@@ -23,96 +23,93 @@ addr.py: Address generation/display routines for the MMGen suite
from hashlib import sha256,sha512
from binascii import hexlify,unhexlify
from mmgen.common import *
-from mmgen.bitcoin import hex2wif,wif2hex,wif_is_compressed
from mmgen.obj import *
-from mmgen.tx import *
-from mmgen.tw import *
pnm = g.proj_name
-def _test_for_secp256k1(silent=False):
- no_secp256k1_errmsg = """
-secp256k1 library unavailable. Using (slow) native Python ECDSA library for address generation.
- try:
- from mmgen.secp256k1 import priv2pub
- assert priv2pub(os.urandom(32),1)
- except:
- if not silent: msg(no_secp256k1_errmsg.strip())
- return False
- return True
-def _pubhex2addr(pubhex,mmtype):
- if mmtype == 'L':
+class AddrGenerator(MMGenObject):
+ def __new__(cls,atype):
+ d = {
+ 'p2pkh': AddrGeneratorP2PKH,
+ 'segwit': AddrGeneratorSegwit
+ }
+ assert atype in d
+ return super(cls,cls).__new__(d[atype])
+class AddrGeneratorP2PKH(MMGenObject):
+ desc = 'p2pkh'
+ def to_addr(self,pubhex):
+ assert type(pubhex) == PubKey
from mmgen.bitcoin import hexaddr2addr,hash160
- return hexaddr2addr(hash160(pubhex))
- elif mmtype == 'S':
- from mmgen.bitcoin import pubhex2segwitaddr
- return pubhex2segwitaddr(pubhex)
- else:
- die(2,"'{}': mmtype unrecognized".format(mmtype))
-def _privhex2addr_python(privhex,compressed,mmtype):
- assert compressed or mmtype != 'S'
- from mmgen.bitcoin import privnum2pubhex
- pubhex = privnum2pubhex(int(privhex,16),compressed=compressed)
- return _pubhex2addr(pubhex,mmtype=mmtype)
-def _privhex2addr_secp256k1(privhex,compressed,mmtype):
- assert compressed or mmtype != 'S'
- from mmgen.secp256k1 import priv2pub
- pubhex = hexlify(priv2pub(unhexlify(privhex),int(compressed)))
- return _pubhex2addr(pubhex,mmtype=mmtype)
-def _wif2addr_python(wif,mmtype):
- privhex = wif2hex(wif)
- if not privhex: return False
- return _privhex2addr_python(privhex,wif_is_compressed(wif),mmtype=mmtype)
-def _wif2addr_secp256k1(wif,mmtype):
- privhex = wif2hex(wif)
- if not privhex: return False
- return _privhex2addr_secp256k1(privhex,wif_is_compressed(wif),mmtype=mmtype)
-def keygen_wif2pubhex(wif,selector):
- privhex = wif2hex(wif)
- if not privhex: return False
- if selector == 1:
- from mmgen.secp256k1 import priv2pub
- return hexlify(priv2pub(unhexlify(privhex),int(wif_is_compressed(wif))))
- elif selector == 0:
- from mmgen.bitcoin import privnum2pubhex
- return privnum2pubhex(int(privhex,16),compressed=wif_is_compressed(wif))
+ return BTCAddr(hexaddr2addr(hash160(pubhex)))
-def keygen_selector(generator=None):
- if _test_for_secp256k1() and generator != 1:
- if opt.key_generator != 1:
- return 1
- msg('Using (slow) native Python ECDSA library for address generation')
- return 0
+ def to_segwit_redeem_script(self,pubhex):
+ raise NotImplemented
-def get_wif2addr_f(generator=None):
- gen = keygen_selector(generator=generator)
- return (_wif2addr_python,_wif2addr_secp256k1)[gen]
+class AddrGeneratorSegwit(MMGenObject):
+ desc = 'segwit'
+ def to_addr(self,pubhex):
+ assert pubhex.compressed
+ from mmgen.bitcoin import pubhex2segwitaddr
+ return BTCAddr(pubhex2segwitaddr(pubhex))
+ def to_segwit_redeem_script(self,pubhex):
+ assert pubhex.compressed
+ from mmgen.bitcoin import pubhex2redeem_script
+ return HexStr(pubhex2redeem_script(pubhex))
+class KeyGenerator(MMGenObject):
+ def __new__(cls,generator=None,silent=False):
+ if cls.test_for_secp256k1(silent=silent) and generator != 1:
+ if opt.key_generator != 1:
+ return super(cls,cls).__new__(KeyGeneratorSecp256k1)
+ else:
+ msg('Using (slow) native Python ECDSA library for address generation')
+ return super(cls,cls).__new__(KeyGeneratorPython)
