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whitespace: tw

The MMGen Project 4 months ago
10 changed files with 488 additions and 483 deletions
  1. 66 66
  2. 12 12
  3. 56 56
  4. 37 37
  5. 30 30
  6. 3 3
  7. 24 24
  8. 44 38
  9. 58 58
  10. 158 159

+ 66 - 66

@@ -12,11 +12,11 @@
 tw.addresses: Tracking wallet listaddresses class for the MMGen suite
-from ..util import msg,suf,is_int
-from ..obj import MMGenListItem,ImmutableAttr,ListItemAttr,TwComment,NonNegativeInt
-from ..addr import CoinAddr,MMGenID,MMGenAddrType
+from ..util import msg, suf, is_int
+from ..obj import MMGenListItem, ImmutableAttr, ListItemAttr, TwComment, NonNegativeInt
+from ..addr import CoinAddr, MMGenID, MMGenAddrType
 from ..amt import CoinAmtChk
-from ..color import red,green,yellow
+from ..color import red, green, yellow
 from .view import TwView
 from .shared import TwMMGenID
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ class TwAddresses(TwView):
 	sort_key = 'twmmid'
 	update_widths_on_age_toggle = True
 	print_output_types = ('detail',)
-	filters = ('showempty','showused','all_labels')
+	filters = ('showempty', 'showused', 'all_labels')
 	showcoinaddrs = True
 	showempty = True
 	showused = 1 # tristate: 0:no, 1:yes, 2:all
@@ -39,50 +39,50 @@ class TwAddresses(TwView):
 	class display_type(TwView.display_type):
 		class squeezed(TwView.display_type.squeezed):
-			cols = ('num','mmid','used','addr','comment','amt','date')
+			cols = ('num', 'mmid', 'used', 'addr', 'comment', 'amt', 'date')
 			fmt_method = 'gen_display'
 		class detail(TwView.display_type.detail):
-			cols = ('num','mmid','used','addr','comment','amt','block','date_time')
+			cols = ('num', 'mmid', 'used', 'addr', 'comment', 'amt', 'block', 'date_time')
 			fmt_method = 'gen_display'
 	class TwAddress(MMGenListItem):
-		valid_attrs = {'twmmid','addr','al_id','confs','comment','amt','recvd','date','skip'}
+		valid_attrs = {'twmmid', 'addr', 'al_id', 'confs', 'comment', 'amt', 'recvd', 'date', 'skip'}
 		invalid_attrs = {'proto'}
-		twmmid  = ImmutableAttr(TwMMGenID,include_proto=True) # contains confs,txid(unused),date(unused),al_id
-		addr    = ImmutableAttr(CoinAddr,include_proto=True)
+		twmmid  = ImmutableAttr(TwMMGenID, include_proto=True) # contains confs,txid(unused),date(unused),al_id
+		addr    = ImmutableAttr(CoinAddr, include_proto=True)
 		al_id   = ImmutableAttr(str)                          # set to '_' for non-MMGen addresses
-		confs   = ImmutableAttr(int,typeconv=False)
-		comment = ListItemAttr(TwComment,reassign_ok=True)
+		confs   = ImmutableAttr(int, typeconv=False)
+		comment = ListItemAttr(TwComment, reassign_ok=True)
 		amt     = ImmutableAttr(CoinAmtChk, include_proto=True)
 		recvd   = ImmutableAttr(CoinAmtChk, include_proto=True)
-		date    = ListItemAttr(int,typeconv=False,reassign_ok=True)
-		skip    = ListItemAttr(str,typeconv=False,reassign_ok=True)
+		date    = ListItemAttr(int, typeconv=False, reassign_ok=True)
+		skip    = ListItemAttr(str, typeconv=False, reassign_ok=True)
-		def __init__(self,proto,**kwargs):
+		def __init__(self, proto, **kwargs):
 			self.__dict__['proto'] = proto
-			MMGenListItem.__init__(self,**kwargs)
+			MMGenListItem.__init__(self, **kwargs)
 	def coinaddr_list(self):
 		return [d.addr for d in]
-	async def __init__(self,cfg,proto,minconf=1,mmgen_addrs='',get_data=False):
+	async def __init__(self, cfg, proto, minconf=1, mmgen_addrs='', get_data=False):
-		await super().__init__(cfg,proto)
+		await super().__init__(cfg, proto)
 		self.minconf = NonNegativeInt(minconf)
 		if mmgen_addrs:
-			a = mmgen_addrs.rsplit(':',1)
+			a = mmgen_addrs.rsplit(':', 1)
 			if len(a) != 2:
 				from ..util import die
 					f'{mmgen_addrs}: invalid address list argument ' +
-					'(must be in form <seed ID>:[<type>:]<idx list>)' )
+					'(must be in form <seed ID>:[<type>:]<idx list>)')
 			from ..addrlist import AddrIdxList
-			self.usr_addr_list = [MMGenID(self.proto,f'{a[0]}:{i}') for i in AddrIdxList(a[1])]
+			self.usr_addr_list = [MMGenID(self.proto, f'{a[0]}:{i}') for i in AddrIdxList(a[1])]
 			self.usr_addr_list = []
@@ -94,20 +94,20 @@ class TwAddresses(TwView):
 		return 'No addresses {}found!'.format(
 			f'with {self.minconf} confirmations ' if self.minconf else '')
-	async def gen_data(self,rpc_data,lbl_id):
+	async def gen_data(self, rpc_data, lbl_id):
 		return (
 					twmmid  = twmmid,
 					addr    = data['addr'],
-					al_id   = getattr(twmmid.obj,'al_id','_'),
+					al_id   = getattr(twmmid.obj, 'al_id', '_'),
 					confs   = data['confs'],
 					comment = data['lbl'].comment,
 					amt     = data['amt'],
 					recvd   = data['recvd'],
 					date    = 0,
-					skip    = '' )
-				for twmmid,data in rpc_data.items()
+					skip    = '')
+				for twmmid, data in rpc_data.items()
 	def filter_data(self):
@@ -120,11 +120,11 @@ class TwAddresses(TwView):
 				(not (d.recvd and not self.showused) and (d.amt or self.showempty))
-	def get_column_widths(self,data,wide,interactive):
+	def get_column_widths(self, data, wide, interactive):
 		return self.compute_column_widths(
 			widths = { # fixed cols
-				'num':  max(2,len(str(len(data)))+1),
+				'num':  max(2, len(str(len(data)))+1),
 				'mmid': max(len(d.twmmid.disp) for d in data),
 				'used': 4,
 				'amt':  self.amt_widths['amt'],
@@ -146,11 +146,11 @@ class TwAddresses(TwView):
 			interactive = interactive,
-	def gen_subheader(self,cw,color):
+	def gen_subheader(self, cw, color):
 		if self.minconf:
 			yield f'Displaying balances with at least {self.minconf} confirmation{suf(self.minconf)}'
-	def squeezed_col_hdr(self,cw,fs,color):
+	def squeezed_col_hdr(self, cw, fs, color):
 		return fs.format(
 			n  = '',
 			m  = 'MMGenID',
@@ -158,9 +158,9 @@ class TwAddresses(TwView):
 			a  = 'Address',
 			c  = 'Comment',
 			A  = 'Balance',
-			d  = self.age_hdr )
+			d  = self.age_hdr)
-	def detail_col_hdr(self,cw,fs,color):
+	def detail_col_hdr(self, cw, fs, color):
 		return fs.format(
 			n  = '',
 			m  = 'MMGenID',
@@ -169,48 +169,48 @@ class TwAddresses(TwView):
 			c  = 'Comment',
 			A  = 'Balance',
 			b  = 'Block',
-			D  = 'Date/Time' )
+			D  = 'Date/Time')
-	def squeezed_format_line(self,n,d,cw,fs,color,yes,no):
+	def squeezed_format_line(self, n, d, cw, fs, color, yes, no):
 		return fs.format(
 			n = str(n) + ')',
-			m = d.twmmid.fmt( width=cw.mmid, color=color ),
+			m = d.twmmid.fmt(width=cw.mmid, color=color),
 			u = yes if d.recvd else no,
 			a = d.addr.fmt(self.addr_view_pref, width=cw.addr, color=color),
-			c = d.comment.fmt2( width=cw.comment, color=color, nullrepl='-' ),
-			A = d.amt.fmt( color=color, iwidth=cw.iwidth, prec=self.disp_prec ),
-			d = self.age_disp( d, self.age_fmt )
+			c = d.comment.fmt2(width=cw.comment, color=color, nullrepl='-'),
+			A = d.amt.fmt(color=color, iwidth=cw.iwidth, prec=self.disp_prec),
+			d = self.age_disp(d, self.age_fmt)
-	def detail_format_line(self,n,d,cw,fs,color,yes,no):
+	def detail_format_line(self, n, d, cw, fs, color, yes, no):
 		return fs.format(
 			n = str(n) + ')',
-			m = d.twmmid.fmt( width=cw.mmid, color=color ),
+			m = d.twmmid.fmt(width=cw.mmid, color=color),
 			u = yes if d.recvd else no,
 			a = d.addr.fmt(self.addr_view_pref, width=cw.addr, color=color),
-			c = d.comment.fmt2( width=cw.comment, color=color, nullrepl='-' ),
-			A = d.amt.fmt( color=color, iwidth=cw.iwidth, prec=self.disp_prec ),
-			b = self.age_disp( d, 'block' ),
-			D = self.age_disp( d, 'date_time' ))
+			c = d.comment.fmt2(width=cw.comment, color=color, nullrepl='-'),
+			A = d.amt.fmt(color=color, iwidth=cw.iwidth, prec=self.disp_prec),
+			b = self.age_disp(d, 'block'),
+			D = self.age_disp(d, 'date_time'))
-	def gen_display(self,data,cw,fs,color,fmt_method):
+	def gen_display(self, data, cw, fs, color, fmt_method):
-		yes,no = (red('Yes '),green('No  ')) if color else ('Yes ','No  ')
+		yes, no = (red('Yes '), green('No  ')) if color else ('Yes ', 'No  ')
 		id_save = data[0].al_id
-		for n,d in enumerate(data,1):
+		for n, d in enumerate(data, 1):
 			if id_save != d.al_id:
 				id_save = d.al_id
 				yield ''.ljust(self.term_width)
-			yield fmt_method(n,d,cw,fs,color,yes,no)
+			yield fmt_method(n, d, cw, fs, color, yes, no)
-	async def set_dates(self,addrs):
+	async def set_dates(self, addrs):
 		if not self.dates_set:
 			bc = self.rpc.blockcount + 1
 			caddrs = [addr for addr in addrs if addr.confs]
-			hashes = await self.rpc.gathered_call('getblockhash',[(n,) for n in [bc - a.confs for a in caddrs]])
-			dates = [d['time'] for d in await self.rpc.gathered_call('getblockheader',[(h,) for h in hashes])]
-			for idx,addr in enumerate(caddrs):
+			hashes = await self.rpc.gathered_call('getblockhash', [(n,) for n in [bc - a.confs for a in caddrs]])
+			dates = [d['time'] for d in await self.rpc.gathered_call('getblockheader', [(h,) for h in hashes])]
+			for idx, addr in enumerate(caddrs): = dates[idx]
 			self.dates_set = True
@@ -240,12 +240,12 @@ class TwAddresses(TwView):
 		def gen_sid_ranges():
 			from collections import namedtuple
-			sid_range = namedtuple('sid_range',['bot','top'])
+			sid_range = namedtuple('sid_range', ['bot', 'top'])
 			sid_save = None
 			bot = None
-			for n,e in enumerate(
+			for n, e in enumerate(
 				if e.twmmid.type == 'mmgen':
 					if e.twmmid.obj.sid != sid_save:
 						if sid_save:
@@ -263,12 +263,12 @@ class TwAddresses(TwView):
 		assert self.sort_key == 'twmmid'
 		assert self.reverse is False
-		if not hasattr(self,'_sid_ranges'):
+		if not hasattr(self, '_sid_ranges'):
 			self._sid_ranges = dict(gen_sid_ranges())
 		return self._sid_ranges
-	def is_used(self,coinaddr):
+	def is_used(self, coinaddr):
 		for e in
 			if e.addr == coinaddr:
 				return bool(e.recvd)
@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ class TwAddresses(TwView):
 		    False: no unused addresses in wallet with requested AddrListID
-		def get_start(bot,top):
+		def get_start(bot, top):
 			bisecting algorithm to find first entry with requested al_id
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ class TwAddresses(TwView):
 		data =
 		start = get_start(
 			bot = 0             if bot is None else bot,
-			top = len(data) - 1 if top is None else top )
+			top = len(data) - 1 if top is None else top)
 		if start is not None:
 			for d in data[start:]:
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ class TwAddresses(TwView):
 		def choose_address(addrs):
-			def format_line(n,d):
+			def format_line(n, d):
 				return '{a:3}) {b}{c}'.format(
 					a = n,
 					b = d.twmmid.hl(),
@@ -353,23 +353,23 @@ class TwAddresses(TwView):
 			prompt = '\nChoose a change address:\n\n{}\n\nEnter a number> '.format(
-				'\n'.join(format_line(n,d) for n,d in enumerate(addrs,1))
+				'\n'.join(format_line(n, d) for n, d in enumerate(addrs, 1))
 			from ..ui import line_input
 			while True:
-				res = line_input( self.cfg, prompt )
+				res = line_input(self.cfg, prompt)
 				if is_int(res) and 0 < int(res) <= len(addrs):
 					return addrs[int(res)-1]
 				msg(f'{res}: invalid entry')
-		assert isinstance(mmtype,MMGenAddrType)
+		assert isinstance(mmtype, MMGenAddrType)
 		res = [self.get_change_address(f'{sid}:{mmtype}',,, exclude)
-				for sid,r in self.sid_ranges.items()]
+				for sid, r in self.sid_ranges.items()]
 		if any(res):
-			res = list(filter(None,res))
+			res = list(filter(None, res))
 			if len(res) == 1:
 				return res[0]
@@ -379,11 +379,11 @@ class TwAddresses(TwView):
 	class display_action(TwView.display_action):
-		def d_showempty(self,parent):
+		def d_showempty(self, parent):
 			parent.showempty = not parent.showempty
-		def d_showused(self,parent):
+		def d_showused(self, parent):
 			parent.showused = (parent.showused + 1) % 3
-		def d_all_labels(self,parent):
+		def d_all_labels(self, parent):
 			parent.all_labels = not parent.all_labels

