@@ -8,12 +8,18 @@ pn = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
+from mmgen.util import msgrepr, msgrepr_exit
hincog_fn = "rand_data"
non_mmgen_fn = "btckey"
from collections import OrderedDict
cmd_data = OrderedDict([
# test description depends
+ ['refwalletgen', (6,'reference wallet seed ID', [[[],6]])],
+ ['refaddrgen', (6,'reference wallet address checksum', [[["mmdat"],6]])],
+ ['refkeyaddrgen', (6,'reference wallet key-address checksum', [[["mmdat"],6]])],
['walletgen', (1,'wallet generation', [[[],1]])],
['walletchk', (1,'wallet check', [[["mmdat"],1]])],
['passchg', (5,'password, label and hash preset change',[[["mmdat"],1]])],
@@ -39,18 +45,18 @@ cmd_data = OrderedDict([
['keyaddrgen', (1,'key-address file generation', [[["mmdat"],1]])],
['txsign_keyaddr',(1,'transaction signing with key-address file', [[["akeys.mmenc","raw"],1]])],
- ['walletgen2',(2,'wallet generation (2)', [])],
+ ['walletgen2',(2,'wallet generation (2), 128-bit seed (WIP)', [])],
['addrgen2', (2,'address generation (2)', [[["mmdat"],2]])],
['txcreate2', (2,'transaction creation (2)', [[["addrs"],2]])],
['txsign2', (2,'transaction signing, two transactions',[[["mmdat","raw"],1],[["mmdat","raw"],2]])],
- ['export_mnemonic2', (2,'seed export to mmwords format (2)',[[["mmdat"],2]])],
+ ['export_mnemonic2', (2,'seed export to mmwords format (2), 128-bit seed (WIP)',[[["mmdat"],2]])],
['walletgen3',(3,'wallet generation (3)', [])],
['addrgen3', (3,'address generation (3)', [[["mmdat"],3]])],
['txcreate3', (3,'tx creation with inputs and outputs from two wallets', [[["addrs"],1],[["addrs"],3]])],
['txsign3', (3,'tx signing with inputs and outputs from two wallets',[[["mmdat"],1],[["mmdat","raw"],3]])],
- ['walletgen4',(4,'wallet generation (4) (brainwallet)', [])],
+ ['walletgen4',(4,'wallet generation (4) (brainwallet, 192-bit seed (WIP))', [])],
['addrgen4', (4,'address generation (4)', [[["mmdat"],4]])],
['txcreate4', (4,'tx creation with inputs and outputs from four seed sources, plus non-MMGen inputs and outputs', [[["addrs"],1],[["addrs"],2],[["addrs"],3],[["addrs"],4]])],
['txsign4', (4,'tx signing with inputs and outputs from incog file, mnemonic file, wallet and brainwallet, plus non-MMGen inputs and outputs', [[["mmincog"],1],[["mmwords"],2],[["mmdat"],3],[["mmbrain","raw"],4]])],
@@ -63,6 +69,25 @@ utils = {
addrs_per_wallet = 8
cfgs = {
+ '6': {
+ 'name': "reference wallet check",
+ 'bw_passwd': "abc",
+ 'bw_hashparams': "256,1",
+ 'key_id': "98831F3A",
+ 'addrfile_chk': "6FEF 6FB9 7B13 5D91 854A 0BD3",
+ 'keyaddrfile_chk': "9F2D D781 1812 8BAD C396 9DEB",
+ 'wpasswd': "reference password",
+ 'tmpdir': "test/tmp6",
+ 'kapasswd': "",
+ 'addr_idx_list': "1010,500-501,31-33,1,33,500,1011", # 8 addresses
+ 'dep_generators': {
+ 'mmdat': "refwalletgen",
+ 'addrs': "refaddrgen",
+ 'akeys.mmenc': "refkeyaddrgen"
+ },
+ },
'1': {
'tmpdir': "test/tmp1",
'wpasswd': "Dorian",
@@ -85,6 +110,7 @@ cfgs = {
'tmpdir': "test/tmp2",
'wpasswd': "Hodling away",
'addr_idx_list': "37,45,3-6,22-23", # 8 addresses
+ 'seed_len': 128,
'dep_generators': {
'mmdat': "walletgen2",
'addrs': "addrgen2",
@@ -108,6 +134,7 @@ cfgs = {
'tmpdir': "test/tmp4",
'wpasswd': "Hashrate rising",
'addr_idx_list': "63,1004,542-544,7-9", # 8 addresses
+ 'seed_len': 192,
'dep_generators': {
'mmdat': "walletgen4",
'mmbrain': "walletgen4",