+ @classmethod
+ def test_for_secp256k1(self,silent=False):
+ try:
+ from mmgen.secp256k1 import priv2pub
+ assert priv2pub(os.urandom(32),1)
+ return True
+ except:
+ return False
-def get_privhex2addr_f(generator=None):
- gen = keygen_selector(generator=generator)
- return (_privhex2addr_python,_privhex2addr_secp256k1)[gen]
+class KeyGeneratorPython(KeyGenerator):
+ desc = 'python-ecdsa'
+ def to_pubhex(self,privhex):
+ assert type(privhex) == PrivKey
+ from mmgen.bitcoin import privnum2pubhex
+ return PubKey(privnum2pubhex(int(privhex,16),compressed=privhex.compressed),compressed=privhex.compressed)
+class KeyGeneratorSecp256k1(KeyGenerator):
+ desc = 'secp256k1'
+ def to_pubhex(self,privhex):
+ assert type(privhex) == PrivKey
+ from mmgen.secp256k1 import priv2pub
+ return PubKey(hexlify(priv2pub(unhexlify(privhex),int(privhex.compressed))),compressed=privhex.compressed)
class AddrListEntry(MMGenListItem):
- attrs = 'idx','addr','label','wif','sec'
+ reassign_ok = 'label',
+ addr = MMGenListItemAttr('addr','BTCAddr')
idx = MMGenListItemAttr('idx','AddrIdx')
- wif = MMGenListItemAttr('wif','WifKey')
+ label = MMGenListItemAttr('label','TwComment')
+ sec = MMGenImmutableAttr('sec',PrivKey)
+class PasswordListEntry(MMGenListItem):
+ reassign_ok = 'label',
+ passwd = MMGenImmutableAttr('passwd',unicode) # TODO: create Password type
+ idx = MMGenListItemAttr('idx','AddrIdx')
+ label = MMGenListItemAttr('label','TwComment')
+ sec = MMGenImmutableAttr('sec',PrivKey)
class AddrListChksum(str,Hilite):
color = 'pink'
trunc_ok = False
def __new__(cls,addrlist):
- els = ['addr','wif'] if addrlist.has_keys else ['sec'] if addrlist.gen_passwds else ['addr']
- lines = [' '.join([str(e.idx)] + [getattr(e,f) for f in els]) for e in addrlist.data]
-# print '[{}]'.format(' '.join(lines))
+ lines = [' '.join(addrlist.chksum_rec_f(e)) for e in addrlist.data]
return str.__new__(cls,make_chksum_N(' '.join(lines), nchars=16, sep=True))
class AddrListIDStr(unicode,Hilite):
@@ -159,10 +156,11 @@ class AddrList(MMGenObject): # Address info for a single seed ID
Record this checksum: it will be used to verify the address file in the future
'check_chksum': 'Check this value against your records',
- 'removed_dups': """
-Removed %s duplicate wif key%s from keylist (also in {pnm} key-address file
+ 'removed_dup_keys': """
+Removed %s duplicate WIF key%s from keylist (also in {pnm} key-address file
+ entry_type = AddrListEntry
main_key = 'addr'
data_desc = 'address'
file_desc = 'addresses'
@@ -175,6 +173,7 @@ Removed %s duplicate wif key%s from keylist (also in {pnm} key-address file
ext = 'addrs'
dfl_mmtype = MMGenAddrType('L')
cook_hash_rounds = 10 # not too many rounds, so hand decoding can still be feasible
+ chksum_rec_f = lambda foo,e: (str(e.idx), e.addr)
def __init__(self,addrfile='',al_id='',adata=[],seed='',addr_idxs='',src='',
@@ -196,7 +195,7 @@ Removed %s duplicate wif key%s from keylist (also in {pnm} key-address file
adata = AddrListList([AddrListEntry(addr=a) for a in set(addrlist)])
elif keylist: # data from flat key list
self.al_id = None
- adata = AddrListList([AddrListEntry(wif=k) for k in set(keylist)])
+ adata = AddrListList([AddrListEntry(sec=PrivKey(wif=k)) for k in set(keylist)])
elif seed or addr_idxs:
die(3,'Must specify both seed and addr indexes')
elif al_id or adata:
@@ -233,15 +232,17 @@ Removed %s duplicate wif key%s from keylist (also in {pnm} key-address file
def generate(self,seed,addrnums,compressed):
assert type(addrnums) is AddrIdxList
- assert compressed in (True,False,None)
+ assert type(compressed) is bool
seed = seed.get_data()
seed = self.cook_seed(seed)
if self.gen_addrs:
- privhex2addr_f = get_privhex2addr_f() # choose internal ECDSA or secp256k1 generator
+ kg = KeyGenerator()
+ ag = AddrGenerator(('p2pkh','segwit')[self.al_id.mmtype=='S'])
t_addrs,num,pos,out = len(addrnums),0,0,AddrListList()
+ le = self.entry_type
while pos != t_addrs:
seed = sha512(seed).digest()
@@ -254,21 +255,17 @@ Removed %s duplicate wif key%s from keylist (also in {pnm} key-address file
if not g.debug:
qmsg_r('\rGenerating %s #%s (%s of %s)' % (self.gen_desc,num,pos,t_addrs))
- e = AddrListEntry(idx=num)
+ e = le(idx=num)
# Secret key is double sha256 of seed hash round /num/
- sec = sha256(sha256(seed).digest()).hexdigest()
+ e.sec = PrivKey(sha256(sha256(seed).digest()).digest(),compressed)
if self.gen_addrs:
- e.addr = privhex2addr_f(sec,compressed=compressed,mmtype=self.al_id.mmtype)
+ e.addr = ag.to_addr(kg.to_pubhex(e.sec))
- if self.gen_keys:
- e.wif = hex2wif(sec,compressed=compressed)
- if opt.b16: e.sec = sec
- if self.gen_passwds:
- e.sec = self.make_passwd(sec)
- dmsg('Key {:>03}: {}'.format(pos,sec))
+ if type(self) == PasswordList:
+ e.passwd = unicode(self.make_passwd(e.sec)) # TODO - own type
+ dmsg('Key {:>03}: {}'.format(pos,e.passwd))
if g.debug: print 'generate():\n', e.pformat()
@@ -347,62 +344,38 @@ Removed %s duplicate wif key%s from keylist (also in {pnm} key-address file
except: pass
return d
- def flat_list(self):
- class AddrListFlatEntry(AddrListEntry):
- attrs = 'mmid','addr','wif'
- return [AddrListFlatEntry(mmid='{}:{}'.format(self.al_id,e.idx),addr=e.addr,wif=e.wif)
- for e in self.data]
- def remove_dups(self,cmplist,key='wif'):
+ def remove_dup_keys(self,cmplist):
+ assert self.has_keys
pop_list = []
for n,d in enumerate(self.data):
- if getattr(d,key) == None: continue
for e in cmplist.data:
- if getattr(e,key) and getattr(e,key) == getattr(d,key):
+ if e.sec.wif == d.sec.wif:
for n in reversed(pop_list): self.data.pop(n)
if pop_list:
- vmsg(self.msgs['removed_dups'] % (len(pop_list),suf(removed,'s')))
+ vmsg(self.msgs['removed_dup_keys'] % (len(pop_list),suf(removed,'s')))
- def add_wifs(self,al_key):
- if not al_key: return
+ def add_wifs(self,key_list):
+ if not key_list: return
for d in self.data:
- for e in al_key.data:
- if e.addr and e.wif and e.addr == d.addr:
- d.wif = e.wif
+ for e in key_list.data:
+ if e.addr and e.sec and e.addr == d.addr:
+ d.sec = e.sec
def list_missing(self,key):
return [d.addr for d in self.data if not getattr(d,key)]
- def get(self,key):
- return [getattr(d,key) for d in self.data if getattr(d,key)]
- def get_addrs(self): return self.get('addr')
- def get_wifs(self): return self.get('wif')
- def get_addr_wif_pairs(self):
- return [(d.addr,d.wif) for d in self.data if hasattr(d,'wif')]
- def generate_addrs_from_keylist(self):
- wif2addr_f = get_wif2addr_f()
+ def generate_addrs_from_keys(self):
+ kg = KeyGenerator()
+ ag = AddrGenerator('p2pkh')
d = self.data
for n,e in enumerate(d,1):
qmsg_r('\rGenerating addresses from keylist: %s/%s' % (n,len(d)))
- e.addr = wif2addr_f(e.wif,mmtype='L') # 'L' == p2pkh
+ e.addr = ag.to_addr(kg.to_pubhex(e.sec))
qmsg('\rGenerated addresses from keylist: %s/%s ' % (n,len(d)))
def format(self,enable_comments=False):
- def check_attrs(key,desc):
- for e in self.data:
- if not getattr(e,key):
- die(3,'missing %s in addr data' % desc)
- if type(self) not in (KeyList,PasswordList): check_attrs('addr','addresses')
- if self.has_keys:
- if opt.b16: check_attrs('sec','hex keys')
- check_attrs('wif','wif keys')
out = [self.msgs['file_header']+'\n']
if self.chksum:
out.append(u'# {} data checksum for {}: {}'.format(
@@ -421,14 +394,14 @@ Removed %s duplicate wif key%s from keylist (also in {pnm} key-address file