+ 12 - 12

@@ -24,12 +24,12 @@ from ..base_obj import AsyncInit
 from ..objmethods import MMGenObject
 from ..obj import NonNegativeInt
-class TwGetBalance(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
+class TwGetBalance(MMGenObject, metaclass=AsyncInit):
-	def __new__(cls,cfg,proto,*args,**kwargs):
-		return MMGenObject.__new__(proto.base_proto_subclass(cls,'tw.bal'))
+	def __new__(cls, cfg, proto, *args, **kwargs):
+		return MMGenObject.__new__(proto.base_proto_subclass(cls, 'tw.bal'))
-	async def __init__(self,cfg,proto,minconf,quiet):
+	async def __init__(self, cfg, proto, minconf, quiet):
 		class BalanceInfo(dict):
 			def __init__(self):
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class TwGetBalance(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
 					'ge_minconf': amt0,
 					'spendable': amt0,
-				dict.__init__(self,**data)
+				dict.__init__(self, **data)
 		self.minconf = NonNegativeInt(minconf)
 		self.balance_info = BalanceInfo
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ class TwGetBalance(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
 		await self.create_data()
-	def format(self,color):
+	def format(self, color):
 		def gen_output():
@@ -64,11 +64,11 @@ class TwGetBalance(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
 				def get_col_iwidth(colname):
 					return len(str(int(max(v[colname] for v in + iwidth_adj
-				def make_col(label,col):
-					return[label][col].fmt( iwidth=iwidths[col], color=color )
+				def make_col(label, col):
+					return[label][col].fmt(iwidth=iwidths[col], color=color)
 				if color:
-					from ..color import green,yellow
+					from ..color import green, yellow
 					from ..color import nocolor
 					green = yellow = nocolor
@@ -87,14 +87,14 @@ class TwGetBalance(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
 					lbl = 'Wallet',
 					w = col1_w + iwidth_adj,
 					cols = ' '.join(v.format(minconf=self.minconf).ljust(iwidths[k]+add_w)
-						for k,v in self.conf_cols.items()) ).rstrip()
+						for k, v in self.conf_cols.items())).rstrip()
 				from ..addr import MMGenID
 				for label in sorted(
 					yield '{lbl} {cols}'.format(
 						lbl = yellow((label + ' ' + self.proto.coin).ljust(col1_w)) if label == 'TOTAL'
-							else MMGenID.hlc( (label+':').ljust(col1_w), color=color ),
-						cols = ' '.join(make_col(label,col) for col in self.conf_cols)
+							else MMGenID.hlc((label+':').ljust(col1_w), color=color),
+						cols = ' '.join(make_col(label, col) for col in self.conf_cols)
 		return '\n'.join(gen_output())

+ 56 - 56

@@ -24,39 +24,39 @@ import json
 from collections import namedtuple
 from pathlib import Path
-from ..util import msg,msg_r,suf,die
+from ..util import msg, msg_r, suf, die
 from ..base_obj import AsyncInit
 from ..objmethods import MMGenObject
-from ..obj import TwComment,get_obj
-from ..addr import CoinAddr,is_mmgen_id,is_coin_addr
+from ..obj import TwComment, get_obj
+from ..addr import CoinAddr, is_mmgen_id, is_coin_addr
 from ..rpc import rpc_init
-from .shared import TwMMGenID,TwLabel
+from .shared import TwMMGenID, TwLabel
-twmmid_addr_pair = namedtuple('addr_info',['twmmid','coinaddr'])
-label_addr_pair = namedtuple('label_addr_pair',['label','coinaddr'])
+twmmid_addr_pair = namedtuple('addr_info', ['twmmid', 'coinaddr'])
+label_addr_pair = namedtuple('label_addr_pair', ['label', 'coinaddr'])
 # decorator for TwCtl
 def write_mode(orig_func):
-	def f(self,*args,**kwargs):
+	def f(self, *args, **kwargs):
 		if self.mode != 'w':
-			die(1,'{} opened in read-only mode: cannot execute method {}()'.format(
+			die(1, '{} opened in read-only mode: cannot execute method {}()'.format(
-		return orig_func(self,*args,**kwargs)
+		return orig_func(self, *args, **kwargs)
 	return f
-class TwCtl(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
+class TwCtl(MMGenObject, metaclass=AsyncInit):
-	caps = ('rescan','batch')
+	caps = ('rescan', 'batch')
 	data_key = 'addresses'
 	use_tw_file = False
 	aggressive_sync = False
 	importing = False
 	tw_fn = 'tracking-wallet.json'
-	def __new__(cls,cfg,proto,*args,**kwargs):
-		return MMGenObject.__new__(proto.base_proto_subclass(cls,'tw.ctl'))
+	def __new__(cls, cfg, proto, *args, **kwargs):
+		return MMGenObject.__new__(proto.base_proto_subclass(cls, 'tw.ctl'))
 	async def __init__(
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ class TwCtl(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
 			no_wallet_init    = False,
 			rpc_ignore_wallet = False):
-		assert mode in ('r','w','i'), f"{mode!r}: wallet mode must be 'r','w' or 'i'"
+		assert mode in ('r', 'w', 'i'), f"{mode!r}: wallet mode must be 'r', 'w' or 'i'"
 		if mode == 'i':
 			self.importing = True
 			mode = 'w'
@@ -103,13 +103,13 @@ class TwCtl(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
 		if['coin'] != self.proto.coin: # TODO remove?
-			die( 'WalletFileError',
+			die('WalletFileError',
 				f'Tracking wallet coin ({["coin"]}) does not match current coin ({self.proto.coin})!')
 	def init_from_wallet_file(self):
-		from ..fileutil import check_or_create_dir,get_data_from_file
+		from ..fileutil import check_or_create_dir, get_data_from_file
 			self.orig_data = get_data_from_file(self.cfg, self.tw_path, quiet=True)
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ class TwCtl(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
 			def del_twctl(twctl):
 				self.cfg._util.dmsg(f'Running exit handler del_twctl() for {twctl!r}')
 				del twctl
-			atexit.register(del_twctl,self)
+			atexit.register(del_twctl, self)
 	def __del__(self):
@@ -147,15 +147,15 @@ class TwCtl(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
 		Since no exceptions are raised, errors will not be caught by the test suite.
-		if getattr(self,'mode',None) == 'w': # mode attr might not exist in this state
+		if getattr(self, 'mode', None) == 'w': # mode attr might not exist in this state
 		elif self.cfg.debug:
 			msg('read-only wallet, doing nothing')
-	def conv_types(self,ad):
-		for k,v in ad.items():
-			if k not in ('params','coin'):
-				v['mmid'] = TwMMGenID(self.proto,v['mmid'])
+	def conv_types(self, ad):
+		for k, v in ad.items():
+			if k not in ('params', 'coin'):
+				v['mmid'] = TwMMGenID(self.proto, v['mmid'])
 				v['comment'] = TwComment(v['comment'])
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ class TwCtl(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
 	def data_root_desc(self):
 		return self.data_key
-	def cache_balance(self,addr,bal,session_cache,data_root,force=False):
+	def cache_balance(self, addr, bal, session_cache, data_root, force=False):
 		if force or addr not in session_cache:
 			session_cache[addr] = str(bal)
 			if addr in data_root:
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ class TwCtl(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
 				if self.aggressive_sync:
-	def get_cached_balance(self,addr,session_cache,data_root):
+	def get_cached_balance(self, addr, session_cache, data_root):
 		if addr in session_cache:
 			return self.proto.coin_amt(session_cache[addr])
 		if not self.cfg.cached_balances:
@@ -182,11 +182,11 @@ class TwCtl(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
 		if addr in data_root and 'balance' in data_root[addr]:
 			return self.proto.coin_amt(data_root[addr]['balance'])
-	async def get_balance(self,addr,force_rpc=False):
-		ret = None if force_rpc else self.get_cached_balance(addr,self.cur_balances,self.data_root)
+	async def get_balance(self, addr, force_rpc=False):
+		ret = None if force_rpc else self.get_cached_balance(addr, self.cur_balances, self.data_root)
 		if ret is None:
 			ret = await self.rpc_get_balance(addr)
-			self.cache_balance(addr,ret,self.cur_balances,self.data_root)
+			self.cache_balance(addr, ret, self.cur_balances, self.data_root)
 		return ret
 	def force_write(self):
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ class TwCtl(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
 		self.mode = mode_save
-	def write_changed(self,data,quiet):
+	def write_changed(self, data, quiet):
 		from ..fileutil import write_data_to_file
@@ -207,11 +207,11 @@ class TwCtl(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
 			ignore_opt_outdir = True,
 			quiet             = quiet,
 			check_data        = True, # die if wallet has been altered by another program
-			cmp_data          = self.orig_data )
+			cmp_data          = self.orig_data)
 		self.orig_data = data
-	def write(self,quiet=True):
+	def write(self, quiet=True):
 		if not self.use_tw_file:
 			self.cfg._util.dmsg("'use_tw_file' is False, doing nothing")
@@ -219,21 +219,21 @@ class TwCtl(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
 		wdata = json.dumps(
 		if self.orig_data != wdata:
-			self.write_changed(wdata,quiet=quiet)
+			self.write_changed(wdata, quiet=quiet)
 		elif self.cfg.debug:
 			msg('Data is unchanged\n')
-	async def resolve_address(self,addrspec):
+	async def resolve_address(self, addrspec):
-		twmmid,coinaddr = (None,None)
+		twmmid, coinaddr = (None, None)
 		pairs = await self.get_label_addr_pairs()
-		if is_coin_addr(self.proto,addrspec):
-			coinaddr = get_obj(CoinAddr,proto=self.proto,addr=addrspec)
+		if is_coin_addr(self.proto, addrspec):
+			coinaddr = get_obj(CoinAddr, proto=self.proto, addr=addrspec)
 			pair_data = [e for e in pairs if e.coinaddr == coinaddr]
-		elif is_mmgen_id(self.proto,addrspec):
-			twmmid = TwMMGenID(self.proto,addrspec)
+		elif is_mmgen_id(self.proto, addrspec):
+			twmmid = TwMMGenID(self.proto, addrspec)
 			pair_data = [e for e in pairs if e.label.mmid == twmmid]
 			msg(f'{addrspec!r}: invalid address for this network')
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ class TwCtl(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
 		if not res:
 			return False
-		comment = get_obj(TwComment,s=comment)
+		comment = get_obj(TwComment, s=comment)
 		if comment is False:
 			return False
@@ -276,38 +276,38 @@ class TwCtl(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
 		if lbl is False:
 			return False
-		if await self.set_label(res.coinaddr,lbl):
+		if await self.set_label(res.coinaddr, lbl):
 			if not silent:
 				desc = '{t} address {a} in tracking wallet'.format(
-					t = res.twmmid.type.replace('mmgen','MMGen'),
+					t = res.twmmid.type.replace('mmgen', 'MMGen'),
 					a = res.twmmid.addr.hl() if res.twmmid.type == 'mmgen' else
-					'Added label {} to {}'.format(comment.hl2(encl='‘’'),desc) if comment else
-					'Removed label from {}'.format(desc) )
+					'Added label {} to {}'.format(comment.hl2(encl='‘’'), desc) if comment else
+					'Removed label from {}'.format(desc))
 			return True
 			if not silent:
-				msg( 'Label could not be {}'.format('added' if comment else 'removed') )
+				msg('Label could not be {}'.format('added' if comment else 'removed'))
 			return False
-	async def remove_comment(self,mmaddr):
-		await self.set_comment(mmaddr,'')
+	async def remove_comment(self, mmaddr):
+		await self.set_comment(mmaddr, '')
-	async def import_address_common(self,data,batch=False,gather=False):
+	async def import_address_common(self, data, batch=False, gather=False):
-		async def do_import(address,comment,message):
+		async def do_import(address, comment, message):
-				res = await self.import_address( address, comment )
+				res = await self.import_address(address, comment)
 				return res
 			except Exception as e:
-				die(2,f'\nImport of address {address!r} failed: {e.args[0]!r}')
+				die(2, f'\nImport of address {address!r} failed: {e.args[0]!r}')
-		_d = namedtuple( 'formatted_import_data', data[0]._fields + ('mmid_disp',))
+		_d = namedtuple('formatted_import_data', data[0]._fields + ('mmid_disp',))
 		pfx = self.proto.base_coin.lower() + ':'
-		fdata = [ _d(*d, 'non-MMGen' if d.twmmid.startswith(pfx) else d.twmmid ) for d in data ]
+		fdata = [_d(*d, 'non-MMGen' if d.twmmid.startswith(pfx) else d.twmmid) for d in data]
 		fs = '{:%s}: {:%s} {:%s} - OK' % (
 			len(str(len(fdata))) * 2 + 1,
@@ -317,13 +317,13 @@ class TwCtl(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
 		nAddrs = len(data)
 		out = [( # create list, not generator, so we know data is valid before starting import
-				CoinAddr( self.proto, d.addr ),
-				TwLabel( self.proto, d.twmmid + (f' {d.comment}' if d.comment else '') ),
-				fs.format( f'{n}/{nAddrs}', d.addr, f'({d.mmid_disp})' )
-			) for n,d in enumerate(fdata,1)]
+				CoinAddr(self.proto, d.addr),
+				TwLabel(self.proto, d.twmmid + (f' {d.comment}' if d.comment else '')),
+				fs.format(f'{n}/{nAddrs}', d.addr, f'({d.mmid_disp})')
+			) for n, d in enumerate(fdata, 1)]
 		if batch:
-			msg_r(f'Batch importing {len(out)} address{suf(data,"es")}...')
+			msg_r(f'Batch importing {len(out)} address{suf(data, "es")}...')
 			ret = await self.batch_import_address((a, b, False) for a, b, c in out)
 			msg(f'done\n{len(ret)} addresses imported')