@@ -116,7 +143,7 @@ cfgs = {
'sig': "txsign4",
'bw_filename': "brainwallet.mmbrain",
- 'bw_params': "256,1",
+ 'bw_params': "192,1",
'5': {
'tmpdir': "test/tmp5",
@@ -130,15 +157,6 @@ cfgs = {
from binascii import hexlify
def getrand(n): return int(hexlify(os.urandom(n)),16)
-def msgrepr(*args):
- for d in args:
- sys.stdout.write(repr(d)+"\n")
-def msgrepr_exit(*args):
- for d in args:
- sys.stdout.write(repr(d)+"\n")
- sys.exit()
# total of two outputs must be < 10 BTC
for k in cfgs.keys():
cfgs[k]['amts'] = [0,0]
@@ -146,6 +164,7 @@ for k in cfgs.keys():
cfgs[k]['amts'][idx] = "%s.%s" % ((getrand(2) % mod), str(getrand(4))[:5])
meta_cmds = OrderedDict([
+ ['ref', (6,("refwalletgen","refaddrgen","refkeyaddrgen"))],
['gen', (1,("walletgen","walletchk","addrgen"))],
['pass', (5,("passchg","walletchk_newpass"))],
['tx', (1,("txcreate","txsign","txsend"))],
@@ -217,6 +236,7 @@ def end_silence():
sys.stderr = stderr_save
def errmsg(s): stderr_save.write(s+"\n")
+def errmsg_r(s): stderr_save.write(s)
def Msg(s): sys.stdout.write(s+"\n")
@@ -237,7 +257,7 @@ if "list_cmds" in opts:
import pexpect,time,re
import mmgen.config as g
-from mmgen.util import get_data_from_file, write_to_file, get_lines_from_file
+from mmgen.util import get_data_from_file,write_to_file,get_lines_from_file
redc,grnc,yelc,cyac,reset = (
["\033[%sm" % c for c in "31;1","32;1","33;1","36;1","0"]
@@ -310,8 +330,8 @@ def get_file_with_ext(ext,mydir,delete=True):
def get_addrfile_checksum(display=False):
addrfile = get_file_with_ext("addrs",cfg['tmpdir'])
- from mmgen.tx import parse_addrfile
- chk = parse_addrfile(addrfile,{},return_chk_and_sid=True)[0]
+ from mmgen.addr import AddrInfo
+ chk = AddrInfo(addrfile).checksum
if verbose and display: msg("Checksum: %s" % cyan(chk))
return chk
@@ -370,11 +390,6 @@ class MMGenExpect(object):
my_expect(self.p,("Enter hash preset for %s, or ENTER .*?:" % what),
- def ok(self):
- if verbose or exact_output:
- sys.stderr.write(green("OK\n"))
- else: msg(" OK")
def written_to_file(self,what,overwrite_unlikely=False,query="Overwrite? "):
s1 = "%s written to file " % what
s2 = query + "Type uppercase 'YES' to confirm: "
@@ -425,7 +440,7 @@ from mmgen.bitcoin import verify_addr
def add_fake_unspent_entry(out,address,comment):
account = unicode(comment),
- vout = (getrand(4) % 8),
+ vout = int(getrand(4) % 8),
txid = unicode(hexlify(os.urandom(32))),
amount = Decimal("%s.%s" % (10+(getrand(4) % 40), getrand(4) % 100000000)),
address = address,
@@ -434,14 +449,14 @@ def add_fake_unspent_entry(out,address,comment):
confirmations = getrand(4) % 500
-def create_fake_unspent_data(addr_data,unspent_data_file,tx_data,non_mmgen_input=''):
+def create_fake_unspent_data(adata,unspent_data_file,tx_data,non_mmgen_input=''):
out = []
for s in tx_data.keys():
sid = tx_data[s]['sid']
- for idx in addr_data[sid].keys():
- address = unicode(addr_data[sid][idx][0])
- add_fake_unspent_entry(out,address, "%s:%s Test Wallet" % (sid,idx))
+ a = adata.addrinfo(sid)
+ for idx,btcaddr in a.addrpairs():
+ add_fake_unspent_entry(out,btcaddr,"%s:%s Test Wallet" % (sid,idx))
if non_mmgen_input:
from mmgen.bitcoin import privnum2addr,hextowif
@@ -453,25 +468,17 @@ def create_fake_unspent_data(addr_data,unspent_data_file,tx_data,non_mmgen_input
add_fake_unspent_entry(out,btcaddr,"Non-MMGen address")