for e in self.data:
c = ' '+e.label if enable_comments and e.label else ''
if type(self) == KeyList:
- out.append(fs.format(e.idx, 'wif: '+e.wif,c))
+ out.append(fs.format(e.idx,'wif: {}'.format(e.sec.wif),c))
elif type(self) == PasswordList:
- out.append(fs.format(e.idx, e.sec, c))
+ out.append(fs.format(e.idx,e.passwd,c))
else: # First line with idx
- out.append(fs.format(e.idx, e.addr,c))
+ out.append(fs.format(e.idx,e.addr,c))
if self.has_keys:
if opt.b16: out.append(fs.format('', 'hex: '+e.sec,c))
- out.append(fs.format('', 'wif: '+e.wif,c))
+ out.append(fs.format('', 'wif: '+e.sec.wif,c))
self.fmt_data = '\n'.join([l.rstrip() for l in out]) + '\n'
@@ -439,6 +412,7 @@ Removed %s duplicate wif key%s from keylist (also in {pnm} key-address file
return 'Key-address file has odd number of lines'
ret = AddrListList()
+ le = self.entry_type
while lines:
l = lines.pop(0)
@@ -452,7 +426,7 @@ Removed %s duplicate wif key%s from keylist (also in {pnm} key-address file
if len(d) != 3: d.append('')
- a = AddrListEntry(**{'idx':int(d[0]),self.main_key:d[1],'label':d[2]})
+ a = le(**{'idx':int(d[0]),self.main_key:d[1],'label':d[2]})
if self.has_keys:
l = lines.pop(0)
@@ -463,17 +437,18 @@ Removed %s duplicate wif key%s from keylist (also in {pnm} key-address file
if not is_wif(d[1]):
return "'%s': invalid Bitcoin key" % d[1]
- a.wif = d[1]
+ a.sec = PrivKey(wif=d[1])
if self.has_keys and keypress_confirm('Check key-to-address validity?'):
- wif2addr_f = get_wif2addr_f()
+ kg = KeyGenerator()
+ ag = AddrGenerator(('p2pkh','segwit')[self.al_id.mmtype=='S'])
llen = len(ret)
for n,e in enumerate(ret):
msg_r('\rVerifying keys %s/%s' % (n+1,llen))
- if e.addr != wif2addr_f(e.wif,mmtype=self.al_id.mmtype):
- return "Key doesn't match address!\n %s\n %s" % (e.wif,e.addr)
+ if e.addr != ag.to_addr(kg.to_pubhex(e.sec)):
+ return "Key doesn't match address!\n %s\n %s" % (e.sec.wif,e.addr)
msg(' - done')
return ret
@@ -539,6 +514,7 @@ class KeyAddrList(AddrList):
gen_keys = True
has_keys = True
ext = 'akeys'
+ chksum_rec_f = lambda foo,e: (str(e.idx), e.addr, e.sec.wif)
class KeyList(AddrList):
msgs = {
@@ -557,6 +533,7 @@ class KeyList(AddrList):
gen_keys = True
has_keys = True
ext = 'keys'
+ chksum_rec_f = lambda foo,e: (str(e.idx), e.addr, e.sec.wif)
class PasswordList(AddrList):
msgs = {
@@ -573,7 +550,8 @@ class PasswordList(AddrList):
Record this checksum: it will be used to verify the password file in the future
- main_key = 'sec'
+ entry_type = PasswordListEntry
+ main_key = 'passwd'
data_desc = 'password'
file_desc = 'passwords'
gen_desc = 'password'
@@ -589,6 +567,7 @@ Record this checksum: it will be used to verify the password file in the future
'b58': { 'min_len': 8 , 'max_len': 36 ,'dfl_len': 20, 'desc': 'base-58 password' },
'b32': { 'min_len': 10 ,'max_len': 42 ,'dfl_len': 24, 'desc': 'base-32 password' }
+ chksum_rec_f = lambda foo,e: (str(e.idx), e.passwd)
def __init__(self,infile=None,seed=None,pw_idxs=None,pw_id_str=None,pw_len=None,pw_fmt=None,
@@ -605,7 +584,7 @@ Record this checksum: it will be used to verify the password file in the future
if chk_params_only: return
self.al_id = AddrListID(seed.sid,MMGenPasswordType('P'))
- self.data = self.generate(seed,pw_idxs,compressed=None)
+ self.data = self.generate(seed,pw_idxs,compressed=False)
self.num_addrs = len(self.data)
self.fmt_data = ''
@@ -677,7 +656,6 @@ Record this checksum: it will be used to verify the password file in the future
dmsg('Seed: {}\nCooked seed: {}\nCooked seed len: {}'.format(hexlify(seed),hexlify(cseed),len(cseed)))
return sha256_rounds(cseed,self.cook_hash_rounds)
class AddrData(MMGenObject):
msgs = {
'too_many_acct_addresses': """