+ 37 - 37

@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@
 tw.json: export and import tracking wallet to JSON format
-import sys,os,json
+import sys, os, json
 from collections import namedtuple
-from ..util import msg,ymsg,fmt,suf,die,make_timestamp,make_chksum_8
+from ..util import msg, ymsg, fmt, suf, die, make_timestamp, make_chksum_8
 from ..base_obj import AsyncInit
 from ..objmethods import MMGenObject
 from ..rpc import json_encoder
@@ -29,16 +29,16 @@ class TwJSON:
 		pruned = None
 		fn_pfx = 'mmgen-tracking-wallet-dump'
-		def __new__(cls,cfg,proto,*args,**kwargs):
-			return MMGenObject.__new__(proto.base_proto_subclass(TwJSON,'tw.json',cls.__name__))
+		def __new__(cls, cfg, proto, *args, **kwargs):
+			return MMGenObject.__new__(proto.base_proto_subclass(TwJSON, 'tw.json', cls.__name__))
-		def __init__(self,cfg,proto):
+		def __init__(self, cfg, proto):
 			self.cfg = cfg
 			self.proto = proto
 			self.coin = proto.coin_id.lower() =
-			self.keys = ['mmgen_id','address','amount','comment']
-			self.entry_tuple = namedtuple('tw_entry',self.keys)
+			self.keys = ['mmgen_id', 'address', 'amount', 'comment']
+			self.entry_tuple = namedtuple('tw_entry', self.keys)
 		def dump_fn(self):
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ class TwJSON:
 					a = self.fn_pfx,
 					b = f'-pruned[{prune_id}]' if prune_id else '',
 					c = self.coin,
-					d = )
+					d =
 			if self.pruned:
 				from ..addrlist import AddrIdxList
@@ -62,16 +62,16 @@ class TwJSON:
 			return fn
-		def json_dump(self,data,pretty=False):
+		def json_dump(self, data, pretty=False):
 			return json.dumps(
 				cls        = json_encoder,
 				sort_keys  = True,
 				separators = None if pretty else (',', ':'),
-				indent     = 4 if pretty else None ) + ('\n' if pretty else '')
+				indent     = 4 if pretty else None) + ('\n' if pretty else '')
-		def make_chksum(self,data):
-			return make_chksum_8( self.json_dump(data).encode() ).lower()
+		def make_chksum(self, data):
+			return make_chksum_8(self.json_dump(data).encode()).lower()
 		def mappings_chksum(self):
@@ -79,9 +79,9 @@ class TwJSON:
 		def entry_tuple_in(self):
-			return namedtuple('entry_tuple_in',self.keys)
+			return namedtuple('entry_tuple_in', self.keys)
-	class Import(Base,metaclass=AsyncInit):
+	class Import(Base, metaclass=AsyncInit):
 		blockchain_rescan_warning = None
@@ -91,18 +91,18 @@ class TwJSON:
 				ignore_checksum = False,
-				batch           = False ):
+				batch           = False):
-			super().__init__(cfg,proto)
+			super().__init__(cfg, proto)
-			self.twctl = await TwCtl( cfg, proto, mode='i', rpc_ignore_wallet=True )
+			self.twctl = await TwCtl(cfg, proto, mode='i', rpc_ignore_wallet=True)
 			def check_network(data):
-				coin,network = data['network'].split('_')
+				coin, network = data['network'].split('_')
 				if coin != self.coin:
-					die(2,f'Coin in wallet dump is {coin.upper()}, but configured coin is {self.coin.upper()}')
+					die(2, f'Coin in wallet dump is {coin.upper()}, but configured coin is {self.coin.upper()}')
 				if network !=
-					die(2,f'Network in wallet dump is {network}, but configured network is {}')
+					die(2, f'Network in wallet dump is {network}, but configured network is {}')
 			def check_chksum(d):
 				chksum = self.make_chksum(d['data'])
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ class TwJSON:
 					if ignore_checksum:
 						ymsg(f'Warning: ignoring incorrect checksum {chksum}')
-						die(3,f'File checksum incorrect! ({chksum} != {d["checksum"]})')
+						die(3, f'File checksum incorrect! ({chksum} != {d["checksum"]})')
 			def verify_data(d):
@@ -119,13 +119,13 @@ class TwJSON:
 					val1  = self.mappings_chksum,
 					val2  = d['data']['mappings_checksum'],
 					desc1 = 'computed mappings checksum',
-					desc2 = 'saved checksum' )
+					desc2 = 'saved checksum')
 			if not await self.check_and_create_wallet():
 			from ..fileutil import get_data_from_file
- = json.loads(get_data_from_file( self.cfg, filename, quiet=True ))
+ = json.loads(get_data_from_file(self.cfg, filename, quiet=True))
 			self.keys =['data']['entries_keys']
 			self.entries = await self.get_entries()
@@ -136,28 +136,28 @@ class TwJSON:
 			await self.twctl.rescan_addresses(addrs)
 			if self.blockchain_rescan_warning:
-				ymsg('\n' + fmt(self.blockchain_rescan_warning.strip(),indent='  '))
+				ymsg('\n' + fmt(self.blockchain_rescan_warning.strip(), indent='  '))
 		async def check_and_create_wallet(self):
 			if await self.tracking_wallet_exists:
 					f'Existing {self.twctl.rpc.daemon.desc} wallet detected!\n' +
-					'It must be moved, or backed up and securely deleted, before running this command' )
+					'It must be moved, or backed up and securely deleted, before running this command')
-			msg('\n'+fmt(self.info_msg.strip(),indent='  '))
+			msg('\n'+fmt(self.info_msg.strip(), indent='  '))
 			from ..ui import keypress_confirm
-			if not keypress_confirm( self.cfg, 'Continue?' ):
+			if not keypress_confirm(self.cfg, 'Continue?'):
 				msg('Exiting at user request')
 				return False
 			if not await self.create_tracking_wallet():
-				die(3,'Wallet could not be created')
+				die(3, 'Wallet could not be created')
 			return True
-	class Export(Base,metaclass=AsyncInit):
+	class Export(Base, metaclass=AsyncInit):
 		async def __init__(
@@ -167,27 +167,27 @@ class TwJSON:
 				pretty          = False,
 				prune           = False,
 				warn_used       = False,
-				force_overwrite = False ):
+				force_overwrite = False):
 			if prune and not self.can_prune:
-				die(1,f'Pruning not supported for {} protocol')
+				die(1, f'Pruning not supported for {} protocol')
 			self.prune = prune
 			self.warn_used = warn_used
-			super().__init__(cfg,proto)
+			super().__init__(cfg, proto)
 			if not include_amts:
-			self.twctl = await TwCtl( cfg, proto )
+			self.twctl = await TwCtl(cfg, proto)
 			self.entries = await self.get_entries()
 			if self.prune:
-				msg('Pruned {} address{}'.format( len(self.pruned), suf(self.pruned,'es') ))
+				msg('Pruned {} address{}'.format(len(self.pruned), suf(self.pruned, 'es')))
-			msg('Exporting {} address{}'.format( self.num_entries, suf(self.num_entries,'es') ))
+			msg('Exporting {} address{}'.format(self.num_entries, suf(self.num_entries, 'es')))
 			data = {
 				'id': 'mmgen_tracking_wallet',
@@ -212,6 +212,6 @@ class TwJSON:
 						'checksum': self.make_chksum(data),
 						'data': data
-					pretty = pretty ),
+					pretty = pretty),
 				desc    = 'tracking wallet JSON data',
-				ask_overwrite = not force_overwrite )
+				ask_overwrite = not force_overwrite)