+# msg("\n".join([repr(o) for o in out])); sys.exit()
write_to_file(unspent_data_file,repr(out),{},"Unspent outputs",verbose=True)
def add_comments_to_addr_file(addrfile,tfile):
msg(green("Adding comments to address file '%s'" % addrfile))
- d = get_lines_from_file(addrfile)
- addr_data = {}
- from mmgen.tx import parse_addrfile
- parse_addrfile(addrfile,addr_data)
- sid = addr_data.keys()[0]
- def s(k): return int(k)
- keys = sorted(addr_data[sid].keys(),key=s)
- for n,k in enumerate(keys,1):
- addr_data[sid][k][1] = ("Test address " + str(n))
- d = "#\n# Test address file with comments\n#\n%s {\n%s\n}\n" % (sid,
- "\n".join([" {:<3} {:<36} {}".format(k,*addr_data[sid][k]) for k in keys]))
- msg_r(d)
- write_to_file(tfile,d,{})
+ from mmgen.addr import AddrInfo
+ a = AddrInfo(addrfile)
+ for i in a.idxs(): a.set_comment(idx,"Test address %s" % idx)
+ write_to_file(tfile,a.fmt_data(),{})
def make_brainwallet_file(fn):
@@ -568,6 +575,22 @@ def mk_tmpdir(cfg):
if e.errno != 17: raise
else: msg("Created directory '%s'" % cfg['tmpdir'])
+def refcheck(what,chk,refchk):
+ vmsg("Comparing %s '%s' to stored reference" % (what,chk))
+ if chk == refchk:
+ ok()
+ else:
+ if not verbose: errmsg("")
+ errmsg(red("""
+Fatal error - %s '%s' does not match reference value '%s'. Aborting test
+""".strip() % (what,chk,refchk)))
+ sys.exit(3)
+def ok():
+ if verbose or exact_output:
+ sys.stderr.write(green("OK\n"))
+ else: msg(" OK")
class MMGenTestSuite(object):
@@ -599,7 +622,7 @@ class MMGenTestSuite(object):
def clean(self,name,dirs=[]):
- dirlist = dirs if dirs else cfgs.keys()
+ dirlist = dirs if dirs else sorted(cfgs.keys())
for k in dirlist:
if k in cfgs:
@@ -611,6 +634,7 @@ class MMGenTestSuite(object):
args = ["-d",cfg['tmpdir'],"-p1","-r10"]
+# if 'seed_len' in cfg: args += ["-l",cfg['seed_len']]
if brain:
bwf = os.path.join(cfg['tmpdir'],cfg['bw_filename'])
args += ["-b",cfg['bw_params'],bwf]
@@ -625,14 +649,23 @@ class MMGenTestSuite(object):
t.expect("Type uppercase 'YES' to confirm: ","YES\n")
- t.expect("Generating a key from OS random data plus user entropy")
- if not brain:
- t.expect("Generating a key from OS random data plus saved user entropy")
+ for s in "user-supplied entropy","saved user-supplied entropy":
+ t.expect("Generating encryption key from OS random data plus %s" % s)
+ if brain: break
t.passphrase_new("MMGen wallet",cfg['wpasswd'])
- t.ok()
+ ok()
+ def refwalletgen(self,name):
+ mk_tmpdir(cfg)
+ args = ["-q","-d",cfg['tmpdir'],"-p1","-r10","-b"+cfg['bw_hashparams']]
+ t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-walletgen", args)
+ t.expect("passphrase: ",cfg['bw_passwd']+"\n")
+ t.usr_rand(10)
+ t.passphrase_new("MMGen wallet",cfg['wpasswd'])
+ key_id = t.written_to_file("Wallet").split("-")[0].split("/")[-1]
+ refcheck("key id",key_id,cfg['key_id'])
def passchg(self,name,walletfile):
@@ -647,11 +680,11 @@ class MMGenTestSuite(object):
t.expect_getend("Key ID changed: ")
- t.ok()
+ ok()
def walletchk_newpass(self,name,walletfile):
t = self.walletchk_beg(name,[walletfile])
- t.ok()
+ ok()
def walletchk_beg(self,name,args):
t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-walletchk", args)
@@ -663,17 +696,23 @@ class MMGenTestSuite(object):
def walletchk(self,name,walletfile):
t = self.walletchk_beg(name,[walletfile])
- t.ok()
+ ok()
- def addrgen(self,name,walletfile):
