroll = False
+ columns = 0
+ color = bool(
+ ( sys.stdout.isatty() and not os.getenv('MMGEN_TEST_SUITE_PEXPECT') ) or
+ os.getenv('MMGEN_FORCE_COLOR')
+ )
# miscellaneous features:
- use_internal_keccak_module = False
- enable_erigon = False
+ use_internal_keccak_module = False
+ force_standalone_scrypt_module = False
+ enable_erigon = False
+ autochg_ignore_labels = False
+ # regtest:
+ bob = False
+ alice = False
+ carol = False
+ regtest_user = None
# test suite:
- bogus_send = False
- bogus_unspent_data = ''
- debug_utf8 = False
- exec_wrapper = False
- test_suite = False
+ bogus_send = False
+ bogus_unspent_data = ''
+ debug_utf8 = False
+ exec_wrapper = False
+ test_suite = False
test_suite_autosign_led_simulate = False
- test_suite_cfgtest = False
+ test_suite_cfgtest = False
test_suite_deterministic = False
- test_suite_pexpect = False
- test_suite_popen_spawn = False
- hold_protect_disable = False
+ test_suite_pexpect = False
+ test_suite_popen_spawn = False
+ hold_protect_disable = False
+ no_daemon_autostart = False
+ names = False
+ no_timings = False
+ exit_after = ''
+ resuming = False
+ skipping_deps = False
mnemonic_entry_modes = {}
- # display:
- scroll = False
- columns = 0
- color = bool(
- ( sys.stdout.isatty() and not os.getenv('MMGEN_TEST_SUITE_PEXPECT') ) or
- os.getenv('MMGEN_FORCE_COLOR')
- )
- daemon_data_dir = '' # set by user
- daemon_id = ''
- blacklisted_daemons = ''
+ # placeholders:
+ _proto = None
+ pager = False
# global var sets user opt:
global_sets_opt = (
@@ -342,8 +356,6 @@ class GlobalConfig(Lockable):
'fee_estimate_mode': _ov('nocase_pfx', ['conservative','economical']),
'rpc_backend': _ov('nocase_pfx', ['auto','httplib','curl','aiohttp','requests']),
- if gc.platform == 'win':
- _skip_type_check = ('stdout','stderr')
auto_typeset_opts = {
'seed_len': int,
@@ -351,14 +363,9 @@ class GlobalConfig(Lockable):
'vsize_adj': float,
- minconf = 1
- max_tx_file_size = 100000
- max_input_size = 1024 * 1024
- max_urandchars = 80
- min_urandchars = 10
- force_standalone_scrypt_module = False
+ err_disp_timeout = 0.7
+ short_disp_timeout = 0.3
+ stdin_tty = sys.stdin.isatty()
if os.getenv('MMGEN_TEST_SUITE'):
min_urandchars = 3