+ 30 - 30

@@ -12,11 +12,11 @@
 tw.prune: Tracking wallet pruned listaddresses class for the MMGen suite
-from ..util import msg,msg_r,rmsg,ymsg
-from ..color import red,green,gray,yellow
+from ..util import msg, msg_r, rmsg, ymsg
+from ..color import red, green, gray, yellow
 from ..obj import ListItemAttr
 from .addresses import TwAddresses
-from .view import CUR_HOME,ERASE_ALL
+from .view import CUR_HOME, ERASE_ALL
 class TwAddressesPrune(TwAddresses):
@@ -24,29 +24,29 @@ class TwAddressesPrune(TwAddresses):
 	class TwAddress(TwAddresses.TwAddress):
 		valid_attrs = TwAddresses.TwAddress.valid_attrs | {'tag'}
-		tag = ListItemAttr(bool,typeconv=False,reassign_ok=True)
+		tag = ListItemAttr(bool, typeconv=False, reassign_ok=True)
-	async def __init__(self,*args,warn_used=False,**kwargs):
+	async def __init__(self, *args, warn_used=False, **kwargs):
 		self.warn_used = warn_used
-		await super().__init__(*args,**kwargs)
+		await super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
-	def gen_display(self,data,cw,fs,color,fmt_method):
+	def gen_display(self, data, cw, fs, color, fmt_method):
 		id_save = data[0].al_id
-		yes,no = red('Yes '),green('No  ')
+		yes, no = red('Yes '), green('No  ')
-		for n,d in enumerate(data,1):
+		for n, d in enumerate(data, 1):
 			if id_save != d.al_id:
 				id_save = d.al_id
 				yield ''.ljust(self.term_width)
 			yield (
-				gray(fmt_method(n,d,cw,fs,False,'Yes ','No  ')) if d.tag else
-				fmt_method(n,d,cw,fs,True,yes,no) )
+				gray(fmt_method(n, d, cw, fs, False, 'Yes ', 'No  ')) if d.tag else
+				fmt_method(n, d, cw, fs, True, yes, no))
 	def do_prune(self):
 		def gen():
-			for n,d in enumerate(,1):
+			for n, d in enumerate(, 1):
 				if d.tag:
 					if d.amt:
@@ -65,16 +65,16 @@ class TwAddressesPrune(TwAddresses):
 	class action(TwAddresses.action):
-		def get_addrnums(self,parent,desc):
+		def get_addrnums(self, parent, desc):
 			prompt = f'Enter a range or space-separated list of addresses to {desc}: '
 			from ..ui import line_input
 			while True:
-				reply = line_input( parent.cfg, prompt ).strip()
+				reply = line_input(parent.cfg, prompt).strip()
 				if reply:
 					from ..addrlist import AddrIdxList
 					from ..obj import get_obj
-					selected = get_obj(AddrIdxList, fmt_str=','.join(reply.split()) )
+					selected = get_obj(AddrIdxList, fmt_str=','.join(reply.split()))
 					if selected:
 						if selected[-1] <= len(parent.disp_data):
 							return selected
@@ -82,23 +82,23 @@ class TwAddressesPrune(TwAddresses):
 					return []
-		def query_user(self,desc,addrnum,e):
+		def query_user(self, desc, addrnum, e):
 			from collections import namedtuple
-			md = namedtuple('mdata',['wmsg','prompt'])
+			md = namedtuple('mdata', ['wmsg', 'prompt'])
 			m = {
 				'amt': md(
 					red('Address #{a} ({b}) has a balance of {c}!'.format(
 						a = addrnum,
 						b = e.twmmid.addr,
-						c = e.amt.hl2(color=False,unit=True) )),
+						c = e.amt.hl2(color=False, unit=True))),
 					'[p]rune anyway, [P]rune all with balance, [s]kip, [S]kip all with balance: ',
 				'used': md(
 					yellow('Address #{a} ({b}) is used!'.format(
 						a = addrnum,
-						b = e.twmmid.addr )),
+						b = e.twmmid.addr)),
 					'[p]rune anyway, [P]rune all used, [s]kip, [S]kip all used: ',
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ class TwAddressesPrune(TwAddresses):
 			while True:
-				res = get_char( m[desc].prompt, immed_chars=valid_res )
+				res = get_char(m[desc].prompt, immed_chars=valid_res)
 				if res in valid_res:
 					return {
@@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ class TwAddressesPrune(TwAddresses):
 					msg('\nInvalid keypress')
-		async def a_prune(self,parent):
+		async def a_prune(self, parent):
-			def do_entry(desc,n,addrnum,e):
+			def do_entry(desc, n, addrnum, e):
 				if auto[desc]:
 					return False
-					auto[desc],prune = self.query_user(desc,addrnum,e)
+					auto[desc], prune = self.query_user(desc, addrnum, e)
 					dfl[desc] = auto[desc] and prune
 					skip_all_used = auto['used'] and not dfl['used']
 					if auto[desc]: # we’ve switched to auto mode, so go back and fix up all previous entries
@@ -145,30 +145,30 @@ class TwAddressesPrune(TwAddresses):
 						dfl['amt'] = False
 					return prune
-			addrnums = self.get_addrnums(parent,'prune')
+			addrnums = self.get_addrnums(parent, 'prune')
 			dfl  = {'amt': False, 'used': False}  # default prune policy for given property (has amt, is used)
 			auto = {'amt': False,  'used': False} # whether to ask the user, or apply default policy automatically
-			for n,addrnum in enumerate(addrnums):
+			for n, addrnum in enumerate(addrnums):
 				e = parent.disp_data[addrnum-1]
 				if e.amt and not dfl['amt']:
-					e.tag = do_entry('amt',n,addrnum,e)
+					e.tag = do_entry('amt', n, addrnum, e)
 				elif parent.warn_used and (e.recvd and not e.amt) and not dfl['used']:
-					e.tag = do_entry('used',n,addrnum,e)
+					e.tag = do_entry('used', n, addrnum, e)
 					e.tag = True
 			if parent.scroll:
 				msg_r(CUR_HOME + ERASE_ALL)
-		async def a_unprune(self,parent):
-			for addrnum in self.get_addrnums(parent,'unprune'):
+		async def a_unprune(self, parent):
+			for addrnum in self.get_addrnums(parent, 'unprune'):
 				parent.disp_data[addrnum-1].tag = False
 			if parent.scroll:
 				msg_r(CUR_HOME + ERASE_ALL)
-		async def a_clear_prune_list(self,parent):
+		async def a_clear_prune_list(self, parent):
 			for d in
 				d.tag = False

+ 3 - 3

@@ -16,10 +16,10 @@ from ..objmethods import MMGenObject
 class TwRPC:
-	def __new__(cls,proto,*args,**kwargs):
-		return MMGenObject.__new__(proto.base_proto_subclass(cls,'tw.rpc'))
+	def __new__(cls, proto, *args, **kwargs):
+		return MMGenObject.__new__(proto.base_proto_subclass(cls, 'tw.rpc'))
-	def __init__(self,proto,rpc,twctl):
+	def __init__(self, proto, rpc, twctl):
 		self.proto = proto
 		self.rpc = rpc
 		self.twctl = twctl

+ 24 - 24

@@ -12,31 +12,31 @@
 tw.shared: classes and functions shared by all tracking wallet classes
-from ..objmethods import HiliteStr,InitErrors,MMGenObject
+from ..objmethods import HiliteStr, InitErrors, MMGenObject
 from ..obj import TwComment
 from ..addr import MMGenID
-class TwMMGenID(HiliteStr,InitErrors,MMGenObject):
+class TwMMGenID(HiliteStr, InitErrors, MMGenObject):
 	color = 'orange'
 	width = 0
 	trunc_ok = False
-	def __new__(cls,proto,id_str):
-		if isinstance(id_str,cls):
+	def __new__(cls, proto, id_str):
+		if isinstance(id_str, cls):
 			return id_str
-			ret = addr = disp = MMGenID(proto,id_str)
-			sort_key,idtype = (ret.sort_key,'mmgen')
+			ret = addr = disp = MMGenID(proto, id_str)
+			sort_key, idtype = (ret.sort_key, 'mmgen')
 		except Exception as e:
-				coin,addr = id_str.split(':',1)
-				assert coin == proto.base_coin.lower(),(
-					f'not a string beginning with the prefix {proto.base_coin.lower()!r}:' )
-				ret,sort_key,idtype,disp = (id_str,'z_'+id_str,'non-mmgen','non-MMGen')
+				coin, addr = id_str.split(':', 1)
+				assert coin == proto.base_coin.lower(), (
+					f'not a string beginning with the prefix {proto.base_coin.lower()!r}:')
+				ret, sort_key, idtype, disp = (id_str, 'z_'+id_str, 'non-mmgen', 'non-MMGen')
 				addr = proto.coin_addr(addr)
 			except Exception as e2:
-				return cls.init_fail(e,id_str,e2=e2)
+				return cls.init_fail(e, id_str, e2=e2)
-		me = str.__new__(cls,ret)
+		me = str.__new__(cls, ret)
 		me.obj = ret
 		me.disp = disp
 		me.addr = addr
@@ -45,34 +45,34 @@ class TwMMGenID(HiliteStr,InitErrors,MMGenObject):
 		me.proto = proto
 		return me
-	def fmt(self,**kwargs):
-		return super().fmtc(self.disp,**kwargs)
+	def fmt(self, **kwargs):
+		return super().fmtc(self.disp, **kwargs)
-# non-displaying container for TwMMGenID,TwComment
-class TwLabel(str,InitErrors,MMGenObject):
+# non-displaying container for TwMMGenID, TwComment
+class TwLabel(str, InitErrors, MMGenObject):
 	exc = 'BadTwLabel'
 	passthru_excs = ('BadTwComment',)
-	def __new__(cls,proto,text):
-		if isinstance(text,cls):
+	def __new__(cls, proto, text):
+		if isinstance(text, cls):
 			return text
-			ts = text.split(None,1)
-			mmid = TwMMGenID(proto,ts[0])
+			ts = text.split(None, 1)
+			mmid = TwMMGenID(proto, ts[0])
 			comment = TwComment(ts[1] if len(ts) == 2 else '')
-			me = str.__new__( cls, mmid + (' ' + comment if comment else '') )
+			me = str.__new__(cls, mmid + (' ' + comment if comment else ''))
 			me.mmid = mmid
 			me.comment = comment
 			me.proto = proto
 			return me
 		except Exception as e:
-			return cls.init_fail(e,text)
+			return cls.init_fail(e, text)
-def get_tw_label(proto,s):
+def get_tw_label(proto, s):
 	raise an exception on a malformed comment, return None on an empty or invalid label
-		return TwLabel(proto,s)
+		return TwLabel(proto, s)
 	except Exception as e:
 		if type(e).__name__ == 'BadTwComment': # do it this way to avoid importing .exception