+ def addrgen(self,name,walletfile,check_ref=False):
t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-addrgen",["-d",cfg['tmpdir'],walletfile,cfg['addr_idx_list']])
t.passphrase("MMGen wallet",cfg['wpasswd'])
t.expect("Passphrase is OK")
- t.expect("Generated [0-9]+ addresses",regex=True)
- t.expect_getend(r"Checksum for address data .*?: ",regex=True)
+ t.expect("[0-9]+ addresses generated",regex=True)
+ chk = t.expect_getend(r"Checksum for address data .*?: ",regex=True)
+ if check_ref:
+ refcheck("address data checksum",chk,cfg['addrfile_chk'])
+ return
- t.ok()
+ ok()
+ def refaddrgen(self,name,walletfile):
+ self.addrgen(name,walletfile,check_ref=True)
def addrimport(self,name,addrfile):
outfile = os.path.join(cfg['tmpdir'],"addrfile_w_comments")
@@ -683,7 +722,7 @@ class MMGenTestSuite(object):
t.expect_getend("Validating addresses...OK. ")
t.expect("Type uppercase 'YES' to confirm: ","\n")
vmsg("This is a simulation, so no addresses were actually imported into the tracking\nwallet")
- t.ok()
+ ok()
def txcreate(self,name,addrfile):
@@ -692,26 +731,27 @@ class MMGenTestSuite(object):
if verbose or exact_output:
sys.stderr.write(green("Generating fake transaction info\n"))
- tx_data,addr_data = {},{}
- from mmgen.tx import parse_addrfile
+ from mmgen.addr import AddrInfo,AddrInfoList
+ tx_data,ail = {},AddrInfoList()
from mmgen.util import parse_addr_idxs
for s in sources:
afile = get_file_with_ext("addrs",cfgs[s]["tmpdir"])
- chk,sid = parse_addrfile(afile,addr_data,return_chk_and_sid=True)
+ ai = AddrInfo(afile)
+ ail.add(ai)
aix = parse_addr_idxs(cfgs[s]['addr_idx_list'])
if len(aix) != addrs_per_wallet:
errmsg(red("Addr index list length != %s: %s" %
tx_data[s] = {
- 'addrfile': get_file_with_ext("addrs",cfgs[s]['tmpdir']),
- 'chk': chk,
- 'sid': sid,
+ 'addrfile': afile,
+ 'chk': ai.checksum,
+ 'sid': ai.seed_id,
'addr_idxs': aix[-2:],
unspent_data_file = os.path.join(cfg['tmpdir'],"unspent.json")
- create_fake_unspent_data(addr_data,unspent_data_file,tx_data,non_mmgen_input)
+ create_fake_unspent_data(ail,unspent_data_file,tx_data,non_mmgen_input)
# make the command line
from mmgen.bitcoin import privnum2addr
@@ -739,7 +779,6 @@ class MMGenTestSuite(object):
for num in tx_data.keys():
t.expect_getend("Getting address data from file ")
- from mmgen.addr import fmt_addr_idxs
chk=t.expect_getend(r"Computed checksum for addr data .*?: ",regex=True)
@@ -763,9 +802,9 @@ class MMGenTestSuite(object):
t.expect("OK? (Y/n): ","y")
t.expect("Add a comment to transaction? (y/N): ","\n")
- t.expect("Save transaction? (Y/n): ","\n")
+ t.expect("Save transaction? (y/N): ","y")
- t.ok()
+ ok()
def txsign(self,name,txfile,walletfile):
t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-txsign", ["-d",cfg['tmpdir'],txfile,walletfile])
@@ -774,7 +813,7 @@ class MMGenTestSuite(object):
t.passphrase("MMGen wallet",cfg['wpasswd'])
t.expect("Edit transaction comment? (y/N): ","\n")
t.written_to_file("Signed transaction")
- t.ok()
+ ok()
def txsend(self,name,sigfile):
t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-txsend", ["-d",cfg['tmpdir'],sigfile])
@@ -785,7 +824,7 @@ class MMGenTestSuite(object):
t.expect("Type uppercase 'YES, I REALLY WANT TO DO THIS' to confirm: ","\n")
t.expect("Exiting at user request")
vmsg("This is a simulation, so no transaction was sent")
- t.ok()
+ ok()