+ 44 - 38

@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ class TwTxHistory(TwView):
 	class display_type(TwView.display_type):
 		class squeezed(TwView.display_type.squeezed):
-			cols = ('num','txid','date','inputs','amt','outputs','comment')
+			cols = ('num', 'txid', 'date', 'inputs', 'amt', 'outputs', 'comment')
 			subhdr_fmt_method = 'gen_squeezed_subheader'
 		class detail(TwView.display_type.detail):
@@ -37,13 +37,13 @@ class TwTxHistory(TwView):
 	show_unconfirmed = False
 	show_total_amt = False
 	update_widths_on_age_toggle = True
-	print_output_types = ('squeezed','detail')
+	print_output_types = ('squeezed', 'detail')
 	filters = ('show_unconfirmed',)
 	mod_subpath = 'tw.txhistory'
-	async def __init__(self,cfg,proto,sinceblock=0):
-		await super().__init__(cfg,proto)
-		self.sinceblock = NonNegativeInt( sinceblock if sinceblock >= 0 else self.rpc.blockcount + sinceblock )
+	async def __init__(self, cfg, proto, sinceblock=0):
+		await super().__init__(cfg, proto)
+		self.sinceblock = NonNegativeInt(sinceblock if sinceblock >= 0 else self.rpc.blockcount + sinceblock)
 	def no_rpcdata_errmsg(self):
@@ -53,14 +53,14 @@ class TwTxHistory(TwView):
 	def filter_data(self):
 		return (d for d in if d.confirmations > 0 or self.show_unconfirmed)
-	def set_amt_widths(self,data):
-		amts_tuple = namedtuple('amts_data',['amt'])
+	def set_amt_widths(self, data):
+		amts_tuple = namedtuple('amts_data', ['amt'])
 		return super().set_amt_widths([amts_tuple(d.amt_disp(self.show_total_amt)) for d in data])
-	def get_column_widths(self,data,wide,interactive):
+	def get_column_widths(self, data, wide, interactive):
 		# var cols: inputs outputs comment [txid]
-		if not hasattr(self,'varcol_maxwidths'):
+		if not hasattr(self, 'varcol_maxwidths'):
 			self.varcol_maxwidths = {
 				'inputs': max(len(d.vouts_disp(
 					'inputs', width=None, color=False, addr_view_pref=self.addr_view_pref)) for d in data),
@@ -85,30 +85,36 @@ class TwTxHistory(TwView):
 			maxws_nice = {}
 		widths = { # fixed cols
-			'num': max(2,len(str(len(data)))+1),
+			'num': max(2, len(str(len(data)))+1),
 			'date': self.age_w,
 			'amt': self.amt_widths['amt'],
 			'spc': 6 + self.show_txid, # 5(6) spaces between cols + 1 leading space in fs
-		return self.compute_column_widths(widths,maxws,minws,maxws_nice,wide=wide,interactive=interactive)
+		return self.compute_column_widths(
+			widths,
+			maxws,
+			minws,
+			maxws_nice,
+			wide        = wide,
+			interactive = interactive)
-	def gen_squeezed_subheader(self,cw,color):
+	def gen_squeezed_subheader(self, cw, color):
 		# keep these shorter than min screen width (currently prompt width, or 65 chars)
 		if self.sinceblock:
 			yield f'Displaying transactions since block {self.sinceblock.hl(color=color)}'
 		yield 'Only wallet-related outputs are shown'
 		yield 'Comment is from first wallet address in outputs or inputs'
 		if (cw.inputs < self.varcol_maxwidths['inputs'] or
-			cw.outputs < self.varcol_maxwidths['outputs'] ):
+			cw.outputs < self.varcol_maxwidths['outputs']):
 			yield 'Note: screen is too narrow to display all inputs and outputs'
-	def gen_detail_subheader(self,cw,color):
+	def gen_detail_subheader(self, cw, color):
 		if self.sinceblock:
 			yield f'Displaying transactions since block {self.sinceblock.hl(color=color)}'
 		yield 'Only wallet-related outputs are shown'
-	def squeezed_col_hdr(self,cw,fs,color):
+	def squeezed_col_hdr(self, cw, fs, color):
 		return fs.format(
 			n = '',
 			t = 'TxID',
@@ -116,21 +122,21 @@ class TwTxHistory(TwView):
 			i = 'Inputs',
 			A = 'Amt({})'.format('TX' if self.show_total_amt else 'Wallet'),
 			o = 'Outputs',
-			c = 'Comment' )
+			c = 'Comment')
-	def gen_squeezed_display(self,data,cw,fs,color,fmt_method):
+	def gen_squeezed_display(self, data, cw, fs, color, fmt_method):
-		for n,d in enumerate(data,1):
+		for n, d in enumerate(data, 1):
 			yield fs.format(
 				n = str(n) + ')',
-				t = d.txid_disp( width=cw.txid, color=color ) if hasattr(cw,'txid') else None,
-				d = d.age_disp( self.age_fmt, width=self.age_w, color=color ),
+				t = d.txid_disp(width=cw.txid, color=color) if hasattr(cw, 'txid') else None,
+				d = d.age_disp(self.age_fmt, width=self.age_w, color=color),
 				i = d.vouts_disp('inputs', width=cw.inputs, color=color, addr_view_pref=self.addr_view_pref),
-				A = d.amt_disp(self.show_total_amt).fmt( iwidth=cw.iwidth, prec=self.disp_prec, color=color ),
+				A = d.amt_disp(self.show_total_amt).fmt(iwidth=cw.iwidth, prec=self.disp_prec, color=color),
 				o = d.vouts_disp('outputs', width=cw.outputs, color=color, addr_view_pref=self.addr_view_pref),
-				c = d.comment.fmt2( width=cw.comment, color=color, nullrepl='-' ) )
+				c = d.comment.fmt2(width=cw.comment, color=color, nullrepl='-'))
-	def gen_detail_display(self,data,cw,fs,color,fmt_method):
+	def gen_detail_display(self, data, cw, fs, color, fmt_method):
 		fs = fmt("""
@@ -143,18 +149,18 @@ class TwTxHistory(TwView):
 		    Outputs ({N}):
-		""",strip_char='\t').strip()
+		""", strip_char='\t').strip()
-		for n,d in enumerate(data,1):
+		for n, d in enumerate(data, 1):
 			yield fs.format(
 				n = str(n) + ')',
-				d = d.age_disp( 'date_time', width=None, color=None ),
+				d = d.age_disp('date_time', width=None, color=None),
 				b = d.blockheight_disp(color=color),
-				D = d.txdate_disp( 'date_time' ),
-				t = d.txid_disp( color=color ),
-				A = d.amt_disp(show_total_amt=True).hl( color=color ),
-				B = d.amt_disp(show_total_amt=False).hl( color=color ),
-				f = d.fee_disp( color=color ),
+				D = d.txdate_disp('date_time'),
+				t = d.txid_disp(color=color),
+				A = d.amt_disp(show_total_amt=True).hl(color=color),
+				B = d.amt_disp(show_total_amt=False).hl(color=color),
+				f = d.fee_disp(color=color),
 				i = d.vouts_list_disp('inputs', color=color, indent=' '*8, addr_view_pref=self.addr_view_pref),
 				N = d.nOutputs,
 				o = d.vouts_list_disp('outputs', color=color, indent=' '*8, addr_view_pref=self.addr_view_pref),
@@ -176,7 +182,7 @@ class TwTxHistory(TwView):
 		'txid':        lambda i: i.txid,
-	async def set_dates(self,_):
+	async def set_dates(self, _):
@@ -185,24 +191,24 @@ class TwTxHistory(TwView):
 	class sort_action(TwView.sort_action):
-		def s_blockheight(self,parent):
+		def s_blockheight(self, parent):
-		def s_amt(self,parent):
+		def s_amt(self, parent):
 			parent.show_total_amt = False
-		def s_total_amt(self,parent):
+		def s_total_amt(self, parent):
 			parent.show_total_amt = True
 	class display_action(TwView.display_action):
-		def d_show_txid(self,parent):
+		def d_show_txid(self, parent):
 			parent.show_txid = not parent.show_txid
-		def d_show_unconfirmed(self,parent):
+		def d_show_unconfirmed(self, parent):
 			parent.show_unconfirmed = not parent.show_unconfirmed
-		def d_show_total_amt(self,parent):
+		def d_show_total_amt(self, parent):
 			parent.show_total_amt = not parent.show_total_amt

+ 58 - 58

@@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ from ..obj import (
-	NonNegativeInt )
+	NonNegativeInt)
 from ..addr import CoinAddr
 from ..amt import CoinAmtChk
-from .shared import TwMMGenID,get_tw_label
+from .shared import TwMMGenID, get_tw_label
 from .view import TwView
 class TwUnspentOutputs(TwView):
@@ -39,10 +39,10 @@ class TwUnspentOutputs(TwView):
 	class display_type(TwView.display_type):
 		class squeezed(TwView.display_type.squeezed):
-			cols = ('num','txid','vout','addr','mmid','comment','amt','amt2','date')
+			cols = ('num', 'txid', 'vout', 'addr', 'mmid', 'comment', 'amt', 'amt2', 'date')
 		class detail(TwView.display_type.detail):
-			cols = ('num','txid','vout','addr','mmid','amt','amt2','block','date_time','comment')
+			cols = ('num', 'txid', 'vout', 'addr', 'mmid', 'amt', 'amt2', 'block', 'date_time', 'comment')
 	show_mmid = True
 	no_rpcdata_errmsg = """
@@ -58,20 +58,20 @@ class TwUnspentOutputs(TwView):
 		vout         = ListItemAttr(NonNegativeInt)
 		amt          = ImmutableAttr(CoinAmtChk, include_proto=True)
 		amt2         = ListItemAttr(CoinAmtChk, include_proto=True) # the ETH balance for token account
-		comment      = ListItemAttr(TwComment,reassign_ok=True)
-		twmmid       = ImmutableAttr(TwMMGenID,include_proto=True)
-		addr         = ImmutableAttr(CoinAddr,include_proto=True)
-		confs        = ImmutableAttr(int,typeconv=False)
-		date         = ListItemAttr(int,typeconv=False,reassign_ok=True)
+		comment      = ListItemAttr(TwComment, reassign_ok=True)
+		twmmid       = ImmutableAttr(TwMMGenID, include_proto=True)
+		addr         = ImmutableAttr(CoinAddr, include_proto=True)
+		confs        = ImmutableAttr(int, typeconv=False)
+		date         = ListItemAttr(int, typeconv=False, reassign_ok=True)
 		scriptPubKey = ImmutableAttr(HexStr)
-		skip         = ListItemAttr(str,typeconv=False,reassign_ok=True)
+		skip         = ListItemAttr(str, typeconv=False, reassign_ok=True)
-		def __init__(self,proto,**kwargs):
+		def __init__(self, proto, **kwargs):
 			self.__dict__['proto'] = proto
-			MMGenListItem.__init__(self,**kwargs)
+			MMGenListItem.__init__(self, **kwargs)
-	async def __init__(self,cfg,proto,minconf=1,addrs=[]):
-		await super().__init__(cfg,proto)
+	async def __init__(self, cfg, proto, minconf=1, addrs=[]):
+		await super().__init__(cfg, proto)
 		self.minconf  = minconf
 		self.addrs    = addrs
 		from ..cfg import gc
@@ -81,23 +81,23 @@ class TwUnspentOutputs(TwView):
 	def total(self):
 		return sum(i.amt for i in
-	def gen_data(self,rpc_data,lbl_id):
+	def gen_data(self, rpc_data, lbl_id):
 		for o in rpc_data:
 			if not lbl_id in o:
 				continue # coinbase outputs have no account field
-			l = get_tw_label(self.proto,o[lbl_id])
+			l = get_tw_label(self.proto, o[lbl_id])
 			if l:
 				if not 'amt' in o:
 					o['amt'] = self.proto.coin_amt(o['amount'])
 					'twmmid':  l.mmid,
 					'comment': l.comment or '',
-					'addr':    CoinAddr(self.proto,o['address']),
+					'addr':    CoinAddr(self.proto, o['address']),
 					'confs':   o['confirmations']
 				yield self.MMGenTwUnspentOutput(
-					**{ k:v for k,v in o.items() if k in self.MMGenTwUnspentOutput.valid_attrs } )
+					**{k:v for k, v in o.items() if k in self.MMGenTwUnspentOutput.valid_attrs})
 	def filter_data(self):
@@ -106,27 +106,27 @@ class TwUnspentOutputs(TwView):
 		for d in data:
 			d.skip = ''
-		gkeys = {'addr':'addr','twmmid':'addr','txid':'txid'}
+		gkeys = {'addr': 'addr', 'twmmid': 'addr', 'txid': 'txid'}
 		if and self.sort_key in gkeys:
-			for a,b in [(data[i],data[i+1]) for i in range(len(data)-1)]:
+			for a, b in [(data[i], data[i+1]) for i in range(len(data)-1)]:
 				for k in gkeys:
-					if self.sort_key == k and getattr(a,k) == getattr(b,k):
+					if self.sort_key == k and getattr(a, k) == getattr(b, k):
 						b.skip = gkeys[k]
 		return data
-	def get_column_widths(self,data,wide,interactive):
+	def get_column_widths(self, data, wide, interactive):
 		show_mmid = self.show_mmid or wide
 		# num txid vout addr [mmid] [comment] amt [amt2] date
 		return self.compute_column_widths(
 			widths = { # fixed cols
-				'num': max(2,len(str(len(data)))+1),
+				'num': max(2, len(str(len(data)))+1),
 				'vout': 4,
 				'mmid': max(len(d.twmmid.disp) for d in data) if show_mmid else 0,
 				'amt': self.amt_widths['amt'],
-				'amt2': self.amt_widths.get('amt2',0),
+				'amt2': self.amt_widths.get('amt2', 0),
 				'block': self.age_col_params['block'][0] if wide else 0,
 				'date_time': self.age_col_params['date_time'][0] if wide else 0,
 				'date': self.age_w,
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ class TwUnspentOutputs(TwView):
 			interactive = interactive,
-	def squeezed_col_hdr(self,cw,fs,color):
+	def squeezed_col_hdr(self, cw, fs, color):
 		return fs.format(
 			n = '',
 			t = 'TxID',
@@ -157,9 +157,9 @@ class TwUnspentOutputs(TwView):
 			c = 'Comment',
 			A = 'Amt({})'.format(self.proto.dcoin),
 			B = 'Amt({})'.format(self.proto.coin),
-			d = self.age_hdr )
+			d = self.age_hdr)
-	def detail_col_hdr(self,cw,fs,color):
+	def detail_col_hdr(self, cw, fs, color):
 		return fs.format(
 			n = '',
 			t = 'TxID',
@@ -170,68 +170,68 @@ class TwUnspentOutputs(TwView):
 			B = 'Amt({})'.format(self.proto.coin),
 			b = 'Block',
 			D = 'Date/Time',
-			c = 'Comment' )
+			c = 'Comment')
-	def gen_squeezed_display(self,data,cw,fs,color,fmt_method):
+	def gen_squeezed_display(self, data, cw, fs, color, fmt_method):
-		for n,d in enumerate(data):
+		for n, d in enumerate(data):
 			yield fs.format(
 				n = str(n+1) + ')',
-				t = (d.txid.fmtc( '|' + '.'*(cw.txid-1), width=cw.txid, color=color ) if d.skip  == 'txid'
-					else d.txid.truncate( width=cw.txid, color=color )) if cw.txid else None,
-				v = ' ' + d.vout.fmt( width=cw.vout-1, color=color ) if cw.vout else None,
-				a = d.addr.fmtc( '|' + '.'*(cw.addr-1), width=cw.addr, color=color ) if d.skip == 'addr'
+				t = (d.txid.fmtc('|' + '.'*(cw.txid-1), width=cw.txid, color=color) if d.skip  == 'txid'
+					else d.txid.truncate(width=cw.txid, color=color)) if cw.txid else None,
+				v = ' ' + d.vout.fmt(width=cw.vout-1, color=color) if cw.vout else None,
+				a = d.addr.fmtc('|' + '.'*(cw.addr-1), width=cw.addr, color=color) if d.skip == 'addr'
 					else d.addr.fmt(self.addr_view_pref, width=cw.addr, color=color),
-				m = (d.twmmid.fmtc( '.'*cw.mmid, width=cw.mmid, color=color ) if d.skip == 'addr'
-					else d.twmmid.fmt( width=cw.mmid, color=color )) if cw.mmid else None,
-				c = d.comment.fmt2( width=cw.comment, color=color, nullrepl='-' ) if cw.comment else None,
-				A = d.amt.fmt( color=color, iwidth=cw.iwidth, prec=self.disp_prec ),
-				B = d.amt2.fmt( color=color, iwidth=cw.iwidth2, prec=self.disp_prec ) if cw.amt2 else None,
-				d = self.age_disp(d,self.age_fmt),
+				m = (d.twmmid.fmtc('.'*cw.mmid, width=cw.mmid, color=color) if d.skip == 'addr'
+					else d.twmmid.fmt(width=cw.mmid, color=color)) if cw.mmid else None,
+				c = d.comment.fmt2(width=cw.comment, color=color, nullrepl='-') if cw.comment else None,
+				A = d.amt.fmt(color=color, iwidth=cw.iwidth, prec=self.disp_prec),
+				B = d.amt2.fmt(color=color, iwidth=cw.iwidth2, prec=self.disp_prec) if cw.amt2 else None,
+				d = self.age_disp(d, self.age_fmt),
-	def gen_detail_display(self,data,cw,fs,color,fmt_method):
+	def gen_detail_display(self, data, cw, fs, color, fmt_method):
-		for n,d in enumerate(data):
+		for n, d in enumerate(data):
 			yield fs.format(
 				n = str(n+1) + ')',
-				t = d.txid.fmt( width=cw.txid, color=color ) if cw.txid else None,
-				v = ' ' + d.vout.fmt( width=cw.vout-1, color=color ) if cw.vout else None,
+				t = d.txid.fmt(width=cw.txid, color=color) if cw.txid else None,
+				v = ' ' + d.vout.fmt(width=cw.vout-1, color=color) if cw.vout else None,
 				a = d.addr.fmt(self.addr_view_pref, width=cw.addr, color=color),
-				m = d.twmmid.fmt( width=cw.mmid, color=color ),
-				A = d.amt.fmt( color=color, iwidth=cw.iwidth, prec=self.disp_prec ),
-				B = d.amt2.fmt( color=color, iwidth=cw.iwidth2, prec=self.disp_prec ) if cw.amt2 else None,
-				b = self.age_disp(d,'block'),
-				D = self.age_disp(d,'date_time'),
-				c = d.comment.fmt2( width=cw.comment, color=color, nullrepl='-' ))
+				m = d.twmmid.fmt(width=cw.mmid, color=color),
+				A = d.amt.fmt(color=color, iwidth=cw.iwidth, prec=self.disp_prec),
+				B = d.amt2.fmt(color=color, iwidth=cw.iwidth2, prec=self.disp_prec) if cw.amt2 else None,
+				b = self.age_disp(d, 'block'),
+				D = self.age_disp(d, 'date_time'),
+				c = d.comment.fmt2(width=cw.comment, color=color, nullrepl='-'))
 	def display_total(self):
 		msg('\nTotal unspent: {} {} ({} output{})'.format(,
-			suf( ))
+			suf(
-	async def set_dates(self,us):
+	async def set_dates(self, us):
 		if not self.dates_set:
 			# 'blocktime' differs from 'time', is same as getblockheader['time']
-			dates = [ o.get('blocktime',0)
-				for o in await self.rpc.gathered_icall('gettransaction',[(o.txid,True,False) for o in us]) ]
-			for idx,o in enumerate(us):
+			dates = [o.get('blocktime', 0)
+				for o in await self.rpc.gathered_icall('gettransaction', [(o.txid, True, False) for o in us])]
+			for idx, o in enumerate(us): = dates[idx]
 			self.dates_set = True
 	class sort_action(TwView.sort_action):
-		def s_twmmid(self,parent):
+		def s_twmmid(self, parent):
 			parent.show_mmid = True
 	class display_action(TwView.display_action):
-		def d_mmid(self,parent):
+		def d_mmid(self, parent):
 			parent.show_mmid = not parent.show_mmid
-		def d_group(self,parent):
+		def d_group(self, parent):
 			if parent.can_group: = not