def export_seed(self,name,walletfile):
t = self.walletchk_beg(name,["-s","-d",cfg['tmpdir'],walletfile])
@@ -793,7 +832,7 @@ class MMGenTestSuite(object):
msg("Seed data: %s" % cyan(get_data_from_file(f,"seed data")))
- t.ok()
+ ok()
def export_mnemonic(self,name,walletfile):
t = self.walletchk_beg(name,["-m","-d",cfg['tmpdir'],walletfile])
@@ -801,7 +840,7 @@ class MMGenTestSuite(object):
msg_r("Mnemonic data: %s" % cyan(get_data_from_file(f,"mnemonic data")))
- t.ok()
+ ok()
def export_incog(self,name,walletfile,args=["-g"]):
t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-walletchk",args+["-d",cfg['tmpdir'],"-r","10",walletfile])
@@ -810,7 +849,7 @@ class MMGenTestSuite(object):
t.expect_getend("Incog ID: ")
if args[0] == "-G": return t
t.written_to_file("Incognito wallet data",overwrite_unlikely=True)
- t.ok()
+ ok()
def export_incog_hex(self,name,walletfile):
@@ -822,7 +861,7 @@ class MMGenTestSuite(object):
t = self.export_incog(name,walletfile,args=["-G","%s,%s"%(rf,hincog_offset)])
- t.ok()
+ ok()
def addrgen_seed(self,name,walletfile,foo,what="seed data",arg="-s"):
t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-addrgen",
@@ -833,7 +872,7 @@ class MMGenTestSuite(object):
chk = t.expect_getend(r"Checksum for address data .*?: ",regex=True)
- t.ok()
+ ok()
def addrgen_mnemonic(self,name,walletfile,foo):
@@ -849,7 +888,7 @@ class MMGenTestSuite(object):
chk = t.expect_getend(r"Checksum for address data .*?: ",regex=True)
- t.ok()
+ ok()
def addrgen_incog_hex(self,name,walletfile,foo):
@@ -859,18 +898,24 @@ class MMGenTestSuite(object):
- def keyaddrgen(self,name,walletfile):
+ def keyaddrgen(self,name,walletfile,check_ref=False):
t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-keygen",
t.expect("Type uppercase 'YES' to confirm: ","YES\n")
t.passphrase("MMGen wallet",cfg['wpasswd'])
- t.expect_getend(r"Checksum for key-address data .*?: ",regex=True)
+ chk = t.expect_getend(r"Checksum for key-address data .*?: ",regex=True)
+ if check_ref:
+ refcheck("key-address data checksum",chk,cfg['keyaddrfile_chk'])
+ return
t.expect("Encrypt key list? (y/N): ","y")
t.hash_preset("new key list",'1')
t.passphrase_new("key list",cfg['kapasswd'])
- t.ok()
+ ok()
+ def refkeyaddrgen(self,name,walletfile):
+ self.keyaddrgen(name,walletfile,check_ref=True)
def txsign_keyaddr(self,name,keyaddr_file,txfile):
t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-txsign", ["-d",cfg['tmpdir'],"-M",keyaddr_file,txfile])
@@ -882,7 +927,7 @@ class MMGenTestSuite(object):
t.expect("Signing transaction...OK")
t.expect("Edit transaction comment? (y/N): ","\n")
t.written_to_file("Signed transaction")
- t.ok()
+ ok()
def walletgen2(self,name):
@@ -904,7 +949,7 @@ class MMGenTestSuite(object):
t.expect("Edit transaction comment? (y/N): ","\n")
t.written_to_file("Signed transaction #%s" % cnum)
- t.ok()
+ ok()
def export_mnemonic2(self,name,walletfile):
@@ -930,7 +975,7 @@ class MMGenTestSuite(object):
t.expect_getend("Signing transaction")
t.expect("Edit transaction comment? (y/N): ","\n")
t.written_to_file("Signed transaction")
- t.ok()
+ ok()
def walletgen4(self,name):
@@ -957,7 +1002,7 @@ class MMGenTestSuite(object):
t.expect_getend("Signing transaction")
t.expect("Edit transaction comment? (y/N): ","\n")
t.written_to_file("Signed transaction")
- t.ok()
+ ok()
# main()
ts = MMGenTestSuite()