+ 158 - 159

@@ -20,14 +20,14 @@
 tw.view: base class for tracking wallet view classes
-import sys,time,asyncio
+import sys, time, asyncio
 from collections import namedtuple
 from ..cfg import gv
 from ..objmethods import MMGenObject
-from ..obj import get_obj,MMGenIdx,MMGenList
-from ..color import nocolor,yellow,green,red,blue
-from ..util import msg,msg_r,fmt,die,capfirst,make_timestr
+from ..obj import get_obj, MMGenIdx, MMGenList
+from ..color import nocolor, yellow, green, red, blue
+from ..util import msg, msg_r, fmt, die, capfirst, make_timestr
 from ..rpc import rpc_init
 from ..base_obj import AsyncInit
@@ -39,17 +39,17 @@ ERASE_ALL = '\033[0J'
 # decorator for
 def enable_echo(orig_func):
-	async def f(self,parent,action_method):
+	async def f(self, parent, action_method):
 		if parent.scroll:
-		ret = await orig_func(self,parent,action_method)
+		ret = await orig_func(self, parent, action_method)
 		if parent.scroll:
 		return ret
 	return f
-# base class for TwUnspentOutputs,TwAddresses,TwTxHistory:
-class TwView(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
+# base class for TwUnspentOutputs, TwAddresses, TwTxHistory:
+class TwView(MMGenObject, metaclass=AsyncInit):
 	class display_type:
@@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ class TwView(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
 		class print:
-			def do(method,data,cw,fs,color,fmt_method):
-				return [l.rstrip() for l in method(data,cw,fs,color,fmt_method)]
+			def do(method, data, cw, fs, color, fmt_method):
+				return [l.rstrip() for l in method(data, cw, fs, color, fmt_method)]
 	has_wallet  = True
 	has_amt2    = False
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ class TwView(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
 	pos = 0
 	filters = ()
-	fp = namedtuple('fs_params',['fs_key','hdr_fs_repl','fs_repl','hdr_fs','fs'])
+	fp = namedtuple('fs_params', ['fs_key', 'hdr_fs_repl', 'fs_repl', 'hdr_fs', 'fs'])
 	fs_params = {
 		'num':       fp('n', True, True,  ' {n:>%s}', ' {n:>%s}'),
 		'txid':      fp('t', True, False, ' {t:%s}',  ' {t}'),
@@ -119,8 +119,8 @@ class TwView(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
 		'outputs':   fp('o', True, False, ' {o:%s}',  ' {o}'),
-	age_fmts = ('confs','block','days','date','date_time')
-	age_fmts_date_dependent = ('days','date','date_time')
+	age_fmts = ('confs', 'block', 'days', 'date', 'date_time')
+	age_fmts_date_dependent = ('days', 'date', 'date_time')
 	_age_fmt = 'confs'
 	bch_addr_fmts = ('cashaddr', 'legacy')
@@ -134,12 +134,12 @@ class TwView(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
 	date_formatter = {
-		'days': lambda rpc,secs: (rpc.cur_date - secs) // 86400 if secs else 0,
+		'days': lambda rpc, secs: (rpc.cur_date - secs) // 86400 if secs else 0,
 		'date': (
-			lambda rpc,secs: '{}-{:02}-{:02}'.format(*time.gmtime(secs)[:3])[2:]
+			lambda rpc, secs: '{}-{:02}-{:02}'.format(*time.gmtime(secs)[:3])[2:]
 				if secs else '-       '),
 		'date_time': (
-			lambda rpc,secs: '{}-{:02}-{:02} {:02}:{:02}'.format(*time.gmtime(secs)[:5])
+			lambda rpc, secs: '{}-{:02}-{:02} {:02}:{:02}'.format(*time.gmtime(secs)[:5])
 				if secs else '-               '),
@@ -187,17 +187,17 @@ class TwView(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
 	scroll_keys['darwin'] = scroll_keys['linux']
-	def __new__(cls,cfg,proto,*args,**kwargs):
-		return MMGenObject.__new__(proto.base_proto_subclass(cls,cls.mod_subpath))
+	def __new__(cls, cfg, proto, *args, **kwargs):
+		return MMGenObject.__new__(proto.base_proto_subclass(cls, cls.mod_subpath))
-	async def __init__(self,cfg,proto):
+	async def __init__(self, cfg, proto):
 		self.cfg = cfg
 		self.proto = proto
-		self.rpc = await rpc_init(cfg,proto)
+		self.rpc = await rpc_init(cfg, proto)
 		if self.has_wallet:
 			from .ctl import TwCtl
-			self.twctl = await TwCtl(cfg,proto,mode='w')
-		self.amt_keys = {'amt':'iwidth','amt2':'iwidth2'} if self.has_amt2 else {'amt':'iwidth'}
+			self.twctl = await TwCtl(cfg, proto, mode='w')
+		self.amt_keys = {'amt':'iwidth', 'amt2':'iwidth2'} if self.has_amt2 else {'amt':'iwidth'}
 		if repl := self.prompt_fs_repl.get(self.proto.coin):
 			self.prompt_fs_in[repl[0]] = repl[1]
 		self.prompt_fs = '\n'.join(self.prompt_fs_in)
@@ -218,20 +218,20 @@ class TwView(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
 		return self._age_fmt
-	def age_fmt(self,val):
+	def age_fmt(self, val):
 		if val not in self.age_fmts:
-			die( 'BadAgeFormat', f'{val!r}: invalid age format (must be one of {self.age_fmts!r})' )
+			die('BadAgeFormat', f'{val!r}: invalid age format (must be one of {self.age_fmts!r})')
 		self._age_fmt = val
-	def age_disp(self,o,age_fmt):
+	def age_disp(self, o, age_fmt):
 		if age_fmt == 'confs':
 			return o.confs or '-'
 		elif age_fmt == 'block':
 			return self.rpc.blockcount + 1 - o.confs if o.confs else '-'
-			return self.date_formatter[age_fmt](self.rpc,
+			return self.date_formatter[age_fmt](self.rpc,
-	def get_disp_prec(self,wide):
+	def get_disp_prec(self, wide):
 		return self.proto.coin_amt.max_prec
 	sort_disp = {
@@ -250,48 +250,48 @@ class TwView(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
 		'twmmid': lambda i: '{} {:010} {:024.12f}'.format(i.twmmid.sort_key, 0xffffffff - abs(i.confs), i.amt)
-	def sort_info(self,include_group=True):
-		ret = ([],['Reverse'])[self.reverse]
+	def sort_info(self, include_group=True):
+		ret = ([], ['Reverse'])[self.reverse]
-		if include_group and and (self.sort_key in ('addr','txid','twmmid')):
+		if include_group and and (self.sort_key in ('addr', 'txid', 'twmmid')):
 		return ret
-	def do_sort(self,key=None,reverse=False):
+	def do_sort(self, key=None, reverse=False):
 		key = key or self.sort_key
 		if key not in self.sort_funcs:
-			die(1,f'{key!r}: invalid sort key.  Valid options: {" ".join(self.sort_funcs)}')
+			die(1, f'{key!r}: invalid sort key.  Valid options: {" ".join(self.sort_funcs)}')
 		self.sort_key = key
-		assert isinstance(reverse,bool)
+		assert isinstance(reverse, bool)
 		save =
-[key],reverse=reverse or self.reverse)
+[key], reverse=reverse or self.reverse)
 		if != save:
 			self.pos = 0
-	async def get_data(self,sort_key=None,reverse_sort=False):
+	async def get_data(self, sort_key=None, reverse_sort=False):
 		rpc_data = await self.get_rpc_data()
 		if not rpc_data:
-			die(1,fmt(self.no_rpcdata_errmsg).strip())
+			die(1, fmt(self.no_rpcdata_errmsg).strip())
-		lbl_id = ('account','label')['label_api' in self.rpc.caps]
+		lbl_id = ('account', 'label')['label_api' in self.rpc.caps]
-		res = self.gen_data(rpc_data,lbl_id)
+		res = self.gen_data(rpc_data, lbl_id) = MMGenList(await res if type(res).__name__ == 'coroutine' else res)
 		self.disp_data = list(self.filter_data())
 		if not
-			die(1,self.no_data_errmsg)
+			die(1, self.no_data_errmsg)
-		self.do_sort(key=sort_key,reverse=reverse_sort)
+		self.do_sort(key=sort_key, reverse=reverse_sort)
 		# get_data() is immediately followed by display header, and get_rpc_data() produces output,
 		# so add NL here (' ' required because CUR_HOME erases preceding blank lines)
 		msg(' ')
-	def get_term_dimensions(self,min_cols,min_lines=None):
-		from ..term import get_terminal_size,get_char_raw,_term_dimensions
+	def get_term_dimensions(self, min_cols, min_lines=None):
+		from ..term import get_terminal_size, get_char_raw, _term_dimensions
 		user_resized = False
 		while True:
 			ts = get_terminal_size()
@@ -300,30 +300,30 @@ class TwView(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
 			if cols >= min_cols and (min_lines is None or lines >= min_lines):
 				if user_resized:
 					msg_r(CUR_HOME + ERASE_ALL)
-				return _term_dimensions(cols,ts.height)
+				return _term_dimensions(cols, ts.height)
 			if sys.stdout.isatty():
 				if self.cfg.columns and cols < min_cols:
-					die(1,'\n'+fmt(self.twidth_diemsg.format(self.cfg.columns,self.desc,min_cols),indent='  '))
+					die(1, '\n'+fmt(self.twidth_diemsg.format(self.cfg.columns, self.desc, min_cols), indent='  '))
-					m,dim = (self.twidth_errmsg,min_cols) if cols < min_cols else (self.theight_errmsg,min_lines)
-					get_char_raw( CUR_HOME + ERASE_ALL + fmt( m.format(self.desc,dim), append='' ))
+					m, dim = (self.twidth_errmsg, min_cols) if cols < min_cols else (self.theight_errmsg, min_lines)
+					get_char_raw(CUR_HOME + ERASE_ALL + fmt(m.format(self.desc, dim), append=''))
 					user_resized = True
-				return _term_dimensions(min_cols,ts.height)
+				return _term_dimensions(min_cols, ts.height)
-	def compute_column_widths(self,widths,maxws,minws,maxws_nice,wide,interactive):
+	def compute_column_widths(self, widths, maxws, minws, maxws_nice, wide, interactive):
 		def do_ret(freews):
-			widths.update({k:minws[k] + freews.get(k,0) for k in minws})
-			widths.update({ikey: widths[key] - self.disp_prec - 1 for key,ikey in self.amt_keys.items()})
-			return namedtuple('column_widths',widths.keys())(*widths.values())
+			widths.update({k:minws[k] + freews.get(k, 0) for k in minws})
+			widths.update({ikey: widths[key] - self.disp_prec - 1 for key, ikey in self.amt_keys.items()})
+			return namedtuple('column_widths', widths.keys())(*widths.values())
 		def do_ret_max():
-			widths.update({k:max(minws[k],maxws[k]) for k in minws})
-			widths.update({ikey: widths[key] - self.disp_prec - 1 for key,ikey in self.amt_keys.items()})
-			return namedtuple('column_widths',widths.keys())(*widths.values())
+			widths.update({k:max(minws[k], maxws[k]) for k in minws})
+			widths.update({ikey: widths[key] - self.disp_prec - 1 for key, ikey in self.amt_keys.items()})
+			return namedtuple('column_widths', widths.keys())(*widths.values())
-		def get_freews(cols,varws,varw,minw):
+		def get_freews(cols, varws, varw, minw):
 			freew = cols - minw
 			if freew and varw:
 				x = freew / varw
@@ -343,12 +343,12 @@ class TwView(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
 		minw = sum(widths.values()) + sum(minws.values())
 		varw = sum(varws.values())
-		self.min_term_width = 40 if wide else max(self.prompt_width,minw) if interactive else minw
+		self.min_term_width = 40 if wide else max(self.prompt_width, minw) if interactive else minw
 		td = self.get_term_dimensions(self.min_term_width)
 		self.term_height = td.height
 		self.term_width = td.width
-		self.cols = min(self.term_width,minw + varw)
+		self.cols = min(self.term_width, minw + varw)
 		if wide or self.cols == minw + varw:
 			return do_ret_max()
@@ -358,33 +358,33 @@ class TwView(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
 			varws_hp = {k: maxws_nice[k] - minws[k] if k in maxws_nice else varws[k] for k in varws}
 			varw_hp = sum(varws_hp.values())
 			widths_hp = get_freews(
-				min(self.term_width,minw + varw_hp),
+				min(self.term_width, minw + varw_hp),
-				minw )
+				minw)
 			# compute low-priority (nice) widths:
 			varws_lp = {k: varws[k] - varws_hp[k] for k in maxws_nice if k in varws}
 			widths_lp = get_freews(
-				minw + sum(widths_hp.values()) )
+				minw + sum(widths_hp.values()))
 			# sum the two for each field:
-			return do_ret({k:widths_hp[k] + widths_lp.get(k,0) for k in varws})
+			return do_ret({k:widths_hp[k] + widths_lp.get(k, 0) for k in varws})
-			return do_ret(get_freews(self.cols,varws,varw,minw))
+			return do_ret(get_freews(self.cols, varws, varw, minw))
-	def gen_subheader(self,cw,color):
+	def gen_subheader(self, cw, color):
 		return ()
-	def gen_footer(self,color):
-		if hasattr(self,'total'):
-			yield 'TOTAL: {} {}'.format(, self.proto.dcoin )
+	def gen_footer(self, color):
+		if hasattr(self, 'total'):
+			yield 'TOTAL: {} {}'.format(, self.proto.dcoin)
-	def set_amt_widths(self,data):
-		# width of amts column: min(7,width of integer part) + len('.') + width of fractional part
+	def set_amt_widths(self, data):
+		# width of amts column: min(7, width of integer part) + len('.') + width of fractional part
 		self.amt_widths = {
-			k:min(7,max(len(str(getattr(d,k).to_integral_value())) for d in data)) + 1 + self.disp_prec
+			k:min(7, max(len(str(getattr(d, k).to_integral_value())) for d in data)) + 1 + self.disp_prec
 				for k in self.amt_keys}
 	async def format(
@@ -399,57 +399,57 @@ class TwView(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
 			def gen_hdr():
-				Blue,Green = (blue,green) if color else (nocolor,nocolor)
-				Yes,No,All = (green('yes'),red('no'),yellow('all')) if color else ('yes','no','all')
+				Blue, Green = (blue, green) if color else (nocolor, nocolor)
+				Yes, No, All = (green('yes'), red('no'), yellow('all')) if color else ('yes', 'no', 'all')
 				sort_info = ' '.join(self.sort_info())
 				def fmt_filter(k):
-					return '{}:{}'.format(k,{0:No,1:Yes,2:All}[getattr(self,k)])
+					return '{}:{}'.format(k, {0:No, 1:Yes, 2:All}[getattr(self, k)])
 				yield '{} (sort order: {}){}'.format(
-					' ' * (self.cols - len(f'{self.hdr_lbl} (sort order: {sort_info})')) )
+					' ' * (self.cols - len(f'{self.hdr_lbl} (sort order: {sort_info})')))
 				if self.filters:
 					yield 'Filters: {}{}'.format(
-						' '.join(map(fmt_filter,self.filters)),
-						' ' * len(self.filters) )
+						' '.join(map(fmt_filter, self.filters)),
+						' ' * len(self.filters))
 				yield 'Network: {}'.format(Green(
-					self.proto.coin + ' ' + self.proto.chain_name.upper() ))
+					self.proto.coin + ' ' + self.proto.chain_name.upper()))
 				yield 'Block {} [{}]'.format(
-					make_timestr(self.rpc.cur_date) )
+					make_timestr(self.rpc.cur_date))
-				if hasattr(self,'total'):
-					yield 'Total {}: {}'.format( self.proto.dcoin, )
+				if hasattr(self, 'total'):
+					yield 'Total {}: {}'.format(self.proto.dcoin,
-				yield from getattr(self,dt.subhdr_fmt_method)(cw,color)
+				yield from getattr(self, dt.subhdr_fmt_method)(cw, color)
 				yield ' ' * self.term_width
 				if data and dt.colhdr_fmt_method:
-					col_hdr = getattr(self,dt.colhdr_fmt_method)(cw,hdr_fs,color)
+					col_hdr = getattr(self, dt.colhdr_fmt_method)(cw, hdr_fs, color)
 					yield col_hdr.rstrip() if line_processing == 'print' else col_hdr
 			def get_body(method):
 				if line_processing:
-					return getattr(self.line_processing,line_processing).do(
-						method,data,cw,fs,color,getattr(self,dt.line_fmt_method))
+					return getattr(self.line_processing, line_processing).do(
+						method, data, cw, fs, color, getattr(self, dt.line_fmt_method))
-					return method(data,cw,fs,color,getattr(self,dt.line_fmt_method))
+					return method(data, cw, fs, color, getattr(self, dt.line_fmt_method))
 			if data and dt.need_column_widths:
-				cw = self.get_column_widths(data,wide=dt.detail,interactive=interactive)
+				cw = self.get_column_widths(data, wide=dt.detail, interactive=interactive)
 				cwh = cw._asdict()
 				fp = self.fs_params
 				rfill = ' ' * (self.term_width - self.cols) if scroll else ''
-				hdr_fs = ''.join(fp[name].hdr_fs % ((),cwh[name])[fp[name].hdr_fs_repl]
+				hdr_fs = ''.join(fp[name].hdr_fs % ((), cwh[name])[fp[name].hdr_fs_repl]
 					for name in dt.cols if cwh[name]) + rfill
-				fs = ''.join(fp[name].fs % ((),cwh[name])[fp[name].fs_repl]
+				fs = ''.join(fp[name].fs % ((), cwh[name])[fp[name].fs_repl]
 					for name in dt.cols if cwh[name]) + rfill
 				cw = hdr_fs = fs = None
@@ -457,14 +457,14 @@ class TwView(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
 			return (
-					get_body(getattr(self,dt.fmt_method)) if data else
-					[(nocolor,yellow)[color](self.nodata_msg.ljust(self.term_width))] )
+					get_body(getattr(self, dt.fmt_method)) if data else
+					[(nocolor, yellow)[color](self.nodata_msg.ljust(self.term_width))])
 		if not gv.stdout.isatty():
 			line_processing = 'print'
-		dt = getattr(self.display_type,display_type)
+		dt = getattr(self.display_type, display_type)
 		if self.use_cached:
 			self.use_cached = False
@@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ class TwView(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
 			if data != dsave:
 				self.pos = 0
-			display_hdr,display_body = make_display()
+			display_hdr, display_body = make_display()
 			if scroll:
 				fixed_height = len(display_hdr) + self.prompt_height + 1
@@ -490,14 +490,14 @@ class TwView(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
 				if self.term_height - fixed_height < self.min_scrollable_height:
 					td = self.get_term_dimensions(
-						min_lines = self.min_scrollable_height + fixed_height )
+						min_lines = self.min_scrollable_height + fixed_height)
 					self.term_height = td.height
 					self.term_width = td.width
-					display_hdr,display_body = make_display()
+					display_hdr, display_body = make_display()
 				self.scrollable_height = self.term_height - fixed_height
 				self.max_pos = max(0, len(display_body) - self.scrollable_height)
-				self.pos = min(self.pos,self.max_pos)
+				self.pos = min(self.pos, self.max_pos)
 			if not dt.detail:
 				self.display_hdr = display_hdr
@@ -508,7 +508,7 @@ class TwView(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
 			bot = self.pos + self.scrollable_height
 			fill = ('\n' + ''.ljust(self.term_width)) * (self.scrollable_height - len(display_body))
-			top,bot,fill = (None,None,'')
+			top, bot, fill = (None, None, '')
 		if interactive:
 			footer = ''
@@ -544,10 +544,10 @@ class TwView(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
 		scroll = self.scroll = self.cfg.scroll
 		key_mappings = make_key_mappings(scroll)
-		action_classes = { k: getattr(self,action_map[v[:2]])() for k,v in key_mappings.items() }
-		action_methods = { k: getattr(v,key_mappings[k]) for k,v in action_classes.items() }
+		action_classes = {k: getattr(self, action_map[v[:2]])() for k, v in key_mappings.items()}
+		action_methods = {k: getattr(v, key_mappings[k]) for k, v in action_classes.items()}
 		prompt = self.prompt_fs.strip().format(
-			s='\nScrolling: k=up, j=down, b=pgup, f=pgdown, g=top, G=bottom' if scroll else '' )
+			s='\nScrolling: k=up, j=down, b=pgup, f=pgdown, g=top, G=bottom' if scroll else '')
 		self.prompt_width = max(len(l) for l in prompt.split('\n'))
 		self.prompt_height = len(prompt.split('\n'))
@@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ class TwView(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
 		clear_screen = '\n\n' if self.cfg.no_blank else CUR_HOME + ('' if scroll else ERASE_ALL)
-		from ..term import get_term,get_char,get_char_raw
+		from ..term import get_term, get_char, get_char_raw
 		if scroll:
 			self.term = get_term()
@@ -574,16 +574,16 @@ class TwView(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
 			reply = get_char(
-				+ await self.format('squeezed',interactive=True,scroll=scroll)
+				+ await self.format('squeezed', interactive=True, scroll=scroll)
 				+ '\n\n'
 				+ (self.oneshot_msg + '\n\n' if self.oneshot_msg and not scroll else '')
 				+ prompt,
-				immed_chars = key_mappings )
+				immed_chars = key_mappings)
 			self.oneshot_msg = ''
 			if reply in key_mappings:
-				ret = action_classes[reply].run(self,action_methods[reply])
+				ret = action_classes[reply].run(self, action_methods[reply])
 				if type(ret).__name__ == 'coroutine':
 					await ret
 			elif reply == 'q':
@@ -600,9 +600,9 @@ class TwView(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
 	def blank_prompt(self):
 		return CUR_HOME + CUR_DOWN(self.term_height - self.prompt_height) + ERASE_ALL
-	def keypress_confirm(self,*args,**kwargs):
+	def keypress_confirm(self, *args, **kwargs):
 		from ..ui import keypress_confirm
-		if keypress_confirm( self.cfg, *args, no_nl=self.scroll, **kwargs ):
+		if keypress_confirm(self.cfg, *args, no_nl=self.scroll, **kwargs):
 			return True
 			if self.scroll:
@@ -612,16 +612,16 @@ class TwView(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
 	class action:
-		async def run(self,parent,action_method):
+		async def run(self, parent, action_method):
 			return await action_method(parent)
-		async def a_print_detail(self,parent):
-			return await self._print(parent,output_type='detail')
+		async def a_print_detail(self, parent):
+			return await self._print(parent, output_type='detail')
-		async def a_print_squeezed(self,parent):
-			return await self._print(parent,output_type='squeezed')
+		async def a_print_squeezed(self, parent):
+			return await self._print(parent, output_type='squeezed')
-		async def _print(self,parent,output_type):
+		async def _print(self, parent, output_type):
 			if not parent.disp_data:
 				return None
@@ -631,9 +631,9 @@ class TwView(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
 				b = f'-{output_type}' if len(parent.print_output_types) > 1 else '',
 				c = parent.proto.dcoin,
 				d = ('' if == 'mainnet' else '-',
-				e = ','.join(parent.sort_info(include_group=False)).replace(' ','') )
+				e = ','.join(parent.sort_info(include_group=False)).replace(' ', ''))
-			print_hdr = getattr(parent.display_type,output_type).print_header.format(parent.cols)
+			print_hdr = getattr(parent.display_type, output_type).print_header.format(parent.cols)
 			msg_r(parent.blank_prompt if parent.scroll else '\n')
@@ -646,28 +646,28 @@ class TwView(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
 					data    = print_hdr + await parent.format(
 						display_type    = output_type,
 						line_processing = 'print',
-						color           = False ),
-					desc    = f'{parent.desc} listing' )
+						color           = False),
+					desc    = f'{parent.desc} listing')
 			except UserNonConfirmation:
 				parent.oneshot_msg = yellow(f'File {outfile!r} not overwritten by user request')
 				parent.oneshot_msg = green(f'Data written to {outfile!r}')
-		async def a_view(self,parent):
+		async def a_view(self, parent):
 			from ..ui import do_pager
 			parent.use_cached = True
-			do_pager( await parent.format('squeezed',color=True) )
+			do_pager(await parent.format('squeezed', color=True))
-		async def a_view_detail(self,parent):
+		async def a_view_detail(self, parent):
 			from ..ui import do_pager
-			do_pager( await parent.format('detail',color=True) )
+			do_pager(await parent.format('detail', color=True))
 	class item_action:
-		async def run(self,parent,action_method):
+		async def run(self, parent, action_method):
 			if not parent.disp_data:
@@ -677,17 +677,17 @@ class TwView(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
 				msg_r(parent.blank_prompt if parent.scroll else '\n')
 				ret = line_input(
-					f'Enter {parent.item_desc} number (or ENTER to return to main menu): ' )
+					f'Enter {parent.item_desc} number (or ENTER to return to main menu): ')
 				if ret == '':
 					if parent.scroll:
-						msg_r( CUR_UP(1) + '\r' + ''.ljust(parent.term_width) )
+						msg_r(CUR_UP(1) + '\r' + ''.ljust(parent.term_width))
-				idx = get_obj(MMGenIdx,n=ret,silent=True)
+				idx = get_obj(MMGenIdx, n=ret, silent=True)
 				if not idx or idx < 1 or idx > len(parent.disp_data):
 						'Choice must be a single number between 1 and {n}{s}'.format(
 							n = len(parent.disp_data),
-							s = ' ' if parent.scroll else '' ))
+							s = ' ' if parent.scroll else ''))
 					if parent.scroll:
 						await asyncio.sleep(1.5)
 						msg_r(CUR_UP(1) + '\r' + ERASE_ALL)
@@ -697,7 +697,7 @@ class TwView(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
 					#  None:   action aborted by user or no action performed
 					#  False:  an error occurred
 					#  'redo': user will be re-prompted for item number
-					ret = await action_method(parent,idx)
+					ret = await action_method(parent, idx)
 					if ret != 'redo':
 					await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
@@ -706,22 +706,22 @@ class TwView(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
 				# error messages could leave screen in messy state, so do complete redraw:
-					await parent.format(display_type='squeezed',interactive=True,scroll=True) )
+					await parent.format(display_type='squeezed', interactive=True, scroll=True))
-		async def i_balance_refresh(self,parent,idx):
+		async def i_balance_refresh(self, parent, idx):
 			if not parent.keypress_confirm(
-					f'Refreshing tracking wallet {parent.item_desc} #{idx}.  Is this what you want?' ):
+					f'Refreshing tracking wallet {parent.item_desc} #{idx}.  Is this what you want?'):
 				return 'redo'
-			await parent.twctl.get_balance( parent.disp_data[idx-1].addr, force_rpc=True )
+			await parent.twctl.get_balance(parent.disp_data[idx-1].addr, force_rpc=True)
 			await parent.get_data()
 			parent.oneshot_msg = yellow(f'{parent.proto.dcoin} balance for account #{idx} refreshed')
-		async def i_addr_delete(self,parent,idx):
+		async def i_addr_delete(self, parent, idx):
 			if not parent.keypress_confirm(
 					'Removing {} {} from tracking wallet.  Is this what you want?'.format(
-						parent.item_desc, red(f'#{idx}') )):
+						parent.item_desc, red(f'#{idx}'))):
 				return 'redo'
-			if await parent.twctl.remove_address( parent.disp_data[idx-1].addr ):
+			if await parent.twctl.remove_address(parent.disp_data[idx-1].addr):
 				await parent.get_data()
 				parent.oneshot_msg = yellow(f'{capfirst(parent.item_desc)} #{idx} removed')
 				return True
@@ -730,7 +730,7 @@ class TwView(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
 				parent.oneshot_msg = red('Address could not be removed')
 				return False
-		async def i_comment_add(self,parent,idx):
+		async def i_comment_add(self, parent, idx):
 			async def do_comment_add(comment):
@@ -744,7 +744,7 @@ class TwView(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
 					parent.oneshot_msg = (green if comment else yellow)('Label {a} {b}{c}'.format(
 						a = 'for' if edited else 'added to' if comment else 'removed from',
 						b = desc,
-						c = ' edited' if edited else '' ))
+						c = ' edited' if edited else ''))
 					return True
 					await asyncio.sleep(3)
@@ -762,80 +762,79 @@ class TwView(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
 			from ..ui import line_input
 			res = line_input(
-				'Enter label text for {} {}: '.format(parent.item_desc,red(f'#{idx}')),
-				insert_txt = cur_comment )
+				'Enter label text for {} {}: '.format(parent.item_desc, red(f'#{idx}')),
+				insert_txt = cur_comment)
 			if res == cur_comment:
 				parent.oneshot_msg = yellow(f'Label for {desc} unchanged')
 				return None
 			elif res == '':
-				if not parent.keypress_confirm(
-						f'Removing label for {desc}.  Is this what you want?' ):
+				if not parent.keypress_confirm(f'Removing label for {desc}.  Is this what you want?'):
 					return 'redo'
 			return await do_comment_add(res)
 	class scroll_action:
-		def run(self,parent,action_method):
+		def run(self, parent, action_method):
 			self.use_cached = True
 			return action_method(parent)
-		def m_cursor_up(self,parent):
-			parent.pos -= min( parent.pos - 0, 1 )
+		def m_cursor_up(self, parent):
+			parent.pos -= min(parent.pos - 0, 1)
-		def m_cursor_down(self,parent):
-			parent.pos += min( parent.max_pos - parent.pos, 1 )
+		def m_cursor_down(self, parent):
+			parent.pos += min(parent.max_pos - parent.pos, 1)
-		def m_pg_up(self,parent):
-			parent.pos -= min( parent.scrollable_height, parent.pos - 0 )
+		def m_pg_up(self, parent):
+			parent.pos -= min(parent.scrollable_height, parent.pos - 0)
-		def m_pg_down(self,parent):
-			parent.pos += min( parent.scrollable_height, parent.max_pos - parent.pos )
+		def m_pg_down(self, parent):
+			parent.pos += min(parent.scrollable_height, parent.max_pos - parent.pos)
-		def m_top(self,parent):
+		def m_top(self, parent):
 			parent.pos = 0
-		def m_bot(self,parent):
+		def m_bot(self, parent):
 			parent.pos = parent.max_pos
 	class sort_action:
-		def run(self,parent,action_method):
+		def run(self, parent, action_method):
 			return action_method(parent)
-		def s_addr(self,parent):
+		def s_addr(self, parent):
-		def s_age(self,parent):
+		def s_age(self, parent):
-		def s_amt(self,parent):
+		def s_amt(self, parent):
-		def s_txid(self,parent):
+		def s_txid(self, parent):
-		def s_twmmid(self,parent):
+		def s_twmmid(self, parent):
-		def s_reverse(self,parent):
+		def s_reverse(self, parent):
 			parent.reverse = not parent.reverse
 	class display_action:
-		def run(self,parent,action_method):
+		def run(self, parent, action_method):
 			return action_method(parent)
-		def d_days(self,parent):
+		def d_days(self, parent):
 			af = parent.age_fmts
 			parent.age_fmt = af[(af.index(parent.age_fmt) + 1) % len(af)]
 			if parent.update_widths_on_age_toggle: # TODO
-		def d_redraw(self,parent):
+		def d_redraw(self, parent):
 			msg_r(CUR_HOME + ERASE_ALL)
-		def d_addr_view_pref(self,parent):
+		def d_addr_view_pref(self, parent):
 			parent.addr_view_pref = (parent.addr_view_pref + 1) % len(parent.bch_addr_fmts)